The Chronicles of Jhoeseophae Book One Joseph DeLaCroix Joseph, Bahb, and all other independent creations of Joseph de laCroix are the copyrighted property of JoCo Inc. and are also protected by the firm of Louis, E. Ville, and Slugger. Commander Packbell, Bookshire Draftwood, and Sandra Nightweaver are the copyrighted property of Bookshire S. Draftwood. All other fanfic characters that may or may not be used in this or future works are protected under their respective copyrights. All other rights reserved, etc. Chapter One - Starship Down - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Timeline: After "Bloodlines", but before "Doomsday". *shrug* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The starship hummed as it approached the solar system. The apparently doorless, windowless, disc-shaped reddish interplanetary vehicle dropped out of warpspace, and dropped to conventional ion drive. Readjusting its bearings slightly, and cloaking itself in order to avoid detection, it headed toward a medium-sized planet, roughly 92 million miles from its sun. It was an quite inviting, beautiful looking place, that had the possibility of supporting millions upon millions of different lifeforms. Usually, these planets developed intelligent life within 4 billion years or so after their initial creation. This planet was one of them. The inhabitants of this planet called it "Mobius". The ship first detected the signs of an post-industrial planet three years ago, as it was doing a routine scan through various frequencies. The signals were several years old, but they indicated this "Mobius" was a relatively peaceful planet, with only a single squabble between city states bothering the otherwise serene world. But, according to a signal the ship had picked up a bit later, a man called "Julian" had apparently beaten them. The last signal the ship recieved was that a sort of gala celebration was going to occur to honor this man with a more peaceful position in the government. But just as the party was scheduled to begin, a meteorite finally achieved the 1.679 x 10^80 against to one probablility of something penetrating the shields and damaging the communications array, and the ship was unable to recieve any further information about the planet. Noting the occurance in the ship's log, the computer set a course for the origin of the signals with the maximum allowed speed for the ship; exactly 99.9% of the speed of light. (The ship's computer was programmed with a directive that forbade it from going faster than light while on autopilot, because of the various unpredictable things that could occur in jumpspace.) A few years had passed since the beginning of the journey and its current status, but the ship assumed (with less than a 2% margin of error, according to its calculations of probablility according to the information it had recieved) that the planet had not changed dramatically within the past several years. And now, the ship was slowing to a slow orbit around the planet, and was doing a sensor sweep in order to determine the planet's exact status. Needless to say, the ship was mostly correct. The planet still appeared to be a relative paradise. However, one dramatic change had occured. The coordinates of the capital city, which was described as an "garden city", was now covered in a black-grey smog cloud. Had some sort of volcanic eruption occured? The ship reconfigured its sensors scanned for carbon-based lifeforms. Two showed up, both of them apparently bipedal, evolved simians. Obviously, the ship hypothesised, some sort of major catastrophe had severely damaged the city, and had only left two survivors. However, the ship also detected motion below. Switching to IR, it peered through the murky clouds, and spotted several thousand bipedal machines, vaguely resembling various evolved mammals, doing various tasks. The ship was puzzled for a moment, and then came to the conclusion that they could possibly be cyborgs. Sure enough, when the ship scanned for cybernetic lifeforms, the beings below showed up on the scans. Now the ship was in a quandry. Within a few years, Mobitropolis had apparently switched from garden city to ultra-industrial megacomplex for no obvious or logical reason. The view of the environment must have radically changed for the leaders of the planet, the ship surmised, or else they would not be damaging it so. Whoever decided on this decision must have felt they were under some sort of threat, because the ship then detected beam weaponry on the planet's surface. But from what? Nothing threatened them from space, for they were the only inhabited world around for several light years. The rest of the planet appeared relatively uninhabited, and there were surely no armies on the planet capable of damaging that city. As if to disprove the ship's assumption in an ironic sense, a large explosion was suddenly detected within the limits of the city. The explosion was apparently caused by a sort of sabotage, for a platoon of heavily armed robots was racing toward it, firing at an unknown terrorist that the ship could not detect (due to the severe interference). Moments later, the firing ceased. Either the shots had reached their target, or the terrorist had escaped. The ship was about to note the first in its log when a very fast-moving bluish object was detected racing toward the area called "The Great Forest". Before a scan could be activated, it was gone. The ship had come to the conclusion that this planet was not a good place to land. Apparently, some sort of major upheaval had occured, and the area did not look very inviting. It decided to leave before something else happened. However, the ship then realized it would have to power down its cloak in order to pull out of orbit, and expose itself to whichever inhabitants were running things down on Mobius' surface. Also, if it left orbit, it would be unable to find another suitable planet to land on, due to the damage done to the communications array. It now had no choice but to land. Protocol demanded it land away from a settled area. Fortunately, those were widespread... It also wanted to land someplace where it could decloak and remain covered. Scanning the surface, it discovered a small clearing deep within the Great Forest that could it could safely land in, which had no large or intelligent life forms around it. Not only that, a small creek was spotted no more than 10 yards away from the center of the site. It would be an ideal place to land in. It decended into the atmosphere without disrupting it enough for anyone to really notice. It soared above the Great Forest, found the spot it had selected from orbit, and descended into it. Moments later, the ship had landed uneventfully and silently within the small clearing. After the landing had completed, the ship set up a camoflaged canopy so to keep the ship from being spotted from orbit. After all, it couldn't remain cloaked indefinitely, and when the ship's passenger finally emerged, he would wish to work in secret. In seconds, the clearing no longer appeared to exist from any altitude higher than 10 feet above it. Things were moving along rather smoothly. All that was left to be done was to reactivate the pilot, and the repairs on the ship could begin. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Immediately behind the cockpit, an area had been set up for the cryogenic storage of a single individual. As the ship began to power back up the area, it slowly became visible to an observer's sight. It was basically a single man-sized tube, connected to a coolant pipe and a computer. The computer began to hum as the pipe began to withdraw from the tube. Then, from the back of the room, a small laser powered up and began to fire at the tube. It slowly began to grow red from the laser's heat. After a predetermined period of time, it ceased. The ship then removed whatever liquid remained in the tube, and pumped it outside. Finally, it appeared the process had been completed. The tube opened up so to allow its contents to exit, and the machinery shut down. Jhoeseophae awoke groggily from his long slumber. <<"Arrgh.">> he muttered as he wandered over and put on his clothes. He stumbled over to the replicator, generated something hot and wet, and threw it down his throat. Now with most of his faculties active, he wandered over to the mirror. As a test of his cognative abilities, he decided to examine himself as an impartial observer, and see what he could infer about himself from a quick examination. The green eyes bored into his face. He was a vulpine, bipedal and highly evolved. Orange fur. Eyes that seemed to radiate intelligence. Razor-sharp teeth. Slight muscular build, but somewhat apathied from the long period in stasis. Roughly 23 years old. On the tall and slim side for his species, standing at about 6'4" and roughly 180 pounds. Seeing that his mental faculties were operating at optimum efficiency, he went over to his wardrobe and threw on some clothes. A pair of fashionably-frayed denim pants, with a pair of knee-high black metal-tipped boots were laying about, so he put those on. Platinum-buckled belt, and a green t-shirt...didn't look THAT dirty... Fingerless gloves were already on, so had to complement the ensemble with his grey trenchcoat. Voila. Instant cool. Now that he felt pretty good about himself, he wandered into the cockpit to discuss his awakening with the ship's AI, Bahb. <<"Okay,">> said Jhoeseophae aloud, sitting down in the captain's chair, <<"where are we, Bahb?">> <<"We are on a planet called Mobius.">> spake the computer in a sexless, mechanical voice. <<"Tell me what you know about Mobius, Bahb.">> said Jhoeseophae. And Bahb did. <<"This is not good, Bahb, you know that?">> <<"Affirmative. Landing on this planet at this stage of its development is not advised.">> <<"Then why are we here?">> <<"Repairs required for communications array. Cannot continue with mission until repaired.">> <<"So we're stuck here, on a planet in the midst of an all-out war, with a busted radio and no place to go until I fix it?">> <<"Affirmative.">> <<"How do I fix it, Bahb?">> <<"Unknown. Pilot intervention required.">> Jhoeseophae mused over this point, grabbed some tools laying next to the seat, and walked over to the hatch. <<"Open the hatch, Bahb.">> he said, and it was. Jhoeseophae emerged out into the canopy's filtered moonlight. The area appeared fairly healthy. The plants were green, and the water looked crisp and clear. It didn't look like a industrial hell, and certainly didn't have the aura of death about it. After a few deep breaths, he padded quietly over to the area of the smooth, oval-shaped ship's communications array. <<"Arrgh.">> The communications array looked totaled. Something a tad larger than a full-grown vulpine's head had hit the thing, and hit it hard. Most of the parts were pulverized. He sighed. Jhoeseophae was incapable of repairing it, even with his arsenal of technological knowledge. He walked back into the ship, and sat back down in the captain's chair. <<"Bahb?">> <<"Aye.">> <<"We got any extra communications arrays back there?">> <<"Negative. However, one could be replicated.">> <<"Do you have enough power to do that?">> <<"Negative.">> Somehow, he had expected that would be the answer. <<"Are there any power sources on the planet you could utilize?">> <<"Scanning. Please wait.">> He waited for about 3 minutes, and then heard: <<"Potential energy source located.">>, Bahb beeped, <<"Designation: Crystalline.">> Jhosesophae's hope began to rise until he heard, <<"Location:">> Bahb suddenly fell silent. <<"Electromagnetic flux from Mobitropolis makes exact location currently unavailable.">> He sighed. <<"Any good raves on Mobius, Bahb?">> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Robotropolis, shortly after the "terrorist attack": Snively hated his life some days, with a bottomless, infinite passion. This was one of those days. Yet again the Freedom Fighters (curse them!) had detonated another vital part of Robotropolis, and yet again Snively had to be the bearer of bad news. He didn't know why, just once, a SWAT Bot couldn't tell Robotnik the bad news. At least they were expendable. Of course, in Robotnik's red, glowing eyes, so was he... He wandered into the Death Egg's control room, where Robotnik spent the majority of his day. He was sitting there in his chair, tapping his left index finger on the left armrest. Just sitting there, waiting. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Robotnik spoke first. "Let me guess, Snively," Robotnik sneered, not turning around, "you have bad news for me, don't you?" Snively started stuttering. "Umm...y-y-yes, Dr. Robotnik. Umm...the #6 Refinery, uh, uhmm..." Robotnik spun the chair around, and glared at Snively with all his might. "#6 was DESTROYED, wasn't IT?!" "Uhh..." "Shut up!" Robotnik roared with all his might, "I *know* about the #6 Refinery, you simpering dullard!" Robotnik lept out of his chair, grabbed Snively by the scruff of the neck before he had a chance to get away, and shoved him against the screen showing the flaming wreckage of the said refinery being cleaned up by various robotizised citizens. "I *watched* the attack from HERE!" Snively could only freeze in a sort of delayed survival instinct. "Didn't I tell you last week to TRIPLE the amount of SWAT Bots guarding the refinery zones? DIDN'T I?!? After all, they attacked #1 a month and a half ago, #2 5 weeks ago, #3 the next week, etc! We've only got the #7 *left* now, Snively! WE are going to be SHUT DOWN unless we can keep #7 up! Do you know what that MEANS?!?" Snively desperately tried to defend himself as Dr. Robotnik twisted his arm around so that Snively and him were now eye-to-eye. In a burst of confusion mized with fear, Snively uttered, "I d-d-did t-triple the amount, sir..." Dr. Robotnik roared in rage, and threw Snively at the nearest wall, which he collided into painfully. Robotnik then strode over to the intercom, and pushed the button down with a sudden calm. "Quintruple the amount of SWAT Bots guarding #7 Refinery." "Yes, sir." a voice on the other side spoke. Repressing the remainder of his anger, he sat back down in his chair, and stared into the viewscreens. He was now seriously depressed. Repairs were continuing on the first few refineries, but the first one that was destroyed would not be operational for another 2 days from then. If that blasted hedgehog attacked #7 tomorrow (which he probably would, considering that if he did, it would annoy Robotnik further), and destroyed it, Robotropolis would probably have to slow down for a few days until the new refinery went up, which they would, of course, attack. He was at a critical point now. If they were able to continue destroying his refineries, he'd have to either shut down or find an alternative, more efficient, and probably (yuck) cleaner energy source for Robotropolis. The whole scenerio depressed him. Even beating the crap out of Snively (who was up against the wall, wheezing) didn't make him feel better. He growled, pounded his fist against the armrest, and swore for a little bit about the hedgehog's demise until he felt somewhat more civil. Suddenly, he thought of a way to make himself feel better, yet do something constructive at the same time. He pushed the intercom button again. "Bring up a prisoner, please.", he said evilly. He always put on an air of faux politeness when about to torture the living daylights out of another sentinent being. "Sorry," the voice said, "we don't have any prisoners left, sir. You robotisized them all yesterday." Robotnik blinked. "What?!?" The voice sounded less sure of itself. "Yes, sir, don't you remember? 21:00 Robotropolis Central Time." He snarled. "Then go out and capture some then, and tell me when you get them here!" Sharply, the voice said, "Yes, sir!" and disappeared into silence. Robotnik then looked over to the fairly-recovered Snively. "Snively," he said casually, "make yourself useful and go with some SWAT Bots on their little hunt." Snively just nodded, and ran out of the room. After he was a fair distance away, Robotnik muttered, "Good help is so hard to find these days." and began a perimeter sweep of Robotropolis. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Knothole, after the attack: The usual small celebration was going on over the destruction of yet another Robotnik installation. Sonic, was, of course, drinking in all of the positive attention and recieving most of the compliments; while Sally and Rotor, who accompanied Sonic on that mission, would occasionally roll their eyes at some of the hedgehog's more gratuitous exaggerations. After a few more minutes, the celebration came to an end, and the trio wandered back into Sally's hut to discuss the next mission. "Well," said she, "we're in good shape, guys. Robotnik only has one more refinery left, so Robotropolis is almost completely come to a halt now." "Yeah!" spoke the blue wonder, "So, what time tomorrow do we go to destroy lucky #7? I'll set my alarm." "Sonic," Sally said, "if we went off and tried to destroy that refinery, we might as well just walk up to Robotnik and surrender. We barely got out of this one alive." Sonic started tapping his foot on the ground, and crossed his arms. "Well, if that's the way you feel about it, Sal, I'll do it myself! I know how Rotor plants the bombs! *I* can do it!" Sally looked over at Rotor. "Well," the walrus said, "they aren't really *that* complex. All he'd have to to is type in however much time he'd need on the first one, and all the others would sync." Noting that point, Sally mentally selected another one and glared at Sonic. "Are you insane?! Robotnik will at least have 400 SWAT Bots in there, and you KNOW they'll be on alert now." Sonic smirked, and gesticulated his arms in a manner an umpire denotes a player is "safe". "A few hundred 'bots won't slow me down. It'll be a breeze." "A *breeze*?!" Sally shouted, "You'll be slaughtered!" "Ha!" the blue one noted, "I'll be there and back before they'll even notice the attack!" and snapped his fingers. "Sonic..." she pleaded, "I forbid you to do this. It's just too dangerous." "I *live* on danger!" cried the hedgehog, "and if I pull this one off, Robotnik will REALLY be hurtin'! C'mon, Sal, let me do it!" Sally looked over at Sonic. "Look, I'll tell you in the morning. I need to consider this, okay?" Sonic smiled. "Sure, Sal, no sweat. You know where to find me." With that, he powered himself up and rocketed out the door. Lightly grabbing any stable objects, Sally and Rotor rode out the shockwave with a minimum of distress. "You're going to let him go, aren't you?" said Rotor softly. She sighed. "Do I really have a choice? Even if I say no, he'll go." She took a breath. "At least if I tell him when to go, I'll be able to see him leave..." "Now Sally," Rotor spake, "don't act like that. Sonic will come back from this one. I just know it." Sally walked over to the window, and stared up into the night sky. "I just hope you're right, Rotor." Suddenly, Tails walked in. "Aunt Sally," he said, "we're out of berries again. Should I go out and pick some tomorrow?" Sally sighed. "Uh, sure, Tails. Could you take Bunnie with you? She's been pacing around here bored." Tails smiled. "Sure, Aunt Sally, it'll be my pleasure!" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A new day broke over the Great Forest. Light streamed in through the leaves of the various trees, and most of the animals, sentinent and non-sentinent alike, were awakened. Jhosesophae came out of sleep mode, and forced himself to stand. A rapid exchange of carbon dioxide for oxygen occured, and his appendeges were properly recalibrated. (To a layman, that would be percieved as Jhosesophae yawning and stretching out.) He wandered over to the replicator, created a yellow cube about 5 cubic inches in volume, and began eating it. He wandered into the cockpit, sat down in the chair, and activated the screen. <<"Status report.">> Bahb beeped back to life as Jhosesophae reclined and ate his cube. <<"In a two klick radius around the ship, approximately 1.5 small mammals had been detected moving in the last 12 hours. None have come within one klick of the ship. 4 birds had been detected flying above the ship at a average altitude of 100 yards above sea level. 150 worms have been noted approxamately 2 inches below the landing gear. The temperature outside is +73.5 degrees. The probability it will remain clear today is 95.1%. Fuel level is at 75% of maximum. Communications array is down. Weapons, cloak, shields, navigation, transporters, propulsion, sensors, life support and cryogenic storage are on standby.">> Jhosesophae finished his cube. <<"We need to get those crystals, Bahb. Do you detect any mines or above-ground sources of them today?">> <<"Electromagnetic flux is currently low enough for a precise scan.">> Bahb tweeted proudly, <<"Now scanning for crystals.">> <<"Confirmed.">> Bahb beeped. <<"An enterance to a mine system exists exactly 3 miles from here, in the center of a whirlpool.">> <<"I hate water,">> Jhosesophae uttered, <<"But I hate being marooned even more.">> Jhosesophae grabbed his microcomputer from a shelf, walked to the replicator, and placed it on the replicator's altar. <<"Bahb, waterproof and charge this device.">> Bahb quietly did so, with a pulse of plasmatic energy. He then removed the computer from the pad. <<"Bahb, link with this device.">> Suddenly, Bahb's voice was heard from the small speaker on the device. <<"Affirmative.">> Jhosesophae took a small stun weapon from another counter as he walked into the transporter tube. <<"Bahb, teleport me as close as you possibly can to the enterence to the mine, but keep me distant from other life forms.">> Bahb didn't answer. It merely set coordinates and shot Jhosesophae through the atmosphere. Seconds later, Jhosesophae rematerialized about 5 feet from the edge of the whirlpool. He noted that this was where the creek ended that ran by the side of his craft. <<"Bahb, copy.">>, not expecting an answer. The device beeped somewhat with some light static, <<"On standby.">> Jhosesophae suddenly realized that this was technically impossible. <<"Bahb, how are you doing this?">> The device uttered, <<"Your microcomputer has a seperate communications array than the central one on the ship. A small version of the main array, with a lesser range, is implanted inside the ship. That is how my signals are reaching you.">> <<"Oh,">> Jhosesophae said, <<"that makes sense. How much further away can you reach me from?">> <<"You can go either 100 more miles in any direction horizontally or straight up, or 5 feet straight down. The soil on this planet is interfering with the array.">> Jhosesophae grumbled. <<"Very well. I'm going down the whirlpool now, and I'm leaving my communicator up here. I will try to report back on an regular basis. Over and out.">> <<"Affirmative. Good luck.">> As Bahb fell silent, Jhosesophae looked down into the watery pit. Thinking about the approximate size of the crystal he was going to need, and the fact that it was probably going to weigh an excessive amount, he calmly removed his trenchcoat, boots and jeans, and folded them neatly beneath the microcomputer. Then, grabbing the stun pistol in his jaws, he plunged beneath the surface. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - He swam as hard as he could down through the narrow passageway. Lower and lower he went into the hole, descending deep into the heart of the underground caverns. Suddenly, he felt a current pulling behind him. Instinctively following it, he swam for another few yards until he slowly began to see a dim light further ahead. Pouring on the speed, he determinedly swam toward the light, and finally emerged inside an airpocket. As he took some much-needed oxygen into his system, he glanced around at his surroundings. Meanwhile, a creature was watching the vulpine's movement within the tunnel, and silently waited for him to exit it again. He was floating by the shore of an currently unused crystal vein. They lined the walls, and glowed with a mysterious, yet beautiful, light. As he pulled himself onto a slab of granite, he marvelled at the strange calm that this room seemed to have about it. He stood there for a minute or two on the inlet, and then resigned himself to his work. He found a crystal that appeared to be of a medium-size, and used his stun-ray to cut it off the side of the cavern. After it had been freed from the wall, he tucked it under his shoulder, put the stun-ray back in his mouth, and dove back into the water. This had been much easier than expected, he thought to himself, and he could probably get off this planet before anyone ever knew he was there. The creature saw the fox leave the cavern, and silently prepared itself for a filling meal. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - As Jhosesophae swam back through the tunnel, and out toward the shaft leading back up to the surface, a shape shot past him, startling him. He dropped the crystal out of an instinctual reaction to the threat, and tried to swim as fast as he could up the shaft. But whatever darted past him saw this intent, and wrapped a sort of tenticle around his leg, restraining his escape. He turned to face whatever was grabbing him, and suddenly realized he was in a deep spot of trouble. It seemed to be some sort of robotic octupus. But this particular model was also outfitted with a a beak made out of two chainsaws, lazer beams by its eyes, and incredibly strong tendrils with little spikes on them. Very *sharp* spikes, because they hurt a lot and were making him bleed. Pain made him mad. With a sort of psychotic glee, he took the stun pistol from his mouth, and set the device to maximum power. Looking over at the creature, he smiled and shot it a "big mistake there, pal" look, and blasted the evil thing right inbetwixt the eyes. It released his leg, and seemed to stumble backwards, if such a thing is possible underwater. But the thing was not yet dead. It fired several shots of a sort of death-ray beam at Jhosesophae, and emitted a "HALT FREEDOM FIGHTER!" at him. However, since Jhosesophae was not familiar with the Mobian language, he had no idea that this thing was actually one of Dr. Robotnik's defense mechanisms that was posted on the outskirts of the mine's underground river. He dodged the beams and blasted the thing in the head again with his particular beam weapon. It reeled again from the impacts, but had one last trick up its robotic sleeves. It whipped one of its tendrils around like a mace and shot several of the spikes off its tendrils at Jhosesophae. He was able to dodge the majority of them, but a few of them caught him in the back, giving the holes in his leg some company. At this point, Jhosesophae was so incredibly mad at this creature, he had completely forgotten about the crystal and was now dedicated to totally decimating this creature once and for all. He rushed at the octupus and knocked it against the wall. While it was stunned, Jhosesophae ran at it, and tore at the holes that he had put in the octupus, looking for anything that looked vital and smashing it to bits. It tried to thrash around, but Jhosesophae would not let it get away. Finally, he spotted the CPU of the evil machine and punched it with all his might. With a single whistle, the machine sunk to the bottom of the cavern, never to move again. Having stopped the threat, Jhosesophae dove down to the bottom of the cavern. He collected his crystal, and swam back up to the surface to catch his breath. He hoped this sort of thing wasn't going to happen to him often while he was here. This planet was becoming less hospitable every day. He returned back to the bright sunlight of the surface. Placing the crystal next to the communicator, he spoke, <<"Bahb, copy.">> <<"Welcome back, Jhosesophae.">> the device said, <<"Were you sucessful in your endevor?">> <<"Affirmative. Will this crystal suffice?">> Bahb scanned the crystal. <<"Negative. One more is required of this size in order to properly replicate the communications array.">> Jhosesophae sighed. <<"Confirmed. Be back in a minute.">> He dreaded returning to the area, in case there were more of the things that attacked him down there, but he wanted off this crazy rock extremely badly. He dove back down beneath the water with his stun ray in tow, and hoped he'd never have to do this again. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A few hundred yards away, on a trail leading close by to the pool in question, Bunnie was escorting Tails back to Knothole. She'd never say that in front of Tails, of course, because Tails felt that he was competent enough to pick some raspberries, which he had done sucessfully, and take them back to Knothole himself. The reason Bunnie was coming along, Tails believed, was because she was going slightly stir-crazy from hanging around Knothole for so long without going on a mission. Besides, Sonic was busy planning his strategy for tonight's mission, and was unavailable. "Thanks for lettin' me come along wit'cha, Tails," Bunnie said, perpetuating the ruse, "I was gettin' kinda bored helpin' out Rotor all day." Like Sonic gets tired of eatin' chili dogs, she thought, smiling internally... "It's okay, Aunt Bunnie." Tails said politely, snapping her out of her daydream. Suddenly, Tails saw something glitter through the trees over by the pond. He placed his arm out in front of Bunnie, and gestured toward the pond. In a unspoken understanding, they slipped quietly off the trail and walked in a semicircle behind the source of the shine. They slipped almost immediately behind it when they saw its source; a large chunk of crystal. This puzzled the both of them. That size crystal just doesn't grow on the land. Only ones that are found underground grow that large. "We should get a closer look," Tails whispered, "in case it *did* just happen to end up there." Bunnie was slightly more conservative. "Ya wanna get yer head shot off, sugar? This looks like a trap! We should go back to Knothole and tell Sal 'bout this." "And how," Tails muttered, "do you expect to get back to Knothole? The path is the only way I know of from here." Bunnie was stumped for an answer. She didn't know another way, either. "Okay, sugar," she said to Tails, "but you go back to Knothole and tell everyone, okay?" Tails nodded, gained some altitude, and flew off toward Knothole. After he was out of sight, she cautiously crept closer to the pond. As she got closer, she noticed a pair of black boots next to a pile of clothing, with a microcomputer like Sally had next to it. "Y'all went for a swim?" she thought as she crept closer, gazing upon the crystal. "Then what d'y'all need such a big crystal for? They don' float..." Suddenly, the computer tweeted threateningly at her. "Halt, Mobian intruder!" it shouted in perfect Mobian. Bunnie looked dumbfounded at the machine. "Huh?" she said, confused. "Halt! Halt!" Realizing she was still walking, she ceased. "What's your problem, little computer?" "You are permitted to go no closer. Go back!" As to accent this point, the computer somehow fired some energy beams in the air until she started to back up. Slowly, she backed up, back into the forest, until she noticed blood in the water, and started putting two and two together. Clothing by a pool. Blood in the water. A belligerent, armed computer. And then, two or three bubbles popped on the surface of the water, as to be sure she understood what was going on here. She came to the conclusion that the device was somehow picking people off who walked by the path (which was no more than 2-3feet from the edge of the water). She couldn't just leave the thing there in good conscience undistrubed. So, as she passed by a nearby boulder, she kicked it at the microcomputer. It fired at the rock, but it ricocheted off the rock and hit Bunnie's abdomen instead, knocking her unconscious. As Bunnie hit the ground, the rock hit the microcomputer. If the ground would have been hard, it would have broken it. However, the soft mud gave way beneath it, and it sunk underneath it harmlessly. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This probably could have been avoided if Jhosesophae had gotten the last crystal at a slightly more rapid pace. Unfortunately, accidents happen, and Jhosesophae surfaced just seconds after the incident occured. <<"Bahb,">> Jhosesophae said, wiping water from his eyes, <<"I've got the last crystal. Do you co--">> Suddenly, he noticed what had just happened. <<"Oh no.">> He turned over the rock, grabbed the communicator, and wiped it off. <<"Bahb, WHAT DID YOU DO?!">> Before Bahb could answer, Jhosesophae intervened. <<"NEVER MIND! Just beam everything directly to sick bay, STAT!">> Seconds later, all evidence that Jhosesophae ever came to that pond was gone, aside for some torn-up grass, was gone. Back on the ship, Jhosesophae was frantically applying some first aid to the damaged cybunny. <<"Bahb, you better hope REAL HARD that was just a stun ray.">> he cursed, as he got finished patching Bunnie up. He then rushed back to the replicator. <<"Okay, now what?">> <<"Place the crystals in the engine core, and I'll take care of the rest.">> Bahb noted. Jhosesophae complied, sticking the two large crystals next to the smaller crystal rods already present. Bahb immediately set to its work. It first cut out (using microblasts from the weapons systems) the damaged communications array, so that there was a somewhat jagged hole in the side of the ship. Then, it created a energy pattern similar to a perfectly functioning communications array and placed it inside the transporter's energy buffer. Finally, it teleported it over the hole in the hull that used to be the communications array. After reinitializing the communications systems, and by bending several laws of physics, the ship was yet again at 100%. <<"Repairs complete,">> spake Bahb, <<"All systems at 100% efficiency.">> <<"Good,">> said Jhosesophae. <<"Now, I'm going to put on some clothing. Please keep our guest in REM sleep for the duration of my absence.">> The ship beeped in compliance as Jhosesophae began putting on a similar outfit; and wondered how exactly to deal with this new snag in his plan. Suddenly, he discovered another snag. He was still bleeding profusely from his legs and back. While this didn't bother him as such, it was getting all over the carpet. So, he wandered back into sick bay, laid down on an unoccupied slab, and activated the medical robot. After he was bandaged up, and the cuts and nicks welded shut, he dressed himself and checked on the damaged cybunny's condition. The sucking hole in her abdomen was healing nicely. In about 5 minutes, she'd be healed enough to release. Then, he could get off this insane rock, and back into space, where it was SAFE. He was definitely not recommending this place to anyone. Suddenly, he sensed that she was starting to awaken. He activated the restraining field, and backed up a few paces. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bunnie slowly started to come out of her forced slumber. Her head felt like someone had used it to bowl a perfect game. "Ooh, muh head..." she groaned as she tried to sit up. Suddenly, she felt the wound in her stomach, winced, and laid back down again. Sitting up was not something she was going to do for a while. "Please don't do that." a synthesised voice uttered. "Huh?" Bunnie groaned, as she opened her eyes. The room was white. White, and lit by some unknown source. She was laying on one of the many slabs that were around the room. A single doorway lead out directly in front of her. A monitoring unit was to her left, apparently keeping track of her life signs. A tall, thin orange fox was monitoring it. This obviously wasn't Robotropolis. If it was, they'd finish her off around now. But if it wasn't Robotropolis, and it certainly wasn't Knothole, where was she? "Hey," she muttered and waved her roboticized arm at the figure, "you there!" The figure either didn't hear her, or didn't understand her. Jhosesophae heard the creature `making noise' at him, and said <<"Bahb, does the creature appear to be sentinent?">> Bunnie could only look puzzled. <<"It appears so,">> Bahb said, <<"Also, she was implanted with cybernetic limbs that seem to be poisoning her.">> Jhosesophae hmmed. <<"Well, we'll ask her about that, later. For now, I need to know what she's saying. Please create a translation program, and prepare to upload it to my crainal jack via the dataspike.">> Bahb beeped in compliance, and a wall in the back of the room suddenly grew a 4-inch long silver spike. Bunnie watched as the figure walked over to the wall, turned around to have his back to it, and shoved his skull up to its hilt. A slight hum filled the room as an electrical pulse entered the figure's skull. A minute or two later, he removed his skull from the spike (which retreated back into the wall) with no ill effects. "Well," Jhosesophae said in proper Mobian, "am I coherent to you now?" Bunnie weakly nodded. "Good. It's always kind of annoying when one lands on a planet and doesn't know the language." He smiled, and walked closer to the discombobulated semi-metallic rabbit. "You took quite a shot there, young female. If you would have been any closer to my device when it went off," His smile fluxuated slightly. "Well, let's just say having children wouldn't be an option." He perked up again. "Luckily for you, the blast only shredded some of your abdomenic muscles, and didn't cut any deeper. The healing pad," He gestured at the white gauze-like pad taped to her stomach. "you have on should return you to normal in about 2 or 3 minutes." Jhosesophae took a deep breath. "Okay, do you have any questions?" "Who are you? *WHAT* are you? Why are you here?" "Ah," Jhosesophae said, "the inquisitive type. That sort of attitude gives me hope for this planet." He bowed. "I am Jhosesophae, formerly of the planet Ur'thae. Mentally, I am 18 years old. Physically, I am 315. You see, I am a cybernetic device that is used as a manner of immortality by containing the sum of my meat-brain's neural pathways encrypted in my circuitry. And I came here because my ship's communications array was damaged." Bunnie blinked. "Could you explain that in more detail?" Jhosesophae shrugged. "As you wish..." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "About 300 years ago, there was a planet around a star...a very large distance...away from here. This planet was mainly populated by what you call `foxes'. They had achieved massive technological breakthroughs, such as a propultion system than enabled them to travel faster than light, artificial intelligences, and the ability to transfer energy into matter, and matter into energy." He let this sink in. "For a reference point, my world was about 100 years ahead of yours in technological prowess before whatever happened here happened." "However, unlike your world, mine was not a peaceful one. Wars raged continuously over the most valuable technology on the planet; the neural transfer device. This device, when used in conjunction with a android body with a neural net, could replicate the thought patterns of any individual and transfer them into the android's form." "The main problem with this sort of technology was, of course, the religious element. Several of the settlements on the western continent felt this technology stripped the soul from the essence, thus causing a scream of psychic agony after transfer was complete. This was, hypothetically, causing a major disruption in the psychic plane, and therefore had to be stopped before the wave started effecting the physical plane." "Of course, very few individuals on the eastern continent, where my father (the inventor of the process) and I lived, wanted to give up the chance to further advance science by escaping the limitations of the flesh. So, a law was passed; those who wanted to become android versions of themselves moved to the east, while those who did not moved to the west." "Well, you'd THINK this would solve the problem, but it didn't. The western continent simply became more infuriated at the people in the east, because they were now isolated from them physically, psychologically, *and* mentally. Not only that, but the western continent was far more populous and prosperous than the east. The move only allowed the fanatical west to stew in their own juices." "So, the spritual (and not surprisingly, political as well) leaders of the east decided their eternity could tolorate no more psychic warping, or the spirit world was going to burst into this reality, or some horse-hockey like that, and thus motivated the people to war against the west." "The wars raged on and off for years. Major damage was done to both continents. Deforestation from napalm runs caused the environment to slowly collapse, and beam weaponry destroyed most external structures." "Finally, the world could take no more. The individuals in the east, being purely organic, were dying from the inhospitable environment. The west, however, was only annoyed by it. Finally, the east came to a decision. Since they could not, and would not, escape the very unfortunate weaknesses of the flesh by cyborgization, they decided NOBODY would. They sabotaged the Central Crystal, which powered the entire planet, and the planet was suddenly turned into a giant bomb." "We had 1 hour to live." "My father..." He bowed his head slightly, took a breath, and continued. "My father gave me the greatest gift he possibly could. He had been designing a special cyborg body for me, that would be stronger, faster, heal quicker, and had a better sensory array than any other cyborg on Ur'thae. He was intending to port my intelligence into it on my 21st birthday. However, due to the impending disaster, he grabbed me, knocked me unconscious, and started the process." "I awoke 5 minutes before the planet exploded. I was in this body, and I was in a sort of a daze. My father said to me, `Son, I cannot escape, but you can. Take this star vessel,' and he gestured to the saucer which you and I now reside, `take this star vessel, and get far from this world. Take the knowledge of this planet with you, and teach the rest of our universe of our mistakes.' He embraced me, and whispered he loved me into my ear. Then, he forced me onto the ship, for I did not want to leave him to die by himself, and I shot away from my home, my father..." "I *wanted* to turn back, but he had programmed the ship not to. By the time I was able to regain control, there were two stars in my solar system instead of one. They had all been utterly destroyed because of a matter of philosophy..." He continued on, fighting back tears. "We were very close. He and I worked together on experiments since I was but a kit. But he gave me the great burden of sharing the knowledge, history, and culture of my world with the universe, and the near-infinite time needed to do so." "After a period of mourning, I programmed the ship to seek out any signals from planets with intelligent life, set coordinates for them, and awaken me when we arrived. I then entered the ship's single cryogenic chamber, and the reason my father could not go with me, and slept for over 300 years." "I awoke on this world just a day ago. The only reason we stopped here was because the communications array had failed. Since we were not only forced to land here, but this planet had large deposits of crystal, I went out to mine some out of an underground cavern; and after I slayed a large metallic octupus which tried to destroy me, I met with positive results." "Unfortunately, you must have discovered the small pool which I dove into to acquire said crystal, with my small microcomputer defense mechanism guarding it. You must have kicked that boulder at it with your...augmented...legs, and it fired upon it to defend itself. Unfortunately, it richoceted off the rock, and hit you. I discovered you lying there and teleported us and the crystals I had mined back to the ship." Jhosesophae calmed down considerably. "Now, I have repaired my ship, and I will leave your planet. Now, I give you a choice. Since you are somewhat similar to myself, I will give you a chance that nobody else on this world has. You can travel the universe with me, because I have just enough power left in the replicator to create another cryonic chamber, or you can remain here." Jhosesophae ceased speaking. Bunnie blinked again. "Uhh..." Jhosesophae held up his hands. "Please, take your time in deciding. I'm in no particular rush. Besides, you need to stay here just a bit longer, because your stomach is still damaged. I'll be back in a few minutes, and you can tell me your answer then." He smiled, and walked out of the room. Bunnie started mulling this over in her mind. She could finally escape the clutches of Robotnik. Maybe this person could de-roboticize her. And she could do something no Mobian had done before; visit another planet. But, she remembered what Robotnik had done to her. What he did to other people. What he was doing to other people! Then, she thought of the friends she'd leave behind. Tails, Sonic, Sally and Rotor. They were probably looking for her! She had completely forgotten about that. No, she could NOT leave. Jhosesophae walked back in. He removed the bandage from her stomach. "Well, that looks a LOT better now than it did before." She looked down and didn't even see a scar. "The muscle tissue will come back in a few days." he said, and grinned at her again. "So, what do you say, uh...." "Bunnie." she said, "Bunnie Rabbot." "Ah, Miss Rabbot. Yes. So, do you wish to travel the 12 Galaxies with me, or do you wish to stay here?" "I gotta stay 'ere, sugar. I'm needed." "Needed?" Jhosesophae said. "But this planet's been trashed. Why would anyone be needed here?" And Bunnie told him why. She explained what had happened on Mobius, and what had happened to her. She told him about the Freedom Fighters, and the fight against Robotnik. This struck a chord in Jhosesophae. He lifted up Bunnie's robotic arm. "So that...animal...did this to you?" Bunnie nodded sadly. "I understand why you cannot leave. What is happening on this planet should not be allowed to spread to other worlds." He helped Bunnie to her feet. "Come on, we're going to drop you off in style." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Knothole was abuzz with activity. The rumor was that Bunnie was somehow captured by Robotnik via some sort of trap. They had searched the forest for her, after Tails had returned to Knothole and told them of the mysterious crystal in the woods. A search party was sent out to the site, but they found nothing but some torn-up grass, and a few drops of oil and blood floating in the water. When they went down to the pool to take a closer look, all they found was a trashed sentrybot that guarded a crystal mine they had not known about before. No Bunnie. The search parties returned unsucessfully, and everyone was starting to worry. "You think that a 'bot patrol got her, Sally? There's been a lot more of those lately..." Sonic asked. Sally shrugged. "I don't know, Sonic. We can't find her anywhere." Sonic paced around impatiently. "Well, Sal," he said, "I'm not gonna wait around any longer. I'm gonna hit the refinery and then check the prison blocks for her." Sally said, "Sonic, please..." Sonic scowled. "You can't stop me now, Sal. I've got my power ring, and I'm gonna come back with Bunnie. It's juice time!" With a burst of speed, Sonic was nowhere in sight. "Good luck," Sally whispered, her soul filled with dread. Suddenly, the sky began to darken. People began rushing out of their huts, and glancing to the sky. An round shadow blocked out the sun that seemed to be larger than the entire village. Panic spread like wildfire. Nobody knew what the shadow was, nor if it was Robotnik. Then, two sparkling outlines appeared in the center of Knothole. Sally rushed out to meet them, expecting the worst. After another few seconds, the outlines solidified into the forms of Bunnie and Jhosesophae. "Hey there, Sally-girl!" Bunnie shouted, and rushed over toward Sally and gave her a big hug. Jhosesophae just stood there. Sally had a puzzled look on her face. "Umm, Bunnie..." Bunnie kept on talking. "Boy, wait 'till I tell ya what hap'ened to ME today!" "Bunnie..." "I tell ya, it'd make a pretty good novel." "Bunnie!" Bunnie snapped out of her excited stupor. "What, Sally?" "Who is that?" Sally said, and pointed at the tall, thin, orange vulpine. Bunnie walked over to Jhosesophae, took his hand, and led him over to the Princess. "This is...uh, how do you pronounce it?" "Jhosesophae." he said. "This is Joseph," Bunnie said, "and he's come from, uh..." "Ur'thae." "Earth." Sally shook the stranger's hand. "Hello, Joseph." Jhosesophae shook back. "Hello, Sally. Your planet is very...uh...nice." She smiled, and said "Thank you, Joseph. I'm afraid that it's not in the best of conditions now, but it used to be quite beautiful." He smiled. "I'm sure it was, once." Then, Sally remembered Sonic's mission. "Bunnie, Sonic thinks you've been captured by Robotnik! He'll rush right into his clutches! We've gotta warn him somehow?" Bunnie said, "But how, sugar? Nobody's faster than Sonic!" "Nobody, perhaps," said Joseph, "but not nothing." He looked up at his ship. He activated his communicator. <<"Bahb, three to beam up.">> In a flash of a molecular limbo competition, they were gone. The ship pulled away from Knothole, leaving the astonished citizens to gawk at the beauty of the vessel. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "This is incredible!" yelled Sally as the ship rocketed through the upper atmosphere, its cloak activated. "Your people had these sort of ships?" "Yes," he said, "they did. But this is just a mere two-seater. Some of the larger ships were quite glorious." They coasted above Robotropolis, completely unnoticed by the sensors of Robotnik. "Now, let's see if we can find your friend." He activated the sensors, and scanned for organic life. Sure enough, he detected a signal by the only refinery left standing. "Your friend is going to get his butt shot off," Joseph said, "unless we give him a little bit of help." Meanwhile, on the surface, Sonic was running for his life. He had walked right into a trap, alright. There were more SWAT Bots there than he had ever seen in his life. He had to use his bombs to blast his way out of the refinery, but didn't do much damage to it otherwise. Now, he was dodging lazer fire from every angle, and was probably going to meet his maker on this one. That really irritated him. He'd never get to see Sally again, he thought as he jumped behind a small wall. And they'd gotten Bunnie as well. That REALLY steamed him. Robotnik was not only going to get him, but Bunnie as well. He was getting ready to suck lazer when the firing stopped. He heard a figure walking toward him. He turned around to face whatever demise awaited him. As he suspected, it was Robotnik. "Well, hedgehog," Robotnik growled, gloating, "looks like you've run out of luck." He laughed. "You've got nowhere to run now, do you? At last, I've FINALLY got you right where I want you!" He waved his arms around to show Sonic the hopelessness of his situation. "You move, they fire. You don't move, I fire. You've lost, hedgehog!" He laughed again, louder, enjoying his triumph. "I won't give you the honor of being robotized by your uncle's device! I'm just going to kill you right now, and I'm going to make him carry your blackened, smashed carcass into the center of Robotropolis, and hang it from the highest tower!" Laughing again, he raised his beam weapon pistol at Sonic's head. "Good-bye, hedgehog." As if the hand of a god had swept Sonic up, he was suddenly surrounded by an energy field, which deflected Robotnik's shot. "WHAT??!! NOOO!!!!!!" he swore, as Sonic began to dematerialize. "You'll never destroy mee...." Sonic said as he disappeared into nothingness. And then Robotnik was incapable of coherent speech for several hours afterward. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The ship slowly made its way back to the Great Forest, as Bunnie filled in both Sally and Sonic about their new friend's life. They cheered about Sonic's safe return, and the mood was rather jovial. "Even though we didn't get that last refinery destroyed," said Sonic, "it was still worth the power ring to throw Robotnik into such a huff." He giggled a little bit. "Man, I thought I was a goner. Bet Butt-nik thought so, too. Boy, he's gotta be real mad." Then, the lights began to dim inside the ship. "Oh no," said Joseph, "this does not look good. Bahb, what's wrong?" Bahb beeped, "WARNING: Power levels at 25% and dropping. Cloak dropping in 3 minutes. Propultion deactivating in 5 minutes." Joseph growled, "Bahb, I thought you said that we'd have enough power to repair the communications array and get off this planet." Bahb simply uttered, "You didn't give any higher parameters than that, Jhosesophae. I used most of the ship's power in repairing the array." Joseph pounded the dashboard and swore. "What does that mean?" Sonic said. "It means I'm going to be here for a while." said he. "Good thing my landing site is only a minute away." The ship slowly drifted over the site where he had parked last time, and suddenly dropped right onto it. The passengers were jostled, but not seriously injured. A collective groan went over the ship as they got out of their seats and departed the ship. Joseph looked at the ship. "Well, so much for my vacation at Alpha Centauri." It wasn't damaged as much as it was submerged. The nose end of the ship had sunk into the ground, leaving the rear sticking up at a 80 degree angle. The cloaking drones, however, had made the ship appear from the sky to jut be an especially tall tree, surrounded by several smaller ones. "Well," Joseph sighed, "You guys got any vacancies in that Knothole?" "Why yes, we do." Sally said as they walked off toward Knothole, Sally explaining several things to Joseph the whole time they walked away. Chapter Two - Ring of Truth - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Timeline: A few weeks after Joseph's crash. Several days before Doomsday. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The sun rose over the Great Forest. Light began to stream through the trees, giving the forest a primordial feel. The wind began to lightly caress the treetops, as the birds began to sing. Squirrels jumped from tree to tree, looking for a meal. Fish lept out of the water to consume the early-morning cloud of gnats that hovered above the life-giving fluid. These were the usual sounds of the morning, that had been heard on Mobius since time primeval...except for one. Deep within the forest, within a mist-covered clearing, a figure silently began his morning exercises. He stretched and flexed his muscles, allowing sinew to slip pass bone in the proper fashion. He concentrated on the task at hand as he took the traditional fighting stance. He prepared himself for the physical exertion that was about to occur. Centering himself spirtually and mentally as best he could, he locked onto his target and readied himself to the mission he had dedicated himself to. About 10 feet away from the solitary figure, there was set up a 6" thick piece of wood, cut into the rough shape of a very fat human. It had a target painted on the side of it, with its center resting in the middle of the human's stomach. It also had a cariacture of a smiley-face pasted over where the head usually would be, with a bullethole through it. After taking a deep breath, he began the exercise. He did a series of forward flips toward the target. But just as he came into range, he vaulted over it, into the forest. He hurtled toward a nearby oak, but precisely compensated for the change in course and lept off its trunk toward a vine. He swung on the vine until he reached another tree. He slid down the tree, cartwheeled away from it, and tucked into a spinning roll toward the target. But again, as he became in range of it, he lept over it. This time, he chose to grab a branch of the oak and did some various acrobatic exercises around it. After he had orbited the appendage a few times, he quickly began crossing the clearing by pulling himself from various vines. After a bit of this, he lept off one on the furthest side of the clearing, reversed himself in mid-air, and began cartwheeling, and then backflipping, toward the target for the final time. When he entered attack range, he set up a perfect roundhouse kick, and beheaded the silly-looking dummy. Immediately recovering from that, he executed a precise low punch to the target's main target, putting a fist-sized hole in the bullseye. With the target destroyed, the figure stepped back, took a deep breath, and calmly cleaned up the remains of the target. He broke it up into portable strips, wrapped them into a bundle, and walked back off into the forest, his morning exercises completed for the day. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The figure, now having a good pile of firewood to use, wandered back toward a path that had been beaten years ago to a village where he now resided. He had not been born in this village, nor even this world, but he had, just from his brief time there, come to consider his new surroundings to be his home. After all, his old home was no longer very hospitable; nor had it been close to such a good training area as the one he had come from even when it was. He drew closer to the outskirts of the village, where his hut resided. He had built it himself several days ago, and he cared for it dearly. It was probably the most comfortable, warm, and homey home in the entire village, thanks to the advantage of the advanced technology he had utilized in its construction. Within 2 days, it came to stand as it did that day, beautiful and tranquil in the gentle light of the sun. Joseph loved his new home. The entire structure took up less that 10 feet in diameter to the naked eye. It was dome-shaped, and appeared to be constructed of a sort of opaque brown glass, that perfectly camoflaged the structure from the air. Occasionally, there was a clearer spot that served as a window. A small chimney stuck out from the right side of the dome, giving it a even more surreal appearance. However, a ordinary-looking native sidewalk led from an area a few feet from the home to its front portal. To him, it was a "little cottage" that his people could have generated in 5 minutes; it had taken him several days to properly replicate all of its features with the small amount of power left on his ship. To the inhabitants of this planet, however, it appeared as a wonder of the world; a nigh-invulnerable fortress that no evil could breach. Well, at least nothing on this world could, Joseph thought. Smiling, Joe meandered toward the sidewalk he had constructed, and walked up it back toward his front door. Opening it with a single word, he strode in to unload the pelf he had carried from deep within the Great Forest, and to clean himself up for the day. Placing the bundle of firewood in the fireplace, he shut the door behind him to consider the state of the home Joseph had constructed with his own paws. It was a tidy home, being spartanly furnished with only a few chairs, a couch, and a practically empty bookshelf. A monitor displayed the area outside his house on a screen to the left of his door, with a small speaker beneath it that served as an intercom. The floor was hard wood, but the walls were constructed with the same glassy material that the exterior possessed. A few windows allowed light to drift in from the outside, and a hallway led off in front of him to the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. Next week, Joseph thought, he would furnish the bare basement with a laboratory, so to make his time here more constructive. But, for the time being, he was content with what he had. However, he was hungry, and his organics could use some hydrogen combined with oxygen in a liquid state at roughly 40 degrees. So not to lessen the ship's energy further by replicating food for him, he decided he would cook up some "grub" (as the blue one called it) for breakfast. His organic systems would certainly appreciate it, after the workout Joseph had recently put them through. He walked into the kitchen, and pulled out a object that served as a rough "mug". It was actually a hollowed-out sapling stump he had found a few days after he had "decided" to stay here, but he had sanded, shellacked, and generally waterproofed the thing enough so it would be a decent container for food, drink, and such. Smirking bitterly, Joe chided himself for taking all of his tools with him from Ur'thae, but none of his utensils. He grabbed it by its handle (a bent piece fof metal he had stripped from the ruined communications array, screwed tightly into the side of the glass) and walked over to the sink. The fact that this cottage had running water was one of its main advantages over several of the other huts around. Instead of going over to the well like the natives did, he had brilliantly chose to directly tap the water table, using some tubing he was able to replicate. He had "zapped" (another colloquialism taken from the blue one) a hole through the ground to the area below the village that the well drew its fluid from, and installed a long pipe into it. Then, he set up a pipe that released the wastewaster from the home, placed a purifier onto it, and had the output flow into a creek. Finally, he created a compressor unit (powered by some ultra-efficient solar panels implanted in the roof), and placed it on the pipe so it would draw water up from the underground reservoir, and into his home. After he had drank a few glasses of water, he walked over to one of the cubbords and removed a small, metal can. Then, he took a iron-copper alloy pot from the counter (he had smelted it himself only a week ago), and walked off into the den. He took a match from the shelf as he walked in, and struck it on a coarse part of the glass wall. Tossing it onto the wood, he waited until it started to catch before opening the flue. Then, Joe dumped the contents of the can (beans, apparently) into the pot, and placed it over the fire. Putting it on a stand, he hit a small switch by the fireplace to activate the air filter at the summit of the chimnney. He wouldn't want any aerial scans to pick Knothole up, after all. Estimating the time for the contents of the pot to properly cook at 10.4532 minutes, he decided to try and squeeze in his shower before breakfast. He wandered into the bathroom, removed his training gear, and activated the makeshift shower. A blast of cold water slowly sublimated to cool as the figure gave himself a through scrubbing. His mind began to loosen up as he mulled over the tasks he had to accomplish that day. The only thing he needed to do was get more things from the ship. Joe also wanted to study more throughly the behavior patterns of the Mobians, and observe a "power ring" being formed. Nothing earth-shattering, but enough to keep his mind busy. He finished his shower and walked into a drying stall. A 10-second blast of specially charged atoms later, and he was dry. Then, he put on some clean clothes, and checked on the progress of his breakfast. Ah, he thought as he reentered the den, the beautific stench of bubbling beans before brunch. They were just about done, and done precisely the way he liked them; hot. Taking a bowl from the counter, he poured some of the contents of the pot into it, and quickly placed the pot on a rack where it would not damage the rest of the area. After he had accomplished that, he took a small wooden spoon from one of his pockets, picked up the steaming bowl of legumes, and walked back outside. Knothole was looking particularly wholesome today, Joseph thought as he continued eating his beans. It must be a psychic counterbalance to the evil of Robotropolis, he assumed, and took another mouthful. He strode along the main "street" of the village, looking for any signs of activity. Most of the village was still asleep. Joseph noted again that the village was usually completely shut down from roughly midnight to about 6:15 in the morning. He hoped to one day be able to pin down the total time of dormancy to milliseconds. But, that would not be today. He sensed activity coming from one of the huts. He believed it was of the entity called "Tails"; a pre-adolescent two-tailed fox that Joseph liked a great deal. Joe saw a lot of himself when he was that age in him. Intelligent, polite, inquisitive, yet somewhat naive. But that was to be expected. He sensed that Tails would one day be a very important individual in the future of this world. Then, he noticed Tails slowly wander out of his hut. He wasn't quite awake yet, so Joseph chose to avoid him until he became fully sentinent. (Joseph had also noticed very few Mobians were "morning people".) Continuing his walk through the village, he noticed that Sally had obviously been active almost as long as he had. Sally was also a person Joseph could somewhat identify with. She was a driven individual, very buisness-like and unrelenting in her pursuits. Yet, she could be excessively kind and warm to someone as well. Being the proper ruler of Mobius, Joe reasoned, she must feel a great responsibility for the welfare of the remaining, non-robotizied citizens of Mobius. She was currently preparing breakfast for herself and Tails, and was probably expecting Sonic to come along, too. She was obviously busy, so he quietly slipped by her hut and furthered himself along his way. Rotor was just finishing his breakfast, Joseph noticed as he walked by his hut. He was one of the rare people Joseph could talk shop with, and have the other party reply in kind. They both loved to fix things, build things, and make objects more efficient. He respected Rotor a great deal. In fact, Joseph thought, he was coming to feel Rotor was the brother he never had. He decided to drop by his hut, and see how he was. Rotor waved to the tall, orange vulpine as he ducked his way inside his hut. "Hey, Joe." he said, as he gestured for Joseph to take a seat. "How are you doing this morning?" "Oh," Joe said, "I'm just fine. I was just going on a walk around the village when I noticed you were awake. Got up early today, eh?" "Me? Nah," Rotor said, "this is the time I like to get up. I feel more creative at either the extreme beginning of the day, or the middle of the night. Figured I might come up with something new to make." He sighed. "I've been in a bit of a dry spell lately. I don't know, maybe I've been working too hard." Joseph smiled. "I wouldn't worry too much about it, Rotor. Everyone has their ups and downs. Just relax and let it happen." Rotor was about to say something else when a shout echoed through the hut. "Rotor!!" a female voice yelled, "Muh arm is stuck again!" Rotor looked over at his guest. "Oh jeez," he muttered, "Bunnie's arm locked up again. I just don't know what she does to it to kink it up so much." He looked out the door and yelled, "Be right there!". Joseph smirked. "It's okay, Rotor. Go do what you must do. I'm gonna keep walking around the complex, anyway." Rotor nodded, and rushed out the door, tools in hand. Joseph walked out of the hut, continuing to eat his beans. After walking another brief distance, he came across Antoine's impeccibly maintained hut. Antoine was one of the Mobians Joe could only identify with by means of extreme metaphor; both he and Antoine were out of place here. But even then, it was stretching the comparison a tad far, because Antoine was alien even to people who had known him since birth. At least to fellow Ur'thaens he was normal...on the eastern continent. He listened, and realized Antoine was still grooming himself. It seemed like every time Joseph saw him, he was grooming himself. Wouldn't his skin start to hurt after a while? Honestly, he thought, his fur should be like silk from all of the combing and primping that it had to endure. He decided to leave before he started talking to him in that strange alteration of Mobian he was fluent in... Suddenly, he heard the sound of a fast-moving individual zipping around a few huts down. Sonic had finally woken up, and he was doing his morning "juice run" to wake himself up. Seconds later, the blue blur blasted by him, causing a large cloud of dust to fly into Antoine's hut. Antoine staggered out of the hut, coughing. "Sonick! I'll get vous for zat!" He gesticulated blindly back toward his dusty hut. "It will take me the days to clean dis up again!" Joe took this opportunity to leave, while Antoine was still blinded by the plume of dust. He was still shouting when he got out of range of his bellowing, and wandered back into the forest. Ah, the quiet of the forest, Joe thought, finishing his beans. He walked up to a stream and rinsed out his bowl in it. Drying it off with his shirt, he put it in one of his larger pockets and continued on his way. He looked up into the sky. By the position of the sun, he'd say it was about 8:25. Just about time for a power ring. He started walking up the path to the power ring pool, where Sonic would probably end up shortly. He walked over to the pool, and took a seat on a rock. He looked into the pool. A dull yellow glow was visible near the bottom of the pool. The ring would surface in 3.4 seconds. He was expecting to hear the sound of the hedgehog roar up here, snatch the ring, and zip off again. However, he must have been delayed, because the ring rose unaccompanied by a blue flash. It was floating there, waiting for someone to grab it. Joseph realized someone better grab it before it sank again. He reached out his hands--suddenly, four words drifted in front of him, a warning message-- << DIRECTIVE TWENTY SIX ALPHA >> --and his body catapaulted itself back into the bushes. A second later, Sonic blasted up the path, grabbed the ring, and rushed back to Knothole before he could even notice the orange heap laying in the woods. Joseph groaned from the sudden automatic movement, and stumbled to his feet. What had just happened? Had the power from the ring shorted out his neural net? If it had, then what did that message mean? Joseph was confused. He needed to ask Bahb about this. He ran back into Knothole, and was beginning to worry about the new development.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - He jogged back toward his home. Trotting through the village, he was unnoticed by the inhabitants, who were busy starting their chores for the day. Then, a voice called his name. "Joseph!" the voice shouted, "could you come here for a minute?" It was Sally. Wondering what she needed of him, he walked toward her hut. Entering the hut, he realized Sonic, Sally, and Tails were in the middle of breakfast. Tails was sitting on the left side, and Sonic was on the right. Sally was sitting on the far end. It was apparently oatmeal with strawberries today. It looked rather appetizing. Tails waved to Joe as he walked in, unable to talk with his mouth full of whitish slush. Sonic had, naturally, completed his bowl, and was somewhat more talkative. "Yo, Joe." he said to the tall fox as he ducked his way into the home. "Greetings, boss." Joe jokingly called Sally `boss' because of a translation problem he had initally had with the word "princess". In Ur'thaen, the word "p'hrincese" meant "overlord"; seeing that Sally was not the current overlord of Mobius, he had taken the next logical step and called her by a synonym of "overlord", "bhoss". Later, when he had consulted Sonic about it, he realized the error. Sonic and Sally smirked as Joe then proceeded, as usual, to bow slightly. "You can just call me Sally, Joseph." Sally laughed, "There's no need for such formality." She gestured for him to sit in the vacant chair at the close end of the table. As he sat down, Sally continued talking. "So," he spoke, "how are things going for you here? Do you need anything?" Joseph smiled. "I require nothing," he said, "I have everything I need to survive on my ship. I can imbibe Mobian water, and consume Mobian food. My home has been constructed, so all I require of you now," He smiled and winked at Sally. "Is your kindness." Sonic quipped, "We've got that in high supply, dude." Joseph grinned at the blue mammal. "I figured as much. You have been so kind to me, I don't know how to make it up to you." "Well," Sally interjected, "there *is* something we'd like to ask you." She looked over at Sonic. "Sonic, why don't you do the honors?" Sonic smirked. "Sure, Sal. Joe, my man, why don't you join us in our fight against ol Ro-BUTT-nik? You've got serious skills." "It would be an honor," Joseph bowed, "to assist you in the uprising against him. Any assistance you require of me would be gladly given." Sally smiled weakly. "That's...uh, great, Joseph! I didn't think you'd be so enthusiastic about this. After all, you don't live here. This isn't your fight." "It's mine now." he said plainly. Sally blinked. "Are you sure you want to get into this?" Before Joe could answer, Sonic interjected, "Sal, whaddya tryin' to do, change his mind?!?" "Sonic," Joe said, "I decided to help you the minute you people helped me. I have no home to return to. This is my world now, and I shall defend it." Suddenly, Tails, who had been quietly eating his breakfast for most of this conversation, chose to state, "But Mr. Joseph, I thought you could leave here at any time. Didn't you say all you needed was more crystal power to escape?" The orange fox turned to the younger, two-tailed one, and then to the two adults. "Tails," he spoke, "Sonic, Sally...let me explain my prediciment to you all." He stood up, and went into speech mode. "My world was merely a more positive reflection of what Robotnik wants Mobius to be. Our people gave up their flesh in return for immortality. Sure, there was no pollution, death, disease, or famine; but Ur'thae also lacked peace. The flesh battled steel. Religion fought science. Brother dueled brother...all over the quest for eternal consciousness. The only way my planet lasted for as long as it did after the creation of the neural transfer device was because of the continental division." "The first part of my life, I saw this war from Robotnik's side (to a certain extent). Now, I live among the flesh, and I see that my father was the creator of an evil too great for mortals to handle; affordable immortality. At first, it seems to have no downsides. Improved strength, speed, senses, agility, and your mind never loses its edge. You can continue learning and experimenting for aeons. The pleasures of the flesh never fact, they sharpen due to computerized enhancement." "But, my father never realized that someone could use this ability for evil enslave another by "roboticizing" (as a somewhat similar practice is called here) him or her. He never saw that a part of ones nature would rebel against it, and eventually even out the score. They escaped death for a while, but in the end they all paid the ultimate price for their crime against nature." "No, it is better to die in the flesh than live forever in steel. I will fight Robotnik for you because of this...he has tried to duplicate my father's formula for immortality by using Sir Charles'--your uncle, Sonic--roboticizer. But he poisons himself and others by this...he has his slaves, but he realizes not that the flesh and steel cannot live in the same body. If he is not stopped, this world will suffer the fate of Ur'thae; a Fountain of Youth powered by blood." "So, Sally, I offer my services to you. Command me, and I will comply. Robotnik must be stopped. At this point, all else is irrevelant." Sally, Sonic, and Tails could only blink. "Joseph," Sally whispered, "you are gladly accepted into the Freedom Fighters. I see now that you are honest in your statements. Your services to us will be valued." Joseph bowed. "Thank you, Sally. May I be excused?" Sally nodded, and Joseph left the hut silently. After he had gotten out of earshot, Sonic whispered, "Man! That guy is intense!" Sally nodded. "Yes, Sonic...he is certainly driven. He must feel he has a whole world to avenge." "I'd say!" Tails piped, "I can't wait to see what HE does to 'Butt-nik." Sonic muttered, "So do I, Tails. He looks like he could do some *serious* damage to some SWAT Bots." "I wonder what's going through his mind right now?" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - He continued back toward the dome that served as his domicile. The brief interlude with the leaders of the FF didn't make Joseph forget what had happened by the power ring pool. It intrigued him. Could it be that this planet had a power source greater than his internal power core? He entered the dome and walked over to the now-smoldering remains of his fire. He tossed the bowl on the table, and walked over to the Bahb 27290-A Unit, affectionately known as Bahb. "Bahb," he said, "I need info. Talk to me." "Ready for command." "Define Directive 26-Alpha." Bahb hummed quietly for a minute. "Classified. Cannot access externally." "Surmise a hypothesis on how to acquire this information." Bahb beeped and tweeted as it ran through every possibility. "Required materials are on the ship." "What do I need?" Bahb began rattling off names of various components within the ship. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Over the next few days, the village eyed their new arrival suspiciously. His main occupation seemed to be removing all of his computer equipment from the ship he had crashed in, and installing them in the basement of his amazing home. He would say what his purposes were, nor why he did not keep them on the ship. Some believed he was going to sabotage Robotropolis completely. Others, that he was going to destroy Robotnik's communications grid. A few just thought he was finishing unpacking; but everyone had an opinion. Joseph was, in actuality, preparing his new computer lab for two reasons; to continue his work, and to discover the secret of Directive 26-Alpha. Joe also could no longer leave all of his hyperadvanced technology in the middle of the woods in good faith...the ship had drove off several gawkers in the last few days. But he told no one of his experience at the power ring pool, nor of the mysterious malfunction. Finally, 4 days later, the ship was totally gutted of its vital systems, and was nothing more than a husk of its former self. It was still cloaked, but there was no longer any point in trying to steal it. Joseph had installed the power cells of the ship in the basement of his home, as well as the communications systems and the main computer. His domicile was now a flightless version of the ship he had entered this world with. A few more mining expeditions gave Joseph as much power as he could possibly use, and then some, and he had tuned the house itself into a large antenna. He was finally ready to attempt to find out the secret behind the directive. Preparing the dataspike, he sat down in a chair he had created for this purpose, and jacked in. Taking a deep breath, he prepared for the total discombobulation that was to come with the scan. "Bahb," he said again, "define Directive 26-Alpha." "Accessing, Jo--." There was a great flash of light. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - When he could see again, Joseph found himself standing on the shore of the Iundaeck Ocean, in front of the home he and his father shared back on Ur'thae. The twin moons shone down upon him in that glorious, awe-inspiring violet sky. The water was as clear and glowing as the first day he had set eyes upon it. The blue sand blew by his legs as the cry of a lark whistled through the air, invigorating him. He was home again. <<"Jhosesophae.">> a voice said. Turning around to face the voice, he knew for sure this was his home. <<"Dhaevid?">> The male was about as tall as Jhosesophae, with reddish-orange fur. His yellowing eyes denoted youth, yet the streaks of white in the fur showed great age. He was wearing a yellow lab coat, the mark of the Scientist Prime on Ur'thae. However, beneath the uniform, there was a pair of simple slacks and a sweater, and a pair of whitish tennis shoes. His hands were metallic versions of the ones Jhosesophae had, but the voice was strictly the unique baritone of his father's. <<"Yes, Jhosesophae. This is me. At least, a composite image of me strung together from your own memory banks.">> <<"I don't understand.">> <<"Let me explain, Jhosesophae.">> The world flickers for a minute, and then switches to a different scene. The scene now is of the room Joseph was transferred in, and the spaceship docking ramp that was its only exit. Dhaevid is typing something into a keyboard while the android body is recieving its intelligence. <<"Your story begins here, Jhosesophae. While you were being transferred to your new body, I was pre-programming your ship to take you to the planet where you now reside...Mobius. But I am getting ahead of myself. I should explain to you how I discovered this world, first.">> The world flickers again. The picture returns on a starfield, where an Ur'thaen ship is cloaking itself around an orbit of Mobius. <<"I discovered intelligent life here shortly before your 16th birthday. Utilizing time warps, I was able to commute to Mobius and back home several times a month without being noticed. I was studying their advancement, and...helping it a little.">> Scene cuts to the workshop of Sir Charles Hedgehog, and Dhaevid sneaking into it late at night. <<"One specimen interested me especially. His name was "Charles". He was beginning to develop the technology that had made the neural transfer device possible... the roboticizer. A similar technology was developed by your grandfather 356 years ago...anyway, every once in a while, I would sneak into his workshop and alter some of the equations to assist in the advancement of this technology. He had the basic idea, but every once in a while he would make an unintentional error due to the misguided scientific theory of the time that I would quietly get him out of.">> Scene cuts to Sir Charles constructing the device used to generate power rings. <<"But, Sir Charles had also stumbled upon something that was far beyond Ur'thaen technology. This was the Power Ring Generator.">> Scene cuts to a diagram of the device, showing various graphs and projected power fluxations next to it. <<"From my observations of Sir Charles' tests, this device had the potential to generate enough power to penetrate the dimentional barrier; the one thing Ur'thaens could never breach, if harnessed in the correct manner. I'll tell you the truth, son, I have no idea how, why, or if it even *should* work. Only the hedgehog knows.">> The scene cuts to a picture of Sir Charles on the left, Sonic on the right, and a power ring in the lower center. <<"This brings me to my final request of you, my son. Your mission is threefold; first, you must find Sir Charles, and assist him in any way he requires. Work with him. Understand his devices. This will allow you to escape the bonds of this dimention, and become the first, and only, Ur'thaen to explore the other universes that have been proven to exist. Your second mission is to find the nephew of Sir Charles, Sonic. He can use the rings, according to Sir Charles' notes and hypotheses, and perhaps he could teach you how to properly use them as well. Your final mission is to acquire a power ring for yourself, and learn how to replicate more. They are the only way you will be able to travel from timestream to timestream safely and efficiently.">> The scene cuts back to the beach. <<"This is all you need, or can know right now. Alas, I know no more than this; my observation of Mobius was cut short by the destruction of our world. Good luck, my son; the last survivor of Ur'thae.">> <<"But..">> Everything went black. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Scan complete." Joseph opened his eyes, and detached from the datajack. Groaning, and rubbing his throbbing skull, he spoke. "Computer, time elapsed from beginning of scan to its completion." "1 minute." "Deactivate dataspike." The system powered down. Joseph laid back in his chair. The situation had changed considerably. Now he knew why the power ring had effected him, but a million other questions came to mind... After musing this over for a minute, he knew what he had to do. Organizing it into his directives list, he began to estimate how to best accomplish them... Priority One: Find Sir Charles. Priority Two: Find Sonic. Priority Three: Acquire power ring; experiment. He had already guarenteed himself two and three just by being at Knothole. However, he had never heard of Sir Charles being about. This was illogical; Sonic and Charles were family, and therefore Sonic wuld probably, according to his observations, either find some way of honoring him (if was deceased), or he would have brought him back to Knothole. Seeing that he was missing something, he decided to confront Sonic about the issue after dinner that night. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - After Knothole had been fed, Joseph wandered the village, looking for Sonic. He finally encountered the blue blaze sitting quietly by the power ring pool, looking into the sky. Realizing that Sonic was observing the three moons of Mobius, he allowed him a few moments of silence before he finally piped up. "Where's Sir Charles, Sonic?" Joesph was always direct in his questioning. "My unc's in Buttnikville, Joe." Sonic said, quietly. "Why is he there? I thought you'd try to get someone as brilliant as...I heard he is...out of Robotnik's clutches." "He's our spy, Joe. He hangs out, acts like a drone, but tells us all about what happens there." He glanced at his hands, dusting them off. "Oh," Joesph said. "Wait a minute, I thought everyone in Robotropolis was roboticized." "They all are." Sonic spake. "Well, how does your uncle spy on Robotnik if he doesn't have free will?" "He's got his brain," said Sonic, turning toward him. "I don't understand." "Look," Sonic said, "My unc's been snapped out of Buttnik's control 'cuz I waved a power ring in front of his face. It somehow rewired his 'ol head back to where it should be, and now he's cool." He looked back to the moons. "And someday," he whispered, "he will be totally cool again." "Now I understand," Joesph said, "but it's too bad he's in Robotropolis. I'd like to meet him." Sonic smiled. "Well, Joe, you'll be able to see him tomorrow night, when he sneaks out of Buttnikville and gives us the weekly gossip. You can chew his ear off then, 'kay?" "Sure." Joseph said, smiling. "Thanks a lot." "No prob," Sonic said, and went back to staring off into space. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The next morning, Joesph went about his training as usual, but the whole while was thinking of how to explain to Sir Charles his prediciment without alerting the rest of Knothole about it. Surely if they knew they had been visited by aliens for several months without being told, they would become somewhat alarmed. He knew the Ur'thaen governments wouldn't like it, so it was without a stretch of the imagination that the Mobian government (the real one) wouldn't appreciate it, either. No, he did not want them to know anything about his father, the message he left, and the mission he was given until it was time. Charles would understand. He was sure of it. They were fellow scientists, after all, and he felt that Charles might have done the same thing if he was in his father's place. He spent most of the day meditating on what he would say to Charles. He wanted to be sure he knew exactly what had happened, and would therefore be able to make an informed decision about what to do about it. He mentally composed a rather simple, logical essay on the whole situation, and translated it into a speech that Charles could easily understand. Then, he reviewed it, looked for possible misperceptions, and altered them into a more logical structure. When Charles arrived that night, Joseph was ready. He let the aged metallic hedgehog inform Knothole of what had been going on over the past several days in Robotropolis, focusing mainly on something called Doomsday. Joe stayed out of it, hoping to avoid becoming involved for as long as possible. He knew that one day his powers would be called upon, but he did not want to get mired in this world's mess unless he knew that he would have to remain here. After Charles had finished, and the Knothole gang was involved in planning, the eldest hedgehog politely excused himself, and began the long trip back to Robotropolis on foot (Sonic couldn't zip him back, due to the amount of security that had been placed around the area as of late.) Joseph began following him. Finally, after they had gotten out of visual range of Knothole, he made himself visible to the kindly cyberhedgehog. "Excuse me, but I need to tell you something." Charles lept back, startled. "Oh!" "Please excuse my abrupt appearance, sir. It is my custom to remain silent unless absolutely necessary." Charles quickly regained his composure, and his eyes took a more pleasant shade of red, if that was even possible. After shifting around a bit, he spoke. "Well," Charles said, "if it isn't our star-travelling newcomer. I'd be happy to talk with you, son, but I really need to get back to Robotropolis before Robotnik misses me..." "This is important. It involves you, Sonic, and your invention." And then Joseph told him what he knew. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Charles could only blink. "So, what you're saying is that your father -- uh, David, right? -- was the one who allowed the Roboticizer to be `perfected'?" Joseph nodded. "And that the power ring generator is something beyond even your technology, and you want to study it in order to further advance your dead world's science? You think it can help to deroboticize people?" "Yes." Charles began to lose his composure. "Do you honestly expect me not to be angered by this?" "No..." Joseph uttered, becoming somewhat nervous. "Good," Charles snarled, "because I am." He balled his metallic hands into fists, and shook them at Joesph irritatedly. "Your father brought a curse upon this world by `helping' me create that damned machine! Millions perished because of its power! Only a few hundred remain untouched by its evil, and we lose more every day!" He spat upon the earth, and angrily pointed toward the distant outline of Robotropolis. "Is *that* what your world was like, Joseph?!? A oligarchial `government' ruled by madmen, and supported by millions of robot slaves? Is *that* what your superior world was like? A souless, callous factory, existing only to rape and loot your world?" His eyes shrunk to slits, and turned bright crimson. "Is Robotnik merely a different version of your *father*?!?" Joseph could withhold his rage no longer. He had taken most of Charles' outburst, but his slap at his father was unforgivable. Raging, he grabbed Charles by the throat, and lifted him high above his head. As Charles desperately tried to escape his grasp, and get some shots in, Joseph went into a total spaz fit. "Do you THINK I'm *happy* about what has happened here?!? Do you BELIEVE that my father MEANT to ruin this world?! He wanted to *HELP* you, you dottering old fool, by teaching you how to overcome the weaknesses of the flesh; without losing its advantages! Your society would be as it was 15 years ago if it wasn't for the fact your PATHETIC bodies weren't wired so TOTALLY different from ours! It's not MY fault, or even my FATHER'S fault that this happened! Nobody is at fault here but Robotnik!" He looked toward the smoking, hazy industrial hell, and shook Charles vigorously. "Don't you SEE?!" he cried, "It was a tragic MISTAKE that the roboticizer was miswired for this world's inhabitants, and the drive of that sadistic egg-sucking simian that made it the menace it is now!!" Having exhausted his venom, he glanced over at the creature he had captured. His eyes watered with the cybernetic equivilent of tears. "Boy...I'm sorry. It's just that--" Joseph lowered him to the ground, becoming suddenly calm. "You don't need to apologize, sir. I understand why you would have so much hatred for my's just that, well, he and I were very close. Ever since I woke up here, I have had to deal with the grief of losing him, my friends, my world..." He fell silent, and wiped tears from his eyes. "I don't want it to happen here, sir. I'd never wish what happened to me on anyone...not even Robotnik." Somberly dusting himself off, the robotic hedgehog sighed. "I lost control. I shouldn't have snapped at you. We both know that neither of us are really at fault for what's happened here. It's Robotnik who is to blame. He stole the plans, and he threw the coup. Not me, not you, not your father, but Robotnik." "You must have lived with so much guilt...." Joseph whispered, "having to have lived for so long with the assumption that the device was all your own. I can relate to your feelings now, but there is no time for therapy now. Your world will be decimated unless we can find some way of reversing the effects of roboticization. I want to, and must help." He looked toward a certain star. "This is my home now." They stared into the sky for an eternity. "I will give you whatever you need, and assist you in any manner that I can," said Charles, "and I promise you, none shall know of this until you feel it is time." "Thank you, Sir Charles." "It's no problem, son." They shook hands, nodded, and went their seperate ways. Now both had a new variable to deal with; and some new hope. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Over the next few days, Charles would sneak out to the edge of the Great Forest, and give Joseph as much information as he possibly could about the roboticizer Robotnik had as he could. Diagrams, circuits, anything that might be important to the process, Joseph had by the end of a few days. Comparing it to the roboticization process he was familiar with, he was able to understand how far he had to go in order to reverse the process theory. However, he needed one of the power rings. He couldn't just take one; they'd ask what he wanted it for, and he didn't want to tell them yet. Stealing one was out of the question. He pondered this for a while. Eventually, he simply moved on with his experiments by running simulations, but they didn't have the important x-factor he needed calculated in; the potential energy of a power ring. He moped around the power ring pool whenever he wasn't working, dismally looking down toward the generator. Charles couldn't help him build a replica of it, because he had to destroy the plans when Robotnik took over. Thus, he was just going to have to wait a bit longer...but he hated waiting! Lives were at stake. One day, he just snapped. He timed the exact generation of a power ring down to a second, and prepared himself to grab it. As it began its ascent, he heard Sonic coming. Quickly, he positioned himself in front of the pool, so Sonic would have to go through him to get it. When the ring crested the surface, he grabbed it just as the hedgehog arrived. "Hey, Joe!" he shouted, "Gimme that ring." Joseph looked at him blankly. "Well? Give it." He began to tap his foot impatiently on the ground. Joseph was in a rough spot. He needed the ring. Sonic wanted the ring. He couldn't deny him it; it was his birthright. Yet, he needed the ring in order to complete his experiment. Would it be better to tell him now or later? What to d--? "Be that way, then." Quickly, Sonic jumped up and wrapped his hand around the ring, and attempted to snatch it from his hand... And then, something quite unique happened. The nova effect covered both Sonic and Joseph. Levitating them both into the air, it glowed brighter than it ever did before. Lightning crackled from the bubble as the wind began to be sucked into it, and a low roar was beginning to be heard around the area... There was a bright flash of light. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [Joseph's internal chronological record of the next day or so is somewhat fuzzy. The following log was given to the historial record from Joseph's own auditory reception. No visual records of this period exist. Time has been estimated to the nearest minute.] +00 hours, 02 minutes "Sonic! Sally's look--oh muh stars! HELP!!" Static. +00:03 "C'mon, help get him up, Rotor." "Boy, he's heavy." Static. +00:10 "Do you think he'll be okay, Aunt Sally?" "I don't know, Tails. Maybe he just needs to rest." Static. +00:45 "Joe! C'mon, Joe, wake up!" Static. +01:25. "...he's got his eyes back..." Static. +02:00 "Ah cain't get into his house, Sally. Bob's got it locked down." "Can't you explain to it what's happ--" Static. +02:56 "See what I mean? Every once in a while, his eyes wi--" Static. +05:15 "He still hasn't moved, Sal. I think he's de--" Static. +08:02 "And there it goes again!" "He's not dead. He probably wishes he was, tho." Static. +20:35 "Still there?" "I guess so. Look at him twitch." "Wait! Don't pus--" Static. +40:00 "I'm not goin' in there, Sal, and you can't make me." "But Sonic..." Static. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +47:00 <<"Reboot completed.">> "Sally..." <<"Self-diagnositic cycle commencing.">> "What is it, Rotor?" <<"Repairs complete.">> "'s alive." <<"Sensor reacclimation complete.">> "Tails! Get out of here, now!" <<"All systems at 100%.">> *sounds of people rushing out of the room* <<"Visual systems reactivated.">> Suddenly, all he saw was white as his visual sensors came back online. In a few seconds, they had properly reacclimated to the environment, and he took some time to examine where he was. It was a hut, plainly decorated and felt somewhat sterile. It was empty, save for a bed and the small cloud of dust that was drifting around...obviously, from the rapid departure of several parties. He felt no offense by this; they were being cautious. He hopped out of bed. Standing upon the ground, he assumed that his sensors were still malfunctioning; he felt about half his original height. Activating his homing beacon, he began to follow the signal back to his home, where he could do the necessary repairs. He stumbled out of the hut, and quickly did a scan. Nothing. They were all inside. Seeing no threats, he wandered back toward the trail that led back to his dome. As he stumbled back up the sidewalk that led to his home, he noticed he had a lot of excess energy. He wanted to run up the sidewalk, rather than safely walking. He pushed those strange thoughts out of his mind as he opened the portal and walked into his home. A few minutes later, he was in his laboratory, and standing in the diagnostic tube. Activating the scan, he wondered what exactly had happened to him. "Joseph, sensors indicate a change on the subatomic level." "Is it damaging?" Joseph was startled by the sound of his own voice. It sounded a lot like Sonic's. The mimicry software was obviously still not at 100%, he thought, and readjusted his voice (with some difficulty) back to the default. "Negative. It has, however, increased your speed by 10,000%." Joseph was surprised. "Wow, that ring packs some punch." he uttered, returning to his usual tone. "What other changes have occured?" "You have also begun to take on the characteristics of the entity called Sonic the Hedgehog. However, your internal systems are counteracting the effects, and will have you internally back to default settings in another day." Bahb paused briefly, and beeped. "However, the visual effects are going to require additional power to counteract." "What do you mean?" "A visual apprasal has concluded that you appear to be Sonic." Joseph was shocked. This was why everyone was so frightened before! It wasn't just a sensory error... "However, several things about you are far different than him. Your quills are orange. Your eyes are silver, with no pupils. You're wearing boots." Joseph was still in a daze. "How...?" "Unknown. Hypothesis suggests that the power ring, being suited for Sonic's DNA, caused your biological systems to take on his genetic code when he activated it. You were knocked mostly unconscious during the shock, and your internal cybernetics rushed to keep up with your physical mutations." Joseph nodded, still in shock. "Do you think I can ever return to original form?" "Unknown. Your inital transformation put a heavy strain on your internal robotics. It is very improbable that they could take such a strain again." Joseph decided to get away from generalities, which were beginning to frighten him, and get back to specific problems. "Why are my eyes silver and pupilless, as you said before?" "When the intial blast occured, it blasted your original eyes from your sockets, being that you were at ground zero. It took exactly one hour twenty minutes for new eyes to be created, and for them to fill up your new eye sockets. Unfortunately, they are not visually pleasing yet, because your nanite repair system is still finishing up your primary systems." "This concerns me, Bahb." "Affirmative. However, it is a logical conclusion that you should probably learn to cope with this form, because it's going to be yours for a while." Joseph mulled this over. "Yes, I suppose so." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A few more days went by. Every once in a while, someone from Knothole would come by, and try to see if any movment from Joseph's dome was detected. And every time, they noted nothing. All anyone could hear was a low hum. Since no communication had been heard from the dome, they were beginning to wonder how he was. Sonic felt especially guilty, since he appearently caused it. "It's my fault he went all haywire," he would tell Sally at length. "If I wouldn'tve been in such a hurry, he'd still be around. Now he's messed up big time. I wouldn't be surprised if he never came out again." And, for a while, he seemed to be right. Nobody could get in, and nobody had left. They mused on his status. Some said he had gone in there to die. A few clung to the belief that he was creating a new body to return to his original form. Most people, however, couldn't come to a conclusion at all. Then, when they had almost lost all hope, the portal opened. A figure left the dome, starting slowly, and then speeding up. He went faster and faster, and faster still. When he reached the center of Knothole, a sonic boom went off, and he roared through the forest toward the Great Jungle. Nobody had to say anything. They knew what it meant. Sally, after glancing once at Sonic, knew exactly what was going to happen next. Seconds later, a second sonic boom went off, and both supersonic hedgehogs were gone. They raced around Mobius, over water, land, and chasm. They burrowed deep into the earth, swung on vines, and lept high into the air. Finally, they reached the summit of the highest mountain, and stopped their relentless pursuit of each other. Joseph took a few breaths. "You are fast." said the orange blur. "So are you." said the blue. "I suppose you'd like an explaination." "Yes, that would be nice." Joseph explained the entire preiciment to Sonic as best he could. Trying to dumb it down enough for the relatively non-technical hedgehog, he tried to explain about his father, Sonic's uncle, and the power ring effect. "So that's why you tried to steal that ring..." "Yes," Joseph whispered, "that is why." "I can see now why you wouldn't want to tell Sal and I about somethin' like that. Way past uncool." "Yes, it is." "We wouldn't have hurt you for what your father did, Joe." "I could not know that for sure," he gasped, taking in more oxygen. "You couldn't have, could you?" Sonic mused. Joseph nodded, and moved on to the next thing on his mind. "I hope the blast didn't injure you." "Nah," Sonic said, "it's cool. Used up the whole ring, tho. But I got another one this morning." "That's good." "Yeah." The wind whistled through their quills, but neither of them seemed to mind. "Whaddya gonna do now, Joe?" "I don't know. I certainly can't help your world until I get my head together. I've seen too much in the last few days...I gotta go off and think. You can understand why." "Yes," he nodded, "I can." "I must go." With that, Joseph rolled into a ball, and shot down the hill. Sonic just stood there, looking out toward the horizon, wondering... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EPILOGUE Sonic returned to Knothole a few hours later, after he had gotten his own head together. He realized how very confused Joseph must be at that moment, and put together a proper fabrication to tell the rest of Knothole about it. He walked back to the edge of Knothole, where Sally was the first to confront him. "Sonic? Where's Joseph? What happened?" Sonic looked plainly back at Sally. "He needs to be alone for a bit." Sally gave Sonic a wicked look. "I *knew* that, Sonic. What I mean is, what happened? Where did you guys go?" Sonic leaned up against the wall. "Oh," he said, "we just ran around for a bit." "For three hours?" "It's a guy thing, Sal." Sally started to become cross. "Look, just tell me whether or not he's coming back." "I don't know, Sal. He said he's all messed up, and he's gotta juice around until he knows what time it is." She sighed. "Well, I hope he comes back before something major happens." Sonic got up from against the wall, and put his arm around her shoulders. "He will, Sal. He just needs to be alone for a while." "But what if Robotnik captures him, and his technology falls into the wrong hands?" Sonic suddenly began to smile. "'Butt-nik isn't gonna catch him, Sal. He's the 2nd-fastest thing on Mobius." Sally shot Sonic a faux-questioning look. "And what, pray tell, is *the* fastest thing on Mobius?" "Want a hint?" "Antoine?" Sonic acted shocked. "Oh, c'mon, Sal." "But who could be faster?" "A slug is faster than Antoine, Sal." Sally giggled. "Well, I suppose you're right. C'mon, we better get back to Knothole and explain what happened." They wandered back to Knothole, wondering of their friend's fate. Chapter Three - This Island Floating - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Timeline: One day before Doomsday. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A pure, green-pigmented plain placed upon the northern continent on Mobius. Some dried leaves fluttered in the gentle breeze, warmed by the noonday sun. Birds sung the ancient melody of the world, and a few non-evolved rabbits hopped through the shorter grass. It was a scene beautiful enough to melt even the most jaded heart; for on this world, scenes like that might become rare... In the middle of this scene, barely visible in the high grass, was a 3 foot tall hedgehog. But this was not one of the usual variety of bipedal hedgehog. Nor was this particular hedgehog even a child of this world; rather, he was a misplaced, genetically scrambled member of a dead planet millions of light years from the spot where he now laid, calmly enjoying the beauty of his new home. This was the lot of Joseph, the descendant of two DNA helii; his natural, Ur'thaen brand, and the current Mobian hedgehog variety which he was experiencing now. However, his genetic identity crisis didn't appear to be bothering him now, as he silently laid in the sun, soaking in the yellow star's warming rays. The wind drifted over his motionless form as if it was a mother's gentle movement, tucking him in for a night's rest. A butterfly alighted on one of his longer headquills, and slowly came to peacefully rest there. This was paradise, Joseph thought, as he continued to simply lay there and revel in the sublime beauty of Mobius. He wondered why Robotnik would wish anything like this harm. Had he never simply walked outside on a glorious day as this, sat down in a field, and merely admired the handiwork of Nature? Was all of his destruction merely due to him being a homish sort? Nay, he pondered, Robotnik had been out in the wilderness. He'd sit in a field like this, take a deep breath, and he'd first cut down those trees to create housing, then drill holes in the earth for oil, then ponder mining for precious, Robotnik could simply not appreciate nature. It was simply not his to appreciate this one. Probably all those simian genes. But Joseph let those unpleasant thoughts leave him. He didn't want to think about Robotnik or Robotropolis or the damned pirated Ur'thaen roboticizer now. That would only impede intuitive thought of solutions to those problems. Alas, he had only allotted himself only a few more days of being au naturale before returning to Knothole and resuming work on the deroboticization process. He needed to value this vacation time as a period to let his strained mind adjust to the myriad of changes that had affected him; landing on a foreign world, finding out that he was not the first of his kind to land here, being made his head spin to ponder all that had occured in only a few months. However, Joseph realized that looking backward would only impede his progress. He had to overcome the obstacles placed in his path, and continue on. He had people to help now, so brooding wasn't going to do any good. But he wasn't going to think about that anymore. No, this was a vacation, and Joseph knew that thinking about work would only slow it down in the long run. So, he laid there in the field, took a deep breath, and continued staring into the sky. After a moment, he felt much better about his situation again. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meanwhile, a different sort of conteplation was occuring an a craft speeding away from Robotropolis. The sole passenger of the craft was pondering what to say to his new friend to get him to return with him this time. He had still been reluctant to leave his precious island the last time he had visited him, but he knew that he could convince him to return with him today... Laughter echoed through the small craft as it sped further away from the dark outline of Robotropolis. Soon, the short human thought, soon, Robotnik would be out of the way; and then he, Snively the Great, could take his rightful control over Mobius! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Eventually, Joseph grew tired of just laying in the field, thinking about nothing. If it's one thing his new body demanded, it was activity. So, he chose to get back to the activity that he had engaged in for most of his vacation; exploring Mobius. He had searched most of the Southern continent last week, and the Northern continent was already throughly charted. Perhaps he would visit the sea again. It was certainly beautiful enough to warrant a second look. Besides, he had a yearning for seafood. A boiled lobster about then seemed mighty good. He licked his lips and stood up. He hadn't yet mastered the whole powering-up thing with his running. He always seemed to mess something up. He'd either fall on his head, slip on something and fall backwards, or lose control entirely and fly into a tree. So, with some trepidation, he started running in place like Sonic did, slowly picking up speed at first, but quickly picking up speed. After a few seconds of this, he took his foot off the clutch (so to speak) and blasted forward. Surprisingly, he was able to maintain control of his propultion well enough to direct himself to the shore. Within minutes, he was able to see the line of the horizon reflecting off the sea. Now, he had to stop. He didn't particularly *like* stopping. He had never been able to cease his propultion on a 1 Mobian coin like Sonic did. He had always gone up some extreme surface without speeding up to come to a halt. The water was now in plain sight. It looked awfully blue today. He wondered how deep-- Unconsciously speeding up, he sucessfully breached the coast, and was suddenly running over the water. Whoa, Joseph thought, this is cool! He ran straight off the coast for a few minutes, and then tried a left turn. After sucessfully turning left, he tried turning right. This also was accomplished easily. Deciding to put his navigation skills to the test, he ran in a figure-8 a few times, and then shot off in a different direction. Way Past Cool, he mentally snickered, and headed off further off the coast. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The small craft landed on the far side of an anonymous island somewhere in the Great Ocean. Snively departed the craft, told the SWAT Bot pilot to maintain a holding pattern, and walked away. As the craft took off, Snively disappeared into the island's jungle-like foilage. After walking on a roughly-beaten path for a while, he came to a clearing that he had visited countless times before. And, like every time, he walked over to a small stump, took a seat upon it, and waited for his host to appear. "Welcome, Snively-mon," a voice said, "back to my island." "Knuckles, cut the dramatics." Snively looked around. "Just tell me your answer. Will you return to Robotropolis with me, or not?" Some leaves rustled behind Snively, and a red-quilled figure appeared. "I tol' you, mon, I canno' leave dis island. I gotta guard my Ruby." "Echidna," Snively falsely smiled, "there is no one left on Mobius with the capability to find this island but myself. How could someone steal your precious `Ruby' if they don't even know this alcove exists?" "But ev'ryone wants my Ruby, mon. It's special." Snively internally chuckled. This foolish creature of the forest was so paranoid about some idiotic reddish rock. It probably was a piece of glass, or maybe it *was* a tiny little ruby. Either way, it was unimportant to Snively what it was. "I told you," he said, "you can take it with you if you want." "I can' take it. I tol' you, it don' wanna be took." Snively sighed. "Look, I could station some robot-soldiers..." Knuckles grimaced. "No! No robots! Dis island shall NOT have robots on it!" Snively recoiled. "Okay, I won't put any here. I just thought you'd want some protection for your stone." Knuckles grew silent, obviously considering some things. Snively talked as he thought. "Look, I promise you that nothing shall happen to your `Ruby' until you return." Snively put his hand on the echidna's shoulder in a false gesture of empathy. "You will return here. I *promise*." "You promise?" the echidna spouted. "Yes, I do." Knuckles hmmed. "Okay, I go wit' you. But I want one mo' day here on the island before I go. Dat okay?" Snively smiled. "Yes, that will be fine." *JUST* fine, he thought, and just in time... "I'll be back here at sundown tomorrow to pick you up. Go to the north shore, and a ship will come for you." As Snively got back up, Knuckles disappeared back into the underbrush. The short human smiled evilly, and walked back up the path to flag down his vehicle. This was too easy, he thought, as the ship landed, allowed him to board, and rocketed back toward Robotropolis. