Stories of
Dan Drazen
All of the stories listed are protected under copyright law by
their respective authors
All of these stories are based on characters created by
Service and Games (SEGA), and on characters created by Archie
Comic Publications, Inc.

- Dan Drazen's Miscellaneous Stories
- Most of Dan Drazen's works fit into either the Main or
Secondary Universes. Those that don'can be found here. :)
- Mobius Apocalypse
- The Freedom Fighters are slowly falling apart, some
getting injured, some getting killed. Only a supreme
sacrifice on Sally's part may be able to save them all...
- My Quills Are Quick
- An Alternative Sonic Universe like no other. If you're a
fan of those old 1930's era detecitves then give this a
try! Even if you're not, it's a good story none the less.
- She Knew That the Hand was Upon Her
- In this crossover story, it's the future of Mobius. The
government has joined with the United Federation of
Planets. Queen Sally grows older and older and feels
death approaching. Before she goes, though, she'll ahve
the chance to square things aw ay with her granddaughter
who gave up the throne for a career in StarFleet.