Chapter 5 Silently, the two sisters walked past the curious crowds of freedom fighters who had gathered about the hut. "Please," Sally said to them, "this is something we have to do alone. You understand." The freedom fighters murmurred in assent and let them pass. Sally led her sister, in silence, to a small clearing. Just beyond, barely visible through the brush, was a pool of water. Beneath this was the source of the power rings that gave Sonic the added velocity he needed at times. But that was the farthest thing from the minds of the two sisters as they entered the clearing. Before them was a mound of earth, at one end of which a simple stone of memory had been placed. It was the only such mound in the clearing. "My mentor, Julayla," Sally said simply. "She was a good teacher; I didn't appreciate until much later that she was also a good friend." "You were right, this *is* a good place. We'd better begin." The two began tearing at the grass, uprooting it and removing dirt by the handfulls. As they worked, they talked. "Did Mother ever say why we were split up, Sandy?" "It wasn't her idea, or Father's from what she could tell. He was talked into it by Karack, governor of the Southern Provinces. He was that 'swine' that Rosie mentioned. Because the South took so much punishment during the Great War, leaving Mobotropolis relatively untouched for most of the fighting, and because Karack passed himself off as a militarty genius, Father apparently trusted his judgment. Maybe if Father had been more of a skeptic all this never would have happened. "Anyway, Karack reasoned with Father that the royal family needed to be split up for 'security reasons.' He must have convinced Father that, if the royal family stayed together, we could all be wiped out in a single attack. So Father approved of the plan. "At first, Mother told me, it wasn't such a hardship to be separated from Father. I suppose looking after an infant took much of her time. But she said she also wrote many letters to Father. I don't think any of them ever reached Father, or if they did, they were altered to say what Karack wanted them to say. "So long as Karack could present himself as a successful governor in a combat zone, he had Father's ear. That made it all the easier when Karack brought his protege to court with a petition that he be installed in the War Ministry: Julian." "So this Karack and Robotnik were on the same side all along?" "Apparently. It's hard to say who thought he was in control of whom. Karack must have been sure he had Julian on a short leash; we've seen what Julian was capable of doing. "I was four years old when the experiments began. Mother began to be sick a lot; I'm not certain but I think Julian was arranging to have someone taint her food so she'd have to be taken someplace for treatments. All I knew was that someone would come to take her away, they'd lock me in my room, and nobody would let me out no matter how much I pounded on the door or screamed. Only when she was back in her room would they let me out." "You sound as if you were being held prisoner." "We were; there's no other way to explain it." "And Father never suspected anything?" "Apparently not; Karack must have let a couple of letters get through--enough to put his mind at ease. So he had no way of knowing what was happening to us. "One day, Mother was brought back in and I was let into her room. She was unconscious, and when I tried to move her, the covering slipped off her bed, where she'd been placed. I...I can't begin to describe what I felt when I saw what they'd done to her left foot. I thought they'd chopped off her real one and put a metal one in its place. I was panicked and screaming when two bots came into the room. They took me to a laboratory of some sort. After that everything was a blur except for Julian...and that look on his face! I woke up back in the room where Mother and I were being held. My right hand had been roboticized. The forearm and upper arm came later on two different occasions. "From that time on we were treated as prisoners, without even the pretense of civilized treatment. From our window we could see shipments of bots coming in, as Julian prepared for some kind of assault. "Then the day came when Julian had us brought to the throne room. He said he was going to 'tie together some loose ends.' The first one he took care of was Karack." "Let me guess: Robotnik had him roboticized." "Robotnik knew all along what kind of petty opportunist he was up against in Karack. He would have done Karack a favor by roboticizing him. After he was done, Robotnik didn't leave enough of Karack to pour into one of your boots. He made Mother and I watch what happened--I still wake up screaming sometimes, thinking about it. Then he ordered us returned to our room." "So how did you ever escape?" "It wasn't easy. We were under surveillance every minute of every day. Ironically, it was Robotnik who made our escape possible. "The residents of the capitol thought they were safe because of Karack's dealings with Robotnik, but they were wrong. With Karack out of the way, Robotnik had no more use for the city. He brought in SWAT-bots and began destroying the whole place. "I don't have any clear memories of what happened, but Mother told me that we were being escorted down a hallway by a couple of Karack's guards when the palace was rocked by some kind of explosion--we could never learn exactly what had happened. Anyway, in that one moment, the guards panicked and fled, more worried about saving their own lives than watching us. That was all the chance Mother needed. "Mother had been born in the Southern Provinces and had wintered in the palace as a child. So she knew every inch of the place, including tunnels and passages nobody was supposed to know about. She opened one of these and we went inside. That was the first time I heard the sound of SWAT-bots. They were coming down the hallway, then I could hear the sound of their footsteps fading as they headed off in the direction of our room. I'm sure they were under orders to execute us. "We moved along the corridor. It was darker than night in there, but Mother held me and whispered that I should be very quiet. I could only feel myself being carried onward and downward, down what felt like a descending pathway. "No sooner had we reached what felt like the botton of the path and a stretch of level tunnel than the ground above us began shaking violently. I remember screaming, then dirt raining down on top of me. Next thing I knew, I was outside of the city, in the moonlight. "Mother told me later what had happened: bombs had been placed in select areas of the city and the palace, with the military bots--now called SWATbots--holding the people captive in several predetermined locations. Robotnik apparently got away after giving the order for the SWATbots to detonate the bombs. That's how the palace, the capitol and the people were destroyed. It didn't matter to Robotnik that he lost a number of his SWATbots--maybe he thought it would look more like a military strike that way. Maybe half a dozen Mobians survived the blast through some twist of fate or other. Mother and I survived only because we were underground. "We came up through an opening that led to the outskirts of the city; the city itself appeared to be deserted except for the bodies. We were too much in shock at the time to know what to do or where to go. We found a house that was still relatively intact and fell asleep. "The next morning we woke to find ourselves surrounded by Nomads--apparently they'd come to scavenge the city or what was left of it. Because Mother still had some of her jewels with her, including a brooch studded with gems that was a wedding present from Father--that's the one I gave Bunnie to show to you--and because Mother knew a great deal about the Nomads' language and customs, we bargained our way onto the caravan. And we travelled with the Nomads from that day forward, hiding our identities when SWATbot patrols came around. When we heard that Mobotropolis had been taken and the populace roboticized, it seemed pointless to go back anyway. We got used to that life, but it cost us dearly: we lost all hope that things would ever be as they were. And then we ran into Dirk and heard about you. "I think that's it," she said as she wiped the dirt from her hands. "So do I. Let's go." Sally and Sandy left the clearing, their task accomplished. Sally still had hopes that Uncle Chuck might find a way to miraculously cure their mother. In the meantime, they had acted in accordance with Mobian custom: they had, with their bare hands, dug their mother's grave. They returned to Knothole just as Uncle Chuck stepped out of Sally's hut. Sally, despite the physical and emotional exhaustion she felt, ran toward him. "Any news, Uncle Chuck?" "Yes, but I'm afraid it's not good."