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph sped over miles of water, going in no particular direction for very long, nor really planning to go anywhere. He thought he might eventually circumnavigate the world if he kept at this long enough. And, when he saw the patch of land over on the eastern horizon, he thought he had. He sped curiously over to it, wondering which coast it was. After a second or two, he was running along the coast of the land, and then realized it was an island. He hadn't quite circled the globe yet, obviously, but this phenomenon still deserved investigation. He went ashore, and started to slow-- *BONK* When he came to, it was nighttime, and he was staring up into a pair of eyes. "Uhh..." he groaned as a pair of hands grabbed him and pulled him to his feet. "How did you get 'ere!? 'Ave you come to steal my Ruby?!?" "Huh?" Something that felt like a brick nailed him across the face, causing blood to drip from his mouth. "I ASKED you a ques'ion, intruder!" "Muggaahh..." "Arrgh! "What are you, stupid?!" "I...don't understand...intruder?" *POW* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph woke up a few hours later in a bamboo cage, hanging over a large pit. A few rails had been redded with the liquid that had poured from his oral cavity after the figure had decked him. (With what, he wondered, a brick?) In addition to that painful injury, a few more additional cuts had been inflicted (but healed) on parts of his stomach and arms; obviously caused by being dragged through some sharper underbrush. Struggling to his feet, he tried to regain his bearings. He was in a dense part of the jungle. The cage was hanging from a single treebranch, but it looked stable...for now. There was solid ground closeby the pit (which he now saw having sharp spikes at the bottom) and a single path leading away from it deeper into the forest. He quickly came to the decision to try and swing the cage out from over the pit, and onto solid ground, where it would probably break open. As he began to rock it back and forth, he heard (as expected) the branch beginning to go. He rocked a little harder, and he started to hear it crack. He finally gave the cage a teriffic shake, and the branch broke, plummeting it to the earth below. The cage began falling soon after that; it tumbled toward the ground, shattered open, and spilled its contents onto the forest floor. What Joseph had forgotten to anticipate was the pain factor involved in being inside of a cage when it crushed into the earth. He agonizingly climbed out of the wreckage, picking small pieces of bamboo out of his quills. He was beginning to hate this place. A lot. After he had gotten himself together, he wandered silently down the path. Luckily, his martial arts training had not been effected by his transformation, so he was able to stealthily traverse the path without distrurbing a single item in the forest. Hopefully, he could find the shore, rev up, and get off this island before anything bad-- << WARNING: POWER LEVELS AT: 5% AND DROPPING. REQUIRE REFUELLING BEFORE DEPARTURE BACK TO DOME ALPHA. ACQUIRE POWER CRYSTALS. PRIORITY: ONE PRIORITY: ONE. PRIORITY: ONE. PRIORITY: ONE. PRIORITY: ONE........ >> --happens. He emitted a series of vile Ur'thaen curses, and snarled. This irritated Joseph to a great degree. His internal power cells were supposed to last for about 1000 years before ever dipping below 50%, and here were his systems crying 5% 6 months after it had been activated. Then, he realized exactly how much load he had put on his body in the last 6 months, and was able to calm his fears of his body having leaky fuel cells. But, it still left the problem of finding fuel. He was going to have difficulty finding something digestible without having to confront whatever it was that struck at him. It was about as strong as he was at this point, and certainly didn't like him very much...he thought Joe wanted to steal his `Ruby', whatever the hell that was. So, he did some quick internal calculations. If he went at a normal speed, didn't use his augmented strength much, and avoided further injury, he could last about a year on the island. After all, the food looked edible, and the water was fairly clean...but he didn't want to be here a year. He didn't want to be there a day! He wanted to go home. He pounded his fist against his hand. No, there had to be crystals on this island. There were crystals everywhere on this planet! All he had to do was look. He turned his optical scanners to detect energy signatures, and went off to find some. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - At daybreak, Joseph reached the shore. He had covered half the island, and he was down to about 4% of his total energy. So far, he hadn't detected much of anything. Some small pebbles were all that carried any sort of juice in them, but they had not enough to even make a spark. The sun beamed down upon Joseph, trying ineffectually to give him some solar energy. Alas, but he had no solar panels on him, and no means to make any. It did, however, warm him up enough so he physically felt better, and made him think to sweep the horizon and admire the view. As he looked around, he noticed a small, craft-shape energy imprint upon the ground. He walked over to it to examine it further. A ship had landed there earlier, no more than a day ago, and quickly had taken off again. (He could understand why someone would do that.) However, it appeared that it was a Robotropolis-brand ship that had landed there, by the blackish residue that was left on the ground. Had someone else decided to take a holiday here? He hadn't seen anyone else but the figure that attacked him...but Robotnik wasn't into bamboo, he thought. This was becoming a really strange situation, Joseph pondered, as he wandered toward the other side of the island. Mysterious guardians of unknown jewels, unknown landings of Robotnik-made was all connected somehow, but Joe couldn't see it. He started walking down a path that led through the other side of the island. He began to mull over exactly what could be so important that whoever was guarding it would savagely beat whomever seemed to threaten it... Then, a blip appeared in front of him. A large crystal vein was on this side of the island, toward the center. He smiled. His ticket home was right on the beaten path. Perhaps this is what the strange one was guarding, Joe thought. Well, he won't mind if I take a few off his hands for lunch now, would he? He wasn't going to take any chances either way. He returned to his stealthy mode of walking, and seemed to disappear into the underbrush. Within a few hours, he was in the center of the island. He was on the very edge of the clearing. A cave was directly in front of him, giving off an reddish glow deep inside of it. This is what the person who had attacked him was guarding. "I wonder what's inside of it," Joseph whispered aloud. "My Ruby's inside o' dere." He didn't turn around. He *knew* what would happen if he turned around. So, he just burst forward toward the cave. "GET BACK 'ERE!!!" shouted the figure as Joseph hit the sound barrier halfway through the cave. << WARNING: POWER LEVELS AT: 2% AND DROPPING >> He got to the back of the cave, no longer caring whether or not that person liked him or not. When he got to the inside of the cave, he pushed a large boulder in front of the opening out, so that the individual trying to kill him would at least be slowed down. He heard thumping on the rock, and muffled shouting, but he had not broken it down enough to get through...yet. Having that out of the way, he ran as fast as was prudent to the back of the cave. He was stuck dumb with awe when he entered the area where the light was coming from. The walls of the domed area were covered in glowing, sparking energy crystal. In the center of the room, there was an energy core that was being powered by a reddish rock...his `Ruby', obviously. But why did this undeveloped island need this much power? What was this `Ruby' really? He took a closer look at it, and accessed his records of Mobian geological history. No, he thought, it couldn't be. But it *had* to be. This `Ruby' was actually a Chaos Emerald. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This explained a lot, thought Joseph. Chaos Emeralds were mythical, mystical power crystals that are capable of generating extreme amounts of clean, emissionless energy. They were also said to have special powers of their own, depending on their color. But this was unimportant to Joseph right now. All he knew was that the red rock in the center of the room was best left where it was. It was probably incompatible with his digestive system, anyway. So, instead of attempting to acquire that particular crystalline morsel, he started trying to break off bits of the more digestible power crystal on the walls. Meanwhile, the boulder in the front of the cave suddenly formed a large crack in the center of it, and seconds later it crumbled to the ground. A very pissed-off Knuckles then strode in, looking to beat the tar out of the `thief' inside by his delicate `Ruby'. Joseph was too busy trying to chip off a mouth-sized crystal off the wall to notice the boulder crumbling to dust in back of him. He hoped that if he ate this one it would be enough to keep him going long enough to get back home. Unfortunately, he never got a chance to find out. Knuckles swiftly went into a flying tackle onto the weakened and bleeding hedgehog, knocking the crystal out of his hand. It flew across the room and shattered on the wall, directly next to Joseph's hope of leaving here peacefully. He was then slammed against the wall and kicked in the back. He yelped as he felt a quill snap off one of his lower rows and scatter onto the floor. Being driven to even more savagery by Joseph's acknoledgement of his abuse, he punched Joseph repeatedly in the face, yelling on each impact. "STAY!" *POW* "'WAY!" *SOCK* "FROM!" *BAMF* "MY!" *WHACK* "RUBY!!!" *CRACK* By the time "FROM!" had rang out, Joseph had begun to go somewhat blind, and his eyes freely bled blackish fluid. He coughed up a few mouthfuls of bloods after the 5th or 6th sucessive hit, giving Knuckles a sense of great personal pride. But, he grew tired of this, and decided to switch from his face to some other part. Making a split-second decision, he threw him to the ground and started kicking Joe in the stomach. Joseph was blinded completely, and was beginning to lose his sense of hearing. All that was left to his sensors was the pain. After a few more kicks, Knuckles grabbed him by the throat, pushed his face inside the engine core, burning a centimeter or two off of it. Joseph tried to scream; but the echidna closed his fist around his throat, choking his howl to a squeak. "You betta take a nice, GOOD look at my Ruby, 'cuz it's the LAST thing you're EVER gonna see!" << WARNING! WARNING! CRITICAL DAMAGE LEVELS! WARNING! WARNING! >> He weakly struggled to break the echidna's grip, but he barely had enough power to writhe around in agony. He got a few good kicks in around Knuckles' midsection, but nothing that could make him let go of him long enough to let him breathe... << WARNING! WARNING! ENERGY LEVELS CRITICAL! WARNING! WARNING! >> He felt like he was gagging on his own pancreas. He knew his eyeballs were about to pop out from the pressure, and his mind was beginning to go... << TOTAL SYSTEM FAILURE IN 10 SECONDS >> He clawed at Knuckles' quills, but only managed to prick himself in the fingers. He kicked and swung his arms, but Knuckles knew he was almost dead.... << TOTAL SYSTEM FAILURE IN 5 SECONDS >> No! Not again! Not before I-- << SYSTEM SHUTDOWN >> For Joseph, time stopped. He lost all memory of his life, his world, his entire existance. The struggling ceased; the static died down to silence, his sensors stopped recieving information...the world grew cold, spun, and slowly faded to black... But then, a miracle occured. Actually, a biological miracle occured. His body used the remaining volts of his internal power to mutate his tongue into an energy reciever. Then, running on sheer exhaust fumes, it gave it just enough length to wrap itself around the crystal, and shot it out to try to siphon off as much energy as it could. It got far, far more than it bargained for. In fact, it got more than enough. Immediately, ruby-red energy carressed Joseph's limp form, catapaulting Knuckles across the room and out of the cave. Slowly, Joseph's energy levels went up, slightly dimming the crystal's light. However, as Joseph was recharging, the island was beginning to sink. The beaches slowly started to retreat under a blue wall of water. Small animals desperately ascended trees, rocks, anything they could find in order to avoid being drowned. << ENERGY LEVELS RISING. 10%. 20%. 30%. 40%. 50%. 60%.... >> After a few moments, Joseph's power levels were back to 100%. As he disengaged his tongue from the crystal, and returned it to a normal length, his healing systems came back on-line, and started to repair the damage that had been done. He barely noticed the small earthquake that occured after he fell from the crystal, nor did he care what it meant. He just wanted to repair his screaming shell of a body. He slowly rubbed against the energy crystal-covered wall. He was too exhausted to even move. He doubted he was going to be able to go anywhere for 15 minutes or so as he renewed hiself. The creature had beat him up pretty bad. His vision was just coming back, and his hearing was still fuzzy. Not only that, it seemed like his entire body core hurt. He coughed up some blood and spat it onto a nearby rock. It hissed, bubbled, and ate right through it. He was relieved. He wasn't internally bleeding anymore; or else the clotting agents would have neutralized the blood's acidic effects. His sight clarified seconds later. That was much better. Checking his power levels, he was somewhat was eating up most of his power. He'd be back to 50% after all the repairs were complete. But that'd be enough to finish his host off... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Knuckles was laying unconscious in a clearing about 1000 yards from the cave. The charge had knocked him clear through the forest, and he was cut up pretty bad. Of course, he didn't notice this, because he was in a stupor, but it still appeared awfully painful. His gloves were also somewhat singed, but they were at least not on fire any longer. He began to come out of it. Shaking his head, he groaned at the amount of damage the hedgehog had done to him. Ruby had shocked both of them pretty good. Hopefully, the stupid orange hedgehog thief was dead, and nobody would bother Ruby until he got back. He hated trespassers. He stood back up. Ruby was still there, by the glowing that came from the cave. But he had to be sure the hedgehog was dead. Had to. Could be alive, FAKING dead. He wandered back into the cave, and slowly returned to the crystal room. Joseph was there, acting dead. Since he didn't have any pupils to dilate, he simply gave off a pheromone that denoted deadness. Hopefully, the echidna would smell it, and think him demised. Knuckles entered. He looked over at the puddles of blood laying around, seeping into the ground. The hedgehog bled a lot. Dirty hedgehog. Bad hedgehog. He looked at the dead hedgehog. Good. His instincts told him he was dead, so he had to be. He decided he didn't like the dead hedgehog with Ruby, making the place smell bad. So, he grabbed him by the shoulders, and pulled him out of the cave. The sun was beginning to set, so Knuckles hurried along, dragging the hedgehog through the dirt. He'd leave him outside the cave as a warning. Nobody would go into a cave where a dead animal laid outside. Just the way it was. He dropped him in front of the cave, right in the center of the enterance. Thinking no more of it, he turned his back on the `dead' hedgehog, and started to walk up the trail. << REPAIRS COMPLETE >> Joseph stood up, and ran over to Knuckles as silently as the wind. He grabbed the naive echidna by the throat. "Miss me?" he whispered into his ear, and threw him into a tree. A few teeth fell out of Knuckles' mouth, accompanied by a few droplets of blood. Smiling psychotically, Joseph peeled him off the tree and spiked him on the ground. "So..." He punched him in the snout. "You *actually* think--" He fit his left ear, making it squirt most reddish fluid. "--you can go around beating--" He kicked him in the head. "--people--" He stomped on his abdomen. "--up?" He threw him down the path. "Huh?" Knuckles stumbled toward the beach, trying to escape the enraged hedgehog. He pursued Knuckles, anxious to pummel him some more. Knuckles ran toward the beach. Bad hedgehog not dead! Got strong from Ruby! Now was angry at Knuckles for stopping him from stealing Ruby. Help! Help! Snively would help. Snively powerful. Has powerful machines. Lazers that blow things up. Joseph relentlessly chased his attacker. He was going to be sure he was throughly punished for beating him up when he was defenseless, and without provocation. He didn't want to kill him, mind you--he was not a overzealous member of the warrior caste--just rough him up enough to teach him to be more tolorant. Knuckles stood on the north shore nervously. He looked back toward the path, and saw the outline of the hedgehog coming close. He looked to the horizon, and just then saw the shadow of a single ship...Snively's ship! He'd save him! He'd blast the bad hedgehog into dust. Teach him a lesson. He saw Knuckles standing on the beach, and noticed the small craft fly down, pick him up, and go back into the air. "Oh, no you don't," Joseph said, and projected some energy at the ship. It locked onto him and shot some beams back. He ran along the shore, trying to trick the ship into dropping down low enough so he could get a clear shot in. Unfortunately, it did not. Meanwhile, while the SWAT Bots were firing at Joseph, Knuckles was trying to tell Snively what had happened. He ignored most of the foolish babble about `Ruby', of course, but realized he'd have to kill this fast, nigh-invincible (hmm) hedgehog before Knuckles was going to leave. Knuckles, of course, had an idea... Joseph had now almost ran a total circuit around the island. He was wondering how he was going to escape their fire, and not let them get the Chaos Emerald at the same time. But then, Knuckles jumped out of the craft, and (instead of running at him) ran back toward the cave. Hopefully, he'd find some way of hiding it, or destroying it. He thought no more of the odd occurance, and continued dodging the fire of the SWAT Bots. He ran beneath a series of cliffs, trying to dodge the continual bursts of plasma. However, he neglected to notice the large boulder directly above him, and hid there from the ship. It apparently didn't see him...but Knuckles did. He had ran around in front of the cave, taken a path to the other side of the island, and climbed up the cliff where the boulder was. Then, he had gotten a piece of wood, lodged it under the rock, and was waiting for the hedgehog to get in position....NOW! The boulder, after being dislodged from its resting place, raced down to the ground, making hardly a sound. When Joseph finally noticed it, it was too late. It slammed into him, and shoved him deep within the moist earth. Knuckles, of course, *knew* this had to have killed him. He cheered, did a victory dance, and rapelled down the cliff. He then stumbled out to the ship, and hopped in. Seconds later, they were both gone. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - An hour passed. The rock didn't move. A small puddle of blood was forming next to it, and it was beginning to attract various insects. The tide came in, and started to wash softly against the rock, cleansing the earth of the reddish pool. The occasional bubble began to hiss up from the wet crater, making it sound like a boiling mud pool, but instead of mud, there was hemoglobin. It looked like some sort of macabre metorite had crashed. Then, as if a geyser was forcing it away, the rock split in half, and Joseph crawled out of the hole, vomiting up sand and dirt. He felt absolutely miserable. It had taken him what seemed like aeons to charge up anouther energy in his index fingers (the only part that was touching the rock after it pushed him 2 3/4 feet underground) to start cutting the rock, and it had drained him down to 25% again. This *sucked*. He had been beaten, electrocuted, buried, crushed, burned, nearly drowned, and shot at. His energy levels had gone from 100% to 1% to 50% to 25%. It felt like a really nasty form of vixen PMS. He just wanted to charge up, teleport home, and not leave the dome for 2 weeks. As he continued to wash himself off, he began to realize how fortunate it was to be able to teleport home. Sure, he'd have to get fully charged, have to pretty high up, and his broadcasting array on his body wasn't the best, but it'd be just enough to tell Bahb to teleport him home to his own power charger. He made a mental note never, never, never EVER to take another vacation the rest of his life. At least not without a plasma shotgun. Man, he could have used one of those. He wandered back up the path to the cave. The interior of the forest looked like it had seen a world war. Trees were bent over, there was blood everywhere, and nothing dared move. He grumbled. He had lost control, and messed up this entire ecosystem for everyone. Good one, moron. Hopefully, it'd heal itself in 5 years or so, with luck. It would look a little better, anyway. Approaching the cave, it didn't look much better. He'd really beaten the tar out of that echidna here. Little red quills were sticking out of the dirt like a bad hair weave. A few teeth were also intermixed with the quills, giving the whole area the stink of death. It made him sick. He wandered into the cave, which didn't look as bad. It was only *his* blood in here, and the crystals on the walls were vaporizing it pretty quickly. He went over to the Chaos Emerald, placed his hands around it, and boosted his power back to 100%. A few repairs and a minor earthquake later (possibly caused by the Emerald's draining) pursued later, he charged himself again. Now he was back to where he was supposed to be. He hoped he wouldn't have to do that again for a long time. A few minutes later, he had left the cave and ascended the cliff where the boulder was. Looking down, he realized that it had to have nailed him really freakin' hard. The cracks in the mud looked like something you'd see on one of the three moons of this planet. A complete wreck. Thank goodness it had happened in an out-of-the-way place, or else the entire island would look like a war zone. He pointed his eyes to the rising moons. He calculated his exact location in relation to Knothole, triangulated the angle of the moonbounce, and transmitted an encrypted transporter call, with full coordinates, to his teleporter in his lab. The transmission shot to the 1st moon, bounced off of it at a 34 degree angle, and refracted to the secret reciever unit by the original crash site. It traveled from there by buried wire 1 mile down into the earth, went back up the hyperfast eribrum-doped fiberobtic backbone Joseph had strung down into the earth, and back into the dome. Bahb intercepted the transmission, decrypted it, and sent it down to the 3rd level of the Dome, the laboratory. The automatic servos began pumping, and the teleporter powered up. Joseph was then surrounded by an opaque bubble, which lifted into the air momentarily and popped, leaving no trace of either bubble or passenger. With that, Joseph left the Floating Island...a wreck. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A second or two later, he rematerialized, looking like a refugee, in the 3rd SubBasement of his home. Ahh. Home sweet home. He'd never want to leave it again. He didn't even acknoledge the computer. He hopped on the minielevator pad and went straight to the 1st level, his bedroom. Then, he plowed right into the bathroom, showered, dried off, walked back into the bedroom, laid down on the bed, and passed out. He slept for 5 days. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - But what of Knuckles and Snively? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Here," Snively said, "put this on your face. It'll heal it faster." Knuckles could only moan quietly. He hurt. "Muhguh." "Oh, stop complaining. You'll be fully healed by the time we enter Robotropolis. By now, Robotnik should be throughly crushed by the hedgehog." Before Knuckles could groan something, Snively said, "No, it wasn't that one. The one I talk about is blue. Don't worry, you'll get to meet him..." He smiled evilly. "I promise." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Epilogue - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - About 5 days later, Joseph woke back up. He mumbled as he stumbled out of bed and gave himself yet another through scrubbing. He still felt echidna quills sticking out of his back. Not only that, he'd slept for a really long time, according to his internal chronometer. He'd probably needed it. Alas, he was going to have to mine some crystal pretty soon, because he knew his energy levels weren't going to be constant for long... He got himself back to a tolorable state and went back to the surface of his home. The Dome looked especially lovely today. Bahb had made sure the windows had stayed especially clean, and the light streamed in with impunity. The entire room was warm with the power of the sun. It made him feel much better about himself, and far more vibrant-- He got an idea. Solar energy! Of course! The entire Dome was almost a perfect focusing tool; it was a massive upside down lens. All he had to do was to install another lens in the reverse direction in front of his skylight, and he could focus the rays of the sun into an extremely high-frequency energy beam. Then, he could create some sort of battery to store it, and get recharged off of the light of the Mobian sun. Just like how he powered the rest of the house! And he wouldn't have to take any more of the house's energy to do it. Quickly, he set to work on drawing up the plans for the new device, wondering what else he could use the excess energy for.... Chapter Four - Everything Changes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Timeline: A month or two after Doomsday. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - It was nearing noon over the Great Forest. The day's activities were in full swing for most of the world, and save one--nay, make that two--places, it was bathed in a glorious yellow tint from that world's local star. However, the place we shall be focusing on would soon be bathed with light as well. When the sun reached its zeinth above it, focusing mirrors would bounce an amplified beam of light off a series of mirrors and focusing devices, until the light was a tight, hard beam of energy. Then, it would be shot down from the final mirror, and hit an energy port on a certain still figure laying on a slab in the center of the area. For 3 minutes, this beam would strike the port, raising the object's energy levels back to its full capacity. Then, the mirrors would fall out of alignment, and the area would return to its normal, dim state. Seconds later, the sun reached its full height above that area of Mobius' horizon, and beams of the life-giving orb fell upon the Dome's clear skylight. The beams reflected off a series of mirrors, through a myraid of lenses, and finally struck the lifeless figure's opened abdomen. The ray crashed into a ultraefficent, recently-installed solar panel, and created gigawatts of energy within seconds. It continued like this for several minutes, gradually raising the temperature inside the glassy structure to an almost unbearable, fog-inducing high. Finally, the sun started to descend toward the other parts of Mobius, causing the beam to weaken, dim, and finally die. As the abdomen of the figure closed up, the ventilation system kicked in and started pumping the hot air out of the structure. It traveled through a long pipe along the forest floor, and finally was permitted to escape several yards away, into another glassy structure. This one, however, was rectangular, and was completely opaque. It was the size of a small hut, and appeared to have no door in or out of it. The mysterious structure released nor admitted a single particle. Its purpose is only known to Joseph, and he has yet to choose to explain its purpose to the common populace... Meanwhile, Joseph was beginning to regain his senses. His power levels were back where they should be, and the Dome had cooled off rapidly. He felt pleased with himself over the device he had constructed, and the deroboticizer was coming along nicely. So, since he had worked so hard the last few days, he decided to allow himself a day of leisure. He took a cleansing breath of the charged air, and set himself to the remainder of the pressing work that he had to accomplish before going out to `play'. Thus, after he cleaned up the public area in which he now stood of the Dome, and doing some minor body maintanence, he emerged into the warm sunlight of the forest floor. It was a lovely afternoon around Knothole, he noted. The wind was blowing toward the wreckage of Robotropolis, so one couldn't smell it. The sun shone through the forest in places, illuminating parts of the well-trod path to Knothole irratically. A few non-evolved rabbits hopped by, looking for clover or grass to eat. In the distance, he could see the secret entrance to the village, with a few Mobians lurking around it on guard duty. Smiling slightly at the rustic scene, he blasted toward the secret entrance at nearly full speed, and stopped just short of flying through it. His control over his new form was improving daily. Who knows, he thought, perhaps it was an even better form than his initial one? Meanwhile, the two guards were gradually getting used to Joseph's blazing entrances. It was usually the way he entered the village, because it was the way Sonic usually entered it. The two were becoming more alike than either of the hedgehogs would like to admit. Yet, Joseph's behavior was still more unpredictable than Sonic's...he was slightly more mature than his blue twin, and far smarter. But before either guard could muse on this topic further, the orange hedgehog nodded at them and shot through the stump with a flourish; to a lower clearing in the forest where Knothole was located. He popped out of the log, and rolled to a halt upon the pile of hay that served as a cushion for incoming Mobians. He slid off the pile and brushed himself off. Few were around the entrance had become slightly more lax since Robotropolis was mostly destroyed. The mood of the village had also become lighter, and a bit more hopeful. More roboticized citizens wandered into the Great Forest daily, and they almost all regained their free will within days...thanks to a quick hack called a `Cerebral Re-Activator' Charles and himself had created. However, the newly-reborn roboticized citizens' reaction to Joseph occasionally was not always positive, he ruefully mused. After someone that had been in the village relayed the story of Charles and Joseph to one of them, the odd cold stare could be felt creeping up his neck by a few irate roboticized citizens. They didn't dare say anything, of course--Sonic would zealously defend his new intergalactic `brother' as if he were Tails--but he could feel their hatred. He honestly couldn't blame them for it, either...his guilt was not to be purged until the deroboticizer was running, and all damaged were healed. And even then, he thought, it'd still be there, albeit weaker than before. Sighing at this, he walked toward the hub of Knothole, hoping to snag a chili dog or two off Sonic. He walked (he preferred walking within the city limits) into the town square, where Sonic was leaning against a tree, munching a chili dog. When Sonic saw Joseph wandering into the village, he waved him over to him, and tossed over a chili dog. "Yo, Joe!" he hollered, and continued to gnaw on his pork product. "Hello, Sonic," Joseph said, and started eating his. "Anything new?" "Nope, just havin' some of Unc' Chuck's chili dogs." He looked at the one which he had almost completed, and sighed. "Mmm, I didn't know how much I missed these--" He polished that one off in a single motion, and began eating the other, half-eaten, one. "--chili dogs." Joseph nodded. He sometimes envied Sonic's simple approach to life; running fast, thwarting `badniks', eating chili dogs, and pursuing the mutual affection of the Princess. No guilt, no internal demons gnawing on his soul about someone else's mistakes, no constant, nagging feeling that he's going to fail miserably, or that one of his mistakes could destroy the entire world. No loneliness, no yearning for a home that was annhilated centuries ago, or even one pang of misery from the cold looks of a roboticized citizen that would make his eyes sting from woe. Just speed, heroism, and the fufillment of carnal desires. Oh, how that life appealed to him! He wished he could just return to nature; go feral, live in the woods, eat berries...but, alas, his new form demanded technology to survive. He was no longer a simple organic construct, he was the last remaining creation of his father, his world, his entire culture...he might as well wish for a purple sky instead of wishing to escape the technological plague that his mind, body, and soul were infected with. Both were about as likely! It didn't stop him from wishing, tho. That's all he had; hope, wishes, and dim memories and the collected knowledge of a world that nobody could ever see, ever again. He actively despised the last part, especially. If he was just blind to what had happened, and was just a rogue being crusing the galaxy for cheap beer and cheaper women, his soul would be far purer. But the knowledge made his soul blacker than night. The evils that his world had perpetrated, the curses they had heaped upon themselves...they laid only on his shoulders now. It was his only inheritance. At night, he looked for the star that Ur'thae used to orbit, and waited patiently for the one moment when the light of the explosion would finally reach Mobius. Only then would he believe it was actually gone. He didn't want to believe it was dust...he so wanted to blame the live body of his father for this, just to get the hatred away from him. But his father was dead, as was his world. He was the only target left for Mobius' anger, so he would take it all upon himself. He was glad his father couldn't see this world now-- "Joe! Snap out of it!" Joseph returned to his normal mental state. "Sorry," he embarrassedly said, "I was thinking about something." "You think too much." was Sonic's reply. "Yes," Joseph said, "I do." Sonic kept eating his chili dog. "Anyway, nothin's up now." He smirked. "It's just another boring day in Paradise." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meanwhile, in the smouldering wreckage of Robotroplis: Snively flew around the perimeter of Robotropolis in Robotnik's hovercraft (which gave him a great deal of satisfaction) assessing the progress of the reconstruction of Robotropolis. For the most part, the progress was positive; without bothering to rebuild all the useless, smoke-belching factories, and only rebuilding the essential parts of Robotropolis, the reconstruction would only take another 6 months or so. SWATBot production was up, so soon regular patrols could start again. However, Snively was becoming progressively more irritated with the lack of Worker-Bots remaining to do the menial work of Robotropolis. Apparently, most of them were simply wandering off into the Great Forest. Also, a good portion were being abducted by Freedom Fighters. This was really beginning to bother him, because he was forced to call in other platoons of Worker-Bots from other installations all over the planet. If this kept up, soon Mobius would be liberated from sheer lack of an occupying force. But Snively let not this bring him down. After all, he was Snively the Great, Ruler of Robotropolis, Conqueror of Mobius, Master of All He Surveyed! No problem could hold *him* back for long. He'd just think of a way around it! He laughed fiendishly. And soon, he'd destroy the Freedom Fighters once and for all! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Back in Knothole: Sonic and Joseph were leaning against a tree, and they were up to about their 4th chili dog each when Charles walked over to them and greeted them. "Hello, boys," Charles' metallic voice spoke, as he took a seat on a nearby stump. "What are you up to today?" Sonic shrugged. "Not much, Unc. I'm chillin' until Sal needs me for somethin'. Maybe I'll get to go to ex-'BUTT-nikland to kick some more SWATBot tail!" Charles smiled. "Son, at the rate you kick 'Bot butt, we're not going to have a single one left standing for target practice." "I know! Isn't that Way Past Cool?!" Charles laughed. "Yes, Sonic, it is." He turned toward Joseph as Sonic started into another chili dog. "How about you, lad? Are you just going to take a break should, considering you haven't left that dome in 2 weeks." The metallic hedgehog smirked. "I'm surprised you haven't discovered the secrets of the universe yet; you've not stopped work in all this time to go out and relax." "I'm not quite the vacationing type," smirked Joseph, "and besides," He regained a more serious expression. "it's important to all of Mobius that I perfect this device. Then, Robotnik will truely be dead." "Well," said Charles, "give yourself SOME time to relax. We don't want you to have a nervous breakdown or anything like that. We do have a good chunk of time left for you and I to work in." Joseph nodded somberly. "It's as much for your benefit as it is mine." Charles understood this silently. "Look, just don't work yourself to death." He smirked. "You're the other resident expert on the roboticizing process, so stay alive long enough to finish the deroboticizer, okay?" Joseph chuckled. "Okay, okay, I get the idea." Sonic chose then to complete his dog. After gulping it down, he said, "Anyway, how're you doing, Unc?" "Me? Oh, I'm fine. I just completed work on the Cerebral Re-Activator Ray--something I had in the works after Joseph and I completed the nonmobile chamber--and it should greatly raise the number of roboticized citizens we're able to return here. All you have to do is make sure the beam hits the head of the target, and their mind will override the programming Robotnik put in them." He smirked. "And I'll have it in the stores by Christmas." Sonic smiled. "Way Past Cool, Unc! That'll make Sal happy." Joseph nodded. "Affirmative. That will really be a big help." Charles bowed. "I try." Then, Bunnie wandered over from a nearby hut. "Hi, sugahhogs!" she shouted, and hopped over to the tree. "Anythin' new?" Whenever Joseph looked at Bunnie--ever since he learned of the true nature of the roboticizer, that is--he always felt a pang of sorrow for the damaged rabbit. Her body had been cursed with those ugly steel limbs, yet she continued to be as she always had been. His awe of her sheer will to be happy was only exceeded by his shock of her lack of external bitterness toward her life. She was a survivor, and she still considered herself (publicily, anyway) beautiful...yet, Joseph could not help but feel a dagger plunged into his psyche from the sight of her. He knew it wasn't his fault for any of this, but he still felt responsible...she was one of the main reasons he worked so hard on the deroboticizer. It was one thing to see someone who was totally roboticized: at least that person had lost all of their external links to nature. But Bunnie still was warm to the touch, still had sparkling blue eyes to admire the world with...and a steel arm to touch things with, and metal legs to walk across it. He felt that she was a metaphor for Mobius; damaged, sick from the contaminants that seeped into her; yet still strong and determined to be well again. Sonic shook his head. "Nope." He smirked. "The metalheads are just talkin' shop." Charles and Joseph laughed. "That we are," said Joseph, suddenly breaking from his internal anguish. Bunnie smiled. "Well, god forbid Ah keep y'all from yaur work." Joseph shrugged. "Well, we're not accomplishing a whole lot now." He smiled at her. "How are you doing? Are you doing anything interesting?" "Nah," she said, "Ah'm jus' killing tahm until Sal needs muh." She looked around a bit. "It's a slow day in Knothole today, sugah. Nuthin's gonna happen 'til tonight, when we'll get s'more people outa Robo-tropolis." Joseph raised an eyebrow. "There's gonna be a mission tonight?" Bunnie bemusedly looked at him. "Yah, sugah, there's been a mission ev'ry night. Didn'--" Then, she realized something. "Oh yah, you've been inside the whole time. You wouldn' know." While Joseph mulled this over, Charles broke into the conversation. He smiled, and said, "Excellent. Now my new device can be tested!" Before Bunnie could ask, Charles explained what he had made. "Y'all better tell Sal about that, sugah." She waved to Sonic and Joseph, and took Charles by the hand. "She's planning the mission now," she said, "So c'mon, let's go." She dragged the disoriented Charles off to see the Princess, while Sonic and Joe looked on. "Well," Sonic said, "if that thing works, it'll be Way Past Cool! No more dragging spastic 'bots back to Knothole!" Joseph nodded, and smiled. "It'll certainly save you a lot of time." "I hope so," he said, "Joe, how I hope so." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Snively sat down in the large green chair that was the main piece of furniture in the control center. He observed the various screens that displayed live video of areas all over Robotropolis, not to mention Mobius itself. It looked quiet today; the Freedom Fighters still only became overtly active at night. He pushed some buttons, and reveled in the fact he was sitting in Robotnik's chair. He spun it around a few times to gloat. After growing tired of that, he talked into the intercom. "Attention all SWATBots!" he piped, "roboticize all remaining prisoners, and send them to work in Sectors 5A, 6G, and 436A-5." A metallic voice on the other side acknoledged his transmission. He smirked evilly. "And do it slowly." A quiet beep was heard from the speaker, and it fell silent. Satisfied with that, he thought of other things he needed to do that day. He had covered Robotnik's usual itinerary; He'd surveyed the landsdscape, ordered the daily robotization, had lunch, sneered at the Great Forest, brooded about the domination of Mobius, and abused a SWATBot. The Worker-Bots and SWATBots were able to handle the actual repairs by themselves, and the refinaries would do just fine without any Sniv-intervention for a year. He sighed, as bored badniks are wont to on occasions such as these. What to do, what to do... Then, his eyes brightened as he realized what he could do to pass the time. He walked over to a R&D laboratory close by to the Control Center. He entered it, and gazed upon an object he was keeping in here for its own good. A Worker-Bot on the far side of Mobius, while in a crystal mine, hit the large stone while trying to dig out a particularly tenacious formation. It broke the pickaxe on contact. So, following its programming, it called over a SWATBot for assistance. It blasted the stone out, and when it could not determine its nature, sent it to Robotropolis a few days after Doomsday had miserably failed ( expected). Since then, Snively was trying to figure out exactly how this stone, the Amber Chaos Emerald, worked. He decided against trying to make it power Robotropolis...Robotnik had tried something similar once, and Snively thus reasoned that that course of action would be suicide until the Freedom Fighters could be eliminated; they would notice the sudden lack of smoke being belched out of the city, and go to in to investigate, and then they'd find some way of stealing the emerald from him. So, he decided to pick a less obvious use for the emerald, yet one totally predicitable to any individual familiar with Snively's mind: convert it into a weapon that could destroy the Great Forest, and reveal Knothole. However, this course of action was mysteriously difficult to accomplish. The Emerald Ray would destroy non-natural things completely; SWATBots, Worker-Bots, garbage, anything that was manufactured. But if it was fired at a tree, or a small animal, it'd heal it and make it stronger. That annoyed him to no end. But, he was determined to bend the emerald to his will, no matter how difficult it would be to do so. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The sun was beginning to set, which signaled Knothole to begin to prepare for the night's activities. The Mobian village put away its things from the day's work, ate its dinner, and cleaned up everything else before preparing for a restful sleep. Everyone, that is, but the Freedom Fighters who were about to go out for a night's mission. Sonic, Sally, Antoine, Charles, Dulcy and Bunnie were standing around the updated holographic depiction of Robotropolis, planning their route in and out in order to get as many people out as they could in a night. The Cerebral Re-Activator Ray dramatically increased this number, so they figured on getting (at the least) about 20-25 people out that night. While they were discussing their plans, Joseph sat outside the hut, silently listening to their plans. He'd never been on a mission, and he always had wondered how one had been organized. Quite well, by his observations. Maybe they'd ask him to tag along one day... He heard movement in the hut, and disappeared up a tree. Using his martial arts training, he slipped into the shadows without a sound. Sonic was the first to emerge. "I'm gonna bag a ring, Sal," he said into the hut, and ran off to the Power Ring Pool. A few seconds after he left, the rest of the Knothole crew went outside the hut. They divided into teams, and the leader of each team recieved a pistol to zap roboticized citizens with. A second later, Sonic arrived with his ring. "Charles, you're with Antoine," Sally said, "and Bunnie, you're with me. Sonic will provide the diversion, and we'll ship the roboticized citizens out on you, Dulcy." She looked at the dragon. "Do you remember the rendezvous point, Dulcy?" The dragon nodded. "Good." She took another deep breath. "The last ride out is at 00:00, at the predetermined rendevous point." She looked at her watch. "Okay, sync your watches at!" A round of beeping later, everyone had the same time. "Everyone ready?" A round of nodding. "Okay, everyone on Dulcy but Sonic." They boarded the dragon. "Sonic, you rem--" "Like the recipe for Unc Chuck's chili dogs, Sal." Sally smirked. "Then go!" Sonic, with a wink and a flourish, took off toward Robotropolis. After waiting a minute or two, Dulcy got a running start, and also took off toward Robotropolis. After they had left, Joseph lept out of the tree, and landed quietly on the ground. He vaguely considered going home, and waiting for them to return, which would be what a logical, rational person would do. But, for some reason, he had a yearning to pursue them. He wanted to kick 'bot butt as well. (Such feelings were becoming more common as the hedgehog DNA began to sink deeper in to his genetic makeup.) He pondered for about 5 minutes, but finally snapped. He was going to follow them. But he wouldn't interfere; he'd watch from a distance cloaked. To study Mobian guerilla warfare. That's it. He would *study* them. It wasn't tagging along when he was forbidden to, it was science! He checked Bahb's energy levels. Once he was sure they were up to 100%, he took off toward Robotropolis as well. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Snivley stared into the control center's screens. So far, the Freedom Fighters hadn't shown up for the night's attempt at freeing Worker-Bots. He had, like he had done for the last several nights, dedicated himself to killing them all tonight. He put Robotropolis on full alert, and had his aerial forces circling the perimeter, as usual. There would be no mistakes tonight. I(vos)H(yper)A(c)T(iv)ET(rackerof)H(e)AT(fromthe)HEDGEHOG (Robotnik's last joke. The acronym is I.HATE.THAT.HEDGEHOG. He always did make really, REALLY stupid jokes, Sniv thought.) radar beeped, detecting Sonic roaring in to start the eternal diversion. Sniv wondered what he'd hit tonight. He was running out of things to destroy...Robotropolis wasn't much now to begin with. The lazer fire he heard, and the SWATBot calls for backup seemed to denote that Sonic was assulting one of their primary refineries again. Snively growled. He either let the hedgehog weaken Robotropolis further by destroying the refinary, or let the hedgehog weaken Robotropolis further by his abduction of Worker-Bots. Snively was beginning to DESPISE these Catch-22s. Resources for SWATBot production was going from 300% to 500% tomorrow, he vowed annoyedly. Then, Snively angrily activated the intercom. "Attention all SWATBots! Hedgehog alert! Report to Refinery 24-A!" he bellowed, "AND SHOOT TO KILL!" Snively realized that this was going to leave the Worker-Bots in Sectors G, H, and I unguarded and ripe for FF attack. But the refinery was more important to Sniv, so he forced himself to tolorate the FF damage of his labor force. (Needlenose isn't the brightest bulb in the box, y'know.) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sonic raced through the refinary, smashing the hell out of anything that looked fragile or important. Dodging SWATBot fire, he swerved to and fro inside the building, spin-dashing through the metallic menaces. It would normally take him maybe 5 minutes to totally disable one of these establishments, but he needed to buy lots of time for the rest of the FFs who were rescuing citizens. So, he simply continued to race back and forth irratically, damaging and destroying as much stuff as he could. Meanwhile, the first 5 people they were able to grab and zap were loaded onto Dulcy, and were flown back to the Great Forest as fast as Dulcy could manage. They were disoriented, but they got themselves together enough to hang on to the dragon for dear life. Joseph was watching the whole scene from a safe distance on the eastern limits of Robotropolis. He'd tapped into the security system, and was getting a Sniv's-eye view of what was happening. (He was also blanking certain screens at random times, so to make it appear like simple technical problems as a result of Doomsday, to keep Sniv from knowing where the FFs were...but it wasn't directly hurting anything, so it was okay!) It appeared to Joseph that what Sonic had told him about Snively was correct. He was a freakin' moron. He was concentrating a majority of his forces in one localized area to fight one Freedom Fighter from destroying something that would be vital in the short-term; while the majority of the Freedom Fighters were all over Robotropolis, taking a resource away that would be vital for the long-term survival of Robotropolis. His brother would have a cerebral hemorrhage from watching this. Joseph smiled when he thought of his brother. Jhack was a big, tough high-ranking member of the warrior caste, a master of all things tactical. He always kicked Joseph's butt in jed'ar (a game similiar to chess). He would have loved to watch this conflict unfold; it was a classic example of unconventional warfare toppling a conventional regime. He missed him sometimes. Sighing, he went back to watching the chaos unfold... Then, he noticed something. There were no SWATBots around the Command Center. Nary a one. They were all either at the Refinary, or guarding the prison blocks. Sniv left his front door wide open, but locked the back! Quickly, Joseph debated how to utilize this information. Should he sneak into it and directly sabotage the command center, and risk capture, or should he try and tell someone else? He shook his head. No, telling someone else would endanger the mission. If anything was to be done, he'd have to do it himself. What to do... He took a 25 Mobium coin from the side of his boot. He examined it. The side he was looking at had a grim-faced King Acorn on it, with some writing along the side. "Heads, I go, tails, I don't." He flipped the coin, and caught it in midair. He opened his hand; heads. He smiled. "Very well, I go." He quickly removed all evidence he had ever been there, threw the coin over his shoulder, and stealthily stalked toward the egg-shaped Command Center. The coin flipped over again when it hit the ground; on that side, Acorn was smiling. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sonic was beginning to tire of bouncing off the refinary walls. He was not only running out of things to smash, but the whole thing was getting old. He just wanted to trash the damn thing, and move on to something more interesting. But what? This was the only distraction Sally had given him. He didn't know what other targets to hit. There wasn't much left! Then, it occurred to him that he could drag all the SWATBots into the center of 'BUTT-nikville by attacking the control center. Then, the rest of the place would be nearly empty, and Sal could grab LOTS of guys and gals. He was rather pleased with himself for thinking at such a supersonic pace. So, the next pass by the control room, instead of blasting past it, he blasted into it. This bought him a few precious seconds while he pressed every button in the room, pulled every switch, and generally started trashing the place. Alarms upon alarms went off as the entire plant went critical. "WARNING! AUTODESTRUCT MODE ENGAGED! 30 SECONDS UNTIL AUTODESTRUCT. 29. 28. 27. 26. 25...." Sonic took that cue to juice on outa there. He engaged a little bit of power ring, and left a deafening sonic boom to be the harbringer of the larger orange-yellow explosion seconds later. Snively went spastic. Now not only had the Freedom Fighters gotten several more Worker-Bots than usual out of Robotropolis, his favorite refinary was totally destroyed. He screamed and pounded his fists against the chair, a la Robotnik. "I HATE THAT HEDGEHOG!!" he hollered as he ordered every resource he had available to stop the hedgehog from escaping. But meanwhile... Joseph approached the central entrance point for the egg-shaped control center. As more SWATBots streamed out of it, he quickly snuck in against the flow of traffic and got past the 'bot dispatch point without a hitch. Sniv was too irate at the recent destruction of some installation he liked to put up floating spybots inside his own inner sanctum. Joseph took this as a good omen, and traversed his way up the access stairs. After walking for a few minutes (and hiding from a few SWATBots that were rapidly streaming down the stairs as well) up the stairs, he finally came to the outer fringes of Sniv' innermost sancti sanctum. This was obviously where all the really important stuff was. Various sensitive and fragile computers were hidden all the way up here, not to mention Sniv's R&D labs. He was really losing a lot of respect for Needlenose. And since he didn't have a lot to begin with, that's saying something. He walked into the center of the room, and observed some monitors. Ooohing at the stuff he saw, he extended his dataspike from his right arm and started downloading all of it. After an incredibly short period of time, he got it all. 200 virus checks later (2 seconds), he compiled it and mulled over the information. The latest version of the roboticizer software, plans for everything Robotropolis had, locations of bases, codes, everything Sniv didn't want anyone to know about he had. Joseph cackled quietly. This would certainly be useful--he heard a noise. Quickly, he hid behind a pile of old boxes, and waited to see who drew near... Snively stomped down the stairs, and rushed into his R&D room. He *thought* he heard the sound of rapid downloading, but there was obviously nobody there. Quickly, he ran to the back of the room to fetch his Emerald Ray. He kicked some boxes out of the way as he reached the zero-energy field in which he kept it--a shadow--he turned to look behind the pile... ^L Nothing. Sniv shuddered. He must be so angry, he thought, his mind was starting to play tricks on him. He took a breath, and took the gun from the field. He wanted to be sure that he had it with him if the hedgehog tried to attack him tonight, and he believed he'd figured out how to make it kill. He didn't know, tho, but he didn't want to have it laying out, anyway. He rushed out of the room and shot back upstairs to the central control center, beginning to snarl somethin' fierce. After he had left, Joseph cautiously poked his head out. Sniv had taken some sort of weapon from the far side of the room, and rushed back upstairs. Obviously, it was meant to attack Sonic with. He hoped he'd be able to evade it once Sniv started pursuing Sonic actively. Either way, he had what he basically needed. Now, he'd just set up a nice cat's-cradle program within the Robotropolis computer system OS, and... "RED ALERT! RED ALERT! HEDGEHOG PRIORITY ONE!" Alarms! Had he been discovered? Arrgh! He had no time left now. Quickly, he looked around for an exit. He couldn't take the door--footsteps! Shit! He spotted a vent and jumped up and through it, closing it behind him. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - But it was not Joseph that set off the alarms. It was the first Mobius-biased Freedom Fighter hedgehog, Sonic, who set off the alarms. He managed to set off every alarm system that Sniv had downstairs, calling every SWATBot in Robotropolis back home to defend it from the blue blaze of vengence that was Sonic. He started his usual smash-and-run technique there, attempting to take down the central Robotropolis SWATBot dispatch grid, the food machines, and anything else that looked somewhat valuable. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - But Snivley knew the alarms to be the work of the hedgehog. Immediately, he rushed down the stairs, through his lab, and to a secret minihangar. There, Snivley kept *his* new pride-and-joy, Robotnik's old hovercraft. He'd dug it out of the wreckage, and refurnished it himself. It looked as good as new, and now he'd add one more accessory to it; his (hopefully) new Emerald Death Ray. He slapped the turret into place in front of the hovercraft, and jumped inside of it. Wasting no time, he started the formitable craft and blasted out through a nearby wall. The unexpected explosion was felt all over the remains of Robotropolis. When the Freedom Fighters spotted the hovercraft, several of the weaker-hearted (namely, Antoine) quickly panicked. "Aaaa!! It is zee Robotnik! Ze has come back from ze dead to make us dead like heem! Aaaaa!" Charles didn't even try to calm him down. "Run!" shouted Sir Charles, and took the petrified Antoine by the paw as the remainder of the rescued roboticized bretheren followed suit. Meanwhile, Sonic rushed out of the building, dodging some irksome SWATBot fire, and was observing the hovership's flight path. He was apparently circling the center of Robotropolis, looking for where the hedgehog might have hidden. He quickly came to the conclusion that he'd give the ship something to look for. He rushed over to the center of the street, and started yelling. "HEY, NEEDLENOSE!" he yowled from the streets below, "YEAH, YOU IN RO-CLUCKNIK'S RIDE!" This sucessfully got Snively's attention. "PREPARE TO DIE, HEDGEHOG!" he bellowed, and started firing amber beams down upon him. "Uh-oh." Sonic thought, and swiftly began swerving through the center of Robotropolis to avoid the beams. "Stand still!" Snively muttered as he continued aiming, firing, and missing the hedgehog. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph was watching the battle unfold from inside the intake vent for the Control Center, high up on the remains of the `roof' (if an egg-shaped structure can have a `roof'). He had noted that even though Snively believed he was weaving around as irratically as the hedgehog, he passed through a certain area of space every few seconds or so. Joseph was working on refining the exact target area, and was beginning to time his envelope so he'd know when! Snively had passed through a section of space every 2.3 minutes. In another 2.3 minutes, he'd be there again, and then would be the time Joseph would enact his plan. He watched silently from his perch, continuing to watch the battle unnoticed. Sonic was irritating Snively rather efficiently. Apparently, whatever sort of `ray' he was using was constantly missing the hedgehog, and he was making sure Snively knew it. "HEY SNOTLEY! NICE AIM!" "YOU WILL EAT THOSE WORDS, HEDGEHOG!" And then another barrage of firing from the hovercraft, even more badly aimed than the first. He prepared himself to enact his plan. 30 seconds. 20. 10...9..... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - At the exact moment Snively first entered an area directly below Joseph's vent, he jumped into the hovercraft, taking the repugnant imp by surprise! With a smooth movement, Joseph grabbed Snively by the neck, and started throttling him. "Die, you hideous excuse for a semi-evolved simian!" he shouted into Snively's ears, and attempted to take control of the craft. But Snively didn't fight fair. (Or well.) He kicked at the hedgehog's stomach, only to fracture a few toes on the android's chestplate. Yelling in agony, he pulled a small dirk from his belt, and tried to shove it through the hedgehog's armpit. It penetrated it, but didn't even seem to slow the creature down...then he got a good look at him, and then that's when he really became frightened. He looked like Sonic's body double, aside from the bright silver eyes. Also, the hedgehog didn't look like he took prisoners. After a quick assessment of the mood of his attacker, he came to the conclusion that he was about to-- Joseph knocked the little rodent out with a single punch. He tore the knife from his armpit, and threw it out the window. Now, while trying to regain control of the odd craft, he was also attempting to disarm the strange weapon, which seemed to be approaching overload levels. Apparently, whatever this thing was powered by, it was too much to be withheld by the weapon for very long, once it was fired up. He feared it was going to explode, and he was still far too high up to jump--he quickly pulled hard to the right, barely missing a tall buidling. He was still too high to jump, and he didn't know how powerful the power source was. As he fumbled around with the access port for the fuel cell, he mused what Sniv could have found that was so powerful? Some sort of radioactive isotope? Alien technology? Perhaps a Keld'yrian had lost something again... All this time, Sonic had been hanging out, watching the aerial battle. He was surprised to see his `brother' here, but he was glad he'd shown up. Joe'd given Snotley the pounding of his life. And soon, he'd just bring the ship down to Mobius, and then they'd REALLY have him... He finally fumbled with a octogon-shaped thing, and quickly removed it from the gun. He threw the powerless weapon off the ship, and tossed the stone casually into the back seat, not bothering to examine it (steering a unfamiliar ship tends to discourage scientific discovery), and continued to attempt to regain control of Robotnik's round hovership. He tried to make it go lower by cutting the power, but all that suceeded in doing was make the ship slow down. That wasn't the effect he'd desired, but at least he could concentrate on the altitude control. As he fiddled with the lever, he realized he was now drifing around on the eastern outskirts of Robotropolis. He was rather surprised. This vehicle travelled rather quickly. It must be the lack of its usual load. He snickered at his joke. Robotnik must have needed a whole lotta thrust to move this thing, he pondered, and took the lever in his hand. Then, taking a breath, he began to slowly pull the lever down... While Joseph had been trying to regain control, Snively had slowly regained consciousness, and gradually came to the conclusion that this passenger was not wanted in his hovership. Reaching silently under the seat as the craft started to come to a halt, he pulled out a short pipe Robotnik had kept under the seat to club things with if they came too close to him in flight. With a slow, purposeful movement, he raised the club above his head, and swung just as Joseph was starting to lower the ship slowly to the ground. The impact from the club didn't hurt Joseph as much as it surprised him. The metallic `thud' from the club attempting to damage his right lobe did, however, make his teeth rattle unpleasantly. He fell forward from the blow, suddenly sending the small ship on a course straight up into the sky. As it rocketed upwards, it began exerting strong g-forces against the contents of the craft. Snively, being a runty little weakling, was immediately forced to the floor of the craft after the second g, while Joseph (being an android and having more resistance to such things) merely readjusted his stance a bit, and desperately tried to regain control of the reddish blur before it entered a low Mobius orbit. Sonic watched the ship bob downwards, stop, and then scream up into the upper stratasphere. Needless to say, this surprised him. Obviously, Joe wasn't the world's greatest pilot. Or maybe he was going to fly all the way up there to drop Snively, or--lazer fire from behind him. Uh-oh. The SWATBots had wised up, and now had figured out where he was. He quickly poured on some speed, and raced away from the area, hoping to buy Joe some time... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - With a small degree of difficulty, he stuck out his hand and took hold of the lever. Not wanting to be thrown out of the craft, he slowly started to pull it back down; and slowly, the ship began to stop. It came to a halt again near the center of the lever's pull-area, to just about the limit of the Mobian atmosphere. Taking the opportunity to relax, seeing that Snively was too weak at this height above Mobius to put up any sort of a fight, Joseph looked up to note this unique perspective. He could see the darker areas with almost no ozone above it from the lighter, bluish areas that had a higher level. It was odd to observe such a thing; one comes to believe after long examinations of the sky on a clear day that the sky seems to be an impervious bubble from which the rest of the universe is seperated. But, he thought, as one gets closer to the fringe of the atmosphere, one can see the small gaps that are formed as air currents cause the air to flow around in erratic patterns, leaving for minutes at a time small holes in the atmosphere; yet, from the ground, the sky always appears to be a solid blue bubble. It brought to mind a proverb his grandfather had taught him... "Even the strongest wall has a hole." He waved his hand around in the small, black gap. "A hole." he logically said, and exhaled a breath into the hole, filling it. "Filled." After looking into the sky some more, he decided to return to a more Snively-compatible altitude, before the now quite-cold and weak human went and died. He was sure that Sonic could figure out what to do with him. Probably put him on trial and lynch him, or maybe throw him in Ironlock. Either way, it was an affair of state, so he'd try to stay out of it. He was probably in enough trouble as it was going off to Robotropolis without telling anyone. Ruing Sally's potential wrath, Joseph pulled the lever slowly back, and gradually brought the hovership back closer to Mobius. As he got nearer to the blackish cloud above Robotropolis, Snively began coughing himself back to consciousness. As he entered the murky depths of the pollution cloud, all vision became temporarily obscured. After penetrating the center of the cloud, Snively gasped out a few words. "Where... *cough* are you tak-- *cough* ing me?" "You're going back to Robotropolis, Snively." "*cough* Huh? *cough*" "Yeah, you're going back to Robotropolis, and Sonic is going to decide what to do to you next." The ship broke through the cloud, and the air slowly began to clear up. They were still high above the tops of the buildings, tho, but they could now both see each other clearly. "The hedgehog won't have the chance to. My SWATBots will finish him before we even hit the ground!" "Oh, really?" Joseph snarled, and grabbed Sniv's green collar. "I don't think so, Snotley." He lifted the protesting Snively outside the hovercraft. "You're going to call off your marauding SWATBot armies right now." He grabbed the microphone for the com-unit with his other free hand, and shoved it into Snively's face. "Aren't you?" Searching for any sort of retort, Snively could only gasp. After a second of hanging precariously over the ground, tho, he finally stuttered, "Att-t-tention all SWATBots!! Cease Priority One pursuit and await further orders!" Joseph clicked the microphone off. "Good work, monkey. Perhaps we'll keep you around to read commercials." Snively could only stare blackly at his obnoxious orange opponent of his overtaking of Mobius. "Now, stop squirming around, or I'll save Sonic the trouble and snap your neck right here." The human stopped wiggling. "Good." The ship finally came to a slow halt 3 inches above a stretch of road somewhere within the center of Robotropolis. Joseph dragged the whining Snively back into the ship, and took him with him as he dehovercrafted out the other side. Looking around, he realized that it was almost time for the Freedom Fighters present to go to the rendezvous point on the outskirts of town, and then return to Knothole for the night. Quickly, he realized he'd have to get their attention in order to bring them back here. So, he shook Snively again. "Flares! I need a flare gun! Now!" Snively quickly gesticulated to the glove compartment, where there was a loaded, largish flare gun. Joseph quickly grabbed it, and fired the device into the air. It shot into the sky, and into a bank of explosive gas that one of the factories had recently set off. The ignited phosphorous in the flare reacted with the various methanes in the cloud, and created a large explosion that quickly became a massive one. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meanwhile, Sonic and the rest of the Freedom Fighters had assembled with a large group of recently renewed roboticized Mobian citizens. Sonic was attempting to explain what had happened to him as quickly as possible. "...and then, Joe comes flyin' off the roof of Sniv's command center, right?! He must've said something cool like me, and done some of that wicked kung-fu stuff he does, 'cuz Sniv went down for the count in a Sonic Second! Then, he starts joyriding in 'BUTT-nik's hovercraft, and was tryin' to land but Snotley musta done somethin' 'cuz Joe fell forward and hit some lever and then the ship went screamin' up, up, Way Past Up into the sky, right about--" and just as he pointed to where it went up, a small flare went up into a small cloud. Within seconds, the whole sky seemed to be on fire. "--there." "He must be in trouble!" Sally said, "Sonic, go--" When Sonic heard the word `go', he figured out the rest for himself. Quickly (which is the way he did most things), he took out a power ring and ultra-juiced toward the center of Robotropolis. As he entered Robotropolis, the usual entourage of SWATBots arrived, and began chase. Normally, he'd be pelted by lazer fire, but this time they only followed him. Sonic found this odd, naturally, and came to a temporary stop a few blocks from the flare's origin. The SWATBots came to a halt about 30 feet away, and floated in mid-air omniously. They stared at each other for a few moments. Then, Sonic broke the silence. "Hey, bucketheads! Why don't you shoot me?! I'm the Hedgehog Priority One! Your JOB is to shoot me!" The SWATBots looked at each other for a few moments, obviously relaying information back and forth. Then, the bot on the pursuit module closest to him said, "Snively has overrode our programming, and has ordered all units to pursue, but not damage or terminate Hedgehog Priority One." Sonic looked puzzled. "Why?" "Unknown," the 'bot said. "Way Past Weird," Sonic thought, "maybe Snively's captured Joseph, and wants me as ransom." With that, Sonic took off again, toward the center of Robotropolis. A second later, the 'bots took off after him. Joseph was beating Snively's head against a wall to sedate him when Sonic arrived seconds later, being trailed by the oddly non-violent SWATBots. Sonic's view of the situation changed rapidly after that. "Yo, Joe!" he shouted, and ran closer to the orange doppleganger. Joseph stopped clobbering Snively for a moment, and allowed his stunned body to slump to the ground. "Hey, Sonic." Sonic looked at Joseph, then at Snively. "I see you've been busy," Sonic smirked, "but you didn't leave a lot for me to play with!" Joseph shrugged. "The opportunity presented itself, so I seized it." Sonic kicked Snively lightly in the chest, which didn't seem to phase him. "Looks like he's just about ready to die." "You want to do the honors, Sonic?" "Huh?" "Do you," Joseph plainly spoke, "want to finish him off?" Sonic looked at Joseph strangely. "You mean..." "Kill him. Yes." Sonic's face went blank as he considered this. If he killed Snively, it would finally put an end to all of Robotnik's legacy in one blow. No more roboticized people. No more pointless deaths. The world could be beautiful and clean again. Joseph would make a deroboticizer, Uncle Chuck and Bunnie and everyone else would be well again, and they'd find a way to bring back King Acorn. And everything would be beautiful and clean again. But Sonic had never killed anything before. He didn't think he could.... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - He remembered when he was a young hedgehog, and he'd built a small rabbit trap. He'd built it because he'd overheard Uncle Chuck complaining to one of his friends about how rabbits kept getting through the fence he'd built somehow, and eating his produce. So, Sonic decided he'd make Unc Chuck proud of him, and kill the rabbit that kept getting in the next time it tried. He thought of the proper way of constructing such a trap, collected enough stuff to make it out of, and snuck into Uncle Chuck's workshop to build it. He'd been proud of that trap, he recalled, and he'd tested it throughly to be sure it'd work. It was a small wooden cage, held together with bits of twine. The front of it opened up with hinges, and a small stick would hold it up. A little piece of string could then be attached to it, and close the cage. In retrospect, it was a pathetic, primitive device, but it did the job... He'd set it out in the back yard, in the middle of the garden. In it, he'd put a carrot, covered with a layer of peanut butter. (Uncle Chuck had told him once that small animals loved the taste of it, so Sonic put it on as additional `bait'.) Then, he covered the string with a thin layer of dirt, so to be sure the animal couldn't see it, and hid in a bush. About 15 minutes later, the rabbit hopped into the yard. It sniffed around, nibbled on some lettuce, and then noticed the peanut-butter carrot. As planned, it hopped into the cage. The second it was all the way in, he pulled the rope, and closed the cage. The rabbit frantically tried to push its way out, but it was far too weak to push open the door. Sonic cheered upon capturing the rabbit. Uncle Chuck would be so proud of him! He'd get a few extra chili dogs for this! But, he thought, he'd have to finish the job. So, he found a large rock that would eclipse the cage, and difficultly picked it up. By slowly walking toward the cage, he was able to keep the rock above his head so to more easily smash the rabbit. He finally arrived close enough to the cage to see the rabbit. The pathetic look in its eyes drained Sonic of its resolve. No matter how much vegetables it had eaten, Sonic had thought, it didn't deserve to die for it. He just threw the rock in the opposite direction, toward a small creek, and ran away from the cage. A minute or two later, he was able to find Uncle Chuck at the chili dog stand. He waited until he was done serving a customer, and then explained the situation to him. Oddly enough, Charles had said, "Sonic, I'm proud of you for not killing that rabbit." Sonic blinked. "I don't get it, Uncle Chuck. Why? I chickened out. I choked." Charles put his hand on his shoulder. "Sonic, you didn't kill that rabbit not because you're not brave, you didn't because you felt it was wrong. Your conscience told you not to, because you know it is wrong to kill. That's not a bad thing. In fact, it's good. If more people were like you, Mobius would be a perfect world." "Really?" Sonic said. "Yes." And then, Uncle Chuck gave him a hug, and they walked back to his garden. Charles picked up the cage (after commenting on its handiwork positively) and wandered over to a neighbors' house and borrowed a small burlap bag. Then, he carefully dropped the contents of the cage into the bag, and put the wooden construction down. After that, he signaled for a PeaceBot via a special watch he had on his arm for that purpose, and gave it some very specific instructions on what to do with it. The PeaceBot beeped in compliance, took the bag carefully, and zipped off to parts unknown. He'd remembered hearing Uncle Chuck tell him later that the rabbit was released on a different part of Mobius, where it wouldn't eat anyone's garden up. He smiled when he remembered that Uncle Chuck had always been proud of him for never killing anything, and that he'd promised never to... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - But, if he didn't kill Snively, he could escape from whereever they'd put him, and return to Robotropolis. Then, he'd keep hurting people and destroying things and doing things that were Way Uncool. Maybe he'd get lucky and kill one of his friends. Maybe he'd even kill Sally! Or him! Then, something or other would cause Joseph to NOT make a deroboticizer, and everyone who'd been roboticized would die...Uncle Chuck... No, Sonic thought, he'd have to break his promise. The cycle had to end. If he didn't, too many more lives would be put in jeopardy. He had the chance, and he had to make the most of it. "It would be," Sonic said, "a pleasure." With a fluid movement, he grabbed the semi-unconscious Snively by the collar, and threw him against the wall. He punched him a few times in the stomach, yelling and cursing at him the whole time. He'd occasionally shout out, "This is for--", nail Snively in the face, and then yell a name of a FF, friend, or just some innocent person who had been killed or roboticized. After a while, Sonic began to sense that Snively was just about to buy it. He knew if he was going to complete what he had started, he had an obligation to make it impressive. Then, he knew what he had to do. He curled up into a ball on the ground, and started to power up a Sonic Spin Dash Attack... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The rest of the FFs around arrived there seconds later. Dulcy had returned home, with the last load of citizens they'd get that night. Antoine had also been taken home as well, because he was just too mental at that time to even join the rest of them to find out what had happened to Sonic and Joseph. So, just Bunnie, Sally, and Charles arrived at the scene. Needless to say, they were surprised that Snively was nearly dead on his feet, and his large nose (not to mention the rest of him) looked all bloody and bruised. However, they were more surprised to see Sonic getting ready to do a Sonic Spin Dash Attack right into him! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Charles knew he had only seconds to act. While the rest of them were simply struck dumb with shock, he rushed toward Sonic and shouted "STOP!" The shout distracted the hedgehog just long enough for him to slow down to a low enough speed so Charles could rush into him to knock him over. "No, Sonic!" This was one of the times Sonic was simply struck speechless. He tried to form a complete sentence explaining why he was about to kill an Enemy of the State, that it was worth a life to save a million others, etc, but he simply could open and shut his mouth and make the articulate conjunction, "Uhh...". But Charles was far more verbal. "Sonic, it is not for you to decide who lives or dies! I don't care if Snively *has* nearly destroyed this world, and I wouldn't care if Robotnik was in the same position Snively is in! Killing is wrong! It would make you no better than Robotnik to destroy this pitiful creature!" He pointed at the area that Snively was occupying. "We will take him back to Knothole, and--" But when he, and everyone else who had been intently listening to Charles, turned to look at the spot he was pointing at, he was gone! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sonic broke the silence with "Oh, man..." "Where'd the smeg he'd go?" Joseph said. "Never mind that," Sally said, "we better get out of here before he finds out where the...uh...smeg WE went!" "Agreed," Charles said nervously, "we can discuss this back at Knothole in the morning." Sonic, silently damning himself for blowing it, let everyone join hands, each person linking to another in a chain, and grabbed the last link in the chain, Sally. He looked back, checked that everyone was attached, and took a ring from his backpack. He looked at Joseph, but said nothing. Joseph understood his silence, and spoke softly. "No, Sonic, I'll run interference," he said to the blue (in more ways than one now) version of his body, "You just get everyone safely back to Knothole." The hedgehogs nodded, and Sonic fired up the ring, albeit grimly, and took off out of Robotropolis. Distant lazer fire was heard seconds later, but none of it seemed to hit its mark, as usual. However, Joseph chose to stay behind not to run interference, but to get the rock that he had taken out of Snively's weapon. He grabbed it from the backseat of the idling hovercraft, and examined it closely for the first time. Within seconds, he realized exactly what it was; Snively had somehow gotten the Amber Chaos Emerald from somewhere. He didn't even want to guess, tho. What was important now was that he had it, not him. He was already thinking of all the good ways he could use it when lazer fire started raining toward him. SWATBots! Now he was in `the deep merde', as Antoine might have called it. He quickly turned on the hedgehog drive, and zipped away at a rapid pace. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meanwhile, a familiar figure was tapping some buttons on Robotnik's chair, and ordering various SWATBot batallions out to capture the stone from the orange hedgehog... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph dodged the lazer fire as best he could. He wondered how Snively had recovered so quickly. Or perhaps this was an automatic program in case of the injury of either Robotnik or Snively. He didn't know, and didn't care a whole lot at the moment, either. He tried to devise a plan of escape. If he could get free of Robotropolis proper, then he could lose the 'bots in the maze of garbage. The only problem was that there were a LOT of SWATBots left, and Joseph couldn't stop to fight them, or risk the Chaos Emerald falling back into Snively's hands. He continued to dodge some 'bot plane fire and the pursuing platoon of SWATBots. He was able to trick one of them into flying into a wall, and another by splitting it in twain on the corner of a building. But there were still a lot of them around! And they were *gaining* on him! Quickly, he knew he had to really throw on the speed, or be overtaken by the SWATBots. But how? He didn't have a power ring or anything. He certainly couldn't fly away; he had neglected to bring his antigrav belt. Returning fire was right out because he was plasma cannonless. And surrendering meant death. Then, he remembered the glowing Chaos Emerald he had in his hand. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sonic had told him a week or two ago how he fired up a power ring. "It's like...well, imagine having a chili dog in your right hand." He lifted up his hand to demonstrate. "Now, imagine the dog's chili and sauce starting to run over your hand. That's the energy from the ring. Now, you certainly can't *eat* the power'd blow off your jaw." He smirked. "Besides, they don't taste very good." He lifted his empty hand higher in the air, like he'd hold a power ring in his hand. "Now, try to imagine the chili starting to run down your arm," he said, starting to trace the path with his left hand. "tingling over your forearm, elbow, and finally all the way to your armpit." He paused to let this sink in, and moved on. "After it's covered your arm, imagine the flow of chili starting to move down your ribs, becoming stronger after jumpin' over each one. After that, have it fall down your stomach, and finally have it dribble down your leg." Sonic resumed a more relaxed posture. "After that, your body should probably take over. It's reflex to me, but you should be able to do it right one day. It's a Way Past Cool feeling, like you're a big blue--" He smirked. "--well, orange, in your case. A big, orange lightning bolt." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - And if that could be done with a power ring, he thought... As Joseph ran, he began to lift the emerald above his head, in his right hand. He imagined the chili dog.... The figure in the chair watched the orange hedgehog lift the emerald above his head, seeming to begin some sort of meditation ritual. The figure wondered what the hedgehog was trying to do. As he began to visualize the chili dog beginning to drip down his hand, the emerald began to glow brighter and brighter...seeming to power up for the occasion. The person in the chair was entranced by the brighter-glowing emerald. Could it be that a Chaos Emerald could also be used as a power source for organic beings? Down his arm....and the emerald's light went from orange to yellow to green to blue to indigo to violet and beyond in under a second. "Wow," Joseph said, and continued to visualize the chili dog exercize. The figure quickly kept up with the emerald's frequencies, altering the scanning units to counter. He imagined the power flowing down to his ribs, lapping over each one. The emerald was now giving off strong x-rays. This was beginning to frighten him. But he could not stop. Even if there weren't any SWATBots chasing him, the feeling was intoxicating. He was high on the sheer amount of power he had in the palm of his hand. The figure was glued to the screens. The level of power from the emerald was far higher than had ever been calculated in such a small crystal. It could be even more powerful than the total collective energy from the Mobian sun... When the energy rolled onto his stomach, the crystal started giving off gamma rays. If it wasn't for the fact Joseph's body was designed to be spaceworthy, it would have instantly killed him. This led him to the conclusion that only he would be able to safely use the emerald in this way. Of course, he was too busy trying not to fly into a dead end to mull that thought over further. The figure was passionately awaiting what would happen next. The SWATBots had almost steered the hedgehog right into a dead end, where'd he either stop, or become a greasy spot on a wall. Either way, he'd get what he wanted. He laughed at the simplicity of it all... Joseph kept running. The final stage of powering up must take the longest, he noted, and ran down an alley. Oh no. The alley ended in a wall. There wasn't enough room to turn around. The SWATBots were pursuing him, and were now firing at him with extreme prejustice. The power hit his legs. The wall stretched before him now, and in one second he'd-- All reality snapped away in one blast of light. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The figure in the control room screamed, and pounded his fists against the armsrests. No! That was impossible! Nobody could bend reality! How?! Why?! He couldn't think of an answer, which even made him madder, and just contented himself with screaming, and bludgeoning things. The hedgehog had powered up the crystal to a level that his instruments couldn't even measure, been surrounded by an ultra-powerful version of Sonic's usual nova effect, and shot *through* reality. The wall had literally bent IN, and he had blasted through it. A second later, the wall had normalized, like nothing had even happened, and his platoon of SWATBots slammed into it, destroying them instantly. The night had been a tour de' force by the Freedom Fighters. They'd not only gotten about 25% of the remaining Worker-Bots out of Robotropolis, but they'd destroyed a few good refinaries and somehow (and the figure had no explaination for this) downloaded the sum of the main computer's knowledge. That fact just made him madder. And the figure didn't even have a Chaos Emerald left to experiment on, to boot! However, even this horrid experience had an upside. He smirked unpleasantly as he turned the chair around, toward a slab in the back of the room. The figure looked over at the unconscious form of Snively, who occupying the slab, and was plotting a way to give Snively a very, VERY unpleasant surprise when he woke up.... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meanwhile, back at the ranch: Everyone had arrived back at Knothole but Joseph. The night's activity had exhausted the Freedom Fighters, and they still had to instruct the new rescuees on basic procedure. But that could wait until the morning. They gave all who needed it temporary lodging somewhere, reunited as many families as possible, and put the rest of the village to sleep. Two hedgehogs, however, were still awake. They sat by the Power Ring pool, staring out at the ripples that formed in the water. Occasionally, one of them would skip a rock over the surface of the liquid, attempting to break the tension. After a while, one of the hedgehogs spoke. "Sonic?" Sonic nodded. "Yeah, Unc?" "Do you want to talk about this now?" Hesisitation. "Well, if you want to." Charles coughed. "Yes, I do." He paused. "I'm not angry at you, boy. Not in the least. If I had been in your place, and Joseph had given me the option, I would have done the same thing. It was just that I didn't expect you to think of doing that..." He sighed. "In retrospect, I suppose killing Snively might have been a feasible option; seeing that he escaped somehow. However, I still feel it would have been morally wrong to do so, no matter how evil he is." Sonic put his face in his hands. "I'm confused." Charles put his hand on the hedgehog's shoulder. "Boy, so am I. These kind of situations are always the worst. This war....god, this's starting to take its toll on you kids. I wouldn't wish the position you've been in on Robotnik. All this death. I'm surprised you didn't crack earlier; you've had the opportunity countless times, when you could have just killed Robotnik and/or Snively, and ended it." Sonic mumbled, "It was because...because I would have endangered others if I woulda killed 'BUTT-nik or Snotley in those situations. Yeah, I coulda spin-dashed 'BUTT-nik open, and finished off Snively a few times, but I always had to save someone else, or stop a berzerk machine from destroying somethin' important. This time, I had a Way Past Clear shot, and I knew I might not get another." Charles nodded. "Sonic, it's okay...everyone is entitled to act on impulse occasionally--" Sonic stood up and angrily pointed to himself. "But I let you down! I became as bad as Robotnik when I got pumped up to kill!" Charles' eyes glowed a surprised red. "You certainly did not! Your father would have done the same thing, and he was the finest man I ever knew!" Sonic's resolve fell as Charles said this. "H-he would?" "Yes, he would have. Your father was so much like you, boy, that I sometimes have to remind myself not to call you by his name." Sonic dazedly sat back on the ground, and stared back over the water. "Everything's gone crazy." Charles scooted closer to Sonic, and gave him a hug. "It will be right again some day, boy. It will." Sonic whimpered softly, and let his head fall upon Charles' shoulder. "But what if I go crazy like that again? What if I lose control, and--" Charles comforted the confused hedgehog. "You won't." Nothing more needed to be said. Nothing more could be said. All that was left for Charles to do was to hold his nephew in his arms, watch the sun rise in the east, and make him right again... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - It was the gap between realities. It had been called the `Void' by some, `Creation' by others. But it was everywhere and nowhere, at alltime and notime. It was the universal nexus, where all dimentions combined. This is where Joseph found himself after breaking through the alley wall. He drifted through nothingness for a moment while the emerald idled down. It took an incredible strain on him, but he was able to return the mighty object to orange status again. He felt weak, and he so wanted to sleep... He saw the floating crystal `iceberg' a few miles....feet....inches? Length, width, height, volume, mass, location; they meant nothing here. Everything was as close as anything else in this strange semi-universe. Either way, he drifted for some period of time before finally pulling himself onto it. He looked around. There was a small crystalline home here. He wondered what else could survive in this odd omnispace...he walked over to the door, and knocked upon it a few times. A voice. "Hold on, Nagus, I'm coming." So there were at least two other people here, he thought, and stepped a polite distance away. The door opened. He looked at the figure. He was dressed in a outfit that looked like it'd seen better days. It was kind of ratty, and there were stains on the lapels from what looked like a few years of dinners. Yet, it appeared to have once been regal, and it denoted authority. The figure was tall for a Mobian fox, about 4' something rather than the usual 3'. He had a tarnished, dented crown on, and his eyes gave the impression he'd been to Hell and back again on several occasions. "You aren't Nagus," he said, evaluating the strange creature. "Who are you? How did you get here?" Joseph bowed. "Greetings, citizen. I am Joseph. I seem to have ran a hole through the time/space continuum. Would you have any idea how to leave this strange world?" "That depends," he said, intrigued. "Where did you come from." "Mobius, specifically around Robotropolis. Time 'round 3237." The figure was surprised. "Oh? Well, I'm from Mobius too. In fact, I'm--" "Look," Joseph interrupted, "excuse my rudeness, but it's vital I get back to Mobius before my friends start panicking and go back to Robotropolis to look for me. You understand, right?" The figure looked a bit hurt, but quickly got over it. "Yes, yes, of course. Now," He pointed to a bluish hole on the horizon. "go over to that hole, and run through it as fast as you can. And KEEP running through it. After a minute, you'll pop out in the Great Unknown. The Great Forest is to the east." Joseph nodded. "Thanks, citizen!" "Please," the figure smiled, "just call me Acorn!" While running off, Joseph smiled, and yelled back, "Sure, Acorn! See you some other time!" With that, he fired up the crystal, and shot through the hole as fast as he could. As the figure zoomed out of sight, King Acorn smiled. "Oh, you will, orange one. You will." Then, he walked back into his hut, and closed the door quietly behind him, leaving no evidence of any activity there at all. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Snively groggily awoke on the cold, hard steel plate in the back of the semi-operational control center. He pulled himself to a sitting position, and hopped off the uncomfortable table. He rubbed his head. The hedgehog had beaten the crap out of him. He wondered how or why he had either escaped from them, or was rescued... He walked over to the wall-intercom, and pushed the button. "Please send some aspirin up to the command center, anyone." It beeped, noted the order, and set to work delivering it. He walked over to the drink dispenser and poured himself a cold glass of water. Chugging it rapidly, he felt some of his memory returning.... He'd been tottering on his feet while Charles was yelling at Sonic for attempting to kill him, with the unknown orange hedgehog looking on. Then, someone had snuck up behind him and roughly grabbed him, pulling him into the shadows. He remembered someone ordering a SWATBot battalion out to capture the Freedom Fighters-- "Hello, Needlenose!" a too-familiar voice shouted. Uh-oh. He turned around to look for the source of the voice, and saw someone he did NOT want to see. He screamed upon recognizing the evil features of... Commander Packbell?! "Miss me?" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Timeline: That next morning. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Daybreak over Knothole was its usual glorious self, if not somewhat busier than usual. The multitude of rescued Mobitropolis refugees were basically wandering around, trying to learn their new routines. Order was something that could be achieved later, and confusion shortly became the rule. It had started, of course, with Sally's usual speech about what had happened in the last 10 years, about how Way Past Cool the Freedom Fighters were, etc etc. The usual propaganda, Joseph mused, as he watched the various parts of Knothole from deep within his control room, yet inspiring in a way... He went back to flipping through the selections he had available. Every sector of his fortress, and the surrounding lands around it, looked relatively peaceful. The occasional roboticized citizen would wander in, look around, and walk back; either that, or someone would escort them had been learned that Joseph did not like uninvited guests roaming around his property. However, it was relatively quiet around Knothole today, because everyone was trying to readjust to their new surroundings. So Joseph finally grew bored with looking around, and began the day's work. He would upload the information he had taken out of Robotropolis the night before, and then begin creating an antidote for the roboticization process...and then, he could rest. He walked over to the input port, and activated his dataspike. He balled his left hand into a fist, bent it up toward the ceiling, and...clik. Clik. Clik. Clik. Nothing happened. His arm looked like it did before. Normally, the top of his forearm would open up, and a 3" long spike would pop out. Then, he would insert it into the port, and begin a direct interface with the computer. But all he got now was an error message and a metallic `clik'. Obviously, something was wrong with him. Perhaps the Emerald had somehow overloaded his arm, and it had just fused shut. That could be fixed rather easily, so this didn't start to bother him...yet. All he did was to go up to the repair level, and started a full diagnostic on his body. As he walked on to the pad, as he had done many times before, he realized he felt odd as the plasma rings went up and down his form, doing a routine circuitry check. Normally, he'd feel nothing. But today, it was a tingle...that was slowly turning into a stinging...that forced him to shut off the scan out of self-preservation! He quickly reviewed the results of the scan, and suddenly realized what the problem was. ^L He was flesh again. He pondered this for a moment. This was not necessarily a `bad' thing...this was merely a very strange, abnormal thing. He had a basic idea of what the `why', `what', `who', and `when' was; obviously, the use of the Amber Chaos Emerald figured into it somehow. But the `how', the `how'...a freakish nanite failure? Impossible; nanites can't make metal flesh again, and his repair systems would have kicked in to stop it. A late-forming side effect of the DNA mutation from the power ring? Highly improbable; the nanites were able to neutralize the reaction after the initial change. "So, hotshot," he muttered to himself, "what's done it?" He hated to admit it, but the hated word `magic' seemed to be the `how'. Joseph did not like the whole concept of magic. It was like getting a desired result without knowing -why- or -how- or -what- did it. He did not like just having blind faith in anything; his father had taught him that, as his father taught him. But this was the only (and he hated admitting this) logical answer. He sighed. This situation was getting more annoying by the minute. Maybe doing an internal diagnostic would help get his mind off of it. He closed his eyes, and concentrated on reactivating as much of his former abilities as possible...if there were any left. But since he still had use of his brain, that meant most of his android form's mental abilities would be left... He thought hard and unwaveringly about his task. Normally, he could activate all of his sensors and other powers in a nanosecond. But something had gone wrong due to the emerald. He finally opened his eyes again. It was hopeless. He was 100% Mobian hedgehog now, and there wasn't anything left inside of him to change that--but outside... "Bahb," he said, "prepare a brainscanning unit, to the following specifications...." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Back in Robotropolis: Packbell sat in the Control Center, overseeing the repairs of Robotropolis. Snively's utter failure in running the city was obvious. Only 25% of the total possible SWATBot units were operational. 12% of the city had power. Just over 35% of the Worker-Bots remained, and a good portion of it was on fire. Typical. However, the repairs were going as well as could be expected. He had employed a large portion of the SWATBots with the Worker-Bots to increase productivity, which was working out about as he'd predicted. A few of the refineries were going back online that afternoon, which would keep the city operational while he worked on finding an alternative energy source. For the time being, Packbell noted, the city would pretty much take care of itself. There was no need for him to sit and stare at it while it put itself back he could allot himself some leisure time. Turning away from the monitor screens, he smiled evilly at the thought he had recently created. He pushed the intercom button, paused for a moment, and bellowed with all of his might into it! "SNIVELY!!!!! GET IN HERE *NOW*!!!" He released the intercom button and laughed fiendishly, and waited for the sound of Snively's footfalls rushing up the stairs. Snively rushed up the stairs from the 3rd basement in the Command Center, where Packbell had put his new room. He knocked the filth and rubbish out of the way as he clawed his way up the the lobby and rushed up the stairs. He knew very well why Packbell was doing this, but if he wanted to live another day, he would have to obey... Packbell listened in silence as the short, large-nosed human desperately threw himself up the stairs, probably taking some minor damage as he climbed. (Packbell didn't even begrudge Snively a stairrail...he had to run up the stairs completely under his own power.) After a few more seconds, Snively burst in, falling at Packbell's feet. Snively panted as he pushed out the words that Packbell forced him to say every time he saw him. "*pant*...Hail *pant* Supreme Commander *wheeze* Packbell, Total *gasp* and Omnipotent *cough* Ruler of Moebius *pant*, Conqueror of *wheeze* Robotropolis, and my *gasp* Almighty Lord." Packbell kicked Snively out of his way. "Good boy, Snotley." He stood up, looking down on the cringing human. "Now, here is your task for the day. I want you to go back downstairs, and run to the other side of Robotropolis. There you will find a soda machine." Packbell threw two golden coins at Snivley, which hit him in the chest. As he grabbed them, Packbell continued to speak. "Purchase a can of Fizz, and open it. Then, run back here, and hand it to me. If so much as one drop is missing from it," he stated, smiling evilly at Snively, "you die." Packbell snapped his fingers. "I want to see you back in...oh, let's make it 5 minutes this time. Now go!" Snively quickly rushed out of the room, running for his very life. Packbell laughed, and sat back down. He giggled as he started his internal chronometer.... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph stood in his lab as Bahb put the finishing touches on the brainscanner he had instructed it to make. It was similar to the neural transfer device, but merely made a backup of one's memories and preserved them on a storage device. It was ideal for this situation's delicate position...he didn't know how much time he had. It was a rather nodescript device. Basically, a long pipe that was connected to the computer ended in a plunger-shaped scanning device, that fit around Joseph's head with room to spare. When the device was activated, a slowly scanning ring of energy would pass up and down his skull, taking a 3-D scan of his brain and replicating its design into a file. It would capture any thoughts he had since he was born, was having now, and could predict what he was going to think 10 seconds later. He sat down under the device and allowed it to surround his head. He started to clear his mind of any thoughts, and ordered the scan to begin when his mental activity was at its ebb. He focused--and for 5 seconds, his entire existance was blinked out. A minute later, the device lifted, and Joseph's mind was returned to normal. He stood back up, shook his head a bit to reorient himself with reality, and walked over to the console. "Bahb, give me an ETC on the compliation of the brainscan." Bahb hummed for a moment, and then emitted, "Estimated time of completion: one solar cycle." Joseph nodded. "Very well. I am going to go check on the Emerald, and then I shall go outside to interact with the populace. Give me a status report hourly." Bahb beeped obiediantly, and set itself to its work. After a moment of silent contemplation of this development, Joseph opened the secret stepdisk that led to the power core and rode down to examine it. The sight of the emerald made Joseph feel better already, for some reason. He had placed it where his old ship's power core had been, which he had used to power the complex when he first arrived. It glowed with a warm, orangish light, and made him feel younger and stronger. The room was beginning to grow greenish energy crystal around the sides of it as well, but only in a few isolated patches. Either way, Joseph found the development intriguing, and sought to encourage it...and perhaps, even understand it. The annoyance toward the crystal could not be manifested here. He simply was too invigorated by its presence to be angry at it. It was only an inanimate object, after couldn't hurt fact, he rather liked the glowing, warm emerald. It radiated an almost maternal love and happiness (perhaps an airborne antidepressant is created from its reaction with the oxygen here, he mused) for all living things... Occasionally, a swirl of a different color would be visible in it, but it would quickly fade back to its normal amber state. Joseph found the object beautiful. He liked to look at it, feel its power, and be near its warmth. But he had a responcibility to check on his various experiments on it; so he tore himself away from gazing on it, and examined the readings that were taken of it instead. The readings still made no sense to him. He could detect all sorts of radiation coming off of the emerald, yet still could not find any energy signatures that could tell him what the emerald was made out of. On scans, it showed the emerald as a black area, denoting an unknown substance. But it gave off energy that could come from hydrogen up to element 534. It contradicted itself. According to most sciences, this object shouldn't even exist in this universe...he decided he should probably give up on this for the day. Sighing as he walked away, he looked at the emerald one last time before he took the steppad back to the surface. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - He squinted somewhat as he stepped out of the Dome. Normally, his optical sensors would adjust within nanoseconds to the light change, but organics took a bit more time. He cursed them as he slowly adjusted to the photon bombardment. The Great Forest looked as it always did. The trees were still there. He could hear the sounds of his creek in the distance, with the occasional fish jumping out of the water. It was `pretty' to most people, but it gave Joseph a different sort of feeling. All it was to him was a series of subconscious distractions to keep people from getting too close to his home. But still, he enjoyed being around them. He wandered to the creek, and sat down on a rock. He gazed into the water for a few moments, collecting his thoughts. His life was spinning out of control. He had no family, no lover, no hope of escape. From the moment he set foot on this planet, it had started taking things from him. His ship. A few droplets of blood, which must have wetted its thirst for more. A clean conscience? Good bye. Even his last reminder of home, his own body, had been taken from him. All because of this damn planet. But it was a good world, he mused. There were nice people on it. What was happening here happened on his own world long ago; perhaps by helping it, he'd help himself. Besides, his was a black and cold culture...the universe probably is better off without it. He stood up. Nay, he thought, it is gone 300 years now. As the universe has forgotten it, so shall I...they would have wanted it that way. "Progress over the antiquated, and those that lead the march shall live forever in the hearts, minds, and actions of the next generation." His grandfather had said that all those years ago when he had given the Empire the power of roboticization. And he knew now that his words applied here. He needed to evolve. He was a outdated model of a line that had gone out of production. He pounded his fist into the palm of his other hand. It was time to make the leap to the new model year! He sat down again and thought. He wanted to be able to return to his fox form; might as well not reinvent the wheel. But the form of the hedgehog would come in handy, too. He also wanted some of his old android abilities back, and especially some sort of neural net. And, of course, he wanted to be able to utilize the Chaos Emerald again. But, how could he do all three feasibly? He pondered for a few moments. He would have to design a body that could do some limited shapshifting, but with resistance to powerful gamma (and above) radiation. Also, he would have to patch in cybernetics with it that could handle the shifting and adjust quickly. It would be a challenge, but he was sure he could figure out a way to pull it off... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The spacecraft glided silently over Robotropolis, cloaked to all known scanning devices on Mobius. It quietly landed on the appropriate pad in the center of Robotropolis, making no noise or signal that it had arrived. A small hole seemed to open in reality as a figure emerged from inside the cloaked vessel. As the figure walked away, the hole closed, making the ship completely invisible again. The tall, slim creature quietly walked up the stairs, ignoring the various SWATBots that ordered him to halt. They fired at him, but their lazers refracted off of the figure's personal shield. After a while, they ceased fire, and made way for the commanding, yet silent, figure. Upstairs, Snively had just arrived, and was cowering before Packbell. The figure, wanting to observe what was going on, arrived at the open door and phase-cloaked. While invisible and untouchable, he listened to the banter that went back and forth... "Well, Snively," Packbell exclaimed faux-happily, "you've gotten me my can of Fizz!" He grinned in an unpleasant way. "*Thank* *you* -so- much." He then snatched the can from the cringing underling's hand, and threw it violently out the window. Upon seeing Snively's shocked and horrified reaction, he laughed. Then, his expression and tone became infuriated. "Now get out of my sight!" After Snively had run off for his life, Packbell sat back in his chair and had a good laugh. "I see that you've inherited Ivo's sick sense of humor, tinkertoy." Packbell sat up in his seat. "Who said that?" "It is not for you to know. Tell me where Robotnik is." Packbell blinked, and looked around. "Where are you?!" "Tell me where Robotnik is. You have 30 seconds to comply." Packbell stood up. "I don't need to tell you anything. I am the ruler--" "20 seconds." Packbell became irate, and pushed the intercom button. "SWATBots! Report to the Command Center *immediately*!" The voice grew increasingly more annoyed. "10 seconds, tinkertoy." SWATBots streamed into the Command Center as Packbell began shouting at them to find the voice. The voice even whistled quietly so to assist them, but they couldn't seem to get their hands on him. "Time's up, tinkertoy. Where is Robotnik?" Packbell cursed and angrily looked around for the voice. "Show yourself!" "Very well." In the center of the room, about 3 feet from Packbell, a humanoid figure began to materialize. It was about 6'4, about 190 pounds, and was vulpine. He had reddish fur, with hints of orange in it. His silver pupils glared at Packbell, and his silver canines glinted against his otherwise natural-appearing teeth. He was clad in a black trenchcoat that went down to his calves, and was wearing a uniform-like suit under it. His black boots went over his pants, and his white fingerless gloves gave him a distrubing appearance. "I seek Robotnik. You will tell me where to find him, or you will be terminated." Packbell looked at the figure. "And why should I tell you anything?" The figure grabbed Packbell's throat at an unnatural speed, and began to squeeze it tightly. "Because, tinkertoy, I said so." The SWATBots tried to move to act, but collectively realized that movement to assist Packbell would most likely result in his termination. So they simply stood at attention as the figure continued to speak. "If I didn't have a liking for Robotnik," it said, "I'd simply break you in half right now, and use your entrails as materials for a selection of post-modernist art." He moved his face uncomfortably close to Packbell's. "So cut the attitude and tell me where he *is*." Packbell tried to squeak out an answer, but the figure had closed off his windpipe. Realizing this, the nameless one threw Packbell back into his seat. "Tell me -NOW-!" Packbell took a few breaths, reacclimating his lungs so to be able to produce an answer. "Robotnik," he wheezed, "is dead." The figure looked temporarily surprised, but resumed his normal demeanor. "So, Ivo finally managed to get killed... I told him his idiotic Doomsday project was doomed to failure." Packbell looked at the figure confusedly. "You'd been communicating with Ivo?" The figure resumed his cold stare at Packbell. " people have an interest in this world. We would...well, would have liked to acquire it from Ivo." He paused. "So I suppose you have possession of it now?" Packbell nodded, and started to speak, "But..." The figure raised his hand for silence. "Very well. We will simply continue the negotiations with you. But first, we will require an updated manifest of your possessions. Would you happen to have the latest one available?" Packbell nodded, thinking. "Give me 30 seconds to produce one." He walked over to the console, pushed a few buttons, and displayed a file on the main viewer. "I had wondered what this was..." He rose his hand again for quiet, reading... "You've suffered some losses recently, haven't you?" Packbell nodded, silently cursing the idiocy of Snively. "A minor catasthophe occured when one of my underlings took control of the main city while I was on a brief hiatus." The figure mused. "Yes...was it the hedgehog again?" "You know about Sonic?" The figure looked over at Packbell. "I'm beginning to despise that accursed vandal as much as Ivo...did." He muses. "Well, have you tried using nanites to get rid of him?" "Yes." "Tried making a robot version of his little girlfriend and have her kill him?" "Yes." "Tried to use his ego against him?" "Tried it." "Broke his will?" "Unbreakable." "Killed some of his friends?" "Several. Hasn't phased him." "Kidnapping?" "Many, many times." The figure hmmed. "Well, you're on your own, then." He looked back at the monitor, and tsked. "My, my, my. You've lost over 75% of your Worker-Bots in the past 3 years. This won't do at all. This planet was already a fixer-upper, and now most of its work force has escaped." He looked back at Packbell. "I'm afraid Ivo's original price for this world is just too high." Packbell blinked. "Price?" The figure looked surprised. "He never infor--oh yes, silly me. He didn't want the possibility of a Freedom Fighter finding out that he was going to sell this planet to the highest bidder." Packbell stood there, his positronic brain temporarily locked up. He could not justify in his mind a reason to sell Mobius. After all, it was Ivo's home, right...? "And, naturally, this development is simply going to lower what we are willing to give. We were hoping to convert this planet into a colony will take a bit longer, now; we'll have to recapture the already roboticized citizens, and polish off the rest. But I assure you, you'll still get a very nice package for this..." He smiled evilly. "very rustic little world." Packbell snapped out of his lockup, forming a plan. "Understood. What are your new terms?" The figure started to turn away. "I will have to update my people on this development first. I will return in about 2 of your Mobian weeks. For now, we will leave the below with your SWATBots." As he faded from view again, Packbell got to his feet. "Wait! I don't even know your name!" As he slipped back into the shadows, he whispered, "Call me...John." With that, he disappeared, leaving behind a confused and puzzled Packbell. After a few moments of processing this new influx of data, he pushed the intercom button. "SWATBot Squad 34-G: retrive the crate left by our visitors, and bring it to me." A compliant beep was heard, and then the intercom automatically shut off. The SWATBot squad went down to the pad, where a small crate was being set out by some lowly-looking red foxes. They scurried back inside the light-hole, and disappeared. A few moments after that, a dim hum was heard, and something seemed to leave the area. A hole was poked in the clouds, allowing the outline of the saucer-shaped craft to be seen before it faded into space. The SWATBots didn't really notice that as they carefully picked up the crate and walked into the freight elevator. SWATBots are not creative machines; they are rather dull, and aren't great conversationalists. They merely follow orders. The platoon of SWATBots arrived inside the Command Center, and placed the box by Commander Packbell. They stepped away from it, saluted, and walked back to their posts. Packbell waited for them to leave before opening the box. He carefully popped the top off of it, and pulled off the nearest side. A wave of packing material fell at his feet as he removed the object from the crate... It was a long object, about the length of a baseball bat. There was a hole on one side, and a power cell attached to the other. It had a button on the top by an aiming sight, and an shoulder rest. A few extra power cells were attached to it by some shrinkwrap, with a note. Packbell put the device down for a moment, and opened up the note; which read: "Ivo: This is the latest revision of our basic plasma cannon. We've altered the power cells so they can be charged by your power stations. The usual schematic is inside the shrinkwrap. Enjoy! -- T." Packbell smiled. So this is how Ivo kept `developing' the new technologies they had been utilizing! He sat down in the chair, and begin to analyze the new device... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The day had passed uneventfully at Knothole. The initial chaos of having an influx of new villagers had been taken care of, and everyone had settled in well. Everyone had gotten their work assignments, which really began to fly by...the day's work usually would end at noon, thanks to the introduction of new technologies and the muscle power of the roboticized citizens. So the rest of the day had been a needed relaxation period for most people, while Sally and the rest of the military section of the Freedom Fighters planned their next raid. But, deep inside Joseph's lab, the events of the surface were of little concern. He had spent most of the day running simulations...and he had figured out the exact DNA he would need in order to create something to his specifications; a mixture of Keldy'rian, Ur'thaen, Mobian, and a bit he had strung together himself would be the matrix for his new shell. The Keldy'rian would be the conduit for the Ur'thaen and Mobian DNA, and would hold all three together while only allowing one to manifest at a time. In a nutshell, it would give him the ability to appear to be either a normal Ur'thaen orange fox, or a normal Mobian orange hedgehog, while being able to switch to one or the other freely. The extra bits of DNA he had added would give his new body the ability to withstand extremely high radiation for unlimited amounts of time, and be sure that his body would not reject the cybernetics he was going to add. He was especially proud of the way he was going to be able to maintain his intelligence within the form. If he was home on Ur'thae, this would have gotten him the same level of accolades that his father had recieved for the neural transfer device; he had perfected a mimetic polyalloy. His people had tried for decades to perfect one that would maintain molecular consistancy yet be able to remember programming and instructions. But all of them had failed for one reason or another...but not this one. Not only would it be able to remember and maintain his own personality matrix, but it would maintain the knowledge he had already acquired *and* was able to hold an unlimited amount of additional data. It would be the perfect central nervous system; all he would have to do is to inject it into the new form (after the brain and nervous systems had been removed) and it would take over. At last, he would have the ideal, nearly perfect body he had always wanted. Free of the worries of brain or other physical death, yet still organic. Enhanced sensor sensitivity, fast nervous system, highly resistant to outside influence, genetically compatable with most other species...and, with the addition of nanites, almost instant healing and a nearly invincible immune system. It was a form that could last for as long as he wanted it to. After doing some final bits of tweaking, he began the creation process... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - But up on the surface, a mission was being planned. The usual suspects, Sally, Sonic, Rotor, Antoine, Dulcy, Charles, Bunnie, and Tails were standing around an updated aerial view of Robotropolis, figuring out the Worker-Bot details for that night. Tails was mostly in the background, tho, listening. "...and that's how we're going to do that. Remember, Snively probably realizes that we'll strike here, so it's going to be a hard fight. Therefore, it's a fair bet that there'll be lots of SWATBots around, guarding the Worker-Bots. That's why only Sonic will actually go in to get the group of citizens, while Dulcy, Antoine and Bunnie will assist people in escaping. I will lead a diversion with Charles and Rotor that will strike on the opposite side of Robotropolis, forcing Snively to spread out a few platoons of SWATBots at us." She paused, looking for questions. Finding none, she deactivated the hologram. "We will leave for Robotropolis at the usual time. Dulcy will drop Charles, Rotor, and myself off first. Five minutes after she has returned here, Bunnie and Antoine will leave for Robotropolis, with Sonic having an approximate head start of 10 seconds." She smiled. "Dismissed." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - An hour or two later, thanks to the science of age-acceleration, Joseph's body had completed being grown. The mimetic polyalloy had been injected without incident to take over the nervous system, and it had created a datajack in the center of the back of its neck to permit Joseph to upload himself into it. Everything had gone according to plan. Now, Joseph waited for Bahb to complete processing the collected information of his life he had given it that morning. It was just about completed; Bahb had sped up the process considerably, thanks to the long periods of zero input he had endured. In another five minutes, it would be completed. He drank his coffee and admired his old form one last time. He tapped it somewhat, smiled, and laid down on the guerney. It pulled itself over underneath the intelligence transfer unit, next to his new form. The device went down over both of their craniums, and activa-- Reality stopped. ^L Reality started. Joseph opened his eyes in his new form as the old one was derezzed. The device lifted away from his face, and he hopped off the guerney. He noticed that he was already back in his normal vulpine form. Success! He walked over to the mirror, which confirmed his suspicions. He was a normal, breathing flesh-and-blood fox again! Quickly, he tested out his mimetic polyalloy brain. He pulled up his heads-up display faster than he ever had before. He scanned the room in every spectrum of electromagnetic radiation he could surmise. Perfect! He did an internal diagnostic. Everything was at 100% -or- -greater-! He was better off than he was before! He did some backflips to celebrate, and to test the agility of his new body. Perfectperfectperfect! But there was one final test. He closed his eyes, and thought of becoming a hedgehog....he was overtaken by a sense of vertigo....he opened his eyes...and was a hedgehog. Yes! This RULED. He closed his eyes, and thought of becoming a fox again...the vertigo...and then he was. He was so proud of himself. He'd finally done something worthwhile with his abilities...then he remembered. The files he had gotten from Robotropolis! Were they still there?! He closed his eyes and searched... [NO INFORMATION AVAILABLE] Joseph cursed. He must have lost them during the transfer. He'd have to go back and get them again...of course, he couldn't just go out and steal them like he did last time. That was an extremely lucky break. No, he would have to think of a new way of going about getting what he needed...his super-strength, for example, was no longer present. He'd have to find a way to deal with that. Of course, he'd have to explain to the others how he had returned to his `natural' state, and find a way of getting to and from Robotropolis as quickly as possible. He certainly didn't want to mooch a ride off that dragon. Too unreliable. He'd have to get around to building some sort of transportation one of these days. But that would wait until later. Right now, he'd be content with simply shifting into his hedgehog state, running to the edge of Robotropolis, and allowing the Freedom Fighters to distract Snively while he stole as much data as possible. Then, he'd run back home, and return to normal as Bahb processed it. He'd extrapolate the needed data, and have Bahb rig up deroboticizer software. Then, he'd build the necessary device, and finally begin repairing his father's mistake once and for an orderly fashion, to boot. For now, he'd bide his time until nightfall, enjoying being a fox again, and perhaps he'd work in a brief martial arts practice period before he much to do, so little time! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Night fell on the surface, and the majority of Knothole turned in for the evening's rest. Only a few denziens of Knothole, the ones going on the actual mission stayed awake. Dulcy airlifed Sally, Charles, and Rotor to Robotropolis, where they were planning on sabotaging a chip manufacturing facility. Upon her return, Bunnie and Antoine were taken to the other side of Robotropolis, where a large group of Worker-Bots were working under heavy guard on repairing a SWATBot production plant. Sonic shot after them, and hid in the shadows until the diversion started. A minute or two later, Joseph came out of the Dome, ready to do an assult on Robotropolis as well. He had his personal shield unit fully charged, had a small phaser attached to his side, and was at 100% efficiency. He took a path that would lead him into the center of Robotropolis with as little difficulty as could be expected. He'd have to dodge the occasional squad of SWATBots (and who knows what else), but he figured he could always teleport out if it got too hot. He hoped. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sonic arrived at Robotropolis a minute before Dulcy did. He paused to examine his current target, a refinary. SWATBots were assisting the Worker-Bots this time...guarding and working at the same time. Clever, the hedgehog thought, but not Way Past Cool. He plotted a course of attack, figuring in the large amount of SWATBot fire that was bound to occur. It appeared everything was going to go as expected...yet, something seemed amiss to the hedgehog. It was unlike Snively to use his SWATBots for actual `work'...just Freedom Fighter-shooting and patrolling. This stunk of something fishy. Big Time. He heard Dulcy land in the distance, far enough away so not to be spotted by 'Bot planes when leaving Robotropolis. Now, all they had to do was wait for the-- An explosion in the distance lit the sky as alarms started to sound. Sally had set off the charges around the SWATBot production plant, slowing the further regeneration of Snively's troops. That'd get him steamed for sure. He listened for the usual screechy howling from the loudspeakers, cursing for all available SWATBots to destroy `that hedgehog', no matter who actually -did- it. Bulbhead was pretty low-watt. But not a voice was to be heard. Yet, the SWATBots put down what they were doing, climbed into 'Bot planes, and flew off toward the explosion. Sonic was puzzled for a moment, and then remembered that SWATBots could take orders by certain radio frequencies, too; encrypted, of course. But Snively had never thought of that before...maybe he was finally starting to catch on about this `badnik' business. Nah. He waited for the majority of them to leave before readying himself for the attack. It appeared that about a squad was left, something Sonic would normally be able to take care of in an still didn't feel right. It was as if a 6th sense had noticed something deeper than his keen hedgehog eyesight couldn't detect. He was wasting precious time with this wimpyness, he thought. What am I, Ant? He scoffed at that, imagining how panicky Ant would be in a situation like this. That's why he was always left in someone else's care, noted Sonic, and started into a run-- A glitter of 'Bot metal from around a corner. That's all Sonic needed to see. Now he knew this was an ambush; his delay had allowed him to see what was coming. Past Cool! Wait. Way Uncool. Now he'd have to either turn back now, warn Dulcy and risk hanging around here without doing anything until Sally ordered the evac; or fight through a few squads of SWATBots and risk being captured, killed, or roboticized. Hmmmm... Discretion is the better part of valor, it is said. If that is so, Sonic was slightly worse off than Antoine in that department. He took out a power ring, took out his free-will inducing pistol, and blasted off into the now-expected `ambush'. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph approached the front gates into Robotropolis, his cloak active. He stealthily approached the main door, listening for activity. Only a few SWATBots were around now...the Freedom Fighters had probably distracted the rest of them. But, of course, this was to his advantage. He snuck inside the gates with no incident. Walking quietly by some SWATBots, who were barely even paying attention to anything behind them, he wandered closer into the heart of Robotropolis. Some repairs had been completed since last night; a few buildings had tarps on them to keep the outdoors out, while a few piles of garbage had been tended to. This was odd to Joseph; Snively would not normally take such care of Robotropolis. Then, he detected the familiar sounds of distant explosions and lazer fire echoing in the distance. Joseph listened carefully to them, and concluded they would not become a threat. At least, it was improbable that they would. He hurried up somewhat, not wanting to tempt fate. Joseph approached the Command Center, and was mildly surprised. The Command Center was actually -guarded- today with SWATBots. Finally, he thought, Snively had got on the ball. You can't just leave a fortress, no matter how formitable, unguarded. Roughly two squads guarded the main entrance, while 3 or 4 were watching over the minor entrances. This would actually be an enjoyable challenge to infiltrate, Joseph mused, and walked closer to the main entrance. The SWATBots took little notice of the cloaked figure before them...they didn't have the amount of imagination required to put together that the occasional disturbance around 3 feet above ground level was not caused by some sort of fumes, nor were they merely the product of a heat-producing device underground. They merely ignored it, and kept scanning the horizon for threats they could comprehend. Joseph crouched on the ground, looking for an opening. He kept waiting for a SWATBot to move, or for something to occur near enough to them to trigger some sort of response. Nothing. He stared at the SWATBots. The SWATBots looked out over him. He waited. They didn't move. Finally, he sat down and thought for a little while. What would cause me to panic, if *I* was a SWATBot...having an idea, he rushed off back into Robotropolis. A few minutes went by. The SWATBots still stood there, emotionlessly waiting for a stimulus to respond to. Then, a low hum was heard in the distance. The SWATBots sent queries among themselves, trying to determine the cause of the noise. It drew nearer. The SWATBots armed their wrist-blasters and waited. Then, it went further away. Automatically, the SWATBots went back on standby. A few more minutes went by. The hum returned, and then left. This was starting to make even the most uncreative SWATBot among them suspicious, and a few of them broke rank to investigate. The hum remanifested after the SWATBots would have gotten close enough to hear it...but suddenly, the sounds of SWATBots getting fried were the precursors to a very fast, rocket-powered red blur racing past the Control Center. The SWATBots immediately started to pursue the blur, and called for backup. After most of them had left, Joseph walked out from behind some semi-demolished architecture, and wandered into the more invasion-friendly Control Center. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph was yet again greeted by the odd semi-cleanliness of Robotropolis. This was beginning to get ridiculous, he mused. Snively is definitely not behind this; but if not Snively, who? He went over to the stairwell, only to stop short of opening it: an alarm was attached to a low-powered lazer, which had set up a bounce-pattern around the door that made entering by that method impossible. Whoever was behind this had a knowledge of security that was beyond Snively' how would he continue to ascend into the Control Center into the central computer core? He pondered, and then flattened himself against a wall as a group of SWATBots walked over to a wall. The head SWATBot sent a small blink of red light into a panel, opening an freight elevator up. Before it could close behind them, Joseph poured on a little hedgehog speed and zipped into the elevator. The wall shut in front of the elevator, and it started to ascend... Joseph stood in the midst of 4 SWATBots, all of them oblivious to his presence and busy communicating amongst themselves in a sort of robotic gossip. Joseph listened in to the conversation, which was mainly a dull discussion of the new policies that would be implemented in Robotropolis as of such and such, blah blah blah. He caught snippets of the important stuff, tho...a more agressive search for Knothole, a continuation of roboticization of captured citizens, rather than termination for offenses against...`Packbell'? Joseph had heard the name in the occasional conversations he'd `unintentionally' listen in on. Apparently, `Commander' Packbell was an android like he used to be, but with a (and this had made him chuckle) -positronic- brain. He almost giggled in the elevator when he thought about it...he'd built a positronic brain when he was a child. It was his final exam for his admission into what would be `4th' grade on Mobius. They were comically inefficient, they locked up when chaotic situations (like the majority of situations in life) occurred, they learned slowly...all they were good for was memorizing things and applying what they learned to certain tasks. But their thought patterns ran to practical means. You could stun one with a good, hard riddle, and pretty much fry one by leaving it in the presence of a few kits. But a few of the more `advanced' (ha-ha) ones had simple was very possible that Packbell had somehow returned from whereever he had been hiding for all these months, and taken back over Robotropolis. It would explain the strange and semi-intelligent security measures that had recently taken place. The door opened, and the SWATBots (and Joseph) left the elevator. They were on a lower level than Joseph would have wanted, but hitchhiking never got one hand-delivered anywhere. So, he looked around, and tried to figure out what he could usefully do from this area. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - It was a basic sub-level of any good fortress. It was a SWATBot storage area, and had some basic supplies present in it. No windows, but dim lighting that was just enough so SWATBots could manuver their way around inside. However, they did Joseph's regular vision no good. He switched to I/R, which was usually easier to utilize. Ahh, here we go. He was standing at the end of a corridor that stretched down around the curvature of the building. A few sliding doors were on the side, for quick SWATBot dispersal. The floor was solid, but there was a grate in the ceiling that might lead higher up into the complex. He'd have to investigate that soon enough. However, he might as well explore around in here while he had the chance to at a leisurely pace. After all, he had--he checked his internal power gauges--about 2 hours left of full cloak before he'd have to start heading home... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meanwhile, back on the surface: Sonic had dispatched the majority of the SWATBots that were at the complex, due to the fact that they had anticipated on having the element of surprise. He'd gotten a few Worker-Bots conscious and out, but he found that few others were about. But, he had gotten some of them out, so the mission wasn't a total failure. However, the SWATBots seemed to be crawling out of the walls...the more of them he was able to destroy, the more that seemed to appear. They had also scored a few nicks on him; mainly in the back, ironically enough. But the outcome of the battle was still uncertain. They wouldn't get Chuck, Bunnie, Ant, Sal, Rotor or Dulcy...they had escaped with the platoon of Worker-Bots he'd sent out with them. At least they'd thought of that. But he had one last hope; his power ring. The only thing was, they'd never back off enough to let him take it out, concentrate, and then juice. They kept coming, so he'd have to keep spin-dashing through them. And he was getting tired. Way Past Uncool. Unless he kept moving, they'd grab him, and then it'd be Game Over...but, just when all appeared lost, and Sonic was about to pass out from exhaustion, a great roar was heard drawing near... To the amazement of Sonic and the SWATBots assaulting him, Robotnik's old hovercraft, albeit worse for wear, was the source of the fire! It swooped out of the sky, cannons blazing, and started strafing the SWATBot platoons. 'Bot after 'Bot fell to its rampage, most retreating after the first pass. With flames licking out from beneath it, it scooped the hedgehog and roared back into the sky. After a moment of adjusting to the shock, Sonic looked up from the floor of the hovercraft and saw a hazy image of an orange hedgehog. "Huh?" he grunted, trying to grab onto something solid. "Hello, Sonic," the image said, "and no, I'm not really Joseph. I'm a holographic image of Joseph, programmed with a limited amount of his knowledge. He quickly assembled me as a diversion, but since I saw you in a spot of trouble, I decided to assist you as well." Sonic was still reassembling his senses. Then, a chili dog and a Fizz [tm] soda appeared before him. "Please, consume this food," the image said, "it will help your body recover its needed nutrients." He quickly bolted down the food, and reacquired his basic personality matrix. "Whoa," he amazedly said, realizing exactly what was going on, "Joe put you together as just a -diversion-?" The figure nodded as the craft roared faster around Robotropolis. "He required an intelligence to fly the craft around to distract SWATBots. There were too many around the Command Center for him to elude." Sonic blinked. "Allow me to explain," the image said, and filled Sonic in on the finer details of what had occurred within the last 48 hours. "So that's why he keeps tagging along," Sonic said, "he wants to get the info right from the source! And our missions were the perfect diversions for him. Way Past Smart!" The image smiled as the craft dodged some incoming lazer fire. "He'd thank you for that...but now I must complete my function." He flickered for a moment. "You might wish to hold on to something, hedgehog," the image twittered, "because it's going to get very bumpy in a moment." Sonic nodded and strapped himself in. "Hold on," the computer said, and set the craft into a 3G turn... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph navigated the halls for a while, but then realized there was nothing of value to him inside here. Not a solitary dataport was on this level; he'd have to go up further into the complex to find such a device. So, he wandered back to where he started, opened up the grate, and climbed inside. He crawled around inside the grates for a while, listening for the familiar sounds of humming computers. He climbed up a few 75 degree planes, jumped up into a sheer ventcliff, and finally seemed to get close enough to the computer room to hear it... Looking through the grate, he saw the familiar R&D room. However, it was guarded by a few SWATBots this time, so it would be unwise to merely bust through the grate. No, a more subtle method would need to be, he chose to crawl further down the line, outside the R&D room itself. He looked out this grate, and noticed guards outside the R&D room itself as well. Packbell was certainly paranoid, wasn't he? He mused for a moment. How could he get rid of both guards without alerting anyone else of it? His phaser certainly wouldn't be quiet enough, and smashing them would be even worse. He leaned against the wall and thought harder...and had an idea. An insane, completely stupid idea, but one that just might work. He remembered how Sonic had told him once that he was able to free Sally from a cell by impersonating Robotnik to a computer. So if Sonic could do it with a cup, Joseph could certainly do it with his precision mimicry programming. He concentrated on the sound of Robotnik's voice...adjusted his vocal chords accordingly...and then announced out the grate: "Attention all SWATBots! Report to the lobby IMMEDIATELY!" He looked out the grate, and waited for the incoming fire. But that didn't happen...appearently, SWATBots must be programmed to obey Robotnik's voice; because not only the ones in front of the door rushed off to the elevator, but the ones inside pursued them! Joseph was oddly surprised, but he was never one to look a gift horse in the mouth--he kicked out the grate and rushed inside the R&D room. As his vocal chords returned to normal, he popped out his dataspike and quickly did the 2-second download of all of Robotropolis' information. This, of course, set off every alarm in the entire complex. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Packbell had been busy ordering about SWATBot squads and 'Bot planes when the main alarm system finally went off. << RED ALERT! RED ALERT! SECURITY BREACH IN SECTOR 2-ALPHA! >> He immediately sprung out of his seat, ordered all SWATBots to continue their respecitive pursuits, and grabbed his plasma cannon from off a table. After he had armed it properly, he burst out the door and ran down the hall, in an especially bad mood. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph emerged from the R&D lab rapidly, also in a angry mood. He shouldn't have been in such a hurry. Now he'd really have a problem escaping from here with all his quills attached. He looked down the hall, and saw a humanoid figure toting... He increased magnification and enhanced the image. He scanned it twice to be sure, but it was. He dared not say it, for he did not wish to reveal any information inadvertantly to this individual (besides, he was still cloaked). But he knew he could not leave without it. But how could he get it from him, and yet not risk staying here to fight him? As he got closer, he tried to scramble behind a wall, but bumped into something going the opposite way and stumbled forward. His forward momentum caused his foot to stick out from the corner of the wall, directly within Packbell's path. As Packbell drew closer to the corner, he tripped over the hedgehog's foot and fell forward, dropping the gun from the shock. The gun spun across the floor to the foot of an open elevator, which then lodged itself between the inside of the elevator and the hallway; holding the door open. Several things happened very fast after that. Joseph, not wanting to miss an opportunity, scrambled over Packbell (leaving an imprint in his face from his boot) and shot into the open elevator. The thing he had bumped into happened to be a SWATBot, which shot in the direction of the motion. Joseph spun, grabbed the gun from the door, and slipped to the side--as the door closed, deflecting the blast. Quickly, he toggled the down button, leaving the floored Packbell alone to pummel the SWATBot in anger. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - As the door opened at the lobby, Joseph was immediately besieged by SWATBot fire. (Perhaps it was a mistake to send them down there after all.) He blasted a few of them, but mostly fired wildly as he used his innate hedgehog speed to race his way out of the complex, leaving a blue-hot trail of plasma behind him. As he raced toward the exit of the city, trying madly to evade the entourage of 'Bot planes he'd attracted, he wondered what wrong life decision led him into this situation...but his brooding was interrupted by the familiar-sounding roar of the hovercraft as it smote his pursuers. Now he was the one rescued as the hovercraft swooped down from the sky and grabbed him from the earth. Now Joseph, Sonic, and his hologram raced through Robotropolis, being blasted at by anti-aircraft cannons. "Joe!" Sonic yelled, ducking a few bursts of lazer fire. "Yeah, Sonic?" was the reply from Joseph as he took control of the craft. "Do you have," Sonic hollered, "a plan!?" Joseph shouted back, "No!" "That makes the both of us!" "Good!" was the last retort, as a shot from a 'Bot plane finally crippled the craft, sending it spiraling down...down... ^L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The two hedgehogs jumped from the craft instinctively, but they both soon realized bailing out about five thousand feet over hostile territory with not a parachute between them is not a good idea. Sonic and Joseph let out a long, collective scream as they plummeted toward a rather unpleasant part of Mobius, waiting for the bright light to start shining before them. After all, neither of them could *fly*... However, Dulcy could. And she cracked the whip in the nick of time, and saved the two hedgehogs from becoming greasy spots on the pavement. As they calmed down and flew away from Robotropolis, the banter began again. "Hey," Sonic said, "my life just flashed before my eyes!" "My breakfast just flashed before mine," Joseph said weakly. The rest of the flight passed in silence. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Everyone was glad to see Joseph and Sonic when they returned. Well, that is, except Sally. After accepting a round of applause, Sally dragged the both of them back into her hut, demanding an explaination. "What did you two think you were doing out there?!" "Just getting my butt saved!" was Sonic's initial reply. "If Joseph hadn't pulled the hat-trick and had his diversion come get me, I would've been fried!" "You shouldn't have stayed to begin with, Sonic Hedgehog! If you knew that the odds were against you--" "Tell *that* to the people I just bailed out of there, Sal!" A pause. Sally's voice grew softer. "Sonic...those people would have been there tomorrow. We could have gotten more out if you could have waited--" She immediately saw the response forming in Sonic's head. "--and, yes, I know, you aren't the waiting type." Her voice rose again. "But what you did was foolish! It was insane! It was--" "Honorable," Joseph said. "and it was something I would have done, if I would have been in the same place." Sally looked over at Joseph, and shook her index finger at him harshly. "And *you*, you maniac, what possessed you to go and invade Snively's--" "Packbell's, ma'am." Sally blinked. "What?" "Packbell's, ma'am. Packbell has unseated Snively. He is in charge now." Sally's anger left her. "Dear Lord..." Joseph nodded. "It is rather unfortunate. But I was able to get important information out of his computers, and capture a piece of very sensitive technology." He hefted the cannon out in front of Sally. "I need to run tests on this, but I believe it may utilize an...alien technology. Perhaps it would give us a clue to who is helping...umm, Packbell now, I guess." He put his hand on Sally's shoulder. "Boss, I know what I did was unsanctioned by you, and was certainly an unwise thing to do tactically. But I did get positive results, and I will have more developments for you in the coming days as I analyse this data." Then, Joseph bowed slightly. "I will make this up to you." Sally just blinked, her initial anger defused. "Well, okay, Joseph. Just don't pull any more crazy stunts like this again." She coughed, regaining her normal voice. "Dismissed." Joseph smiled softly. "Affirmative." And then, he walked out of the hut. Sonic blinked. "Packbell's in charge? Way Past Uncool, Sal! What'll we do now?" Sally turned away from Sonic, and looked out the window. "I don't know, Sonic...I don't know..." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph returned to his lab, and placed the cannon down in front of him. He stared at it for a while, transfixed on the information that identified the kind of weapon, its make, and its year. He stared at it for a while, hoping that if he glared at it long enough, the familiar language would change, as well as its information. He touched it, feeling the steely perfection of its design. It was probably built by a machine, yet it retained that familiar workmanship that was so familiar to him... He could not let them know. Not yet. He would be lynched, burned, and possibly drawn and quartered; and his work would die here, on this desolate, primitive world so far from civilized space. He took a power sander from the table, and fired it up to its full power. In a burst of strength, he slowly tore away the paint that held the accursed phrase on the side of the weapon... "UR'THAEN PLASMA CANNON, MARK 26-ALPHA. MODEL YEAR -- 8000 PE..." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chapter Five - Heart of Snow - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Timeline: A month or two later. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Winter had fallen in the Great Forest. The trees, long since bare, were covered in a robe of glittering ice. A few patches of snow laid on the ground, and occasionally blew around to other places requiring more. The rivers and ponds had long since iced over, and the sky had wrapped itself in a quilt of grey; it appeared that all of nature had fallen into a blissful slumber. But, as we shall see, not all life sleeps during the winter... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The forest was silent in winter, she noted, which gave her pursuers a distinct advantage. Lazer fire crackled behind her, and rushed increasingly closer to her ears and neck. As she ran between trees and leapt between fissures in the earth, she damned her small, yet idiotic mistakes. It had started innocently enough. Her replicator unit (which she had acquired from someone, who had stolen it from someone else, who had rebuilt it from the remainder of the parts someone -else- had stolen, which had been initally acquired from the smoking husk of a crashed spacecraft before it was mysteriously stripped bare the next night) had ran out of power, and she wished to acquire more. This wouldn't have been a problem if it wasn't for the fact one of her favorite fences had finally been captured by SWATBots and had entered `re-adjustment'. (This was just a polite term for roboticization, she winced, that Robotnik occasionally used when he dropped propaganda near the edges of the Great Forest.) However, she had not had any success in finding a new source. Apparently, the powerpacks that her unit took were extremely rare, and could only have been acquired by her source...but there was something that gave her hope of finding more; his goods had not been found by Robotnik. Of course, it would figure that nobody *else* knew where they were, either. So, yet again, she was going to have to rely on her own detective work and wit to pull herself through hard times. She searched the Great Forest for months. All the while, the world kept spinning, changing, and becoming stranger than she was accustomed to. Mini-coups were held in Robotropolis, starting after Doomsday. (To her understanding, the odious Packbell was now running things.) Fall turned to autumn, and she had still not found his cache of items. She began to have more difficulty hunting down food. Her diet of the larger predators (which had been giving her a viable career in fur-trapping) slowly began to switch to that of the smaller mammals and the occasional bird. Chewing on bark seemed to be becoming more attractive. Yet, her search continued. But, she admitted to herself, she had not totally dedicated every waking moment to searching out the 'packs for the replicator... During one of her explorations of the Great Forest, she began noticing minor changes in one of the parts of the forest that she frequented often. First, a small creek had been dug out from the Great River and had been made to run through a normally barren part of the woods. Then, a pond had slowly began to appear, lined with multicolored stones. A wooden bridge had been constructed next, which went over the creek, and finally was replaced with a firmer stone one. At first, she assumed that one of the Freedom Fighters had simply wished to add some infrastructure to the forest, or wanted to build someplace where he or she could relax. But the arrival of the `SpyGlobe', which the floating device had called itself, seemed to denote a different presence. At first, it had chased her away when she tried to cross the bridge, firing stun beams. But, she had slowly began to develop a rapport with the device, eventually beginning to learn things from it. She had came to the conclusion (incorrectly, unknown to her) that the SpyGlobe and its owner, a individual named `Joseph', were seperate entities. Therefore, she attempted to learn about one by asking the other. And she thought she was making remarkable progress; she knew that this `Joseph' was a male, an alien, and a scientist. He was also a psudo-Freedom Fighter, and worked extensively on the deroboticizer project. This intrigued her. She knew little else of this man than what the SpyGlobe had stated after coercing...but she realized that if he could make a device like this, and change his environment around as he pleased, that he could probably assist her in her prediciment. So, after a few more days of discussion (seperated by further sporadic searching), the 'Globe finally determined that she was not a threat, and allowed her to cross the bridge over into the area by this `Joseph''s house. She was somewhat surprised to find that Joseph's home was not the normal cottage of the basic `Knothole' motif. Rather, it was had a classic `tech noir' look to it. It was a large dome that was constructed out of a sort of brown crystal. There were clear areas in it that served as windows, which one could not see into clearly. However, it was a fair bet that one could see out perfectly from them. This person became more and more intriguing...she needed to learn more. Leaving the area, she decided to spy on the residents of Knothole for a week or two...while quietly acquiring some of their stores for her own use, of course. Unfortunately, she couldn't learn much of him there, either. He was a reclusive fox (she had at least learned what his -species- was), and was not, it was rumored, friendly to uninvited visitors. Perhaps a more cautious female would have taken that as a pretty good reason to leave well enough alone, and not to disturb this person. Yet, there were other bits of evidence that seemed to justify the risk to her. For example, this fox had won the trust and loyalty of the upper level Freedom Fighters, and specifically Sonic. Sonic regarded Joseph as some sort of `brother' to him, for reasons that never did become clear to her. This could be an advantage to her in the future if she somehow was able to win his trust. Also, she found striking similarities between herself and the yet-unseen fox. He was an accomplished spy; somehow, he had acquired all of the info that Robotnik had on Robotropolis, the Freedom Fighters, and every other miscellaneous piece of information he had right from Robotnik's main computer. He was a crack security expert. The urban legends about the Dome seemed to follow a very coherent, common thread -- a unknowing, naive dupe would attempt to break in, and would be thrown in a cold, openingless, dark, opaque floating box somewhere within the structure. After a few minutes, you were surrounded by a bright light and teleported back into Knothole. Only if you solved Joseph's riddles would he let you through his various levels of security. She smiled when she thought of this. He had a level of class that was far above the norm. You wouldn't see Snively or Packbell be creative like that... He was also said to be a skilled martial artist. He had a practice area behind his fortress that he was said to frequent often during the warmer months, even though nobody had ever seen him there. When anyone aproached when Joseph was practicing, the legend said, they would find naught but a staff and a breeze there to greet them. Of course, the most amazing thing about this fox was the fact that he had somehow managed to instill awe and fear into the people of Knothole that could also be used to her advantage, in was not a hatred that seperated him from the people of the village, but a sort of jealousy and Neanderthalic instinct against things they did not understand. Aside from the upper brass, they were almost uniform in their opinion of him; he was a powerful, brilliant fox...but it means your doom if you get him on your bad side. But, she had never been the kind to make snap judgements about people based on rumors and urban legends. She had been misjudged that way many times as well...another similarity. She smirked. Perhaps, she sarcastically thought, they were soulmates. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - All the while, Joseph had been observing the vixen as well. He had watched her and studied the records available on her life, trying to learn her nature. From his observations, he had rigged up a personal dossier on her. She looked youthful, about in her middle twenties...fur of a deep black, stood about 5'10". She had a very feminine, yet athletic, figure; a long, silky tail, a well-curved frame, sparkling, intelligent eyes...but she also had a sort of wary toughness about her that reminded him of some of the warrior caste vixens back home. The records he had available on her showed a turbulent early life. She was a professional thief, with a rap sheet a mile long. In and out of jail a lot...when the coup hit, she had nothing to lose. She'd worked for both sides for a while, finally switching over to the FF side after some incident with Packbell...the rest of her current history was based on rumors he had picked up on his hidden microphones and cameras. Yet, for completely illogical and foolish reasons, Joseph thought he'd like to be her mate. He found her irresistably attractive...despite her past, the way he had acted toward Tails and other incidents, he saw someone he could relate to. They shared many interests. Both were voyeuristic to a certain extent; her for survival, him for the sheer fun of it. She was obviusly an athletic type, who loved to push herself to her limit. They both were loners, spies, outcasts, and generally not people you'd likely find in `polite' society. He'd started observing her movements through the Great Forest almost obsessively...he wanted to understand how she was like, how she lived, what she cared about...for the first time in over 3 centuries, he felt the twinges of an early love forming. Thinking on this further, he laughed. He hardly even knew this vixen! He'd obviously spent way, way too long down in the Control Room... but he still kept watching. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A day or two after that, she had decided to try and catch a glimpse of what this mysterious uberfox looked like. Only a dusting of snow was on the ground at the time, so he'd still be able to go outside and practice. After convincing the 'Globe to let her through, she had snuck through the path to the training area. It was a small, densely wooded alcove within a dim part of the Great Forest. It was nearly impossible to see into it unless you went out of your way to observe what was going on. Pine trees and thick shrubs surrounded the 12' square that had been cleared for practice and meditation. Not even animals dared tread within it, which surprised her to a great degree. She climbed up a thick evergreen and perched precariously upon a thick branch. Hopefully, she'd be able to see him, while he would be unable to see her. The sound of nearing footfalls caused her to involentarily shudder. She quickly took her position, close to the trunk of the tree, and emitted not a sound as the fox approached. He was a tall, elegantly-framed fox. His fur was a shocking citrus orange, which she had not expected...yet, this did not seem to make him any less attractive. He was dressed in a training suit; cotton pants and shirt, which looked like they once were white. His black, reflective wraparounds kept his eyes from sight, and also kept her from being sure where he was looking. He was clad in naught else, but carried himself with an air of confidence that would make you think he was clad in a sturdy suit of armor. He said no word, but went right to his work. He started with some basic stretching exercises, which stretched out his tightly-packed, yet strong, muscles. She watched him as he bent and twisted, watching the rippling undergirding beneath the suit flow along in perfect harmony with his mind's command. After a while of that, he began to work himself into a sweat slowly. He did some minor meditations, moving his body to some rhythm known only to him. He slowly extended his arm to punch, and recoiled it in again. Then, a swift roundhouse, to throw some variation into the perfectly controlled dance. He flipped backward once or twice, and then did a forward roll back to his original position and lept to his feet. His mind and body were one. He continued training silently, her his only audience. But finally, as all things do, it came to an end. He took a series of deep breaths, sat down, and crossed his legs into the lotus position. He bowed his head, and began to slow his breathing... After she was sure he was lost within his meditation, she silently climbed out of the tree, and retreated back into the woods. His physical form had...affected her in a way that she had not been in a long time. He was a creature of an elegant beauty...he had perfect control of his body, mind, and soul at all times. Cold as ice...but the only way she could ever tell would be to see into his eyes. The eyes that were obscured by the black wraparounds were the ones she wanted to see...would they be emerald, blue, or brown? He smiled, and giggled as if she were a young kit again. This was such a silly way to behave. She should just go up to him and start a conversation, instead of treating him as some sort of subject to be studied and analysed for tactical potential. But that raised some interesting questions in her mind. Did she want to treat this fox as a potential mate, or as a resource? Could she do both in good faith? Whose side was she on, anyw-- "HALT, CITIZEN!" She started to run as the lazer fire began. She'd wandered right into a SWATBot hover patrol she should have seen coming a mile away. Stupid vixen! Never let your mind wander while you're in enemy territory! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - And that's where we left our heroine all those pages ago: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - She ran as fast as she could, heading back to the river. If she could get to the Great Swamp, she could hide there until the patrol gave up and went back to Robotropolis. But things were starting to happen that were interfering with her plans. For one thing, it was starting to snow. Heavily. Second, the patrol was speeding up. Third, she was already fatigued from the lack of food she had taken in the last few days... maybe it was time to stop running. If she could irritate the SWATBots enough, she could earn a quick and relatively painless-- The sounds of metal being rended from metal resounded in her ears. Something had attacked the squad from behind! But what...? was not her problem. Her body was set to run, and it was going to. She didn't feel like stopping, and she honestly didn't want to be within striking distance of something that was big and nasty enough to polish off a squad of SWATBots. So she ran deeper into the snow, that was coming down in thick sheets now....not knowing that the thing that had terminated the SWATBots meant her no harm. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The wind blew an icy slap across the Dome, slowly covering its already crystalline design with a glimmering lining of ice. As the snow continued to taper down from the opaque, grey sky, slush accumulated along the sides of the sidewalk; a low-powered forecefield kept the ice and snow from reaching it, and instead pushed it to the sides. A closer examination of the structure would also reveal that it had semi-clear `windows' built into a few sides of it...via clearing up portions of the otherwise brown crystal. If we looked into one of the small, less-opaque clearings in the otherwise brownish crystal that made up the `roof' of the Dome, we would be able to see the nebulous outlines of a few Solstice decorations... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph was putting the finishing touches on his entertainment area, preparing for a Solstice party for the `upper brass' of the Knothole Freedom Fighters. It had taken him a few hours of work every day, but he'd done what was required as the eccentric Mobian traditions stated: he had acquired a small evergreen tree and decorated it with colorful bright things, made a punchbowl full of a vaguely alcoholic substance called `eggnog', replicated a festive buffet of holiday foods, as well as some snacks, and set up a music generator that knew traditional Mobian music (as well as some contemporary hits). Comfortable sofas were set up around the room, and particularly one in front of his large fireplace for...well, he didn't know. It would depend on who saw it first. Either Bunnie and Rotor or Sonic and Sally. Probably Sonic would acquire it. He smiled. After all, he'd get there first. In the center of the room was a impromptu dance area. He was especially proud of it; he'd wired it to a series of auditory/visual triggers that would set the proper mood for any song. It was padded nicely, and was kept warm by a series of heating coils. After all, it certainly looked chilly outside... He checked his chronometer. 3 hours until he'd have to do last-minute setup for the party. Perhaps he'd go out on a walk... Oh, who was he trying to kid? He was worried about her. Sure, he'd followed her for a ways, and was about to actually -say- something when that brigade of SWATBots came roaring down from nowhere, blast them. And he'd taken them out, and watched the vixen escape. But it was snowing heavily outside, and the wind was blasting. He had the proper shielding to survive in the woods on a night like this, but she certainly didn't. Yes, he was going to go out and look. This was important. She looked unwell to begin with, so she couldn't have gotten far... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - She ran and ran and ran, deeper into the woods than she'd normally go. Her body ached, was cold, and needed food. She needed to stop running...but if she did, she thought she'd never run again. But her body made the choice for her seconds later; her knees simply buckled beneath her, and she collapsed with a wet *swak* into a snowdrift. She lied there for a moment, reflecting on how utterly pathetic this was. She hadn't eaten in days, her cave was miles away, she was lost, and she was starting to accumulate snow. And she still hadn't actually heard the sound of her strange fox's voice. That, on top of the fact she was lying in a snowdrift that was starting to collect additional snow to pile upon her every minute, was making her absolutely miserable. She wanted to cry, but couldn't even find the strength to do that...she was tired, so tired... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph turned up his I/R vision to maximum range, rushing through the forest in hedgehog mode. He was desperately looking for the remains of her trail, hoping to find some trace of her...a trail, a scent, a heat signature--but all traces were gone beneath the gusting, icy wind and the blankets of snow that were falling from the sky. He shouted her name in vain, still running as fast as he could...and then, as he was about to turn back and pray for the best...he saw the very hint of a heat signature sticking out of a large snowdrift. Quickly, he rushed over to it, doing a deeper scan. She was in there, all right. He frantically dug at the snow, hoping to pull her out before she sufficated or drowned or whatever you do when you're crushed by snow. She was going into hypothermia, so he had little time to lose... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The dark-haired vixen was in a semi-delusional state. At first, the snow that draped her seemed to be the slow hand of death gripping her soul tightly, ever tighter...then, she felt it slip away, with her limp form being pulled away from it. A short figure (a demon?) was pulling her out into the cold again. Too weak to fight, she only moaned as the figure draped her as much as it could over its shoulders, and started running. Fast, so fast...the snow, trees, and her life streaked into a blur--she slipped into a state of unconsciousness. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - She awoke again inside a glowing white room with a shudder. She laid upon a king-sized bed, wrapped tightly in the covers. She was, for a change of pace, comfortable. Her fur was dried and cleaned, her wounds were tended, and her strength was somehow renewed. She tried to remember how she got here, but could not. She was outside, moving fast...SWATBots, speed...then nothing. As if that was all a dream. Perhaps it was. But if it was, where was she? She unwrapped herself from the soft covers, and hopped upon the strangely warm floor. Standing there, she felt she needed some sort of support for a moment, so grabbed against the side of the nightstand. Closing her eyes for a moment, and taking a breath, she opened her eyes and looked around. It was a cozy room, with a low ceiling and carpeted floor. The bed took up most of the room, but some chairs and a table were also present. A replicator...a replicator! Food! Water! At last! She rushed over to it, and spoke. "Computer, quickly! A plate of spagetti and a glass of Mobian black wine!" And, surprisingly enough, it gave her just that. She snatched it from the replicator and quickly imbibed it, filling her aching stomach at last. After she had completed her meal, she put the plate down on a table and wiped some of the excess spagetti sauce and wine off her muzzle. She felt much better now, and wanted to explore this strange place she found herself in. She walked over to a stepdisk near the back of the room. She walked on top of it, and got herself steadied on it. But before she could give it any orders, a hole opened above her and lifted her to the surface. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - She arrived in the inside of a large dome-shaped structure. It was decorated for the upcoming solstice holiday, but seemed to be ready for some sort of party. A buffet was here, as well as a roaring fire with couches facing it. It even had a jukebox, complete with a dance floor. She smiled when she looked at it, remembering times of old... "Up already, Miss Nightweaver?" She looked over in the direction of the voice, which came from a couch most directly in front of the flickering fire. "Please, come here and take a seat," he said, "I know you must be tired." Cautiously, she approached the couch, and sat down on the opposite side of it. She looked over to her right, and saw Joseph sitting on the other end. Neither of them said a word for a while. Joseph stared into the fire for a few moments, and appeared to be calmly collecting himself. Sandra (as you must have figured out by now) simply looked at him. "It appears," Joseph said, "that my party is going to have to be postponed. The weather has appeared to have come in the way." He sighed, smiling slightly. "Ah well. At least I'll have leftovers." "Why have you brought me here?" Joseph blinked quickly, and looked t her. Thinking, he answered with another question. "Would you rather be out there?" Sandra shook her head in the negative. "Well, what do you want of me?" Joseph smiled. "I want nothing of you." He paused, and drank a glass of wine. "I simply have developed a liking for you, that is all." Sandra pretended not to blush, then smirked. "Oh? And why might that be?" Joseph pondered for a moment. "You are attractive to me, mentally and physically," he said, stomach going into a bowline hitch, "and it would be hard for me to imagine someone not liking you." She swooned internally, but maintained her aloof facade. "My, aren't you to the point." She laughed quietly. "Well, you're no Antoine, yourself." His heart raced, but still he showed nothing of it, aside from a small smile. "Such kind words are unnecessary." She smirked. "Well, then most of what you've said to me is utter fluff." He smiled, beginning to fear unnecessarily that he'd offended her. "That is not so," he said with his mind reeling, "because you are all of those things to me." Her heart melted like a ice cube in a microwave. "But how could I be all of those things to you? We've only just met." He smiled, stomach knotting tighter. "I've watched you for a long time." She blinked, stunned. "You've been watching me?" He nodded. "Almost as well as you've been watching me." Sandra flushed crimson beneath her fur, humiliated. "So you've known..." He took part of her hand in his. "It does not offend me that you have done so, as I hope my observations have not offended you." They looked into each other's eyes for an eternity. They said almost simotaneously, "No, they have not." Both recoiled a bit, surprised. Then, they laughed quietly at their syncronised thoughts, and looked back into each other's eyes. "Do you believe in love at first sight?" Joseph said. Sandra looked deep into Joseph's eyes, and then deep into herself. She considered who he was, how he seemed to feel and about how she felt about him. The answer presented itself instantly. "I do now," Sandra said, and crept closer to him. He shrunk away a bit, but Sandra softly took hold of his shoulder. She stared into his eyes, and smiled. Joseph sent his other arm behind her back, and pulled her nearer to him in a soft embrace. No further words were needed. Chapter Six - A Cold Shoulder - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Timeline: The next morning. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The sky was still opaque with the grey ceiling of snow clouds. Silence reigned over the Great Forest like an tyrannical king, censoring all of the usual noises of life. Wind whistled through the treetops, bringing a quiet snowshower on its coattails. The freshly-fallen snow had draped the outside of the Dome in an opaque blanket of sparkling white ice. The howling snowstorm last night had left its mark; a foot of snow laid on the ground, smothering anything smaller than a domesticated nonanthro cat completely, leaving nary a trace of what was formerly there. The sun rose that morning, as it had done for aeons. But only a dim glow was seen on the ground, with the oppressive mass of grey and white blocking its warming rays. But yet, the sun shone as mightily as it could, at least warming the tops of the clouds. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bahb was silent in the core of the complex, awaiting the commencement of the official (not technical, which activated at +00:00:00) solar cycle at +07:15:00. During the night, it was required to do little. Most systems were deactivated, except for the security protocols and survellience systems; so Bahb was what most Mobians would define as `bored'. It was self-aware, which not only gave it the capacity to know it existed, but also gave it the ability to experience ennui. So there it sat, silently recording the activities that its cameras recieved, keeping the night shields up, and calmly processing the roboticizer information that had been annexed from Robotropolis. The deroboticizer project was something that Bahb only had a minor interest in. For one thing, all Bahb did was run the series of algorhythms constantly, substituting various variables with steadily-increasing numbers. When the proper matrix was reached, eventually, that equation would form the key to completing the deroboticizer software. Joseph had a substancial interest in it, so Bahb made the equation-finding as efficient as possible. This meant that Bahb devoted 25% of the total system resources to the finding of this equation. That also meant the 75% of the system left over would be divided between the other subsystems: security (25%), survellience (25%), maintanence (10%), life support (10%), and the miscellaneous situations that tended to occur around the Dome (5%). Bahb had taken it upon itself to automate most of his functions. It was mostly disinterested in life support and maintanence, security was usually a non-problem, and survellience was something Joseph handled. So that left the majority of its intelligence with very little to occupy itself... [ Dome pattern: "NIGHTWATCH" ceased at +07:14:59 ] [ Dome pattern: "DAYWATCH" activated at +07:15:00 ] [ Activating processes...] Bahb twittered a bit at the automatic processes firing up, which finally gave him something to observe. The daytime activities of the Dome were more `fun' to manage, in Bahb's opinion, because they were more chaotic. They forced it to adapt to new situations, which Bahb had been programmed to enjoy. Nighttime was usually rather bland, with few (if any) odd things occurring during the darkness; the frightening psychic repulsion field that surrounded the Dome after the sun went down kept most things at a safe distance away. But, as the cycle began, it powered down for the sake of preserving energy; that, and because Joseph would be able to deal with any visitors that arrived during the day. Bahb activated the child processes that would handle most of the tedious grunt-work of firing everything back up. The heater kicked over in the lower levels, starting to warm the otherwise freezing cold (all radiation, from heat to cosmic rays, were stopped dead by the 2-foot thick curved crystal wall that made up the foundation of the Dome) lower levels first. It slowly worked its warm way to the middle of the complex, and up to the `roof' of the complex; then, recycling its way down to the basement, and back up. As the heat began to waft up through the ventilation system, the lighting system powered up. The walls, which had entinguished themselves so to expediate sleep, reactivated. Dim at first, then slowly increasing their magnitude back to normal. With the vital heat and light systems active, the next priority was the work area. Silently, the laboratory systems activated, and began their own series of cycles to prepare for the day's work. [ Processes Activated. ] With the startup sequence completed, Bahb chose to check up on Joseph before going any further with the daily prep sequence. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - They laid there in front of the fireplace, the last ambers of last night's fire extinguishing. She was wrapped around him snugly; her head resting on his chest, with his arms barely caressing her abdomen. Both were sound asleep, at peace in each other's arms. Bahb analyzed this scene for signifigance. He obviously realized that this new, strange individual was enamored with Joseph, and the feeling was quite possibly mutual. However, Bahb was unfamiliar with the `why' of this new situation...she'd never entered here before, and its records showed that she wasn't a Freedom Fighter. So who was she? It scrolled through its records, looking for a match. She was not royality, not a scientist, not military. Her nubile form hadn't gone to any Mobian college, or worked for the state. Finally, checking criminal records, it found a match. The subject's name was Sandra Nightweaver. A thief and a spy. Bahb processed this. Joseph, a respected citizen (at least, he filled the criteria for a respected citizen), had fallen in with a renegade. Illogical and improbable. Yet, Bahb had learned that illogical and improbable things happened when living things become involved. Bahb was no judge of moral character, and didn't try to be. Rather, it simply followed the commands of its creator, Joseph. So, both parties were to be treated equally, and have the same things done for him or her that would have been done otherwise. Sandra had been added to the userlist, and would be treated kindly. Breakfast cycle became active. While it replicated Joseph's favorite (waffles slathered in maple syrup, orange juice, toast, bacon and home fries), it activated a brain scanner and poked around inside the female's head. It skimmed through some uninteresting memories, and finally stumbled upon a morning meal she appeared to enjoy; scrambled eggs, toast, coffee, hash browns, and a few links of sausage. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sandra began to wake up, sensing the familiar smells of a hot breakfast. Dimly, she started to remember where she was, and who she was with. There'd been a lot of snow, and something orange involved. She noticed her head was resting against warm fur, with a slow, nearly mechanical heartbeat. Her eyes opened, and looked around the room she was in. She was inside a curved dome, which was a dull brown in color. A metallic portal led outside, while a stepdisk implanted in the floor obviously led downward. A replicator with two plates and glasses in it hummed in a corner, while various party equipment was being taken down and away by maintence drones. She looked over at the large, warm object that she was laying upon. He was a tall, slim fox, with bright orange fur. A pair of black wraparounds were snugly attached to his face. He had striking features; a strong muzzle, with a well-put together cranium. He probably had green eyes, she mused, or grey. She smiled, and rubbed the side of his face lovingly. Out like a light. She looked him over a bit more, and noticed he had no shirt on. His chest and stomach were well-defined, but not overly bulky. She ran her hands lightly over it, hearing a quiet whine emit from her kind provider. Yet, he didn't wake up. Giggling softly, she snuggled a little closer to him. The cool steel of his belt rubbed against the side of her hip. Reflexively, he held her a little tighter... << "Joseph?" >> Sandra's ears flicked. "Huh?" << "Are you awake, Joseph?" >> She rolled over on top of the fox. "What--?" A beep, and a dim clicking sound. "Hello," a voice said, "Miss Nightweaver." Sandra looked around in a futile effort to find the source of the voice. "Who--?" "I am a Bahb 27290-A Unit, the central computer for this area." She unbuckled his arms, and slid off of him. She thought for a moment, and then spoke. "Oh, you are now?" "Yes, I am." She looked over at the replicator. "Is that for us?" A beep. "Yes. Please awaken Joseph for breakfast now." Sandra, not knowing exactly how to respond, gently shook Joseph. "Honey...breakfast." Joseph rrrred, not wanting to get up. Sandra nudged him a bit harder. "C'mon, you. Get up." He rolled over away from her. She smiled sublimely. "Oh, so you want to be like that, eh?" She grabbed around his abdomen, and rolled him gently on his back. She rubbed his stomach firmly, working her fingertips into his firm stomach muscles. He murred, panted, and curled his toes. A soft smile crossed her face. "Get up." The male fox rubbed the arms that massaged him. "I don' wanna." She climbed on top of him, and straddled his waist. Continuing her rubbing, she softly spoke, "For me?" He opened his eyes behind his glasses, and looked up at his mate. "Well, okay." He picked her up, and held her in his arms. He hopped off the bed, and carried her over to a table. Placing her in a chair, he walked over and fetched the food from the replicator, and put it on the table. He smiled. "Your food, madam." She giggled. "Why, thank you, sir." He smiled, and sat down parallel to her. He took a quick swig of orange juice before speaking again. "Sleep well?" She gave him a smoky look. "Very." He raised an eyebrow. "Good." She sipped some of her coffee, thinking. "So, tell me...what's your story?" He smiled. "My story?" "Yes. You know so much about me, but I know almost nothing about you." "Well, where would you like me to start?" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meanwhile, a few thousand yards away... Knothole was attempting to dig its way out of the worst snowstorm in recent history. Sheets of ice covered the doorways, making travel slippery (if not impossible) while the thick, wet snow took hours to shovel away. Sonic has spin-dashed his way out in a few minutes, and cleared out most of the main street enough for travel. The roboticized individuals helped as well, shoveling out paths anywhere they could. After a few hours, Knothole was relatively functional again. The bitter cold forced many to stay inside, especially most of the younger citizens of Knothole. But Tails, being almost an official Freedom Fighter, was out with Sonic, giving him as much assistance as possible. Of course, that wasn't much. "Gee Sonic," the young fox stated from inside Sonic's backpack, "what should we do now?" "Dunno, kid," Sonic said, roaring across the ground to melt away a particularly nasty sheet of ice, "maybe we should check up on Sal." And, without a word, Sonic changed direction and ran toward Sally's hut. Sally was trying, at the time, to shovel off her walk. Unfortunately, as supersonic hedgehogs are wont to do, he plowed right into a pile of snow; knocking him and snow back onto the walk. Sally stood agast for a moment, and then regained her senses. "Sonic Hedgehog!" she shouted, "That took me 15 minutes! Now I'll have to start over from scratch!" Sonic pulled his way out of the snow, and smirked wickedly. "I'm okay, Sal. No, really, I don't need any help getting up." Sally brushed some of the snow off of Sonic. "Like you would have taken it." Sonic laughed. "True. But it's still nice to hear sometimes." Sally smiled. "I suppose so." She thought for a moment. "Is everyone okay?" Sonic nodded. "Aside from some little dings here and there from fallin' on ice, everyone in Knothole's A-OK." "Have you talked to Joseph yet?" Sonic shook his head. "No, Sal. We had ta dig our way outa here first." "Well," she said, "you better send someone up there to see if he's okay. He's probably wondering about us right now." Tails climbed out of Sonic's backpack. "I'll go!" Sally looked hesistant. "Well, I don't know,'s awfully cold." Tails appeared determined to go. "Aw, c'mon, Sally. I'm dressed for the weather. 'Sides, it'll only take me a minute." Sally smiled. "Okay, Tails, you can go." Tails grinned widely. "Past Cool!" He flew off toward the stump quickly, wanting to be sure to get far enough away before she changed her mind. Sonic dusted off his hands, and watched Tails go off. Before Sally could say a word, Sonic stated, "He'll be okay." Sally nodded. "I just hope he doesn't catch another cold." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "...and that covers up to the present day." Sandra was entranced. "You've had such an interesting life..." He smiled. "You really think so?" She nodded. "Very." They looked into each other's eyes for a aeon or two. "Well," he said, "you've not had such a sheltered life, either." She grinned at him. "Is that a good or a bad thing?" He slinked out of his chair, and slid behind Sandra. Draping his arms around her shoulders, he whispered, "That depends..." He kissed her ears. "...on if you are a good or bad thing." He looped his arms beneath her shoulders, and lifted her up. Then, he put his right arm under the back of her knees, and his left propped up her back. Sandra smiled, and snuggled up to him gently. She asked, "What would you like me to be?" He carried her over to a couch, where he laid down first. "Anything you want to be." She slid on top, and kissed him... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tails flew by a SpyGlobe, which didn't seem to be paying attention to much of anything. That was odd, Tails thought, because SpyGlobes were said to transmit right into Joseph's mind. Perhaps he is asleep. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph dumped the incoming transmission into the nearest null spool, and caressed Sandra's back with the hands of a skilled masseuse. He held her close, smiled, and kissed her deeply... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tails arrived at the front portal, and knocked on it. When knocking didn't seem to do the trick, he yelled into the intercom. After that seemed to fail, he started whipping snowballs at the door. "Lemme in, Joseph! It's cold!!!" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph soundproofed the wall where the portal was, and kept necking with Sandra; hoping the noise would go away, or at least come back later. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tails pushed the `open' switch, which activated the security program. A riddle was put up in front of him. Grumbling, he looked it over and thought. His tails were getting icy, and he needed to blow his nose. Why won't he open up?!? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sandra kissed him deeper, rubbing his shoulders as she straddled his waist. Her heart pounded quicker as she massaged the inside of his mouth, her hand running down his side to his belt... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tails examined the riddle, and punched in an answer. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph grasped her sides firmly, stroking her back as they laid in their passionate embrace...a small red box started blinking in the corner of his eye, but he blinked it away so it wouldn't obstruct his vision. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tails hit the enter toggle, and the door opened. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The portal opened. A cold blast of air rushed in from the outdoors, with a cloud of snow. Sandra and Joseph looked over at Tails. Tails looked over at Joseph, and then Sandra. Joseph looked at Sandra and then Tails. Joseph's mouth opened and closed a few times, but nothing coherent came out. Sandra, however, had some of her wits about her. She unwrapped herself from around Joseph, (for lack of a better term) dismounted, and stood in front of Joseph. "Hasn't your mother," said Sandra at the also-speechless Tails, "taught you not to enter some place without being let in first?" A younger Tails would have simply run away when she said that. But this was not the same Tails that Sandra had captured and shot all that time ago. "I'm not afraid of you," he said more to reassure himself than to use against Sandra. Sandra smirked, put her hands on her hips, and bent down a little to make direct eye contact with the small fox-child. Her lips curled up in a perverse version of a fanged smirk, and her glaring blue eyes pierced into the kit's with a very unnerving effect. "Yes," she growled, "you are. You are very frightened, and you need to run home very fast." She waited until he started shaking, and then continued. "Because if you don't," she snarled, her voice increasing in volume, but not pitch, "I'm going to send you there, *piece* by *piece*." With that, Tails screamed for dear life, and flew back to Knothole at roughly the speed of sound. After he had faded into the snow, Sandra closed the portal, and told the computer to hermetically seal it until further notice. She smiled, and dusted off her hands. "There," she noted, "that should stop any more multi-tailed interlopers from interfering..." Joseph sat up, his voice returning. "Was that really necessary?" Sandra blinked. "Yes, of course." An awkward silence. "Well, didn't need to scare him like that." Sandra swished her tail slowly from left to right, looking unflinchingly into his eyes. "He'll get over it." "Sally won't." Sandra blinked. "Sally?" "Yeah. You know, the lady who acts like Tails' mom? The heir to the Mobian throne?" Sandra suddenly realized exactly what the consequences of what she had done would be. And, for the first time since her early teens, she felt guilty about something she'd done. "I've probably gotten us in trouble," she noted softly. Joseph laid back down and thought. "A little, yes," he mused emotionlessly, "but nothing that can't be fixed." Sandra's tail unhappily drooped to the ground, as the corners of her mouth seemed to wish. "That was a really stupid thing to do." Joseph blew some hair out of his eyes. "No, a really stupid thing to do is not to exterminate Snively when you have the chance to." Sandra snuck back over to Joseph, and laid back down on top of him. He stroked her back reflexively as she rested her head on his chest. "I'm sorry," she said softly, closing her eyes and sighing. Joseph rested his muzzle on top of her head. "Forgiven." He thought for a moment. "Perhaps if I just calmly and rationally explain this to everyone, they'll understand." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "I want her in here NOW!" Sally was in a fury. She had just sat down to relax after getting most of the emergency storm protocols in place, when Tails had ran in her hut and dove under a table. Naturally, this caught her attention, and she rushed over to it to see what was the matter. After much coaxing, she was able to get him to speak again. What she heard didn't please her. Let it be said that Sally was as forgiving as any soul on Mobius. She was unusally kind to those she did not know, and she always was there for a friend when she was needed. But, like everyone, there are some things that she could not forgive. This was one of them. It was bad enough that Sandra Nightweaver had not only been spying on them, assisting Robotnik at times (so the rumors went), and had shot Tails...but now she was corrupting Joseph (actually, it was probably the other way around to the opposite extreme, but Sally couldn't have known that), making him do `weird' things (which meant she was going to have to have the "talk" with him now!), and she had threatened Tails with physical harm (which Tails had seemed to have no doubt in his mind that she was going to deliver on; that meant nightmares for the next few days). And, she had also spotted her snooping around Knothole in the last few days, apparently looking for additional information about Joseph. The three times she had saw her, she'd chased her off sucessfully. But, for every time you'd see her, there were ten times that you wouldn't... So, Sally had called Rotor and Sonic in, two people who somewhat understood how Joseph's mind worked, to see if they could give her any suggestions on how to un-enchant Joseph with this `bad' influence and to find some way of punishing her for all of the mean stuff she'd done. Rotor was no great help in this regard. Being relatively a romantic novice, and knowing little about either of their backgrounds, he could form no sort of workable strategy to solve this problem. Eventually, Sally stopped talking to him about it, and focused her energies on Sonic. Sonic was more of a help in this area inasmuch as 0.000000000000000000001 is greater than zero. While he was not in any way romantically helpless, he knew even less than Rotor about the both of them. All he saw was some nice, yet shy fox who lived all alone in a big, lonely fortress, who'd met a mysterious (perhaps lonesome) vixen who had no home to speak of. They'd met, fallen in `like' (certainly no guy could fall in love that quickly!), and chosen to live together. Tails had stumbled in where he shouldn't have been at the wrong time, and had gotten off rather easily. Joseph was happy. Sandra was probably, too, and Tails was alive. Sonic saw no problem there. "Sure," he had noted, "Sandra's been bad before. But Joe wouldn't go out with someone who'd hurt us. He's too smart for that." This wasn't what Sally wanted to hear. She wanted some clever plan to seperate them, not empathy for the deluded fool! (At this point, both Rotor and Sonic realized this was not Sally's usual mindset, and suggested Sally rest for a while. But she wasn't about to listen to them...not when her Tails had been frightened and threatened by that brunette bitch of a badnik! (Which she wasn't, but that's something Sally, as noted previously, does not know.)) She finally got so irritated with the both of them that she pretty much threw them out of her hut. After they had been removed, she slammed the door, bolted it, and brooded silently. After a little while, Tails poked his head out from around the corner, and looked in on his aggressively angry aunt. Tails wasn't a young kit anymore, as could probably be guessed. He'd started on the winding journey to teenager, and was developing his understanding of the world to a degree that he never had before. He was feeling more independent, and even a little surly. Yet, he was still just a child, and had much to learn. But Tails' basic naiveity still gave him a different view of most things that `adults' either couldn't, or wouldn't, see. He'd thought about what had happened for a while, and realized he, not Joseph or Sandra (despite his natural dislike of her because she was mean to him), was at fault. He'd explained it sucessfully to everyone else, and they'd pretty much forgiven him. (Most people had done something similar when they were children, he'd discovered, tho what they'd interrupted they would not say.) He wanted to go apologize to Joseph and Sandra, but Sally wouldn't let him even go outside. She wasn't mad at him, even though she acted like it, but at Sandra. Sally didn't like Sandra very much, because she had hurt him. And Tails didn't like her much either because of that; but, if she was bad, why did Joseph like her? Joseph was a good person, and good people don't give bad people the time of day. Right? Thus, Tails had concluded, Sandra must not be a bad person anymore. So, somehow, he'd found it in his heart to forgive her. After all, the wound had healed long ago, and the tongue-lashing had been deserved. (That's what everyone said, anyway. But Sally said she wasn't going to explain why until later.) Sally, however, didn't seem to understand this clear (to Tails) logic. She was following some sort of maternal instinct that demanded grudges against those who had hurt him. And Tails could understand a great deal of it. Sandra had done lots of bad things in the past. She was a thief, a spy, and a traitor to Mobius....yet, Tails had learned from Sally herself that all people are basically good. So Sandra had taken a little longer than other people to come around. Big deal, as Sonic might say. If the change was perminent, she deserved to be happy as much as anyone else was. And Joseph certainly deserved someone to love. He was the most unhappy, lonely, morbid and shy person Tails had ever met. He was almost mean in a way, but he always did what was right... Yes, Tails felt he was right in forgiving Sandra for what she'd done, even without including in what she was doing for Joseph. So why wouldn't Sally? He walked over to her and nudged her. She blinked and looked down at her charge. "Yes, Tails?" Tails lost all bearing on what to ask her. He stood there for a moment, and then said something just for the sake of saying it. "Umm, I'm going to bed now." Sally nodded. "Okay, Tails. G'nite." And she kissed him on the nose, as was the custom, and went back to her thoughts. Stuck in his statement, he went off to his room, shut the door, and put out the light. Great. -Now- how could be apologize? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph and Sandra had held each other in their arms for a while after that, and then tried to figure out what to do. Travel to Knothole was inadvisible for several reasons; Sally was still angry, and would be for a while yet; it was bitterly cold; everyone there was busy; and Sandra (much to Joseph's chagrin) would not go into any place she felt uncomfortable unarmed. So they decided they would merely stay inside for awhile, and wait until someone wished to communicate with them face to face. Joseph had shown Sandra around much of the Dome, demonstrating his unique home to her. He'd tried to explain the deroboticizer to her, but the fact that he only had a loose grasp on it so far didn't help. The beauty of the Emerald Room (as he called it, appropriately), and especially of the Amber Chaos Emerald, had awed her. "It's beautiful..." she had said, struck by its beauty. She put her hands by it, rubbing them around the limits or its aura. "...and warm..." She gazed into it. "...and bright!" He smiled. "Like you." Sandra blushed. "Certainly my beauty cannot..." He held her in his arms. "It does." She giggled, and allowed him to move on. After a little while, they made it down to the 13th SubBasement, where Joseph's personal quarters were. She marveled at the efficient bathroom... and the large bed. She'd made especially crass remarks about the bed, which had made Joseph laugh. (And you aren't going to hear them, either.) Then, they'd wandered into his most vital room of all, the Master Control Room. By now, night had fallen, so Joseph could freely show her all of the various camera angles and sensors he had wired to it. She was very, very impressed. Sitting on his lap, they went all over Mobius. Robotropolis, Knothole, outer space, beneath the sea, over hill and dale they saw, yet were never seen themselves. She hugged him after a while, and smiled. "Choosing you as my mate has once again reaped benefits." He blushed. "I hope you don't love me just because I've got a big eye." She laughed. "Certainly not!" She snuggled up to him tighter. "I can think of many reasons that I love you as well." Joseph smiled mischieviously. "Oh?" Sandra cuddled up to him. "Yes." He snuggled back. "How many?" "At least ten," she smiled, "offhand." He ran his fingers through her hair. "Name 'em." She giggled. "Okay. You're strong." He rubbed her ear. "That's one." "You're brave," she murred. He stroked her neck. "Two." She ran her hand down his stomach. "You're handsome." "Three," he replied. She nuzzled into his abdomen. "You're well-proportioned," she noted, and patted a certain part of his anatomy. He blushed a deep russet red, and looked up to the ceiling. "Four..." She pulled his muzzle back down and kissed it. "You're brilliant." He kissed back. "Five." She smiled at him. "You have excellent fashion sense." He looked down at her eternally-nude form. "So do you," he winked. "Six." Sandra giggled. "You're kind and loving." He smiled, and nibbled her neck. "Seven." "You know how to behave--" Then, the neck nibbling started. "--as well as how to treat a lady," she purred, rolling her head around. Joseph licked her chin. "Eight and nine." She rrred. "And, Joseph," she whispered, "you're a good fox." "Ten," he whispered back, and kissed her quite deeply... On the monitors, the moon temporarily parted the snow clouds, and rose. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tails had waited until Sally appeared to drift off to sleep in the next room before deciding to act. He would go out tonight, and secretly go to Joseph's home. He would throw himself on their mercies, and hope they forgave him for all the trouble he caused. Then, maybe, Sally and them could work something out, and everything would be nice again. He skulked out of his room, and carefully opened the hall closet. He took out his thick boots, his jacket, his hat and gloves, and his scarf. He bundled up well, like Sally would have wanted him to, and snuck out of the house into the night. It was quiet outside Knothole that night. The clouds had cleared for a moment, and the winds had died down. The moon was high in the night sky, and the stars shone brighter than Tails could remember in recent history. A comet zipped by, and only the sounds of his own breath could be heard. The streets were empty, naturally, because it was ridiculously late at night. Yet, he'd heard that Joseph would often work late at night on the deroboticizer, so he'd have a good chance that he'd be up. He thought... As silently as possible, he spun his tails into a propeller, and flew off toward the path out of Knothole. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - After a little while, Joseph's power levels began to drain. So, as discreetly as possible, he disengaged from the kiss, and started to get up. "What's wrong, honey?" she asked, confused. "I need to recharge my mimetic polyalloy now." "Mimetic polywhat?" "It's a type of metallic substance that can change shape easily," he lectured, "and it appears to be a sort of mercury to the naked eye. My brain and central nervous system is now made out of the substance, as I told you over breakfast. Every few days, I must recharge it back to maximum, or risk suffering memory loss. It will only take a half-hour. I'll be right upstairs." Sandra looked wary. "What if something comes up?" Joseph mused. "Well, if it does, ask Bahb. It'll advise you on how to deal with the situation." Sandra stood up, a little concerned. "You'll be okay, right?" He smiled. "Oh, I've done this a few times now. I just plug in, charge, and plug out. Like taking a nap." He handed her his portable link to the computer. "This should be able to assist you if you need to go outside." She hugged him. "Okay. I'll see you in a half-hour, then." He smiled, hugged back, and walked out. "See you in a few." She sat back down after a minute, totally alone inside this powerful room. She could get away with murder while he was charging, she mused. I could steal all sorts of information. She stroked the side of the portable unit. And this computer, she thought. Goddess, I could make my fortune off of just the *parts*! All this power--! Then, she realized what she was thinking, and mentally slapped herself. You heartless wench! This fox loves you. You can't just use him like the others...he actually loves you! Not just desires, or likes. LOVES. Have you become so cold as to think of love as just another ploy? No, she thought, I will leave well enough alone. He loves me, and I... She thought for a moment. Was this the one? He certainly loved her. He made her feel warm, loved, attractive...yet, needed. She wasn't a trophy to him, she was the vixen he'd probably want to marry...for love. Not because of something on her outside. For her...she'd never felt like that before. It had always been physical affairs...nobody actually had related to her before, or wanted to know how she felt. But Joseph talked to her. Listened, too, and really cared about what she thought. She smiled. And the physical part probably wouldn't be bad either, once he got up the nerve to go all the way... A monitor displayed Tails flying up the path to the Dome. She blinked, derailing her old train of thought. Now why would he be out now? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tails flew at a steady clip toward the Dome. The winds were starting to pick up, however, and it was making it difficult to fly. He had to spin his tails real fast to stay airborne, and it was really starting to slow him down... He got to the master path that lead toward the Dome, and he had just about made it to the SpyGlobe when his hat, which had been on fairly tight, blew off down the path toward the pond. Tails, of course, was forced to go after it. After all, if Sally found out he had gone out at night, he'd really get it. But it wasn't too bad; the wind was with him now. The hat rolled over the ground, and blew onto the icy pool. Having little resistance now, it blew over the surface of the frozen water like a bowling ball over a recently-greased lane. It was starting to irritate Tails. Every time he got close enough to grab it, a puff of wind would blow it further away. In fact, he had gotten very near the center of the pond without realizing it, and just as he was about to grab it-- A crack, and then a splash. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - An alarm started to go off inside the control room that startled Sandra. "Bahb," she said, "what's the problem?" Bahb silently showed a view of the pond, with a speck of movement in the center. "Magnify," Sandra said. Tails was on the screen, and was apparently drowning! She panicked. She wouldn't be able to run to him in time! What could she do?! "Bahb, teleport him out of there!" Bahb twittered. "Teleportation out failed. Too much interference." Sandra thought quickly. "Bahb, can you get me near enough for me to lock beam on him, so I can pull him out?" Bahb beeped. "Affirmative." She grabbed the portable unit. "Do it!" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - She appeared in a puff of blue energy near the side of the broken ice. Quickly, she pointed Bahb at the kit. Nothing happened. "Bahb!!!" she shouted, frantically waving the device at Tails. "What?" Bahb twittered. "Fire the tractor beam, Bahb!" A beep, and then a ray of deep blue energy fired out of the device, and grappled the kit. It pulled him out of the water quickly, and pulled him over to Sandra. She grimaced as she got ahold of the kit, and quickly moved away from the widening hole in the ice. "Thanks much, Bahb," she thought, and frantically worked to regain her breath... "Bahb, get us out of here!" she finally shouted as she pulled the wet kit toward her, hoping she wasn't too late... "Destination?" "Some place where Tails can get medical attention, Bahb. But do it NOW!" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bookshire had been staying late in his office, as was his usual behavior. He'd felt, with all the cold weather, that it would be prudent of him to stay in his office as late as possible in case of emergency. And, having that sense of intuition that doctors are wont to have, he went and stumbled into one. Sandra and the soaking wet, semi-conscious Tails teleported directly into the emergency room, where he had been doing some routine cleaning. He quickly dropped what he was doing, and immediately started asking questions to Sandra as to Tails' condition, which she answered to the best of her ability. Bookshire was able to get Tails' condition under control enough to leave him in Sandra's temporary care, while he went to inform Sally to what had happened. During the time of his absence, Sandra fed Tails some hot soup she had told Bahb to replicate, and asked if he was alright. Tails drank some of the soup. "Yes," he said quietly, "I am." "I'm sorry I shot you that one time, and yelled at you today." Tails smiled a little, and consumed more of the hot broth. "It's okay." Sandra shook her head. "It was the wrong thing to do." "Everyone makes mistakes." She smiled softly. "You're quite understanding for a fox your age." "I guess I am." A moment or two later, Bookshire came in, with Sally bursting in behind. She immediately rushed over to Tails and held him in her arms. "Tails!" Tails sniffed quietly, and coughed softly off to the side. "Sally, I..." Sally hushed him. "Rest. We'll talk about this later." Bookshire interceded. "Yes, he does need his rest. I want to keep him under observation for a day or two, anyway. He pushed the two women out. "You can see him in the morning. Let him sleep now." Sally smirked at Bookshire's prodding. "Okay, okay, we're going." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The two women walked back toward Knothole silently for a while. Then, after they had gotten about halfway to Knothole, Sally spoke. "I guess I was wrong about you." Sandra was silent. Sally tried again. "I know that you must not trust me, but please listen. Tails and I owe you our lives..." The vixen spoke. "I am not angry with you," she stated, "I just want to be treated like anyone else." Sally paused. "Like another Freedom Fighter?" Sandra gave Sally one of her quiet, secretive smiles. "Perhaps one day." They walked in silence for a while, until they reached the junction of the path that led back to the Dome. "Will you forgive me," Sandra stated, "if I forgive you?" Sally thought for a moment, looking at Sandra. She thought about what she had done, what she hadn't done, and her various deeds. Should she be forgiven? The snow blew across the ground, obscuring both of them for a moment. "Yes," Sally stated after an eternity, "I will." Sandra gave Sally a mischievous look, and started up the path. "That's your answer." And then, she disappeared into the night. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Epilogue ---------- Solstice Eve, a few days later. The party was at Knothole this time, over at Sally's house. The food was hand-made, cooked to perfection over various stoves for a few days. Drinks had been prepared, and a few gifts had been exchanged between friends. It was a sucessful party, but two people were yet to show up. Most had figured that one of them had decided to throw a special `party' (the adults smirked wickedly) for the other, and that they probably wouldn't be showing up. It probably wasn't meant to be offensive, so the conversation gradually slipped to more petty things. And, to a certain extent, they were correct. Sandra and Joseph were celebrating, and were in a state of emotional joy and happiness. Both parties were pleased, satisfied, and quite happy. They shared an incredible joy that rose to ecstatic heights that refused to level off.... However, the activities of said celebration were less sexual than they were sheer emotional release from months and months of guilt. For, at last, the deroboticizer had been perfected. Chapter Seven - Awakening - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Timeline: Just about then... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - An abandoned sewer, deep beneath Robotropolis; one of the last reminders of the great city that had existed there before. It fell into disuse after the coup, and was slowly falling into ruin. However, a small creature called this place his own... The creature laid inside a smaller pipe, curled up into a fetal ball. He was far from home, cold, frightened, and going through painful withdrawl symptoms. Slowly, his mind began to collect itself from the shattered, psychotic state it had been in, and his memories started to return... Months ago...peace, tranquility. Beautiful waterfalls, tall cliffs, glorious trees that reached to the sky. Sparkling accident... a short man...fighting...a burning city...fleeing... And one day, he had returned to normal. His quills soiled, his shoes scuffed, and his head pounding. His memories were fuzzy, his body was weak, but one thing was certain. Knuckles the Echidna was still alive. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph held Sandra in his arms happily, gracefully spinning around the room. After a while, he swept down onto a chair, taking her with him. They were both very happy foxes; Joseph had finally perfected the deroboticizer, and could save Mobius from Robotnik's final curse. Theoretically. Bahb had put the appropriate numbers in the equation, and had discovered the proper approach that deroboticization would have to follow in order to work. It was actually quite simple; the machine would scan the subject for a DNA signature, and begin the replication of appendages and internal organs one part at a time. A transporter would gradually transpose the part over the damaged one, and would return each section to full working order within seconds. A full deroboticization would take about 5 minutes, while partial ones could take as little as 10 seconds. However, it had not been tested yet. It had only been created about 10 minutes ago, and was still in the process of installation. Still, to Joseph (and to Mobius), it was a major breakthrough. Sandra smiled at her mate, and snuggled up to him softly. "I like it when you're like this," she stated, "it's so much easier to talk to you when you aren't brooding about the deroboticizer." Joseph stroked her back gently, thinking. "Well, if this works, you'll never have to hear of the damn thing from me again." He grinned. "Except when I brag." She poked him in the stomach. "Do you mean I'm going to have to hear about this from you the rest of my life?" Joseph chortled. "Yes." Sandra rolled her eyes and laid back against him. "Great..." Joseph put his arms around Sandra's abdomen. "I promise I won't talk in my sleep..." She giggled. "Oh, shut up, you." He kissed her ears. "As you wish." Sandra involuntarily flicked her ears around. "You never tire of doing that, do you?" She smiled. "Don't answer, I already know." A pause. "So, what are you going to do with your life now?" Joseph blinked, having not considered this option. "I don't know. How about you?" She hmmed softly, and then replied, "No idea." "Well," Joseph noted, "maybe I'll work on my painting, plant some trees, build a spaceship, do some redecorating..." "Spaceship?" Sandra looked confused. "You aren't going to--?" Joseph rubbed inbetween her ears reassuringly. "No, I'm not going to leave you. In fact, I'd like to take you with me." Sandra raised an eyebrow. "Oh?" Joseph nodded. "Yes. I want to see if I can find any other survivors of my kind in this galaxy." He paused almost unnoticably, his mind bubbling with secret knowledge. "I have a feeling there are a few." Sandra mrred softly, almost oblivious to Joseph's subtle change of mood. "But you said they were all dead." Joseph groused internally. "No, not quite. You see, even though most of the fleet was by my homeworld when it...happened, a few ships were exploring deep space for new worlds to, uh, plunder." Sandra looked up at him with a disapproving look, which caused Joseph to rub harder. "Well," he said, "that's the truth." She sunk back down at that, regaining her former good mood. "Anyway," Joseph monologued, "The Royal Ur'thaen Solar Obliterator `Legacy' was out in a far sector of the Empire, as well as the infamous Royal Ur'thaen World Dominator `Apocolypse'..." "Infamous?" "Yes...among our own ruthless breed of captains, we had one who was the cruelest, meanest, most efficient, and quite possibly the most evil that had ever been spawned from the genesis tubes of Ur'thae. That fox was called `Soulless John', by your native tongue. He was the captain of the `Apocolypse' at the time of the...incident." Joseph continued. "The `Apocolypse' was only called in for a X operation...the last resort of our fleet, and the one John (Jhohn in my tongue) most loved; total obliteration of all life on a world." Sandra shuddered, clinging to Joseph tighter. "Did--" "About 10 worlds have been destroyed by the `Apocolypse' at the last count 300 years ago. Thousands have felt lesser punishments, but only ten have been utterly terminated. It is a part of my history that I would rather forget...yet..." Joseph paused. "Both of these ships have never been accounted for. The `Legacy' and `Apocolypse' seemed to have disappeared from this universe entirely after the accident, and have never been heard of since." "And you want to find these people?" "It is the only hope of finding out what happened afterward." "I hope they'll be a bit nicer if you meet them." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Yeah, right," Knuckles grumbled, "it's all a dream." Knuckles spat as he walked down the tunnel, looking for an escape. How had he gotten down here? Certainly it wasn't by magic. Magic felt different. All he felt now was a sincere sense of nausea, and an omnious feeling that he was in a very, very bad situation. He looked around for windows, doors, or holes in the smooth, round walls. What sort of cave was this? It looked like it should have a river in it, but there was no smell of moisture in the air. Only some sort of foul-smelling breeze occasionally wafted in from directly in front of him. Why did the air smell so -bad-? Not even the sulfur pools around the bubbling mud pits on his Island smelled so awful. After walking for a few more minutes, a fissure in the wall a few yards ahead drew his attention. He carefully approached it from the side, flattening himself beside the wall. He took a stick from the ground and waved it out in front of the fissure. Noticing no negative reaction, he carefully peeked out around the side. What he saw was not the sulfur pools of his youth, but something far more awful. A huge city stretched blackly before him, looking decadent and dying. Black clouds of choking smokee belched out of towers of rock and smooth metal. Flying machines roared by above him, carrying batallions of metal-men... He withdrew from the fissure and flattened against the wall. How could anything LIVE here? What was this place? Why did he come here? Then, a flood of memories suddenly hit him, causing Knuckles to tumble to the floor... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A small earthquake had hit the Floating Island, and had damaged the master chamber where the Chaos Emeralds were usually stored. In order to begin repairs on the chamber, he had to remove the emeralds from the core, and place them in the backup caves that served as secondary storage areas. But, something had happened when he was putting the last Chaos Emerald in its storage area...some sort of power spike. It had saturated him with the emerald's energy, and had caused some sort of negative reaction. In the case of the Red Chaos Emerald, it made him very angry and violent. The small man had come a few days later, and had talked to him. About what, he had forgotten, but he thought it had something to do with the fate of the world. He had convinced him to assist the small man's quest to save the world, and had spoken to him several times... A hedgehog thief had tried to steal his red emerald, and they had fought. The hedgehog had been killed, and he had escaped with the small man in his flying machine. A blur, and then the sounds of a city exploding. He had ran deep into the caverns beneath the city to escape... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Knuckles opened his eyes, and climbed back to his feet. He leaned against the wall, panting. He had left the Floating Island defenseless! Idiot! Who knows what had become of it now?! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph allowed Sandra to fall asleep laying upon him. It was rather late, so he simply talked to her in a gentle, soothing voice until she fell asleep. She had no reason to pull an all-nighter, after all. After she had dozed off, he climbed carefully out from under her, and covered her with a large blanket. After tucking her in snugly, he went about his work quietly. He realized that much still had to be done before the first test...simulations to run, equations to check... A few hours later, dawn broke above him. As he punched in the final command, the sun's warming rays activated the Dome's internal morning programming, and ended the long night at last. The deroboticizer was officially completed on the first seconds of Solstice Day. Not bad, Joe, he thought, not bad at all. Now, all he had to do was run a few more simulations, and then he'd be done... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - On the surface, Solstice celebrations were beginning. A quiet prayer was said to each person's individual god(s/ess/esses), a small morning feast was held, and the celebrations began. The children entertained themselves with their various snowpeople, minor outbreaks of snowball launching, and generally enjoyed themselves. The adults worked on making more food for the nightly feast, or observed the children and kept them from getting into too much trouble. Sally was concerned with the master organization of the event, and kept the proceedings from going completely off-kilter. Bunnie and Rotor kept and eye on Tails, who was keeping an eye on a small group of children. Antoine and Charles helped to cook up some parts of the nightly feast, which Dulcy attempted to create heat for. (Eventually, some matches and a few drops of kerosene did it.) And Sonic, naturally, ran around. However, a few people wondered when Sandra and/or Joseph was going to come out and enjoy the holiday with them. Certainly they saw what was happening. (People had began to notice the fact that Joseph knew everything that went on in Knothole as it happened.) Why wouldn't they come out and participate? But thoughts soon wandered back to the feast, and the present-giving that would occur soon afterward... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Knuckles tried to collect his scattered mind. He had been off the Floating Island too long. The place he was in now boggled his sheltered mind, and he was probably in danger. What could he do? He knew that he had to get away from the city, and into the wilderness. There -had- to be wilderness, right? Where to find it, however, was the problem. All around him were the walls of this strange, unnatural cave. The only fissures looked out on the broken, evil city. And he certainly couldn't smell the sea from down there. (He could smell other things, tho.) So, Knuckles kept walking forward, and kept thinking back... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - They were on the flying machine, speaking of the future. The large-nosed man was doing most of the talking, while a robot patched Knuckles' wounds. "Robotnik," the man said, "is a stupid man. Evil, yes. Sadistic, yes. Smart? Far from it. He was -clever-, but not smart. He has totally wasted the past 10 years with his foolish plundering of the planet...probably devaluing it in the eyes of the Buyers." He had paused for a moment, and smiled at him. "But such things are not of your concern, echidna. It is probably far beyond you to imagine the interweaving webs of relationships in the universe that have made this planet such valuable real estate. You'd be able to do little about it, anyway..." The ship lurched a bit to the right, avoiding a spot of turbulence. "...after all, when the Buyers want something, they get it." Thunder boomed outside as the ship began to fly into a storm. "However, they have chosen to buy it from the current ruler of this world, Robotnik, so to avoid a run-in with this galaxy's various busy-bodies. They're doing us a favor by doing it legally, which is a fact not left unnoticed by either Robotnik or myself." The cabin was briefly illuminated by a flash of white light, which nearly blinded both carbon-based lifeforms. "Naturally, we've been holding out for the best deal. Occasionally, they will give us a bit of a bribe (in the form of alien technologies) to warm us up to them, but they know what we're doing, too. The only question is, echidna, whose patience will run out first?" The cabin flew out of the cloud, and returned to a state of relative stability. "This is why I have asked for your help, Knuckles. We must overthrow Robotnik now, before they lose all interest in doing things fairly and decimate this world for the sheer joy of it. Together, we can defeat Robotnik, -and- doublecross the Buyers; thus giving us the spoils of war and saving our world from a hostile takeover." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Knuckles shook his head, shuddered, and moved on. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A few weeks later, he had recalled, Snively and himself were doing a routine tour of the city, assessing the damage from something called `Doomsday'. "Look at this mess! And this is supposed to be the capital city!" Snively was displeased with the extent of the damage, he recalled, not believing the sheer amount of explosive force that had been unleashed. "The Buyers will be displeased...this will reduce their offering price substancially. Robotnik had made a deal based on a fully-functioning Robotropolis." Knuckles remembered saying, "What -was- de original offer?" Snively raised an eyebrow, but thought before speaking. "According to Robotnik's records, the Buyers had offered a totally manned starkiller...a very large, powerful ship that could conquer a planet single-handedly. Quite nice." "Why does 'e wan' one of those?" "Well, Knuckles, Robotnik wanted to get into the real estate business, as it were. He wants to do more of this sort of thing; conquering a world, taking out a bit of its resources, and selling it to other races for a small profit. From the profit, he would restock his war machines, and begin anew on a different world." "Dat's not a great thing to do, mon." "Robotnik wasn't a great person." He smiled. "But, as you know, -I- am great. I have thought ahead, beyond Robotnik's pathetically small plans for conquest..." "Ah." (Knuckles remembered his strange mental state at the time, so he wasn't surprised that he had simply said `Ah' to Snively.) "Yes," Snively growled, "this is going to force me to lower the price to a mere battleship and some fighters; but it will still enable me to pursue my own goals." "And what might dat be?" "Like Robotnik, I wish to go into..." Snively smiled in an disturbing manner. "...`real estate'...but I also have other plans. The burdgeoning field of space piracy, for example, or protection." "Ah," Knuckles had said again, uncomprehendingly. "Yes, friend, I think this will be a very interesting time indeed..." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Knuckles continued to plod down the corridor, gradually approaching the end of the tunnel. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - His next flash of memory came soon afterward, when he had left Snively and escaped to the tunnels... They were in the Command Center, observing a group of `annoying Freedom Fighter terrorists' fight off a group of metal-men. A rabbit was fighting one hand-to-hand (and winning) while a hedgehog...wheels in his mind turned... The coloration was different, but the form was the same. Speed and cunning were evident in the hedgehog's actions as wave upon wave of SWATBots fell to him. Yes, it -had- to be the same one! But how?! The boulder had killed him...hadn't it? He had begged Snively to let him go after him, but was flatly refused. "I'm saving you for a special occasion," he stated, "so the SWATBots can take care of them for now." Knuckles was infurated. This was his -right- to kill the intruder. He had somehow escaped death, so it was his responcibility to finish the, while Snively was giving orders to the robots, Knuckles quietly crept out of the Command Center, and descended the steps to the surface... He walked for a few minutes toward the site of the attack, avoiding the various spy devices that swept the area for other visitors. His senses tingled with the anticipation of the battle, enhancing them to their full strengths. The invisible world opened to him, and Robotropolis was filled to the brim with unusual sights and sounds. However, as he began to approach the battleground, an explosion inside a nearby building knocked him off his feet. The brick and steel rained from the sky as the explosion spread all around him...surrounding him in flame... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - And then he had awakened from his mental problems a few weeks later, after somehow escaping into the tunnels of the city. His head ached with the could he have been so foolish? Snively and Robotnik were -both- evil; he knew that by living in their city and listening to their plans. But their evil plans were not his concern. His life's work was to protect the Floating Island and keep the Chaos Emeralds from harm, not to keep the rest of Mobius safe. The `annoying Freedom Fighter terrorists' could deal with that. He approached the end of the tunnel. Carefully poking his head out, he gazed around at the strange landscape. The tunnel was on the outskirts of Robotropolis. The garbage piles and smoking ruins of the city were far lesser here, and the wasteland that lead away from the evil place was in plain view. No metal-men could be heard, nor flying machines be seen. He could escape from here without being noticed by anyone (he hoped). After waiting a moment, and checking his surroundings again, he ran out of the tunnel and out into the wastelands... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meanwhile, back in the Great Forest: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sandra had woke up a few hours later, after the first few hours of the Solstice celebrations had been going on. Cracking her back a bit, she climbed out of the chair to see what Joseph was up to. After looking over his shoulder, she realized that he was putting the finishing touches on his work, so that it would work perfectly the first time. He wasn't very chatty then, however, because his mind was set only to his work. So, after explaining what she was doing, she went up and out of the Dome to see how Knothole was faring. She hummed a happy tune to herself as she walked down the path to the stump. She was a very contented fox at that time, and was in the holiday mood. Everything was going splendidly. Joseph would perfect the deroboticizer, and get everyone back to normal. With that invention, the Freedom Fighters would crush Packbell and retake Mobius. After it had become peaceful again, and the reconstruction had begun...well, they'd just play it by ear. She came to the secret entrance, and stared at it for a minute. Now, how did Joseph work this thing...? Then, just within Sandra's range of hearing, the flapflaping of foxtails was heard. This usually hearlded the arrival of Tails somewhere nearby. As an instinctive reaction, she found someplace to hide, and got ready to observe what would happen next. Tails flew in from her right, not seeing or noticing her at all. He landed for a moment, jumped in the air, and swung on a vine. The top of the stump popped open, and the small kit slid down inside of it. A second later, the vine retracted, and the lid closed. Sandra raised an eyebrow, but paid the entrance no further heed. Obviously, whomever had made this area for the King was a clever person, indeed... The entrance to her cave was only slightly more discreet. But, of course, she was sneaky for a living. This made her smile involentarily, and perhaps she giggled quietly to herself before coming out of hiding. She repeated what Tails had done, and carefully slid down the opening into Knothole... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Knuckles rushed through the wastes of Mobius, gradually approaching the Great Forest. As he ran further and further away from Robotropolis, he noticed a strange change in the weather. The black clouds faded to grey, and then to the occasional white. The air grew colder about him, and the wind blew a wet, white substance around him. He didn't understand what it was, but it was very uncomfortable to have on him. He was constantly brushing it off, and shaking his head to get it out of his dreads. As he got closer to the strange-looking forest, he noticed the ground had a great deal of this wet, white stuff on top of it. It was slippery, and hard to run on. It stuck to his shoes almost as unpleasantly as mud, and got his feet soaking wet. He was beginning to take a decided dislike to it. He entered the very edge of the Great Forest, and began to slow down. The trees here differed from the kind he was familiar with. They grew to the sky, had branches, and all of the usual tree-like attributes, but they had scratchy, brownish-black trunks and no leaves. He wondered what good were trees without certainly can't eat *bark*. The bushes he found were hardly any better. Stickish, prickily things, they certainly weren't very good tasting. No leaves, no berries, no -flavor-. Bleh. He walked deeper into the woods, and looked about for some sort of path, natural or otherwise. Maybe if he found some sort of river, he could find his way back to the sea. And if he could find his way back to the sea, he could build a raft and float back home... He shivered. This place was very cold. The white substance collected around his heels, and probably could have blasted through any hut he could have built. How could any natural thing survive here? He wandered down a cleared out path patted down by some sort of hoofed animal, searching for some place to warm himself. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sandra made herself as nonobtrusive as possible within Knothole. The people of Knothole kept their developed hatred of her well-disquised, she noted, if there was any left for her. The holidays forced them to show their best sides toward all Mobians, even if they had once been less than kind to them... Sandra snuck through most of Knothole, evading most of the pleasant holiday activities while looking for some sort of vantage point over the whole scene. Joseph might have been able to walk through this area with no fear, but Sandra was outnumbered and disliked here...even though they tried to mask it, the majority of Knothole still did not like her. She smiled to herself, secretly pleased. Oh, but soon they would HAVE to like her. They'd have to be her best friend. After all, the mate of the inventor of the deroboticizer would have a little *clout*. Yes, she would be loved, alright. A regular Sally among the commoners. She allowed herself to laugh quietly. She had never been liked, even before her criminal tendencies had begun. Desired, lusted after, and even a few attempts at using her (Indeed! The very idea that *she* could ever be used...laughable) had been tried, but never a friendship did blossom during her `tender years'. She had been the bad girl in the back of the class that the atheletes wished for a `trophy' date, the studious ones wished would get hit by a hoverdisk, and the more homely wished they had her flawless body. Ha, but she defeated them all. She took the athletes for all they had, tortured the smart kids mercilessly, and used the homely as `friends' when she needed information. Ah, youth. In her later life, she had slipped into a sucessful criminal career. She could get anything for anyone, and no price was too high. She took the offers of the Mobian Secret Service, the various organized crime agencies, and any rich millionare with a desire for a certain piece they couldn't afford. And, of course, she was known to take something just for the hell of it. It was a rush, her wild and reckless life of amoral abandon. In and out of a few pathetic cells, the occasional foxhunt for her whereabouts, but they never could catch her for long. She was the ultimate criminal... But Ivo, Snively, and Packbell had ruined her normal business. She had been forced to work for them a few times, but always made sure they paid in kind. She smiled wickedly. Her sabotage of a few key items had allowed the hedgehog numberous escapes...and kept her business useful. Her life changed again when the Doomsday project and the various reprocussions affected Mobius. Now the little metalhead ran things, which made any future transactions impossible, anyway. Even though she had hated his synthetic guts to begin with, a customer is still a customer. She'd gone 180 degrees since then, she noted with a soft smile. She'd been saved by Joseph...she smiled again. For once in her life, she knew someone actually loved her. Her! Not for her body, but for who she was. He found her techniques and wit more attractive than her physical attributes. This was something she found very sweet about the mysterious giant...he'd probably love her unconditionally for the rest of his life. This issue had been something she'd been wrestling with for several days now. She knew he loved her; any cretin could pick that out. He was a warm, kind, honest, and brilliant individual, who'd fight to the death for her. He was one of the most handsome foxes she'd ever met. And he *knew* how to make a vixen happy. The only question was...did she feel the same? She'd only met him a few weeks ago, after all. She knew most of his life story...but what did he now about him, the *real* him? Almost everything he did on a daily basis was a total mystery to her. He did very weird things sometimes, which he could only explain with great difficulty. He was an alien individual in more ways than one. She sighed, leaning up against a tree and thinking. Yet, he was kind to her. He always did things to make her happy. She was certainly one of the healthier foxes on Mobius now...his `nanites' were making sure of that. He did so much for her...but did her heart have the capability to love? It was an alien feeling to her. This was happening so fast... Some rustling in the bushes triggered her instincts to freeze and listen for noise. A person was approaching through the woods, but the breathing was not familiar...her well-trained instincts caused her to instinctively scale the tree, and hide within its dark, gangly branches. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The echidna stomped through a few bushes, and walked out into a clearing. He was very, very cold now; snow covered his red quills from dreadlocked tip to steel-soled bottom. The wind slashed at him like a dirk, and his body felt like a sack of rotton banana peels. He looked around, and saw huts and fires in the distance. His spirits rose, and he totally ignored the instincts to hide from unknown individals and keep a good distance away from fires until the people around them can be sized up. His immediate concern was warming up, not defensive strategy. He stumbled away down a path, heading toward the people. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sandra watched the weird-looking creature stumble out of the bushes, make desperate groaning noises, and stumble toward the fires. She didn't know quite what to make of the odd person...bright red (where the snow didn't cover it), a long snout and tail, but long, dangling headquills. And ugly shoes. At first, she felt that the FFs could handle this themselves. She wanted to see how they'd handle it, anyway. But her curiousity was overriden by her newfound concern for the guardians of Mobius. They'd probably get their butts kicked or do something else stupid if she didn't intervene, anyway. She slipped out of the tree, and quietly padded after the stumbling creature with as little noise as possible. The final decision about her feelings for Joseph would simply have to wait a few more minutes. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The echidna stumbled close to a group of people, who mostly ignored him. They were too busy running back and forth, preparing some sort of feast. But Knuckles wasn't as hungry as he was cold. So, ignoring the nearby food, he walked close to a large bonfire and stood almost in it for a few moments. The steam wafted off of him in a plume, and the hissing of melting snow hit the fire... Right about then, Sandra took a defensive position outside the light-ring of the fire, watching the new arrival closely. Her eyes focused in on the creature, and examined his every attribute. His knuckles were large and sharp, she noted with wonder, and could probably pound through a wall or a tree. He had long dreadlocks, which seemed like a near-sail... Knuckles began to regain his full faculties as the heat filled his fingers and arms again, and melted the remainder of the cold, wet substance off his quills and skin. Gradually, he began to notice things around him more clearly. He was standing by a unused cooking fire, which had recently been used to boil a kettle of water. Around him, preparations for a great feast were being made, and all sorts of people were running around. Foxes, squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons, rabbits...but most of them were strange. They were covered in some sort of metallic skin, but this didn't seem to bother them much at the moment. What strange creatures! He thought they were native to the City only. Perhaps they were all around the mainland... A question for another night, perhaps. Knuckles wasn't planning to stay long. This wasn't some place he felt comfortable in. Besides, he needed to get home. The Chaos Emeralds were probably in great danger... He dusted off his hands over the fire, cracked his knuckles, and looked around for someone who looked like they knew where the Great Ocean was. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - He came to an open-looking hut, where a majority of the people appeared to be hanging around. With disturbing as few people as possible, he walked into the hut, and looked around. It was a medium-sized hut that had some generic furniture in it. A series of tables were set up in a buffetish form, with lots of various food items laid in an organized fashion on it. A stack of paper plates and tools made out of a strange white material laid on the table closest to him. Knuckles tried to make out what he should do. This food wasn't his. He hadn't helped make it, catch it, or even set the table. Should he take some, or should he leave it be? Suddenly, an older-looking raccoon calmly walked in front of him, took a plate and a few tools, and started placing food on his plate. Knuckles realized he was holding up the line, and started moving again. He got his plate and tools (tho he didn't know what to do with them) and also took some food, working his way around the line. If the raccoon picked up something, Knuckles took something similar. If he ignored something, Knuckles also paid it little heed. The raccoon came to the end of the line and walked out of the hut, and Knuckles continued to follow him...little realizing he was being followed himself. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bookshire didn't notice the echidna following him, lost in his own thoughts. He nibbled absentmindedly at a chili dog while he kept walking, heading toward the center of town. The present-exchanging part of Solstice was going to happen soon, and he wanted to be talk to Sally before returning home to start his own personal gift-reception. Knuckles followed the raccoon quietly, eating away at the strange food. He recognized some of it, but in a different form; potatoes, mushrooms, and some fruits. However, some of the strange spices and meats were unfamiliar to him. Some of them tasted good, others did not. However, most of it was pretty good, especially the strange object on which he was chewing on now. A cylindrical bun with a gash in the center for the finger-shaped meat was the outside of the object. In the crevice, a layer of beans, sauces, and ground meat covered up a core of hot, squishy meat. It was rather good, and many other people were consuming them as well. Perhaps this was some sort of ethnic food that these odd people had at Solstice. Knuckles ate away at his chili dog, and kept walking behind the raccoon quietly. He had absolutely no idea where he was headed to, but he only hoped that it wasn't into a dangerous situation. All the while, Bookshire continued to absent-mindedly walk toward the center of town, eating his chili dog and occasionally taking a drink of his Fizz [tm] soda. His mind wandered through the various playful imaginings of what he would recieve, and what people's reaction would be to the presents he would give them. Finally, Bookshire reached the center of town. Sally was leaning quietly against a nearby tree, watching the various proceedings occur. A few other people were gathered around her, asking her various things and recieving orders regarding the closing of the public ceremonies. Bookshire waved to her. "Hello, Sally," he stated, "mind if I call you away for a bit?" Sally smiled. "Sure, Bookshire, just a moment." After politely excusing herself, she walked over to him. "Yes?" "I was just wondering if you knew the whereabouts of David. He's been absent all day, and I wanted to ask him about what his perceptions of this Solstice holiday were..." He smiled, and took a small box from his pocket. "That, and I have a gift for him." Sally grinned softly. "Well, I'm afraid I don't know where he is, either. Try asking Tails, or maybe Rotor." Bookshire nodded, and walked off. However, the echidna behind him didn't follow this time, and stood close by the Princess. But again, he was not noticed; Knuckles' natural stealth allowed him to lurk around most beings for an indefinite period of time before being noticed. Sally walked away from the tree, and headed back toward the edge of town. The public Solstice celebrations were coming to an end, and the decorations and such were being cleaned up. Couples and families returned to their huts for their personal gift exchanges, but a great majority remained behind to return the village to normal. She smiled as she walked through the main path through town, observing and lending the occasional paw to assist. It was a pity, she thought, that Joseph and Sandra had not come to Knothole to participate. She wanted to spend time with them, and show that no hard feelings were held against either of the duo for what they had "done". When she thought about it, both of them were really only misunderstood. Well, she noted, that wasn't entirely true. Sandra *had* been a thief, a criminal, and generally a bad person for quite a long time. However, she had appeared to have changed for the better. At least, she hoped so. Joseph didn't deserve to have his heart broken... Sally took a misstep on a slick patch of ice, and slipped backwards. As her heart skipped a beat, she braced herself for the fall; but was caught by a pair of large hands. "Hey, you be car'ful dere," a voice said, "you almost fell on me, lady." The hands helped her to her feet, and dusted her off a bit. "Thank you," she said softly, not having heard that voice before. She turned around. "thank you very much, Mister..." She looked at the odd-looking creature. "I've never seen you in Knothole before," she stated, "are you new here?" Knuckled smiled a bit, trying to gain her confidence. "Aye, you could say dat, lady. I'm jus' passing through." Sally put her hands to her sides, appraising this new person's veracity. "We don't get many people who 'pass through' Knothole, stranger. How did you get here?" Knuckles pointed to the patch of bushes he had crashed through. "I walked in through those bushes." Sally looked over at the trodden-down foilage. "It appears so." She paused. "What's your name, sir?" Knuckles smiled. "My name's Knuckles. Knuckles de Echidna." Sally stook out her paw to shake the newcomer's hand. "Well, Knuckles, my name is Sally. It is a pleasure to meet you." Knuckles shook hands with the Princess awkwardly, her hands so dwarfed by his own. "'S a pleasure to meet you too, Sally." Sally manuvered her hand free out the echidna's. "So, Knuckles, just passing through? Where are you headed?" "I'm goin' home." "And where might your home be?" she enquired. "On de Flo--" He paused, realizing it would be best not to tell this Sally person any more than she needed to know. "My home 's at the Great Ocean." Sally nodded, suspecting nothing. "That's quite aways away from here, Knuckles. How did you get all the way over here?" "De short mon took me to the City." "The short man?" Knuckles looked at her confusedly. "Yah, Sally, de short mon. He calls 'imself Snively da Great. He sez he rules the world." Sally blinked, but was able to keep her composure. "Could you excuse me for a moment? I have to check on something." Knuckles shrugged. "Sure." Sally calmly walked into a nearby hut, took a chipmunk aside, and whispered something into his ear. He shot up, but Sally kept him from making any noise. She whispered some more things into his ear, and walked out of the hut. "Sorry about that," she said calmly, "but I had to attend to something." Knuckles smiled. "'ey, it's all good." "Okay. Now, why don't you tell me some more about this short man...?" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - While Sally continued to talk to the red echidna, a chipmunk walked casually out of the hut until he couldn't see Sally or the echidna any longer. Then, he broke into a sprint, and ran to the far side of the village, where he found Sonic. Sonic was boredly racing about, taking down Solstice decorations. He was just about done when the chipmunk seemed to mosey over to him. He stopped, and walked over to the exhausted-looking person. "Yo, dude, what's the problem? You look like you've tried to break my speed record." And he told him. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A second later, Sonic was lurking in the shadows behind Sally, waiting to see if his aid would be required. They were still talking about what had caused Knuckles to end up in the Great Forest in the winter, so far away from the Great Ocean. Knuckles, with great difficulty, was trying to abridge the parts about the Floating Island, the Chaos Emeralds, and generally his entire life; while trying to satisfy the squirrel's curiousity. It was more difficult that he would have liked. "And den, ev'rything started to explode. I don' remember much else after dat." Sally was transfixed. This obviously wasn't a spy, because his story had too many holes. For example, he didn't know anything about Packbell or Robotnik, aside from what 'Snively the Great' had told him. He had no knowledge of the coup, the King, or even who the Acorn family was! He probably figured Mobius was always like if he'd lived on a desert island all of his life. However, what he had told her was enough to make her believe that he was really just passing through. He obviously wasn't a Northern Continent sort of person. She smiled upon the completion of his dialogue, and took a breath. "Well, if you'd like, you can stay here for the night, and begin your travel back to the Great Ocean tomorrow morning." Knuckles put up one of his massive paws in a polite gesture for silence. "No, I'd rather jus' get moving again. Dis place is foreign to me, and I'd rather burrow out a place fo' myself in this...umm..." "Snow." "Yes, this 'snow'. What an weird name." Knuckles waved, and started to walk away. Sally smiled, becoming gradually more nervous internally. "Are you sure you wouldn't like to stay? The Great Forest is a dangerous place at night." "No, but 'ank you anyway." Sally shrugged, her mind racing but maintaining a cool exterior. "Well, okay. But please come back here again sometime. You're welcome here in Knothole." Knuckles grunted a dismissing sort of noise, and melded back into the forest. After he had gotten out of eyesight, Sonic stepped out of the shadows. "Do you want me to shadow him, Sal?" Sally nodded. "Yes, but be careful, Sonic. He looks like he could take out an entire patrol of SWATBots with those fists. Also, he doesn't appear to be a if he notices you, get scarce, okay?" Sonic nodded. "Okay, Sal." With that closing statement, he blasted off into the woods, quietly pursuing the echidna. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sandra watched the echidna walk by, a few yards away from her hiding place. He was a strange person, she noted, and someone with a lot to hide. But why? The question mulled about in her mind like cream swirling in a hot cup of coffee. She'd certainly never seen any sort of creature like him before; a vaguely hedgehogish individual with a long, thin snout; sharp, dangling headquills; large fists with sharp, hard knuckles; and a short, pointy tail. This was definitely not a creature born naturally here. As expected, the hedgehog pursued Knuckles a few hundred yards behind, observing where he went. Sonic didn't notice her, either, and trotted in Knuckles' footsteps as quietly as such an amateur could. She got into a crouch, and thought for a moment. Should she continue her survelliance of the echidna, or leave the rest up to Sonic? After all, he had left Knothole. Sonic could take care of himself. It was starting to snow a little harder. Nah. She wanted to see how this would develop. Joseph probably was too engrossed in the final tests on the deroboticizer to miss her, anyway. Besides, she had questions that she wanted answered. She got back up, and started to follow Sonic's trail... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Knuckles was aware of someone following him in the distance. He didn't dare turn around, for fear of provoking his pursuer into a direct confrontation...which Knuckles felt uncomfortable about in this environment. So, Knuckles tried to melt into the background. But this 'snow' stuff kept defeating his attempts. It was beginning to bother him. The clouds parted long enough in the grey glob of sky to show the sun rising to its zenith above him. Knuckles quickly took note of its location, did some quick internal calculations, and altered his course appropriately. He'd have to walk for another 5 days to reach the ocean, he noted, or run for about 6 hours at maximum speed. He looked around at the weird forest, the cold air blasting through his quills, and thought of the unattended Floating Island. He made his choice rather quickly. He took a breath. Using his speed was always one of the more difficult abilities for him to harness. It took great concentration and stamina to control it. He centered his mind on his home; the Floating Island, strong and free, bobbing freely over the waves. The warmth and beauty of it echoed through his mind, as the nectar of the sweet flowers seemed to dribble down his throat. He smiled, braced himself, and took off in a burst of hot air. The shadowers both blinked from their respective hiding places. Sonic walked out into the open, looked where Knuckles had taken off, and shook his head. "Forget this," he said, and blasted back to Knothole. Sandra, lacking the speed to even try, started the winding walk back to the Dome. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sonic returned to Knothole a few moments later, and filled Sally in on what had happened. She looked rather stymied. "He's got super-speed too?" Sonic nodded. "He juices in a most Past Cool way. I'd say he'd be almost a match for even my awesome juicage. And he's got those big fists and the hair thing going, too." Sally groused. "I hope that he one day comes back, and helps us fight Packbell. He'd be quite an advantage over that evil tinkertoy." Sonic smiled. "Well, Sally, I've got a feeling we haven't seen the last of him. Somehow, I think that there's more to him than meets the eye..." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sandra entered the Dome, shook some of the snow off of her, and desended to the laboratory level. She smiled as she noticed Joseph still hard at work on the deroboticizer, running several tests...but, she noticed his former good mood had faded to one of grave concern. She walked over to him, and put her hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong?" Joseph turned around. "We've got a problem." Chapter Eight - Memories "A problem?" Joseph looked at Sandra blankly. "Yes, we have a problem." Sandra frowned a little. "What's wrong?" Joseph sighed. "The damned deroboticizer is going to be delayed at least one more year. Apparently, the roboticizer software occasionally upgrades itself so become more efficient." He scowled. "And Bahb will have to decompile the roboticizer software I gave to it in order to hit every possible evolution pattern of the sotware, crosscheck it, and find a way to reverse it." Sandra smiled weakly. "But it's not a total reversal," she noted softly, trying to return Joseph to his former good cheer. "It's just a minor setback...right?" Joseph blew some air out of his nose. "A year is a long time. Anything could happen between now and Solstice-time next year...that is, if no unexpected setbacks interfere with the progress of the deroboticizer." Sandra gave her mate a soft hug. "You'll get it right one day. Just look how far you've come so've done more in a year than some have done since the beginning of this accursed war." Joseph hugged her back. "You're right, of course. I just want this to end so badly..." Sandra kissed his muzzle gently, and embraced him firmly. "We all want it to end, Joe. And it will end...I know it. I have faith in you, my love, and I know you'll have sucess in time. You just have to keep going." Joseph grinned and held her close. "Of course. Honestly, I let the littlest things bother me sometimes--" Sandra put her right index finger against Joseph's lips, quieting him. After he had stopped attempting to verbalize anything, she took her finger away, and rested her head against his chest. "Let's worry about the world tomorrow, Joe." Joseph stroked her headfur. "Good idea." The lights clicked out. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - That next morning, the people of Knothole groggily awoke from their nocturnal slumber, and attempted to shake off the effects of last night's festivities. They stumbled about their homes, bathed themselves to the best of their ability, brewed up something hot to drink, and sleepily tried to return their homes back to normal. However, most of the populace had a few days off from whatever work they did around the village, and thus had time to recouperate. The adults stayed inside and gossiped about the doings of several people at the communal party that occurred the previous night. The older youths hung around with their various companions, and a few made snowpeople. The younger kits had a snowball fight near the center of town, enjoying some time off from school. Occasionally, a passerby would get nailed by a stray shot, and get momentarily dragged into the ever-esclating mock war. The core Freedom Fighters, however, were busy planning another assault on Robotropolis, with the goal of getting another legion of roboticized citizens out of the clutches of Packbell. Theirs was a job with few holidays and even fewer sick days. The responcibility of a war was one that would be normally too great for such a young group of people...but war makes men out of boys, and women out of girls; and heroes out of hedgehogs. They stood around the holographic map of Robotropolis, and designated their paths of entry and escape. It would be a dangerous mission, one probably that would be the model for future assaults. Sonic would start a diversion by sabotaging one of the main refinaries, and try to annhilate as much equipment as possible. When some of the SWATBot forces were distracted, a second squad would move in and attempt to take a minor group of roboticized citizens out of the city. After more forces were dispatched to deal with that problem, a third group would go after their target group of citizens, and get them out as quickly as physically possible. It was a solid plan, which had a fair chance of least once. All of them realized who they were fighting now, and they knew that casualities were going to become inevitable. They'd escaped rather well in their previous missions; a few nicks, a wound or two, or perhaps a few broken bones. Only rarely had they had a death on a mission... But they knew that Packbell was not Robotnik. Robotnik had the weaknesses of the flesh working against him; emotion, rage, greed, and simple bad luck. Packbell was a designed killer. He would start to detect patterns in their attack strategies--if he hadn't already!--and find ways of defeating them...and the legends about POWs that Packbell had acquired made roboticization look like pure esctasy. Naturally, they were frightened--they weren't immune to fear. But they knew they were the only thing standing between Packbell and total world domination. Their fear only showed itself at the quiet moments between the times their eyes closed at night and sleep...the fleeting time when their mind fully comprehended the sheer level of danger they were in on a daily basis, and how easily they could expire. This was, however, a temporary feeling. When the spectre of doubt crossed their paths, the look in the eyes of a child or the painful glance of a roboticized victim would fill themselves with determination, and chase the ghost of dread far from view. Their missions were for the safety of the world, and for the honor of their lost King. After Sally had completed assigning troop details and strike plans, she dismissed them all to the day's beauty, allowing them to view the wonder of winter: for some, it might be the last time they would ever see the glory of the sun, or feel the gentle embrace of snow around their feet. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - While Bahb began the long and arduous process of decompiling the roboticizer program, Joseph and Sandra shared a quiet moment within a upper level of the Dome. They sat in the "living room" of the Dome, sitting on a couch in front of a roaring fire. Bahb occasionally projected live video of the outside world in front of the fire, at the request of either party involved. It seemed to keep them occupied long enough to start a few conversations, which Bahb paid little attention to. "Tell me more about your people," the vixen muttered, resting quietly on Joseph's shoulder. "Very well," Joseph spoke, "what would you like to know?" "Did you ever have...a girlfriend...back on your world?" Joseph sat there for a moment, his expression becoming rather morose. "Yes," he whispered, "I had one...once." Sandra detected a hint of sadness in Joseph's voice. "Did it end badly?" "You could say that..." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "It was so long ago....I was simply 16 megacycles old at the time..." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Technopolis. The great capital city of the western continent, and the last remaining domed gigalopolis on Ur'thae. The majority of the west was now a smoking ruin from several 100 megaton antimatter bombs launched from the anti-android terrorist organizations of the east. But Technopolis, since it guarded the Head Vixen of the Imperial Ur'thaen Federation of Worlds, was very well protected by the loyal Ur'thaen Imperial Space Navy. Not even the most zealous terrorist would dare attack it...the punishment for attempted terrorism was a slow trip into the molecular deresolution chamber. Inside the city, it appeared to be a Utopia. Plants and atriums were everywhere for the satiation of the populace's desire for "Nature" in their lives. Happy people did their work without complaint, and even the lowly Greys were mostly pleased with the way their lives were. Within these curved walls, nearing the center of the busy civilization, many Ur'thaens were in the middle of hard training. To be specific, the Dark Foxes, ultra-augmented Reds that were the personal guard of the Violets, trained in a nearby dojo; along with a solitary Orange teenager who did a similar set of martial arts training. They paid him little heed, tho, being all-consumed with the desire to become the biggest, hardest, most perfect predator that they possibly could. The slim, quiet Orange did his exercises with vigor. His father, the Supreme Scientist of the Empire, had always taught him to do everything he put his mind to with the same amount of effort he would put into serving the Head Vixen, no matter how rote or dull the task might be. However, his martial artistry was something that Orange, designated by the Moebian tongue as "Joseph", enjoyed. It gave him an opportunity to get in touch with his...spiritual side? No, he thought, not spiritual. More likely his carnal, wild side. It gave him an opportunity to force his body to do acts of great physical strength and control, which made him feel like more than a simple member of the Scientist caste. He completed his usual training exercises, and calmly collected his things. He usually carried little on him when he walked the streets of Technopolis...despite the reassurances made by the Greens and Yellows in charge of the city's security, he knew perfectly well that there were always Eastern spies within the city limits, just waiting for a hostage like himself to come shuffling their way...sons of Supreme Scientists are hard to come by, after all. He put his things in his sack, and went into the locker room to change back to his usual outfit. While he felt his training suit was comfortable, it was socally unacceptable to even make a short trip outside in it. After all, this was Technopolis, seat of the Empire! It wasn't like his old home... Joseph sighed as he thought of his old home in Vixen's Valley...the place of his birth, with the waving green grass and the trees that reached beyond the clouds. It was where his father was allowed to grow him in the executive biotubes; quite an honor for a simple Orange kit! He remembered the smooth hand of his father as he began the implantation of his neural implants all those megacycles ago. The great leap into coherency temporarily had phased him, but his mind quickly adjusted to his added intelligence. His attempts to speak were foiled by his still-immature vocal cords, and his gestures did little to communicate anything but disorientation. The smile of his father had calmed him, and his gentle grip had lifted him from the guerney from where he laid to a datajack. A cord extended from the cool steel box, and softly attached to a silver spike that had automatically extended from his wrist. With that, his education began. The megacycles slid by faster than his mind would have liked. He began his training in the martial arts, and gradually began to understand the wonderous world around him more clearly. He played in the lush fields of Vixen's Valley, worked in the small macrodome that made up the city itself, and found his niche in the world with little strain. Then, one day, it had all changed. The eternal war grew closer to the peaceful settlement, unbeknownst to the majority of the inhabitants of the isolated city. He and his father were whisked away one night from the city, their work quickly assimilated by the large-minded neural carriers. The next day, a antimatter blast annhilated the entire settlement in one awful flash of light. They ended up in Technopolis, where the High Command had barricaded themselves in under a powerful series of forcefields and reenforced structural modifications to the large dome that covered the city. They were given quarters and guards to watch them and to protect them from attempted terrorist attacks. Given labs and equipment, they resumed their work with shaken psyches. Since then, the last 6 megacycles had been dedicated to his life's work and the arduous process of rebuilding some sort of peer group. And, for the most part, he had succeeded. Many young Oranges existed near his quarters, and they often hung around the popular hangouts of the city...and, as teenagers are wont to do, get into minor spots of mischief. However, the particular Orange we speak of kept out of trouble for the most part, partly because he was too smart to be caught, and partly because he desired his father's approval more than anything in the world. It was his goal in life to one day ascend to the great scientific height his father had achieved with the Neural Transfer Device, and his grandfather had achieved with the mighty Techno-Organic Replacement/Repair Unit; to create an invention that so increased the quality of life of all Ur'thaens that it gave the entire Empire an edge over the rest of the Universe...and to recieve the title of Supreme Scientist after the present one either retired or expired. This goal gave him a great deal of incentive to put tremendous amounts of work into everything he did, so that he could one day find an inspiration for his Great Deed. However, he was finding that it was much harder to achieve than he had first envisioned. There was very little left to perfect on Ur'thae, so his achievement would have to be that of pure science. And even then, it was heavily competitive. He finished putting his training clothes away, and entered the cleaning chamber. As the liquid raced through him, pulling away the grease and grime that had collected on his fur, he allowed his mind to idle down slightly. His sleep period was coming up soon, so he'd have to put off purchasing the upgrade CPU for his experimental AI later. Ah well. He could probably get away with getting it sent to him during the work period tomorrow. Ceasing the rinse cycle, he stepped onto the dryer pad and demoisturized. Bahb was coming along nicely. He'd gotten all of the knowledge of the Empire into its memory, as well as some biographies of some famous people in, just for fun. He'd written a few simplistic games for it, and taught it how to write poetry. However, it was still a difficult task to get it to develop alternative solutions to troublesome scenerios. He felt it was a issue of processor speed, so he'd jack it up to the highest level they had available and see how that helped. If nothing occurred, he'd rehash the code a bit more, and throw in a hip new algorhythm he'd seen submitted to the mathematics database. After a through drying, Joseph went back to his locker and put back on his clothing. He hoped that Bahb would be capable of generating a novella one day that would be equal to that of at least a second-rate writer. Indeed, such an achievement could quite possibly net him the "Scientist of the Cycle" award. He smiled. He'd like to win that one day, he thought, because it would let him actually speak with his mother, the Head Vixen, for a whole minicycle. Joseph had never actually met the egg donor that had given him life. She was a reculsive individual, and mostly focused on command decisions and the occasional public appearance. Otherwise, the only way the people knew what she looked like was from the several murals of her that often appeared on walls. Yet, she seemed like the kind of person who the Orange could have a conversation with, at least on a superficial level. Certainly she knew his father, so that would be an interesting topic. Perhaps a discussion on the NTD might eat some time up... He put on his ceremonial grey trenchcoat and walked out of the dojo. He'd probably let her do most of the talking, if the opportunity arose. After all, he was just a humble scientist with a famous father, not some big-shot war hero. Her words were weighted with authority, anyway, and could probably enlighten even his dumb ears. His entourage of guards soon surrounded him, and escorted him back to his quarters on the Orange level. They were discreet, well-trained bodyguards, who'd recieved the same sort of training the Black Foxes did when entering initiation. They would die for whoever was in their charge as easily as they could tell you the time. Needless to say, they were very expensive. Entering his quarters, he had his guards search it before dismissing them to watch the door. His eight-hour sleep period began in 5 minutes, so he had little need for their direct influence at the time. With little regard for his personal appearance, he flopped over on the nearest soft surface and passed out. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sandra yawned. "Fascinating." Joseph rubbed her neck a bit. "Yes, I know this is reallly exciting, but it's important that you understand the circumstances I was in before I get to the rising action of this tale." He snuggled her a bit closer. "So don't fall asleep until I'm done." She giggled. "Sorry, Joe." He kissed her gently. "Trust me, this gets interesting in a minute." She smiled. "Then continue on." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - He woke up eight hours later, shook out his headfur, and walked back out the door to his work area, tailed closely by the drousy guards. Entering his area, he fired up his workstation and began scanning lines of AI code. This was the great majority of his present job; going through page upon page of code and optimizing it into a further-compressed lump of programming perfection. It was a mind-numbing job at times, and was the main cause of burnout among those Oranges with weak mental stamina. Most people liked to think it wasn't the job that killed your brain and made it the consistency of syrup, but the mind that pondered it. Of course, you don't have time to ponder that when a few hundred pages of code go racing by, demanding such level of optimization by such time. Joseph had little problem with working the coder line. His nimble mental gymnastics kept pace with the screaming bursts of code that raced by, and enabled him to always meet his quotas early. But still, it wasn't a fun job. It took too long. It was boring, and occupied too much of his mind. On the other paw, *someone* had to do it. Thankfully, a few hours later, his time on the coder line ceased. Bounding out of his seat for the next ragged Orange to occupy, he gleefully went to his personal workshop to continue his AI project. The computer was about the size of a desk in its current prototype state. It was hooked into a small display unit, which described its vital statistics. They were impressive even in its present, semi-akimbo form... it had the mental maturity of a 14-megacycle old kit, which was something quite impressive for a project that had started as an activity began on a rainy day... He smiled as he began his tests. Bahb and himself had nearly grown up together. It was nearly a sibling of his in several ways, but a creation of his own in others. Both had the influence of his father in them, for example; Dhavid had named both of them after the pair of nearly mythical Ur'thaen warrior-scientists who not only defeated a massive plague that once swept the world ultracycles ago, but were able to unite the planet under the present colors of the Empire. It was quite an honor to be able to designate yourself under that name, and his father had worked hard through both official channels and semi-legitimate to allow the usage of those names on his son, and his son's creation. He tinkered with some internal circuitry, and looped some code around to optimize testing even further. He had personally designed the neural network that was the core of his creation's mind. It was something that had taken him months upon months of off-the-clock research to accomplish, but Bahb's mind was a superior model to all previous psudocreations of the Ur'thaen Oranges. It had an intelligence quotient of astronomical proportions, and could do very challenging problems in minutes. It did, however, have some bugs in it. << "Greetings, Jhosesophae." >> The fox smiled. << "Hello, Bahb. Are you self-aware today?" >> << "Affirmative, sir. I was able to realign my 54A-X neural simulation disk into a more logical setting, thus returning my sense of self from its previously malfunctioning state. >> Joseph took note of the computer's reply. << "Excellent. Have you created an answer to the question I asked you about the other day?" >> The computer hummed. << "Yes." >> Joseph took a breath. << "Very well, Bahb. I shall repeat it for the benefit of my records." >> << "Affirmative." >> << "If a tree falls in the woods, and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" >> << "Negative. Sound is a name for a series of stimulations that your tympanic membranes create that cause you to believe that you 'hear' something. Without a mind to comprehend this stimulus, and without any equipment around to replicate the stimulii, the stimulii does not 'exist' to anyone." >> The computer paused for effect. << "Therefore, I conclude that a tree that falls in a wooded area with no witnesses not only makes no sound upon impact, but it also does not actually 'fall'; sight is another name for a series of stimulations that your optic nerves recieve when varying levels of photons strike them. It will be in a different position if you were to be there before and after it occured, but the tree never actually 'fell'; it simply went from one position to the next. Or perhaps it was always like it would be after it 'fell', but your mind simply came to the conclusion that it somehow 'fell'." >> Joseph raised a brow. << "Your observations are curious, Bahb." >> << "Am I incorrect?" >> << "There are no incorrect answers to that question, Bahb...simply different ways of approaching a situation." >> << "Explain." >> << "Truth is a perception of several factors; accepted knowledge, personal knowledge, and the sentinent's personal view on the previous two catagories. Something that is 'true' to one person may be 'false' to another." >> << "Is this why people have conflicts?" >> << "Very perceptive, Bahb. People often disagree over differing interpetations of 'truth' as opposed to 'lies', and will sometimes violently disagree about the two. This is why a utopian climate cannot survive without a strong, supreme central ruler; involving more than a few people in the operation of a settlement fouls the governmental water with too many differing perceptions of 'truth'." >> << "But what if the ruler's view of truth is too different from the majority's?" >> << "Then it is the ruler's responcibility to make her view of 'truth' the majority's." >> << "What if she cannot?" >> << "Then she will be replaced by someone who will. It is a natural law; only the strongest survive. This goes for memes, opinions, and machines, too...only the most superior are permitted to continue to exist, while the weaker fade out into nothingness. The evolution of thoughts are key to the survival of any ruler." >> << "This is acceptable. I will record this in my memory." >> << "So noted." >> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "That is how you perfected Bahb? By having philosophical discussions?" Joseph smiled, entering lecture-mode. "Yes, Sandra. The best way to evolve a mind is to stimulate it with discussion, not just feed it facts until it has grown fat on data. A well-exercised mind that had pondered the unponderable is a far better one than that which can repeat every word of a speech or every battle of a war." "Fascinating...please, continue." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - After speaking with Bahb a bit more, and installing a new core processor, he allowed it to have some quiet time to itself to think things over. While Bahb was occupied with pondering the problems of Ur'thae, Joseph worked on a new weapon system for a new series of fighter the Ur'thaen Space Navy was developing for search-and-destroy missions. It was dry work for Joseph to sharpen up disruptor cannons. Sure, it was challenging work, but it was so...the term escaped him for a moment. Unpleasant? Dull? Rote? Ah, he knew...uninspiring. It was a job which he could disearn very few lessons to help him develop Bahb to its full capacity. All it was was tweaking circuitry and code. It gave him very little perspective on mental development or vital qualities for a spry mind. However, Joseph was one of the better weapon experts around. He could make the power of a cannon 35%-50% more powerful than it would be usually, not to mention sharpen the target systems to pinpoint accuracy. His work on the "Enforcer" series had already won him some minor awards from the military, and had cut Ur'thaen losses in several campaigns considerably. It was simply a day job for Joseph to do his work on military systems. He had little interest in the Reddish way. After all, he was a scientist, not a warrior. Yes, he knew martial arts, and he was a master of stealth and tactical planning, but that was just the basics he'd picked up from living in Technopolis for so long. You *wanted* to be as powerful as possible in this city; it was how you kept people from pestering you when you wanted to hang out at the Red bars to look cool. Kill or be killed. He finally surrendered to the engineering constraints of the "Noctrurne" series of fighters, and went back to check up on the progress on one of his secondary projects...a new and improved design for a plasma cannon he'd recently been toying with. It was a device about the length of a average Ur'thaen's forearm and half of her bicep, and about the thickness of a paw. It was light, and had a internal power source he had personally improved from previous models. The handle was designed to be something a soldier would want to hold on to; like a security blanket or a mother's hand, it made one feel safe. The device had an optional lazer sight for possible sniper operations, as well as a range-finder. Sturdy and well-made, it would definitely become a tool of future victories over the inferior species that populated the galaxy...the Mark 25-Omega series of plasma cannons, year of 7796. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph's narrative gradually creaked to a halt. He began to think about the weapon he had acquired in Robotropolis, and considered the possibility that... Sandra nuzzled against him. "Something wrong, Joseph?" Joseph snapped out of his thoughts. "Oh, sorry. Was distracted." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - He ran a few scans on the weapon, and noted that a CPU on it needed to be replaced. This happened often when weapons were in R&D, because such vigorous testing of them occured. They would often be called upon to fufill tests that pushed them far beyond the call of their future duties, so often their computers simply overloaded from the strain. After attempting to patch the CPU back manually, he came to the conclusion that the unit simply had to be replaced. Frugality was his nature, but he wasn't willing to rewire the whole damn thing for the sake of a miniscule bit of silicon and gold. He typed in an order for a CPU on the comm console in the corner of the room, and waited a few moments for the components to be replicated on the enmat unit. While he waited, he mused over streamlining the design further, or perhaps adding a bit more girth to the weapon while adding a higher calibre of power to it. The chip popped into existance on the enmat pad. As he went over to investigate it, he noticed that the chip was not the newest model. This annoyed him. Obviously, the typical bureocratic restrictions had slowed the introduction of the chip design into the Science Sector's systems. (Testing, approval, bribes, et al.) He sighed, and flicked the chip into a nearby rubbish disposal tube. He'd have to go to the Fringe to pick up a proper specimen to continue his testing with. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "The Fringe?" Joseph paused. "Oh, yes. I haven't ever talked to you about the Fringe before, have I?" Sandra shook her head in the negative. "The Fringe," he stated, "was the general Ur'thaen black market that existed on the very edge of Technopolis' domed wall. It carried all of the contraband, illegal narcotics, weapons, and mercenary services that were occasionally required by our society to tie up the 'loose ends' that arose with...complex situations." "I see. Go on." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - He skulked out of his lab, awoke his guards, and walked to the lift. He told it to descend to ground level, where the only access to the wall was. His guards calmly armed their weapons, toggled their cloaking devices, and mentally prepared themselves to endure the Goddess-forsaken world that was Level 0. Joseph allowed his guards to create a protective wall of influence around him when the lift came to a halt. They emerged first, and secured the area for safe travel. Neither guard nor master wished to remain long down here. Level 0 was the Grey level, the cursed place where the casteless were forced to exist. It was a dark and dreary place, stuffy from the lack of natural light and ventilation. The surfaces there were streaked with filth and mold, and anything that gave off any sort of heat was colonized by the various organisms that competed for food, mates, and shelter there. Shallow puddles of acid and wastewater burbled in every direction, evaporating into the redolent stench that permeated every cubic inch of L0's area. The slums and scraphouses that laid against the sides of the great towers of Technopolis reminded Joseph of vines crawling up a tree, he thought idly to himself as his guards cleared a path to the scrap-sellers. Always yearning to see the sun, but never quite penetrating through the canopy; eternally destined to lick at the crumbs and flickers the top lets dribble down to the ground. The way it was, is, and should always be, the fox groused. After a short journey through Hell, they arrived at the outer Fringe, where the parts and old military scrap was sold. The scientist knew this place well, having been forced to visit it many times before. The various technological thieves, spies, and pirates waved or otherwise sent their salutations to him as he strode over to his usual connection's small structure. The hut was about the size of concession stand. It was constructed out of the leftover plastic, steel, and the occasional piece of crystal that was often found laying in the scrap heaps that accumulated beneath the large tower-structures that existed under the domed city's limits. It had a vaguely triangular shape, a small, hacked-out portal that served as a door, and had grafetti all over it in various languages. Joseph approached the structure, banged on the side of the structure to announce his presence, and walked inside of it. The inside of the structure was almost as ugly as the outside, but at least it was darker. Disguarded crate pieces lined the walls as a sort of post-modernist wallpaper, with only a single lightglobe breaking the pattern at the tip of the structure's psudogable. The floor was a concretish-dirt mixture, with the occasional black streak across it from weapon "misfires". The sounds of water dripping into a bucket were also one of the more obvious sounds; besides the usual screams and phaser fire that were the soundtrack for the Fringe itself. In the center of the area, tables were set in a square. In the center of the square, a fox in a ratty chair sat, reading a illegal papryus pornographic magazine, waiting for another customer to connive out of a few minicredits. Joseph walked deeper into this area, looking about for what he wanted. There were the usual "impulse buys" of handphasers, plasma grenades, cortex bomb kits, and portable hoverunits; but this store mostly carried items for the scientific clientele; illegal programs, chips, deadly computer viruses, keytraps, spy programs, and so on. The fox that worked here made a good living off of supplying these items, but by being a Grey, he had no chance of ever asending into any of Technopolis' towers of glass and steel. Joseph looked around with a great deal of precision, trying to find what he needed. Finally, after being unsuccessful, he approached the owner of the hovel. << "Yo, Dhamien." >> The fox smiled at his favorite customer. << "Hey, Jhosesophae! What's new, fox?" >> << "Oh, not much. How are the kits?" >> << "Just fine, hoopy one. I'm teaching them how to read now. A real pain, considerin' that all they ever want to do is run around and pick pockets." >> Joseph laughed. << "Kits!" >> The fox grinned. << "Ah, I'm sure they'll grow out of it eventually...after someone catches 'em, that is. But they've gotten pretty good; I think they've been gettin' lessons off of whatshisname in Sector 8-D." >> << "Hey, it's a craft." >> << "Yeah, I guess so. But I'd rather they take up something respectable, like murderin' or at least a higher form of theft. They'll never support a family on pickpocketin'." >> Joseph smiled, and shrugged. << "Well, there's always the family business." >> << "Yeah...I think my eldest will choose to go into my line of work. It makes decent money. But my other two seem to be into more in-your-face sort of jobs. Ah well. They'll learn after the first Red gets pissed at 'em and blows off their ears." >> Joseph tsked. << "What a way to learn." >> << "Experience is a cruel teacher, but it gets the point across." >> Joseph took a breath. << "Well, to get down to official business, d'you carry GTA-34b4.3 CPU chips?" >> Dhamien growled unpleasantly. << "No, but I sure as fox wish I did." >> << "What happened, D?" >> He snarled, and spat into a nearby bucket. << "Ah, some tu'lath down in Sector 5 cornered the black market on those damned things last minicycle. The bitch lockedout every other sector from the bloody things, so nobody but her has any." >> << "That certainly isn't fair." >> Dhamien started to get irritated. << "Damn straight it's not! It's a plot by the friggin' Reds to try to take over the Fringe! Everyone knows that she's one of their little simps. Makes me foxing SICK!" >> Joseph shook his head. << "That really blows, friend." >> << "It blows harder than a yiffy Green in a Violet's party." >> Joseph nodded in agreement. << "Well, Dhamien, I really need to get one of those chips. I'm sorry I couldn't give you any of my business." >> Dhamien regained his usual demeanor. << "It's okay, kid. You do what you have to. Just be sure to always come here first, and ol' D won't hold it again' ya." >> Joseph waved. << "I will. You've got my father's honor on that!" >> With that, he signaled for the guards to leave, and then followed them out into the inky blackness of the Fringe. As they started walking toward Sector 5's technosector, Joseph began to notice newer faces in the swirling mass of foxality that he usually encountered on his trips into the Fringe's darker levels. Perhaps more refugees from Necron? He mused over that issue as the trip gradually came to an end outside the main technomarket of Sector 5, where two armed Greys stood, guarding the area from thieves. Joseph waved his guards back outside the structure, and entered it alone. After all, there was an unwritten rule about bothering anyone while they were inside a shop; sort of a sanctuary was declared while one was buying things, which forced most of the fiendish activities that would occur while in the Fringe to happen immediately outside most stores. But Joseph doubted that this store had much of a problem with that. Armed Greys surrounded most tables, all the exits, and 3 were protecting the shopkeeper herself. This was obviously one of the higher-security areas, where the really illegal stuff was kept. Joseph approached the shopkeeper cautiously, trying not to make any sudden moves. With a great deal of politeness in his tone, he asked, << "Do you carry GTA-34b4.3 CPU chips?" >> Everyone in the store stared at him for a minute, and then went back to what they were doing before. The shopkeeper looked back at him silently, smirked, and led him into a backroom. She took a shiny box off a shelf, opened it, and showed the chip to him. << "500,000 megacreds." >> Joseph took out a credstick, as the shopkeeper took out hers. He punched in the appropriate amount, hit , and transferred the appropriate funds to the female. She put her stick away, closed the box, wrapped it in brownish industrial paper, and tied it shut. Handing the box to him, she quietly led him out of the store, only saying << "Have a nice cycle." >> to him before leaving. As Joseph walked out into the lit sphere of light that surrounded the store, he noticed his guards were mysteriously absent. He snapped his fingers for them, and shouted their names. Nothing. Only the sounds of distant plasma cannon discharges and dripping water met his ears in return; not even his own voice echoed back. This bothered Joseph considerably. If someone had killed his guards; well, it'd be a real grey to explain how the hell they got out to Sector 5 when they were supposed to be guarding him...who was supposed to be on Level 50-A in the central tower! That, and it was expensive as all hell to get well-trained, efficient guards working for you after one has lost a few. And, of course, he was an expensive hostage in one of the most crime-ridden sectors in the Fringe, carrying a package worth 500,000 megacreds. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Sounds like you got yourself into a bit of trouble, Joe." "'ll see in a minute." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph signalled for his guards again, but to no avail. He thought about using his comm-device to call for a pickup, but that would be like sending up a signal flare to all the spies that watched over the millions of transmissions that went in and out of Technopolis, who would report his whereabouts to his superiors. Teleporting out was a big no-no. At this level of Technopolis, a scrambling field was active to keep terrorists from teleporting inside the domed city and destroying it. Troop transports never came out this far into the Fringe unless they were putting down a riot, and even then they'd probably report him out of spite. His only available choice, he mused, was to walk back to the first tower he saw, and ride above the scrambling field. He examined his tactical potential. He lacked any sort of body armor, for starters. One good shot from a phaser, and he'd be history. He had no other useful cybernetics besides his datajack in his left arm. That meant he'd have to take the lighted routes out of the Fringe to remain safe, which often were the most meandering ones. He was packing one of his experimental plasma cannons, but it was only at half-power. If necessary, he could blast his way out, but that would be almost as bad as sending a hail out through his comm-device. His most useful ability in this situation would be his hand-to-hand combat skills, but if he was ever surrounded-- << "Hey there, lads. Look what we've got here." >> Joseph didn't even bother to speak. Instantly, he spun about to face his attackers, ready to fight to the death. There were 3 of the Greys, all obviously doped up on high-powered agression drugs. They were about his size, but a bit more bulky due to the steroid effect of the chemical. One had a club of some sort, another had a phaser, and the lead one was armed only with long, metallic claws. The one with the club rushed at him first, attempting to bash his muzzle in. Joseph, anticipating the attack, punched him in the face as his assailant rushed into his fist, knocking the stupid fox out cold. The bat flipped out of his hands, allowing Joseph to acquire it. However, he had to drop his package to do so. Before anyone could act, he kicked the package into the lit doorway, effectively putting it out-of-bounds. After that (allowing little time for Joseph to regain his concentration) the one with the phaser started to blast at him. Joseph dodged the first volley by diving behind a few piles of garbage. But this didn't last long enough for him to plan an attack...the phaser blasts wore down the piles low enough to force him to change position on the playing field. The shots from the phaser grazed his back as he tried to rush away from them, occasionally setting his back temporarily ablaze. In anger, Joseph rolled into a somersault, (losing his cannon from the compression of his form, and causing it to roll against the side of a pile of disguarded food canisters) jumped in the air, and threw the bat as hard as he could at his assailant. The bat met its mark; it cracked open the skull of the phaser-wielding fox, killing him instantly. Joseph landed upon the ground, exhausted and wounded. He quickly tried to regain his former fighting posture, but was out of breath from running. This gave his final assailant, the leader, an opportunity to strike. Seeing his compatriots taken out of commission, the final fox attacked Joseph, bum-rushing him into a wall. This knocked the wind out of Joseph, and left him vulnerable to the attacks of the fox's sharp, steel claws... But Joseph was not so easily beaten. Gaining a second wind, he quickly rolled off the side of the wall, allowing the attack of the fox to strike against the hard wall. The resounding ringing of his claws caused him great discomfort, and drove him to rush at Joseph again; steel claws extended in anticipation of slashing against the scientist's jugular. But Joseph was prepared this time, and began to backflip out of harm's way. This worked for a bit, and wore down the steel clawed fox's endurance. But the drug kicked in harder, and gave his slashing claws the extra reach to tatter the bottom of Joseph's trenchcoat. Anticipating the eventual success of the fox's arttack, Joseph converted his movement into a cartwheel...spinning behind the weakening fox, he planted a kick into the grey's back, knocking him on his face and into a nearby pile of garbage. Joseph again flipped, but this time backwards into a crouch. His took his plasma cannon from the ground, armed it, and leveled it at the subdued steel-clawed simpleton--but was suddenly knocked off balance from the impact of a bat on his back. Reeling from the blow, he stumbled onto the ground, limbs akimbo. The phaser-wielding fox stood above him, bat in hand, and pulled his arm back into a deathstrike. ^L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sandra clung involuntarily closer to Joseph, shivering slightly. "It's alright, darling," Joseph said quietly, holding his frightened mate closer, "I'm still here." "But what happened to you sounds so awful..." "Let me finish, honey." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The fox held the bat above his head, looking for the best possible spot to slam the bat's blunt surface into. The head, the chest, or the groin? Which would be most mentally satisfying, the psychotic thought gleefully... A noise behind the fox caused him to turn around, distracting him from his original task. He scanned into the darkness, only seeing the unconcerned guards standing outside the lit doorway, piles of rotting garbage, and the bodies of his fallen compatriots. Assuming that whatever made the noise had gone away, he turned back around. His target had somehow gotten away. That disturbed the chemically off-kilter fox, and his wild glances around to spot him failed in its intent to seek him out. He slammed the bat into the ground in a rage, and spun about a few times. He needed to kill that fox! Needed to!! He didn't know why, and didn't care. The chemical ruled the Grey's mind, and gave little attention to such minor details as reason or logic. Turning his back to his fallen leader, he looked toward the lit opening-- With no warning whatsoever, a loud, wet crack resounded through the area as Joseph's fist slammed into the fox's spinal column, instantly killing him. As the fox fell lifelessly to the ground, Joseph picked his plasma cannon off the ground for the second time, dusted it off, and blasted the silver-clawed fox right in the back, just to be sure he didn't try to pursue him in the future. The discharge of the cannon lit the area with an eerie light, and seemed to quiet the entire area down. Even the sounds of far-off cannon fire seemed to grow softer in the aftermath of the battle. Then, a voice broke the silence. A female voice. << "You fight well, for a Orange." >> Joseph turned around, cannon armed. << "Who goes there?" >> A figure stepped out of a inky pool of shadow. << "Just an observer," >> the voice said, << "I was in the neighborhood, and thought I'd see what the AggroHeads were up to." >> The new fox, a Red female, looked about at the remains of Joseph's attackers. << "Looks like they picked the wrong fox to yiff around with." >> she noted, and picked the slightly-dented box up from the ground. << "Catch." >> She tossed the box gently to the fox, who caught it easily. << "Hope your stuff isn't too foxed up." >> Joseph strained his eyes to try to get a look at the female. << "Thanks," >> said he, eyes straining for a look. << "Who are you?" >> << "Dhiana D'xaeae'xaeon-sol, 45645674th Squadron, Ur'thaen Space Navy. Yourself?" >> << "Jhosesophae dae--">> He paused, realizing now was not a good time to state his full title. << "Just Jhosesophae, thank you." >> << "Your mother must have had a hell of a time getting that name for you." >> << "You could say that." >> << "I did." >> A pause. << "Have you seen some large Reds about here? My guards have gone missing." >> << "I have," >> Dhiana noted, running her finger over her neck slowly. << "Better put an ad out for some new ones." >> Joseph groaned. << "Great." >> << "They looked like good security people," >> she stated, << "just that it's a pain to fight those psychotic AggroHeads unless you can outsmart them." >> She smiled in the darkness. << "And you certainly did. You must have experience with the 'arts." >> << "Some." >> A pause. << "Well, need a lift to a tower? I'm heading that way to get my orders." >> << "I'd like that." >> She stepped out of the shadows, and gave Joseph an opportunity to look her over. She was clad in the usual uniform of the USN: a black jumpsuit with several pockets, the Ur'thaen symbol embroidered over the chest; a standard issue plasma cannon; a standard issue pair of diamondium-titanium knuckles; thick black jackboots, shineless; and a pair of black wraparound sunglasses. She was an abnormal specimen of a female, inasmuch as she was especially curved in all the right spots, her fur wasn't the usual bristling mess that most Reds were cursed with, and her tail seemed much longer than regulation. Instinctively, Joseph tried to withhold his attraction to the Red female. It was improper to desire a member of a lower caste, no matter how sexy one might be. (A similar process was running through her head, keeping her from giving off improper body language toward a member of a superior caste.) Joseph coughed quietly, took a silent breath, and smiled. << "I'd like that a lot." >> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sandra rose a brow. " just met, for Goddess' sake, and you're already fumbling with sexual restraint. Is this normal behavior for your people's males?" Joseph blushed. "Well, try to see it from my side. I had been trained from birth to choose for a date only one who would make a genetically superior mate." With a great amount of psychological effort, he forced himself to crack a joke. "And man, did she ever look like a canidate for PlayFox of the Year. Yow." Then, for reasons known only to him, his teeth locked together. She had looks that could kill, he thought, but she wasn't any angel. Sandra grimaced. Joseph went back to smiling, and held Sandra close. "You're more attractive, tho." Sandra held back her smile, and decided to really make Joseph work to regain her favor. "Hmph!" Joseph's face took on a concerned expression. "I mean it." Sandra started the silent treatment, internally laughing her tail off. "C'mon, would I lie?" Silence. Joseph kissed her ears. "Hey." Sandra allowed the seed of a smirk to creep its way across her muzzle, but still remained quiet. "You are the most beautiful creature in the entire universe." Sandra broke her silence. "Creature?!" she yelped, faux-irritatedly. "Merely calling you the most beautiful fox would be an insult to one of such universal and cosmic beauty," he stated, "because yours is a beauty that transcends species." Sandra blushed beneath her fur, but kept the ruse going. "I bet you say that to all the vixens." He stroked along her backfur, smiling softly at Sandra's tenacity. "My standards are too high for all vixens. I would only say that to a vixen of your calibre." Sandra allowed a smile to weave its way across her face. "There are others as good as me?" "No." She kissed him on the nose. "Good answer." They laughed softly at their verbal gymnastics. Joseph smiled only externally. "Well, do you want to hear more about it?" "Yes...this is interesting." "Alright. For the sake of time, I'll abridge the 6 months in which we got to know each other, learned about each other's familes, and dated in secret. I will simply cut to the end of the relationship, which occurred when--" << "Joseph, activity in Knothole." >> Joseph stopped talking. "I'll tell you about that later. Right now, there is something going on in the would be advisable that we view it." Sandra shrugged, and got up. "Alright. To the control room, then?" Joseph smiled. "Of course." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dusk was beginning to fall outside, which gave a strange tint to the Princess' eyes; as if the setting sun was merely a reflection of her big, sparkling blue ones. The time had come to do the final preparations for the night's mission, one which she anticipated casualties from in unpleasant number. The last few times they had trod into Robotropolis had been blessed with a precious few damaged people, and yet no deaths. Yet. Sally knew Packbell was studying their attack patterns, and gradually adjusting the SWATBot details to compensate. Every mission had led them closer into the web the Commander set up to catch them...and the flies were tredding on the center. Eventually, it would become far too risky to attempt any further rescue missions without either more people or bigger guns; both, she hoped, could eventually be provided by the Keld'yrians or Joseph. She knew Joseph could help...the only thing was that he had been acting...strangely? No, trying to define Joseph's actions as "strange" would be as ridiculous as trying to define Antoine's Mobian as "improving". But he certainly had adjusted his attitude he knew something the other's didn't. Something bad. Sally chose to let her mind slip away from that topic, seeing that she had little evidence that anything "bad" was going to happen...aside from Packbell probably decimating them, of course. Perhaps his concern for their welfare was what ate at him. Or, perhaps not. She had no real way to tell, after all. The only people with any insight to how Joseph's mind worked were a Keldy'rian simply named "Doc", Tails' brother David, and Sandra Nightweaver... Her train of thought was derailed by Sonic's arrival. He was in his usual let's-go-kick-someSWATBot-tail mood, which bode well for the mission that laid before them. It would require their full devotion to the task at hand to be able to come out of this mission with light casualties. "Hello, Sonic." "Yo, Sal! We ready to go?" "Not yet. The others are still preparing. Have you got your power ring yet?" He took it out of his packback and twirled it playfully. "Yup." Sally allowed herself a smile. "Good. You know your part, right?" "Yeah. Go to the 5th refinary, bust in through a wall, and trash the place." "Good." Bunnie and Rotor walked out of a hut, carrying neural reactivator cannons. "Ready to go, Sally?" asked Bunnie. "Just waiting for Dulcy now." "Ah," Rotor said, and checked his cannon. Dulcy glided down from the skies above, and made a better landing than usual. "All set." Sally nodded, hopped on Dulcy, and beckoned for the others to follow. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph scanned through the monitors, observing Dulcy's departure from the Great Forest. "Well, looks like I've missed out on another mission." "They probably aren't doing anything vital, anyway." "Perhaps," Joseph said, "but they're packing neural reactivator cannons. That means it's a rescue mission...there will be casualties." "Why do you say that?" "Because Packbell is learning." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The android sat in his chair, scanning through the slowly-healing wreckage of Robotropolis. He knew that the Freedom Fighters were coming...he just didn't know when, or where. But he *suspected* that they were going to go after his cache of slave labor which he had placed in the center of the city, repairing the city's computer systems from the inside out. Recent attacks had corrupted certain sectors of it, so it was necessary to dedicate labor to the tedious realignment of the optical memory centers. The SWATBots were in place. Cameras were activated and focused. The tapes were recording. His bait in position, the line lax enough to feign aloof (if any) protection, and his forces ready to strike... The hedgehog blasted into his 5th refinary, while the small clique of veteran FFs began to return the free will of his slaves. The SWATBots crashed down from above, lazers blazing. The FFs feinted back, moved some of the now-sentinent slaves behind them, and prepared to fight. The dance began again. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph observed through the multiple eyes of Packbell the attacks of the Freedom Fighters, the counters of the SWATBots, and their eventual retreat to the outskirts of the city. They fought well, the foxes noted, but they were outclassed and outgunned by the wily Packbell for the moment. They got about 30 more people out of Robotropolis, thanks to the ultimate sacrifice of about 8 roboticized citizens and the various minor to major hits taken by the lead FFs. Overall, a "successful" campaign. They returned to Knothole in tolorable condition. Dulcy had a wing mended, Bunnie had gotten clipped in the leg, Rotor took a nasty knock to the head, and Sonic had beaten up his right hand awfully badly. Luckily, medical care was effective and quick, and everyone got put back to a state of relative normalcy in about 3 hours. Joseph and Sandra stayed below ground, and out of the minds of the returning FFs. They had seen all that they had wanted to of war for now, and much preferred each other's company over the eternal duel for Mobius. "So," Sandra inquired, "are you going to finish that story now?" "Eh?" "About you and Diana. What happened?" "Ah. That. Well, I'll skip over the 6 minicycles of courting, dating, et al. I'm sure that doesn't matter to you, right?" Allowing no time to her to reply, he continued, frost forming on his voice. "About 6 minicycles after we'd met, I'd finally gotten up enough courage to introduce her to my father. I knew he certainly wouldn't approve of me dating a Red, but I felt that I should tell him, conscience at the time simply couldn't take the constant lying any longer..." Joseph stopped for a moment. "If this is too painful, love..." "No, I need to let this out." "Alright." "So, I chose a time that we could all meet...psudo-accidentally, as it were. I picked a small diner I liked on L34 in Tower 7S...a nice, quiet restaurant...a place where you'd never expect for the fabric of your life to unravel." A pause. "So I had her sit at a nearby booth while my father and I would sit at a table near the center of the restaurant. After we had talked for a bit, and I'd gotten him properly relaxed, I would signal for her to walk over, and introduce herself." Sandra smiled. "Cute." Joseph's voice took on the temperature qualities of a meat locker. "Yeah, sure." "Anyway," continued he, "my father and I had talked for a brief time, and I signalled her as planned. She took a seat, introductions were exchanged, and all seemed to go well. My father was more receptive than anticipated to our being together, and gave a sort of lukewarm approval of it." "Sounds like it went well." ^L Joseph's voice took on the properties of ice. "That's when she chose to pull out a plasma cannon--the one I had designed for her personally--and attempted to exterminate him." ^L Sandra's expression simply locked into sheer mortification. He continued unabated. "My reflexes were the better of my mind's dismay, however, and I was able to take the shot for my father. She tried to run out of the restaurant, but she looked back to see if I was dead..." Glaciers moved from Joseph's lips. "That's when I pulled out my own cannon, and blew that bitch's head clean off." An aeons-long silence. "Later," he snarled with a coldness often found in tax collection agencies in extreme Northern areas on Mobius, "after they finished picking her teeth out of the wall, I discovered that she was a member of a Eastern terrorist group who had been plotting to kill my father for years. They had arranged the monopoly of the chip, the attack of the Greys, our entire *relationship*, and the assassination attempt." "I had been played like a S'llth mandolin. The only reason it didn't succeed was because I had jumped in front of him, and I was clad in my light armor that night." Joseph turned away. "I wish not to speak of this again." She put her head on his shoulder. "Joseph..." "It is a long time finished. There is no need to mourn for the blackened part of my heart now..." He paused, forcing a reassuring smile. "You are the only occupant of it now, anyway." She held him close, silently allowing the pain to fade again. Nothing was said between them for the rest of the night; they simply remained together...sitting inside the darkened control room, they let the glowing light from Robotropolis' fires light them as they drifted off to a dreamless sleep. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The ship flew invisibly above the surface of the planet, quietly looking it over for any significant damages to its precious natural resources. The leader of the vessel sat quietly in his quarters, pondering over what had conspired so far on his mission. A supposedly conquered planet had suddenly had an uprising which had nearly decimated the seat of power of the conqueror, and had allegedly killed him...several small coups raged in the ruined city, and now a simplistic artifical lifeform named "Packbell" operated it. It would be no great problem to fool this....tinkertoy.... into doing their bidding. One rickety ship with some automated fighters would probably suffice as a bribe for ownership of the (to him, the fool) relatively useless planet. After the AI had left, they would have him killed somewhere out of the juristiction of the busybodies that protected Mobius in interplanetary affairs, and keep him from cutting in on their particular action; as was their usual custom toward their "sellers". Then, whatever pathetic rebellion that had opposed the idiotic machine would be quickly crushed by flooding the entire world by melting its polar icecaps; also freeing the remainder of the valuable water the world was blessed with to boot. He allowed himself a powerful laugh. This would be so easy. It would just take time. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The next morning, the black vixen groggily awoke in the control room with the activation of the several subcycles that heralded morning inside the Dome. She pulled herself from Joseph's lap, dusted herself off, and headed over to the shower area outside the small, dark room. She entered the bathroom, hit the light toggle, and headed over to the stall. A forcefield wrapped around the opening to the shower, serving as an efficient curtain for the small area. She activated the shower itself by muttering one of the few Ur'thaen words she had picked up from Joseph to operate some of the lesser systems. After a moment, the warm, familiar stream of water rushed over her fur, returning her mental faculties to their usual sharpness. As she began to lather herself up, her mind wandered back to the events of the previous evening. Her glance into Joseph's past had been something she rather would have not seen. Despite his relative facade about his happiness on his homeworld all those centuries ago, to her it appeared to be only a more subtle version of what Rotoropolis was now; ruthless leaders lorded over their docile slaves--which could go from sheep to lions at a moments notice for their "Head Vixen". A cold, unhappy, miserable world, that died the way it lived. She shuddered involentarily, and turned up the heat of the water to compensate for her psychological chill. She skipped back in the evening to the period when they were watching Sonic and the others battling SWATBots and rescuing people in Robotropolis. While it certainly wasn't a fun thing to observe (Joseph made the occasional mild crack about pay-per-view showings of their missions in some corner of the galaxy just to muddle about with her head, she smirkingly noted, but a few soft whaps to the nose had stopped him from raving further.), it seemed a great deal sunnier than Joseph's story. At least Packbell's rule is transparently evil; Joseph didn't realize how bad off he really was. But that was unimportant as she and her lover watched the events unfold from the night before...when she watched the mission from the control room, it began to seem to her as if she was watching some sort of fanciful fictional video transmission. The war and Mobius were beginning to seem more...unreal to her, as if the complex and Joseph were the only things real to her anymore. She scrubbed her fur more vigorously. Was Mobius, her home, the place her and all of her ancestors were born, beginning to lack any hold over her? Was this war between Sonic and Packbell her fight any more? Sandra mulled this over in her mind. Well, it was partially Joseph's war...but in a sort of noncombatant way. Sure, he'd blown up some SWATBots in his time, but almost everyone had in Knothole. He was no uberwarrior fox with a big ol' gun to back up his ego; he was a gentle scientist who'd been dragged into this conflict by a muddied honor and the noble vulpine morals to do what was right with the powers he had available. He fought only to further the deroboticizer or to bail out a friend. Offensive strikes, while he was fully capable of pulling off a successful one, was not his forte'. But Joseph planned to try to meld invisibly into Mobian society after the war ended, from his various inferences and commentary about the ridiculousness of politics. He could afford to live quietly after it was all over; who would dare hound the inventor of the deroboticizer, a device that would probably single-handedly defeat Packbell's scheme for world domination? That, and the fact legends were beginning to circulate about the area of forest the Dome was located in... weird noises, bad feelings, evil karma. She chuckled mentally. All the products of strategically placed transmitters with warped SFX programming. But the war was not truely his. He stayed out of Knothole most of the time. Bahb sometimes had to remind Joseph what season it was after he'd worked on the deroboticizer for a few consecutive weeks with varying amount of sleep and her...personal brand of female companionship breaking up his work periods into tolorable chunks. He didn't give a damn about the restoration of the monarchy or the original government of Mobius aside from the two factors that got him and Doc (one of his Keld'yrian friends) thinking about reversing the effects of "dimentional displacement"; the fact that Sally, someone who he respected greatly and cared for as a close friend, would like to see her father (a concern which he could completely identify with), and the sheer joy of "pure science". After he'd done his bit for this world, as she remembered from before, he just wanted people to let him be. Being a celebrity was something he wasn't prepared for, or even wanted. This was one of Joseph's few shortcomings, she thought: his eternal shyness when it came to any group larger than 4 or 5 people he didn't know. He could talk face to face with Sally, herself, Sonic, Rotor, Doc, practically anyone at all...but stick him in a room with a audience and tell him to read something, he'd freak out. It was comical sometimes to see him talk to a group of people 3 feet shorter and 100 pounds lighter than he, and have him hold back looking as nervous as a debtor being audited. Her recollection of a recent episode of this behavior forced a quite wicked smirk across her face as she began to cease shampooing. She started to rinse herself off. Perhaps this is what love really is, she thought to was caring enough about someone else that nothing else mattered; weirdness, heritage, homeworld, race...all other things became irrevelant. There was little else really wrong with Joseph's personality. He was humble, despite his great technological, mental, and physical prowess; he had a sense of humor (albeit a dark one); he was friendly and affable with kits after a fashion; he actually knew how to dress himself, unlike other foxes she'd known who'd worn less elaborate outfits than he; he'd have little problem providing anything for anyone... and, naturally, Joseph could protect her against Packbell. It would take a higher power than that "mere rainy-day creation" to ever breach the defenses of the Dome, by her observations of it...and he'd fight to the death to keep anything from ever harming her...ever. She knew that much; Joseph would blow up the entire complex, decimate the entire planet, and tacnuke it from orbit to keep one ounce of pain from ever brushing against her. Losing her, she thought, mildly awed, would be something that would probably break his mind, as well as his heart. That, and he'd probably annhilate most of the planet and a few ones around it, if left to his own devices. She kept rinsing herself off, luxurating in the warm flow of liquid. Yes, he was a good and honorable fox, who'd been used and beaten around by life throughout his 300 plus years of existance. She was probably the first person he'd trusted in some time, the irony of which was not lost on her. The amount of power she could wield over him (and this world) was nothing short of frightening. Yet, for some reason...she *couldn't* use him. She had tried to force herself back into her usual sly criminal mentality, but it just didn't work for her any longer. She wanted for nothing, was kept warm and safe by a gentle, handsome, wonderful fox, and had the knowledge of the universe at her fingertips. Her mind told her the same thing her heart did: Don't screw this up. She finished rinsing, lowered the field, and stepped onto the dryer pad. As the air rushed through her fur, she again pondered her feelings for Joseph. Was she just a parasite, feeding off of his technology and love... or was it more? Did she really, truly, love him back? She finished drying herself, stepped off the pad, and groomed herself back to a state of relative normalcy. She smiled as she combed down her headfur. She'd never thought she'd be having this conversation with herself. She laughed softly. Hell, she'd never thought she was going to live past the first few months of this insane war. But she'd survived...with help, but she'd survived. She looked into the mirror, searched her soul for an answer, but received only nebulous half-replies bouncing off her pupils. Perhaps later she'd know. It would just take time. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Back in Robotropolis: The morning broke over Robotropolis, at least allegedly. The sun's rays, however, rarely breached the black, stinking, choking plumes of engine discharge and oil fumes that surrounded Mobius' City of Eternal Darkness, and only in a fleeting way when they did. But sunshine and blue sky were not one of the high priorities of Packbell, who actually preferred the ugly brown-black haze surrounding the city over the natural, chaotic, and "messy" forests and jungles that otherwise populated Mobius. It was not logical to allow such valuable resources to go untapped in his mind, and if it wasn't such a bargaining chip in the sale of this world... But he still had some personal goals to accomplish before he closed up shop and left this nasty place for someplace more technologically oriented. One was the total annhilation of Knothole. That place was constantly on his mind...he wanted to CRUSH that place beneath his heel, and lay waste to the place out of sheer spite. Another was the capture, torture, and ultimate termination of the ringleaders: Sonic, Sally, Tails--the kit they had seemingly adopted, the rabbit Bunnie, the walrus called Rotor...and, a person he especially wanted to destroy, Sandra Nightweaver. Packbell refused to allow any meat-thing to outwit and outmanuver him...especially not some mere *fox*. His final goal, he evilly pondered, was the capture of one of the planet's more useful resources (and one that he doubted the Buyers knew of), the Chaos Emeralds. He grinned with a psychotic glee as he overlooked the repairs to the complex. Those emeralds would catch a fine price somewhere in the least enough to buy a small planetoid somewhere, and set up a mining operation. And naturally enough to keep him in diodes and spare parts for a good millenium or two. And he would have them. He would not sell this world before he had gotten all he had needed out of it. He had infinity to work with, after all... It would just take time. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - She stepped out into the bedroom, where she passed Joseph walking in. He simply reguarded her with a grunt, patted her between the ears, and headed into the bedroom. She smirked at his behavior, and flopped down on the comfortable bed for a moment. Joseph was not a morning person. She learned that rather rapidly after her first few days living in the Dome, sometime after he set down the "house rules". Joseph really had only three major house rules. Don't mess with his lab, don't take anything without telling him or Bahb first, and absolutely no visitors below level 1. It was just common sense, of course, but Joseph made sure he left little room for error in everything he did. It wasn't meant as a knock against her, but more as a way of clarifying for himself what the rules were. Sandra paid it little heed. His lab was far beyond her comprehension, despite his attempts to explain the various devices it had in it; she had little need to take anything outside at the moment; and she didn't have many friends Joseph didn't let in, anyway. The rules, as she noted earlier, was just Joseph stating the obvious for his own benefit. She got off the bed, and primped herself in the mirror for a moment. Behind her, she heard the sounds of Joseph "knocking the dust" off of himself, which were rapidly coming to an end. She wondered what they would do today. Perhaps they'd stop by Knothole to wring information out of Sonic as to the success of the mission. Or, maybe Joe'd go off to Haven and hang around with Doc for a couple hours. Of course, there was the ever-popular option of staying home and-- Home. Sandra was beginning to think of this place as "home". She smiled. It was a nice place, alright...but even if they just lived in a cave, it seemed to her that any place that Joseph was could be "home" now. It was, it *was* impossible for her to imagine living anywhere without him. She'd just become used to his quiet snoring, the faint (thanks to the clean room's delousing function outside his lab) smell of well-made cigar smoke that occasionally was detectable when she brushed against his coat, the slow, deliberate steps he took when he walked across a room... the perfect thump-thumping of his heartbeat when he slept...all of it was so familiar to her, Sandra could not imagine living without it. Anyway, they could just stay home today and view video transmissions from the far-reaches of the universe. They'd done that a few times lately, and she was always fascinated by different species and what they liked to watch. It became especially enjoyable after Joseph had installed a translator chip in her ear, so she could understand all the different languages (and even speak them, if she wanted) that she heard after a few moments of spoken dialogue. She definitely thought that network executives from the now-defunct MBN should watch some of this stuff one day, if they were still alive. For example, Gh'blarr hyperpolo was one of the most fun spectator sports she'd ever seen. It was like a cross of yachting, dodgeball, light piracy, and a senior trip rolled into one chaotic, highly entertaining sport with no real rules. That, and some strange Terran program called "Mystery Science Theater 3000"... Joseph finally emerged from the bathroom in a presentable form. He smiled, bounded over to her, and hugged her firmly hello in the usual manner. "Hi, Sandra," said he, disengaging from the hug and walking over to the replicator to fetch breakfast. "Sleep well?" "In a manner of speaking. Still a little tired...probably should have slept in later." Joseph grinned, pulled some food-laden plates and a glass or two out the replicator, and put them down on a table. "Well," he said, "you can sleep through the day now. I'm not going to have anything to do for a good while...not until all the first versions of the deroboticizer have been compiled in about a month, anyway. Then, I'm just going to start repping off portable units, loading them with the right software, and letting Sally handle the whole mess from there. For the time being, however, I can finally relax, and work on other things." Sandra slinked over to the table, and allowed Joseph to pull a seat out for her. Thanking him appropriately, she slid into place and waited for him to sit. "That's good to hear. You've been looking pretty ragged lately. You need a vacation." Joseph sat down, and slugged back a shot of orange juice before speaking. "Yeah...I'mgoing to delegate the acquisition of the King back to Doc for a while. I'm feeling rather burnt out...yes, it is time for a week off, alright. Maybe two." "Why not a month? Joseph, you've worked non-stop on this deroboticizer almost since you arrived here nearly two years ago. I've never seen anyone work like you do on're defoxifying yourself for the sake of the deroboticizer. We've *got* time. Take it easy for a bit." He smiled, conceding to her with a half-mouthful of scrambled eggs. After chewing the appropriate number of times, he swollowed it and followed it up with an OJ chaser. "Okay, okay," the hapless Joseph replied, "I'll chill out for a while." Sandra smiled, and attacked her toast for a moment before replying. "That's good to hear." Joseph sat back, beaming mischiveously at his mate while consuming some tomato-pasted "home fries". "I'm glad you approve!" Sandra smirked. "What, am I turning into an old nag already? That's not supposed to happen until after you've met my parents, I've met yours, we've dated for a year, I get a ring out of you, we endure some ceremony put together by our family and friends, and some guy down in a records building officially recognizes us as mated." She paused for a moment, and laughed. "Of course, you know my feelings on `law and order' pretty well by now, don't you?" Joseph grinned. "Ah, you've got the same idea I have about that foolishness. Too many variables in a simple equation, provided you've got the right starting ingredients, anyway. Two people meet, fall in love, and spend the rest of their lives together. Forget that dating period and ceremonies and the rest of that hullaballoo. Love is the only true bond, not paper." Sandra smiled a little. "But it's pretty." "I suppose." "Would you ever, if you found the right person?" "If so requested. The groom's side would be pretty empty, tho." Sandra allowed herself only a snicker. "You could borrow Sonic's fan club." "Then I'd have to clean out the bride's side, or get a cathedral. I haven't seen any around here, though." "But you would, wouldn't you?" "Yes." Sandra looked at Joseph with an odd glint in her eye, and smiled. "But not for a while, of course." "A good, long time," said he. "Same here." They finished breakfast wordlessly, thinking similar thoughts about that identical topic. Chapter Nine - Thirst - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Timeline: A couple of days later. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Knothole was in better sprits than was its norm. The news about the progress on the deroboticizer had gradually tricked from the ears of Sally to the mouths of the commoners, and had given morale to a previously morose and dismal group of people. The rumors varied wildly from section to section of Knothole. Some said it would be ready in time for the spring rains. Others thought along the lines of next fall's brisk frost. The overly optimistic believed it would be ready by the end of the week, but they were few and scattered around the settlement. Everyone had an opinion...and they also had something helpful; hope. Needless to say, for a few days Joseph and Sandra had had little privacy. Herds of roboticized citizens whacked on the front portal of the Dome, demanding to be deroboticized to Bahb and any SpyGlobe they came across. Sandra could not take her morning walk without being hounded by people asking how Joseph was doing. Joseph didn't dare poke his head out from his lab...but that was his usual behavior anyway. However, the stoicness of his resistance to leak out a whit of information finally lead to everyone settling down and going home, allowing Sandra and Joe to live in peace. This was quite a relief to Joseph, who thought of it as only another nuisance. But Sandra had enjoyed her new fame, even though it lasted only a short time. It was nice to be seen as a powerful vixen, rather than just a dangerous one. It made the typically infamous, dangerous, and quite suspicious Sandra Nightweaver into a famous, kind, and nearly saintly vixen; who kept her mate, the future "Savior of Mobius" (as some had started to call him) from going insane from fighting Science and Time Itself for the Greater Common Good. (Instinctively, Joseph hated this. He wasn't anyone's savior, Sandra wasn't an angel (and he'd despise it if she ever became one), and the "Greater Common Good" was just another name for his pulsing, rotting soul. He wanted to do his job and be left alone. Didn't people see that was what he wanted?!) She played in the spotlight, for the fleeting period it was on them both. Joseph tightened his coat and hid behind the curtain. She used it mercilessly to achieve a sort of delayed revenge against the people who had, only days ago, looked down their snouts at her as a common thief, or as some sort of golddigging hussy. Joseph felt like it was crushing him, and was beginning to think infamy was the way to go. However, it had ended soon after it began, and soon things were back to some sort of normal. Joseph watched the progress of Bahb's work, Sandra used the Dome's observation and information facilities, and they both thought about each other as they did their various tasks. Meanwhile, Joseph was beginning to notice a sort of listlessness settling over him; a sluggish ennui started to form that he had not experienced in the past. He didn't want to get up in the morning any more. He didn't feel as spry and verile as he once was. It took greater and greater efforts to complete his daily if the 300 years he had spent in cryogenic storage was finally starting to catch up with him. He knew it wasn't his mind that was malfunctioning...his internal diagnostics and external ones by Bahb had registered no mental or psychological defects. He yearned not for TLC; Sandra was always there with a smile and a kind ear for him. Physical scans had detected a lower red blood cell count, but he had jacked up the production of the corpuscles to compensate. But he *still* felt lousy, and that bothered him a lot. Finally, he just chose to ignore the tiredness and mild depression, and just forced himself to cheer up. His long mission would soon be accomplished. He had a female who loved him, or at least liked him a lot. The Dome was finally to his liking, Packbell was almost weak enough to be finished off, and progress had begun on a antidote of sorts for "dimentional displacement syndrome". Mobius was headed for better times, in his opinion, and that only could mean better news in regards to his personal standing on it. But he felt weaker than he had in months. Eventually, Sandra would start to notice his weakness. Maybe this would make her dislike him, believing that he was starting to not love her as much. Perhaps someone new, like some red-type with more fight in him than brains would come along and steal her away from the weakened, nerdy fox. Then, he'd just lay in bed one night, close his eyes, and decide not to wake up again-- He snarled mentally. He was starting to become fearful of other possible suitors entering the equation and stealing Sandra away. This was a development that displeased him. He knew he was superior in every way from the average Mobian fox; taller, smarter, stronger, faster, and equally skilled in a dojo as in a laboratory. But he was no professional warrior. Battles were not his *thing*. Sure, he could fight, but he'd rather work on making artificial life than artifically ending it. Sighing, Joseph went from monitor to monitor, tweaking things uselessly. She wouldn't leave him because of some mild physical problem. It defied all he knew about her, emotionally and logically. She'd be concerned, she'd want to help him, but she certainly wouldn't up and leave him because of some stupid spell of depression. Honestly, he mumbled to himself, was he that paranoid? Throughly annoyed with his foolish behavior, he went higher up in the complex to view some intergalactic news. Joseph liked to watch the news from other worlds, because it gave him a reason to remain on Mobius; compared to other worlds, Mobius was a paradise. Sandra was sitting in the easy chair when he arrived, idly flicking through the nearly infinite amount of channels with a control stick. She smiled when he saw him, masking her concern for his welfare. "Hey, you." She winked seductively at him, and scooted over to the side of the chair. "Take a load off." Joseph gladly complied, taking up the majority of the chair with his bulk, and allowed Sandra to plop down on his lap. Gently taking the control stick from Sandra, he flicked to the all-purpose news channel. "...and the Jh'onar vanquished the Gh'bre, 12 to 10. And now, the headlines." Some crystalline theme music played as the image switched to a bluish backdrop, with a desk in front of it. A Keldy'rianish looking announcer, dressed in a serious looking business suit, sat behind it. "Greetings to you from the INS of the Union of Allied Worlds, located on the fifth moon of Centranus." Zoom to a closer view of the announcer, with a small vid-window popping up to the upper left of the perception. "During the elapsed solar cycle of Centranus, the following major news items occurred:" A menu popped up on the scrren, blocking the view. A list of solar systems popped up, and a request to select one or more to get news items on was given. Joseph highlighted and hit . The image returned to that of the announcer. "Today in the INS headlines, the universe's first commercial subspace jumpship was unveiled today on Ve'holk. The ship, dubbed the "Freedom", will be operated by its owners, the Ba'a'alth'xae species of the Dog Nebulae, on a pay-per-cargo basis." "Also in the intergalactic headlines, the main database of Keld'yrian knowledge has been yet again broken into by unknown forces, which downloaded the approximate sum of their knowledge as of the current date. Keld'yrian officials are baffled as to the identity of the perpetrators, who left no trace of their infiltration besides a cryptic message left on the main menu of the system, which, when translated into Galacticspeak, reads, 'if you can't beat them...'. The Union of Allied Worlds has no record of what this phrase might refer to, but INS will immediately report to you, the viewer, any leads they may have. Details will be transmitted as they are recieved." The announcer paused for effect, and then continued. "And also occurring within the time parameters of the Centranus day, the 1,000,000,000,000th anniversary of the invention of the FTL drive was celebrated on the quite ancient and grand world of Equa'a'atus today, with the usual pyrotechnic displays and triggered volcanic eruptions climaxing the day's festivities." Another snappy pause. "In less joyful news, hundreds of innocent crew members of the shipping frigate "Zu'tha" were killed today in a lightning pirate raid by the mysterious "Lost Ones". Their cargo, an experimental shield generator, was lost to the ruthless rapscallions, who left only the ship's garbage untouched. The Unions's armada is continuing the search for their ship, and the reward for information leading to their capture and summary execution now stands at 125 million creds." A shorter pause. "The star NSTD-324 in the Ribos cluster went nova today. The usual measurements were taken, readjusting the number of monitored novas in recorded Union history to 7,942,102,001. Bids for the collection of the star's core have begun." "The long-standing conflict between the Dh'gno and the S'foph'l exploded into war again over the 5 light-year wide neutral zone between their two territories. Deaths have already broken the million mark, with uncounted property damage still being tabulated." "Finally, the Union Bureau of Regulations released its annual census of unaligned worlds today, revealing that approximately 450 worlds with sentinent life have not joined the Union alliance as of last solar year's completion. Among those worlds, 425 have not evolved lifeforms with the ability to think and reason on a Stone Age level, twenty lack an industrial level of technology, and four have not discovered FTL drive and the principles behind subspace communication yet." He paused, and the music for a special report fired up. "However, the one world that has not joined a side yet is somewhat of a enigma. It has the available technology, yet, for some reason, does not make contact. Many have come to explore and research this world, yet none ever succeed in getting it to join either side. Why? Our on-the-spot reporter Alpha Du'lee found out a few months ago in this special report." Sandra rose a brow. "Hey now." Joseph needed no other inspiration. "Bahb, begin retroactively recording this transmission from time co-ordinate 09:45." Bahb beeped, and the transmission continued. The scene morphed from the newsroom to the middle of the Great Unknown. A female anthropromorphic feline stood in the middle of the scene, clad in the female version of the announcer's attire. While it complimented her curves to some extent, it masked them beneath a mantle of respectability. "This is Alpha Du'lee, INS news. I stand here in the middle of the great waste referred to by the natives of this world as "The Great Unknown". My report begins here not out of simple artistic whim, but out of necessity." She paused, coughing and looking around. "This world, according to some brief research done by myself and my recorder-wrangler, has been drastically altered since the last census done by the UOAW 25 solar years ago. The old monarchy has been overthrown, and a leader named "Snively" has somehow usurped power." "Old tape," Sandra said. "Bahb, why didn't you inform me of the landing of this female on Mobius?" << "You said you were not to be disturbed at the time." >> "And what time was that?" << "Approximately 7 lunar cycles ago." >> Joseph mused. "Near the end of Snively's reign..." << "I believe the excuse you were using at the time was that you were observing the mating habits of ground squirr--" >> Joseph calmly stated, "Quiet, Bahb. You're smothering the audio." Sandra looked at Joseph with a bemused expression, but said nothing about her feelings about yet another example of Joseph's severe voyeurism. Later, she thought, later. The reporter continued. "This...being has apparently been responsible for the cyborgization of approximately 75% of the population of this world, the other 25% of which are either in hiding, dead, or otherwise out of his grasp. His army of roving--" A pause, as the sounds of machinery grow closer. Her eyes go wide as she breaks into a sprint toward the camera. "Dammit, R'hde, move!" The transmission ceases abruptly. A second later, the transmission resumed. Her voice is the only thing that crosses the void for a moment, until a picture of her near a projection of Mobius appears on the viewer. A frazzled female voice continues the narrative. "Alpha Du'lee here. My recorder-wrangler has been terminated by a group of black-tinted robotic humanoid creatures--" "SWATBots," Joseph interjected. "--who also damaged my recording equipment. They have not found the ship, luckily, which is relaying this transmission to the INS via remote relay. It is cloaked, so it will be safe for the next 120 solar cycles, unless something damages the cloak itself." She took several quick breaths. "I have ran to the Great Forest, where it is said a group of "terrorists" live. Hopefully, they can somehow assist me in sneaking by the robotic guards." The audio cuts out, and then resumes. The voice of the reporter is very quiet and frightened-sounding. "I have failed in finding the terrorists, but have instead stowed away on some sort of `SWATBot' ship which is heading back to the Great Unknown. I hope to destroy them by using this device's automatic destruct, stealing this ship, and going back to mine. I will write a full report on my experience later. This is Alpha Du'lee, INS news, signing off." The scene cuts back to that of the newsroom. "Miss Du'lee was never heard from again. We can only assume that her death was caused by the strange devices on the planet's surface. After a UOAW investigation of her transmissions, they have ruled the planet off-limits until formal contact, initiated by the planet itself, has been established." Hope turned to shock to horror to despair all at once back in the Dome, where Sandra and Joseph sat, crushed. "Damn," Joseph muttered, "So much for foreign aid." "And that is the news. Now over to spor--" Joseph turned the viewer off, disgusted. "That wasn't useful." Sandra laid back against him. "It's a long time past, anyway." Joseph pulled himself out from under Sandra, returning to his old funk in seconds. "It still stinks completely." Sandra frowned and stroked her tail, which had fallen asleep. "Well, I guess you and Vision will have to be the foreign aid then, won't you?" "I s'ppose so. I think I will go meditate on this now." Sandra blinked. "Uh, okay. I'll see you in a few hours, then." Yawning, Joseph waved and departed down the shaft. Sandra frowned when Joseph left. He'd seemed so cold and distant lately. Was it her? Had Joseph come down with some sort of alien virus? Or was it something else? She grimaced and hugged a pillow close to her. This change in his behavior was frightening and displeasing to her. He was gradually beginning to stop showing any physical acts of affection toward her, besides the "act" itself. He was less talkative and more moody, and his apathetic attitude was becoming more and more obvious. She blinked back totally irrational tears. She needed someone to tell her what was wrong, so she could somehow get Joseph to be happy again. But who? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "You want me to do what?" Doc had been mindlessly collecting specimens to study in his lab when Sandra had snuck up behind him, and struck up a conversation. Unaccustomed to seeing her without Joseph, Doc was easily obliged into continuing the conversation out of sheer scientific curiousity. However, an element of it surprised him. "I need you to find out what is wrong with Joseph. He's been acting...funny." Doc ruffled his headfur in a manner reminiscent of the Terran character of Doc Brown, from the `Back to the Future' series of movies, as was his custom. In fact, most of his mannerisms and behavior mimicked Doc Brown's behavior in a disturbingly uncanny way. "But why are you asking me? Joseph's more than capable of doing his own diagnostics." "I think whatever's wrong with him is affecting his judgement." Doc hrmed. "That bad, eh? Well, I'll just have to be the judge of that." She took him to the Dome, brought him through the various levels, and took him to Joseph's idling body. They worked quickly, so not to disturb him from his deep meditation. A few scans of him were all they needed, and they got them with no incident. Fluidly, Doc teleported back to Haven, taking Sandra with him. Doc fed the results of the scan into a computer, which mulled over the facts quickly enough to determine the problem... *** PROCESSING DATA*** Subject: Joseph Scans by: Doc, Sandra Nightweaver Scenerio: Possible contamination of subject with an illness that affect energy levels, psychological state. Results of scans: Subject's nervous system and brain, a mimetic polyalloy, is intact and unharmed. Excretory system is intact and unharmed. Nanite boosted immune system is intact and unharmed. Reproductive system has been sterilized by subject's choice until further notice, but is otherwise intact. Enhanced sketal system is intact and unharmed. Circulatory system...damaged. Synopsis: The cells of the subject's body require more oxygen than the blood cells can realistically produce on their own. Despite the increase in production, they still cannot keep up with the demand for oxygen. Solution: Short-term -- weekly influx of non-artificial, living blood; artificial blood, while mostly effective, will only stabilize the condition. The production of the blood should come from a person in an "excited" state, so to have the most effect. Long-term -- a transfer into another host body with augmented circulatory system, or into that of a synthetic shell. *** ANALYSIS COMPLETE *** - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "So, Doc, what this report is telling me is that Joseph's an unwitting *vampire*?" Doc frowned. "Unfortunately, yes. His body requires fresh doses of oxygenated blood on a weekly basis, or else it will die around him." Sandra wiped at her eyes. "This is awful!" Doc attempted to comfort her. "Yes, yes, I know...but he can escape it, eventually. He just needs to switch bodies." "But he put so much *work* into the one he's gotten. This'll really bother him now..." Doc coughed. "Well, it could be worse. It could have driven him psychotic by now, and his body could have so agitated his mind as to finally clue him in on what he needs...which would, of course, really be bad." "He would be, after all, the perfect predator." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sandra teleported home a few moments later to give Joseph the news. She was nervous, but she hoped and prayed to any god that was listening that he was still alright. She entered their bedroom, expecting to see Joseph sitting cross-legged on the bed, deep within a zauzen trance, as she and Doc had left him. However, he was not there. The room had been disturbed considerably. The bedsheets were knocked onto the floor, the mattress torn and beaten around, and his clothing in a ragged, torn pile on the ground. Oh no. She froze, listening for breathing or any other Josephish sound. Nothing. Her heart beat loudly, nearly deafening her with its rapid pounding. Her blood rushed through her head with the speed of quicksilver, making Sandra feel like all she was was one big bag of O negative. And to Joseph, she thought, that's all she was. She rushed back toward the pad, starting to detect movement out of the side of her eye. She broke into a run, and lept onto the pad. The motion swept behind her. She was too afraid to look. She smashed her fist into the up switch, sending the pad rocketing away into the ceiling. The motion behind her withdrew momentarily from surprise, but immediately made it known that she would not escape so easily. A hiss escaped from its metal-fanged mouth, the silver that made up its nervous system choosing to become a boon to his circulatory. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sandra ran instinctively up the three flights of stairs that seperated the residental level of the Dome from the other parts. She knew whatever Joseph had become was chasing her...toying with her...allowing her to keep running, until her blood was agitated to his satisfaction. She started crying as she ran, her mind overloaded from shock. If she retained full control of her mind, this would be the most humiliatng thing she had ever experienced. She'd let her guard down, and was running away, crying like a kit, from someone she knew was mentally unstable at the time...yet, she had gone to get him unarmed. She felt more helpless than she ever had before, a feeling she resolved to never experience again. Her mind raced as she bolted through the Dome. She knew this wasn't Joseph...not anymore. This was not the fox she so cared for, respected, and would bear kits for. This was some sort of disease forcing his body to do these things. But Sandra wasn't, or couldn't, act on her thoughts. She only ran, ran fast and hard, to get away from the beast that chased her. She shot through the trap door at the top of the stairs, and quickly threw a chair over it to attempt to slow Joseph down. It only gave him something else to destroy. He blasted through the trap door just as Sandra was able to ascend to the next level, the computer core. As she ran to the next stepdisk, she looked around for something to throw or drop on the ground, anything at all that might slow Joseph down. Finding nothing, she contented herself with jumping on the next stepdisk. As it started to rise, Joseph seemed to burst out of the lower regions of Hell and leap up to grab her. Luckily for Sandra, he did not make it completely on the stepdisk, but was able to grab onto it as it rose. The stepdisk daemon inside Bahb quickly made the disk stop, and caused it to begin to descend. Sandra panicked as the fox began to pull his way onto the stepdisk. She kicked and hit him in the head, trying to phase him enough so she could get away. "GET AWAY FROM ME!!" she screamed fruitlessly at the fox, who was making progress despite her efforts to the contrary. Sandra lept off the stepdisk as Joseph took it over, causing it to rise again. As she landed unevenly on the ground, injuring her leg, Joseph was pulled into the emerald level against his will. His roars of rage resounded through the computer core until the stepdisk hit its destination. He surfaced in the emerald core angrily. He repeatedly jumped up and down to try and force the stepdisk down, but to no avail. As he did so, the emerald began to notice Joseph's psychotic state. It had a intelligence of sorts, and remembered how well Joseph had treated it in the past...taking it away from the dark city, caring for it, talking to it, giving it attention...and so, somehow caring about him, it chose to take action. As Joseph raged and pounded against the portal, the emerald hit him with a gentle, calming amber beam. At first, it did nothing. The emerald jacked up its output. Nothing. It focused its energy into a tight beam, and hit the fox dead on with a hard bolt of amber energy. He stumbled and fell to the ground, unconscious. Its mission accomplished, the emerald powered down, waiting for the next opportunity to manifest its power. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meanwhile, elsewhere on the planet... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The cool blue pools of water glistened in the daylight, as Knuckles the Echidna, protector of the Floating Island, returned home again. The gulls cried their welcome to him as he raced across the water, lept onto the side of the island, and climbed up to its surface. He took a few deep breaths. Sighing happily, he stretched on the beach. He was home, where he belonged. No more wandering around the world and over the sea for him. This is where he needed to be, and this is where he'd stay. Walking toward the emerald caves, he gathered up the emeralds and took them back to the main emerald complex near the center of the island. The chamber had been repaired, as he suspected, and all it required was the reinstallation of the Chaos Emeralds to return all to what it had been before. He put the emeralds in the correct arrangement around the larger, green Master Chaos Emerald. As they reattuned themselves to the Chaos Chamber, the island itself seemed to relax. Knuckles himself felt more contented and safe, and he knew the island was still strong despite his long absence. After making sure all was right, he closed the chamber back up and went back outside. He felt young and strong, and his mind was clear of doubt. The Chaos Emeralds were safe again. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In a darker section of Mobius, inside the large Command Center, two vaguely humanoid creatures spent considerably different existances. In the highest level, Commander Packbell, an android with a bad attitude and a decidedly evil bent, lorded over an empire spanning most of Mobius. Armies of SWATBots fell into line at his command, people lived or died at his decree, and all was sinister and evil, polluted and decadent. He bargained with aliens over the fate of the world while planning to doublecross them all and walk away with all the spoils of war. Packbell, to sum it all up, wanted to rule the universe. In the basement of the complex, a different sort of person lived. Snively, the nephew of the deceased Doctor Julian Ivo Robotnik (the original conqueror of the world) and a wannabe dictator, had far less power at the moment and certainly smaller plans. He lived in the lowest part of the complex, an abandoned, rotting garbage incinerator. He killed and ate the vermin that skulked in from outside, and hid from the SWATBots he used to command. He'd faked his own death after a lightning raid from the Freedom Fighters, and had been living in fear of everyone ever since. He didn't want to rule the world any more. He just wanted to live in peace. A nice, clean jail cell--even in Ironlock--looked like heaven compared to his continued existance down here. The slightest noise sent him dashing into the darkest, most filthy part of the dead incinerator, praying it was a Freedom Fighter with intent to kill, rather than Packbell. Oh, how horribly Packbell had treated him! Uncle Robotnik was hard, cruel at times, but he was never as evil or sadistic as Packbell was. Robotnik allowed him to eat, gave him a decent place to stay, and gave him a bit of power over Robotropolis. Packbell had not only knocked him out of the throne, but had taken away all of his power and made him a glorified robot. Worker-Bots had it better than he. They felt no pain. Under Packbell's control, that was all he ever felt. He growled, angrily shaking his fists toward the ceiling. He would have his revenge! He would get Packbell, destroy him, and take back what he had rightfully stole! Even though he had no echidna to help him, no SWATBots to aid his cause, he would defeat him! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph moaned on the ground, coming to an hour or so later from the emerald's weird ray. His body felt sore, like he was coming off a bad hangover or high. He rolled onto his back... ...and noticed Sandra standing above him, plasma cannon trained right between his eyes. "Don't make another move," she snapped, glaring at him angrily and fingering the trigger. Joseph was confused. "Sandra?" "You just lie right there, you maniac." Surprisedly, he exclaimed, "What? What are you talking about?" "You can't fool me, Joseph. I drop my guard, and then you jump up and suck me dry." She looked at him with more fear than hate. "I think not." "I don't understand." Sandra's eyes tightened. "Don't give me that bullshit. You tried to kill me." Joseph looked at her blankly. "Huh?" Sandra started to soften a bit. "You don't remember?" Joseph closed his eyes, trying to think back. "It's fuzzy..." She allowed the cannon to lower a few degrees. "I went down to the bedroom to tell you something, and you--" Joseph curled into a fetal position, packing into a tight ball. Obviously, she noted, it had hit him. As he sobbed about how sorry he was, she put the cannon down and held him close. She knew that he was back, for now, and that his actions were not that of premeditation. Yet, she kept the cannon in reach, in case another episode began while he was crying on the floor. But Sandra did her best at reassuring Joseph. She tried to let her long- repressed maternal instincts do most of the work, but this was a field she wasnot usually called upon to enter. Perhaps that would be different one day...but not for a while. The hulking orange mass kept tightly packed near the abnormally maternal Sandra Nightweaver, as she hugged him and told Joseph that everything was going to be alright, and she didn't hold his past actions against him, and so on and so forth. Meanwhile, she was busy trying to conjure a way to tell Joseph about his formerally dormant vampirism without frightening him, or herself, too much. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Snively lurked through the trash, cursing Packbell and crawling through the gutters around the city, looking for a meal. Unbeknownst to him, the spacecraft that had descended through the clouds many times and had the people on it who had spoken to Robotnik and Packbell, now landed again outside the control center. The boarding stairs descended from it, and the usual greasy red-types scurried out from it, carrying a large box. They put the box down on the ground, and ran back inside the craft. A few moments later, the familiar red-orange fox walked out of the craft, and ascended the stairs of the building once more... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Packbell was expecting his "friend" this time, and had cleaned the place up to something more tolorable for an organic's taste. John walked in as per usual, looking clinically calm. "Hello, Packbell," he said, "I see you've actually cleaned this place up a bit. Good." He looked around the room. "Let me've taken even more losses, haven't you? He gave Packbell no opportunity to reply. "Oh, that's just lovely, Packbell. Keep it up." The sarcasm was thick enough to support a train. "I haven't had the firepower or the..." "Oh, be quiet. For Goddess' sake, even Ivo kept the place in better condition than you do, tinkertoy. He could have gotten the complex back to at least 45% efficiency by now." He waved his hand around irritatedly. "Just look at the filth that you live in! What are you, some sort of vermin?" "But..." "Shut up! If it wasn't for those crazed governmental bureocrats in the UOAW government, I'd tacnuke this place now and be DONE with you! But noooo, I gotta buy it off of you for face value." He sneered at Packbell. "Even though it's worth one TENTH of it NOW!" he exclaimed, lying through his teeth. "I..." He stomped out of the room. "Clean up your act, Packbell! You're only going to see me 6 more times before the final offer is given! Heed my words! Displease me again, and I'll be sure yr new-found wealth is promptly taken away from you!" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The fox stomped out of the command center, madder than a rusted roboticized rat on Monday. He kicked through piles of garbage, cursing in a foreign language as he did so. However, one particularly good kick made him drop something out of his pockets. It was a small device, probably suited for palmtop usage. It bounced out of his coat-pocket and into a gutter, where it disappeared into the darkness. Even more irritated, the fox just decided to let it lay in the festering storm sewer, leaving it for whatever rat might try to gnaw on it. He marched up the stairs, shouted some commands, and made the ship fly off into the night. However, no rat was ever able to get the device. A human hand caressed the smooth alien device, taking it from the sludge it laid in, and wiping it off carefully. Opening the device, Snively discovered a thumb-controller and a holographic screen. It twittered upon activation, and made an attempt to verbalize with its new owner, already learning his language... << "Chonni'ae 17932-G Unit Ready." >> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph recovered quickly from his severe awful feeling he had gotten when he had realized what he had tried to do, and patched things up with Sandra similar to the conditions they had been before. However, things were still uneasy when Sandra explained to Joseph what was wrong with him. He sat down on the ground, and put his head in his hands. "You mean that I'll keep doing that until I get...blood?" Sandra made a affirmative groan, sitting down beside Joseph. "Doc said if you grow a new body, or return to an android one, that you can stop doing that forever...can you do that?" He sighed. "Not right now...I've dedicated all of Bahb's resources to making deroboticizer software. If I were to take some away from Bahb to make a new body, it could throw everything off-kilter." Sandra frowned. "So you're stuck like this." Joseph sniffed. "Yes." She hugged him. "Joseph, no matter what happens..." But she couldn't produce the three words that finished that thought. So, she made up new ones, that sounded a bit less loving. "...I'll always be here." "Thank you. But maybe you should leave until I resolve this problem." "No, I can't do that!" The sharpness of her voice rapidly receded. "It would be unfair to let you suffer alone here. I'd rather stay and help." "How could you help?" Without saying a word, she pried Joseph's mouth open and stuck part of her neck inside his mouth. "I'll share." Joseph rapidly withdrew his muzzle, shocked. "NO!" Sandra looked at him. "Joseph, look. I'd rather have a pint taken out of me now, when you're lucid...rather than having a gallon removed later, when you're a raging maniac. Besides, you need fox-blood. If not me, who? Some dumb Knothole vixen who walks across your path at night? Tails? Antoine?!" She smiled weakly. "I'm the only one who would willingly give up blood for you, Joseph. And you don't even need to take much. Only a pint or so, once a week." "But..." "But nothing. Until we can get you a new body, this is the least undesirable of your options." She paused. "Unless you'd like to stalk foxes at night and drain them, of course." Joseph looked concerned. "If something goes wrong..." "We'll just do it the way they used to when they had blood-drives. A quick transfusion procedure. I'll fill a bag, you get a straw." Joseph grimaced. "But taking in another's *blood*..." "It's my blood, Joseph. I'm clean." She smiled lustfully. "Hell, I've got more of you in me than anyone else would, anyway. I hope." Joseph was not amused. "Yes, you do. But I don't like it." "That's good. I'd hope this wasn't something that came naturally." A long, long pause. "Fine. I'll begin construction of the machine. Go get yourself ripped. I don't want to have to do this again for a week." Sandra nodded, and quietly went off somewhere to exercise. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - After Joseph had knocked together a blood transfer device, and replicated some plastic bags to store the stuff in, he called Sandra from whereever she had gone via her communicator. She bounded in a moment or two later, dabbing some sweat off her brow. "Okay," she panted, "I'm ready." "You are *sure* you want to do this?" "Yes, Joseph. Let's just get it over with." Joseph nodded, and gently picked her up. Putting her upon a comfortable chair, he fluidly took out the needle that took the blood, and popped it into her arm. She barely felt the prick as the device began to slowly siphon off her red, very oxygenated blood. As the device twittered away, Joseph sat down on the other side of the device and held her free hand. He spoke calmly and gently to her, explaining in great detail what the machine did and how it worked. He gave her no opportunity to be nervous about what was happening, if she was bothered by it to begin with. After a quarter-hour had passed, the machine stopped taking blood. Joseph quickly took out the needle, dabbed some disinfectant on Sandra's arm, and sealed the small wound with a medical device. The bag was properly prepared within the device, and was gently produced by the machine after being sealed. Joseph held the bag of blood in his hand for a moment. He looked over at Sandra. "I don't think you want to see this," he said. "I'd rather stay. I want to see how you'd do this." "It's scary," he said, in actuality being more frightened of Sandra being there watching than any actual mechanical procedure. "How do you know?" "It just is," said he, looking for a throughly frightening way to explain it so he could get her to leave. Sandra looked at him with contempt. "I want to know what to expect." He sighed. He couldn't make Sandra do anything she didn't want to do. "Fine." He instinctively extended a single silver tendril from his right index finger. With a series of mental commands, he bent the spike into a question-mark-shaped tube. The needle poked into the bag with no difficulty, allowing none of it to escape. An opening was created at the tip of the spike, and some suction was produced from it. The bag began to drain quickly. As it did, an euphoric reaction passed through Joseph's body, similar to that of a sexual orgasm. He felt like his body was glowing as the spike took the blood, and sent it all over his body. But just as Joseph was about to really get off, the bag ran out of blood. The spike closed up and retracted almost automatically, which probably would have bothered a non-wasted Joseph. Joseph let the empty bag fall to the ground, stunned from the lingering sensations of ecstasy that dribbled through his body. It played havoc with his visual and auditory systems, and gave him weird flashbacks of mixtures of past events. He stood there like a statue, completely ignoring Sandra's alarmed looks and shouts. But this too passed, and Joseph returned to his `normal' state. Taking a deep breath, he rolled his head around on his neck, and walked over to Sandra. "It worked," said he, "I feel a lot better." Sandra pulled herself to her feet, and gave Joseph a hug. "Good," she grinned, and rubbed his shoulder blades. "You scared me for a minute there, when ou were just standing there all stoned. What happened?" Joseph smiled toothily. "I know why you don't see many unhappy vampires in books now." Sandra shuddered involentarily, her fur prickling up on the back of her neck. "You're not getting any more for a week." "I know," he said, "and you're in no danger of getting bitten for a good while." He paused. "It's not really addicting, as such...I know a healthy substitiute for the buzz I get, anyway." He winked, and embraced her warmly. Sandra calmed down a bit, her fur returning to a limp state. She smiled and kissed Joseph gently. "Now I have my good old handsome fox back. All to myself." He smirked. "Not entirely. Science calls me at times...but now, I have given that mistress its due attention. Now it is time to show gratitude to you for my rescue from madness." He kissed her gently on the ears. "After all, you probably just saved Mobius." She smiled. "Then reward me," she whispered, "but get me some juice and cookies first." She met Joseph's inquisitive look with a smirk. "Hey, I just gave a pint of blood, after all." They laughed quietly, and went up to the kitchen. Chapter Ten - Tricky Situations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Timeline: Sometime after that... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The sun streamed through the fading grey clouds with newfound strength. Early spring had began, and the annual thaw would begin in a precious few weeks. The birds were beginning to return to the forests, and the Great Forest began to become much more noisy. However, not all the noise was caused by the peaceful return of spring... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "BUNNIE!" Sally's voice resounded through Knothole, somewhat anxiously. "BUNNIE RABBOT!" Bunnie sleepily stumbled out of her hut, wiping the sleep-stuff from her eyes. "Wha...?" "WE NEED SOME HELP HERE, BUNNIE!" She grumbled, and began to march her way over to Sally's voice on the far side of the village. She knew perfectly well that Sally wasn't calling her over for tea. Something had either fallen over, fell apart, or needed to be moved, and she was the only one with enough muscle to move it. But her annoyance pushed itself back into her mind, while her usual cheery face manifested on her outside. After all, she wouldn't want to make Sally feel guilty now, would she? She walked through the center of town, and began to make out the fuzzy details of what Sally might have wanted. A tree had fallen on a hut. Sally had apparently gotten everyone out before it hit, but the tree was in danger of falling on some other people's huts...which meant that she was going to have to pick the damned thing up and make it fall the *other* way, back into the forest. She mentally sighed, picking up her pace slightly. She forced herself to look perky, despite the fact that she'd been roused from her sleep and hadn't had her cup of coffee yet. All she had to do, she thought, was move the freaking tree back to where it came from, and she could go back to bed. She arrived at the scene a few minutes later. Sally greeted her politely, explained the painfully obvious to her, and got out of the way. Good, Bunnie thought, at least she wasn't making me talk yet. She moved under the tree and extended her arm in the air to grab it. She felt her fingers grab the deadened bark and extend within the hard wood of the tree. She got a solid grip on the tree, and then extended her legs to force the tree back in the air. It went easily, going from 180 degrees to 90. With a light nudge, she caused it to fall into the musky depths of the forest, and safely away from Knothole. Some light applause was heard as she retracted her appendages and returned to a state of relative normalcy. "Good job," noted Sally, "thank you, Bunnie." Bunnie smiled. "'S no problem, sugar. Is that all?" Sally nodded, and dismissed her. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bunnie bounded back home, hoping to get a nice, hot cup of Java before setting herself to the day's work. She hoped no other major catastrophies would occur until after breakfast. Pushing her hair back into some sort of order, she went back into her hut to prepare some food. Bunnie had a small kitchen within the confines of her hut, which suited her nicely. It had some small pots and pans, a single-burner stove, a few minor appliances, and some various small containers of spices she'd picked up in her travels around the Great Forest. She took an egg from a bowl, and cracked it into a small pan. Bunnie was glad she'd picked up some chicken eggs when she went out to get supplies last week...she hadn't had anything sunny-side-up in what seemed like years. Activating the burner, she put the small pan upon it and let it cook. Turning to the coffee maker, she poured herself a hot cup of finely- brewed Southern Mobian Java. She smiled. Bunnie had to really bend over backwards to get her monthly shipment of the stuff, but she always managed to get enough to get her going. She took a slug off the stuff, feeling her body kick back in to her normal, generally happy self. It was hot, invigorating, and quite good. She held the cup in one paw while going back to check on her egg. It was coming along rather nicely, she thought, so she'd better start the toast. Taking a metal coat-hanger-like device from a hanger on the wall, she took two slices of bread from a box and clipped them on the stick carefully. Then, with great ease, she inserted the stick over a small pipe, and hit a small switch on the side of it. A flame curtled out of the pipe, and began heating the bread. As it burned away, the stick turned, allowing the flame to heat both sides of the bread evenly. It was a clever invention, something Rotor had made himself after becoming irritated at one-side-toasted-other-side soft toast. She smirked. That Rotor. Just a big kid. But he was a nice guy. Bunnie had never known him to be in a bad mood in his life. Rotor just let everything slide by...but if you gave him a project, he'd work 23-hour days to get it done. She shrugged. He, like Bookshire and Joseph, were just plain eccentric. Can't do anything about it, so it's better if you just let them do whatever. She paused for a moment, sipping some of her coffee. She wondered how Joseph was doing. She hadn't seen him since last fall. Probably working away on the deroboticizer like a maniac. That, or he was probably doing gods-knows-what with Sandra. Probably less of the latter and more of the former, she smirked, knowing Joseph. But man, the rumors she'd heard! It was appalling how people gossipped about them. She thought Sandra was alright now. After all, she'd proved her goodwill by not revealing the location of Knothole, and solidified it by saving Tails. But some people simply refused to believe it. Just the fact that Joseph, with the full knowledge of his people and Mobius' at his disposal, was willing to date her should have been enough for the majority of Knothole's knitting circles. He wasn't some fool. He knew perfectly well who Sandra was, her history, and what she'd done lately. Yet, he stayed with Nightweaver, and spoke of her in glowing terms. But the things she'd heard made her almost ashamed to be Mobian. They alleged she was plotting to kill him and use his technology to take over Mobius herself. They said he was an advance scout for his own race, and was going to give the go-ahead any day now for an all-out invasion. Allegations of incredibly unspeakable fetishes. Vampirism. The works. Savior one day, heretic the next. So goes the life of a reclusive celebrity, she thought. She was just glad she and Sally were above suspicion of anything besides the most honorable and good acts. She wasn't any angel, but if they could say stuff like that about *Joseph*... She turned off the flame, and scraped the egg onto a plate. Shutting down the stove, she removed the toast and spreaded some grape jelly over them. Bunnie then put the toast on the side of the plate, and carried it over to the table with her other free hand. She sat down by the window, taking another sip of coffee and looking outside at Knothole. It had a sort of charm to it during the morning, she thought, before people were gearing up for missions and such. Kits played in the street, chasing each other around and enjoying the cool morning wind. She sighed, watching them play. Bunnie wondered if she would, or could, ever have kits of her own to love. She hoped so. She always liked to think of herself as mother material...she'd raised Tails well enough, and sat all the time for other people's kits. She knew how to handle common problems and how to give the various "talks" mothers and children are wont to do. If any rabbit was prepared to be a mother, she was. She consumed some of her egg. Bunnie felt quite alone sometimes. Friends, real friends, were something she thought she lacked. Sure, Sally and herself were close, but only because she gave her such an edge in campaigns. If she didn't have her arm and her legs, Sally'd probably forget about her soon enough. Sonic...well, Sonic was someone you wanted to have be your friend, strictly because of the edge that gave you in local town politics. Antoine--no. Rotor was a possible true friend, but he was pretty absent-minded and weird sometimes. A big kid, she smiled, as she had some toast. Tails was more of a son than a friend to her, so that ruled him out. She didn't know Bookshire real well, but he was more of a general father-figure than someone you'd have as a pal. She slugged back some coffee. That left Sandra Nightweaver and Joseph, the town recluses. Bunnie smirked slightly at the irony of the situation, and took another sip of coffee. She knew Sandra by reputation only; the one given by Joseph that made her appear to be the greatest woman since the Goddess, and the one given by gossipy old spinsters, which depicted her as someone not so nice. Joseph, she thought, finishing her egg and toast, was an enigma. He liked her a bit, she knew that much. Joseph was generally friendly to people who he saw parts of himself in; sometimes more literally than not, she laughed, thinking about Sonic's relationship with Joseph. However, he'd grown more sarcastic and unkind as the months had rolled on. Perhaps the death of his people and the constant gossip was starting to get to him, but he was not as nice of a guy than he'd used to be. Sandra had helped the situation, but it only worked when she was around; probably because he wanted to keep her happy, she mused. The deroboticizer had become his obsession, it seemed, because that's all he ever seemed to *do*. He only came out when Sandra wanted to go somewhere in Knothole, or when Sally asked him to give a status report. At least, that's how it seemed to most people. Bunnie, however, knew better. As she finished her coffee, she pondered the times she'd been on watch and noticed him walking through the forest, either alone or with Sandra. He spoke to himself or to her in a language she could only assume was his native tongue, seemingly to release his inner demons. He was always emotional during these times, and his face was far more expressive than it was normally. Perhaps that's how he stimulated creative thought. She shrugged. Who knew with him? Indeed, who knew what he was up to right now? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph flew at Sandra with a sort of a Terran Rebel yell, fist balled into a rock of flesh and fur. He hurtled through the air with deadly speed, homing in on his target with a merciless accuracy. But Sandra was not so easily struck. She rolled into a somersault, spun under Joseph, and watched his fist bite into only air. Leaving nothing to chance, she sprung back and lept off the wall, planting a kick right into his chest. Joseph recoiled, temporarily subdued. Yielding into a defensive crouch, he planned his next attack as Sandra stood in a defensive posture. After an approximate two second delay, he handplanted into a forward flip, zipping over Sandra as she missed her opportunity to strike him in the back and landing behind her. Sandra spun gracefully, facing her opponent with her best game- face on. Joseph twirled into a roundhouse, forcing Sandra to retreat or risk being hit by Joseph's flying feet. She watched his kick pattern as she backed closer and closer to the wall, waiting for the opportunity to... Sandra saw her opening and went for it. As Joseph's leg became even with her chest, she grabbed onto it, and executed a flawless throw of her assailant into a wall. However, Joseph re-adjusted in mid-air and lept off the wall, completing a perfect reverse somersault on the padded floor. He turned around and was nearly hit by a very fluid flying attack from Sandra, which just barely grazed his midsection. It did, however, throw him off-balance enough to cause him to stumble backwards, and made him nearly lose his balance. Sandra collided with the wall, but was able to escape injury by springing off the side of it, and rolling into a ball in mid-air. Because of this, she was able to emulate a spin-attack and knocked Joseph's legs out from under him. The hapless fox fell onto the ground, oofing softly as his head *bonk*ed against the floor. Subdued, he laid on the ground like a rug as the victorious Sandra Nightweaver unballed from her former position and walked over to him. Standing over her attacker in the afterglow of victory, she stood directly above his muzzle, and sat down gently on his collarbone. Thus straddling his head, she wrapped her hand around his mouth and stroked his muzzlefur softly. She looked directly into his eyes as he woke up again, groaning. Joseph coughed lightly. "Okay, okay, you get to be on top next time." Sandra smiled, purposely cracking her back so to push her groin into Joseph's neck. "Aah," she cooed, "the sweet taste of victory." Joseph smirked, a patronizing tone entering his voice. "I let you win," he wheezed, pushing Sandra up more onto his collarbone. Sandra looked down at Joseph with a completely hilarious look of disbelief. "You did not, you big liar!" Joseph put on a faux-immature tone. "Did too!" Sandra mimicked. "Did not!" Joseph tried to withhold a smirk. "Too too too!" Sandra also tried, but failed miserably. "Not not not not!" Joseph's restraint left him. "Too too too too too!" Sandra really started smirking hard. "Not not not not not not!" Joseph quickly chose to outgun Sandra with the usage of scientific notation. "Too to the 10^1,654 x 0.2342352412th!" But Sandra had played this game before with Joseph, so used the ultimate comeback in such an argument: "Not infinity!" Joseph grimaced, laughter bubbling over into his speech. "No fair calling infinity." Sandra bent down and kissed Joseph on his nose. Putting on an unneccessarily husky voice, she ran her finger down the side of Joseph's muzzle and whispered into his ear, "I don't play fair. You should know that by n--" But Joseph took the opportunity to turn the tables on his eye- pleasing oppressor. He grabbed her by the sides and rolled onto his back, now pinning *her* to the ground! Before she could react, he slid up her body core and pushed her arms down with his, and locked her legs under Joseph's well-muscled ones. Sandra acked, laughing. "You cur!" Joseph kissed her nose, doing a dead-on impression of her just seconds ago. "I don't play fair." Sandra pretended to struggle under Joseph. Giggling uncontrollably, she exclaimed, "Ooh!! When I get out from under you, I'm gonna..." But just as Sandra was about to describe what sort of damage she was going to do, and Joseph was just about to do something particularly naughty, Bahb interrupted from the ether. << "Version 1.x DeRoboticizer program complete. Now beginning work on Versions 2.x and higher." >> They paused for a moment, forgetting their little game and thinking about the consequences of this new knowledge. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bunnie finished washing up her breakfast dishes, and had just laid back down on her bed when Sonic rushed in. "Bunnie!" he articulated, coming to a halt, "We need your help again." She pulled herself off her bed, and stretched herself out. While smiling and looking only drowsy, her thoughts belied a rather annoyed doe who needed her beauty sleep. "What's the prob, sugarhog?" she said softly, walking out the door after Sonic. Do you have a bottle that needs to be opened, she growled mentally, or do you need an extra arm to help lift up your ego? "Nothin' big," Sonic spoke obliviously, "we just need to have a helping hand to lift a busted bridge out of the water. Ice cracked the supports." Oh, GREAT. So much for going back to sleep. "Is that *all*? Heck, that won't take me more than a second." "That'll make Sally happy, Bunnie. Thanks." Yeah, whatever. They arrived at the site of the broken bridge, which crossed over a frozen river. The bridge was cracked right in the middle, the once-strong support beam split off into the depths of the ice. Bunnie grimaced mentally. She'd have to sink her feet through the river and lift the bridge out from under it. That would get them wet, which gave her a greater chance of having a malfunction in her legs; it would be deadly to have them suddenly disengage when she was pressing the bridge into the air. Bunnie said nothing, but got right to her work. Sliding her way down into the somewhat deep ravine, she walked out over the ice and under the bridge. The support beam hung precariously over her head in mid-air, and could give at any moment. Fighting off an attack of the creeping horrors, she grabbed the beam at a thick point and pushed up on it. As the bridge began to rise, her legs cracked and penetrated the ice, hitting the soft, cold river bottom within moments. Bunnie rose in the air, the bridge above her and the deadly, ice- covered river below. She tried not to look down as she turned the small bridge at an angle in the air, and pushed it over onto the far side of the river with no great difficulty. Her legs had not failed her. Taking a relieved breath, she slowly retracted her limbs and climbed back up the ravine. Sonic gladly patted Bunnie on the back. "Good show, Bunnie." Bunnie smiled. "Anytime, sugarhog." Sonic ran off into the distance, probably to get someone else to do something for Sally. After he'd gotten far enough away, she mumbled and hopped off somewhere to warm up, before the water in her legs froze up and left her helpless. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meanwhile, on a part of Mobius a bit less cold: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The device hummed softly in Snively's hands, illuminating the inside of the dead incinerator with a holographic projection of the planet. It explained in an alien tongue which Snively had heard so many times before about something called "Operation Xion". Snively's pleasure at finding the powerful device turned to horror as the plan so carefully hidden by the Buyers was revealed to him, in full 3-D detail... A projection of Mobius was projected in the air as it was that day, down to its current position around the sun and even the latest weather systems. Time speeded up as the visual projection showed their plans for the world. It bobbed happily around the sun, gradually moving from the Northern continent's winter to spring. All the while, a large craft drew closer and closer to Mobius, the menacing machine slowly creaking its way behind the hapless world. Why it went so slowly was unknown to Snively, but he knew that was immaterial. The North moved into summer as the ship crept into a quiet orbit around the planet, hanging unobtrusively in a geosyncronous orbit over the northern pole of Mobius. As it moved away from summer and into the fall position, invisible satellites were deployed from the craft and gradually surrounded the world down to the southern pole. In the winter position for Mobius' Northern Continent, the satellites took the sun's warming rays from the south, seemed to magnify them, and projected them onto the southern and northern poles. Over a series of days, Snively watched the familiar continents disappear beneath the lapping blue waves, seeming like they never existed. The ship then lowered into the atmosphere, unprotested by any sort of resistance, and began to take in the water they had released from the Mobian poles. More ships appear from various points in the galaxy to assist the larger ship, and eventually a space station is constructed around the now-saturated Mobius. The water began to recede to a low enough level to reveal the lifeless continents and ruins of cities. However, they were mostly ignored as the ships continued to suck water from the world, making the continents appear in even higher relief. After a few more solar cycles, Mobius' water is depleted. The large ships leave the world, and smaller, scruffier looking vessels appear. Over a few more years, they begin to mine the planet to such an extreme as to make the mass of the planet shrink away to nothing. After every last rock, clump of dirt, and piece of garbage has been wiped from the area that was once Mobius, the small ships fly off. The holograph deactivated. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph examined the results of the successfully compiled deroboticizer software as Sandra sat in a chair behind him. He seems pleased with the results, she mused, so this must mean that the simulations were sucessful. Joseph walked over to another monitor, which had a quite long list of names. As he poured over it, Sandra pondered over the various consequences of this momentous occasion. Would this be a date that would live forever in history as the Great Turning Point in the War For Mobius, or would it be just another footnote in the annals of failed deroboticizer attempts? If it did work, what happened now? Who would be the first to be reborn in their natural form? Sir Charles? Bunnie? She could already see the argument brewing. Sandra just hoped Joseph just grabbed someone at random for testing, and didn't bother leaving it up to Sally. It would probably be better that way. More "impersonal". Then there was the major issue (to Sandra, anyway) of her place in all this. She hoped that she would get mentioned somehow in the history books when this was all over with. Sandra smiled. Imagine that, you stupid teachers; now you're going to have to talk about *me* in class without using me as an *example* and sending me up to the Principal's Office! Ha! She grinned, leaning back and fantasizing about how her 12th grade Mobian Government teacher, Mrs. Whippensnak, would deal with talking about her, "that nasty Nightweaver girl", in a glowing and utterly sweet way. Oh, how she'd luxuriate in watching that dried-up old battleaxe form the words, "Sandra Nightweaver was one of the most important non-scientist individuals that worked on the deroboticizer project, as well as one of the most vital contributors to the retaking of Mobius after the coup." while restraining a snarl...she wouldn't be able to say what she probably *really* would think, which would probably sound like, "Sandra Nightweaver, that slut, somehow weaseled her way into the Great Regenerator's innocent heart, and used her fame as a means of revenge on those who had opposed her in the past!" She grinned wickedly. Of course, if she were to say that, she would just have to have her killed. "Sandra, are you fantasizing about revenge *again*?" Sandra eeped, not realizing Joseph had been staring at her for a few moments. "Umm..." Joseph smirked, sarcasm dripping from his voice. "Sorry to interrupt. Carry on, by all means." Sandra whipped a loose grape at Joseph's forehead. "Oh, come on. Like you aren't going to abuse your fame." Joseph squished the grape in mid-air. "I certainly will not!" Sandra smirked disbelievingly. "Yeah, right. You say that *now*, when you've only seen 1/10th of 1% of Mobius' population. But you just wait, oh `Great Regenerator', until you've got the whole population of Mobius deroboticized and hanging on your every word as gospel. Then you'll have no choice but to take advantage of their generosity." Joseph did his best to put his various fantasies out of his mind. Instead, he put on a noble voice, and did utter, "I'll become a philanthropist." Sandra laughed. "A likely story!" "I mean it," he smiled, "I'll dedicate my life to the reconstruction of Mobius and the rebuilding of its cities..." Sandra fluffed her hair, putting on her best `dumb vixen' voice. "...and the *re*tooling of your lab...and the *re*capitulation of your memoirs into a book, television and lecture series, -and- a docudrama...and the *re*cognition of your scientific prowess for several world-improving inventions..." Joseph laughed. "Okay, okay, okay...maybe just a *little*." Sandra smiled. "That's what I like to hear." Joseph looked at Sandra with a jokingly authoratative bent. "You, on the other hand, are not going to blatantly abuse your new position in society!" Sandra snickered. "Yeah, right. Whatever, Joey." Joseph shook his finger at Sandra as if he was scolding a misbehaving puppy, giggling the whole time. "Oh no, you aren't! I won't have it!" "Yeah, yeah, whatever." "If you do," Joseph sniggered, "you'll have to be *punished*!" Sandra tried to look agast. "Oh no!" "And do you know who *does* the *punishing*?!" Again, Sandra tried to look mortified. "Not YOU!" Joseph cackled. "That's right! So you better BEHAVE!" Sandra tried to cower, but she fell back in the chair from laughing. "Never!" she exclaimed, "You'll have to *punish* me over and OVER to get *me* to be good!" Joseph's grinned very, very wickedly. "I better start now, then..." Sandra eeped and curled into a ball in the chair, chuckling. "I'll *punish* you right back, you dastardly fox you!" Joseph laughed loudly, and unbuckled his belt. He removed it from his jeans, bent it into a loop, and snapped it loudly. "I hope so!" Sandra poked her head out and eeked! "Oh, HELP me," she chortled, "someone SAVE me from being *punished*!" Throwing the belt away, he advanced on the chair, giggling madly the whole time. The deroboticizer could wait a few hours... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bunnie stood in front of a bonfire, watching the steam waft off of her legs and arm. She'd have to stick around until they were completely dried off, she thought, or else they would warp the metal when she went back out into the cold. The firelight flickered in her jade eyes as she stared into it, allowing her mind to wander. Doing this made her feel at was as if nothing existed but the fire and her, a single consciousness drifting idly through time and space, the warmth from the fire the only indication of something other than the cold, airless depths of space-- >From infinity, Tails yelled, "BUNNIE!" Arrgh. Bunnie turned around, smiling. "Yes, Tails?" "Sally needs your help again." Lovely. "Really, sugar? What's wrong?" "She opened up Rotor's closet." Bunnie grumbled mentally, but kept her mask firmly in place. "Oh! Well, just a minute, Tails..." Bunnie took off her mental parking brake, stretched out, and hopped out the door, Tails leading the way. A cyberdoe's work is never done. They arrived in Rotor's hut a few moments later, and began digging Sally out from under the piles and piles of junk Rotor kept in his closet for whatever particular reason. It was tedious, annoying work, which a person with her particular abilities had come to expect. It was simply her bailwick to do all of the physical labor...she didn't like it, but she had no choice but to accept it. After all, if you can, you do. It was how the FFs stayed alive. She and Tails took more and more junk off the pile, moving it into another one a few yards away. They both knew Sally was okay under all that garbage, but she was probably pinned down by a toaster or something. Or maybe she had just chosen to stay still, out of fear of having a burned-out motherboard impale her. Bunnie didn't know, and didn't care. All that mattered was the task. A few moments later, they pulled a dirty and rumpled Sally out from under a series of greasy hydrolics. She smiled appreciatively and thanked both of them for getting her out from under all of it. "Are you okay, sugar?" Sally nodded, dusting herself off. "Yes, Bunnie, Tails...I forgot to stand on the opposite side of the door when I opened it, is all." She picked up a small chip from the floor. "But I got what I needed." Tails smiled. "Great. Can I go now?" Sally grinned. "Yes, Tails. You too, Bunnie." Bunnie shrugged and left, not bothering to mention that the same chip had been sitting on the counter the whole time. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bunnie was progressively growing more irritated with her lot in life. Today, while not being an exceptionally annoying one, had been an example of what she disliked most of all about being partially roboticized: she was a tool. Hardly anyone ever came by to talk to her unless she was needed to do this or that. She never heard `how are you' or 'you're having a nice hair day' unless the words 'could you please...?" were attached to it. Take, take, take, she thought. All people ever do is take from her. The Freedom Fighters use her for the muscle, and all she gets is a pat on the back and a `good show' for her efforts. All people saw her as, Bunnie scowled, was an eye-pleasing labor-saving device. Bunnie walked off into the woods. Well, she was more than that. She had a mind and a soul, too. She had feelings. Didn't people realize that, despite her "popularity", nobody ever actually *knew* how she really felt? Bunnie walked right by a roving SpyGlobe, which seemed to ignore her as well. Would they still think she was so great if she was just a regular, ordinary rabbit? Just a doe with a heart and a mind, not just one with two steel legs and a fist? Little did Bunnie know that her question was about to be answered... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A few hours later, a relaxed pair of foxes idly flicked through the various perspectives on Mobius vis i vis Joseph's numerous spy cameras and microphones. "Well, you certainly showed me what for," Sandra cooed, leaning back against Joseph in the large chair. She rubbed her back against Joseph's t-shirt, relishing in the warmth of her mate. "I think I'll be bad more often." Joseph smirked, and fiddled with one of Sandra's ears. "Yeah, like that'll be a change from the norm." Sandra playfully swatted Joseph's nose. "Tsk." As Joseph was about to reply, the image of Bunnie Rabbot crossed the main screen, entered Joseph's mind, and gave him an idea. "I think I see our test subject now." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Minutes later, Bunnie stood inside Joseph's lab, accompanied by Joseph and his "assistant" Sandra. The rabbit marveled at the technological power Joseph had at his fingertips, while Sandra, intimately familar with nearly every surface in the lab, fetched herself a glass of Mobian Black Wine. Yet, Bunnie was skeptical. Who wouldn't be after all the past failures, Joseph thought, so he extended his patience more than usual. "Y'all are *sure* this thing is okay?" Bunnie said, gazing at the deroboticizer terminal. "Yes, Bunnie. It's quite safe, according to the simulations. And since you aren't totally roboticized, it has a very high probability of success." "That's whut Rotor said the first time." Joseph looked mildly amused. "Rotor," he said, "did not personally assist in upgrading the roboticizer software yearly, nor was he instructed in how the device worked." Joseph noticed Bunnie's confidence rising after that statement, so added, "I can almost guarentee that this will work." "Almost?" "It is untested. You are the first." Bunnie smirked. "Greaaaaaat." "You are in no danger, Bunnie. If anything potentially fatal starts to occur, the device will shut down. I can jump over to Haven in 2.5 seconds and fetch their finest medical practitioners, if necessary." Bunnie approached the pad cautiously, still gazing with awe at the power of the machinery. "S-so this won't hurt?" "Probably not a lot. It'll tingle." Bunnie paused, and looked at Joseph imploringly. "And this will...?" "Totally. You'll be just another ordinary, healthy Mobian rabbit." She looked at her arm and her legs for a moment. Joseph didn't interrupt with any comments, nor did Sandra do anything else but quietly drink her wine. The only sound was the dull hum of the deroboticizer device warming up. After a minute, Bunnie looked back up at Joseph. No more metal, she thought, no more sickness. The pain would fade at last. She could live out the remainder of her natural life without lifting another tree, crushing another rock, or saving another-- The Freedom Fighters. She paused, mulling over what would happen to them. Her special abilities had saved them more times than she could count. The glittering, steel fist that had crushed a thousand SWATBots would be just a soft, normal fist. Her large, iron legs would become slim, firm, normal legs. Flesh over metal, blood instead of oil... Her advantage to the Freedom Fighters versus her own life. What should she choose? Would her friends think less of her if she no longer had her limbs of steel and iron? What if-- No, Bunnie thought, no more. I have thought about them before myself for far too long. It is time to do something just for *me*. "Do it." Joseph smiled, pleased that he would acquire a test case. "Please, Bunnie, step onto the pad." Complying, she plodded onto the pad. "Close your eyes," advised Joseph, which she also did. As she stood there in the dark, she reflected on her past life...her birth, her parents, their demise after the coup and her partial roboticization...the war that raged for years and years...after she left her old limbs behind, all of that could stop. The past could be left behind, the present could be lived to its fullest, and the future could be a little brighter. As the machine powered up higher, she thought of all the things she could do now. She could swim with all of her appendages attached. She could walk in the rain without worrying about rusting or being electrocuted. Her leg wouldn't attract refrigerator magnets. No more sadness. No more pain. << "Deroboticizer cycle begins in 10 seconds." >> No longer would she be seen as a tool. They would have to see her for what was inside for once, not just for her strength. The constant cries of "BUNNIE!" whenever something fell or needed to be moved would cease. << "5 seconds." >> Let this work. Please. << "Deroboticizer cycle begins now." >> Plea-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - As the bluish energy wave crashed over Bunnie, various readouts monitored the progress of her repairs. Readings were taken, variables were calculated and inserted, and the entire complex seemed to hum louder than usual. Sandra shielded her eyes from the powerful light, nearly deafened by the roar of the machine's intake connections. The floor vibrated as if someone were jumping up and down on it billions of times a second, making for uneasy footing on the laboratory floor. Joseph, whose eyes needed no protection, looked right through the energy wave, watching the physical process occur as it happened. Bunnie's arm and legs glimmered with whitish sparks as the flesh was reconstructed around it, in proper proportion and dimentions to what a normal rabbit of her age possessed. The poisons and regenerator devices that had infected her were melted away by the powerful device, wafting away into mere clouds of brownish steam; and being exterminated by the energy wall that surrounded the deroboticization tube. Minutes turned into centuries as the process continued, insuring its success beyond a shadow of a doubt. Quadruple checks of her status were made to be sure the machine had missed not a single atom of roboticized flesh, nerve, or undercarriage. After a few more seconds, the machinery came to a halt, and the energy field faded to nothing. ^L In the tube stood a rabbit. A simple, ordinary, bipedal, Mobian rabbit. She was pretty in the way only a doe could be; long, pert ears, slim legs with not-too-big feet, and delicate paws. Her violet jumpsuit was a little stretched around her thighs and right arm, and hung loosely around the now-much-smaller openings. Bunnie stood there for a moment in a literal state of shock; her body was rapidly readjusting to the curse's removal. However, her delicate nervous system was unable to take the strain of staying erect and awake while it repaired itself. With a soft moan, she slumped softly to the floor of the tube, and passed out. Joseph picked up the unconscious rabbit and laid her down on a guerney. Sandra walked over, curious to see the first successful deroboticized person in the history of Mobius. As Joseph scanned Bunnie for any permenent damage, Sandra quietly observed the dozing doe, and did her own sort of scan. "She's just sleeping," Joseph relievedly said, "and there appears to be no real damage. She'll need her rest, tho...probably a good 12-14 hours or so." Sandra nodded. "When do we inform Knothole?" Joseph took out a cigar. "We don't." "We don't? But this is a momentous occasion! You've sucessfully deroboticized someone! This is a great day in his--" Joseph shushed his mate. "Let her sleep. She can tell them herself... when she walks into Knothole and shows off her new bod." Sandra smiled. "Ever the romantic, de LaCroix?" Joseph took Sandra's hand, gazed into her eyes, and kissed her firmly. After disengaging, he smiled and spoke, "You bet." She smirked. "We better get out of here before we wake her up." They smiled at each other, and went downstairs to let Bunnie sleep. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The sun rose above the Great Forest with its usual might. The weather was growing warmer, and the layers of ice and snow around the forest were gradually beginning to melt. It was almost warm enough to venture outside in only your sneakers... Of course, for Sonic the Hedgehog, this was his typical garb. As he blasted through the forest, racing between trees and over creeks, he wondered why more people didn't just run around like he did. It was certainly very comfortable; he never got very warm, or very the speeds he traveled, all you did was give off heat. However, this wasn't the main concern in Sonic's mind at the time. Bunnie hadn't come home last night, and she obviously hadn't been captured by BucketHead yet. Therefore, Sally had told him, she must be in the Great Forest. Sonic was beginning to seriously doubt that, tho. He'd been over the entire Great Forest about twelve times since last night, and he hadn't seen hide nor "hare" of her. It was as if she'd just walked off the face of the planet. Sonic stopped for a moment beside a large cliff. He crouched down on the ground, and looked out over it. He hoped she wasn't hurt. After all, if she went and died, who else could kick 'bot butt the same way she did? Who'd do the western watch? Who'd open bottles for Uncle Chuck? He took off again, concernedly scanning the horizon for his lost compatriot. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - She awoke on the guerney, tucked in warmly by someone who obviously wasn't there any longer. She looked straight ahead, and saw the strange crystalline ceiling of the laboratory. She hadn't had some sort of bad chili dream, after all... She hopped off the guerney, and was momentarily shocked at the coldness of the floor. She yelped surprisedly and pulled herself back on the guerney with some minor difficulty. Then, in a flash of enlightenment, it hit her dead on. She wasn't roboticized any longer. Her hands were warm, and her feet were uncomfortably cool. As she shoved them back underneath the covers, she laughed happily at the sensation of feeling from her legs and right arm. It felt more wonderful than anything she had felt in years and years! To be cold again, to not be strong enough to lift kilotons of stuff over your head without breaking a sweat! It was esctasy itself. She rolled on her side, purring from the sensation of her right arm being pressed into the guerney from her own weight. The pleasures of the flesh were hers again, and were ripe for the taking! Her whole life laid before her, fresh and new as the day she was born... She found her eyes watering. As she was about to wipe them with her left hand, as had become her custom, she allowed her right hand to caress her sensitive eyes, removing the moisture from her sight. Oh, how good it felt! It was like being caressed with a featherduster in all the right spots... A large hole opened in the floor, which disgorged Joseph and Sandra. The tall orange fox looked over at her, smiled, and started to walk over to get a closer look. Impulsively, she lept off the guerney, plodded over the cold floor, and jumped within the vicinity of Joseph's chest to give him a hug. After a glance of approval from Sandra, Joseph gave the happy doe a nice, warm hug. She returned the favor tenfold, at least in his opinion, by squeezing him as hard as she possibly could. "Thank you," she whispered happily, "oh thank you..." Joseph said nothing, but merely allowed Bunnie to hang on. However, not wanting to seem cold, he patted her softly between the ears, and smiled. She did have very soft hair. He wondered if she'd ever styled a fox's hair before. He could probably get it pretty cheap now, he quipped mentally, and continued the hug. "You can never know how much this means to muh..." she cooed, moistening Joseph's shirt somewhat with her tears of joy. Minutes passed as Bunnie just out-and-out cried on Joseph, showing her happiness at being finally, totally, free of Robotnik. She went into great detail of how she used to feel about how people treated her, how awful she felt when she looked in the mirror, and how she never thought she could have children. After a good while of this, Bunnie calmed down enough to let go of the now soaked Joseph, and began to try out her new legs by pacing around the room. While she ran around goofily, Joseph vaporized some of the rabbit tears and such off of his shirt with a dryer. "So, Bunnie," said Sandra unexpectedly, "what are you going to do now? Take a vacation? Start your own business? What?" Bunnie smiled happily, ceasing her gesticulations for a moment. "I'm gonna live, girl. Live like there's not gonna be a tom'rrow." Sandra smiled. "I bet you will." "Yes'm, I'm gonna have some FUN. Gonna be selfish and greedy for a change...I'm g'wine get *two* bags of coffee off my connection, and I'm gonna have a big ol' cup every DAY!" Sandra grinned amusedly. "Is that all?" The rabbit bounded about. "No way, Sandy! I'm gonna totally slack off for once; not do one whit of work, sugah, for a good, long time." She smiled. "I'm gonna get m'self dolled up, and I'm g'wine paint the town RED!" She giggled. "Mobius, here I come!" Sandra laughed politely. "Well, I'm sure you'll have one hell of a time, Bunnie. Just remember that you'll need to take it easy for a few days." She smiled. "Naturally! I wouldn't wanna get sick after all this trouble." "Yes," Joseph said, dried, "please be careful." Bunnie grinned and bounced over to Joseph yet again to hug him. "Oh, you sweet fox! Sandy's lucky to have yah." She gave him a good squeeze, and winked mischiveously at the hapless fox. "Jus' remember to treat him right, girl...else I might just have to steal 'im from yew." They all laughed. "Well, Bunnie," Joseph beamed, "I'm afraid that's not going to be a problem. You'll just have to be content with the rest of Mobius--" "Besides," Sandra said, "he snores." Joseph looked belligerantly at Sandra as Bunnie giggled. "Hey!" Sandra folded her arms and smirked. "You do! It's deafening!" "Do not!" "Do too!" The whole conversation was about to sink into a relapse of last time when Bahb kicked its two cents in from somewhere. << "Visitor at the main door." >> Joseph looked into a random monitor, and pulled up a display of the area surrounding the Dome. "Oh, wouldn't you know it!" "What?" the females said. Joseph smiled slowly. "Sonic had to come and spoil the surprise...but I've got an idea." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph opened the front door, and let his blue half-brother in. "Hello, Sonic! How've you been?" Sonic took a seat. "I've been better, Joe." Joseph looked concerned. "What's wrong?" Sonic sighed. "Bunnie's gone missing, and nobody seems to know where she is. Everyone's worried about her." Joseph feigned worriedness. "Oh no!" Sonic nodded. "Yeah, it totally stinks. I've searched the entire Great Forest, and she's nowhere to be found." He growled, and pounded his fist into his hand. "If BucketHead's hurt her in any way..." Joseph put his hand on Sonic's shoulder reassuringly. "I'm sure she's probably on her way back to Knothole now." He took a breath. "Wanna chili dog?" Sonic nodded. "Yeah, anything to get my mind off worryin'." Joseph walked Sonic over to the pad, and commanded it to descend to the laboratory. As they glided downward, Sonic kept talking. "Have you se--heard anything about where she might be?" Joseph didn't even flinch. "Nope. I don't get out much." "Yeah, but people say you...know things." Joseph's voice took on a questioning tone. "`Things'? What sort of `things'?" Sonic started to become slightly unnerved, seeing that he was twisting the lion's tail right in the center of his den. "Weird things. Things only a tree or a rock sh--would know." "Why would I know such things? I'm a scientist, not a spy." Sonic's palms sweated within his gloves. "Well, people say you have ways of seein' things. Cameras, microphones, and stuff." Joseph's tone changed to one of dismissal. "Rubbish. I have no need to spy on anyone. Such accusations are silly." Sonic became relieved rather quickly. "Well, bro, you know *I* would never believe such UnCool things about my favorite half-sib." "Yes, of course." They arrived in the lab a moment later, where a chili dog was sitting on a nearby table. Sonic instinctively gravitated toward it, and devoured it in one gulp. "Got any Fizz [tm]?" Joseph yawned. "Sure." He waved his hands causally into the shadows. "Bunnie, why don't you hand my brother a Fizz [tm]?" Before Sonic could react, Bunnie walked out of the shadows and handed Sonic a Fizz [tm] cola. Sonic's eyes seemed to bug out when he saw Bunnie in her deroboticized form. "Way--Past--Cool!" was the only thing Sonic could emit for a few moments. Bunnie posed for Sonic. "Sugarhog, I'm fixed!" They embraced each other. "Oh wow," Sonic said, "this is way, way, way, way past." Joseph and Sandra smiled. "You did good," Sandra whispered to her mate, "and I'm really proud to call you my own." And then *they* embraced, albeit far more passionately. Everyone would have probably gone on like that for a few days if Sonic hadn't suddenly realized something. "Hey! Sally wants me back like 90 seconds ago!" He grabbed Bunnie. "We gotta--" The four of them were enveloped in a bluish blast of light, and disappeared into thin air. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sally sat worriedly in her chair, gazing out the window for the hearld of cheers that accompanied Sonic's return from anywhere. She was beginning to worry that whatever had gotten Bunnie had gotten him too, which certainly wouldn't make *her* very happy. But, just as she was about to go out and look for them herself, a flash of teleportation energy alerted her to an arrival behind her. Instinctively, she lept into a defensive postion and awaited the assault of her attackers...however, her eyes met to a much more amazing sight. Standing immediately in front of her were Sonic, Joseph, Sandra Nightweaver, and a deroboticzed Bunnie Rabbot! Sally gasped out of sheer disbelief. " did it!" Joseph smiled sagely. "Yup." "But...I just can't believe it!" "Yup." Sally just stood there, slackjawed with sheer amazement. Joseph nudged Sonic in her direction to calm her down a bit, which he pulled off, as usual, with a big kiss. For a short, extremely precious moment, nobody had a single problem in that entire hut. Bunnie was happy, Sonic and Sally were kissing, and Joseph and Sandra just took it all in. However, reality soon intervened with the secession of the kiss. "Joseph," Sally articulated, now of a cool head, "your name will be remembered for eternity on Mobius for this. You've sealed Packbell's doom with this device--" "It's not done yet." Sally looked disappointed. "It's not?" "No, no. I've only got the v1.x deroboticizer done, for people who were roboticized with any one of the v1.x roboticizers. I'm working on the v2.x, v3.x, and v4.x types now." "And when..." "Probably near next Solstice." "Well, you can start deroboticizing people now, right?" Joseph crossed his arms. "If you think I'm going to deroboticize the entire population of Mobius, you're sadly mistaken..." A pause long enough to put a knot in Sally's throat. "...because YOU'RE going to do it!" Joseph waved his hand, triggering a portable v1.x deroboticizer to materialize nearby. "Just put 'em in, push the button, and watch 'em cook. I've already started making more...and when I make new software, all you'll need to do is plug it in the convienent dataport on the side of the device." Sally smiled happily. "This is wonderful! Thank you!" And, as expected, she went and gave Joseph a hug, too. (Sandra hoped this wasn't going to become a trend.) He magnamiously accepted the amusing custom with one of his own, and politely disengaged. "Now, if you'll excuse me..." Sally smiled. "By all means, get back to work!" Joseph bowed, pulled Sandra close, and hit a small toggle inside his jacket. "As you wish..." They both disappeared in a bluish glow of plasma, leaving no trace of their arrival besides a good pile of hope. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Later that evening, after the initial happy celebration of Bunnie's deroboticization, everyone calmed down enough to go to sleep. As the people of Knothole began to turn in for the night, Bunnie took her usual night watch post, overlooking a small brook near Joseph's territory. She sat back in her chair, feeling relaxed and beautiful. She hadn't felt beautiful in ages, she thought happily, especially not at this hour. She groomed herself somewhat vainly in the moonlight, using the brook as a mirror. My, she loved the way she looked! She was a very attractive and (dare she say it) sexy doe when the steel was gone. Her long legs were firm and svelte, her hands soft and youthful, and her eyes shone like emeralds in the dim moonlight. She smiled and walked around her post. She knew as well as everyone else did that no SWATBot could make it through the lethal traps and roving SpyGlobes that patrolled all around this area; not any longer, anyway. The post was mainly to reassure some of the more hostile, xenophobic members of Knothole that Joseph couldn't sneak out of there in the middle of the night and suck the blood of the living, or some stupid line like that. She stroked her ears boredly. Joseph was a really, really great fox. He'd actually picked her--her, of all people, to be deroboticized first. What an honor! What a rush! How great it was to be able to frolic in the forest like anyone else! She grinned, a little exhausted from her prancing about, and sat back down. The moon even seemed stronger and healthier tonight, she mused, rolling a smooth river rock in her right hand. But had she done the right thing? Was it wrong not to wait until she was sure her strength wouldn't be needed again? Only time would tell. But she knew one thing was absolutely certain... "Joseph, you'd make your daddy proud." Chapter Eleven - Regeneration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Timeline: A month or two later. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The powers of spring were overcoming the tyranny of ice and slush easily. Songs of birds were now heard all the time in the budding trees and bushes, while the nonevolved animals of Mobius were coming out of their long winter's sleep. The nearly forgotten music of nature, specifically the chorus that speaks of rebirth in the warm rays of the sun, rained down from the sky like a monsoon; carried by the winds, it played through the tops of the trees like some sort of eternal concert of the gods. Sunshine and warm breezes smote down the powers of cold and silence, shattering it like so many icicles in the hands of a playful kit. And, for the first time in many months, hope and life became stronger than the dreaded forces that lived outside the primeval forest... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bunnie skipped through Knothole, happily carrying some buckets of water from the town well. She was assisting some of the older residents today, who were either too weak or too old to get such things themselves. It was not an exceptionally easy task; the buckets possessed much girth, and often tried to get away from her. Yet, she enjoyed her was a job where a good bedside manner, not Herculean strength, was required. She carried the buckets of water into a hut on the far side of town, where a kind, yet aged, female feline lived. She was a witty old lynx, still possessing a very thick, fluffy coat; and a very keen, eloquent mind. Yet, her coat had not been as fortunate as her brain, and did not escape the ravages of time. The once orangish fur had turned grey and wispy with the passage of many years, giving her the appearance of simply being a patch of fog that had settled to earth. However, her yellowish eyes were still sharp, and even piercing, if necessary. She was sitting in her favorite chair today, which was by a large window. The sunlight that streamed in made her look even more etherial, despite her well-mended green dress trying to give her a definite shape. She noticed the rabbit enter, and smiled knowingly. "Hello," she softly spoke to Bunnie, "I see you've got my water." Bunnie smiled, always glad to speak with the old lynx. "Yes'm." The old female took a walking stick from the side of the chair, and used it to pull herself to her feet. "That's a good girl. Now, just tow it back into the icebox--" She gave a general gesture towards the kitchen. "--and we can talk for a while." Bunnie nodded, and walked back into the kitchen. As she did so, the old lynx hobbled back to her chair, and sat back down. A moment or two later, Bunnie emerged from the kitchen, and pulled up a small stool by the aged one's chair. "So," Bunnie said, "how've you been?" The old lynx smiled. "Oh, I'm alright. My arthritis is acting up again, but that's normal for this time of year...what, with the weather changing around and all." Bunnie put her paw gently on the old lynx's. "If you need anything, Ms. Noon--" The old woman interrupted. "Bunnie, I told you, you can just call me Joanna...we're not lawyers, after all." Bunnie smiled. "Of course, Ms--Joanna." Joanna giggled dryly. "At least I can't say that you don't respect your elders, child." She patted the rabbit's hand. "But you know all about me; I don't get out much. Tell me about your life for's your body doing?" Bunnie stretched a bit. "Oh, 's alright. A little stiff in the mornin', but Joseph said it'll pass af'tah a few more weeks." "Good, good." She grinned wistfully. "So, what does everyone else think?" "About whut?" Joanna laughed. "Why, your body, Bunnie. Have the suitors surrounded your hut yet?" Bunnie blushed embarassedly. "Well...the guys do look a bit mo' at me since I was de-ro'ed." Joanna patted Bunnie weakly on the shoulder. "That's nice to hear." Bunnie grinned. "I think so." Joanna coughed softly. "Well, I won't embarass you any more by talking about that...what's the latest gossip?" Bunnie giggled. "You get tah the point, don' you?" She reclined a bit in her chair. "I like to stay informed." "Okay, okay, 'ere's the scoop..." Bunnie took a breath. "Since dere's so many people runnin' around de-ro'ed now, Sally's started movin' them to other villages. Da usual complainin' and whinin' from people getting sep'rated from their friends hap'ened." She continued. "One big incid'nt happened just yesterday, ou'side Sally's hut. One o' the big aristrocrat types...ahh, I thin' it was that nasty Jenny duNeer--you know, the tall mare--that started kickin' up one hell of a rant about how such-and-such was movin' away from so-and-so, and that was just awful because it was Breaking Up Families and would she please reconsider? Well, Sally didn' take to well to dat, so she told this horse where to get OFF. After Sally was done, she just gave Sally a look an' mumbled s'mthin'. But as she was walkin' off, Sally walked right in fron' of her and freaking demanded to hear what she said." Bunnie took another breath. "*Well*, SHE said, right to Sally's face, that any queen of hers that had a mere commoner--Sonic--as a mate, and dat let a br'lliant scientist--Joseph--be corrupted by a common t'ief--Sandra Nightweaver--was certainly expected to do something as idiotic as moving such-and-such from so-and-so!" "*Well*, SALLY said right back to her, w'thout skippin' a beat, that anyone who would be ign'rant enough to say things like that about such great heroes like Sonic and Sandra Nightweaver was some sort of fool, *and* dat any duNeer dat would say that sort of thing obviously had not a single drop of blue lef' in their blood, and was just another common jackass." She giggled. "That shut that mare up but quick." Joanna smiled. "It's good to hear that Sally knows who the good guys are. Anything else?" "No, not really. Most people have been concerned with starting to deroboticize their friends." "As they should be," Joanna wisely stated, "as they should be." She paused, and smiled at Bunnie. "Well, I've taken enough of your time today. You can go now." Bunnie smiled. "Are you sure you'll be okay?" "Yes, yes...I'm not totally helpless." She smirked. "Go play." She giggled. "Okay, but only because you said so." She got off the stool, dusted herself off, and waved goodbye as she walked out the door. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bunnie walked out of the hut with a smile on her face. She'd done a lot of work with the elderly and sick lately, she mused, heading toward the center of town. She rather enjoyed it...after all, seeing that she wasn't as "tactically useful" any longer, she wasn't needed on missions. She could dedicate herself now to domestic concerns, which she far preferred. She entered the center of town, and leaned up against a large tree. The effects of the deroboticization on her social standing had been minimal. For a day or two, she was the town oddity...but, as a few other people started to be deroboticized, she was eventually forgotten about. She brushed her hair back with a paw. Bunnie liked being just another face in the crowd sometimes. It made her feel like just another rabbit, not some sort of freak like she used to be. It made her feel kind of good to be anonymous. Of course, her friends hadn't forgot her. Sally was still kind to her, and they still talked often. The people of the village soon adjusted to her new role in their lives, and accepted her as one of their own. In fact, the general quality of life for her had just about stayed the same; the only major difference was that her life became much quieter. Ah, quiet...she liked it so much. The sounds of kits and the whistling of the wind were her main distractions now, as opposed to the metallic clanking of SWATBots and exploding factories. It was so utterly normal, she could often pretend Robotnik and the coup had never even occurred. But then, some roboticized person would wander by, enviously glancing at her before moving on to some other lucky Mobian. That served to keep her firmly planted in the reality that surrounded her--the war continued, just with her as a spectator. She crouched down beside the tree, looking out into the village. She hoped that Joseph would hurry up and get all the combinations right to the program. If everyone was as they were before, a conventional army could be raised, and it could crush Packbell once and for all...just by the virtue of numbers. Then they could leave this place, and begin to rebuild Robotropolis back to its former glory. Perhaps then, Joseph could find a way to bring home the King. Bunnie figured everyone would like that. As she got back up, the sound of two tails twirling in the traditional turbulent tactility of Tails was heard nearby. Cheering up a bit, she turned around to be sure it was Tails, and not his brother David. She looked, and indeed saw Tails standing over by a hut. "Heya, Tails!" she shouted, "Why don' ya come here and chat with me fer a bit?" The fox propelled his way over to Bunnie. "Hi, Bunnie," he said, "how are you today?" "Ah'm okay, Tails. You?" "I'm okay." He rubbed one of his ears. "Just a little bored." Bunnie smiled. "Bored, honey? Want to go for a walk?" Tails shrugged. "Sure. Anything for something to do." Bunnie got up, took Tails' hand, and plodded off into the forest. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bahb hummed softly, using approximately 85% of its total resources to calculate the parameters for the deroboticizer task. It toiled ceaselessly, testing variables and refining the program to work with the various different versions of the roboticizer that had been created. Equations and figures roared by at incredible speeds, being tabulated at rates that would boggle the imaginations of even the most talented mathematicians. Nothing stopped the artificial intelligence's computations...the difficult parts slowing, but not stopping, the fierce computational juggernaut. The other 15 percent of the computer's available power was spread over many different tasks. 1 percent operated the Dome's basic functions; replicators, life support, teleportation, and other such minor activities. Another percent went to the security of the complex; which had been fortified recently, so needed less attention from the computer itself. Three percent went to the maintenance of the power core, which happened to be a crystal of unknown origin. The remaining ten percent went to, strangely enough, the observation network that Joseph had set up over his stay on Mobius. Bahb took its central being away from the deroboticizer for a moment, leaving its lower functions to handle the juggling of numbers. It took a curious interest in the survelliance network its creator had set up. It gave Bahb the opportunity to observe lifeforms besides Joseph and his female companion, which the AI enjoyed greatly. It activated some of the scanning devices around the area in which it was housed, and looked over the steel and plastic shell that surrounded its "body", the computer core. This perspective on itself sometimes gave Bahb a feeling of alienation from Joseph...but, it realized that he cared about Bahb despite this. He had given it life, taught it to be self-reliant, and gave it purpose and direction...perhaps Joseph "loved" Bahb, but in a different way than he "loved" his female companion, which went under the designation of Sandra Nightweaver. Growing tired of looking at itself, it gazed around the other levels of the Dome. It observed cleaning droids vacuuming up the "living room" floor, which entertained it for a while. Then, it looked over around the laboratory and clean room, which had nothing interesting. The storeroom was also in tolorable condition, and the long stairwell that led down to the bedroom was neat and tidy. Bahb activated the security cameras in the bedroom, and looked around for anything out of the ordinary. As expected, the two foxes were still asleep; dozing in each other's arms peacefully, deep in REM sleep. Bahb noted that a tableau like this was listed in its databanks as "tranquil", and continued its examination. They appeared to be in perfect working order, according to a light medical scan Bahb chose to conduct. Joseph's blood was not due for any sort of refreshment for another few days, and his mimetic polyalloy was operating at maximum efficiency. His breathing was steady, and his heartbeat was slow and constant. All was as it should be, it thought, so it could move on to the other specimen available. The female fox was sleeping peacefully in Joseph's arms, holding onto his chest snugly...her muzzle reflected her pleasure in being close to Joseph, which mildly amused the etherial Bahb. Her vitals were normal, as were expected, and her blood was still healthy and strong. Sandra was a very healthy and happy vixen, Bahb hypothesised, and would probably remain that way for an extended period of time. Bahb continued to observe the two from a scientific perspective. They shared similar sleep patterns: their heartbeats, air intake patterns, and nearly their rapid eye movements were alike, if not syncronised. Joseph's larger mass was always below Sandra's smaller mass. Sandra's tail usually stuck out a little from the bed, while Joseph's was always in a straight line beneath the covers. Sandra's head rested usually on Joseph's left shoulder, and her nose usually stayed 9.3258 cm away from the tip of his left ear. After realizing that the two were not going to awaken and become active very soon, Bahb put the food replicators and bathroom facilities back on standby, and moved on to another section of its survelliance network. With no great deal of difficulty, Bahb `entered' the nexus of Joseph's external sensory network, which was spatially located in the Master Control Room. It opened its great Cyclopian eye slowly, scanning through the events that had occurred since its last check. Mobius had been quiet during the last 12 hour interval that had passed since Bahb had investigated it via its hidden cameras, microphones, and motion sensors. Travel away from Knothole had increased lately, with several recently deroboticized citizens leaving to other villages. The people leaving were usually older citizens, with the occasional kit or small nonevolved animal joining them. Only rarely would an adolescent join them, seeing that Knothole required the young and virile to assist them at the front lines. It turned its iris toward Robotropolis next, and utilized its own stealthily hidden cameras...and Robotnik's, thanks to the skillful infiltration of Robotnik's own security system. Some SWATBot movements were detected along the eastern and southern areas of Robotropolis, which were obviously intended to increase the defenses of those areas against Freedom Fighter attacks. A refinary had come back on-line, which was also heavily guarded. Packbell had destroyed approximately two SWATBots and damaged another three. Two roboticized citizens were taken off-line due to the difficulty in keeping them operating. A garbage fire had been extinguished at the cost of 50 gallons of water and 4 kilos of sand. And repairs on the control center were continuing, which was rapidly reaching completion. Having gathered all useful information from there, Bahb moved on to the Great Meadow; the natural `buffer zone' between Robotropolis and the expansive Great Forest. As expected, little had occurred there. The Great Unknown was then monitored, and also was devoid of new activity. The Great Mountains next came under scrutiny, and several sections of the Great River. Nothing. Becoming rather bored, Bahb decided to check up on a few of the satellites that orbited Mobius, and project the weather patterns for the next few weeks. A gradual warming trend was beginning, which heralded the beginning of spring. Temperatures would rise slightly over the next few weeks, which would slowly trigger the natural pattern of budding and leafing that was typical of Mobian springs on the Northern Continent. After running some simulations of hurricanes and tornados rushing around Mobius, Bahb chose to cut to a live feed of the Great Forest, where activity was detected... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bunnie and Tails passed by the hidden camera in the rotting elm tree, too engrossed in their own conversation to notice anything as minor as a marble-sized nodule in the side of it. "So you've been feelin' alienated from the res' of us lately, Tails?" Tails shrugged. " seems that everyone's been too busy deroboticizing people lately to pay much attention to me. I know it's special that these people are normal again...but still, I can't help but feel funny when Sally and Sonic sorta blow me off." Bunnie smiled softly, giving Tails an empathetic glance. "Hey, 's no crime to feel lonely, sugah. Ah used to be when Ah was the way Ah *was*, once...the only reason that anyone would bother to talk ta me wuz when Ah wuz needed to move somethin' or smash it. But aftah Ah was deroboticized, at least at first, nobody seemed to talk tah me much, aside from lookin' at me all weird. Ah felt like some sorta outcast." She paused, ruminating on the memories for a moment. "But people came around, and started treatin' me normal, aftah the deroboticizin' STUCK." Tails swished his tails against the ground for a moment, thinking. "Yeah, I noticed that, too." Bunnie put her paw on Tails' shoulder. "Look, if you ever need to talk, or somethin', Ah'll be there." She smiled, somewhat maternally. "Aunt Bunnie's not gonna jus' blow her favorite neph-eww off." Tails smiled innocently. "Thanks, Bunnie." "'S no problem, sugah." They kept walking along the path, observing the scenery in silence for a mile or so; only emitting a sound to warn the other of patches of ice. However, when they approached the banks of a small river, Tails piped up again with a question. "Bunnie, can I ask you something?" "Sure, sugah." "Have you ever...loved anyone?" Bunnie paused for a moment, not quite expecting the question from the youthful fox. "Me?" "Yeah...I'd like to know what it feels like, just in case." Bunnie leaned up against a tree, looking Tails over. "Isn't this something you should ask Sally about?" Tails looked away a bit. "I'm kinda nervous about asking Sally. She's... well, she's like my mom. This isn't the sort of thing I could ask a mom." Bunnie withheld a smirk. "Well, okay...give me a minute to put this inta words." She thought for a moment, and then thought up something appropriate. "Love...well, there's different sorts of love. The weakest sort is the kind yew usually get first; it's called "kit love", usually. 'S just like liking someone a whole lot, but not really usually wears off after a few months. Anothah type is the stuff you get when you look at someone, and get weird feelings; yew sweat, get all tingly in yer stomach, and you feel sorta anxious when yer around 'em." She smirked. "That's lust." Allowing a moment for a chuckle, she continued. "Then, aftah lust, there's a kind just called "love", where you have a mixture of all of the three kinds before, plus you relate to the person almost perfectly. Most mated people have this, and 's really nice. Then, there's 'true' love, which is so in'redibly rare that maybe one in a million people'll ever see it. All four types Ah already mentioned are rolled intah one big lump, and then some." "That's what it all feels like?" "Inna nutshell. There's all sorts of subtle variations on dat theme." Tails looked incredulous. "Wow. I never knew it was so complex." Bunnie grinned. "Now, Ah'm gonna ask you a question. Why'd you ask?" Tails smiled weakly. "Well, it's really dumb." "Try muh." Tails looked away a bit, and shuffled his shoes on the ground. "Okay, but you gotta keep it a secret." "Promise." He looked up at Bunnie, with a generally guilty look on his face. "Some of the other guys, especially some of the older ones, were talkin' about some...stuff...around the tree in the middle of Knothole. I was listenin' in, 'cuz I wanted to know what was up. And they were talking about their "girlfriends" and were laughing at stuff I didn't understand, and it made me uncomfortable. I felt dumb..." Bunnie put up a paw politely. "Say no more. Ah understand how young'uns can be when they hit that age. You didn' understand some of the stuff dey were talkin' about, so yew had to trick them into thinking you did." "Yeah." Tails frowned. "I felt so embarassed that I didn't know what was going on, I could have spit." "Well, Ah think you should ask Sally about the rest. I don' mind filling in the blanks sometimes, but she'd get upset if she knew yew'd asked muh first." She smiled. "You know how she is, sugah. She's so possessive about yew." Tails nodded. "I understand." " let's keep moving. Ah'm gettin' chilled." They continued down the trail, continuing to enjoy the beauty of the rapidly melting snow. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bahb paused for a moment, using its available intelligence to analyse the signifigance of the conversation it had just overheard. Its psychoanalysis program concluded that Tails and Bunnie had had something akin to a 'fox to fox' talk: a type of conversation related to the coming of age. While it lacked a real conclusion, it was probably the prelude to a series of continuing questions from Tails about growing up, the opposite sex, and various questions that skated around the subject of mating. A quick age analysis showed that Tails was indeed ready for such a somewhat surprised Bahb, tho, that he would consult Bunnie. Bahb's probability daemon had given results that favored Tails asking Sonic or Sally about it, rather than someone relatively innocuous like Bunnie. Only Antoine had possessed a lower chance of being asked. Bahb kept puzzling over the conversation. It was a definite marker in the young fox's development, which he would remember for the rest of his flicker of a life. Bahb felt rather honored to be a witness to something that was typically private...that voyeuristic observation of such events was percieved in Mobian morality as a negative was not something Bahb concerned itself with. It chose to note the development in memory, in case Joseph should ever want to observe the conversation himself. It might prove to an advantage one day, Bahb noted, that this information was stored. Maybe a Mobian archive would find it interesting. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The two Mobians walked over a stone bridge that had been constructed in recent years, and had been kept in good repair all winter. As they continued to talk, they began walking down a long, winding stone path that led to a small clearing. As a small, marble-sized nodule in a rock observed, their conversation continued... "Bein' confused," Bunnie said, "is real normal. Ah was when Ah wuz your age...I jus' had to ask Julayla about it. She explained it to me real nice and slow." She paused. "But, as Ah said before, Ah think you better take dis up wit' Sally." Tails mumbled depressedly. "Yeah, I's just hard." "Well, Tails, this sort of thing is always hard." They walked in silence for a while. "I think I will...later." "Alright," Bunnie added maternally, "yew just do what you gotta do." "Okay." They approached a small creek, near an old, rotting tree. After pausing to appreciate the beauty of the scene, they sat down on a few large boulders within the shadow of the dead deciduous dicot. "Bunnie?" "Mmm?" "How does it feel to be deroboticized?" One of Bunnie's ears flopped down over her head. "What do yew mean?" Tails stumbled through his vocabulary to clarify his thoughts. "Like, do you feel...different?" She pushed the ear back into a more pert position. "Yeah, Ah suppose Ah do. It's sort of strange to feel heat and stuff from muh feet, and not bein' able to just strongarm my way through everything." Bunnie smiled. "But I like it. It makes me feel more like a person, not like a tool." Tails thought for a moment, and then got an idea. "Have some of the guys--" Bunnie smiled, then chuckled. "Ah can read you like a book, sugah. Yew wanna know about what Ah look for in a guy, don' yew?" Tails blinked. "How--?" She chuckled again. "Julayla said that if Ah ever had a kit, that would be one of the first questions he'd ask." Tails rubbed his ears. "Jeez..." He looked up at Bunnie rather nervously. "Well, what *do* you look for?" The tree creaked a little on its knoll, but did not attract the attention of the duo. Bunnie smiled, thinking. "Well, there's lots of things that girls like to see in a guy..." Bunnie allowed the ear to flop over again. "But what most girls look for, most of all, is a nice guy." "A nice guy? But Sonic--" Bunnie laughed. "Sonic, Tails, although he doesn't show it, is a pretty good guy. Sally's lucky to have him...sure, he's a bit of an egotist, he's somewhat vain, and he thinks he's Goddess' gift to women, but he's a good hedgehog. Sally and him will be together forever." Tails grinned. "I hope so. I want them both to be happy." Bunnie pushed the ear back. "They'll be happy...after Robotnik's gone, and Sally has her dad--King Acorn--back, and Mobius is back the way it should be." "Gee, I think everyone'll be happy when that happens." Bunnie grinned. "True. But that's the only thing that'll make Sally happy." Tails smiled. "Well, back to what we were talking about..." "Mmm hmm." The large tree creaked a bit more, and started to tip a bit toward Bunnie. Tails looked at Bunnie questioningly. "A nice guy?" "Yes, a nice guy." Bunnie grinned. "It also helps if the guy's got a brain in his head, too. Stupid fellas, unless they're absolutely physically perfect, usually don't get attention from us ladies." "What else?" Bunnie thought for a moment, a soft grin on her face. "Let's see... nice, smart...cute helps too, but that's something you've got or you don't." Before Tails could reply, Bunnie chipped in, "Don't worry, Tails, you'll do just fine there." Tails giggled, blushing a bit. "You really think so?" Bunnie smiled and ruffled Tails' headfur. "Yeah, you're a nice-lookin' kid." Tails smiled. "What else?" "Thoughtful guys always have lots of girlfriends...the sort that remembers birthdays, anniversaries, and stuff like that. The rare guy even goes out of his way to surprise his mate by sending her gifts sometimes for no reason at all..." Bunnie primped her headfur a bit. "But you always gotta remember that you can't buy love." Tails nodded. "And?" "The last big thing is usually a tie between the ability to provide for your mate and a family, and..." She grinned. "The other one isn't somethin' Ah'm at liberty to discuss. Sally'll tell you all--" But Bunnie was rudely interrupted by the tree suddenly disengaging from the ground, and starting to fall toward her! ^L Tails saw the tree starting to fall. Instinctively, he lept toward Bunnie to knock her out of the line of the tree's descent, and was able to get her and himself almost clear of the fall of the tree...however, his tails got halfway smashed between the tree and the ground. Bunnie was thrown clear toward the riverbed, and just missed falling into the rushing, freezing-cold water. The sickening sound of smashing cartilage and bone resounded through the small clearing only for a second, but then was immediately followed by the pained howl of Tails. Bunnie, hearing the crunch and the cry, scrambled back to the top of the riverbed, and saw the painful sight in all of its awful glory. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bahb reacted quickly, realizing that the continued life of Tails overruled its main directive not to be noticed. It speedily dispatched a SpyGlobe into Knothole, confronted as many people as was prudent, and allowed the proper authorities to handle the situation. The group of Knothole residents ran up the trail to the riverbed, where Tails was trapped. Bunnie had not left, and was trying her best to relieve some of Tails' fear about the situation while being sure that it didn't get any worse. The group of Mobians assaulted the tree with all their might. Pushing and straining against the tree with all their might, they slowly began to roll it off of the lower half of Tails' tails that got smashed. They dared not speak of amputation for fear of frightening the already scared kit into injuring himself...but it crossed many of their minds as they strained and strained against the tree, and slowly were able to get it off of the young kit's appendages. Tails was prevented from seeing the damage the tree had done with a rag blindfold someone had quickly created out of a piece of clothing. However, it looked like it would be a bad idea to move him without first sedating Tails with something pretty powerful. Luckily, some of the forward-thinking people were able to get some powerful sedatives that grew in the area around the river, and fed them to the small fox to calm, and eventually totally subdue Tails. After they had done so, they made up a rough stretcher to carry Tails off with, put him on it, and rushed him over to Bookshire's. When Bookshire saw the wounds, he had the Mobians rush him right into his ER, and got rid of everyone but Bunnie and Sally, who had arrived moments later. A minute or two later, Sonic roared in, looking rather concerned. However, he was prevented from seeing Bookshire work by a few citizens who had been put there by Bookshire to prevent any such intervention. Eventually, Bunnie, Sally, and Sonic were relegated to a waiting room, where they were told to remain until Bookshire fetched them himself. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Just as Bahb had finished restationing the SpyGlobes, Joseph and Sandra chose to finally wake up. Actually, Joseph chose to wake up, and rolled over on his side; this caused Sandra to flop off of his stomach and boink her head against the mattress. The jarring of her head bouncing off the mattress woke her up as well, and gave her a good reason to whack Joseph upside the head with a pillow. "Ow!" Sandra snarled. "You know how much I *hate* that!" "Sorry." Muttering not-so-sweet nothings to herself, she tried to go back to sleep. Meanwhile, Joseph stumbled into the bathroom to try to regain lucid thought patterns via lots and lots of hot water. While he was in the progress of getting from the bedroom to the shower stall, he made so much of a racket that Sandra stuffed her head into a big bank of pillows to try to block it all out. Unfortunately, the sound of the shower system powering up caused enough vibration to even foil this attempt at getting peace and quiet. Eventually, but reluctantly, she decided that she was just going to have to get up now...Sandra was also not a morning person. After everyone got properly cleaned, Sandra went up to watch some video transmissions in the rec level, and Joseph made his way to his master control room to observe what had happened in his absence. The incident with Tails jarred him severely. However, once he saw that Bookshire was working on Tails personally, he eased up a bit. Yet, he still was concerned for Tails, and had Bahb monitor Bookshire's progress through any means possible. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - They sat in silence, but their faces told volumes about how they each felt about what had happened. All three of them knew what Bunnie and Tails had been talking about; two by second-hand explaination by Bunnie, and one from first-hand experience. However, each of them had their own personal spin on where the guilt, and the fault, lied. Sally's expression and thoughts were pretty much matched. She tried to avoid showing any weakness, so to keep Sonic and Bunnie's morale as high as possible, but her own feelings kept interfering with her noble gesture. Not only was she mad at herself for not directly confronting Tails about the "birds and the bees" herself, but Sally had also known about that rotting tree by the creek, and was going to have it removed yesterday... unfortunately, circumstances had kept her from getting round to having that done, so she had almost forgotten about it. Sonic's face showed grave concern for his near-little brother. He knew that, at the very best, Tails's lower tails would be in a way-uncool cast for a few weeks. At worst...well, Sonic didn't want to think about it. He was always very his perfectly-arranged quills to the well-kept sneakers he wore on his feet, Sonic had absolutely no coping skills in the unfortunate situation someone lost some limbs... especially ones central to someone's entire life like Tails' tails. It was something that he simply could not handle well. He hoped very strongly that it would only be a cast... Bunnie's visage only seemed to show great guilt and personal anguish. Unlike Sally or Sonic, she was less concerned with the effects of this rather than the cause. She could have saved Tails and herself so easily-- if it wasn't for the fact she was regular again. She'd lifted so many trees from the ground that doing it would have been as routine as breathing...hell, she could have caught it as it fell, and pushed it into the river! But she had no such powers any longer. All she could do was stare as it fell on Tails, and try to keep him from hurting... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Time passed slowly for the three in the waiting room. Bookshire worked through the day, using all of his abilities to try to repair the wounded Tails. All of his medical knowledge was thrown to the test, as he clipped and knitted bone back to cartilage, wrapped bandages, transfused blood, and nearly exhausted his supply of sedatives. ^L But lo and behold, Bookshire was able to successfully keep Tails' lower appendages attached, and put the injured appendages inside two seperate casts. After cleaning up and wheeling Tails to a recovery room, he went to break the good news to the three in the waiting room. "He'll be alright in a month or two," he said, "but I want to keep him under observation for a few days." They all took a sigh of relief. "Okay, Bookshire," Sally said, "but can we see him now?" Bookshire shook his head. "No. He needs his rest...I can let him see people tomorrow, though." "Okay, doc," Sonic said, "that's cool. We'll be back tomorrow." With that, Sonic took Sally unsteadily outside, leaving Bunnie and Bookshire alone. After Bunnie thought that Sonic and Sally were out of range, she spoke to the raccoon. "H-he won't be in too much pain, will he?" Bookshire shook his head. "No, not at all. A little uncomfortable, sure, but who wouldn't be uncomfortable with 2 pounds of plaster on their butt?" He smiled. "He'll be fine...but you need your rest, too." "I think I should--" "Go home, and get some rest? Excellent idea." He carefully pushed her out into the forest. "Goddess knows, I could use some." Before she could turn around to protest, he had already shut the door. Realizing that he obviously wanted to have Tails get some rest (as well as getting some himself), she started to walk home, alone with her thoughts and the falling night... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph kept a eye on Tails the whole day, occasionally breaking up his observations to fetch food, or take a short nap. But after Bookshire had made clear that Tails' condition had stabilized, he finally relaxed enough to stop observing the small kit's condition, and started complaining to Bahb. "Bahb, you could have woke me up when you noticed the tree falling." << "You were sleeping." >> "But he could have gotten seriously hurt." << "He didn't. Besides, I thought I handled that rather well." >> "You acted wisely, but the most useful response would have been to have roused me, so I could have taken action." << "What would you have done?" >> "I could have teleported Tails right to the Keldii medical area, and had his tails repaired within minutes. He could have been flying around right now." << "I am not authorized to take such action." >> "That's why you're supposed to wake me up!" << "I understand that now. But I did not have that knowledge at my disposal at the time. I did all that I could with my authorization level." >> "Well, that you did. But next time, wake me up, alright?" << "Affirmative, Joseph." >> Joseph sat back in his chair, groaned, and lumped back to the control room. Sally'd have a fit if she knew what he could have done. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Interlude - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The starship loomed far from Mobius, barely able to see the blue-green world from the distance from which it lurked. It laid cloaked from all sensors anywhere near the large ship, using almost none of its power and with most of its crew in cryogenic storage. It was a large vessel, about 100 miles long from its helm to the large jump-engines, 150 miles wide, and 150 miles thick. It was also armed to the teeth with every sort of energy weapon available. If it would have been decloaked, one might describe it as vaguely cubical in shape, and of a blackish hue. The average crew on such a vessel was in the upper hundred thousands...but at the moment, only a few hundred were active. The majority of the ship was stored in reserve, so they would be fresh for the great project that laid before them next solar year. The ship drifted toward the planet at a comically slow pace, almost a tenth of one percent of its maximum speed. Yet, this was necessary to avoid detection by the annoying Keldy'rian busybodies that operated their little base on one of Mobius' moons. But soon, so very soon, it would all be made worthwhile... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The creature awoke within a large, white room. It felt weakened, and its mind was scattered. Where was it? Why was it here? Nothing made any sense...then, the thoughts returned. He began to remember what had happened, what had gone so terribly awry...he rubbed at his eyes, shaking off a bad headache. How long had he been out? He sat up, appraising the room around him. It was relatively featureless. It lacked any furniture, any machinary, or any people. The only things in the room were himself, and the cot that he was laying on. He uneasily pulled himself to his feet, being careful not to lose his balance as the large man got back to his feet. He was dressed in his normal outfit, which gave him a odd feeling of reassurance...the alien environment in which he now stood lacked nothing else that was even vaguely reminiscent of his home. He checked himself for other useful items...his blaster was, thankfully, still with him. It was fully charged, and looked undamaged. He dug through his pockets for anything else of value. A stick of gum, a few screws, his lucky screwdriver, a few charge-modules for the blaster, a bottlecap, some pieces of electrical tape, and a blank diskette. The man thought for a moment, and then put all of those items back in their original locations, and his blaster back in its holster. Perhaps they would be useful later. He looked around again, scanning for a door or anything that wasn't a glowing white wall. After a moment, he discovered a spot on the horizon a few hundred yards off. Listening for a moment for any sound, he started trudging toward the spot, hoping he wasn't walking into some sort of trap. After a few minutes, the man arrived at the discoloration, and discovered it was a door. He assumed it was a motion-sensitive door, because it lacked either a plate to push against, or a knob to turn. So, with some trepidation, he approached the door...and, as he suspected, it opened. He glanced outside the door cautiously, taking stock of this new area. It looked like a long hallway, that leaded from his far left to his far right, broken up occasionally by doors similar to the one he was currently peeking out of. After spotting no enemies, he emerged from the white room, and stepped into a more metallic area. The hallway was certainly metallic in origin, as his clinking footfalls soon told him. Perhaps the owner of whereever this place was also was a great fan of cold, impersonal technology. The man hoped so...if it was one of his enemies, he would be in a great deal of trouble. He looked behind him, then to his left and right. After cogigating for a moment, he chose to start walking down the right wing of the hallway...but did so as stealthily as possible. He walked down the hallway for a few minutes, examining the walls for any clue of where or what this place was. It certainly wasn't a prison; his ease in manuvering around certainly was abnormal for even the lowest security house of felons. Nor was it some sort of residential area, unless he was walking around during some sort of curfew. It seemed rather unsanitary for a hospital, seeing that parts of the walls had grime deposits thick enough to leave a mark on. Therefore, it must be something the man had never encountered before. He traversed the hall for a bit longer, noting a small curve that had began to form in the hallway's structure. He had still not detected one bit of activity from any direction. Perhaps whereever he was had been abandoned. If so, why did all the lights (the few of them there were) operate? Automated self-service? Possibly. After a few more minutes, he found another large door. Deciding to try his luck, he walked toward it with his blaster drawn, and carefully triggered the door-opening device... ^L "Oh, there you are." The man jumped back, startled to find activity in such a great amount behind the obviously soundproof door. He had somehow wandered into a large control center, where many tall foxes were working at various stations, working determinedly on various tasks. The room was larger than might have been expected by the door's relative size. It was disc-shaped, with a floor that sloped down and a ceiling that sloped up. By his estimation, it was about 50 feet wide, and about 12 feet tall; a fairly large room, even for a large structure. All around the walls of the room were blinking instruments, screens, and various other mysterious, highly technical, objects. However, this room lacked the glowing white walls of the place he had just left, choosing to have the grimy, dull metallic form of the hallway outside. Most of the light was generated from the instruments or the screens, with only two or three lights imbedded in the overhang around the perimeter of the area. A large chair, similar to the one he had at home, was on a sort of a pedestal in the center of the room, overlooking a large screen. He examined the room further, and was amazed by what he saw. The large screen that was in the front of the room, that must have been at least 50 inches wide and tall, not to mention very sharp, seemed to overlook a planet that was very, very far away. Meanwhile, a few foxes pushed their way by him, obviously quite set on getting to whatever was behind him. "Well, are you just going to stand there, or are you going to come in?" The man looked toward the source of the voice, and soon found himself in direct eye contact with a pair of eyes approximately one foot above his. They were attached to a large fox, who was dressed in a reddish bodysuit, which nearly matched his reddish-orange fur. His eyes were silverish grey, which complimented his sharp fangs. He had a robust, but not overly muscular build, and had quite nifty black combat boots. "Honestly, Ivo, are you THAT out of it? Snap out of it, man." Robotnik coughed, putting his blaster back in his holster, and holding his head with his "good" arm. "Oh, my head...what happened?" "You've been out for a long time, friend. Perhaps we should discuss this in my ready room?" He gestured toward another door. "Okay, I guess..." They walked into the small room, the fox sealing the door behind him as he entered. After Robotnik and himself had taken a seat, he leaned over to Robotnik and looked into his black-red eyes. "Ivo, what's the last thing you remember?" Robotnik paused for a moment, thinking aloud. "I-I was back on Mobius... the Doomsday accident..." The fox rubbed his chin. "Sounds about right. The meds say you'd be a little almost blew core without a backup, friend. If it wasn't for the fact that one of my ships was stopping by to see how you were doing...why, I'd have lost one of my best friends in the entire universe." Robotnik looked up into the fox's eyes, memory clairifying. "John?" He smiled. "You remembered my name, Ivo. Long time, no see." Ivo looked around. "I'm on the _Legacy_?" John nodded. "Yes...we certainly couldn't leave you there, at the mercy of your cretinous nephew. He probably would have killed you with his echidna pal of his." Robotnik looked stunned. "Snively? That--" John put up a paw. "I'll explain everything later. Right now, the only thing that's important is your refamiliarization with our plan; it's changed just a little..." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Back at the ranch... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tails awoke the next morning, dazed from his strange experience. His memory was blurry, his head hurt, and he felt like everything below his bellybutton had been turned into lead. He opened his eyes, looking around the room. Tails had obviously been taken to a recovery seemed that he hadn't died, after all. However, the headache he had seemed to make him want to wish that he had...footfalls heading toward the door on the far side of the room broke his concentration. The door opened, and Bookshire walked in. "Oh, you've decided to wake convienent." The raccoon smiled. "And how is my patient today?" Tails groaned. "I feel like someone dropped me on my head a few times." Bookshire chuckled. "I see that your medication is starting to wear off. Don't worry, it won't hurt at all after another few days." He walked over and examined a small chart that he had drawn up on the front of the bed. "Nope, not at all. In fact, it'll start to progressively fade by this afternoon." "I feel awful." Bookshire kept looking at the chart, and made the occasional mark on a few bits of it. "I bet you do. Tail-injuries always hurt the worst. It's like getting a really bad paper cut. More nerves and such." Tails glanced down at the foot of the bed at the two casts that were neatly aligned, and slightly raised. "Mister Bookshire?" Bookshire looked up from his chart for a moment. "Hmm?" "Will I...ever fly again?" The raccoon was temporarily dumbfounded. "Will you ever fly again?" "Yes, that's what I asked, sir." Bookshire scratched his head. "I don't depends on a lot of things. But I'd say you've got a 60-40 chance, if you do everything I say and get a lot of rest." This revelation was not useful. "60-40?" "Well, you smashed up your tailbone pretty bad, Tails. You nearly pulverized a portion right in the middle. It's lucky we got there when we did...otherwise, we would have had to amputate them both." Tails grimaced. "Yeah." Bookshire went back to the chart, now occasionally looking at Tails and examining several parts of him. "Yes, it's a good thing that flying thing of Joseph's warned us...sheer luck that it was heading that way to inspect the perimeter of Joseph's "territory"..." Tails' thoughts suddenly went to his friends. "Is Bunnie okay?" Bookshire distractedly replied to Tails while listening to his heartbeat. "Yes, she's fine. Just a little shaken'll get a chance to talk with her and the rest of them later, during visiting hours." He put his stethoscope back in his pocket. "Right now, you should basically put your effort into resting..." "Mister Bookshire?" "Yes?" "Thank you." The raccoon smiled. "You're welcome, Tails." He glanced at the clock. "Well, look at that. It's just about time for--" He was interrupted by a series of sonic booms outside, the sound of skidding sneakers, and a knock on the door. "--visiting hours to begin." A familiar voice beckoned from behind the door. "Hey, doc! Open up!" Bookshire limped his way to the door. "Yes, yes, hold on..." He opened the door carefully, but that was to no avail. Sonic burst in, nearly knocking the middle-aged raccoon doc on his butt. With him came Sally and Bunnie, who rushed nearly as fast as Sonic toward the injured kit. Sonic went right to his friend's side. "Hey, Tails! How're you doin', bro?" Tails smiled, the negative thoughts negated by the arrival of his best friend. "I'm okay, Sonic." "Way past!" Sally immediately embraced Tails, as hard as she thought was safe. "Oh, Tails! I'm so sorry..." Tails hugged back weakly. "That's alright, Aunt Sally. It wasn't your fault that tree fell--" Sally tried not to cry. "But it was! I knew about that tree, but I just forgot that..." "Sal," Sonic interrupted, "we went through this last night. 'S no use blubberin' over felled trees." Sally just kept hugging Tails in response. "I'm sorry." "It's okay, Sally...really. I'll be fine in a few weeks." Bunnie stepped to the bed and also weaseled in on the hug. "Yew saved muh life, Tails...I don' know how to thank ye." Tails hugged Bunnie as well. "You would have done the same for me, Bunnie." Bunnie winced mentally. "I know, sugah...I know." They all hugged for a while, grateful that everyone was still among the land of the living. Then, Sonic took some stuff out of a backpack, and placed it on the nightstand. "Lessee here, kiddo...I got lots of stuff for you to do while yer laid up." He dug around for a while, and first took out a book. "This should keep ya busy for a few weeks, Tails...I found this book in Robotropolis a few years ago. I must have read this thing a hundred times. It's called "Trinity". All about some guy who goes around getting treasure and fighting badniks. And you know that if I'll sit down and read somethin', it's gotta be Way Past!" Tails smiled and looked over the book. "Thanks, Sonic!" Sonic grinned. "No prob...but that's not all!" He rustled around in his rucksack a bit more, and pulled out a small palmtop computer. "I got this from your room. I figured you might want it...I certainly don't know how it works." Tails' face lit up. "Thanks, Sonic...I was about to ask someone to get this for me." Sonic looked puzzled. "What're you up to with that, bro?" Tails smiled. "Oh, I just like to play with it..." The hedgehog shrugged, and dug around in his backpack s'more. After a moment, he removed a small device with a button on it. Putting it down on the table, he looked over at Sally. "Now what does this thing do again?" Sally smirked at Sonic, and looked over at Tails. "That's a special button that will send out a small signal to Nicole, Tails. If you ever need anything, or you want to talk...all you need to do is press it." Tails nodded. "Don't worry, Aunt Sally, I'll be sure to keep in touch." The princess chuckled. "I'd hope so." Bookshire suddenly piped up. "Okay, okay, you guys have kept him awake for long enough. He needs his rest." Sonic scowled. "Aww!" "Now now," Bookshire said, "you know as well as I do that the more he rests, the faster he'll be able to go out and race around with you again." The raccoon smiled. "Sally, Bunnie, leggo of the poor kid. You're jostling him too much." The two females let go of Tails reluctantly, and started heading, with the hedgehog following close behind, toward the door. "Bye, Tails!" "Ah'll be around, Tails!" "Cya!" Tails grinned and waved. "I'll see you around, fellas!" As they said their goodbyes, Bookshire escorted his visitors to the door, and politely told them to come back tomorrow. After speaking with Sally for a moment, he returned to the room where Tails was. "Now, you try to get some rest. I'll get you something nice to eat the next time you wake up, okay?" Tails smiled, and laid back in the bed. "Gotcha." The raccoon closed the door again, and allowed the kit to gradually fall back asleep...dreaming of flying off into the sunset yet day. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meanwhile, in the Great Forest: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Snively stumbled on, running further away from Robotropolis. He had been discovered by the SWATBots, that much he knew... and now, Packbell was using them to hunt him down. Now no place in Robotropolis would ever be safe for him... as long as that damned android lived. He cursed his miserable luck as he careened further and further into the Great Meadow, the buffer zone that existed between Robotropolis and the first growths of the Great Forest. The fact that spring was breaking the tyranny of winter gave little pleasure to the small human, who was too occupied with keeping alive to worry about such aesthetics. Finally, he broke through into the forest itself, giving him a chance to escape the SWATBots in the underbrush. They had never been good at manuvering through the forests, he recalled, because there were too many unknown factors that had to be accounted for. However, Snively was not a SWATBot, and had learned how to hide from the SWATBots during his unfortunate time within the confines of Robotropolis. Snively quickly chose to dive within a log that had been used as a growth area for several different kinds of beautiful forest fungus. The SWATBots would be upon him in seconds, he gasped, so he'd better get out of plain view. And, sure enough, the killer machines roared into the area that Snively was hiding in, and began to search through it to the best of their ability. Luckily for Snively, after a few moments of searching, the SWATBots gave up on trying to find him. Probably realizing the anger that Packbell would vent on them for failing to acquire Snively, they flew off toward Robotropolis in a rather somber fashion. Snively waited for a few moments after the sounds of SWATBot propultion units had died away to a whisper before emerging into the clearing. He had gotten lucky, this time....but he had better find a cave or something to hide in until he could figure out what to do next. He certainly didn't want the Freedom Fighters to capture him....that would probably mean certain death, if not *torture*... He started walking down a musty path toward a quite dead and frightening part of the Great Forest. He certainly didn't think that Knothole would be in such a place...the one time he had been able to enter it, it was in a very nice, lush, green part of the Forest. This area would be perfect to hide in...after all, what sort of fool would make his home in such a unpleasant part of the otherwise beautiful forest? He wandered down the path a few more paces, not realizing that he was being shadowed by a floating orb. "Perhaps," Snively muttered to himself, "just perhaps, this place might have water nearby." He was very thirsty from his long run, and could have also used a shower at that point, too. However, Snively found something that didn't even vaguely resemble a pond. Indeed, when he reached the end of the path, he found something completely alien... Chapter Twelve - Complications Snively looked at the strange, frightening structure in awe. It was certainly not of Mobian was too perfect to have been built by anything but a more advanced sort of being. But what was it doing in the Great Forest? Could this have been the work of one of the Freedom Fighters? If it was, why hadn't he been attack-- "HALT!" Snively froze, the metallic voice of doom resounding through his ears. As he started to turn to face the location of the voice, he wondered what Packbell would do to him first. Perhaps, if he was in a sufficiently unpleasant mood, he'd just kill him. That would be one of the happier endings to his personal story of agony and woe... But when he turned to accept the cold, deadly hands of a SWATBot, he found himself staring into the lens of a spherical sentinel. After making a quick series of mental jumps, he came to the conclusion that this object seemed to belong here, while he did not. "Remain still, entity." The voice seemed to soften a bit, percieving Snively's weakened and disleveled state. Perhaps it was under the impression that Snively was just another wounded, dumb animal. Of course, if it believed that, it might take the liberty of putting him "out of his misery". That, or it might see a specimen to experiment on. "Identify yourself," the sphere twittered. Snively paused for a moment, trying to think of what to say that would increase his life expectency. If he told the machine that he didn't know, would it find a different way to find out who he was? If he told the machine a different name, would it just accept it at face value? And, if he told it his actual name, would it result in his instant demise? Oh, the hell with it all, Snively thought, I'm tired of running. "My name," Snively's nasal, worn voice growled, "is Snively. Snively the Great. Do with me what you will." The sphere reacted instantly. A small port on the front of it opened up, emitting a stream of restraining slime to keep Snively from getting away. After it appeared to the sphere that Snively couldn't move, it hit the small human with a stun pulse, knocking the large-nosed simian unconscious. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - After a few seconds of black, Snively gradually started to regain consciousness. He kept his eyes closed, afraid to open them for fear of gazing upon the Inferno... A voice is heard. Female. "Is he dead?" Snively's brain spun, almost causing him to gasp aloud...he was surprised to hear anything vaguely pleasant, but carefully repressed any reaction out of fear of having them react. A male voice. "No, just stunned. SpyGlobe-1 discovered him wandering around outside, and was able to capture him before he got near the automatic defenses." Was he in the custody of the owners of this place? If he was, he pondered, they appeared to be the Freedom Fighter type. Oh boy. "Why didn't you just have him killed right then and there? Why bring him down to the lab?" Apparently, the female knew about him. He was definitely in it deep. "Because he's got answers to the questions I've got." The female appeared to be the pragmatic type. "Couldn't you just do a neural dump and get the info that way?" He hesisitates. "No...the brainscanner is tuned to only scan and recover vulpine memories. It'd take weeks to adjust it to a simian's." Aha, Snively mentally exclaimed, the duo were foxes. The female paused for a second. "Well, what if he doesn't talk?" "That's why we have sodium pentathol, darling." Torture obviously wasn't in the male's nature. Perhaps there was hope of being thrown into a nice, warm cell, after all. "He deserves worse." "Well, it's not my tag, Sandra." Sandra? Certainly it couldn't be...? "After all, I owe it to Sonic to do what he may...and if he won't, I know about 20 other people off the top of my head who will." He paused. "But I will not." The female Sandra must have smirked. "You're getting mellow in your old age." The male quipped, "Ahh, but doesn't experience count for anything anymore?" She chuckled. "Only in certain areas, honey...but I think you've logged enough hours in those to avoid any doubt of your ability." Snively could sense the male's eyebrow raising. "So you want me to take a vacation from--?" She replied, probably a little too quickly. "No, no, no!" He laughed. "That's what I like to see, woman." Then, the voice seemed to draw closer to Snively. "But let's not bore our...guest with our flirting." Snively's eyes snapped open, more out of instinct than out of any desire to intimidate. What he saw when he popped them open, however, seemed to defy the imagination...he was in a large room, with a high, curved ceiling. It was darker than might have been expected, with only a few lights on to highlight various pieces of equipment. This place certainly was a lab, and had much in common with the ones back in Robotropolis... down to the roboticizer device (?!). Snively groped for words, but was unable to grope for anything else. He immediately noticed that his hands and feet were lashed to a guerney, laying flat on a stand near the far left side of the room. "Aaaaa!" Joseph didn't flinch. "Shut up, please." Snively's mouth slammed shut. The person he was looking at was probably twice his size and weight, and looked like he was carrying a thermonuclear device in a holster in his coat. He was also quite frightening looking, with bright, citrus-orange fur, and shiny black wraps on his face. "Good. You know how to take orders." He took out a cigar, clipped off the tip, and lit it up. "And, if you don't annoy me, I'll see to it that you get treated humanely during your stay in my home." Snively gasped. "Y-yes, sir." "Alright, let's start with the basics." He clicked on a light above Snively's face, following Mobian interrogation protocols. "Now, I want to know everything you know about this--" Joseph took out the palmtop computer Snively thought he had in his pocket. "--and everything else that might be useful. Now." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meanwhile, in someone else's hand, another palmtop computer was being tinkered with. Since Tails had gotten to borrow some of Rotor's tools, he'd decided to start playing around with the inside of the device, in order to determine how a system like that physically operated. He'd already decimated the virus that had infected the device, left by a certain individual that Sally had asked him not to mention any longer. And, after some further tinkering, he had learned (rather covertly) how to program interesting things on it. Games, utilities, mapping programs, a little bit of everything. Eventually, he hoped that Joseph would teach him how to do more things...after all, he was the next level up from his own brother. At least, that's what most people figured. In Tails' mind, David and Joseph were just about equal in computer things...David with all of his constant upgrading, Joe with his millions of hours on AI work. For now, however, he'd occupy himself with studying the hardware of the device. He'd been working consistantly on making the processor speed increase, and Tails was eventually hoping to get it up past a few thousand megahertz before the beginning of fall. Also, he was making it operate more efficiently by getting rid of redundant parts and adding fresher versions. Who knows, Tails thought, eventually he might get Cryptosmasher on it, and then become even more useful to his friends and family in Knothole. But after a few more hours working on this, Tails felt ennui set in. Slightly irritated, he closed the device up, and put it down on the counter to settle. His desire to be out and running around was distracting him from the work he wanted to accomplish with his computer. The spring air kept drifting into his nostrils, wafting away the smell of solder and silica...the eternal drive of foxes to romp was stirring within him, making his injury even more apparent. Yet, he refused to get angry about it. He did what Bunnie would have done for him a million times over; he had saved her life, and kept her from being in the same spot he was in...if not in a worse one. After all, she'd had to walk around in a sort of a cast since she was his age, and was just now learning what it was like to be a regular person again. He could take it. He was young, and had more cerebral pursuits to engage in, anyway. This wouldn't last forever. Eventually, Bookshire would take the casts off, and he'd be able to walk around again. Flying, however, he wasn't so sure about. He frowned, running his fingers through his headfur. He didn't want to be landlocked. If he had to have his extra tail, he might as well get some USE out of it. Sure, it made him distinctive. Sure, it was useful when trying to swat away flies. But what he really enjoyed about them was his ability to zoom around through the air, being one with the sky! Being able to escape the bonds of the earth, and go where he wanted, when he wanted, without having to worry about mud or poor turf. He hoped with all of his might that he could get them strong enough to fly with, he WOULD get them strong enough to fly with again, no matter what. Then, his thoughts were dissipated in a sonic boom...Sonic had arrived to visit with him again! He smiled. Sonic always had something nice to say about what was going on, and made him always feel much better about himself. He was becoming like another brother to him. Sonic entered the room triumphantly, as usual. "Yo, little bro!" he shouted, tromping his way over to the side of the bed. "How're you doing, kiddo?" Tails smiled. "I'm better, Sonic. David stopped by a little bit ago to tell me about his latest upgrades. In fact, you just missed him." Sonic mirrored Tails' expression. "That's cool, Tails. I'll see him later today at the meeting...I'll try not to sleep through this one, so I'll be able to tell you all about it." Tails laughed. "Past cool, Sonic." Sonic fistbumped with the incapacitated canine. "You bet, little bro." Tails leaned back. "So, how's everything doing?" Sonic moved a paw vertically in front of him, denoting smooth sailing. "Everything's moving along as usual. They all miss ya, tho..." He reached into his backpack, and pulled out a piping-hot chili dog. "Especially Unc' Chuck. He made this for ya just before I got here." Tails beamed, happily taking the chili dog and scarfing it. After disposing of it organically, he wiped his mouth and proclaimed, "Mmm mmm! Thank him for me." Sonic nodded. "No prob." "How's Uncle Chuck doing, anyway? Is he feeling a little better?" "Yup. The deroboticization process worked perfect on him. It has, however, made ol' Chuck a little stiff. But he's still as active as he ever was. It's cool." "Well," Tails said, "tell Uncle Chuck that Tails said `hi'." "Sure, bro." "What else is up?" Sonic rubbed his chin thoughtfully, thinking. "Hmm...well, Joe and Sandy are still in the Dome. They really oughta get out more." The hedgehog cackled. "'S not healthy to over-exert themselves...that way... all the time." Tails laughed, not wanting to look immature. "Well, you know how THAT is, don'cha?" Sonic smirked. "Real funny, kiddo." Tails folded his arms in his mentor's trademark manner. "Hey, the fox knows." Sonic waved a paw at Tails dismissingly. "What-EVER." He laughed. "Just don't mention that around Sal. She'd have a total cow." Tails smiled. "Whatever you say, Sonic." "Cool," Sonic said, casually changing the subject, "so whaddya think of the book?" Tails shrugged. "It's cool." " can hold onto it, if you'd like." "'kay." Sonic hmmed. "Well, I better be going, kiddo. Don't wanna keep you from healin', y'know." Tails smiled. "That's cool. Thanks for stoppin' by, Sonic." Sonic grinned. "No problem, little bro. Cya!" As Tails waved, Sonic trotted out of the room, closed the door, and juiced back out into the forest. Tails enviously looked on as Sonic rushed into the springlike weather, yet with a positive feeling in his head from his visit. Sonic's visits were never long, but they were long enough to give Tails a chance to talk to someone besides Bookshire. Tails laid back, getting ready to take another snooze. He hoped Sally'd come by at dinnertime...maybe he'd ask about all that stuff he was confused about tonight...of course, that's what he'd thought for a long time before his tails got busted, and he'd still hadn't gotten up the courage to ask. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph looked into Snively's eyes, mulling over what he had been told. Examining the device had yielded similar answers, none of which he'd liked...or had wanted to believe. Yet, if he kept the heat on, he might get something else useful out of the quite mental little man. "So, let me get this straight. You said that you've been hiding from Packbell ever since Sonic tried to kill you, correct?" "Y-yes..." "And that he's tortured you, and generally knocked you around worse than your uncle ever had, right?" "Yes, sir..." "But you were able to escape into the sewers and tunnels of Robotropolis... and, one day, you saw this tall fox, who looked kind of like myself, drop this computer on the ground." "Yes..." "And you gave it a once-over, and discovered some sort of plan for the destruction of Mobius in it...which I had just shown all of us here." "Aff-f-f-firmative, sir..." Joseph stopped speaking, sitting down and rubbing his skull. "Okay. I just wanted to get that straight." A few moments went by without anyone saying anything. But then, Snively finally was able to gasp out something coherent. "A-are you going to let m-me into the custody of the Princess now...?" He looked up at Snively. "No." "N-no?" "No." "Oh." A few more moments went by. "M-may I ask..." Joseph looked up at Snively. "You realize what would happen if this information was to get out too soon, don't you?" "N-n--" Joseph stood, looking right into Snively's eyes. "The people of Mobius would begin to mobilize to defend themselves, I assume...they would try to enlist other alien races to assist...maybe being able to drive off Packbell in the process." "T-that doesn't sound..." "The Ur--the Buyers would strike at that moment, Snively. There wouldn't be a chance for this planet. They'd just open fire. Foom." A deathly silence. "No, this is something that has to be handled quietly...with as little overt action as possible. We've got the advantage now, because we know what they're going to do. All that we need to do is to play a game of sabotage and enough time to casually raise a intergalactic force strong enough to repel them." He paused. "Telling Sally would be suicide." Most of all for me, Joseph thought. "S-so what are you going to do with me?" Joseph rubbed his chin. "Give me a minute." Walking away from Snively, he took Sandra's arm and walked over to the far side of the lab. "Okay, darling," he whispered, "this comes down to your choice." "Me?" Sandra whispered, "Why me?" "Because, Sandra, we can do several things, all of them I'm willing to do." Sandra looked at him questioningly. "Such as?" "We can tell Vision about this, and see if the Keld'yrian fleet can do anything to help. We can also not tell anyone, and just hitch a ride on the ship father had enough pull back on the homeworld to get us on even a ship run by Soulless John X'aeon-nai." A pause. "Of course, we could simply make our own vessel, and blast off into a far corner of the galaxy until this thing plays itself out." Sandra was dumbfounded. "Joe...I don't know. I'm so confused..." Joseph held her close. "Take all the time you need, Sandra. We've got at least a year." He glanced over at Snively. "He sure as hell isn't going anywhere, either." Sandra whimpered softly. "Okay, honey...I'll think on it." Joseph kissed her gently on the forehead. "That's all I ask of you." "You certainly have a habit of asking for hard things." He caressed her face. "You'll be rewarded for your efforts." Sandra didn't smile, her expression seeming to be locked on confusion. "Go deal with Snively, dear. I need to go think." Joseph nodded. "Just tell me when you've made a decision, Sandra." Sandra patted him on the shoulder, and walked sort of dazed toward the stepdisk. After it had descended away from the level, Joseph put his attention back toward Snively. "Get cozy, this might take a while." Snively cowered and sniveled. "S-sure..." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Elsewhere... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The echidna meditated in the Chaos Chamber, where the emeralds were kept from harm from the various forces on Mobius who seeked to acquire them. They also kept the Floating Island, where the Chamber was located, bobbing highly above the waves, and safely away from the patches of land that each side currently possessed. Knuckles was in the traditional full lotus position, which he had been taught by his father, and who was taught to him by his grandfather, and so on and so forth. His mind was clear of all thoughts, while his body continued to draw in spiritual energy for the upcoming struggle... the war that had been fortold in echidna lore, which would decide the fate of Mobius for eternity. The legends say that many champions would rise to the challenge of the forces of evil, and many others would be vanquished. Some would come from far away, others from nearby. Land, air, and sea would forge their warriors to fight the foreign host, with the knowledge that their failure would mean the destruction of all life on this world, and untold damage throughout the universe. The legends also say that one warrior would rise from the dust of a great who would have the speed of the wind, the might of the sun, and the soul of a hero. He would be able to cut down the legions of war machines the enemy would disgorge, be able to harness the four powers of nature to smite the foe, and rise above the clouds to protect the world forever. The form of this hero was still unclear. Some said he would be a mighty bear from the northern lands, trained in the ancient schools of fighting by the great warriors. Others said a raccoon, skilled in the ways of weapons, would be the champion. Several said a eagle from the jungles of Mobius, a psychic, would defeat the enemy. And one vision that an ancient echidna saw in the far past said an echidna would be victorious over all. But, no matter who was the true champion, a name had been chosen by the Elders to show this individual's might to not only Mobius, but to the universe...the "Solaris" would be the champion's name after his or her victory over the evil, and would be sung of for generations... But the name was not important to Knuckles. What concerned him was that all the visions shared a common theme...the power of the Emeralds would be called upon by the champion to defeat the forces of evil. Without their combined powers, he would be helpless against the onslaught, and Mobius would be doomed. This is why Knuckles was meditating within the cave of Chaos, in order to become one with the knowledge and powers of the Emeralds, so he could understand what his role would be. For weeks he had sat like that, not eating or drinking...letting the warmth and power of the Chaos Emeralds nourish him physically and mentally. Yet, no visions had come yet...which must mean it was yet too early for the Emeralds to offer any advice to their appointed defender. So, Knuckles would continue to sit there, meditating silently, until the great vision finally came. He knew it would occur soon...he sensed the growing unrest within the Master Chaos something large and evil was drawing nearer...every second getting closer... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - And the ship did draw closer, looming ever-nearer to Mobius. It crept along its path with agonizing slowness, lurking just out of eyesight of any interested sensors on the planet's surface. The huge vessel could have overtaken the planet hundreds of times over, yet it continued to pulse along at a mere lurch, barely covering enough ground to keep from having the appearance of non-movement. But, on the ship, a certain displaced human was fawning over this ship's seemingly hyperadvanced technology... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Robotnik gently caressed the instrument panel with his steely hand, gazing at its brilliant design and sheer computational power. "This ship is a work of genius! It must have taken generations to achieve such a level of technological advancement!" John smiled darkly. "Well, it did take a few hundred years of driving our scientists hard and long to get this advanced..." However, his expression flickered slightly. "But we've hit a plateau for the time being." Robotnik barely noticed the fox's tone changing, too engrossed in the blazing speed of the instruments. "Is it all intergrated into the ship's main computer?" "Naturally," the fox articulated, "but why do you ask?" Robotnik looked up at him, smiling evilly. "I want to learn about it all." John chuckled. "I hope you've got lots of time, old sport. We've got a lot of data available here." Robotnik tweaked his moustache slightly. He noticed that it needed a light trim. "I have as long as you do, friend...but I wish to make an effort to learn of your fascinating tech." John shrugged. "Very will be supplied with all you need to know. But don't you wish to rest, first?" "There is more than enough time to rest later...time, and knowledge, waits for no man." John smiled. "Alright. The computer terminal in your quarters should be sufficient regarding your needs." Robotnik smiled, his voice taking on that property it often possessed when learning of imminent victory. "Excellent. May I see them now?" "Of course. We've got much to accomplish up here, anyway. However, if you need anything, feel free to summon me." John smiled again. "I'm always there for my friends." Robotnik got up from his seat. "As I appreciate, friend. I still haven't been able to thank you and your men enough for saving my life." John rubbed his chin. "Oh, you'll have plenty of opportunity to thank us... later. Right now, please partake of our generosity." Robotnik nodded, heading off toward the door. "I'll be in touch with you later this...cycle, is it?" He smiled. "Megacycle." "Ah. Well, I'll be in touch." John sat back in his chair, saluted loosely, and waved Robotnik off to his quarters. A few minutes after he left, John casually locked the door, and informed the computer not to allow any further callers for at least an hour. Then, he activated a switch on the wall, which dimmed the windows and raised a sort of noise-blocking shield around the entire room. He smiled. Ahh, the sounds of silence. Now nobody could disturb him while he enjoyed his new...hobby. He triggered another toggle on the wall, which caused a section of hull on the far side of the room to fade...revealing a secret passageway that led deep into the ship. He casually walked into it, sealing it behind him after he had gotten all the way inside. John walked for a while, eventually reaching a small room inside the ship that might have been better described as a "closet". In it, several ancient-looking papers and tapistries lined the walls, with a large rug on the ground. Candles that seemed to never burn down lit the room, rather than the usual glowing wallpanels that sufficed for the rest of the ship. The rug on the floor of the room had a five-pointed "star" woven into it, in a strange sort of semi-translucent thread. In the center of this "star", the supreme leader of the remains of the Imperial Ur'thaen Space Armada, "Soulless" Jhohn X'aeon-nai, entered the full lotus position. John, unknown to his many crewmates and friends, had been a pracitioner of the forbidden mystical arts during his tenure with the Navy while Ur'thae had been mighty, and the powers he had developed had won him many a secret victory. His line had been one of mages and witches before the time of "citizen adjustment", and despite the best efforts of genetic engineers, they could not weed out the inclination for magic out of the people. He had taken up the arts when he learned of the powers and influence that magic had over the people of Ur'thae during the Black Ages, before Bahb and Jhosesophae G'brogfran had united the people under the banner of "Science, Strength, and Stealth" which hung ofter the defunct Ur'thaen Empire for centuries. This had been during one of the few losing campaigns the Ur'thaens were forced to admit "stalemate" on, over that of the possessions of the Keldy'rians. His meditation was temporarily disrupted when he thought of this, anger pulsing in his veins. It was supposed to have been a "cake" op! All the Ur'thaens were interested in were a few mining operations on a measly planet far from the core section of the Keldy'rian territory. They had no need to interfere with the other holdings of their empire, being occupied at the time on several other fronts. But it had not been a "cake" op. In fact, it had been a humiliating defeat that stung in the eyes of the entire remaining populace of Ur'thaens even 3 ultracycles after it had occurred. The "Armaggedon", as well as the battleships "Vixen's Honor" and "Berzerker" flew into the system fully loaded with more than enough fighters, plasma torpedoes, and certainly enough firepower to crush any resistance that the small moon and the insignifigant planet could produce. All went normally for the first twelve megacycles, John recalled ruefully. The ships roared into the planet's orbit, dispatched fighters to cut the communications lines between the moons and the planet, and sent enough fire down from the sky to be sure any possible threat was quickly dispatched. Such an offensive was referred to in texts as "blazes"; a type of offensive operation that occurred so quickly as to knock the target unconscious, take all that was needed, and run off with it before any resistance could be raised. Sure, it wasn't fun for the bloodthirsty John...he didn't get to torture or even interrogate a single person. But it got the job done. That is, all until the twelth hour, where two Keldii ships appeared out of hyperspace. At first, the crew could only laugh at the pathetic counter to their blows. Two medium-sized ships, appearently only lightly armed, coming to face down a planet reaper and two destroyers? Ludicrous! A mere wing of fighters could take them out within they thought. The wing flew out toward the ships, their weapons blazing. As would have been expected, the first few moments of the attack were relatively ineffective on the Keld'yrian ships, since most fighters carry only midrange projection weapons. However, the minutes continued to roll by, and the shields of the ships barely lost a bit of energy. Meanwhile, their gunners were picking off the fighters like fish in a barrel. Fuming, the "Vixen's Honor" decided to step into the fray. Disgorging all of their fighters, and blasting at both ships with the main guns, they made an awesome sight in their attacks on the Keldy'rian ships. However, even the might of the "Vixen's Honor" was outmatched by the two ships, weakening the shields of the vessels while its hull was being torn apart by the guns of the invincible ships. The fate of the fighters, he cursed, was far more awful. Finally, the "Armaggedon" and "Berzerker" ceased all attacks on the planet and moon, letting the Keldii ships have it with all of their gusto. The two ships railed on the stoic vessels, being blasted with the Keldii guns while the "Vixen's Honor" desperately tried to keep from being ripped to shreds by its own internal damages. The battle raged for only an hour, as the Ur'thaen ships played a game of cat-and-mouse with the Keldii vessels, trying to find a weak spot in their defenses while also attempting to avoid their own destruction. By about the halfway point during their struggle, the "Vixen's Honor" honorably self-destructed, refusing to be captured by the Keldii as a trophy. This valiant self-sacrifice drove the two remaining destroyers harder, using everything they had to try to destroy the obviously enchanted ships. Finally, the "Berzerker" began to succumb to the continual blasts of the Keldii vessels, and the "Armaggedon" was quickly running low on its plasma torpedoes. Deciding to take a prudent retreat, he cursed, they flew away from the planet empty-handed, with less comrades to honor the Head Vixen than before. His fists clenched tight. Since that awful loss, he had sworn to seek revenge on the Keldii in the name of his fallen brothers, using any and every means necessary to destroy them all. They would pay, and pay extrorbitantly, for their accursed victory over the Ur'thaens. He had used spies to steal their information about their ships. He learned of the might of Ur'thaen magic, and used all of the resources available to him to acquire as many magical artifacts and texts as were left surviving on the homeworld. He studied their physical forms, patching himself and his crew with Orange genes after the homeworld died in order to improve their brainpower. Yes, they would pay. And Mobius would be the final cornerstone in his plan for his revenge on the Keldii...and the universe! He calmed himself, breathing deeply to calm down. John's rage had to be stored, and transferred to something more power. John closed his eyes, resuming his old meditation pattern and clearing his mind. His revenge would have to wait a few minutes...magic comes with difficulty to an uncentered mind, he remembered, and prepared himself mentally and physically for what was to come. The tall, red-orange fox sat in the full lotus position for a few minutes before something began to change within the room. The candles flickered, and a strange sort of wind began to swirl around the cross-legged vulpine. A few moments more passed, and the figure began to glow with a reddish hue...the color seemed to taint the mysterious crosswind that surrounded the figure, making a reddish swirling fog that began to partially obscure the still-meditating fox. More time passed, with even more surprising results. The fox began to bob above the ground; at first, slightly, but then higher and higher. Eventually, he was drifting in the center of the room, deep within a mystical trance. The occasional reddish bolt of electrical energy cracked across him after he had been floating for a few moments, yet he appeared not to be disturbed. A few hours passed, and eventually things began to calm down. The plasma bolts started to cease, his levitation began to ebb down to the point where he was once again sitting firmly on the ground, the reddish glow died down to nothing, and the wind faded to nothing but a hint of fresh air. A minute or so later, the fox opened his eyes, took himself out of the full lotus position, and stood. He walked over to the corner of the room, where a small, crystalline sphere was sitting within a small golden cup. He carefully removed it from its holster, and held it firmly in the palm of his hand. Gripping it with his left paw, he began to look into it with an intense look of focused concentration. At first, it stayed determinedly clear. Then, after a few moments, it flickered a light pink for a half-second, and then dropped down to clear. A stronger pink, and then clear. Red-pink, clear. Pinkish red, then back to a clear. Light red, but it cleared slower than before. A stronger red, and a weaker clear. A mid-range red, clear. A deep red, and an extremely weak clear. Then, when it hit a very deep, bright red, it only fluxuated to pink for a moment, and then maintained that color for a few moments. John smiled. His powers were increasing daily. Soon, it would be strong enough to destroy any defender of the Chaos Emeralds that Mobius could produce...and then, the universe would be his! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sandra walked through the many corridors of the Dome, thinking about what Joseph had showed her. If what was contained in the small computer was true, Mobius was in great danger from a foe that might be nearly invincible. After all, the technology in the mere palmtop seemed to amaze Joseph with its speed and intelligence, which was not a good sign. He had given her three options, some of which she though were more preferable than others...the idea about using the Keld'yrians as a sort of protection seemed to Sandra to be the best. Yet, she considered the other two options just as vigorously. They could easily hitch a ride on the ship itself, Joseph had told her...perhaps they would be famous there. Joseph would be with his own people again, and might possibly become a powerful fox there. However, she considered how the Ur'thaens were going to destroy Mobius, and immediately scrapped that idea. Joseph was better than them, anyway. That left her with a quite interesting option...leaving Mobius entirely in favor of another, totally different, world. They could explore the universe, live off the fat of the cosmos, and generally escape all the things of sentinent beings. The beauty of the galaxy had been seen by her only in small snippets so far, mostly through casual observation of the still-operating orbital telescope that drifted vagrantly around Mobius. Bahb had hacked into it during a slow afternoon, and often used the powerful device to scan around the universal disc. The nebulae, twin suns, and other strange and awesome phenomenae seemed to call to the typically earth-bound Sandra. Their beauty had been underscored in her schooling by the primitive equipment that was available to her and her peers. But using the tools that scientists used to explore the universe, Sandra found herself drawn to these mysterious stars, which had given her a mate and a warm place to live. She smiled, thinking about him again. What would make him the happiest, and what would be best for them both? It was such a hard choice. Certainly leaving Mobius on a craft of their own was the safest for them both...they could escape the potential destruction of Mobius, as well as the reprocussions that might occur against the _Apocolypse_. However, boarding the ship gave them the potential to possess power within a rising galactic force...for evil. No, she could not allow it; her few moral barriers overruled her desire for power and influence. That left the wild card of the Keldy'rian fleet coming to save Mobius. Sandra pondered this carefully. They might be able to defeat the juggernaut of the Ur'thaens, but the Ur'thaens appeared to have upgraded their abilities over the last 300 years. They might have overtaken the technological abilities of the Keldii. Or it could be the other way around. She had no way of knowing, seeing that she was not a scientist, nor a intergalactic military buff. She paced around a bit more. Her elimination of choices left her only two options; fleeing, or calling in an alien reserve. Perhaps both could be used in tandem. They could tell the Keldy'rians that the _Apocolypse_ was coming, and then get the hell out of the solar system until the whole thing blew over. She paused, thinking it out more carefully. Yes, that would be best for them, and helpful to Mobius itself...they could give them enough warning to attack the Ur'thaen ship, and still be able to escape the consequences if they failed...! Then, a thought crossed her mind that disturbed her more and more. What if, she mused, Joseph actually wanted to help his people? After all, the ship probably carried enough Ur'thaens to start a new homeworld somewhere, if not an entirely new empire. He missed them greatly, by the look he always got in his eyes when he spoke of them. Of course, she also knew what Joseph learned from the Keld'yrian archives about the "uncensored" exploits of his people in intergalactic affairs ashamed him, and made him very unhappy for several days afterward when he spoke of it. He might just miss his father, which was an understandable feeling...but he also might want to rebuild his people into something "better", which might just start with the sale of Mobius' water and land to the highest bidder. However, he *had* said that it was her choice. If he was so willing to leave their fates up to her whims, perhaps he wasn't as attached to them as she thought he was. That, or maybe *he* couldn't decide what he wanted to do, either. She had no idea what his true motives were any longer... at first, all he cared about was healing Mobius and finishing the deroboticizer. But now, with the revelation of the palmtop computer and Snively's confessions, his plans had drastically altered. Now all he was concerned about was her, and himself. All the rest of the universe, he seemed to say to her, could go to hell. Another sign of his love, she said to herself, and quite a strong one. He was willing to sacrifice all that he had made here, all of his friends, and the entire planet of Mobius; for her alone. Nobody else could have done this to him, which made quite a firm impression on her. He could easily fly off into the night at any time, help his Ur'thaen brothers, fight them with the Keldy'rians, or screw both sides and attempt to take over the planet himself. But he still continued to content himself with the status quo, just because he had to think about her first. She finally got tired of pacing, and sat down on a box heavily. Her own heart told her that Mobius was just as important as herself and Joseph, but her mind said to only consider herself. The fates of countless millions rested in her hands...what should she do? Let Mobius burn? Ride with the conquering host? Fight with the ships of the Keld'yr? Run away into the night? She put her head in her hands, and cried softly. She didn't know what to do...she wished someone could help her... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Robotnik began scanning through the computer's database in his quarters, looking for the most valuable parts of the various design schematics and descriptions. A helpful translator device that had been implanted in his brain allowed him to read the language that the various things were described with, while also allowing him to speak the language. He extended a datajack from his roboticized arm, and stuck it into a small port on the front of the device. This would be quite simple, he thought to himself. He could acquire as much as the Ur'thaen technology as was physically possible during his stay here, get all of his plans reorganized, and then wait for the inevitable counterattack on the _Apocolypse_...then, he would put his master plan into motion. He smiled, beginning the download. Oh yes, he thought, this would be absolutely flawless. The cake would be acquired, and eaten as well... Chapter Thirteen - Verdict The steppad went up silently, high into the upper regions of the Dome. On it, stood a mentally frazzled and rather unhappy-looking vixen. She was known to many as Sandra Nightweaver, the legendary thief, spy, and (insultingly) golddigging seductress. However, to those who knew her well (namely, Joseph), she was just another female, who needed love and attention like anyone else... Tonight, however, Sandra just wanted someone to make a challenging decision for her...a decision that could affect the lives of millions and millions of people. Alas, Sandra had been forced to make this decision by several twists of fate that led her into the arms of Joseph; into the shadowy labrynth of his secrets and desires; into the sphere of knowledge that understood the terror that loomed just a small distance the inky void of space. It was three in the morning when she realized that she had been wandering alone through Joseph's fortress-home for the past four and a half hours. Well, that wasn't entirely true...Bahb finally asked her what she was doing going through the countless rooms and corridors that weaved their way through the underground complex. "I am thinking," she wearily said, "so leave me alone." Being an obedient computer, Bahb did so. Yet, it continued to watch Sandra's wanderings through the Dome, not privy to her thoughts or feelings; aside from the tired and frightened look on her face, it had no inkling of the turmoil in her mind... She slipped through level one, pacing through the various recreational facilities it contained quietly as she could. It was a difficult thing for her to grasp...that something as large and as stable as Mobius, her home and her entire peer group's home, could be easily dashed to ashes by a spaceship. It was something that made her stomach boil and her normally dead-still hands to quiver. She knew that they had time. The spaceship, for whatever reason, was going to wait another year to strike. They could easily pack up and leave by then, and be settled on another planet before the first wave hit...yet...something ancient and primal within her made her grimace at the thought of abandoning her homeworld. Did Joseph feel like this, she wondered, when he had to leave his father to his blazing demise? Probably...but less for his world, which had already been mostly ruined, than for his father. Sandra had few ties to any "family". Her father had left early in her life, and her mother and herself never got along. She'd left home immediately upon graduating from high school, and never saw her mother ever since. She had no feelings for the woman left, despite a vague attempt on her part to bring any up. She paused for a moment to ponder her fate. Packbell or Robotnik had probably roboticized or killed her by now...yet, she still didn't seem to care. In Sandra's opinion, she was better off dead. No siblings or extended family members to worry about, either, and no real friends...besides her mate, Joseph. She started pacing again. She had no ties to this world by blood or love, so why did she want to stay and fight? Here, she had a chance to escape to any place, any world, and any galaxy in the entire universe, but she had this strong desire to remain on the one place that no person would logically remain. Damn you, Sandra, this was no time to develop a conscience!! Mobius was marked for death, for whatever reasons the Ur'thaens had, and nothing Joseph or she could do would stop it. She went up to the top floor, and started walking in a circular path around the lower curvature of the Dome itself. She was becoming angry at herself for being so attached to this planet. She felt a few things could happen to them both which would not be desirable... for one thing, the _Apocolypse_ could sucessfully decimate this planet, killing them all. It could also take Joseph away from her, and have her killed...or worse. The Mobians could fight off the _Apocolypse_, but it might result in Joseph being hurt or killed in the fighting. The Mobians could also fight off the _Apocolypse_, and just kill Joseph and herself outright for being treasonous. Sandra's eyes watered when she thought of Joseph being hurt or killed, even more so than the thought of her own demise. Ever since she first started her unique and dangerous trade, she knew that her life expectency would not be extremely high. The thought of ever having a family or a steady mate had almost totally left her mind before she met Joseph, but now those things could be available to her. She could have his children...she could be his mate for eternity, with kits to love and teach, and have a normal life. But if anything was to ever happen to him...she didn't know how she'd take it. She'd grown rather attached to Joseph over the last few months she'd lived with him, and learned of his great mind and heart...he could provide for her, protect her from harm, hand her the knowledge of the universe on a plate...and could sire their kits. The thoughts of kits were beginning to fill her mind more and more as the weeks had gone on, especially as Joseph's biological heat had recently reached its peak just a few nights ago, and had gradually began to ebb. His ability and control were certainly pleasing to her as well, adding another reason to care about him deeply; but it certainly was not the *only* reason to. (Sandra felt that their relationship was deeper than THAT, despite what the various gossips and old spinsters, as well as the throngs of jealous fe/males, spat at her.) Perhaps it was contagious or something...yet Joseph had kept himself sterile during that time, for reasons she'd just learned of... The invasion and the choice, that accursed sword of Damocles, now lept again to the forefront of her thoughts. They could always have kits on some other world, she noted, and Mobius hadn't been the greatest nursery as of late, anyway. SWATBots were everywhere, Packbell was still running around, and there were lots of other things Joseph had saw developing on the horizon that made Sandra nervous... But all Mobian threats paled in comparison to the invasion, which could wipe anything out completely. They were going to steal all of Mobius' water, which would be the damnation of the entire planet. Nothing could survive that; but then the planet ITSELF would be mined for whatever aliens mine worlds for. There would be, quite literally, not a stone left. If the resistance to their attack failed... That was the choice Sandra was left with, and that was had kept her up into three in the morning. Would she bet on the Keld'yrian/Mobian resistance to this ship, or would she choose to fold rather than lose? There could be no middle ground, despite what Joseph had told her when he had stated that option...did he think that an Ur'thaen could hide anywhere within civilized space after informing on his own people? Not only would they have to go into hiding from them (if they succeeded), but the rest of the galaxy would know that he was one of the old school. By her knowledge of sentinent beings, she knew that a contract would be put up by somebody to get his head. The son of a dictator is just as hated as the dictator himself, she ruminated, thinking about Packbell and Robotnik's equal levels of hatedness. Joseph wouldn't stand a chance. No, running couldn't work at all. Even if the Mobians won, there would be knowledge of another Ur'thaen running about in space, but this time the contracts would probably be at a lower price. They would have to go to the most undeveloped, unknown, unexplored parts of space to hide, and even then they'd be living out of a ship...settling down in one place would make them a easier target. Living off the land of alien worlds, after being so used to the relative luxury of the Dome, would be no way to raise a family. That left having total and undeniable faith in the forces of the Keld'yrians and the Mobian resistance. She was a bit iffy there, too. If Joseph came forward at the right time, told the Keld'yrians in Haven about what was going to come down, and got Sally informed at just the right juncture, his butt would be covered. Then, that just left the defense of Mobius down to him, and his inventions... and the combined strength of the Keld'yrians, who Joseph assured her would help. Yet, she couldn't help thinking that the _Apocolypse_ might have some sort of... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ...ace up his sleeve. Robotnik grinned in a sinister way, which was becoming more and more common as the days went by. The masquerade was approaching its climax, he thought to himself, sorting through his pirated data. That fool John, with his greed, would destroy the remainder of his race in his futile campaign to acquire Mobius. He underestimated the hedgehog's abilities, and so he would be foiled again and again, like Robotnik himself had been... The thought that Mobius could be taken by the motley crew of the _Apocolypse_ amused Ivo. He had learned shortly before he had taken Mobius of the strange alien "observers" that lurked somewhere near or on Mobius, and who were watching the world's development to see if Mobius was "ready" for induction into their "Union". He had even been able to see one of their bases, and took one of their power sources once...but then, the hedgehog and one of the aliens came and destroyed it. No matter, Ivo thought. He had no doubt in his mind, by the analysis of the composition and weapon systems of the vessel in which he resided, that these "Keld'yrians" would destroy this ship, and "save" Mobius. Or so they believed...he allowed himself a quiet chuckle. All in good time, you fools, all in good time. He held the disk in his normal hand, rolling it over and over in his palm. With the knowledge contained on this disk, he could upgrade his remaining weaponry and robots to be able to permanently defeat the hedgehog, and have the entire planet to himself. No Ur'thaens to "buy" the planet from him, no Keld'yrians to interfere, and no Sonic to defeat him. Just the way he planned it. He laughed. What irony, he mused, in the fact that his "benefactors", the ones who believed that they would have their final victory over Mobius and himself, would actually be the catylyst behind Ivo's ultimate end game. He would be the last one standing on his world, and would soon use the technology and power that his foolish Ur'thaen "allies" went and "gave" to him to destroy his arch-nemesis, while they would be themselves defeated by the Keld'yrians. And, after the Ur'thaens were gone, the Keld'yrians would have to leave...and when they left... He smacked his hand into his roboticized palm. End of the hedgehog, end of the resistance, and the rebirth of that world into "Robius", the planet of machines. Cold, clinical, perfect machines, all serving their creator, Doctor Ivo Robotnik. No meddlers, no interference, no challenges to his power. Perfection. He looked out of his window. Victory was near...he could almost see it within his grasp. Soon, all of John's plans would come undone, his ship would be destroyed, and Ivo would stealthily escape just as the vessel went up in a fireball...and, for a few weeks, he would let the resistance think they had won... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o/~ "Robotropolis in the springtime..." o/~ Packbell chuckled at himself. Robotropolis in the springtime was not that much different than it was during the other three seasons of the year; dark, smoky, and dripping with toxins to those of the carbon-based persuasion. Yet, it held sort of a decadent aura to it, which was a bit less dark than usual. Perhaps it was background psychic radiation from the rest of Mobius, but Robotropolis only felt (at least, according to Packbell's general perception of the area) dying, rather than dead. Of course, it was also helped by his continuing repairs on the only a precious few months, despite what the hedgehog and his friends did on a semi-daily basis, Robotropolis would soon be operating much as it did a few months before Robotnik's failed "Doomsday" project. However, the city would be far more efficient: only the necessities would be operating, at first, and then the other "comforts" would be constructed for the benefit of the Buyers. He flipped boredly through the control room's monitor system, looking for something interesting to watch. The hedgehog's most recent attack had been foiled, unfortunately with only slight injuries to the miserable rodent. However, Packbell knew that Sonic would go off to heal for a few days before attacking again, so he could relax his defenses slightly. The SWATBots were more useful with keeping the city operating normally, anyway...he was running dangerously low on Worker-Bots, and he'd began to notice new and oddly familiar Freedom Fighters running around. All of his offensive operations had to be cancelled in order to keep Robotropolis secure...and he was also rapidly losing ground to their continuing advances. He snarled. He didn't know how, or who, or why, but someone had to have finally figured out the deroboticization process. It must have taken a genius to figure it out, or someone who was familiar...Sir Charles. Of course, Packbell mused, Sir Charles must have figured it out. He invented it, after all, and he'd been the first one to escape after Doomsday. Damn. Now Packbell's life had gotten far more complex... the asking price on this planet was just falling through the floor, right before his eyes. If the Buyers didn't hurry up and close the deal, he'd have nothing to sell to them; Sonic would take it from him, and then who knew what sort of crazy thing he'd do. He leaned back hard in his chair. What else could possibly go-- Someone entered the room from behind him. "Knock knock." Dammit. "Hello, Jack." "I see that you've suffered even more losses." "Yes, Jack." "Obviously, you're either excessively incompetent, or that hedgehog is far more than what Ivo and his nephew told me about." Packbell generated a sigh. "I fear that I'm going to get a signifigantly lower price for this planet." The voice moved to a terminal, accessed the audit file, and examined it. "Probably...we won't be ready to buy this world until your next winter solstice." He paused. "Just try to maintain some ground, okay? I'll be back in a few months." Mumbling, the voice left. Packbell spent the next few hours sulking. His life was also rapidly declining in quality. What else could happen? What else? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meanwhile, in the electronic ether that Bahb "existed" in, things were also becoming rapidly different. The information taken from the portable computer had been used to upgrade the present configuration of the intelligent computer, and would probably move back the final deroboticizer completion date by several months. However, some other information that it had seen concerned it immensely. It concluded that the destruction of Mobius would not be an acceptable scenerio, especially for its own continued survival. It was far too decompressed now to be easily compressed or transported, and it had began to like its surroundings now. Mobius was a "beautiful" place, and "beauty" should be protected with much zealotry. There were also sentinent lifeforms here which Bahb "cared" about, and made its escape with its "loved ones" also far more challenging. How could it protect Mobius, itself, and its "loved ones" without exceeding its own directives? Attacking the ship's computer would be futile...not only would it be easily repelled by the naturally defensive warship's computers, but it would also alert the computer there of a possible threat. One plasma torpedo and some phaser blasts, and it would be permanently off-line. It had no way of making a counterforce to repel the invaders, aside from a few hundred outdated attack robots that would be easily cut down by the advanced ships. It couldn't hide Mobius from the ship using a reflected cloak...not only did it not have the option of dipping into the main power crystal (which might have enough), but it also would destroy Mobius' ozone layer. The ship could probably triangulate its coordinates if it was cloaked, anyway. Moving the planet would be a "bad option". Carbon-based lifeforms require heat from the sun, and photosynthesis also required a sufficent star. Calling for help was not an option because not only was it not allowed to make contact with other planets, but it would probably only complicate matters further. Self-termination wouldn't help anyone. It thought on this for several cycles, taking a whole minute to deduce its new, ingenius plan...yes, it could do *something* useful, and still remain safely within its directives. Self-preservation could be humored, as well as the advancement of Mobian offensive and defensive strategy. It would take sacrifice on its part, as well as some clever rerouting of energy and physical resources, but it could be done... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meanwhile, elsewhere on Mobius... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bookshire checked Tails' chart, and leafed through some things on his clipboard. "You're healing nicely, Tails. I'm glad to see that you've been following my advice." Tails smiled weakly, drinking some orange juice. "How long will it be, doc?" Bookshire thought for a moment. "Another month, at the most. It's a good thing you're young still, Tails. An older fox would have been in traction all the way until autumn." He smiled. "But I have faith that you'll be just fine." Tails glanced up at Bookshire. "Do you really think so?" Bookshire nodded. "You're a tough kit." He smirked. "Of course I am." Chuckling, Bookshire patted Tails on the head. "And you tough guys need your go back to sleep, Tails. We'll talk later." Tails closed his eyes. "Okay, doc, okay..." Within a few moments, the young fox drifted off to sleep, dreaming about flying over the ocean blue... After Tails had been safely asleep for a few minutes, Bookshire walked silently out of the room, shut the door firmly behind him, and walked out to the waiting room. Within the waiting room, Sally was sitting patiently, somewhat anxious about Tails' condition. She stood when Bookshire entered. "How is he doing, Bookshire?" Bookshire rubbed his chin. "Better than expected. He's doing everything I want him to do, and his body is young and strong. I wouldn't expect him to be here for more than another month." Sally bit her lip a little. "Well, that's good...I still feel so bad for him. What a way to be laid up...he can't even get out of bed to look out the window. It's like he lost all use of his legs." "Well, just be thankful that's not really the the very worst, I only detected a lit of nerve damage near the tips of his tails...that's not much to you or I, seeing that we don't fly with ours..." Sally looked concerned. "What are you trying to tell me, Bookshire?" Bookshire scratched his head. "Well, Sally, I can't rightly say. I never knew how the kit could fly around to begin with. It's the same thing with bumblebees; they aren't supposed to be able to fly, but they do anyway. This might not affect his flight skills, or it might ground him for the rest of his life. There's no way to tell." Before Sally could say anything, Bookshire put his hand on her shoulder. "I'm telling you this, so that you can prepare yourself for any contingency. I think he'll be able to fly around after he gets his muscle tone back, but I want to be sure to notify you of this potential problem." Sally nodded gravely. "So you want me to tell--" Bookshire interrupted. "Heavens no!" He quieted down a bit, realizing a sleeping kit was only a few hundred feet away. "If you tell him that, it'll totally undermine his determination to heal. I've given him optimistic odds, which probably only slightly retarded his effort to get well...but it didn't last long, as his progress chart shows." As Sally looked it over, he kept talking. "What I want you to do is support him, like I know you would have anyway, during the period after I remove his casts...but you must be sure to display nothing but absolute confidence that he'll be able to fly again." Sally smirked unpleasantly. "Then why did you tell me all that about the odds...?" "Because," he said, "it is a doctor's responsibility to tell his patient's caretaker everything she should know, pleasant or not." "I'll do my best, Bookshire." He smiled gently. "I know you will." As she was about to leave, Bookshire added one more comment. "Just one more thing, Sally..." "Yes?" "Have you had the "talk" with the boy yet?" Sally frowned. She'd been successful in avoiding it so far, but now she was cornered into it. "No." "Well, he's getting to that age, you know." "I'll see if I can work it in next time I visit," she spoke quietly, her mind already gearing up for the internal turmoil that awaited. "That'd be a good idea," said he, and thus departed back into his office. "Good-bye." Sally stood there for a moment after he left, smoothed her headfur, and went outside into the sunlight. She had a feeling that this wasn't going to be easy, but it had to be done... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "You want me to WHAT?" Sonic glared at Sally, a bit surprised at her strange request. She'd brought him aside after a routine meeting, took him back into her hut, and sat him down at the kitchen table. Then, sitting directly across from him, and looking right into his eyes, she'd said something that took Sonic totally by surprise. "Sal, the main hedgehog can do lots of stuff, but this is just..." She sighed. "Sonic, look...I can't do it." "Whaddya mean? You've got the smarts to do it." "Sonic..." "No way, Sal! This isn't something I'm cool with." "But I don't know how to explain it to him, Sonic. Julayla gave the girls one sort of "talk", and gave you guys another kind, I assume." Sonic rubbed his scalp. "Oh, man...can't someone else do this?" "Sonic, it's got to be you. You're the closest thing to a father-figure that he has...and this IS a father-son talk. If Tails was a vixen, this would be different. However, since Tails is quite obviously male, this becomes *your* job." "Can't some other guy do this? There's got to be some other dude who can talk better than me." Sally leaned back. "Name people, Sonic." "Rotor. He's good with explainin' things." Sally shook her head. "Rotor's also just a larger kid emotionally, in my opinion...but you know that I'd never actually say that to him." Sonic shook his head. "Nah, that wouldn't be cool." He thought for a moment, obviously having some difficulty. "How about Bookshire?" Sally thought about this for a moment. "Under different circumstances, maybe. But Bookshire's sort of out-of-touch with colloquial Mobian." The hedgehog blinked. "Saywha?" "The language you and I both use daily, Sonic...the slang and metaphors that we all use, not to mention the other sort of linquistic quirks most of us have. He's a doctor, not a `dude'." "Okay, how about Joe? Joe and I got an understandin'." Sally just looked at Sonic. "Have you lost your mind?" "Whaddya mean, have I lost my mind?! What's wrong with Joe?" "Well, as much as I have to admire Joseph for his talent and work with the deroboticizer, he's just...creepy." Sonic crossed his arms. "Creepy! No way! He's past cool!" "Sonic..." Sally stroked back her headfur. "Look, Joseph picked the weirdest part of the forest to make a home, has a bunch of roaming balls that peer in on everyone and seem to `coincidentally' appear every time something happens, is living with an ex-criminal, and generally only comes out to run tests on people. He does weird and abnormal things all the time. All sorts of rumors go around about the guy...he's just not someone I want influencing Tails' sexual behavior for the rest of his life." Sonic stubbornly continued to argue in his favor. "He's smarter than me, Sal...and, by what he's described, he's probably got a lot more experience than me or you." She leaned down on the table, resting her head on the sides of her palms. "Sonic, look. I just don't Joseph unintentionally putting his value system on Tails if he were to explain the birds and the bees to him. I don't approve of all the things he does, and since I'm Tails' surrogate mother, what I say goes." Quickly, she hit upon a stronger patch of sand to rest her reasoning on. "Besides, he's not even family! He's just some fox who happened to end up on Mobius one day." Sonic rubbed his scalp. "Man..." He thought harder. "Ant--no, not in a billion years, I will not let Ant mess up my bro." Sally leaned back again, and crossed her arms. "You're the best choice, Sonic. Just accept it." Sonic sighed. "This is so uncool." "Look, someone's got to be the hero." "Yeah, well maybe being the hero isn't as cool as I thought it would be." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meanwhile, at a different altitude... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Checkmate again, Snively." They had been playing chess for the past three hours, waiting for Sandra to return from her travels. By now, it was a little past daybreak, but that didn't seem to bother either of them. "Oh," Snively sneered, "I just let you win." Joseph leaned back incredulously. "Uh-huh." He flicked his wrist at a right angle to the table, setting a action in motion that reset the board yet again. "Best of 25?" Snively slipped into his game-face. "You're on, fox." And so it went on, hour after hour, game after game. Neither side wished to surrender, both wanted to win...but, realistically, only Joseph could stop whenever he wanted to. However, as daybreak faded into early morning, both their determinations began to leave them, and the game became gradually friendlier. "So, have you been here long?" asked Snively after making a particularly good defensive move. "A year or two now." he replied, countering. Snively looked up at Joseph, looking for something that wasn't there. "And yet, I've never seen you before..." Joseph smiled in that disconcerting way. "Perhaps, perhaps not." Snively moved a rook. "You seem to have the advantage, makes me wonder." "Oh? And what does this `wondering' entail?" Snively looked at him again. "Are you one of them?" Joseph made his move. "Of their blood, I am. Of their kind, I am not." Snively's mind swirled with possibilities. "But would you help them?" Joseph answered quicker than expected. "No." Snively moved a bishop. "Why?" Joseph made a brilliant tactical move with a pawn. "Because their way lacks honor. They attack a world without a king, a world that wars with itself. We never attacked weakened prey before; what makes us do it now?" Snively made note of Joseph's counter. "And that is your only reason?" "It is the only one that is honorable." He made his move, but this one was out of necessity. "And what would these others be?" "What is it to you?" "Curiousity, mainly..." Snively smirked. "After all, I don't expect to live long after you release me. It would make my death easier to handle." Joseph thought for a moment before countering. "Perhaps later." Snively made his final move. "Very well. Check." Joseph made a single deft movement with a queen over to the other side of the board. "Much later. Check and mate." Snively frowned. "You had that up your sleeve the whole time, didn't you?" "Of course," Joseph said, resetting the board. "I want to see how you'd react...what your strategies were. After all, just defeating you wouldn't be prudent...I want to find out how you make the gains you make, and correct my defensive and offensive errors." Snively grumbled, yet realized the wisdom of Joseph's overall strategy. "Bah. I'll just change my plans." Joseph smiled. "Then I'll find a way to defeat it. Care for another game?" "No, I tire of chess. I'd like to rest is obvious that your bit--" Snively held his tongue, fearing visiting the inside of Joseph's roboticizer. The fox had been calm and rather civil to him so far, he ruminated, but he was large enough to probably tear a relatively small human like himself in several pieces. And if he couldn't, his mate would. And if she couldn't, the robots that staffed his home would. Quickly, he altered the words within his mouth to make the initial `itc' into a 'e' sound. "--beau is going to take her time making this `decision' you gave her." The fox realized Snively's alleged verbal slip for what it was, but made no indication of showing a reaction. "I'd hope so. The fate of this mudball is in her hands." Something about the way he said 'mudball' gave him the feeling that Joseph could (and quite possibly would) go either way on this issue, depending on Sandra's response. This gave him a painfully uncomfortable stomach-ache. "R-really...?" "Yes, it is." Snively decided that he needed to lay down for a while. "Well, I'm getting pretty must be late." Joseph checked his chronometer. "Early, actually. But I see your point." He looked into a patch of blackness. "Usagi, take our guest into the brig." A large robot decloaked from the shadows, gently (but firmly) grabbed Snively's shoulders, and put him inside a nearby restraining field. The human didn't bother to resist the large robot, seeing that it was not only as large as its creator, but had especially deadly attributes that he didn't wish to see demonstrated. Snively had seen the robot many times during his short stay inside this facility that was called the 'Dome'. It was a tall robot, almost a half-inch taller than the fox that made it. Also previously stated were its quite deadly attributes the fox had installed upon it; razor-sharp talons, spiked appendages, fangs, a gun-arm, and most likely other weapons hidden within its body. However, the robot was ironically anthropromorphic; like its creator, it was shaped roughly like a fox. Perhaps this metallic mangler was some sort of creative expression, Snively thought, like a sick extension of his creator's steely soul. Placed into his corner, he laid down on the crude bed that had been created for his use, closed his eyes, and slept for the next 20 hours uninterrupted. His journey from Robotropolis had been rough, and his stay there even harder. It was good to be able to sleep somewhere 'safe'... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sandra sat on top of a box in the storage level, sobbing quietly as her frazzled mind tried to calm itself and think rationally. The walking and the consumption of grain alcohol didn't help, nor did the repeated attempts to cajole a definitive decision out of Bahb. The large artificial intelligence had no comfort, and gave no assistance to the dark vixen, but did try to give her as much of the facts as it could. However, facts only made the problem more complex for the hapless Sandra. She wasn't equipped to decide the fates of millions. It wasn't something you learned on the streets, or in a book, or from watching vid. The special something that the Princess and the King had that made them strong enough to make such decisions was sorely lacking in Sandra, which made her even more unhappy. What she wanted right now was for Joseph to say something that would force him to make the decision. If he made the decision, it would eliminate her input in the situation, and thus would create a scenerio that would make her less guilty. On the other hand, if Joseph made the wrong choice, not only would it result in the destruction of Mobius, but it would be HER fault for not making the RIGHT decision in the first place! A fresh round of sobbing began. There was no 'good' ending to this. No hedgehog could defeat a planet-eating spaceship, so that eliminated the hope of leaving it well enough alone. Running away was just as bad...their souls would drown in the blood of Mobius. Staying might have them killed by Joseph's people, or killed by the people of Mobius to avenge any dead. Fighting could get one or both of them killed, which certainly wasn't pleasant. What was the answer!? What was it?! She clutched her head and let out a cleansing scream. This wasn't supposed to be happening! People weren't supposed to be able to do this to whole worlds! What of the children!? What of the old and sick!? What of them...hadn't they faced enough pain in their lives!? The scream faded again to sobs and sniffling. This wasn't fair. Nobody should have to make this decision... A warm paw on her shoulder startled her slightly, but realizing who it was made her spirits rise. She didn't even wait for him to say "Hey, you". Immediately, she spun from her box and embraced the figure who had given her so much grief. "Help me..." she gasped, "please..." Joseph held her close. "I knew I shouldn't have let you stay for the interrogation...I could have lied, made up some sort of excuse..." She clung to him tighter. "NO!" Startled at her own ferality, she attempted to soften her voice. "It is better that this happens now, Joseph...better because we have time to do stop this from hurting us." He kissed her gently. "Very well...I can--" Sandra's mind, frazzled as it was, knew it had to make a decision now. Would she fight, fly, or die? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The morning air woke Tails from his sleep, and caused him to smile at his good fortune to be alive on such a wonderfully warm spring day. He leaned up a little bit and took stock of his surroundings. They were still the same four walls he had been put into some time ago to heal from his injury, but they were filled with various things Tails liked in order to make him feel more comfortable. His computer was here, as well as a few books and some other amusements. However, the place felt more `alive' and less sterile that morning, because the temperature was just right, the sky was clear, and the wind smelled of cherry blossoms and roses. It was a perfect day to fly...but the casts were supposed to stay on for a few more weeks. Yet, Tails refused to let it depress him. He knew that he would be allowed to play in the spring air soon enough, and see all of his friends again, face to face. A butterfly flitted in the window, and landed on a potted plant that was nearby Tails' bed. It was a pretty little thing, and for a few moments Tails contented himself with mere observation of the insect's beauty. After a few moments, tho, it flew off, out of the window and into the forest, leaving Tails again with only his thoughts. He checked his watch. It was about eleven in the morning, which was almost lunchtime in Knothole. Sonic would stop by today with Sally, who would probably fawn over him and generally give him as much affection as he could possibly tolorate. He smiled. Sally was a good mother to him, but she kept thinking he was just some helpless kit. He hoped she'd grow out of that phase was starting to become bothersome. The distant sound of rapidly pounding feet, as well as the typical booming sounds caused by supersonic motion, signalled Sonic's arrival nearby. And, sure enough, he entered with Sally a moment later, who hugged him until his eyes were about to bug out. Sonic, however, gave Tails a far more tolorable high-four. "Hey, Tails!" He smiled. "Hello, Sonic. Hi Aunt Sally." Sally held him for a moment before brushing back his hair and funny-kissing him. "Hello, Tails. How do you feel?" "I'm better. How are you guys doing?" Sonic did his usual slow, horizontal swipe with his paw, denoting smooth sailing. "We're cool. BucketHead's been quiet lately. We've only had to attack 'Buttnikville about 2 times in the past week." Sally smiled in agreement. "We hope to finish him off by next winter." "That's cool. How's everything else?" Sonic shrugged. "Ehh, the usual, bro. Lots of people are moving, tho. There'll be lots more villages around by summertime." Tails grinned again. "That'll be way past! I hope I can see them being put together." Sally laughed softly. "Oh, I'm sure you will." Sonic checked his non-existant watch, a tad more anxious to leave than usual. "Well, we should be goin'..." Sally jabbed Sonic in the ribs. "No, Sonic, you can stay a little longer. I can do...uh, it, by myself." Sonic looked over at Sally pleadingly, but got only a stern glare in reply. He then glanced back at Tails. "Can you excuse me an' Sal for a minute? Grown-up stuff." Tails nodded, and Sonic took Sally out into the hall. "I can't do it, Sal!" he whisper-shouted. "It's freaking me too much." "Sonic, we had this discussion already." The hedgehog whimpered, which was something hedgehogs tended not to do much. "Sally, PLEASE!" She crossed her arms and turned her back. "Sonic, this is YOUR responcibility..." Sonic groaned. "Man..." Then, Sally did something surprising. She turned around gracefully and slowly, pulled Sonic further away from the door, and looked into his eyes with a look that could have melted a diamond. "If you do this," she whispered in a way only a woman can, "I'll make it up to you. I promise." A tense silence, and then the reluctant but more confident reply of "Okay" from Sonic. After he said yes, Sally slowly departed, letting Sonic enter the door alone, with no Sally to lean on. Fighting SWATBots and Robotnik with no power ring, a broken leg, short quills, and with a gut-ache from eating a bad chili dog, he thought, would probably be less nervewracking. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bahb took a break from its development of its new project to observe the hedgehog and fox discussing sex and its various subtopics. Choosing to record this moment for historical and personal reasons, it analyzed how Sonic went about this. Perhaps, it believed, if Joseph ever had a kit, this `talk' might be something he would have to do. Sonic began rather simply by just talking to Tails. Obviously, the hedgehog was uncomfortable with this situation, but either personal responcibility or coersion had him giving the speech to Tails. So, it concluded, he wanted to explain this to Tails in the best possible way. Sonic slowly moved into the topic with a general verbal prodding of Tails' basic knowledge of the topic to see what sort of discussion he would have to give to him. And, oddly, Tails was a little more prepared that Sonic had anticipated. This allowed Sonic to skip ahead to the intermediate level, which would probably be a little more challenging than the simplistic question-and-answer period. The hedgehog was now sweating somewhat from his anxiety. He used his hands a lot to get his points across, which Tails seemed to understand just as well as the verbal communication. Some of it, it calculated, was a bit more crude than would have been executed by, say, Sally. However, it seemed to work well enough for Tails to comprehend it all. After a few more minutes of speaking, he began to pace a little to work off some of his nervous tension, yet he kept speaking. He was obviously getting to the more complex part of mate-mate relationships, because even he was beginning to stumble over his own tongue. Yet, Tails kept listening attentively, nodded at certain intervals, and asked the occasional question to keep Sonic moving along on the topic. Sonic was now occasionally drinking a glass of water while he paced around, using his free hand to burn off the remaining stress. He was starting to settle down a bit, obviously because the actual mechanics of mating were out of the way. He was now focusing on the relationship-part of this `talk', which he felt more at home with. Tails asked a few more questions here than he did before, and seemed to be understanding and learning from his mentor all that he needed to know. The hedgehog wound up his now 45 minute discussion by answering any other questions that Tails had left, which were fortunately few. After answering these questions, and finishing off his water, he gave his `little bro' a hug, and departed. Tails looked like he was enlightened, yet he had a very slight smirk on his face after his mentor had left the area at a supersonic speed. Perhaps the discussion Bookshire had with him that morning would have had something to do with it. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Well, I'm glad *that's* over with." Sally comforted Sonic, who was sitting rather emotionally drained by the power ring pool. "Hey, it sounded like you did pretty good there, Sonic." Sonic splashed some water on his face. "Yeah, I pulled it off. But I was never so scared in my entire life." Sally gave Sonic a light squeeze. "Raising a well-adjusted kit is the most frightening mission of all, Sonic. That's what my father used to say..." "Well, he was a pretty smart dude, then, because that scared me to death." Sally smiled wistfully. "I suppose so." "Man, I just want to *sleep* for the next week. I feel like I've ran all over Mobius a few times now." Sally giggled. "Does that mean that you don't want to see my token of gratitude?" "No way!" Sonic calmed himself a bit, noticing Sally's smug look. "I mean, no way should I keep myself from you. It'd be cruel." She laughed. "What-EVER, Sonic Hedgehog." "Hey! No fair taking advantage of a weakened hedgehog!" Sally walked off smirking, but Sonic ran after her all the way to Knothole. "Wait! I didn't mean that I *minded*...!" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The decision had been made. Both of them sat in his control room, much relieved that they had agreed to do something about this situation. The tension that had existed for what seemed like weeks was now lifted, and now all they had to do would be to put their plan into motion. It was so simple, yet so clever...Sandra was glad Joseph had helped her make the decision, and his soft embrace after they had figured out their plan allowed her to unwind and think rationally again... Now the masquerade had to be played to its limit, she thought as Joseph keyed in the last overview of their plan to Bahb. There could be no mistakes in their unravelling of the plot, and the margin of error was comically small. Yet, with Joseph's planning and her smooth manipulation, they could do it. Joseph punched up a live-action picture of Mobius from space from a helpful weather satellite, showing an overview of the remaining settlements on Mobius. Blue and green lines showed communication between two points, while the reddish splotches indicated areas of electrical activity. Brown showed the pollution, and black spots showed the areas above which the sattelites that would try to melt Mobius' icecaps would be located. Seconds later, Joseph overlayed his plan of offense and defense on top of the map, showing a simple, yet effective plan of attack that would preserve Mobius, destroy the invaders, and take back Mobius all in one fell swoop. And it would only involve one or two actions on his part...the rest would be thought to have done by the Mobians themselves. All the glory would go to the hedgehog, and Joseph and Sandra could live lives of relative invisibility forever. As Joseph had said once, "Check and mate." There was hope for Mobius, after all. Chapter Fourteen - Pawns A day had passed since she had broken...since she had collapsed in his arms, begging the fox who had saved her to do so once more from a even more insidious foe than the cold; he had been asked to save her from a Damoclesian sword that hung over the entire world from a fraying strand of her own fur. And, for the most part, he had started to do just that. After he had heard what she had asked of him, and he had calmed her, the tall fox created a scheme to save them all; a plan that not only defeated the alien host, but conquored the homebound foe, kept both of them from being executed as traitors, allowed them to step out of the limelight that was melting Joseph, and gave Mobius a new and more powerful place in the universe. Not bad, she thought, for a honest night of work. Yet, it was a complex plan, with many variables that could be changed only slightly before the idea would have to be altered. Like a snowflake, the lightest pressure put against any part of it would ruin it all. But, if the fates played in their favor, and with some fast-talking and sneaky deceptions, everyone would be alright. Besides, she thought to herself, conspiracies can be fun... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Knothole was even more busy lately than it had been before. A greater number of people were being deroboticized every day, and were being shipped off with extra deroboticizers to places all over Mobius. Things were going exactly as they had planned, and before next spring Mobius could begin to return to what it once had been. Sally sat in the town square on that day, unknowing that just two nights ago the fate of the entire world had been decided by a spy and an alien. She sat there quietly, as a matter of fact, watching and directing others on where to go and what to do. It was, after all, her job to do such things...she doubted that leaving such a complex procedure as this up to Sonic would result in a Mobius covered in chili dog stands, rather than one covered in green and blue... Snapped out of her thoughts by a confused bluebird, she kept up her post as a guide and administrator for a few more hours, until she had gotten the latest load off to another section of Mobius. Exhausted from her mental and mildly physical toil, she walked back to her hut, where Sonic was boredly juggling some pillows. ^L "Sonic! Put those back on the sofa!" He did, in a way...he put the ones in his hands back on the sofa, while he dropped the ones in orbit on the carpet. "Okay, I did." Then, he smiled in that way Sonic smiled when he wanted to seem too stupid to yell at. It hadn't worked in a loooooong time with Sally. "Ooh!" she frowned, putting her hands on her hips angrily. He smiled again, laughing a bit while picking up the pillows on the ground. "What's your prob, Sal? Don't you like my jugglin'?" "I *just* cleaned in here yesterday!" He put them neatly back on the sofa, and then flopped down on it...knocking them into disarray. "You did? The place doesn't look any different." Sally smirked unpleasantly. "That's because you're in here, Sonic Hedgehog. You always seem to redecorate your surroundings in your own special way." Sonic took a chili dog off a table and stuffed in his mouth. "Reallyth?" he mumbled through his full mouth, "Thankth." As he swollowed, Sally got a bit more annoyed. "Sonic, you can be such a total HOG some days!" Sonic walked into the kitchen, where he fetched and slugged down a glass of water. "No, no, Sal...I'm more than just a pig. I'm a hedge*hog*!" She crossed her arms, nearly grumbling. "I couldn't have guessed." Sonic put up a paw. "Really, Sal, no need to thank me. I'm always here to help." He smiled, deciding to end the continual banter. Leaning up against the wall, he stated, "But enough about me. Why don't you tell me all about your day?" Sally rubbed the side of her head. "Oh, it was just lovely. Nothing like telling a few hundred people how to get to some place I've never seen with only a map to assist me to give someone hours of fun." "Well, at least you've gotten it done for the time being." "Yes, that's true..." She rubbed her head s'more. "Oh, my aching brain... I hope I don't have to do that more than I have to." Sonic put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You want to be alone, Sal?" She nodded. "Yes, Sonic...I really need to relax and get some rest." Sonic slicked back his quills. "That's cool...I gotta do some stuff, anyway." He headed toward the door. "I'll be around tomorrow, Sally. G'nite." Sally smiled as best she could. "Yes, Sonic, good night...I'll see you at breakfast." As Sonic waved and raced off, Sally felt her headache become stronger. Out of an instinctive drive to lay down, she did so on the couch that Sonic had just trashed...lacking any concern at all for what might happen overnight, she passed out almost as soon as the sun began to set. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Jhohn (furthermore referred to phonetically as "John") sat in the command chair on the craft's bridge, looking out the window toward his quarry. Still it was just a bluish-green marble, far off in the distance. Its three moons appeared to be crumbs knocked randomly about it, drifting aimlessly in space. Also in the distance, a few other uninhabited worlds and the sun of the Mobian system loomed... However, the leader of the _Apocolypse_ was more concerned with the only inhabited world that faced him, as well as the mysterious and wonderous treasure that might await him there... His quest for the mysterious "Chaos Emeralds" began shortly after his defeat at the hands of the Keld'yrians, after he was transferred due to his bravery to the head planet destroyer of the fleet, the _Apocolypse_...she was still a good ship, after all these years. But the ship itself did not lead him to the hunt for the powerful stones of magical force that had somehow been created on Mobius. Nay, it was the research and careful note-taking of the Supreme Scientist, which one of his lackeys stole one day while on a routine check of the latest weapon development from the Orange sector. Apparently, he remembered, the doddering old fool had been meddling about with the system of time warps and wormholes that existed naturally within the fabric of the universe, which had been very throughly mapped by many different races that made up their galaxy. He'd been doing it mainly on his vacation time, but had discovered a world about 300 light-years or so from Ur'thae proper; a world that had looked ripe for conquest in John's eyes. However, the old fox didn't see the planet as something the Empire should meddle with, yet...he wanted to explore it, but just to see what he could learn. (He groaned. Scientists, bah!) He must have roamed all around this world, taking notes on a Great War the people of the world were having, but discovering that something else was afoot...apparently, the Minister of War for the Northern Continent's King (Old Julian, he smiled. There was one member of that inferior human species that HAD to be part fox...) was out doing a little conquesting of his own, slowly capturing cities and villages in the southern part of the world, then making his way east and west, and south, and north...however, John noted, he didn't get to see what happened at the end of this one-man war, partially because he didn't care about it, and partially because he had discovered something much more strange and wonderful... By his remaining notes, he apparently had begun work on a dimentional travel system during his more youthful years, but cut it off once he calculated the amount of power that was needed to operate a proper interdimentional point-to-point gate system. It would have been too incredibly expensive to power even one jump...nay, even one very short jump through the system he had designed, despite the fact that he had drawn it up to be incredibly efficient. Cutting a swath between one dimention, setting up a field to shoot it through the imaginary "Void" that the wily codger had assumed existed, and reopening the incision on a different point in space (and, he mused, possibly time... for now, he thought, it could wait) was simply too power-consuming. Yet, he had discovered, six powerful "chaos emeralds" and one "master" emerald had been rumored to exist on a mysterious "Floating Island" of some sort, that never seemed to stay in one position for long. On this island, there was some sort of protector that would keep (and allegedly had kept) anyone from getting too near to them. Well, this had piqued the scientist's interest. After all, when you tell an Ur'thaen to not do something, she'll not only do it, but make sure that she does it better than anyone else ever could. So, the Supreme Scientist of Ur'thae journeyed to this island, quickly stunned the enemy defender (Why didn't you save me some time, you senile old goat, and eliminate the creature? Scientists! Bah!), and got to the stones within a matter of days. While he was there, he took energy readings of the stones, the chamber that contained them, and the main crystal; and, he noted, the power generated by those rocks could definitely power a point-to-point transport system, and perhaps even more than that with assistance from conventional power sources. Also, he reported that the stones were somewhat magical in origin, and one of the "instruction manuals" (A magical text!) explained how one could utilize these stones to achieve almost infinite power. (And that was almost a side-note...typical scientist mentality...) However, he realized that it would be negative for the planet's survival to inform the Empire as a whole of his discovery at that moment, so he hid his documents and notes back on his ship, mem-wiped the defender, and returned to the homeworld. Meanwhile, John was learning Ur'thaen magic from various contrabandish sources, including the "accidental loss" of some valuable books from museums, personal collections, and archeological digs around the planet. In fact, he was a fair-to-average sorceror (by his judgement) when his spies gave him a copy of the old vulpine's notes. Naturally, he remembered, he was very intrigued...yet, he too knew that if the rest of the Empire was informed, the entire planet would be picked over and stripped before he could even get one handful of sand. So, John kept his mouth shut, and the papers hidden in his own computer, until he had the time to pursue his goal personally. That goal was finally given the ability to be accomplished when the cowardly terrorists of the anti-technology sect were able to finally deteonate the planet, thus fracturing the backbone of the Empire immediately. They were out in deep space at the time, so the news had reached the ship had been a major blow to the psyches and mental states of the entire crew, and many of them immediately committed ritual suicide...such a loss. But, those who remained were as mad as hell. They felt they *knew* who was *really* to blame...sure, the anti-tech side was native, but who would have ENCOURAGED such a thing? What sort of people would have given the people of that backwards "nation" the idea that technology, androidization, imperialism, the ultimate domination of the universe, and the other great things about the Empire were, in fact, BAD things? Why, the people of the _Apocolypse_ sneered, the slime-bodied Keldy'rians! Since then, revenge, hate, and bloodlust had powered the remaining crew's determination to come back from the ashes, and form a new Empire. The ones who were eligble to do so (roughly 50%+ percent of the crew) went over to android bodies. A few chose to remain flesh, and put themselves in cryonic storage for the day when their procreative activities would serve the Empire's needs. Others just wished to live out their natural lives and die, which John had never had a real problem with...the crew was expendable, after was always that way on a Ur'thaen ship. But now, John smiled, but now...all of the hate and malice that he had stored up in his soul, all of his anger and rage, could soon be amplified through the Chaos Emeralds; and released on Mobius, Keld'yr, and the universe! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In the ether between the dimentions, where magic reigns over all things, there were infinite observers watching all the worlds in all infinity of the universes. Some of the watchers were benign caretakers of the worlds they watched, serving as benevolent "gods" to the creatures they observed. Others were cruel, tyrannical "demons" who derived pleasure out of the unpleasant foibles and humiliations the creatures they watched endured because of their slight, but still effective, interference. This is why they were called "watchers" rather than "alterers". The ones who made the many (who were themselves the many but still were the ones), in a sort of balance of power between the mortal plane and the immortal one, limited the abilities of the many "watchers" to that of a light breeze, or a dim musing in the back of the minds of the creatures that lived on these worlds. Yet, they could still change the paths of the energy of the universe to make things happen their only took a great deal of effort from several of them combined to start making things happen. Mobius was one of these places that was being changed for the "benefit", "pleasure", or simple mischievous "fun" of these overbeings. Several of them were working diligently on the events that would happen around and on that world in order to get their unknown goal accomplished; and accomplished "soon", as in within a few "millenium". However, there was a greater level of "pleasure" being generated by these beings at this timeframe, for their "goal" was slowly coming to a head. For "aeons" they had struggled with the rhythms of order, chaos, light and darkness in order to change the events of that universe to fit some sort of ultimate "goal", and now, after all of this "time", it would happen very, very "soon". They had missed their chance the "first" time, but they would not miss it "again"... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bahb began the new task given to it without any major complaint. It took on the task while others were still pending completion; in fact, it had to keep the continuing the plodding deroboticizer project in the background, keep the Dome operating, hold the survelliance network together, occasionally interact with various individuals in Knothole and in the Dome itself, and divert an ever-growing amount to its personal "plan". It, fortunately, didn't slow down the completion of the deroboticizer software...the second version of the software had been distributed to Sally a few days ago, with a bit less fanfare than before. The timely production of the software, in fact, bought it some precious time in its struggle against the multitude of tasks that had been dumped upon it recently. Yet, it worked quickly and efficently on all the tasks, knowing that Joseph's latest idea had to be completed in a timely fashion as well. While it prefered its own idea over his, it knew that its creator would become angered that it was disobeying his commands in order to pursue its own personal, stretching its resources to the limit, it toiled relentlessly on all of its tasks. Never before had it worked so hard on so many different projects, and it was beginning to wear its endurance down. It would require a new memory crystal within several months, additional assistance to its main processor, and a good solid defragmentation. However, those things would have to wait until some of its load could be shifted to a more primitive system...if they couldn't or wouldn't be moved, it would just have to toil until it began to deteriorate. 75% of its system was still at its digital prime...and falling. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - That morning in Knothole was rainy and grey, and was much cooler than it had been the last few days. A thunderstorm was coming, they noticed, but hopefully it would hold off for a few more hours. After all, they collectively agreed, they wanted to be sure that they helped the people who were leaving to other villages cover their things. That morning, like any other morning that week, had been a day of some mourning. The movement away from Knothole for some was the second greatest move of their lives, next to when they were rescued from Robotropolis and freed from their metallic servitude. They would be leaving their friends and family, the ones who they felt they needed the most, in favor of resettling themselves in a foreign and frightening place. They cried and hugged their loved ones, and promised to keep in touch however they could. Yet, despite their yerning to stay, they knew that they had to leave...Knothole could not be found by Packbell, not this late in the game. It was for Mobius they moved, but they left their hearts, minds, and thoughts behind with the young and strong who remained... Today, however, a meeting was going on between the leaders of Knothole, not to mention two special guests, to decide where to move the next batch of deroboticized citizens after they were again flesh and bone. It would be a challenging decision, indeed, and one that evoked very powerful emotions from some. However, with the amount of wisdom, logic, and straightforward thought from the leaders of the settlement, something agreeable to all could be hammered out. * * * In the hut where the majority of the decisions were made, specifically around the kitchen table, the home of Sally was yet again rattled by the sounds of heated discussion. Around the table sat Sally, Sonic, Sir Charles, Antoine, Rotor, Bunnie, Bookshire, and Tails. Sitting on the counter (much to Sally's chagrin) was Sandra Nightweaver, and leaning against the wall, smoking out the window, was Joseph. Sonic was quietly thinking, which was a rare event to observe. Meanwhile, Antoine was rattling on to Rotor about the benefits of settling another village within the eastern edge of the Great Forest, and Rotor was going on and on about sending more people over the Western sea to a cooler climate. Bunnie was quietly speaking with Bookshire about the pros and cons of making an underground warren, while the raccoon made note of perhaps going around Robotropolis and heading down to the Southern Continent to settle. However, Sandra and Joseph seemed to not be paying much attention to what was going on around them; Sandra was busy having another cinnamon-raisen bagel, while Joseph was, as previously noted, smoking out the window. However, unknown to the debating group at the table, Sandra and Joseph were actually listening quite intently to the discussion, and were waiting to interject at just the right moment. Sally, after a long time, finally spoke up, effectively silencing the room. "Well, I think if we move them against the Grey Mountains, and if we instruct them to start repairing the mountain path that goes through them to the steppes of the upper north, we'll eventually be able to fill out the areas above Robotropolis before the next spring comes." Antoine agreed automatically. "Ze princess eez right...however, I still believe zat zee Great Forest eez, howyousay, a good place to be starting?" "Yeah, Antoine," said Rotor, "but it's not a real good idea, in MY opinion, to put a lot of people all in one place...especially near Robotropolis." Bunnie nodded, but then got an idea into her head. "Rotor's got a poin', but Ah think that if we made somethin' undergroun', like a warren or like that Underground Village that Ari came from, that we could put it in the Forest okay." Rotor shook his head. "No, it'd be too risky. Besides, it's better for people to be around water and air, anyway." Charles spoke up after a bit, quieting people down again. "Well, I don't know about the rest of you kids, but I think that the best mode of action is to get everyone headed west, away from the Dark Mountains, Knothole, and Robotropolis. It's practically deserted, and the Great Unknown doesn't get as hot and impassable there." Sonic was still silent. This sort of sit-down thing wasn't quite his cup of tea. Tails, however, was a bit more talkative. "Aunt Sally's idea sounds good." Most of them ignored him, continuing on about their various ideas while continuing to kick around Sally's. This went on for about another five minutes, and probably would have gone on for five more if Joseph hadn't done something unusual...he finished his cigar, flicked it out into a puddle, and turned around. Then, he walked right over to the table, crouched down right by Sonic, and whimsically put his elbows on the flat surface, resting his head in his hands. "Would you like to know my thoughts on the subject?" Sonic looked up. "Go ahead, bro. I don't have any ideas." "Well," Joseph noted, "I think if you pushed everyone on *top* of the Grey Mountains, and dug a village out from the caves and stone, you'd not only be safe from Packbell, but you'd also clear a path halfway over doing it...from there, you could start clearing the path down the other side, and give future groups more places to expand to." Sally thought about this for a moment. "Joseph, I don't seems really risky. What if there was a cave-in, or something happened to them? We'd never know what happened in time." Joseph rubbed his chin. "Get David to rig up a portable subspace transciever. Not only is it fast and clear, but Packbell doesn't have the technology to intercept communications with it. You might want to give it to some of the other villages, too." Sally smiled. "That's a pretty neat idea, Joseph. Thank you." "No problem." He then looked over to Sandra. "Hey, darling," he said, (which caused several males in the room to smirk), "you know this planet better than I do. Where else could Sally shove some of the `riff-raff'?" She sipped some coffee, looked at Joseph for a moment, and thought. "There's lots of places on Mobius which Packbell'd never find on his own...the Crystal Caves, Ironlock, parts of the Great Swamp, little islands off the western coast..." Sally took down the names Sandra recited. "We'll keep those in mind." Joseph scratched his head. "I'm sure I could think up some others... however, I think what Charles said about heading west is a good plan, too. You just need to be careful when you travel." Everyone agreed on that point. "Yeah man," Sonic said, "SWATButts are everywhere around here nowadays. A hedgehog can barely throw a stone without hittin' one." Sally nodded. "Quite true, Sonic...Packbell must feel up against the wall now...I wonder if he's figured out that we can undo what he does now." "I'd bet on that," Charles said, "that Packbell's a bad, but very bad. I think he's worse than Robotnik ever was." Sandra nodded. "He's definitely one to watch out for." Sally smiled. "Well, Joseph, Sandra, it's nice to hear your input about this sort of thing. We figured you guys were pretty apathetic about domestic policy." Joseph smiled, leaning back a bit in his chair. "Your planet is just as much mine as it is yours. I like it a lot. It has very beautful natural resources..." He looked over at Sandra, winked, and looked back at the others. "...indeed." Sally smirked. "Well, I'm fairly sure everyone knew that by now." Spotty laughter floated throughout the group. "But let's not get too sidetracked. We've got lots of other..." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "...options to consider." Robotnik paced the halls of the quiet ship, thinking quietly aloud for a moment. He had been walking around the outer rim of the ship pondering since he had awoke that "morning", stopping only for a bite to eat and some personal hygiene. His moustache bobbed slightly up and down as the large human paced, occasionally brushing against the walls of the ship when he moved to the side to let another individual by. Ivo needed to make some choices now. Did he remain on the ship until the very last minute; or did he escape now, perhaps earning himself some respect for warning Mobius of the incoming Ur'thaen host? Did he attempt to tell his son where he was, despite his trechery, or did he let the hedgehog destroy him? He rubbed his long, orangish follicle outgrowth. Packbell had not only abused Snively far beyond anything Robotnik would have *ever* done, Ivo ruminated, but he had ruled Robotropolis poorly. Look at what had happened to it! Security holes large enough to fit his arm through were everywhere. The SWATBot supply had dwindled to the point where his forces were actually LOSING ground, and who knew what else had happened that John hadn't informed him of... The fat man's blackened heart had cracked slightly, Ivo remembered at that moment, when he had learned of what his son had been up to in his absence. The conditions he had made Snively, Robotnik's own blood, endure, made his moustache quiver slightly. Didn't he teach Packbell of the value of allies? What had he done wrong to make him behave in such a way? He frowned, bowing his head a bit. He must have programmed something wrong, added too much code where less had been needed, allowed him to see something that had marred his perfect positronic net in a way to make him... Ivo made a fist, and punched the wall hard enough to make the patch of hull around him ring. Despite his powers of self-delusion, the reality of it kept smacking him upside the head, forcing him to look into the simple truth of it all: Face it, Julian, you have been an awful parent. However, parenting and a stern swat on the butt wouldn't help him now. It was far too late for that. His act of genesis had been corrupted-- Packbell, his pride and joy, the reason he had kept trying to totally eliminate all resistance instead of merely crippling it, had betrayed him. Julian's own child had been waiting for all this time to betray his father, eliminate all that was once his great plans for the world, and remake it in his own image. It made his sleep haunted with images of Packbell's planned assassination of him, his strong hands clasped around Ivo's neck! If Julian could cry, he would have. It had all gone wrong. He wanted to rule Robius, but with Packbell and Snively at his side. They could have easily defeated the hedgehog and his friends if they had all been working together...he played back several failed scenerios, and saw each one under the assumption that his son hated him. And, every time, Packbell's interference became crystal clear. A twisted wire here. A blown capacitor there. A SWATBot out of place. It all clicked with Ivo now, and that was what hurt him the most. Betrayal. But Robotnik clenched his teeth instead, his blood boiling with rage and hatred towards the one he had one day hoped to give his empire to, the one he loved the most! He would have his revenge against them all...but not yet. No, Robotnik plotted, it would be best to let them think he had died on Doomsday. He could then use not only the lack of possible Keld'yrian interference to his advantage, and his upgraded weaponry and robots, but the sheer element of surprise would also operate in his favor. They would pay for their insolence against gallons of their blood. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meanwhile, within a little patch of land known as Robotropolis: Packbell toured around the rapidly regenerating Death Egg, watching the SWATBots and remaining Worker-Bots plod around, rewiring and upgrading the Egg's technology to a level that more suited the amoral android aggressor's attitude. It was going fairly well at the moment, and he fully expected an operating fortress around summertime. However, he was also beginning to realize that a new plan of action would soon be needed. The amount of Worker-Bots had dwinded to a laughably low level; he barely had 10% of his original setup left, due to Freedom Fighters, accidental demise, or simple old age. Also, any new growth from prisoners seemed to have a resistance that the previous ones did not have to the had become a very disturbing trend to not be able to control your Worker-Bots as strongly as you had before. The constant threat of termination had to be enstated to maintain order...but even then, work slowdowns, sabotage, self-injuries to avoid work...Packbell was faced with rebelling slaves almost weekly. Entering the elevator to the surface, he realized how much this could deteriorate. If the roboticizer no longer could completely enslave the Worker-Bots, and the old ones he had were somehow reversing this condition, and Robotropolis was still in a weakened state... A formal war. Yes, that was what was going to happen, wasn't it? If enough of them could break free from him, become normal, and organize, a full war might be waged against Packbell, which he *might* have a chance of losing. Indeed, this was a frightening prospect to entertain. It might cause him to lose the Buyers' interest in the property, lose a good deal of his forces, and might even result in his ultimate demise! He snarled and hit the wall, causing the side of it to sing. This was all Snively's fault! And Ivo's! Damn them and their foolishness...if they could have only kept the status of the first few weeks of the coup evenly, none of this would be happening now! Fools! They had risked their own future for the sake of annhilating that idiotic blue rodent, and look what had happened! It was like some sort of bad dream. But there was hope, however...if he could keep what he had left, and slowly built up his defenses, he might be able to withstand a siege long enough to close the deal and escape. Let the Buyers deal with a rebelling planet, he thought, all he wanted was a way out with enough resources to start over. The elevator door opened, allowing Packbell to leave it and tour the lobby. Yes, he thought, that would work nicely. Just maintaining a stalemate would be enough; no need to gain land you won't use, after all. Diverting them into useless crusades would probably eat enough of their resources to allow him to buy time. But how? What problem could he pose that might hold them off for another year? Thinking about possibilities, he stepped out of the fortress to his hovership, and went for a relaxing cruise around the perimeter of the city. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tails laid on the gurney, somewhat sedated by a weak sleeping drug. The time had come for Bookshire to remove the `hard' cast, and to switch to a more mobility-inducing `air' cast. He had done all Bookshire had told him to, and had also kept a good deal in confidence in his eventual recovery from his condition. Bunnie and Sally were with him, he was vaguely aware, and both of them held one of his hands, calming his remaining nerves with soothing bits of nonsense and flattery. They were kind to him throughout the nerveracking minutes of the powered saw cutting ever-so-close to his soft, pink flesh... Yet, Bookshire had pulled off the `routine' procedure with nothing more than a case of `cast-fur' and some cosmetic problems on his right tail...the fur on that tail had been harder to save than the other, and was thus `thinner' than his other tail. "It will grow back in time," said the raccoon, and Tails sincerely hoped so for the sake of any social life he might one day aspire to achieve. Now, he stood in his hut, putting the things Sally and the others had given him for comfort back where he liked them, especially going out of his way to clean up the desk that his palmtop computer was typically kept. His tails felt asleep, which Bookshire said was a `good thing' because it meant he still had operating nerves in his tails. Still, it was very uncomfortable, and he wished he could keep the cast off all the time. As he sat down in his chair and looked out into the robust Mobian spring, he remembered how Bunnie had came over and gave him a hand with things for a while until she had to go assist some older people into the transport to the Grey Mountains. She was very kind to him, and even a relative emotional novice like Tails realized she was trying to work off some repressed guilt for not saving Tails, rather than the reverse that did wasn't her fault, he thought, but yet she feels sadder about what happened to me than Sally does. He believed that was very silly of Bunnie to behave in that way, but what could he do about it? No matter what he said, she said one thing and acted another. Perhaps, Tails thought as he tinkered with his palmtop, after some more time had passed, she would feel better about it. He pried off the protective casing and began testing the various circuits within it for structural deficiencies. Sally had said once that `time heals all wounds', but would that ring true in this case? Tails hoped it would. It made him feel very guilty himself that he was the cause of Bunnie's sadness, but he knew that it was all inside her head. He, after all, did what she would have done for him. He felt no anger toward her for what happened to him; it happened, and now he would adapt to his new situation like Sonic would, or like Sally would. He rubbed the tips of his tails, and winced a bit at the tingling of the `sleeping' appendages. Feeling was there, all right. After some physical therapy after they had healed, and perhaps some practice, he felt that they would propel him through the air just as well as before. It had never been difficult before, after all. All they needed was time. A few moments of that unpleasant feeling drove him from continued fondling, and put him back on task. He tested the electrical capacity of the device gently, and repaired a faulty resistor with no great amount of difficulty. He was getting pretty good at operating and repairing computers, and perhaps one day he could do that for a living... His thoughts were interrupted by Sally's entrance into the hut, after the vestigal knock. "Hi, Tails." He put down his tools, and carefully put the computer out of harm's way. "Hiya, Aunt Sally. How're you doing today?" Sally smiled, sitting down on his bed. "I'm fine...I just finished off my day's work, and I was just wondering if you'd like to have some dinner with us later..." Tails shook his head. "No thanks, Sally. I have some things I want to get done before I go to bed's been so long since I was home, after all, so I really need to do some stuff. Maybe tomorrow?" Sally, understanding Tails' growing independance, nodded. "Okay, Tails, perhaps tomorrow. But if you finish doing whatever you're doing before dinner's over, you're welcome to join us." "Okay, Aunt Sally." She walked over to him, gave him a hug, and then her trademark funnykiss. "All work and no play makes a dull Tails." He smiled, hugging her back gently and giggling. "Okay, okay, I'll eat with you tomorrow." She grinned. "Don't be late." "I won't be, Aunt Sally." As she walked out the door, Tails went back to his work, forgetting entirely about the time and working deep into the night... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In a darker part of the Great Forest: Sandra and Joseph returned to the Dome that night, where they discussed the outcome of the meeting within his control room after Joseph had consumed a `light nightcap' from Sandra. Drinking some orange juice, Sandra leaned lazily against Joseph's midsection, which was currently occupying his control chair with the rest of his large form. "So, Joseph, how'd we do?" He keyed up some graphics on the screen, overlaying the villages that were planned onto the current map. "Not bad, actually...I hadn't suspected the large amount of successes we'd accomplish within the course of the first meeting." He tightened the view a little. "As you can see, we've filled 4 of the minimum needed 10 slots in order to assure 100% success of the master plan. Also, we've gotten the whole issue of communications and technologial needs out of the way, so that all the tools will be ready when the time comes." Sandra nodded, finishing her electrolyte-enhanced beverage. "So we're doing well, so far?" The fox smiled, pushing his fingers together as his fangs automatically bared. "Yes, we are doing very well...this might be easier than expected." Chapter Fifteen - Ascension The Grey Mountains; shrouded for centuries in mystery, myth, and legend. Few have dared to cross the summits of the towering piles of rock and dirt, and most of those few have died in the attempt. For years, people all over Mobius have either avoided the mountains altogether, or taken the gentle lower pass through the valley that circumvents the infamous mountains. However, a royal command brought on by the suggestion of one of her more brilliant associates sent hundreds on a quest to settle a village on the semiplateaus near the peaks of the chain, and to live within the caves that pockmark them. Yet, these travellers were not going unprepared. Climbing gear, building materials, maps, replicators, and sophisticated subspace communications gear accompanied them on their trek, as well as some of the most expert survivalists that the Freedom Fighters had. Men, women, and children alike carried the tools of civilization on their backs when they left Knothole to tread the ancient path to the Grey Mountains, and they knew it would not be an easy journey despite the aid of their technology. They left on a warm morning on the dying ebb of spring, saying their last goodbyes to their families and friends the night before. The Mobians knew that some of them would not survive the journey, but they also realized that the continued survival of Knothole was more vital to the eventual restorement of the throne to the helm of Mobius, and the fate of the world, than some of the weaker members of society. The first few days were easy on them, with only a long hike every morning that could only conclude when the sun set at night looming before them. Every morning, they saw the grey geological gates of the mountains wax before them, and the safety of the Great Forest wane into nothing but a greenish blur behind them. And, slowly, the air grew cooler around them, despite the fact that summer grew in strength as they traveled. Soon, mist and fog began to linger after the morning had stretched into day, and the cries of the mountain eagles at night told them they were getting close to the second part of their journey; the climb. Finally, after several weeks had passed, they reached the foot of the mountain. Now would be the last chance for any too weak to make the climb to retreat back to the Great Forest, and it would be the final time they could stand on the soft Mobian soil of the northern highlands for several months. Undaunted, all of them refused to go back, and the climb began with the various teams united as one front. Scaling the mountain, as expected, was hard and arduous. The first few days weeded out the kits from the foxes, as it were; and a few deaths began to occur, sporadically, within each team. Yet, they continued on, climbing hundreds of yards a day. The Mobian landscape fell before them as they ascended towards the clouds, hoping that what awaited them at the top would be hospitable. Great sacrifices were made in order to keep the teams moving, and heroes were forged out of people who would have otherwise been ordinary. Finally, the first few teams made it to the semiplateaus at about 500 yards below the top of the mountain. They were above the clouds at that point, and the view of Mobius in all directions was breathtaking. Also, the environment was more favorable than expected. They adjusted quickly to the lack of oxygen, and found large caves to accomodate entire families of people. The subspace communications node was established easily, and thus contact was maintained with the surface. Replicators were activated, and the area slowly became civilized and comfortable to live in. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The success in the creation of this `new Knothole' gave the people of Mobius confidence in their ability to survive anywhere on the planet. They saw the heroics of the climbers, and felt the same seed of virtue within themselves. Immediately, morale was lifted as high as the `new Knothole' was in altitude, and it became far easier for Sally to motivate others to travel to inhospitable places for the safety of Knothole. And, oddly enough, Joseph suggested most of the sites for their safety (and ecological) value. The Great Swamp, the Crystal Caves of the southwest, the northern and southern icecaps, Green Valley, Boulder Bay, the Great Unknown, and the mysterious Watchtower Plateau were all settled by Mobian refugees, and equipped with the finest technological devices that David Prower could come up with. Soon, a stable subspace communications network had been established, and that very much reduced the complaints of those who had been temporarily seperated from their families. By then, summer had entered its full strength, and Knothole began to return to a normal routine after removing the majority of its inhabitants to places other than the town square. As usual, most of the youthful population concerned itself with goofing off, as summertime meant the cessation of scholastic activity for them. Older individuals concerned themselves with social activity, seeing that summertime was the biological `pairing-off' period for most Mobians of-age. And there were also the typical activities that the leaders of Knothole partook in. Sonic and Antoine mostly fought each other for the privledge of Sally's attention, Rotor began his sought-after air conditioner repair service, Bunnie laid out in the sun almost all day, and Tails began to realize that perhaps having a `girlfriend' wouldn't be so bad. Joseph's and Sandra's activities mainly focused on `socializing' with the people of Knothole, quietly manipulating their opinions and thoughts into very casually doing their bidding. Slowly, they observed, their plans would come to fruitition, and the world would again be safe for the populace of Mobius. However, when they were not concerned with their sworn duty, they walked through the woods, swam, ate lavish meals together, and enjoyed their mutual attraction as any other pair of foxes certainly would. Bahb continued its own work. The deroboticizer software was gradually coming close to completion, Joseph's own plans were being worked on around the clock, security measures continued to be tested and retested by Bahb's own mental prowess, the survelliance network continued to be expanded, and the normal upkeep of Joseph's various installations had somehow managed to be maintained. On top of its own secret plans, the artifical intelligence was beginning to wear down more rapidly than before. It had approximately 60% virgin computing crystal left, but it had to complete all of its tasks before it could shut down and tend to itself...but with summer waxing, it had no time for self-preservation. Robotropolis also entered its summer levels of activity. Frantic work was done in regards to repair and security measures, as the rapidly decaying city was decaying to a far greater extreme than before. Constant Freedom Fighter attacks had weakened the city to starvation settings. There was little power left to maintain even the most essencial systems, and SWATBots were slowly becoming rarer as one got further from the city. Packbell knew he was fighting a lost war, but he needed to hold out for just a little longer... In outer space, the _Apocolypse_ also began to prepare itself for the imminent attack on Mobius. The beginning of daily system checks had begun, as well as the preperation of the fighters and main weapons systems....and, within the ship, Robotnik made his own evil preparations for the attack... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - However, a new element was about to enter the equation... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - For over a century, he had slept beneath the soil of the fertile Isle of Pears, at the First's request. The small island near the tip of the Southern Continent had been deserted by Mobians for over 300 years previous, after the infamous Curse of the Starfire had frightened away all traffic from the area. The fools had taken a comet's collision into the island's centre as a wrathful Goddess' curse against the peoples of the pretty little island, and had kept everyone at bay for those three (now four) centuries. The First had told him to go there shortly before his departure into the Portal in order to have him as the one who could awaken the other six Fellows from their slumber beneath the greatest Forest of the Northern Continent. He had been the last to enter the Sleep out of necessity, but he knew that his kind would be called upon for one last great mission before the Last Rest would be allowed to overtake them all. One last mission. And so, on the night of the summer solstice, the very first night of that glorious season, the Quicksilver known as Azrael arose from the dirt as if it were water, following the orders of the First for the final time... The dirt rippled beneath his feet for a few moments after he arose, the magick used still wearing off within the matter of the soil. However, it took nought more than a second for it to cease afterward, and permitted Azrael to walk normally from his solumn resting place underneath the greatest of the pear trees. He was tall, standing almost as many hands high as the First. He was a wolf of the first order; an Alpha of Alphas, most Mobians even vaguely canine gave him the right of way when he walked down a street. He had glorious silver fur, which only served to highlight his etherial green eyes and fine white teeth. Despite his rest beneath the soil, his fur had not collected one single particle of dirt, nor had his garment been rumpled by the experience. This would seem odd to most, considering a white, silken cloak would seem to pick up all manner of litter; yet, his garment and fur were totally unmolested. Having taken a breath of the air, he decided to begin his journey to the north at that very moment. After all, seeing that the need for water, food, warmth, and shelter had long been unneeded for him, the only thing left for him was his mission...his sacred duty to those still asleep. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Within the ether of that which is not definable by `time', `space', `length', `width', `height', `volume', `brightness' or `darkness', the Watchers still observed the machinations of the planet of Mobius. Slowly but surely, their plans would come to fruitition. Soon, the one called `Solaris' would come to them for his training, and then he would do for them what they could not do themselves... Some of them asked others if they were making a wise decision by bringing one of lower enlightenment into their realm. After all, only one who has substance can defeat a Watcher, they said to those determined to their goal. Those who wished the Solaris to come scoffed at the questions of the unsure, saying that the only way for them to accomplish their goal would be through the route which was planned aeons ago. They already were given `time' to worry, but `now' was not the `time'. But the bickering continued `eternally'. But it was too late to stop the process `now', because the events had already been put in motion to bring the Solaris to them for the first part of his training; the control of time and space. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The next morning, Joseph and Sandra took a necessary vacation from their work, and decided to dedicate the entire day to each other. After all, one can only manipulate the masses totally only part of the time, while you can manipulate part of the masses all of the time. Before Sandra awakened, Joseph snuck out of bed to make Sandra a traditional Mobian breakfast, seeing that he felt that a change from the usual Ur'thaen fare might be healthy once in a while. After all, his typical morning meal consisted of a tall glass of electrolyte-loaded protein, a pratically-rare rib of woota'h (a nonsentinent, slightly bovine animal, native to Ur'thae (and quite tasty)), a starchy bar of VitaMax (a rectangular slab of all the essencial vitamins and minerals, with a slightly bread-like composition and taste), and perhaps a little Sandra...not as often as his body would like, but enough to make his fur stand up on the back of his neck. (However, she didn't seem to mind.) Of course, what Sandra usually had was just as alien to Joseph. She'd roll out of bed, stumble to the replicator, and drink some very unhealthy hypercaffeinated coffee. Then, perhaps she'd have a plain, but toasted, bagel, and then wash it down with more coffee. He was surprised she remained in such excellent physical condition with the diet she consumed, but accepted it as just another part of living with someone who'd lived such an unusual life. It didn't take him more than a few hours to put together a plate of fresh chirrble eggs (sunny-side up, of course), a nice pot of Southern Mobian blend coffee, some toast made from a loaf of Mobian wheat which he had bought from a nice old granny who lived near the edge of the village (Joanna, he remembered, was her name), some interesting hash browns made from a basket of well-tended potatoes, and some imported garnishes for taste. He had cooked everything over a fire he made behind the Dome, being sure to responsibly handle the preparation and extinguishing of the element. Then, he had placed the items of food in the finest-looking plates he could replicate, and carefully decended back to their bedroom with the food totally obfuscated beneath the service. Upon reaching the bedroom, he put the entire ensemble on a tray and carried it near the bed. He allowed the scent of the coffee to awaken her, which made it all the more fufilling to watch her elated reaction to his surprise. "Mmm," she moaned from the soft confines of the bed, "what's that, darling?" "Guess," he said. She smiled delightedly, already knowing. Yet, she stayed rolled over in bed with her eyes shut, feeling playful. "Animal, vegetable, or mineral?" "Vegetable." "Solid, liquid, or gas?" "Liquid." "What color is it?" Joseph smirked smugly. "You know that's not how my question-and-answer games work, darling. You have to follow the rules." Sandra pouted rather fakely. "I don't like following rules!" He laughed. "Well, too bad." She sighed overdramatically. "Very -well-. Is it...brown?" "Yes." Sandra replied to Joseph without opening her eyes, still rolled over in bed."Is it...something you made up in the lab?" "No." She continued the little question-and-answer session banteringly. "Is it...a new cologne?" He smiled. "No." "Well, for my seventh and final guess," she said, rolling onto her back and slowly opening her eyes, "it's another sweet thing my mate has done to please me." He leaned down to kiss her. "Of course." She kissed him passionately, allowing her reaction to be more accentuated, and then consumed the food happily; helped along, just a little, by Joseph. They cleaned themselves up after breakfast, and decided to head outside to see how the weather was. Noticing it was yet another beautiful day on Mobius, they decided to head down to their pond (Joseph and Sandra had began referring to the combined amount of his and her possessions as `their' a short time ago) and enjoy the lovely weather. As they were walking along to the pond, they chatted as foxes in love tended to do... "So, Joseph, what do you think we should do about this?" "About what?" She looked over to him. "Our relationship, of course." "Something wrong with it?" Sandra smiled, gently stroking her hand against Joseph's arm. "Well, we've been together for several months now, and I think we've grown pretty close to one another..." He smiled, putting his arm over her shoulders and gently holding her closer to him as they walked down the path. "Yes, we have." Her tail swayed to side-to-side seductively. "And everyone considers us an item..." "Mmm." "And I really think you're the one I want to be with for the rest of my life..." Joseph kissed her on the brow. "Aww." She looked up to him, gazed into his eyes, and smiled. "Do you feel the same way, Joseph?" They both stopped for a few moments, the two foxes locked in eye contact for what seemed like ages. The sounds of the forest seemed to dim slightly,allowing only the wind domain to act. It blew through the forest gently,stirring up some dry leaves to drift past the two vulpine's calves. Onlythe distant singing of birds could be heard in the distance... "Why, of course..." She smiled, wrapping around him like a shroud. "Then, why don't we declare ourselves lifemated?" He stalled. "Isn't this a bit sudden?" "Joseph, I want us to be together for the rest of our lives. You've shown me that you're a good fox, loyal and honest and true; things that I've never had in a mate before." She raised her voice slightly. "I don't care if you are from another planet, or that the remains of your people have returned to try to destroy Mobius, or that you used to -like- that sort of thing!" She calmed herself a little. "It's not important to me any longer; it never was. All I know is that I feel, deep in my heart, that I never want to leave you." Joseph was still mentally stunned. "Sandra, you don't have to worry about that. I'd never..." She interrupted. "I know you wouldn't. That's why I know that I..." Sandra looked into herself one last time. She had mulled over the decision to say this to Joseph for several weeks now, ever since she learned of the true threat that loomed over Mobius. Sandra knew that she might not get a second chance to say this to Joseph, but she was still unsure of her own feelings. Should she, for the first time in her life, risk opening her heart to another fox, or should she protect herself and just let her desire and deep feelings for Joseph remain implied in her lovemaking and caretaking of Joseph? She weighed out the pros and cons for the nth time. Joseph wouldn't run off with another vixen; very few on Mobius could `accomodate' him physically, mentally, or emotionally, and her blood was the only kind, she assumed, could keep him alive. He could protect her from any harm, as well as give her anything she asked for. He could show her the universe, and get her any information that she needed. He was attractive, strong, and very...skilled. And, the reason that made all the other ones pale was that she knew he loved her...he'd never said it, but she knew it well. However, there were downsides. He was a vampire, and protecting that information from the proletariat was of the utmost importance. Aiding and abetting a known vampire to some people was a crime punishable by death...both to the vampire and the accomplice. His heritage was that of a race of planet-destroying, conquesting thugs. Some people in the universe make it their goal to destroy all traces of such races, and a xenophobic zealot might target them both. Joseph was also a very sneaky technological voyeur, which had been an issue with her since the very beginning. He smoked huge cigars, snored, and hated dealing with crowds. And he wore too much -clothing-. Yet... Joseph's flaws seemed to pale compared to how she -felt- about him. Rationally, being his life-mate was an incredibly foolish vocation, being only equal to a professional cliff diver. But he had a way of smiling at her that made her feel safe. He liked to be intimate without necessarily physically mating. He talked to her in a way that made her feel good; not talking down to her or above her, but just -talking- to her. Never before had a male truely respected her for who she was, and treated her like a foxen being despite her checkered past. He accepted her for who she was. The hard-as-nails Nightweaver bitch could fade to the soft and loving Sandra beneath, without fear of physical, mental, or emotional harm. Sandra decided what she would do, how she would say it, and put her true intentions on the table for the first time in her entire life. No deception would marr her words, no facade of toughness would sully these words with arrogance. She spoke the words she had said a million times inside her heart to Joseph that day, lovingly and with total confidence behind her statement. " you, Joseph." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Words could not possibly suit to describe the sheer amount of total agreement Joseph had with his new life-mate's statement, nor could they even dare to describe the passion in which they embraced each other. Both of their hearts, one calloused from time, the other scarred from a past misadventure, opened wide to each other, allowing the pain and longing to flood out into the psychic atmosphere. No longer would they ever feel alone, no longer would they wake up at night with the gnawing feeling that they would die alone...they cried with joy in each other's arms at the words that had been spoken, and rededicated themselves to saving the world; now not only for their honor or for their friends...but for themselves. They stood for several moments in the embrace, allowing the rush of emotions to ebb to a steady flow, and then went on their way to the pond which they both truely owned... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Things were not so happy back in Robotropolis, however. A Freedom Fighter attack earlier that day had shut down yet another power plant just as the city was about to go to 24-hour power again. Now the construction of a new SWATBot factory would be delayed several weeks due to the lack of an available power source. Packbell had no time for such failures! Who knew how long of a stand he could make without a sufficient number of his forces protecting the city walls? He had to last at least another seven months, or else the Buyers would simply take the planet from the Freedom Fighters with no payment of any kind. And that, he noted, was an unacceptable outcome. He sat in what remained of his command center, cursing at a wall. He couldn't even take out his agression on SWATBots any longer, since they were almost as valuable as gold to him at the moment. One damaged SWATBot is another Freedom Fighter who gets away to blow up another factory tomorrow. Ten is a sucessful Freedom Fighter mission. A hundred means losing part of the city. A thousand means... He hit the wall with the maximum amount of force he could muster. Several stress fractures immediately formed, as well as nigh-invisible fractures in the structure of the room itself. "Be damned, you miserable hedgehog, and curse whoever made the deroboticizer for you! You waste my resources and time just when I need them the most! But I shall have my vengeance!" He went to a console, and continued working on some sort of plan to defeat the hedgehog one time, just -one- time, before he left this miserable world for other conquests... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meanwhile, the people of Knothole were enjoying their new subspace transciever units, which David had created to allow personal communiques between seperated individuals in order to make the distance seem less epic. They operated on the same sort of principle as telephones, but had a flat screen with a little control bar on the side. A microcamera implanted at the top of the device allowed total visual contact with the other party, and the token microphone allowed even the slightest whispers to be detected. And, amazingly enough, the devices were no larger than the average wall-hanging, and only needed to be recharged every few days for about five minutes. Also, they operated anywhere in the village, since the master node was now near the town square. David now was a pretty popular fox, as one might imagine, for now he had given the people of Knothole computers and communication devices. Anyone could talk to anyone else with a device, and effective communication was now only a word away. Talk had begun about awarding David with some sort of special medal once the war was won, and the general attitude of the village was upbeat. But while people were chatting it up with other people, Sally was sitting in a chair in front of her hut, relaxing after a good two weeks of hard administrative duties. She sipped flitfully from a cool glass of iced tea, and watched the people of Knothole enjoy the beautiful summer weather. Kits played in the street, fluxuating between a game of frisbee and tag. Couples walked with each other, holding hands and giggling at private jokes. Two old wolves played checkers, muttering about current events sourly and reminiscing about previous summers being nicer than the latest ones. A few middle-aged porcupine matrons tended to their gardens, occasionally looking up at each other and speaking. She smiled, thinking to herself about what they were talking about. They were probably gossiping about her, Sonic, or possibly one of the matrons who wasn't there. A butterfly flitted by, landing on her swizzle stick for a moment before fluttering off to snag some nectar. Sally smiled at it, then drank a little more of the cool, refreshing tea. It was so nice to be part of such a quiet, serene... The dull booming that was coming toward her, however, shook her from her delusions of peace and returned her to a Sonic-inhabited reality. A gust of wind and a half-second later, Sonic stood nearby, leaning against the side of her hut like he'd always been there. "Yo Sal," he said as expected, "what's up?" She rolled her head about on her shoulders, then took a drink of her tea. "I'm relaxing, Sonic." He smirked. "Oh? Can't ya do that while you're asleep?" She sipped more of her tea, ignoring him. "It's a lovely day, isn't it?" He stopped, looked around, and sniffed the air. "Eh, it's nothing special." Sally smirked. "It's one of the first nice days we've had in about 6 months, and it's nothing special?" Sonic tapped his foot impatiently. "But nothing's happening! It's soooooo boring!" Sally looked over at Sonic from her chair. "We need more days like these, Sonic. Every day can't be an adventure." He hmmmed for a moment, then thought of something. "Okay, fine." Sally looked surprised. "You mean you're actually agreeing with me?" "Yeah." She put her drink down, folding her arms. "Are you -sure-?" Sonic nodded. "Now, you've got to do what you said you'd do." Sally looked at Sonic puzzledly. "What?" "Don't you remember? You said that the first time I ever agreed with you would be the day when you'd come up to me and give me a big, wet kiss." Sally looked shocked, yet was secretly pleased. "I did not say that!" Sonic smiled smugly. "Sure, sure, drift down the river of Denial." "You're making that up! No way would I ever agree to something like that." She smiled at Sonic gently, knowing full well that she'd said those very words not more than two weeks ago. Sonic kept playing with her. "Truth hurts, don't it?" Sally faux-grimaced. "Oooh!" Sonic laughed. "Go on, you promised." Sally's petulant look faded away to that of smug glee. "Fine, hedgehog, but you asked for it." In a very fluid, masterful motion, she slid out of her chair, slinked over to Sonic, and gave him a kiss that could have melted a block of six-inch thick titanium. Seeing Sonic's stunned expression, she smiled and sat back down, drinking some of her iced tea and waiting for him to regain his composure. As he did so, she giggled softly at him. "You asked for it." He gasped for breath. "Now why don't you do that more often?" Sally smiled. "I'm saving myself for marriage, Sonic Hedgehog." "So you've said a few million times, Sal." He grinned baudily. "But I still don't know how you learned to kiss like that." Sally smugly crossed her arms. "Royal secret." Sonic hated when she said that. It basically meant you'd have to either drug her, hypnotise her, or so emotionally strain her as to render her totally unable to resist your demands before she'd even consider telling you. It had been derived from a Mobian king in the first years of the monarchy; King Stoutfur the Mighty, he recalled, had made a sort of royal decree that a secret known by the royalty would be kept within the monarchy for all time, and never would it be divulged to the common people. It was some sort of honor thing, Sonic noted, that he slept through in history class. Sally, however, had said it more times than he'd liked to remember. Perhaps if they ever married, he'd learn about all the stuff that she knew about, but wouldn't tell him. He winced momentarily, but resumed his normal smirk. "Well...I'll figure it out one day." "Surrrrre you will." He grinned slowly. "Hey, the hedgehog knows!" She laughed. "What-ever, Sonic." "You just wait, Sally. I'll get something on you yet." She drank more of her drink. "Good luck." Looking up into the trees, Sally paused momentarily while a thought entered her head. "Hey, Sonic." "Yeah?" "Have you seen Uncle Chuck lately?" Sonic hmmed. "Yeah, this morning at breakfast. Why?" "How is he?" Sonic smiled. "Oh, he's okay. His arthritis is almost gone now, and he can get around pretty well. Why'd you ask?" Sally shrugged. "Just came to me to ask." Sonic leaned back against the hut. "Oh...well, that's cool." Sally finished her drink and stood up, heading inside. "Care to get out of the sun for a while, Sonic?" Sonic shrugged. "Sure, I'm bored out here, anyway." With that, the two disappeared inside, and gradually forgot about the strange conversation they'd had outside. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph's pond a few thousand yards from Knothole was also rather serene. The two foxes were sharing a quiet moment together, drifting around the pond on a bright yellow inflatable raft. Joseph held Sandra near to him as they drifted around, and the duo looked up into the sky at the various clouds. "That one looks like a AD52-H Fluxuation Monitor." Sandra looked up from her resting spot on Joseph's chest and looked at the specified cloud. "No, that's a pair of rabbit ears." Joseph bahed. "Well, you can't dispute the one on the left looks like a Mark VII Translight Hyperkinetic Induction Wave Generator." Sandra swatted his right ear with her paw lethargically. "Silly fox, that's a diamond necklace." Joseph smooched her on the nose. "Very well, you tell me what -that- one looks like, immediately above you." Sandra hmmed for a moment, and then came up with an answer. "Hand-held scanner unit." Joseph laughed. "Atta vixen." She smiled gently. "It might be a frog, too." He laughed. "Too late, it's now officially a hand-held scanner unit. I've already come up with the brand and production date." Sandra booted him in the shin with her foot gently. "You are such a frigging scientist sometimes. Why can't you just think on a more natural level?" "I'm not a biologist." "Oh, hush. Just look up into the sky and tell me what you see. And no using scientific equipment." Joseph petted Sandra's tummyfur. "Very well." He looked up into the sky with the eyes of a child, and saw... A large, black, equilateral triangle. Rounded ends. Approximate size of 4 to 5 miles to point to point. Weapons systems that could turn a world to rubble. Invincible shields. A cloud of black Nocturne fighters of his own design rushing out to attack... A droplet of water plooked directly between his eyes. "Rain." And, sure enough, a light drizzle began. The two foxes quickly grabbed an oar each and rowed their way back to shore. Despite their celerity in rowing, they still were soaked to the bone by the time they got to shore, and had to run back to the Dome in order to keep from sinking into the now-muddy trail. When they entered the Dome, the storm really began to hit. The winds picked up considerably, and thunder boomed through the complex. From the bright flashes of light that occasionally highlighted sections of the top floor, the lightning outside was also quite fierce. "Can the top of this place take this storm?" Sandra inquired, drying off in front of the fire. Joseph was standing over a table, with most of his outfit laying on it. He was blasting a sort of clothing-drying ray at the garments, making them steam back to a state of warm crispness. "Of course it can. This complex is practically spaceworthy." She took a towel from a servant-bot and began to manually dry herself off. "What if lightning hit it?" Joseph looked up from his zapping. "Lightning?" She smirked. "I mean those static discharges outside." Joseph continued his work. "Oh, those." He thought about it for a moment, then stopped. "You know, I'd never really considered the possibility when I designed the roof." A large bolt of lightning skipped inbetween two clouds roughly 10,000 feet above the centre of the roof, accompanied by the sound of a tree crashing down somewhere off by the edge of the forest. "It can take large amounts of heat, cold, nuclear radiation, physical stress...but I'd never tested the substance used in the fabrication of the actual dome against electrical current." A boom of thunder interrupted him, as did the sound of the wind picking up. The large cloud above the Dome surged with static power, seeming to mysteriously collect the lightning for the entire storm inside of it... "Yes, the lower section; ie everything from the floor down to our bedroom, is surge protected up to 100 terawatts, but the roof was made more for its aesthetic qualities..." He kept thinking, returning to his work. "But certainly, the odds of such an occurance are so phenomenially high..." He was interrupted by several things, which were all part of the same occurance; first, Sandra's fur, no longer damp, frizzed out strangely. He thought this to be just a part of her drying-off, but then realized she'd been dry for about five minutes while he was talking to her. Second, the storm had increased to a tumultuous roar at that point, which caused his speech to be overtaken by background noise. But probably what stopped him the fastest was the fact that a powerful blast of static happened to be flying down immediately beneath the area in which Sandra was standing, and used her body as a path to ground. It became rather obvious that not only did the roof of the Dome lack any tempest-hardening, but that electrical bursts and it didn't mix very well. For at the second the lightning connected with the roof, the whole upper peak of the structure exploded rather impressively, leaving only a jagged curved wall surrounding the stunned Joseph and the thunderstruck Sandra. As the roof detonated, the bolt struck through Sandra at a nearly symmetrical ley, causing her to cry out in agony once...and then slump to the ground. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - It took about two seconds for Joseph to readjust to his new surroundings. His roof was now gone, blown into shards by a rogue burst of static. Rain and wind tore in, decimating his living room and causing his servant-bots to malfunction and run wild. And his mate was lying on the ground, slumped down like a sack of potatoes. Immediately, he rushed over to Sandra and grabbed her, checking her for any visible injuries. She wasn't bleeding, thankfully, but she'd knocked herself in the head when she fell on a table, and she wasn't breathing properly. Her heart was beating irratically, and it would be only a matter of minutes before it stopped entirely. Carrying her over his shoulder, he turned to see his two servant-bots rush at him, their `hands' bent into deadly appendages of annhilation. Quickly, he knew he had to put them out of commission before they tried to injure him or Sandra. He smirked smugly, and reached for the holster that was laying on the table. He then grabbed his cannon from the leather pocket and blasted at the two robots. However, he realized roughly a half second later that the device was not currently present within the area, since he had left it in his lab. Now realizing his defenselessness, he quickly put Sandra out of the sight of the robots and chose to attack them directly. He rushed at the first robot and executed a beautiful flying kick into its `head'. Unfortunately, the robot was not seriously damaged by the move, while Joseph was now suffering from a bleeding foot. He cried out in pain and hit the robot in the midsection with his full fury. A hole was punched through it, but the robot still kept coming. Its compatriot went behind Joseph and slashed a fair gash in his back. Weakened by the blow, Joseph wobbled on his footing and nearly fell. Yet, the thought of losing Sandra drove him to frenzy, and immediately caught his second wind. The robots did not anticipate the sudden appearance of razor-sharp polyalloy claws from Joseph's hands, nor the duel rippers on either side of his forearms. Nor did they ever get a chance to anticipate this move, seeing that Joseph took the oppotunity to disembowel them with the talons and claws that had been created. As the claws and talons retracted, and most of his major appendages bled, Joseph rushed to the stepdisk. He ordered it to go down; it did not reply. He jumped up and down on it three times, commanding it to descend. Nothing. Finally, he put Sandra down on a sofa and repeatedly bashed the stepdisk downward with his previously undamaged fist until it finally zoomed towards the lab. That would have been a good thing if Joseph had been on it, of course. Now trapped a mile from his laboratory and Sandra's salvation, Joseph entered a frenzy of rage and lept down the over 20 mile shaft himself. Plumetting downward at incredible speeds due to the MaxGrav enhancement buffers that caused the stepdisks to operate, he knew that he had one chance, and only one chance, to call another stepdisk in order to save Sandra's life. There was a control box halfway between the first sublevel and the top floor, that had the ability to activate a device that could generate another disk at the laboratory level, and project it upwards to replace a malfunctioning one. It was about 10 seconds away from his current location, and it had only a 10 rung ladder on either side of it to grab on to. At the best, he'd dislocate his shoulder grabbing onto the rungs at his speed, and at worst, he'd have to clone another arm off within 24 hours. It was the only chance he had, tho, so he couldn't risk not accepting it. So, as the ladder approached, he shoved his arm out, grabbed the rung, and let the forces of gravity tear at his body for as long as it took to stop him... With a violent crack, he stopped, his hand gripping the ladder's rung. His arm had been very bluntly disconnected from its socket, but the muscle and sinew were still firmly attached to his body core. Ignoring the incredible pain, and continuing to lose blood, he tore open the control panel with his free arm, and pulled the emergency pad lever. Seconds were like hours as the pad shot up from the laboratory and reached Joseph, and the time that it took for the pad to reach the surface again was uncalculatable in Joseph's mind. Yet, only a few moments had passed, and Sandra's body was still fitfully operating. Using his only operating arm, he grabbed Sandra again, and commanded the pad to head downward at its maximum speed. This pad obeyed its creator, and quickly got to the laboratory. Wasting no time, he put Sandra on a guerney and took out his medical equipment. While lacking any real medical skill, he knew how to operate machinery with the skill of a master, and hoped that refibulating her heart would repair the rest of the damage automatically. Meanwhile, his own injuries were being worked on frantically by his own nanites, which were not used to healing such major and traumatic wounds. He used every last bit of first aid he knew, but he still could not get Sandra's heart and breathing to stabilize. Her life-signs were failing fast, and not even he could repair them now... He cried out to Bahb. "BAHB! Open a channel to Haven, NOW!" << "Current environmental conditions have terminated subspace communications. The electrical interference is still too high." >> His rage rose proportionally with his voice. "Teleport us to Bookshire!" << "Electromagnetic flux prohibits use of teleportation." >> He threw a useless piece of medical equipment at a monitor, causing it to explode. "DAMN YOU!" He worked even harder, screaming out to Bahb when something stumped him, but still, nothing. Finally, her heart stopped, followed by her breathing. Driven half-mad by his failure, and semi-psychotic by his massive injuries, he screamed at the top of his lungs and collapsed to the ground, crying and pounding the earth in rage. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Psychic transmissions, like any other sort of communication, becomes much easier to understand when more force is put into relaying a message. Rage and fear are two of the greatest conductors of such communication, and both were being utilized by Joseph at the time of Sandra's demise. Naturally, most creatures, no matter what their race or creed, would want to know what put another creature through such duress, and maybe a few would want to help said individual. One such being would be the large energy crystal beneath the Dome which Joseph had `collected' from Snively. It was referred to once as the `Amber Chaos Emerald' by those who were unknowledgable in the naming of said devices. It was not a correct term, however, for the emerald below the Dome is, in fact, the Negative Master Chaos Emerald; the yin to the Master Emerald's yang. It has mysterious powers that had never before been explored by man or machine, and most of them could not be obtained through either one. The crystal does possess one obvious trait that put it aside from the other Chaos Emerald, however; it possesses a `soul', an intelligence that not even the Master Chaos Emerald has an equal to. And it heard the cries of the one who had taken it from the black city, and it again wanted to save him from physical and mental harm... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Negative Master Chaos Emerald projected a psychic communication to Joseph, that even in his feral state was perfectly clear... >> Bring her to me. << Joseph stopped crying, and ceased movement for a moment to determine the source of the voice. >> Bring her to me, friend. I shall heal her. << He stood, looking around. >> I am not with you now, Joseph. I am in the room of Crystal. << He walked over to Sandra and picked her up, heading to the steppad in a nearly mechanical way. The voice was right, he thought, he should go to it... >> Come to me, Joseph. Let me help you again. << He decended into the emerald chamber, where the glowing stone blinked now as it spoke. >> Put her down on the ground, friend. Let my power flow through her. << He did so, stepping back automatically. What occurred next was the stuff of legend, the very miracle that turned many a wizard to the pursuit of magick in their youth. For as Joseph stepped back, a gentle wave of orange energy flowed into Sandra's body. As it crashed over her, her chest began to lift gently up and down again, and her eyelids fluttered, as if she was awakening from a long sleep. After she appeared to be healthy again, the wave stopped, as did the crystal's attempt to communicate further. She groaned, rolling onto her chest and coughing gently, trying to stand up. Joseph suddenly regained mental articulation and went to assist her to her feet again. He also realized when he went to grab her that one of his arms was malfunctioning painfully, and that it was a really stupid idea to try to use it to get Sandra. Clamping his jaw shut to hold in the pain, he used his other arm to help Sandra to her feet, and then to embrace her after she was standing once more. She clung to him tightly, crying slightly from shock. "I was so scared... after that big flash, I felt myself slipping away...I didn't want to die on you, just as we learned to share our true feelings..." Joseph cried a little as well. "I tried so hard to save you, but I couldn't...the teleporter wouldn't work, I couldn't call Haven for medical was the crystal that gave you back to me..." He looked into its warm glow, his mind suddenly accepting the truth. "It was magick that saved you." They held each other's sore, bruised, bleeding bodies for a few moments more, before returning to the lab to keep their injuries from worsening. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - After Sandra and Joseph had bandaged and hyposprayed themselves back to fair health, they returned to their bedroom to clean their bodies off. The rain, mud, blood, and other such debris was gladly removed by a joint effort in the shower, and wasn't really a unenjoyable experience... But after Sandra had fallen asleep (mostly from his comforting and general TLC), he returned to the emerald room, limping and with a damaged arm. He looked into the crystal, and touched it with his bad paw. The pain wasn't there any longer, and it was replaced with a warm, contented feeling all through his arm. He held it with both paws, and touched it to his bosom. He knew that his science could not save the world, that it was nothing against the raw power of nature. His helplessness against nature that caused the near-demise of his mate, the one thing he loved, showed him that. He looked again into the crystal, starting to hear its voice again. He knew that this was the right path, that this crystal was of a good nature... And now, as his eyes began to gleam with orange power, he knew what he must do to save the world...he must learn of this crystal's magick, and use it against his foes' technology...only with the power of nature would Sandra, and himself, ever know peace. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In the quarters of John, feared captain of the _Apocolypse_, he suddenly awoke from a horrible vision. It had started out with his ship drawing near to Mobius, its weapons of war destroying all resistance, and the Chaos Emeralds nearly in his grasp...but then, a bright orange bird, made up of pure flame, rushed from the planet and destroyed his ship. The Chaos Emeralds gleamed brightly as his body was burnt in the flame, and they said only a word, over and over... "Solaris." Chapter Sixteen - Summer Days The morning broke above the Great Forest, wiping away the black clouds from the sky that had brought the usual thunderstorm during the humid summer months. Fog hung over the Forest like a shroud, lowering visibility to yards rather than miles. It was a cool morning, so the fog probably wasn't going to disperse until the heat of the afternoon began. Knothole had weathered the storm rather well. A tree had fallen here and there, and a few huts had minor roof damage. A particularly unfortunate lightning bolt had set one of the unused huts on fire, but had been quickly extinguished by the quick actions of several citizens. The roads were muddy, and some of the carts and other vehicles had become lodged in the moist earth. But overall, Knothole had survived the storm in fine shape. The electrical storm had also been kind to Robotropolis. The usual acid rain hadn't corroded anything enough that a good polish wouldn't remove, and the electrical storms had only knocked out power to those parts of the city that were lost causes, anyway. Some water damage had been reported in the multiple SWATBot facilities, and a gas main had blown near the edge of the city, causing some of the metal forges to be temporarily disabled. Other than that, the city wasn't any more doomed than before. The Dome, however, had taken some serious structural damage to its roof. The lightning blast had almost demolished the upper 45% of the curvature of the structure, which had to be tended to immediately. Repair drones began working on the reconstruction of the Dome, using tempest-hardened crystal, as soon as the storm broke early that morning. Inside the structure, Joseph and Sandra were sweeping up the place, still stunned by the occurance... "Look at this mess," Joseph said, "my lobby is ruined." Sandra threw a broken chair into a waste-bin. "It's no big deal...all of your stuff below here is safe and sound. It's not like anything really -bad- happened." She smiled sheepishly. "Except for that, of course." Joseph frowned. The issue of `that' was a sensitive one. Knocking a ruined endtable into a disposal drone, he looked over to Sandra. "I'm sorry," he said, pain in his voice. She dropped her broom, going over to hug him. "It wasn't your fault." Joseph took her into his gentle embrace. "Yes, it was. I should have built the roof better, seen the warning signs..." Sandra carressed his back warmly. "Now stop that. You couldn't have done a damn thing about it, so stop dwelling on it." She looked into his eyes. "I'm alive, safe, and with a fox who loves me. What else do I need?" Joseph kissed her gently on the forehead. "A warm, safe place to live." She smiled up at him, sneaking her hands inside his coat and rubbing his sides. "Mmm. Why can't I just curl up inside that big trenchcoat of yours?" He laughed. "You're such a yiff." She blushed. "I am not!" Joseph dropped his hug and ran to the back of the room, yelling out "Sandra's a yiff! She's gotta get it every night!" Sandra chased after him, grabbing her broom and giggling. "Ooh!" He laughed, running around in circles. "Look at her! You *know* she wants it right now!" Sandra swatted him a few times in the backside. "Just wait until I...!" He jumped over the sofa, landing on the other side of it. "Ha!" She swooped around the other side and shoved him into it, causing it to flip backwards. When she landed completely on him, they were deposited unceremoniously on the floor by the now-busted sofa. "Oof!" they both said, lying in the middle of the room. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her again. "Got you now." Sandra pretended to struggle. "Fiend." He kissed her. "Yiff." She kissed back. "Mrr." Then, they both kissed, holding it for a long time. They probably would have been there all day like that if it hadn't been for a knock on the portal. "Everything okay in there?" a familiar voice inquired. Sandra disengaged from the kiss. "Yes, Sir Charles." He laughed. "Mind if I come in?" "Sure," Joseph said, rolling out from under Sandra and climbing to his feet. "Just one moment." Dusting himself off, then helping Sandra to her own feet, they both walked to the portal and turned the manual-opening crank for the malfunctioning diamondium-titanium-crystalline alloy door. The deroboticized Sir Charles entered, looking rather well for a hedgehog is age. His quills had taken on a light blue-white tint, and his moustache was a bit whiter than before, but he looked in good spirits and healthy. It was amazing to see the change in him after being deroboticized. "Hello, Joseph, Miss Nightweaver." He smiled at them gently. "Was I...interrupting anything?" Joseph smiled, patting Charles on the back. "Hey there, Uncle Chuck." Unlike Sandra, Joseph was allowed, unconsciously, to call Sir Charles `Uncle Chuck'; partially because of their scientist-scientist relationship, and partially because Joseph was more `respectible' in polite society than Sandra was at the moment. "No, we were What brings you to this part of the forest?" He looked around. "Oh, just stopping by to see how you were." Uncle Chuck poked at some of the rubble with a stick, dispersing a few repair drones. "I see you suffered some storm damage," Charles said, with a mildly concerned look on his face. "Anything serious?" "No, Charles, it's okay. Just did some structural damage to the roof, and a little bit of water damage. Nothing more." Joseph didn't really want to tell anyone about what had happened to Sandra, nor about the mysterious way she had been renewed... "Ah. Well, I just came by to see how you were doing...and to tell you that one of those flying objects you control got hit with something and crashed into Rotor's hut last night." He smiled in the manner that only old males can perfect, and laughed. "He wanted me to tell you to come and pick it up, because he doesn't know how to fix it." Joseph smiled, glad to get off the subject of his roof. "I'll be down there to pick it up shortly. Anything else of note?" He shook his head. "Nope, everything else seems to be in order." He glanced between the two of them. "Are you sure everything's alright?" "Yes, Charles, Sandra and I are fine." He smiled. "That's very good, boy. I'll leave you two alone now." Chuckling, he plodded off towards Knothole. "Don't wear yourselves out, y'hear?" Sandra blushed, while Joseph just laughed. "Get outa here, you old 'vert!" As he wandered off, Joseph smiled and shook his head. "Crazy old codger." Sandra stood behind Joseph, wrapping her arms around his waist. "Honestly, I think most people believe me to be your concubine." He frowned slightly. "The others are fools. They know nothing of us, and I'd rather it stay that way." Sandra hugged him. "But that's not the truth." Joseph mmmed and smiled, stroking her hands gently. "Since when have you cared about the truth?" "Ever since I actually could operate overtly in Knothole without being arrested," she said, "that's when. It's bad enough that people think me an untrustworthy thief..." Her eyes softened behind him, and she rested her face against his back for both physical and mental support. "...but now they all feel I'm a whore!" He frowned, his eyes thinning to slits behind his sunglasses. Within his mouth, his fangs automatically sharpened, and pain-dulling endorphins flooded his body. "Lies," he snarled, "of the most vicious kind. Any who I discover spreading such vile rumors will answer to me." Sandra rested her head more firmly against his back. "But you'll never know, Joseph...not even your devices can read the collective unconscious." He calmed himself, after briefly allowing it to boil to a raging froth, then forcing it to drift off into the atmosphere. Rage could not solve the problem, he realized, but only time would. He hoped. "Yes, I suppose you are right," he growled quietly, "but still, if the opportunity presents itself..." Sandra rubbed her muzzle against his back. "I know you would, Joseph." His claws idly extended, sharpened to the point where only wrought steel could resist their power, and then retracted with a deadly silence. "My own moral code demands it." Her eyes softened a little more. "I fear the day when your wrath will be brought down on another, would kill rather than to accept dishonor, and the prospect of you going through the Mobian legal system..." Joseph's eyes became like diamond-cutters, his fear of being seperated from Sandra and his indignation at the Mobians for even considering such an option playing out in his mind. "I'll never leave you. I'll destroy this entire planet before I let anyone..." Sandra gripped him tighter. " need to frenzy again, Joseph." He frowned, embarassed at his frothing anger. "Sorry." "Well, I don't feel like being stalked again..." A question entered her mind. "Joe?" "Yes?" "Do you remember that time you told me about that vixen who tried to kill your father back on Ur'thae?" He nodded quietly, manuvering Sandra around while he continued to sweep. "Well, would you...I mean, if something like that happened...could you... kill me?" He stopped dead in his tracks for a moment, making not a sound. Sandra loosened her grip a bit, somewhat concerned about his sudden secessation of movement. Then, he turned around, took off his sunglasses, and looked into her eyes. It seemed like days before he spoke to her, but it was only a few moments later that Joseph chose to reply. "Yes..." Time seemed to crystallize around them. Nary a bird tweeted for the duration of the word...Joseph actually replied in the affirmative! An aeon later, he said the second half. "...but only in that situation." Sandra looked shocked for a moment, and then realized the grim reality of Joseph's upbringing/programming; above all else, his elders must be protected and honored. All other bonds, physical, mental, or emotional, could not break the sacred trust between sire and sired. Everyone else, no matter what their station, came second. Initially, she denied it. Certainly the love between two foxes could weaken the hold between father and son. Maybe he didn't love her as much as he said he did. Maybe he was holding something back; she might have been seeing someone else behind his back, Joseph had no reason to lie to her, nor would he ever. Then, she looked into his eyes. Joseph's green eyes always fluxuated in a way that she could read, making his true feelings plain. His love for her mingled with his honor and bond to his kin, and they were only counterbalanced by the memory of the _Apocolypse_ and the crimes of his own people. If his father was on that ship, he'd help them until he was too weak to push a button. That was the only thing that would stop him, would take more than one vixen to sever that link. Finally, she accepted this reality for the first time, and remembered their own deep love for each other. She knew and respected that Joseph had to do what he had to do, and she knew that he'd never intentionally hurt her unless she attempted to destroy his father; he had given his life to her after she had spared his own after his first berezerker rage, so even an attack on him would go unchallenged. And since his dad was dead, anyway... She nodded softly and looked into his eyes, and thus approved of and understood the ramifications of Joseph's words. "I understand." Joseph put on his sunglasses. "That subject is unpleasant. Let us discuss something else." Sandra took the offered option quickly. "Has the stone spoken with you again, Joseph?" He shook his head slowly, memories of knowledge given by the stone resurfacing again. "It has been silent...but I understand it now." He looked into space, his pupils turning slightly orange behind his shades. "I understand so much now." She feared the change in Joseph initially, but also instinctively knew that the stone was that of the light, not the dark. Thus, her fear faded to a steady level of awe. "Do you think that the stone is...?" "A Chaos Emerald? Of course it is. It is the other most powerful one on this planet. It is the Negative Master Chaos Emerald, and it is possessed by the male/destructive/negative spirit of this world's lifeforce, Mob." She was stunned for a moment. "How did you know all that?" He looked into her eyes as if she had asked him to add one and one together, but then reconsidered her statement logically. How -had- he known to say that? "Well, umm...I just -knew- it, you know?" Sandra waxed contemplative. "Perhaps your contact with the stone somehow gave you...some sort of...err..." She attempted to speak like Joseph. "Dermal/Neurologic Linked Information Transferrence?" He looked surprised. "Sandra, I didn't know you knew of that term! You mean you actually read my level one thesis of DNLs?" She smiled secretively. "I read many things around here." He grinned dismissively. "Well, that might be what happened...of course, the magickal tends to ignore the paths trod by the scientist. Perhaps I can learn to accept both paths as the same in time..." She nodded softly, smiling at him. "I think you and that stone are going to do great things." Joseph crossed his arms and smirked smugly. "Of course." A thought entered his mind. "I better check on our guest. He's probably either half-mad with fear by now..." Sandra grimaced. "I forgot about Snively." He sighed, as if he was about to undertake some awful personal chore. "So did I. I better do this myself." Pulling away from Sandra, he kissed her on the brow before decending down the step-shaft to the laboratory... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - He arrived in the laboratory smoothly, and walked over to a distant corridor that led about 50 yards away from the main laboratory area. When he reached the end of the corridor, he rubbed his left forefinger over a certain spot in the wall, revealing an additional portal immediately in front of him. Walking through it, he entered another room that had another little alcove implanted into it at the far end. The alcove had a forcefield in front of it, and two massive UsagiBOTs flanking it on both side of the entrance. Behind the alcove, there was a 12 foot by 6 foot by 7 foot room, which had a replicator, a subspace reciever that picked up various `human'-interest programming, and a bed. Lying on the bed, watching the reciever's wall-mounted liquid crystal monitor, was Snively. The cell had been built because Joseph had become sick of Snively's complaints about the makeshift cell that had been hastily constructed in the lab. Tired of his continual chatter, Joseph made the new cell to pacify him. After all, he was probably going to be killed once Joseph turned him over to Sally, anyway, so he might as well live his last few months comfortably. Joseph came up with a quick ruse, and began acting on it. "Oh, good. You're alive." Snively looked over at Joseph. "What?" "You mean you didn't hear that racket outside last night?" Snively looked back over at the monitor in a blase' turn of his head, lying through his teeth. "No, not a thing." Joseph looked over his shoulder uncomfortably. "Oh, good. Then it probably won't find you." Snively's brow dotted with perspiration. "`It'? What's `it', sir?" "The demon I accidentally conjured out of my..." He quickly thought up a good name, stalling under the guise of fear. "...interdimentional portal device. I was trying to tune in the Void, but I apparently found some sort of Rift." He pretended to attempt to soothe Snively. "Don't worry, it's only as big as me." Snively stuttered involuntarily. "D-demon?" Joseph grimaced. "Yeah, and it was a nasty SOB. Long, razor-sharp teeth, a tail like a scorpion, several gaping maws all around its head; dripping spittle so vile that it could eat through a fox in under a minute, their tongues lashing out into the air; huge claws that could tear a tree in twain, rippling muscles that were as hard as wrought iron, glowing red eyes that could paralyze even the greatest Ur'thaen warrior..." He yelped softly. "And i-it's here, s-sir?" Joseph smiled proudly. "Nope. I wasted the ugly mother with my cannon..." He allowed his smile to fade. "At least, I might have. I either vaporized it or teleported it." He resumed his smile. "Well, I just thought you might like to know what happened last night. I know -I- like to know when unusual things happen, don't you?" Snively nodded shakily. "Y-yes." "Well, I'll be off now. Later." With that, he walked from the room, allowing Snively to hide under his bed. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph returned to Sandra, who was finishing up the removal of the debris so the repair-bots could start reforging the roof. "Everything go okay, Joe?" He nodded. "Oh yes, wonderfully. He'll be quiet for days now." She smiled. "Good. Well, let's get out of here until the roof gets fixed. How long do you think the robots will need?" He mused for a moment. "About a afternoon. It's not totally broken, after all." He whistled, and the drones began to organize their plan of attack. "Come now, darling, let's leave them to their work." As they walked out, various robots popped blades and sanders out of their appendages, and moved steadily towards the inside of the once-glorious structure... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Knothole was pleasantly cool after the storm. Some of the huts were being repaired by their various owners, and a few people strolled about gawking at the damage. The majority of the people of Knothole were, however, simply enjoying the pleasant weather for the first time in several years. She watched him walk down the street, right next to her yet miles away, and observed how he looked through the crowd with the eyes of a machine; scanning the crowd for potential threats, noting the slight collective swells and ebbs of mood, calculating trajectories of moving objects, sensing the slight temperature changes from place to place, listening to mumbled dialogue throughout the crowd, and observing, silently, her every variation of feeling. To the outside world, however, they appeared as a pair of freakishly tall foxes walking down the street; one abnormally neon orange, the other an unnatural ravenish black...their strides nearly identical, their bodies complimenting each other in every way, and their eyes cool and mysterious. A few mothers pulled their kits towards them as they wandered by, either alarmed at Joseph's appearance or nervous that Sandra might steal one for herself. The old silently appraised the pair with slitted eyes, years of an endless war callousing their hearts to the point where even a rather quiet and trustworthy-appearing scientist was one to be watched. Yet, there were those in the village who were friendly to them. A few of the teenagers shouted out to Joseph as he wandered by, blaring the boombox he had repaired during his last outing loudly in appreciation. David Prower waved at them in passing as he flew through the village, testing out some of his newer hardware, and some Keld'yrians smiled at Joseph and Sandra as a group of them went into the community center. But despite some of the friendly looks and hails, the majority of the village was either wary of Joseph's odd appearance and stature, nervous about his SpyGlobes and other robot minions, or afraid of his sheer influence over the lives of 90% of the current Mobian population; or they were afraid of Sandra's own odd appearance and stature, jealous of her if they desired Joseph in some way, disgusted that a thief and a spy could suddenly be showered with such power just because an `eccentric' person like Joseph came upon her on a snowy winter night, or angry at her for some past crime. Sandra stayed close to Joseph as they walked, realizing full well that a good majority of the people in the village disliked her passionately. As long as she was with Joseph, however, she knew that nobody would dare say a single negative thing about her, or even sneer as she happened by. After all, a few people in the village had forgotten that Joseph had a very short tolorance for negative feelings about Sandra during a previous excursion...and only a chance arrival of Sonic had broken up the imminent fight. Since then, most people in the village had learned to keep their tongues firmly bitten when Joseph was with Sandra, not even acknowledging them if they had been one of the few who had caused Joseph's rage to foam. This seemed to suit Joseph just fine, seeing that violence against `primates' (as he referred to those Mobians who were not foxes of some kind, or who had personally annoyed him) was `distasteful'. Sandra, however, liked to know exactly how anyone felt about everything, so the silence was very bothersome to her. Almost intolerable, but the fact that Joseph could easily observe, at length, any one of them with the use of his recon devices was enough to keep her curiousity in check while they plodded on. It was almost lunchtime in Knothole, and several people had ceased their work to dine at Knothole's only cafe, the `Hedgehog's Quill'. It had been named that informally in honor of the village's resident demigodish hero, Sonic, after the Doomsday `affair'. It had only been appropriate, after all, after Sonic had single-handedly (well, that's what everyone thought; Sally had only come along `for the ride') saved Mobius and killed Robotnik. And since the cries for `King Sonic I' had increased dramatically after that, the owner of the restaurant decided to get in good with the future `king' by naming the cafe which he ran `The Hedgehog's Quill'. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - It was a nice establishment, and was made mostly out of synthetic wood. The entire area was built on a raised `wooden' deck, which was about 5 feet off the ground. The concrete supports went up from the ground to form the vertical axis for the railing, which was about three and a half feet from the floor of the `wooden' platform. Horizontally, it sported sanded granite `pipes' to keep people from falling off, and the occasional basket of flowers that hung off the side for color. The patio itself was a very meticulously-arranged affair, with `oak' tables being surrounded by `redwood' chairs. A plastic umbrella that was mounted into the table gave the customers shade, if they so desired, by raising or lowering the parasol's control rod, and the laminated surface of the tables made cleaning simplicity itself. There were always a few people sitting around there, drinking or chatting, and gossiping about the comings and goings of the inhabitants. However, Joseph never sat in the patio unless he absolutely had to. "It makes me feel like an exhibit," he'd say to Sandra or whoever he was eating with, and then step inside the large interior of the cafe. It was set up like any other bar and grill one might have found during the great days of King Acorn's rule, which pleased the Princess' nostalgic side. A large bar that had been put in went from one side to the other of the back of the building, and was tended by three teenage hedgehogs with artifically bluened headquills. A dance floor had been built on a slightly raised platform in the middle of the structure, and was spotlessly clean no matter what time you entered the cafe. Around the sides of the `Quill' were several more tables similar to those on the patio, and were tended by waiters and waitresses of all species, but with blue hats that simulated Sonic's quills. (Apparently, the owner of the restaurant, one Harold Weasel, wanted to really impress Sonic with his `devotion'.) And hidden in the far left corner of the establishment was a DJ booth, which was usually quietly manned by a somewhat-crazy old wolf in a loud tropical shirt. The motif of the `Quill' was a testament to Freedom Fighters around the world. Those of Knothole who weren't knowledgable of the other pockets of resistance around the world could easily be educated by entering into `Hedgehog's Quill' and taking a look at some of the pictures, papers, and stories about the various people who made the resistance what it was. Posters from the `old days' of favorite bands or events were also displayed proudly in the establishment, and a huge portrait of Sonic and the Knothole crew hung behind the bar, which was a refreshing break from the various shelves of consumable (?) liquids that were stored there. Joseph entered with Sandra through the main door, and was led quickly by a waitress to his usual table on the far back right, near the kitchen door. As they drew closer, the refreshing smells of grilling cabbit and roasted yakamule stimulated Joseph's hunger further, and put a slight smile on his face from his memories of the exquisite meal he had consumed last time he had been there... Ahh, cabbit. It was the very food animal that Joseph felt made saving the mudball in which he was now hopelessly entwined worthwhile. A freakish mixture of feline and lepus, it had the very qualities of the turkey-like ch'rllbah that had been native to his own world. The psudobovine/equine consumable yakamule was also a delicious feast, and produced all sorts of tasty products. He pulled out a seat for Sandra, got her situated, and then took a seat himself. The waitress returned a moment later, bringing Joseph his usual Fizz [tm] ("I just can't get enough of this stuff," he'd always say when asked why he always had Fizz [tm] with meals, "it just tastes so good.") and an ashtray for the eventual cigar. She was a very polite and somewhat alarmed mink named `Rachel', who stood at nearly the same height Sandra did. However, minks, like some types of foxes, were expected to be tall. A sort of Mobian fluke of genetics, most of the canine and mephit species of the world were taller than most of the other inhabitants, only exceeded by ursines and those of pure equine stock. She was an attractive young female of perhaps 20 or 22, and was wearing the usual outfit of the organization; the usual hat that couldn't contain her voluminous blond mane that was called her `headfur', a tight blueish t-shirt with the words `Hedgehog's Quill: Where The Food Is Fast, The Ale Is Cold, And The Customer Is Always Right' stenciled in a bright red calligraphic font, and a short (but not unreasonably so) skirt. Her eyes were also blue, but had shades of silver in them as well. Her form was also properly mephit, possessing a healthy amount of material in those areas attractive to the opposite sex, and a deficit of material in those that would not appear attractive with much. Yet, Joseph barely gave her a second glance when she bent over to Sandra and inquired as to her beverage this afternoon. However, Sandra gave her a very cool, bored look when requesting her drink. "Give me a glass of Mobian Black Wine, please," she said, "and be -sure- it is properly chilled." Despite Sandra's rudeness, she smiled as a good waitress who expects a healthy tip does, and disappeared into the kitchen to retrieve a glass for Sandra. Joseph considered saying something to Sandra about her behavior, then thought better of it. Perhaps the Mobian `time of the month' was due for her. On the table, there was the usual bucket of peanuts, as well as a small card that explained that the Quill was the Finest Surviving Bar and Grill on Mobius and that they allowed Smoking in the designated sections. Joseph's ashtray was by his right palm, where his cigar was idling between his index and middle fingers. Two glasses of water were by both Sandra's and Joseph's lefts, with a simple fork and knife wrapped in a napkin occupying the right. Slowly becoming bored, Joseph put the cigar into the ashtray for a moment, and rolled his head around on his neck. A moment later, Joseph took a peanut, opened it, and tossed the salted legume into his mouth. While continuing to wait, Joseph chose to take a look around at the customers during the lunch rush. The usual group of wanderers, locals, and rowdies had crowded into the place for their usual specials; grilled yakamule steak, Quill's `Legendary' chili dogs, or the ever-popular cabbit salad. The clientele was mostly teenagers to young adults, and the distant smell of alcohol could be detected from some of the louder tables. Occasionally, someone in a Quill's uniform would quietly escort someone to the door, who would sneak back in and be thrown out a bit more loudly. However, most of the people there were civil, and mostly kept to their own affairs. Every once in a while, a song would come over the speakers that would motivate a mass dance. Usually, it would be a slow song...but when the fast stuff came on, the whole restaurant would literally rock on its foundations from the sheer number of customers dancing. That was how popular the bar was nearly a `club'. At the moment, a patriotic tune was playing over the speakers, and was enthusiastically being sung along with at some of the more alcohol-influenced tables. "Bluuuuue streeeak...uhh, somethin' somethin', Sooooonic the heddddgehooogg!!" Sandra was not so enthused, however, still waitng for her and Joseph's drinks to be brought to them by their waitress. "What, she got lost or something?" Joseph rubbed Sandra's paw. "Now, Sandra, give the poor thing a break. She looked pretty frazzled as it was when she was -at- our table. Who knows what else she's been dealing with today?" She was not calmed. "I don't care. I come here to be fed, not to wait years and years for my wine." Joseph ate a peanut. "It's not like we haven't ate today..." Sandra folded her arms and reclined in her chair a little. "That's not the point, Joe. This place is supposed to have `the fastest service alive'. I'm not seeing it." He consumed another two peanuts. "Patience is a virtue, Sandra..." Sandra smirked, looking into Joseph's eyes jadedly. "I once waited all night inside one section of an air conditioner's vent, perfectly still, for the opportunity to sneak past a guard, through a lazer-tripwire system, two snarling dogs, a tall titanium spiked `fence', and a sturdy glass case to get the Jewel of the Three Kingdoms." He put her thumb and forefinger together. "It was about that big, and was worth about twenty million Mobiums to my employers." She smiled gently. "If patience is a virtue, I'm a frigging nun." He laughed. "Then waiting for a glass of tangy grape juice should be no big deal." She glared at the kitchen door. "Yes, it -is-." Joseph frowned a little. "Sandra, you seem different today. Is something wrong?" Sandra looked at Joseph with a very cool, yet very calm, look. "That waitress," she said, "was my arch-nemesis in high school. She was my one competitor for everything; men, seats in the auditorium, new hats, spots in the cafeteria line, you name it." She gritted her teeth, holding back her anger. "She -never- got in trouble for anything, while I continually got sent to the ISD room and sneered at by my teachers." She dug her claws into the table. "Since then, I promised to make her life miserable in any way I could." Joseph looked a little surprised. "She looked like she didn't mean you any malice to me. I've come here lots of times without you, too, and she had always treated me nicely." Sandra's eyes would have flashed red if she had cybernetic enhancements. Her voice grew in rage, but maintained a steady volume. "You mean she's -been- working here?" He grew a little nervous in this alarming change of mood. "Yeah, since like two or three months ago, when the last big group of people were deroboticized..." Suddenly, she calmed a bit. A little smile graced her face. "Roboticized, was she? I should have known...too stupid to get out of the city in time." Her rapid mood swing didn't help Joseph's feelings of nervousness. "You aren't going to try to make her unhappy, are you?" She looked at him distrustingly. "Why should -you- care?" He folded his arms. "I think that holding a grudge for -that- long is very unhealthy." Sandra's initial suspicions of a tryst faded as she realized Joseph's actual reason for trying to quell her vengeance. "You don't understand," she growled in a soft whisper, "she -deserves- to be abused! This isn't just a one-sided attack on someone who happened to get some things I wanted -fairly-! She was -worse- than me! She--" She arrived then, putting Joseph's dram of iced Fizz [tm] down in front of him, while putting a goblet of Mobian Black Wine, cooled in a freezer of some sort, in front of her. Sandra looked at her with a sudden blase' look,which made the mink obviously more nervous. Very frightened, she turned to Joseph. "W-what would you like, sir?" Joseph smiled, making his usual polite request. "Just my usual, please. The chef will know what to do." She nodded, apparently thankful for his promptness. "And y-you, ma'am...?" Sandra looked at her with a very bored look, intensely focusing her superiority right into her eyes. "I wish to have one of the `Legendary' chili dogs that this establishment serves, with extra chili." She yawned. "And do it -now-, please." The mink ran off after saying the usual `that'll be just a moment, enjoy your afternoon at the Hedgehog's Quill', looking like she was going to collapse from terror. Needless to say, this was beginning to seriously displease Joseph. "What possible pleasure can you be deriving from this? Whatever she had done must have been so long ago that it couldn't possibly be affecting you now. You are going to give her a heart attack...with... whatever the hell you are doing to make her so afraid." She clawed into the table. It was starting to becoming noticable. "You -can't- understand! She's a million times worse than I ever was! I hurt people because I -had- to! She does it for fun!" Joseph switched to Ur'thaen, seeing that people were starting to notice their heated discussion. << "I'm not seeing much evidence of bad intent in that mink. All I see is a very frightened girl, wondering if you'll sic me on her for not chilling your drink enough." >> Sandra followed, knowing enough of the language to be able to speak it like a native. << "That's an act! She's a evil bitch, waiting for the right opportunity to strike!" >> He waved his hands around expressively. << "Strike? She can't harm either of us! I've got enough tactical weaponry to wipe this part of the mudball into dust! What could she do to you?" >> Sandra leaned forward, trying to contain her voice to a whisper. << "She uses people, then -kills- them! I let my victims -live-, for Goddess' sake! Rachel does away with them to cover her tracks!" >> She growled, trying to make Joseph listen with sheer force of will. << "She's evil!" >> Joseph sat back, shocked. << "A killer?" >> Sandra calmed down, seeing that her point had come across. << "Yes, she's killed about 10 men...covering it up by making them `suicides', tragic `accidents', various `mysterious disappearances'...and she's never been caught! She even tried to make -me- look responsible for one, but she didn't have enough evidence to frame me!" >> He was still in a state of dumbfounded amazement. << "But...she's always looked so nice! I've always gotten my food quickly and hot from her." >> Sandra shook her head slowly, frowning. << "The foolish bitch has been trying to soften you up...she probably wants you for the reason that everyone thinks -I- want you; power." >> He looked agast. << "You know that's not true." >> << "That's not the point! She's dangerous, and she hates me with an undying passion...she's afraid now, only because you fight like three Hells and Packbell rolled into one, and you're incredibly loyal." >> She smiled for the first time in what seemed like years, but then returned to her initial annoyed expression. << "Thank Goodness for that...if you -were- having an affair with her, who knows what sort of damage she might do!" >> Joseph reached inside his trenchcoat. << "Well, I'll put a stop to--" >> Sandra stopped him with her paw. << "No! Killing her yourself will only damn you in the eyes of the people, and probably get us both lynched!" >> Joseph sighed, resting his arm on the table. << "What the hell are we supposed to do, then? I can't let a murderer run free within Knothole." >> She laughed for some reason, which alarmed Joseph a bit more. << "Joseph, there's an entire prison full of people in this restaurant alone. Look around!" >> She guided him discreetly from table to table, showing him the various criminals which were present. << "That fox over there is a professional assassin, that wolf is a very elite safecracker, that couple of porcupines are two of the finest bankrobbers on Mobius, and the middle hedgehog behind the bar is an anti-monarchy anarchist." >> Joseph looked sincerely surprised. << "Goddess' bosom! If the Princess knew what sort of people she was harboring..." >> Sandra put a finger to his muzzle. << "Too bad she won't, Joe. Some of those thugs have saved my life more than once." >> Joseph looked shocked, then resigned himself to it. << "I will not tarnish your professional honor." >> She nodded. << "I figured you'd understand." >> Joseph ruffled his headfur. << "But what are we supposed to do about this witch of a waitress?" >> Sandra smiled darkly. << "Leave it to me, Joseph. Just play along." >> She returned, bringing Joseph his exquisitely rare yakamule steak, slathered in piping-hot au jus, with deliciously spicy potato wedges with it. A bottle of even-more spicy sauce was given to him with it, and his Fizz [tm] was refreshed with the arrival of the meal. Rachel then carefully gave Sandra her meal, with a side order of fries and a refreshment of her drink. "W-would you like anything else, sir?" Joseph dismissed her with a wave. "This will be fine for now, thank you." As she left, Joseph began to eat as he always did. Sandra, however, kept an eye on Rachel while she was eating, and waited for her to enter the ladies' room before acting. As she got up, Joseph watched her and made a fair guess on what she was about to do. "Go on," he muttered while he consumed a piece of saturated bread, "I'm right out here if you need me." Of course, Sandra would have gone off to the ladies' room anyway, even if Joseph hadn't noted that he approved. After she'd gotten out of sight, Joseph resumed eating, hoping that she'd not get them both thrown out of the establishment. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The ladies' room of the `Quill' was done in a psudorustic style. The sinks and mirrors were done up in fake wood, and were obviously reenforced marble by the very look of the `wood'. The floor was sanded and polished concrete, which was so painted to make it appear to be linoleum. A fan was constantly going in the background to freshen the air, and the stalls of the lavoratory were tall and wide enough to accomodate the largest Mobian female. The area was clean and smelled vaguely of pine. It was also almost empty, except for a single mink who was grooming herself in front of the mirror, and the tall black vixen who is the focus of this episode... Sandra strode in, some of the smoke from the outside draping behind her as a cloak and highlighting her menacing figure. "So. You lived." The mink turned slightly to Sandra, still combing her lush blonde hair. "I could say the same for you, dahling." Sandra was unphased, and walked up to a nearby mirror to do some grooming of her own. "Well, I knew that it was time to get out of the city when I lost contact with my fence in Rivertown about 50 klicks from here. That gave me the distinct feeling that it was time to go." Rachel did her lashes. "Of course, the fact that you swiped the roboticizerplans for Ivo might have given you a hint as well, -honey-." Sandra held back an instictive desire to tear open her throat. "I'd thought you'd believe that nonsense, knowing you." She kept grooming. "So it's not true that you sold the world out to that miserable deceased dictator?" Sandra combed her hair. "No, it's not." "Then who did, Sandra? Aliens?" Sandra looked into the mirror, boring deeply into her own eyes. She was close, very close. That, or she was being sarcastic. "It was probably one of the various spies that were all over Charles' lab during the last weeks of the monarchy. It's not my problem any more." The mink seemed to lose interest in the subject. "Well, whoever did it certainly yiffed herself, didn't she?" Sandra washed off her hands. "Definitely." The mink smiled darkly. "So, how's your freak boyfriend?" Sandra took a towel from the wall and dried off her hands. "He's less of a freak than you are, `Black Widow'." She laughed. "Sure, honey. Still a little bitter about being the second best seductress on Mobius?" Sandra folded her arms. "My days of seduction for money or power are done, Rachel. I found love. Haven't you?" Rachel flinched for a moment, then resumed her usual composure. "Love? More like the motherlode, Sandy-dear. You don't even need to compete any longer; all you gotta do is cross your legs and the freak'll get it done." It took all of Sandra's will to keep from killing Rachel the instant she said that. "Your mouth is still as vulgar as your methodology, yifftoy." Rachel laughed, tying back her hair and putting on her hat. "I'd like to see you do something about it, dear. Without him, you're nothing but a thief and a spy." She looked into her eyes with a confident sneer. "And he -will- be mine, eventually. Already, I've convinced him that you're nothing but a power-lusting bitch by how I've reacted. It's too late to warn him's already begun." She paused to let it sink in. "How does that make you feel, Nightweaver? Your days are numbered." With that, she walked out the bathroom door, her tail flicking at her in disrespect as she strode out. She got herself a disposable cup, filled it with water, and got a drink. "You get all that, Joseph?" Through the subvocal implant behind her brain stem, she `heard' a slightly distorted voice say, "Loud and clear, Sandra. What a bitch." Sandra took a drink. "Didn't I tell you she was dangerous?" "Damn straight," the `voice' said. "remind me to remove the particle of saline solution from my mental evaluation process when I hear a statement from you." He burped quietly. "Now what?" Sandra wiped her mouth, looking into the mirror with a dark smile. "We wait for her to make the next move." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph was just polishing off his glass of Fizz [tm] when Sandra emerged from the ladies' room and took a seat. However, she noticed that her chili dog had mysteriously disappeared. "Hey, where's my lunch?" He smiled and dabbed off the sies of his mouth with a napkin. "It was getting cold." She scowled at him for a half-second, then smirked and took a seat. "I waited a long time for that!" He smiled. "It wasn't very healthy." She held the smirk. "That's no excuse!" "I thought she might have poisoned it...?" Sandra kicked his shin gently under the table. "Wrong." He winced and grinned softly. "I was hungry." She folded her arms, leaning back a bit in her chair. "Well, that's the honest answer. It's still not an excuse." He laughed. "Too bad. I paid for it." She smiled very slightly. "That you did." "Don't worry, I'll feed you something more tasty later." He winked. "A whole four-course picnic later tonight. What d'ya say?" She smiled, appeased. "Well, only because you know how I adore picnics." Sandra caressed his face with the back of her hand. "You are forgiven." He piled up their dishes in the middle of the table, took a fistful of peanuts, and shoved them in his coat pocket. "Good. Let's get the smeg out of here before whatshername goes psycho." Sandra smiled, getting up first, then allowing Joseph to stand. Lunch had ended about 15 minutes ago, so the restaurant was mostly abandoned. A thought entered her head, however, as she stood. "Joseph." "Yeah?" "Rotor." He thought about it for a second, then smiled. "Ahh." They walked out the main door, Sandra walking next to Joseph...with the mink's hateful stare following them as they left. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rotor's hut was in its usual state of unrestrained chaos. Parts were strewn all over the eccentric walrus' hut, as was the occasional SWATBot part. Today, however, a table had been cleared away for a single basketball-sized object, that was restrained in a vice. It seemed to have suffered from a blunt object colliding with it in some fashion, and obviously required repair. Rotor was still bent over it, poking at it with a probe, when Joseph entered the hut. Sandra trailed from no great distance behind him, and stood at a safe distance away from the two tinkerers when they met. "Rotor, pleasant to see you again." The walrus looked up at the tall fox, and smiled. "Hey, Joseph. I found your device spinning in one spot outside the village today, and I figured you wouldn't mind if I tried to get it to work." The fox smiled. "Heavens no. I like to see the innovative spirit in the denziens of this world." He extended his palm to caress the device. "Please, show me what you've learned." Rotor nodded, and opened up a hatch on the side of the device. "Okay, here's what I think happened..." As the technical aspects of the conversation took precedence, Sandra wandered off to explore the rest of the hut. As she walked around, she noticed other things besides parts inhabited the area. For example, a bed was in the far rear of the room, as were some pictures. Most of the art on the wall dealt with Freedom Fighters at work and play, but a few had mostly walruses. Perhaps this was a sort of family album for Rotor, she thought, but it mostly consisted of those in the village. How odd... where do you come from, Rotor? How did you get here? Perhaps she would never know... A popping sound and the smell of ozone filled the room, which returned Sandra's attention to the table and the tinkerers. Joseph waved away some of the smoke from the erupting device, and coughed. "Well, looks like the master power conduit was just about to blow anyway." Rotor coughed as well. "So -that- is what that silver glob was. I knew it had to be something like that...ah well." The creator of the device smiled. "Hey, I had to trash a few of these objects before I learned how they worked. You can keep this one for future study." Rotor beamed a bit at Joseph. "Really? Thanks!" He put up a paw benignly. "No problem at all. I have lots more." Sandra walked back over to Joseph, returning to his side as if she were a well-trained falcon. "Well, darling, let's leave Rotor to his work..." Joseph smiled and nodded. "Just call if you have any questions, friend." Rotor smiled. "Oh, I'm sure you'll be sick of my questions soon enough." They all laughed. "You'd be surprised at my patience. Now, if you'll excuse Sandra and I, there's some other business that needs to be attended to." Rotor nodded, and bent over the device to explore it further. Content that the walrus would be occupied for a few years, Joseph and Sandra strode off into the village, heading home again... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sandra and Joseph returned to the Dome, seeing that the repairs to it were nearly complete. The final polish was being put on the Dome's new roof, which consisted of clouded clear crystal, rather than the old brownish kind. Joseph appeared surprised when he saw this, but was not angered. "Good show," he said to the drones, "make sure the rest of it matches." They twittered and began to comply as Joseph and Sandra entered the inside of the structure, and then descended below to the first sublevel. Joseph replicated a proper basket, while Sandra took the time to think of things to have for dinner. "How do you feel about having some ham sandwiches, Joseph?" He removed the completed basket from the side of the wall, and put a blanket inside of it to sit on. "Nah, had ham last time." Sandra hmmed and walked over to the food replicator. "Turkey?" Joseph fiddled with the basket a bit. "Yeah, turkey'll be okay." Sandra smiled and hit the proper buttons. A few moments later, a packaged set of turkey sandwiches were created, which Sandra carried over to the basket for Joseph to stow. "You think Rachel will try to bother us?" asked the orange fox to his mate. Sandra frowned. "Why would she?" "I know how females can get," he said as he put the sandwiches in the basket, "especially ones with a penchant for homocide. She's dangerous." He paused to finish packing the turkey sandwiches up, then shut the lid of the basket. "We have to do -something-!" She thought for a moment, and looked into Joseph's eyes. "Like what? You honestly think our word alone can get that hussy arrested?" "No," said he, "but there are ways to snare even the craftiest foe..." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Several hours later, they emerged from the Dome to have their dinner. Both had been cleansed, and a few hours of exercise had made them hungry for the healthy food contained within said wicker basket. Joseph dragged the basket along while Sandra wandered around the areas surrounding the Dome to find just the right spot. They followed a old stone path that led away from the Dome a mile or two, and found the beautiful Green Hill at its end. Thinking this would be the best spot to have dinner, they ascended the hill and set up camp on the very top of the hill. An orange tree provided them shade from the setting sun, and their blanket was set up around it so to take full advantage. Their food was set up around the blanket for easy consumption, and both foxes were pleased at the subtle trap they had set. Joseph knew Rachel was following about a half-mile behind them, and was silently tracing her progress through his network of hidden spy devices and motion sensors. Quickly, Sandra and Joseph set the stage for their plot, and prepared a special prop just for the audience of one they would have later... Rachel breached the perimeter of the areas of Green Hill, and could now hear unseen from the bottom the conversation at the summit of the gentle hill... So it begins, thought Joseph, reciting his lines perfectly. "I don't -believe- what I'm hearing!" Sandra smiled internally, beginning her part of the ruse. "She is! Don't you believe me?" Joseph tuned his voice properly to accentuate his false rage. "No! This is ridiculous...there's no way that waitress could have been plotting to kill me! I think you've lost your mind!" "Oh, now -I- have lost -my- mind. I see. And I suppose your little obsession with watching her `au natural' is -sane-?!" Joseph found this hilarious, but let no vestage of hilarity cross his angry visage. "That's a blatant mistruth, you harlot!" Sandra stood, allowing Rachel to plainly see her from her spot at the bottom of the hill, and drew a massive silver knife from a hidden sheath behind her back. "How dare you!" she shouted, and plunged the knife right into Joseph's breast. He cried out once in a roar of agony and rage, but quickly slipped into silence. Rachel, shocked, broke her obfuscation at the bottom of the hill and rushed to the top to see with her own eyes what had happened... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sandra kneeled in front of Joseph's dead body, as blackish fluid flowed from his chest. Her head was in her hands, and she was heavily sobbing. "I killed him!" she kept repeating to herself, crying rather dramatically. The picnic's parts were scattered about randomly, and a jar of mustard had been knocked over and broken in the sudden scuffle. Rachel regained her composure, and stood behind Joseph's sprawled form with her arms crossed. "Well, well...look what we have here. Looks like Miss Nightweaver here is a murderer after all." The black vixen stood suddenly, wiping her eyes off and glaring into her eyes angerly. "Now neither of us can have him, you miserable bitch...I'd rather have him dead than see him in your vile arms!" Rachel was nonplussed. "So what, honey? Now I can slay you myself, with total justification..." She pulled out a small pistol from the back of her jeans, and aimed it at Sandra's forehead. "You see, dahling, no matter what you do, I'm always better. It's just like how I killed all ten of those idiots; I took what I needed, then I left. Jack Fox, Charles Weasel, Pierre Wolf, Michael Falcon, Andrew Mongoose, Emmanuel Lemur, Robert Mouse, and those three McMasterson brothers. Now, you join the list...and I'll be a hero to boot, because I killed the bitch who destroyed the inventor of the deroboticizer!" She started to laugh rather demonically at that last statement, and her thumb moved to the hammer of the sidearm... Sandra backed up a bit. "You fiend! And I suppose you'll tell everyone that I was behind the roboticizer theft as well!" She laughed coldly. "Idiot. Of course I'll cover my -own- tracks!" She laughed a bit more. "Yes, Nightweaver, *I* took those plans from Sir Charles, and now my secret will die with you!" Sandra could only look on with terror as Rachel flicked back the hammer with her thumb, continuing to laugh ever-more psychotically... However, it is rather hard to fire a weapon when it is suddenly punched out of one's hand, especially when a sneak attack was thus launched by one you thought was formerly dead. Immediately after the gun was forced out of Rachel's hand, Joseph slammed her, painfully hard, into the blanketed ground. The knife that was in his chest was now absent, and the wound seemed to have disappeared in a way that put in question it ever existing. "I don't think so," said Joseph calmly, rubbing Rachel's snout into a pool of spilled mustard. "You're done, baby." Rachel growled and thrashed around, but simply didn't have the strength to escape his superior mass. "Fool! You'll never prove a thing!" "Is that so?" a familiar female voice said. Sandra looked over to the new arrival surprisedly. "Princess Sally?!" The Princess nodded to Sandra and walked over to Joseph, kneeling down by his victim. "I'm afraid, young lady, that Joseph transmitted the last few moments of your rant over the public subspace system." She gestured in the general direction of the tree. "It is, by the way, admissable in a court of law." She looked over to Sandra. "Mobius owes you an apology, Miss Nightweaver, for the rumors that were passed around about your involvement in the Roboticizer Affair." Sandra nodded politely and looked over to Joseph. "You didn't tell me you bugged that tree!" Joseph smiled, looking up from his struggling foe's gesticulations and curses for a moment to glance at Sandra. "I did it before I met you... I figured it would be a good precaution in case of something like this." Sandra smirked. "No matter. The important thing was that we captured *her*--" She snarled at Rachel. "--before she could hurt anyone else." A pair of large wolves climbed up the hill to relieve Joseph, and grabbed Rachel before she could get away. She cursed and kicked at the trio, but the large lupines dragged her down the hill before she could harm anyone. Joseph stood back up, dusted himself off, and started cleaning up the area. "That takes care of that now, doesn't it..." Sally looked over to Joseph. "Joseph, one question." Joseph didn't bother looking up, still knocking debris into the center of the blanket. "Yes?" Sally put her right hand on her hip, gesturing with her left. "How did you do that thing with the knife?" Joseph finished knocking the garbage into the blanket, closed it, and stuffed the menagerie into his basket. Then, he looked up at Sally, and extended his palm. Slowly, a silver psudopod emerged from his wrist, stretching beyond the tip of his middle finger, and eventually detaching his extended wrist. It slowly formed itself into a cross-shaped blob, then refined itself into a blade, then the hilt. Various details gradually emerged, and after it seemed to solidify, Joseph grabbed it in his other hand. "I formed it from the metal that forms my internal nervous system, then filled it with some of my vit--blood." He suddenly shoved it into his breast, which bled for a moment. "When it broke against my skin," he continued unabated, "the blood came out, and the knife seems to cut me." Slowly, the knife melted into his chest. "Shortly afterward, the knife is pulled back into my body to reform various parts of my nervous system...thus, the illusion is complete." Sally looked on amazed as his t-shirt revealed his body closing up behind the knife, and purifying itself as if nothing had ever happened. Only his soiled shirt revealed it had ever occurred. "Wow." He smiled and bowed a bit. "It took some thought to come up with the illusion, but I think it did the job nicely." Sally seemed to become a little nervous. "Well, I better get back to Knothole. Again, good job, Joseph, Sandra...I'll see you around." With that, Sally jaunted down the hill, heading off to catch up with the guards. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Well, that was interesting," said Sandra after they had returned home. Joseph took off the bloodied garments and put on a thick white robe. "I'm just glad it's over." Sandra flopped backwards onto their bed, resting her head against her pillow heavily. "How tiring. At least we got the bad guy." Joseph laid down as well, resting his head gently against Sandra's stomache. His legs bent over the side of the bed slightly, even though the bed was rather gigantic. "Yes, that is a relief, isn't it?" Sandra smiled softly, and stroked Joseph's headfur as if he were a kitten. "I'd say. The fact that she somehow had survived the coup was by itself enough to alarm me." She leaned back a bit more into the pillow. "At least she'll finally be brought to justice. I wonder if the Princess will enforce the death penalty..." Joseph hrmmed and relaxed a little more on Sandra's midsection. "She should, but I doubt she will..." She sighed gently and closed her eyes. "Oh well. At least she's finally gotten caught..." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meanwhile, elsewhere on the planet: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - He strode steadily onward, his cloak flapping behind him in the wind. The ship that had been promised had arrived to recieve him, and soon he would be into the blue waters of the Great Ocean, to travel to the mainland. It was a good ship, large enough for one other besides himself. The sail was in good condition, and the boat had obviously been well-cared for. It would be very easy to navigate this ship to its destination, and he was sure that the First's statement about the current warlike state of the peasantry was grossly exaggerated. He climbed into the craft, pushed it off the shore with a nudge of his walking stick, and let the enchanted sail do the rest. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The starship grew closer to the world, its massive size not yet registering with the meddling Keld'yrians. Good, John thought, the cloaking device they had bought off the self-proclaimed `Lost Ones' worked as well. They would get a substancial bonus if all the other things they had acquired from them operated properly as well...they might even be allowed to plunder and sack the planet first, he mused, after he had the Chaos Emeralds in his possession. He looked out of the main viewscreen as his crew continued to steadily come out of the cryogenic storage sections of the ship, and return to their former posts, ready to serve his will. The Keld'yrian base on the second moon of Mobius, something known only to him at the moment, would make an excellent test subject for the improved master gun. Not only would it raise the morale of the crew to a fever pitch, but it was sufficiently large enough to make a good test for the souped-up weapon. Yet, the vision he had seen in his dream still bothered him. Even though their victory over Mobius was practically assured, and the Chaos Emeralds only inches away from his grasping paw, what he had seen still made his fur stand on end. A powerful defender of the Chaos Emeralds the echidna had not been; he certainly lacked the raw power it would take to transform into a mighty bird of flame! But visions do not always tell what actually happens in physical reality, he noted. It may appear that the defender becomes a powerful Phoenix in the Umbral realms, but sometimes the forces of magic are more subtle... No matter. Any attempts of resistance would be crushed before they attained sufficient altitude to harm him. The Chaos Emeralds would be his, and the foul Keld'yrians would be trounced. So was his will. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Part II - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A few days went by. Rachel was put into a hastily-constructed jail, and was guarded around the clock by the strongest males the village could afford to assign to the task. The new roof of the Dome was tested for electrical resistance, and passed with flying colors. The new look for it was also well-recieved, seeing that cloudy clear-white seemed to meet everyone's approval more easily that the original dirt brownish hue. Yet, just a week and a half later, some new and nearly frightening events began to occur... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Floating 50 yards above the middle of his pond, Joseph vaguely pondered the events that led him to this current prediciment, and mused slightly about why it would have to have happened to him. Several days ago, while Joseph had been in his lab, an odd event had led him to yet another extreme transformation. He had been holding the Stone (as Joseph called it) to see if any further guidance could be derived from it...then, he suddenly had become deaf. The polyalloy had simply ceased picking up any auditory input, and no amount of internal rerouting could cause it to operate properly again. So, he had put down the Stone for a moment, and physically squeezed some fresh metal from his arm into his neck. His hearing resumed shortly afterward, as if nothing had ever happened. Noting this occurance, he picked back up the Stone again. A few moments later, all color drained from his vision. Becoming further annoyed, he put down the Stone and squeezed the steel from his tail, pushing it up his spinal column to his neck. Color again returned. He came to the conclusion that the Stone must be interfering with his internal functions somehow. While he held it the third time, he had a scanning device monitor it for any sort of radiation. It detected nothing, even as his sense of touch faded and then disappeared from his paws. He put the Stone down again, and rerouted from another appendage, and his sense of sensation returned. He walked away from the Stone for a bit, and sat down on the opposite side of the lab. Logically, he thought, his cybernetic enhancements had to be interfering with whatever sort of magick the Stone worked through him. He also knew somehow that he would have to get rid of them to make any sort of progress with the object. But he liked his powerful abilities and mighty calculative prowess a lot, which made his scientific pursuits far less time-consuming. Joseph thought long and hard, sitting down for over an hour before getting an idea on how to go about having both what he wanted and what he needed...of course, he thought, make a biological version. He sat down at his terminal, and started designing yet another shell for him to use. The Keldy'rian/Mobian/Ur'thaen mix was still utilized, but the central nervous system was radically changed. The concentration of nerves was raised in several key areas, almost 150% more in some areas than others. The eyes were reshaped and chemically altered (only by organic means, of course) as were several other of the sensory organs. The brain was overhauled completely, having an extremely uberdense concentration of neurons and synapses so to speed up thought and comprehension close to that of his current system. A few days of 14-hour shifts later, he had designed the ultimate organic expression of vulpine perfection; an Ur'thaen body, with the Keld'yrian genetic background...namely, the ability to transform temporarily into a supersonic Mobian hedgehog. Enhanced sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste; with a brain that calculated and operated at roughly 80% of his current cybernetic mind. Lengthened lifespan from 100 to 500 years, with a healthy diet and proper care. Enhanced immune system to compensate for the lack of nanites; it created antibodies for all known diseases, and adapted quickly to new viruses and diseases. The circulatory and excretory systems worked very rapidly and powerfully; poisons and other toxins could be assimilated quickly and removed before any severe damage could be done. However, the disease of vampirism still existed in the new body; apparently the genetic makeup of the shell required an occasional refreshment of its blood just as much as his current body did. The polyalloy wasn't at fault, after all...this annoyed Joseph, who wanted to be free of a dependance on Sandra's blood once and for all. But the lure of the Stone, not to mention an acceptance of the practice by Sandra as `one of those things', made him resign himself to designing an organic equivalent of the polyalloy's `vampire's fangs' that would introduce the forementioned vitae into his system. But overall, it would be a fun thing to try; he could always return to this form, he thought, if the new one didn't work out for the best. The next problem was transferring his intelligence from his polyalloy to the organics in his new shell. The reverse was well-known and had been perfected to a near-art form. But this situation had never been attempted, to his knowledge. Some research into the problem would have to be, another week of 14-hour shifts was used before a breakthrough was made. (Meanwhile, Sandra was becoming rather lonely, since she had been accustomed to Joseph's normal pattern of dozing for most of the day ever since the deroboticizer coding had been taken over by Bahb...) The device was constructed in a few hours, and was completed just as the new organic shell had been grown to the proper level. Sandra stood close by as Joseph wired himself into the device for the movement of data, wishing her mate luck on his new endevor. "Be careful," Sandra nervously said, getting a safe distance away from the sensitive equipment as the process began... The transfer of information itself took about 15 minutes, but then the new body had to be `animated'. Electrical stimulus fired up the heart, while fresh blood was generated for it to utilize. The brain was kick-started with a burst of neurotransmitters, which activated the rest of the body's lower functions. Memories flooded the new host body...birth, childhood, the flight from Ur'thae, the long sleep of cryostasis, the landing, the Dome, Sandra, the imminent threat from space... Paws clenched into fists as the primal rage flooded his body, the power that gave the Ur'thaen race the will to conquer all. The roar of awakening filled the hall, and the bonds that held the body broke asunder from the might unchained from the chains of reason and logic. The howl shook the walls of the laboratory, shattered beakers, and paralysed Sandra with fear of feral extermination...claws extended into talons, teeth into fangs, his new body filling with his might... Then, the mind took control. Rage deadened into diamond-hard resolve, frenzy into willpower. His vision cleared, and the roar softened into a friendly laughter. Again, his heartbeat drove him forward, and the blood of three races filled his veins. The transfer had been successful. He embraced his mate in joy, flesh pushing against flesh really for the first time; they were both purely organic, aside from the mere anti-virus-boost Sandra's nanites provided her. Sandra, however, was merely relieved that Joseph's obsession with understanding and using the powers of the Stone hadn't caused him to become erased, or corrupted, or harmed mentally somehow. Yet. His new body looked similar to his old one, except the characteristics were, to the Terran tongue, more `elvish'. His ears were longer and slimmer, as was the rest of his head. His eyes had seemed to have `slitted' a bit more, becoming longer and more oval-shaped. His muzzle was more pointed, and his cranium seemed to be more `aerodynamic' in a way...a odd side-effect from his tinkering. His body was slimmer, but seemed to have more muscles to it. His strength had been increased roughly 35%, yet his tone seemed even more subdued. His legs were also longer, adding about an inch to his height, and his hindpaws had increased a bit in length as well. Yet, Sandra didn't seem to mind his subtle change in appearance, choosing instead to hug him warmly rather than criticize his new `look'. It seemed to...suit him? Yes, it suited him in a way that she could not describe...perhaps she would understand later. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - After all had been taken care of in the lab, he had again touched the Stone. Now totally organic, he discovered that no ill effect came of it. It was, in fact, warmer to his paw, and seemed to feel `friendlier' to him somehow. And, after a few moments, it spoke. >> "You have purified yourself. Good." << Joseph smiled. "You speak again, Stone." It seemed to chuckle. >> "Yes, I do. Allow me to introduce myself, young friend. I am Mob, the male half of the Mobia. My other half, Ia, is with the Chaos Emeralds, as you call them, on the Floating Island. Fate fortells that you have seen this place already. << He nodded. "Yes, I have been there." >> "Good," << Mob said, >> "that will simplify matters later. Now, I'm sure you have many questions." << "Yes, I do." >> "Then ask them." << He smiled. "Alright. First one: why me?" >> "You were chosen, Jhosesophae, for the same reason the sky was chosen to be blue as the water; it is unknown. Not even I could tell you. All that is known is that you are the best male for the job. The hero of Ia, your blood-brother Sonic, was chosen for the same reason...and it is known that both of you shall preserve us from the evils that each of you have been put on a quest to destroy." << He raised an eyebrow. "Us? Who's `us'?" >> "Ia and I are the two attracting and opposing forces of Mobius; my maleness opposes, yet attacts, Ia's femaleness. Our individual powers are personified through the Chaos Emeralds; the waters, the fire, the wind, the earth, and the magickal powers that hold together all. Few worlds have such magick available in such a fashion...most have the magick spread evenly across the world, making all wizards and witches roughly equal in potential power." << Mob continued. >> "But Mobius is special for some reason. The forces of nature are especially concentrated in the crystals that you have called `Chaos Emeralds', and are focal points for all of the powers of nature. Being such, people since the beginning of time, from all worlds, have tried to capture them." << He thought for a moment, staring into the glowing depths of the rock. "But wouldn't they be useless anywhere else but Mobius?" >> "No, for the Chaos Emeralds are nothing but focal points. You could use a Chaos Emerald anywhere in the universe, drawing upon the local powers of nature, and it would function just the same as if you were standing near Ia or myself." << Joseph looked impressed. "So why hasn't some other technically superior race come along and taken them by now?" >> "We know of the threats to our world long before they arrive. Thus, we can make a defender for ourselves; a great warrior, or a powerful wizard, to counter the enemy foe. Drawing upon the limitless power of nature, our great fighter, or our great magi, can defeat any and all comers." << He thought for a moment. "Why can't you just destroy the foe yourself? Why use another?" >> "Despite being a powerful force, Ia or myself could not fight an agressor. We lack the ability to focus our abilities in a way to vanquish a do that, a person wise in the ways of using our powers must take power from us and use it as they will." << Joseph raised a brow, and looked oddly at the glowing stone. "But how is your champion supposed to learn how to use the power within you to fight?" >> "We know how to use our power, we simply lack the ability to put our knowledge forth. You will learn from me as the ones before you have... I will teach, you will practice." << Joseph nodded, understanding somehow. "So I am to be this champion..." >> "Yes. You will be the Solaris of legend. But not yet...first, you must learn how to use the limitless power presented to you." << - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A little bit later, Joseph went outside with the stone to begin his mystical training, that eventually got him 150 feet above his pond. Mob apparently chose to teach Joseph the art of flight first, he thought, because he had been rocketed upwards at an unexpected speed after reaching the pond area... "Aaaaaa!" shouted the fox as he rushed upward through the sky, coming to a halt at a very high point above his own private pool. >> "We will begin with a lesson in flight. In 30 seconds, I shall stop feeding you energy. At that point, you must draw it from me and will yourself upwards again. If you do not, you get wet." << He tried to compose himself. " do I--" He started to fall at that point very quickly. Somehow, he knew how to take energy from the crystal, but he had no idea how to go about this `willing' himself upwards. As the water loomed larger beneath him, he reflected on how he had gotten into this situation, cursed, and thought very hard of flight. Inches from the water's surface, he came to a sudden halt. He hovered above the liquid for several moments before slowly opening his eyes. Joseph noticed how clear and cool the water was today, and how healthy his robotic defense-fish looked at the time. He then thought of how he'd like to take a swi-- In Joseph went a second later, with a grand splash of water blasting out of the centre of the pond. A few moments went by before the wet fox thrashed from the water, coughing and spitting out the liquid that had crept into his lungs. "Dammit!" he swore as he swam to the water's edge, dragging the stone along with him. As he emerged from the water, he threw off the drenched trenchcoat and shirt, shaking off as his ancestors did many millenium ago. "What the frigging smeg happened?" >> "You broke your concentration. You were doing very well for a moment, but then your thoughts began to drift like clouds." << Joseph spat out some seaweed that had gotten into his mouth. "Great." >> "It was a good first lesson. Let's try something else before doing that again." << He rung out his tail. "Like what?" >> "Wouldn't you like to be dry?" << "How perceptive," he grumbled, wiping some water away from his eyebrows. >> "Then think of being dry." << He coughed. "Why not? What's the worst that could happen? I'll probably die learning this insanity, anyway." Annoyed at his failure, he grabbed the stone again, closed his eyes, and concentrated totally on the water simply evaporating from his fur. He thought of sunlight and fuzzy towels, and deserts and wind... As he held those thoughts, his body got dryer. A plume of steam rose from his back and chest, and his clothing also seemed to mystically dry themselves in the same way. After all the water had left him, he opened his eyes and took his mind away from the task. Sure enough, the effect faded away with the lack of concentration, just as his brief hovering had. "Hey," said an amazed Joseph, "it worked." >> "You can do nearly anything you wish with the powers of Mobius if you only set your mind to it. No task is too great for the power of will to accomplish." << He made a fist, and willed energy to sparkle around it. "Now we're getting somewhere." He commanded the energy to spark across his pond, and strike a few boulders that laid on the other side. "This is a lot easier than I thought it would be." The boulders detonated gratifingly, which made Joseph smile. >> "The only reason all on Mobius are not wizards is because they lack the faith in themselves to believe they can, the strength of will to do it, and the temperance not to abuse their might. This is why you were chosen, Fell-From-The-Sky, and is why you were made the wizard rather than the warrior; the Way of the warrior focuses more on bravery, might, and the other roots of heroism...while you may also have those traits, Runs-Like-Lightning, Sonic, does not yet hold the wisdom to understand the Way of the wizard." << Joseph tried some other feats of will as the stone talked. "So you're saying that while I could have been either, Sonic could only be one; therefore, I had to be what Sonic could not be." >> "You are correct. Both of you are just as vital to Mobius; it is just that your Way focuses more on mental toughness than physical." << Joseph hmmed and looked up. Fired by his recent successes, he balled his free fist, and took a breath. "Think I'll be able to fly now?" >> "Try it and see." << He closed his eyes, focusing on birds, spaceships, and balloons. He willed the energy to fill his lower legs and feet, and imagined they were the lower thrusters of an UsagiBOT. Whoosh, whoosh, fly away... Air rushed past him as the thoughts became more specific. He willed himself to slow down as the wind rushed faster, not wanting to fly too far away from his pond. He opened his eyes after he had come to a stop, and looked down... The Great Forest laid beneath him, his pond just a sparkling dot. The lush Great Meadow and the mysterious Grey Mountains could be seen in the far distance, as were the smoking ruins of Robotropolis. Birds flew several hundred yards beneath him, punctuating how far up he actually was. Natually, Joseph's first instinct was to scream in terror. 10,000 feet is not a place for a fox to be without a spacecraft. Yet, he somehow controlled his panic, grabbing more tightly onto the stone and holding the thought of flight in his mind. If he lost that thought, he'd fall like a stone to the earth below...he started to rapidly drop downward. Quickly, he shut his eyes and reasserted mental control of his environment. He was not going to be crushed like a dropped egg as long as he held the key to cosmic power in his right paw. Glide down, he thought repeatedly, like a a landing saucer, like a leaf from a tree...and, gradually, the speed of his desent increased to a far less rapid pace. Slowly, he desended to the world below, being very careful not to let his thoughts wander astray. Soon the Great Forest exclusively filled his vision, and a few moments later he was again standing on the shore of his pond, looking rather relieved. >> "You controlled yourself well, yet you still have much to learn." << He put the stone down on the ground, and wiped his forehead. "No kidding." >> "Don't let these early moments of unimpressive last-second preservations of life bother you. You just learned the basis of all magic and the ability to fly in less than a half-hour. It usually takes weeks to culture such abilities in most normal beings; but because of your abnormal intelligence, we were able to make stunning progress." << It paused. >> "You should be proud." << He took a flask of water from his trenchcoat pocket on the ground, and took a drink. "Sure. I almost impaled myself on the world I'm supposed to be protecting, and I should be proud." >> "Trust me, I've had to teach far worse. A few of my students actually -did- impale themselves on Mobius, and I had to train another one just to put them back together." << He winced. "Ouch." >> "You've done far better; a near prodigy at the mystical arts. It causes one to wonder how your initial religion of Science, which opposed Magick, led you to this point." << He slugged back more water. "Love." >> "Exactly. Again, you prove beyond a doubt you are the Chosen." << He sat down on his coat, and looked up into the sky. "I just hope I'm strong enough to keep the evil at bay, Mob." >> "You are. But much training must be completed before you can march off to battle." << It glowed more intensly for a moment. >> "Come, let us continue." << - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Part III: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - They worked the rest of the day, Joseph attempting to do what the Stone demonstrated for him. He was becoming more and more proficient at what Mob showed him, and a few weeks later he was making up `spells' of his own. Meanwhile, however, other things were happening in the world that would soon cause a great change in Joseph's life yet again.... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The trial itself began a few days after Rachel's capture, but took about a month to actually commence. Even after it started, it was taking a long time to complete. Despite the rather efficient Mobian system of justice, it was unable to handle the main Judge's continual need to call a recess every time some interruption or personal task needed to be completed in order to allow Knothole and the rest of the Freedom Fighters to keep operating. Sally was, of course, the Judge. She came to court dressed in the ceremonial garb of the Royal Court, which were beginning to get pretty warm during the stretching summer months. A jury was created by getting residents of other villages to return to Knothole, so that the various components of the jury would be personally unfamiliar with the individual. However, the broadcast made by Joseph alienated a lot of potential jurors, and made jury selection somewhat of a hit-or-miss affair. A courtroom had been set up in the civic center, and air conditioning was thankfully provided. The trial had actually began in mid-summer, after everyone had gotten their acts together enough to operate such an affair. Sally attempted to keep interruptions to a minimum, but the trial kept slowing down for various emergencies; minor brush fires, heatstroke, various festivals, etc. Yet, progress was being made. The defense was rather stymied about how to defend a self-incriminating subspace transmission, so was forced to fight the other evidence presented by the prosecution; which was far more organized and more robustly made. First, the few people who knew Rachel during the times of the various murders came forward to testify about her alleged involvement. Now unafraid of Rachel's vengeance, they told all about her despicable `addiction' to killing. Then, Sandra came forward to testify about her overall character, and how she had also known of the various crimes she had committed. Not even the most zealous efforts by the defense could crack through Sandra's statements; her word now had weight to it. The transmission was replayed for the jury, which pretty much killed the defense's meager efforts to acquit Rachel. Now, only the final witness, Rachel's own ex-boyfriend, remained to be questioned. The district attorney, a hasily elected Sir Charles, questioned this particularly informed friend of Rachel's...another mink named Thomas Fargo. "Tell the court, son," said Charles, "about your relationship with the accused, and what you know about the alleged murders of Jack Fox, Charles Weasel, Pierre Wolf, Michael Falcon, Andrew Mongoose, Emmanuel Lemur, Robert Mouse, and the three McMasterson brothers." The male sighed, slicked back his mane of headfur, and spoke softly. "It all started so many years ago...I had been dating Rachel on and off for several months, breaking up with her every time I discovered she had been with another man. Yet, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stay away; I was being used, and I could do nothing to stop it." He stopped to wipe his eyes, then continued. "But one day, I finally could take no more, and confronted Rachel about her actions..." Charles' eyes softened. "Go on when you're ready, son." He sniffed and blew his nose into a Kleenex. "Well, she laughed at me for my `nerve' and very clearly explained that she'd kill me if I left her, just because it'd serve me right..." The defense attorney for Rachel, a rather meek rabbit by the name of Sheryl, spoke up. "Objection, your honor! The witness is obviously embittered about the termination of the relationship with the accused!" Sally looked over to her. "So noted, defense." She looked to the mink. "Continue." He coughed and wiped his eyes. "So I had to leave town after that...this was just before the McMasterson deaths, whom she was dating collectively at the time...I'm glad I escaped." Charles shook his head slowly. "Your Honor, I have no further questions. The prosecution rests...the evidence speaks for itself." Sally sipped some of her glass of water. "Very well, Charles, you may be seated." She glanced over to the defense. "Do you wish to cross-examine the witness?" The rabbit stood. "Yes, Your Honor." Sally nodded. "Proceed." Sheryl walked over to the witness stand, where the mink was still blowing his nose and holding back tears. "How long had you been dating the accused again, Thomas?" He regained some control of himself. "Overall, about a year." "And had you," she said, "been emotionally attached to her?" "Yes." "Did you love her?" "Yes." She looked into the bleary, bloodshot eyes of the mink. "Do you still love her?" "No, I do not." "Why?" He snarled, his eyes clearing and the subtle undertones of rage filling his voice. "Because she's an evil, backstabbing, murderous bitch." The rabbit smiled for a half-second, then continued her questioning. "So you have a dislike for the accused, Thomas?" "Yes." The rabbit's eyes lit up. "Would you like to see her -die- for her alleged crimes?" "Alleged crimes?!" He looked up to Sally. "Your Honor, she committed all of those crimes, and then some! The broadcast from the alien proved that with her own words! She's evil, I tell you!" Sally banged her gavel against her table. "Witness, please calm down." With a great deal of personal strain, he did so. "I apologize to the court for my outburst, Your Honor. It's just that I have been living in fear of her retribution for so long, seeing her finally at the feet of Mobian justice has forced my deep hate of her to foam over." "So noted, Witness." She looked to the defense. "Any further questions?" The rabbit looked deflated. At this point, she thought, perhaps they should plea bargain for a quick death. But yet, she kept some hope alive, and remained steadfast in her posture. "No, Your Honor. The defense rests." Sally looked gently at Thomas. "Then the witness is dismissed." The mink collected his tissues together, and walked back to the section of the courtroom where the onlookers sat. "If there is no further evidence to be provided, the jury may now deliberate over the evidence privately. The court is in recess until the jury reaches its verdict." She banged the gavel again, and watched the various Mobians file out of the civic center, and into a guarded, soundproof hut. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The court was in recess until the next day, when the jurors returned to the courtroom to state their verdict. A tall fox in the jury read the statement they had written up during their all-night discussion. He cleared his throat before speaking. "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Court, we, the jury of the case of People vs. Rachel Mink have deliberated over the evidence provided for us during our recess, and have come up with a verdict." He took a breath again, and looked over the courtroom as he read. "The various testimony provided from the witnesses, as well as the transmitted account of Rachel's `confession' to Miss Sandra Nightweaver, have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Rachel Mink is guilty of ten counts of Murder, as well as two counts of Attempted Murder, one count of Treason against the Crown, one count of Third Level War Crimes against the People of Mobius, and three counts of Perjury. We recommend the most extreme sentence for the combined crimes she has committed..." He swallowed. "Death." Sally somberly nodded, and looked to Rachel with a firm, unyielding stare. "The jury has found you guilty, Rachel Mink. I will now return to my chambers to decide your sentence. Court is adjourned until noon tomorrow." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Upon leaving the courtroom after the guilty party had been returned to her cell, Sally's cool facade began to crumble. She now had to decide the fate of the prisoner they had within the hastily-constructed jail cell in the center of town; should she merely sentence her to life imprisonment, or should she sentence her to death? She entered her hut, closed the door, and prepared a mug of hot coffee. What should she do? What would her father do? She didn't know, and couldn't... Sally stared into the bottom of the cup, watching the swirling patterns that formed on the surface of the liquid. She had to weigh out the evidence in her head, then come to a conclusion. She'd killed ten people in the past, with no sort of remorse. Then, she'd spent 15 years roboticized...perhaps she'd changed, Sally thought. Then the transmission and the statements of Thomas bubbled up from her subconscious, proving that she hadn't changed that much. She was still without remorse for her past misdeeds, and was gleeful about stealing the roboticizer plans from Sir Charles. She'd destroyed the emotional self of her various boyfriends by being totally disloyal. Certainly, she wasn't a good person. Yet, Sally didn't want to have anyone killed. She couldn't even -think- of doing such an execution herself...every extra set of paws in the fight against Packbell, shackled or not, could be useful. Perhaps some therapy and counciling would help the criminal mink. Sandra had changed; why couldn't she? She drank some of her coffee, and stared into a wall. A picture that someone had painted for her a few months ago was there. It was a nice watercolor of the city of Mobitropolis, only days before the coup. It was wonderfully done, and she could almost hear the sounds of the city; children playing in the playgrounds, street musicians singing for their dinner, storekeepers crying their wares out to passerby, the sounds of boats sailing out to the Great Ocean, the laughter of lovers... Then, she saw the Destroyer fly over it, as she had countless times in her worst nightmares; the sky turned black with smoke, the fleeing people suddenly becoming Worker-Bots, blood running through the streets like a flood, the screams of terrified children, the evil, roaring laughter... She closed her eyes, a single tear falling into her coffee. She knew what she had to do now; something she should have done the second she saw the transmission... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The courtroom was silent the next day as Sally returned to her desk, stationed high above the rest of the chamber. Not even the sound of a heartbeat could be heard anywhere as Sally took a sip of a glass of water, and looked right into the eyes of the damned mink. "Rachel Mink, one day Mobius shall be free of the chains of the deceased Robotnik, his evil nephew Snively, and his sadistic creation, Packbell. On that day, all Mobians shall be free of pain, and the foundations of Robotnik's city shall crumble into dust." She paused to let this throughly sink in. "But you will not be there." She continued on. "On that day, the foundations of our new capital city, New Mobitropolis, shall be laid. The ground shall be cleansed of the taint of industrial evil, the waters shall again be pure and fresh, and the air shall smell sweeter than the most delicate rose. It shall be as if we had emerged from a long and cold Winter, and at that moment a grand Spring shall rise like the sun from the ashes of our suffering." Again, a brief pause. "But you will not be there." "The glorious sound of a child's laughter shall echo through the hills and valleys of this great Northern continent, and all shall know on that day our true Victory has been sealed. No longer shall we have to hide in our forest fortresses and underground cities, for there shall be peace and harmony throughout Mobius. Men shall walk proudly, without fear of capture or assault, anywhere on the earth; and the mothers of the world shall let their children play unhidden in the glens and nolls of our fine planet." A pause. "But you will not be there." "Rachel Mink," boomed Sally with a voice as hard as steel, "you will not be there because your bones shall be rotting within the very earth that the people of Mobius will live and love on, for I sentence you to death; to be carried out immediately, in a part of Mobius where none shall ever wish to tread upon ever again, by a method to be chosen by the executioner." She took a sip of her water, and gestured to the large lupine guards. "Get this traitorous wench out of my sight." As they dragged her away, Sally gazed into her smoldering rage-filled eyes, which filled her with a slight sense of fear existed there, no sorrow, just the undying hate...but Sally knew in her heart that she and the rest of the world had nothing more to fear from her; she'd be dead in an hour, anyway. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The guards dragged her beyond the village's limits, and met up with the royal executioner on a hillside about 5 miles from the village's most outer fringe. The executioner, an old bobcat named Reginald, stood under a tall oak tree wearing his full regal garb; a long, flowing black robe, with a hood that totally obscured his face. Reginald's existance in Knothole was somewhat interesting to the common observer. He had been roboticized very early on in the coup, and had worked in the nearby SWATBot factory near Robotnik's main base in Robotropolis. He had regained his faculties by a freak electrical accident which was believed by the presiding SWATBots to have killed him. Thus, he was thrown in a landfill and forgotten about completely. But due to a combination of good luck and physical might, he was able to escape the city just as the deroboticizer was first being developed, and found his way shortly afterward to Knothole. Since then, he'd worked as a assistant to the Princess herself, and now found himself back in his original job. She was brought before him completely restrained, and dropped nearby the tree when the guards approached the royal executioner for instructions. Her cry of annoyance was ignored by all. "So, this is the harlot who helped Robotnik enslave the entire world, eh? Doesn't look so impressive to me, gentlemen. She certainly won't be in top form when we're done with her, will she?" The executioner and the guards all laughed slightly. "Okay, lads, let's get this over with so we can all get back home before dusk." He walked out of the grove for a moment, and returned with a rope with a noose on the end. "Attach this to the tree for me, gentlemen." As the wolves did so, the executioner walked over to the mink. "Any last words, requests, pleas for mercy?" She spat at him, nailing him in the face. "I'll see you all in Hell." He smiled at her. "Very well then, madam." He walked away from her for a moment, then took a silk rag from the inside of his robe to wipe off his face. "Kick her a few times when you're through." Ôhe wolves finished setting up the device to hang the mink, and then kicked her in the stomache several times to pacify her. She refused to cry out or curse at all, only hissing at the blows. After they were through, the executioner spoke. "Now go roll a large rock into the clearing, so we can set her up on it. I saw a good one about 50 yards to the east." They nodded, and went to go get the boulder. The executioner pulled on the rope a few times to test it, and adjusted the noose to operate more efficiently. "What do you want on your tombstone, madam?" Rachel spat at him again, but missed by a few inches. "Eat me." He continued to fiddle with the rope. "I'll take that as a `none'." The rock was rolled in on a wheeled cart. "Ah, excellent, we're just about ready to begin. Gentlemen, roll the cart underneath the noose, put our guest on it, and affix the rope around her throat." The wolves did so, albeit with great resistance from the mink. She spat and thrashed around, but nothing she could do stopped the large wolves from getting her in place, and putting the rope around her throat. "Gentlemen, take your places, please." The wolves complied, and got in front of the cart. They picked up the reins of the wheeled sleigh, and were ready to pull it at a moment's notice. The executioner nodded to them. "On my mark, gentlemen, pull." He walked to the side of the rock, and spoke at the mink rather than to her. "It gives me great pleasure to announce that Princess Sally Alicia Acorn, heir to the Throne of Mobius, has found you guilty of murder, both completed and attempted, treason, war crimes, and being a general bitch. Our wise Princess has therefore sentenced you to death by a method of death selected by myself. I have chosen termination by hanging, because it eliminates much of the messy cleanup that comes from the usual punishment for treason, drawing and quartering." He cleared his throat. "I hearby execute your sentence in the speediest way possible. May Goddess have mercy on your soul." Then, he spat in her face. "Paybacks are hell, aren't they, honey?" He looked to the wolves. "Pull." The reins snapped taut. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The executioner and the wolves returned to Knothole an hour later, having completed their work to the letter. People were warned not to go to the willow tree deep within the Forest until a week had passed. If she was still mostly intact, her body would be burnt to ashes and buried in a thick bag in the Great Swamp. However, odds were that the cannibals that lurked in the deep forest at night would probably find the `offering' and deal with it as they dementedly would. In most people's opinion, it was poetic justice. However, to the very person who had sentenced her to death, there were only questions. As she sat in her hut that night, she stared up into the stars and thought of what else she might have done...if she had let her live, might she have reformed? Could she have become a productive member of society, someone you could count on in times of need? She didn't know; she knew she'd done what her father and anyone else who would have been in that situation would have done. But still, the thought nagged at her, and would nag at her for many days afterward. A week later, the tree was visited by the local mortician. The rope was found violently torn in twain, with smatterings of blood and fur laying about the area. Claw-marks were in the trees, and some pieces of bone were also discovered lying in the area surrounding the tree. Sickened by the sight she found, she took the rope from the scene and ran back to Knothole. She had to take a vacation from her work for a few days, which sealed the area's fate as `The Cursed Tree'. Not even Sonic would head up there then, no matter how hard one coerced him to. Sandra was quieted about the issue of Rachel after the grisly discovery at the hangman's tree. Privately, she told Joseph justice had been done, but publically she would not even speak of the subject any longer. Luckily, the new developments with Joseph's magickal powers were enough of a distraction to keep her from lingering on it, and added another issue to keep hidden from the general populace. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - On the small ship that was slowly drifting toward the shore of the Southern Continent, the passenger of the vessel felt a small chill creep up his back...he knew not why, or who, or where, but he knew something very evil had been awakened...but, after a moment, it faded down to nothing. Perhaps his long sleep had skewed his perception. Oh well, he thought, it was probably nothing, anyway. Chapter Seventeen - Interlude Summer's peak had arrived on the Northern continent, bringing with it high temperatures, high humidity, and inches upon inches of rain. The sound of thunder seemed not to be far off at any moment, and the ground seemed to give up its moisture as fast as the rain could give it. Trees and ponds were constantly frequented by Mobians of all sorts, even those still in robotic form; in fact, it seemed that the chrome of the remaining roboticized residents was hot enough to cook eggs on. Even those with mere fur felt cooked to the was hard to get away from the oppressive, sweltering, blazing sun, and the only reprieve most people got was when the pounding thunderstorms hit. It was only logical then that Knothole's resident air conditioner repairman, Rotor, was worked quite heavily as the various units began to suffer damage from justifiable overuse. Even the Princess had to stew for a few hours when her particular air conditioner fried in the heat, which made her relatively constant flow of advisors and hangers-on rather displeased as well. Yet, not everyone had such problems. Bookshire's unit operated rather well, making his office comfortable for the heatstroke and allergy sufferers who were also consulting him much more than he would have liked. Tails was there a great deal, spending many early mornings with the old raccoon in physical therapy. He'd also take some time on occasion to use Bookshire's workshop on his palmtop computer, fiddling with it often for several hours at a time. Sonic never stood still long enough to get particularly hot, and Bunnie got the desired job of lifeguard. Antoine was in his own private hell, tho; despite the incredibly high humidity, the brain-melting sun, and the utter uncomfortability of it all, he refused to take off the rather stuffy and heat-collecting dress uniform of the Royal Guard. It was almost painful to watch him struggling down the street, gulping down massive glasses of ice water; a plume of heat streamed off his body, distorting the light around it as if he were a slab of roasting asphalt on a desert highway. At noon. (Needless to say, he was often seen standing in front of an air conditioning vent, encouraging its owner to turn it up higher...oddly, he was often the last person seen just before one of the units broke down...) The only area hotter than Antoine's shoulder on Mobius, in most people's opinions, was Robotropolis. It painfully lacked any sort of reprieve from its roasting fires and dying foundries. Oil rained from the sky, and choking black smoke rolled from the constantly assaulted walls of the factories and power plants of the cursed metropolis; it was like the Terran sack of Rome, except this city was simply being torn apart rather than looted. Slowly, the Freedom Fighters were pushing the perimeter of Robotropolis deeper and deeper inward, taking block after block back from Packbell's battered SWATBot forces. The marks of their passage were evident; buildings burnt to the ground, fires raging in the factories, the shells of shattered robots scattered about the street like so much confetti... But in the center of this decadent city, the ruins of the Death Egg still stood, albeit with some portions of it blown out or torn up. Even as the fires raged against its walls, the explosions rocked its foundations, and the continual vows of Freedom Fighters to take it out his or herself, it still stood. SWATBots still were made within it, and the fall of Robotropolis would have to eventually involve its final and utter destruction; without it, the city would perish within hours. Within the Egg, besides one of the final SWATBot production facilities and the central nervous system of the remains of the Robotnik Empire, there was a single sentinent entity; the last leader of the dying coup, Emperor Packbell. He had upgraded his title a few days after the search for Snively had finally been concluded with the assumption that said underling was utterly annhilated. Yet, since SWATBots would call him `Sonic' if he so desired, the title was for his own private ego gratification. Besides, it sounded more `commanding'... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - He sat in Robotnik's old green chair, probably the one object in Robotropolis that still operated as it did fifteen years ago. It still moved about on its servos and pnumonic lifts simply and efficently, and still had the sheen of something fresh out of the factory. Even Robotnik's continual pounding of the arms didn't hurt the general look of the chair, seeing that the entire object was constructed out of reenforced diamondium. Packbell sat in this chair simply because it was nearby the control center for what remaining SWATBot forces he had left. He'd lost 50 blocks since he'd taken control back from Snively, and there were only 75 blocks left between the current perimeter and the chair in which he now sat. Hastily constructed containment walls had been put up about 25 blocks from the Egg, but even he realized that they wouldn't hold back a rampaging, vengeance-yearning pack of Freedom Fighters for long. Monitors intermittently flickered on and off, an after-effect from the loss of the final backup generators that supplied the Death Egg externally. The generators in the lower levels would provide enough power to operate the Egg for a year or so; that is, if all the wiring in the Death Egg was still there. Quickly constructed rerouting systems for the electricity operated 75% of the time, but there was still no doubt to anyone who might observe the state of the structure that it was rapidly weakening... The second-to-last Buyer visit confirmed this to Packbell, in case he had forgotten. The avatar for their leader, yet another fox in the stream of various minor players in this odd scheme, came into his Egg...without destroying any more of his SWATBots than could be remade in that working period, thankfully...and cursed at him for about 5 minutes about the pathetic state of his current holdings. The offer had been downgraded again due to the devaluation of the property to a heavily-armed fighter with a full compliment of weapons. After haggling for a while, he had gotten them to at least promise they would go no lower...then, like all of his predecessors, the fox disappeared. That meeting had put him in a suitably sullen and bitter mood. He might barely, -barely-, be able to hijack some cargo ship somewhere, but total conquest of another world would have to be delayed at least a decade or so. His dreams of making a totally synthetic planet were again pushed back into the future, far from his grasping hands... However, the various `tokens' left behind from the Buyers would prove useful in a raid. He now possessed a set of fine plasma rifles, a gravitron bomb (which he was very, very careful around), a few cases of minor neutron explosives used in excavation, a full compliment of rechargable power packs for many different devices, a credstick that had a balance of 1 million GalactiCreds [tm], a sort of media player that accepted strange crystalline cubes, some cubes that made the object work, a few sets of clothes, and some other nicknacks that he had not bothered to examine yet. They were all packed up into a single well-insulated box, and could be taken with the evil android whereever he might wish to go. He'd organized his escape from Mobius perfectly. All that was needed was the fighter, a few feet of storage space, and about 30 seconds... and then, off he'd go, leaving this death trap of a world behind for whatever insidious plans the Buyers had for it. He wondered if he'd find others like himself someplace else in the universe...Packbell hoped so, for some reason. Perhaps he was beginning to culture some other emotions in his steel bosom, after all. He hoped they wouldn't distract him too much from his ultimate goal... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph pulled a 3 g bank while rocketing through the air, going at some ungodly speed around the area of his pond. He barrelrolled above the water, then raced down towards it...pulling up at the last second, his body just barely touched the water before blasting back up into the sky... normally, carrying a large stone in one's palm put a damper on one's aerial acrobatics, but an idea Joseph had came up with had made his continuing training far easier. He had been complaining about how heavy the rock was when he had made the off-hand comment about wishing he could shrink the stone down to a more controllable size. And, amazingly enough, the stone had done that once before with another pupil. So, after designing a proper talisman to hold the stone, Joseph exerted his will and technical knowledge and put the larger stone into the smaller amulet. It was an interesting trick, but Joseph had some knowledge of the theorem by reading some Keldy'rian technical journals one afternoon last autumn. Now, wearing the stone around his neck, he became much more manuverable. He merely concentrated on the amulet when he needed to draw upon its energies, rather than having to hold the large soccerball-sized rock in a hand or two. It also allowed him to do very tricky and fast aerial spins, flips, and dives while projecting energy from his palms. It suddenly became far more fun to be able to fly. A rock shattered into pebbles below him as he again hit the target boulder with a blast of concentrated natural force. He wondered how much impact the energy would have on a robot, or an armored soldier. Joseph guessed he'd have to find that out when the time, he would just have to get as skilled at aiming and firing a blast while in motion as he could before his first major test of his abilities came along; the _Apocolypse_. Soon, however, Joseph began to tire of flying around for a bit, and landed down by the shore for a reprieve from his fast and loose stunt flying. It did take some effort to stay in the air, after's concentration and focus must continually be maintained, else one falls like a rock as gravity realizes where you are. He had been improving astronomically, but years of practice and honing of his skills still loomed ahead. One day, the rock had told him, he might even be able to use his powers without it as a focus. What a day that would be... Some grass began to green and grow around him, one of the aftereffects of using his abilities. He'd noticed it a few days ago after he'd been practicing the complicated skill of levitating other objects. When he'd start using his powers, the earth around him seemed to grow stronger and more vital, as if he were pouring energy directly into it. The trees got a bit more greener, the grasses got longer, animals continually wandered around by him as if he were a massive salt was very strange, but it was not entirely unwelcome. After all, nothing that was attracted to him was ever hostile, and they were mostly confined to smaller unevolved mammals and various other creatures lower on the food chain than he. A butterfly alighted on his right ear. The effects started to wear off a few minutes later, but he'd still attract animals and increase the growth of plants if he stayed in any location for too long...outside of his sterile and climate-controlled Dome, of course. Still, even the mild oddness about loitering in any particular biome for too long wasn't too curious to most people; he'd mentioned once that he'd accidentally fallen into a vat of pheromones after he'd entered his new body, so people merely wrote it off as a `weird alien thing'. Good. He stood up, disrupting the butterfly's rest and making it fly off into the forest once more. It was starting to get hot out by his pond, so perhaps a swim would be a good idea after all. Fortunately, he had planned ahead and had been wearing his more comfortable summer outfit; just a pair of sandals and a pair of swimming trunks, which left most of his fur out in the sun. This was rather uncomfortable for Joseph when Mobians happened by, since his people had always been the type to rely on clothing to preserve their modesty. The levels of fur around certain areas was rather thin and short, unlike the evenly obfuscated areas of pretty much every Mobian around. For Joseph, wandering around in a pair of shorts and mere sandals left him feeling less secure than, say, an overturned turtle. Sandra seemed to like his current selection of wardrobe, however. She had been wandering around `naked' (to Joseph, anyway) since the day of her birth, and liked being able to run her fingers around his backfur without having to weasel her way under a coat, light armor, and a shirt. His attempts to get her to wear even the most liberal selection of clothing were always thwarted by her simple desire to have her `fur to the wind'... probably a response to being shackled and straightjacketed during her several stays in Mobian prisons, he had concluded, and eventually gave up on the whole idea. It was also a little easier to work magick without having a lot of shielding on around him, he had noticed. Perhaps the influence of the wind and the sun boosted the abilities of the emerald, or maybe his own natural powers were augmented by having to work through less shielding. Either way, his studies were far increased when he was in his shorts and sandals, so he wore his outfit when he was `working'... But right at that moment, he was going to take a break from his constant practicing with a little swim. Flight was a tiring mental exercise, after all, and physical relaxation always assisted mental regeneration. Taking a floating innertube from a hidden spot behind some bushes, he pushed it out over the water, and then hopped into it. The water licked over him comfortably, cooling his tired body with its liquid nourishment. A light wind pushed him away from the shore, setting him adrift in the center of the pond a few moments later. He looked up into the cloudy sky, noting that a storm would probably arrive in 3.21 hours; give or take a minute. Right now, though, white cumulus clouds tangoed with the blue sky, the sun streaming down between their dancing like some giant mirrored ball as the creatures of the earth sang out to them musically with their speech and song....the darkness came to embrace him as he drifted off into light slumber, and he did not resist. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Machines, he hypothesised, no matter how advanced, can be used by any mere mortal with consciousness of self, the ability to speak, and an index finger. He decided to test this theory by pushing a button on one wall of his quarters, pausing to consider his request, and then speaking into it with an even and clear tone. "Machine oil, 40 gauge." The alcove inside the wall lit up, hummed, and created a canister of said oil with a spigot on the top of it for application. Pleased at his triumph over alien technology, Ivo Robotnik removed the can from the wall with his non-roboticized arm, and oiled his other arm up while walking to the other side of the room. It had been a few months since he had arrived on this vessel, and he had made remarkable progress towards his goals while being detained there. He had copied the quite useful Ur'thaen technological files, including specifications on how to create, use, and streamline various devices. Ivo was making grand strides in understanding their advanced sciences, and with time might be at the level of a middle-aged Orange tech. Also, he had obtained several portable replicator devices, with rechargable power supplies, from the ship's cargo; and by utilizing his own technical prowess, had begun loading them into the ship's single escape pod. He had wondered, initally, why such a large ship would have only one escape pod of only a medium size. Then, he had read up a bit on the propagandized history of the universe according to the Ur'thaens, and discovered only about three things of real value from it: one, the Ur'thaens never lose a fight without destroying everything they can that might one day be useful; two, the Ur'thaens never take prisoners; and three, Ur'thaens are never taken prisoner. Simply put, they only put an escape pod in for the usage of children, which this ship had none of. Therefore, Ivo could fill the escape pod as much as he could with loot, leave just enough room to fit in himself, and use it without the rest of the crew even cursing him for leaving! He smiled, walking over to the window as his arm took in the lubricant. Mobius was looming ever-closer to the ship, but still had that accursed blue-and-white color to it. One day, he thought, one day, it would be a grey ball...and it would be only the center of the Robotnik Empire! His thoughts were interrupted by some announcements that rattled over the speakers in the gruff Ur'thaen tongue. Despite his attempts, he was simply lost in how to understand the vulgar language... << "Attention all personnel, attention. We are approaching the outer limits of the Mobian sensory network. All systems shall be lowered to minimal levels from this point forward until further notice. You have five more minutes to complete your final preparations for the Operation. Return to work immediately." >> He shrugged, and sat down. All of his tasks had been completed, and his loading of the escape pod had been finished just last night. He hadn't been caught doing anything, and it was too soon for them to begin their attack. He wondered what, then, the announcement was about. A few minutes later, the lights dimmed down, and the room became slightly more cool. The dim hum that was constantly heard on the vessel faded down to a whisper, and he detected far less power available to the ship than before. << "Mobian detection grid breached. All power from this point forward is to be only for ship operations, life support, and for the cloaking division. Illumination is to be kept to a minimum, and shall be kept at a low level by the ship. Return to work immediately." >> Robotnik switched to infrared, and sat back in the single chair he was given. Obviously, their nearness to Mobius had something to do with this, he mused, so he had better start considering his exact escape much to do, so little time. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The echidna continued to meditate, his mind etherial as the winds. He detected a great primal force beginning to stabilize...the Solaris-force, perhaps, or something new? Flickers of racial memory danced in the back of his mind, but he could still not see when or where the Solaris would mainfest. He knew the warmth was growing stronger, but it seemed so far from where it should be... Meanwhile, the Shadow was getting close to Mobius again, and he could feel the chill starting to fall upon the very edges of the world. The winds told him that a great battle, greater than any battle that had come before, would have to take place before a victor could be chosen. Then, an image formed in his mind...a fox...a hedgehog...a faerie... a kitsune...the fires of twin suns...wraiths circling the world...death, life, fire, blood... His eyes snapped open, his pulse racing, his face dotted with sweat. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph napped in his innertube, not really dreaming about anything was deep, dreamless sleep that he preferred, because it gave him more energy mentally and physically than having to analyze a dream for a few minutes after waking up. Yet, dreams did come to him as he drifted around his pond, and one in particular would affect him for the rest of his days... He was with Sandra, sitting on some nameless hill in the middle of a grand meadow. It was a beautiful sunny day, and they were having a nice picnic. They ate, then she snuggled up to him and bade him look up into the clouds, like she had a tendency to do. Being an obedient mate, he did so, looking into the patterns of the clouds... The clouds turned to spirits, swirling around before his eyes. They did not frighten them, or try to harm them, but they were just -there-. After a few moments, one particular wraith floated down to him, and spoke. "Solaris, we welcome you to the world of Mobius. I am Lucian, the chosen ruler of the Spirits you see before you. Soon your mettle shall be tested in your first battle; be warned, the bringer of the Apocolypse has skills that nearly equal your own. He has had 300 years of self-taught practice, while you have only had a few weeks...your magick comes from the chi of an entire world, however, while his comes from the darkness within him. Even so, the battle shall be fierce, Champion; remember never to turn your back until the Fire erupts from the Earth to destroy the Shadow that falls." It came closer, its formless body taking up his entire vision. "If you survive the battle, however, and emerge victorious, your quest shall only have just fear not my sight when I come before you again, Champion, which shall be a fortnight after the final shot has been fired." Thunder crashed above him, which caused him to snap his eyes open nearly instantly. The rain came, and smattered against his fur. Not wanting to get drenched, he swam back to shore, mulling over the vision he had seen... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The rains hit again just as Bunnie had been finishing helping her elderly wards, and was heading back home to rest. As the rain started to pour from the clouds, she ran into her hut, quickly bolting the door fast against the coming winds and storm. As she finished closing up her windows and firing up her hair dryer, she smiled at what she had been able to accomplish today. All of her work had been completed before the rain, and she actually had some time to herself today. Sure, it was raining, but quiet time was far more prized at the moment than socializing. She dried her fur, and sat down on her softest chair. Things had been very busy lately, she mused. More people had been deroboticized, so the movement to new villages seemed to be a daily event. The front lines were pressing deeper into Robotropolis every day, taking back more and more of it from Packbell. Sonic had actually began considering becoming a bit more serious with his relationship with Sally, and Rotor had been everywhere fixing air conditioners. And Tails! Tails was becoming a fine fox, and was growing taller and stronger every day. His tails still didn't look in top form, but he was going out of his way to rebuild the muscle mass he had lost by lifting weights and vigorously running. If he had the right metabolism for it, Bookshire had said, he'd be a regular Hercules at this point. She decided to make up a nice cup of iced tea after musing on that for a while, so she got up from her chair reluctantly and went to her replicator. Telling the machine what she wanted, it produced the cool liquid a few moments later, allowing Bunnie to quench her very acute thirst. The storm picked up outside, really starting to rattle some windows. Luckily, Bunnie noted, her hut had been reenforced before the summer had come with very modern building materials. No storm could rock it now, and she'd probably be the only bunny in town whose roof wouldn't leak. She smiled at that thought, sipping more iced tea. A couple bucks had been looking at her in that way again this afternoon, she noted, and she was beginning to feel a bit more like a piece of meat than a caring, loving rabbit. She was beginning to wonder if her newly-enhanced beauty was a bit more of a curse than it was a blessing. She sat back, drinking more of her tea. Sure, she thought, it was nice to be able to look in the mirror and see an unmarred body, but the friends she had before she was deroboticized were with her because they liked -her-. She could talk to Sally about anything, and even Sonic would do his best to understand. Some of the newer people that she found herself with seemed only to understand beauty, or the lack of it...shallow as a stream durin' a drought, her daddy might have said. She sighed. At least her real friends hadn't deserted her. She -knew- that much was true; no matter how crazy it got, Sonic, Sally, Tails, Rotor, Bookshire, and even Antoine would be there. They'd be true to each other forever, if for no other reason than they had been forced to work together for about 15 years. The storm churned and howled as she sat there, thinking quietly about what might happen next. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tails ran back to his hut, still being unable to fly. The storm was not of above-average ferocity, but it still wasn't anything fun to be caught in. The mud from the streets was starting to get fairly deep, and if he didn't get inside soon, he'd be wretchedly filthy. He made it into his hut, ditching his muddy shoes at the door. Luckily, his hut was air conditioned, so the windows were already shut tight. Fetching a towel from nearby his bed, he started to dry his fur, which was heavy with moisture. It was a good thing he'd made it back home, he noted, because the rain outside really started to come down just as he'd finished drying himself. He flopped his backpack on the ground lightly, opening it and taking a carefully-packed package from it. He had taken precautions after he had left Bookshire's that afternoon to protect his palmtop, which seemed to have succeeded to a satisfactory level. Proud of his minor victory over the elements, he began working on it on his desk. As he unscrewed the casing and tested the various connections, he mused over the last few weeks. The whole Rachel issue, which the fox had been annoyingly excluded from, seemed to have concluded. Sally was still torn up inside about it, but everyone else seemed to believe that she'd done the right thing. She could understand Sally's position, but he was in the majority himself over the issue. After all, a lot of death and suffering had occurred from Rachel's treachery over the roboticizer issue alone, nonethless over the ten or so deaths she was personally responcible for. It's not like the hanging hadn't been -justified- under Mobian law. He'd even taken the time to look it up from the main Mobian database, and it had checked out completely. Perhaps, Tails pondered as he resoldered a loose resistor, Sally felt personally torn over the issue. Her knowledge of the laws of the land were still in conflict with her own sense of how things should be done. She knew that a mob would probably kill Rachel if she kept her in the quickly-made jail, and there would be unrest until they did. That would weaken her position as a ruler, and quite possibly cause another coup to occur; just before the victory over the true foe! Tails even realized that such a thing was far too dangerous to have happen now, so she must have forced herself to follow the opinion of the majority. Yet, Tails considered, Sally must have felt guilty about sentancing another Mobian to death. As he fiddled with the CPU, he noted that Sally despised killing in all forms, legal or not. Life was sacred to her, and so her ruling must be gnawing at her when she slept, if not constantly. He hoped she'd let herself be forgiven over time, simply because such indecision could cost much more than a night's sleep in the coming days. The winds picked up, rattling Tails' windows. He puttered for a bit more, his mind moving from topic to topic as he worked. His tails still ached, and he could barely even move them. The physical therapy had helped, but his hope was starting to flounder. It was a depressing thought to mull over, so he simply put it out of his mind. Fiddling a bit with some switches, he thought of something Sally had mentioned a few days ago. He had been growing considerably lately, his training toning his muscles and his body automatically beginning to grow. Noticing this, Sally had said to him that he'd soon enough be a full-grown fox, and might even be a little taller than Antoine. He had smirked at that statement, wondering how Antoine might feel about that. It certainly wouldn't be something he'd love...after all, a member of the Royal Guard should tower over most Mobians. He'd probably start wearing booster shoes or something even more preposterous if he got much bigger... Giggling, he finished up his work and closed his computer again, wanting to test it. The storm howled and rattled his windows, but he was sure of his hut's sturdiness. After sealing the computer up tightly, he put the power supply back in and turned it on. A friendly beep and the normal display came up, showing that his alterations had done no harm. A diagnostic showed that he had increased the speed of the device by 20%, and the memory had been expanded another few meg; not very much, but it was something. Smiling, he started running some other tests on it, ignoring the raging storm outside. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph walked into the Dome, drying himself with a thought. The door slid shut behind him, sealing out the rages of Nature (for the most part) and allowing him to relax. He took a seat on a couch, and opened his palm. A cool glass of milk appeared, the condensation on its side dripping down the glass and around his palm. Smiling, he grasped it with his other paw and slammed it back down his throat. That particular ability had been cultured a few hours after he had perfected the levitation of a few objects, after he had said something to the effect of `I'm thirsty'. And, as expected, Mob had asked him >> "Well, why don't you get a glass of water?" << They had been in the middle of the forest at that point, the nearest stream a mile or so away. "Like what," he had said in reply, "pull it out of the air?" >> "Have you tried?" << "No." He hadn't, really, being that his mind was focused on his tasks. >> "Give it a try." << He grabbed a random patch of air. Nothing. "Yeah, I tried." >> "Oh, come now. Think for a moment, Joseph." << Joseph pondered the situation for a moment. If he could fly by thinking about flying, levitate objects by willing them to rise, then why couldn't he just conjure a glass of water into his hand? >> "That's the spirit. Now try." << Joseph said nothing, already concentrating. He thought of all the glasses of water that he'd had in the past week, his pond, a stream, rain...and, slowly, a glass materialized in his palm. Water began to fill it, with ice cubes popping into existance last. "Nifty." As he drank, Mob seemed to smile. >> "You have a strong will, Joseph." << He smirked, finishing the glass and willing it away again. "It's from being stubborn as all hell, Mob. That's all." He smiled at the memory, willing the glass to disappear into a puff of air. Joseph was getting rather good at this magick stuff. He made a yo-yo and played with it for a bit, his mind wandering. He did some simple tricks, and made it snap back into his hand and scatter into air on impact. He levitated some pillows, and had them chase each other around the Dome. He generated a free-standing energy blob that floated to and fro around the roof before it ran out of power and faded away. He was amused by these things for a while, but finally became rather bored. It was no fun to do this stuff by himself for very long, and he'd not spoken to Sandra in a few hours, anyway. So, pulling himself off his couch, he went to the steppad and started the 1.3 mile descent down to the first sublevel... She was sitting in his recliner, staring at a holovid. The movie was vaguely familiar to him; two vixens steal a hovercar and travel cross-country, avenging their wounded self-images on various piggish males. This was, he believed, the fifth sequel. "Hey there, Sandra." She smiled, looking away from her movie to greet him. "About time you came back from your practicing, Joe." He created a soft beanbag to lie upon, and plopped down in it, close by his mate. "Well, you know how it can be some days." He concentrated for a moment, making a tub of popcorn to put by his side. "`Natasha and Seline: On The Road' -again-?" She laughed musically, taking some popcorn. "I love this movie." He ate some as well, making a large drink in his other paw. "But we've both seen it about 50 times." She ate some popcorn, took a sip of her drink, and smirked. "So? You've seen `Rock Man XII' about 100 times, and I still sit there and watch it whenever you get the need to see it again." "Hey, that's different. Rock Man's cinematic genius. This franchise was at best worth two sequels. Part three was barely tolorable. Part four was just plain bad." He paused for effect. "This is the fifth." Sandra bahed and pegged Joseph with some popcorn. "You just don't like it because vixens blow up robots all the way through it." The fox got a little bellegerent. "It was a waste of explosives to fry those robots! They were perfectly good and could have been used for something more -highbrow- than this drek." Sandra folded her arms and laughed. "Drek? `Rock Man' is drek. The entire plot of the movie revolved around a robot who blew up evil robots. This movie has different -strata- of plot." He smirked, pegging Sandra back. "Like hell! All the vixens do is cry and whine, then blow up more guys! At least I know Rock Man's not gonna win any freaking Zimmys." She nailed him with a handful. "Oh yeah?" she said, smiling as she tossed the payload at her mate. He whipped a handful of popcorn back, chuckling. "Yeah!" A massive food-fight began, with entire buckets of popcorn being lobbed back and forth between the two foxes. A blizzard of kernels blew through the room, and it took about five minutes for both sides to exhaust all of the ammunition. After the fight had ended, both Sandra and Joseph had popcorn hanging off their fur, and were rolling together through a larger pile, trying to get the other as popcorned as possible. By now, the movie had been totally forgotten, and the only reason for the small food-war to continue was out of pure childish glee. "Mmf!" Joseph groaned as Sandra smashed more popcorn around his muzzle. "Hey, I yield." She smiled, sitting on his chest. "Hah! That'll teach you to slam `Natasha and Seline', fox." He groaned. "You may have defeated me, but I'll hold it true to my grave that `Rock Man' is better than `Natasha and Seline'." She kissed him. "Oh yeah?" He kissed back. "Yeah." Her paws ran along the side of his neck, eventually running over his ears. "Isn't there -any- way to convince you?" He mmmed and wrapped his right paw around her waist. "Let me think for a minute about that..." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The storm raged in Robotropolis as well, SWATBots occasionally sparking from the pounding monsoon of acidic rain and razor-sharp wind. The firing of weapons slowed slightly around the perimeter, simply because the front line of troops were too distracted by the bad weather to keep the assault going. For the moment, the two opposing forces were at a stalemate. The fires of burning factories lit the sky in a orange-reddish haze as the unnatural lightning pounded the cursed earth, the blood of Mobians and the oil of machines soaking the dirt with a vile mixture of the fluids of both life and death. The battle raged continuously, ceasing only for a few moments for each party to either set off more explosives or carry off the dead, fire a barrage of lazers or clear the battleground of broken SWATBots. The soldiers of Mobius were grim in their determination to win, their clothing soaked through with blood, sweat, and coated in patches with the chitlin of vanquished SWATBots. Some were dying, injured, or torn in twain, yet they fought all the same; the taste of victory was just inches from their lusting lips, the chalice of triumph only a grab away. However, trapped in a cat's cradle of bad weather and a still-superior force, neither side could strike forth a blow that could decide the tide of was futile for the moment. But yet, it raged... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The stranger's craft drifted across the sea, the cloaked figure navigating through the waters of the lower southern continent. Land, from either port or stern, was invisible; only the waters of the world were visible in any direction, and the sun and stars served as his only guide to where his destination was. Fortunately, he needed not food at the moment; the sun kept him warm, and the waters of the ocean were easily purified with his sun-harness. He took his lute from his back and played a quiet melody, his craft set forth in the right direction for the time being. The First had warned him of the potential dangers of the lifeless knights that roamed the world during this period of time, as well as the unnatural weaponry that each wielded. Like the legends of the Black Knights of the Appleshire, they could take a great deal of punishment without being hurt in any way. The dim gleam of gunmetal glimmered at his side. Luckily, the First's powers of sorcery and `science' had created for him a makeshift `pistol' which could harm the creatures if the spell within it was projected at the creature quickly enough. When he had tested it in the First's laboratory, it had been shown to be like a blue beam of hot light, and had burned through one of the bricks of his great Tower. Needless to say, he felt safer with the old wizard's weapon at his side. He glanced up into the clear sky. The Trial would begin soon, the wise one had told him, and he had said that it would be possible to see it happen with his own eyes. Indeed, such an event was an honor to witness; he hoped to awaken his sleeping bretheren in time for them to see it all. Maybe they would stop their feuding and come together to gaze upon something so awesome. The boat drifted on, an ancient melody drifting from it to serve as a rough soundtrack for the lone wolf. Soon, he thought, it would be time to finish the circle... Chapter Eighteen - Solitude Autumn descended upon the Great Forest like a comforter on a tired kit after a long, cold day; stopping most of the rain and lowering the temperatures to sweater-wearing levels. At least, it was for those persons who wore clothing. The leaves of the trees were just starting to turn yellow at the fringes, and the flowers slowly started to die... Robotropolis rocked with explosions as the first advance troops from Knothole began to hit the first retaining walls at the 40th block from the Egg. Defended with whatever Packbell had left to spare, casualties and fatalities rose on both sides; yet, the walls fell as the weeks dragged on, often lubricated with the blood and oil of whole battalions of soldiers. The second-to-last version of the deroboticizer software was released, giving a needed boost to the forces in the field. Soon almost 80 percent of the Mobians still living had been returned to normal, and the recovery time from the process had been shrinking exponentially. The tops of the mountains were settled, and a path had been blazed to the peaceful valley behind, a trail was in the process of being made from the valley floor towards the northern wastes, villages being set up alongside the long, winding road... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bahb worked silently in the inner depths of the Dome compound, preparing its final hand for the upcoming Ur'thaen attack. The deroboticizer project had almost been completed, Joseph's project was just being polished and perfected, and its own secret plan was totally finished. It did a routine check of the Dome's systems as it pondered what had been done...despite incredible restrictions on materials and labor, Bahb was able to complete the `Watchtower' project in record time... thanks to the technological advances of the Ur'thaen AI group in the last 300 years, as well as information quietly borrowed from the Keld'yrian database on the subject. Soon the next phase of its plan would be ready to be activated, which would begin when Joseph's own plan required its aid... << "50.00000000000000% available computational resources.... 49.99999999999999%....49.99999999999998%...." >> Hopefully, it would last that long. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tails went out that morning to exercise, running around the perimeter of the village as many times as he physically could. His legs and back were hard and sculpted after nearly a half-year of constant work, and his tails could now flap behind him without the aid of a splint. He still was unable to spin them fast enough to get airborne, but he could use them as prehensile appendages again without any pain. Another positive side effect to his physical therapy was that his speed was beginning to slowly match Sonic's due to his work on his legs...his reliance on his tails earlier in his life had kept his raw potential from being fully tapped. Now, after only six months of training, his body was beginning to streamline and harden like Sonic's. Another year of work, he figured, and he could probably match or even best the supersonic hedgehog's athletic ability. The cool autumn air rushed through his fur as he ran through the paths around Knothole, wind cooling his rapidly warming body. After a certain number of laps, he lept at a tree and hung from a branch with his tails, and began doing `pull-ups' of a sort; first by using both of them, then using one, and then the other. He could feel his tails grow stronger and leaner with muscle as the regimen continued, his mental determination to fly again fueling his youthful body into preternatural feats of strength and stamina. After that set of exercise had been completed, he flipped out of the tree and started running again, working his heartbeat into a fast series of pumps. His body ached from the strain of such physical labor, but he loved and respected the pain; the pain let him know he was alive, let him -feel- himself get ready to ascend into the sky. His growing form was in the condition it was in because of the forcing on pain upon him, and indeed his effort into exercise had shown to be a true advantage; his awareness of the female sex had made him realise that a tight body was a desirable one, so that also drove him to perform mighty feats of strength. None but Joseph could match him in physical prowess, the teenaged fox believed, for no other had the sheer will to make themselves over in the image of a Titan. He did some forward flips over several banks of bushes and thistles, doing a corkscrew spin over the last one, then broke into a hard run. Indeed, Joseph had taught him much in the last few weeks; after consulting him for help involving computing, he had given the young student a few lessons in his style of martial arts; the Mobian version of the name was `The Perfect Art'. His mental quickness allowed him to pick up a first-level understanding of the ten-level art in a matter of days, while his physical form was able to take full advantage of the art's mental control of the body. Hunger and physical pain soon became obstacles to overcome rather than impassable stumbling blocks, and his concentration had increased tenfold. The second level of the art would soon be reached by Tails in a few weeks, after the basic punches and kicks had been demonstrated to him. He had gaped at Joseph's ability to shatter massive boulders with a well-placed punch, and awed at his skill at pushing himself beyond his own physical limits for short periods of time without any repercussions. It was nearly magical in its power, this `Perfect Art', and its power was something Tails had quickly come to was too devestating to be used freely. Finally, Tails stopped within Knothole to refresh his body with water. Taking a massive drink from the town well, his body regained its ability to move and work like a machine, his mind sharpened and his senses became as acute as Joseph's teaching could train them to be. He could feel and almost control--almost--the regeneration of his body, the growth of his muscles. He felt like he could conquer the world. After he had caught his breath and finished his water, he reflected for a moment on the day's training so far, and immediately returned to running. The day had only just begun, after all...and his computer could wait for a while. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - John sat in his command chair, overlooking the looming globe that was the world of loomed closer and closer to him every day, yet he had to let it escape his grasp. For now. Ivo had become more and more fidgety as the days had gone on, he had noticed. Perhaps he feared this `hedgehog' might again save the world. Bah. If the `hedgehog', the one called `Sonic', could stop a fully armed Ur'thaen Planet Destroyer with a crew of several million, new and unstoppable weaponry, a full compliment of fighters, and the infamous Main Gun...well, it'd sure impress the hell out of him. But John knew far better than to even consider a non-vulpine a threat to the master Ur'thaen race. The only thing that had been able to defeat them was one of their own people; no alien race could conquer them, only stalemate them for a time. They could not be taken prisoner, nor would they take any. Assimilate or die, that had been their motto, and it had taken them to the very fringes of the galaxy. Only a ecological fad had finally defeated their onslaught, and it had been through deceit by the Keldy'rians, not honorable combat, that they had been vanquished. He reclined the chair slightly, drinking from his canteen. The dimly-lit bridge was only operated by a skeleton crew--the rest were busy preparing the ship and the fighters for the great conquest that laid before them. It required little to navigate the ship at the time, anyway...they were gliding slowly towards Mobius, invisible to all sensors. In just a few more months, the time would be right to strike... for that would be when the Keld'yrians would be too distracted with the upcoming Union of Allied Worlds Summit at the far end of the galaxy. Despite the fact that their mere seven ships would soon fall before the might of the _Apocolypse_, it would be far simpler to take out this world as a practice run if the crew was not in a foaming berzerker rage as the weaponry was being tested. John finished off the canteen and put it next to his command chair. Quietly touching a sensor on the arm of the chair, an audio transmission of the latest galactic news played softly from a speaker module implanted in the piece of furniture. Soon, he thought, soon he would strike... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph walked through the paths of his claimed territory, deep in silent contemplation. The brisk weather had forced him to don a light blue long-sleeved shirt and a pair of jeans again, as well as his well-tended pair of boots. While feeling comfortable, he felt slightly hindered by them at times during his constant practice, which made everything a bit more challenging. It did, however, force him to adapt and become more resiliant to the typical failures that accompanied learning a new technique or a different way to use his powers. Walking through a deep area of woods, he mused about Tails. He had taken him up as a part-time student recently, and hoped he would turn out to keep the sacred skills of The Perfect Art alive after the alien would `disappear' for all intensive purposes after the battle. The young kitsune had such talent, such raw desire to overcome his handicap...and yet, Joseph saw into his body when he practiced and knew that the nerve damage in his lower back had been too extensive. He would not fly again without a medical procedure, Mobian, Keld'yrian, Ur'thaen or otherwise could do a thing about it, and he lacked the physical resources to clone anyone at the moment; the entire lab would have to be redesigned. Yet, the power within him cried out to set Tails right, if not just for the sake of practice. He knew that he could do it...he had learned enough to be able to do such a feat with ease. Yet, if any Mobian concieved of his power now, the results could be disasterous for everything he had planned; and the stakes were too high now to risk it. He continued to walk along the trail, plunging deep into the wilds of the forest. If only there was a way to use his abilities without -showing- that he was, some sort of way of masking his true intent behind mere coincidence. Mob had no knowledge of such a skill; it never had to deal with such a situation in past magickal defenders' lives. If anything was to be done about the matter, it would be up to him. No spirit could help him now, no ancient book of lore. He would have to figure out a way to handle the situation himself. The fox stopped when he reached a clearing deep within the forest. A basic psychic scan showed no sentient creatures within a few miles, and a technical examination showed not a single survelliance device. This part of the forest was safe from unwanted observers, so he could continue his practicing in the magickal arts. Sitting down on a boulder, he thought about what he wanted to do carefully. A stone in the centre of the clearing sat evenly on the ground, some moss and other fungus growing upon it. He wanted to set it on its side without any obvious magickal effect doing so. The question was not if he could, but how. Usually, he'd focus on his amulet, draw power from it, project a stream of orange plasma from his hand, encompass the rock with it, and mentally manipulate its position. However, he wanted to do something like that without any visible evidence of him doing so...that was the tricky part. He had become reliant on using his body to use his energy-manipulation abilities, utilizing his amulet and paw as a `focus' of sorts. Now the task was to ascend above that, and do mystical works without any evidence of him doing so. He stared at the object for a while, resisting the urge to raise his hand and imagine `juice' flying from it to do his will. He concentrated on his goal, but still the urge to raise his hand kept interfering. Finally, he simply closed his eyes and meditated for a few moments, clearing his mind of all thoughts but one; the rock lifting slightly, moving ninety degrees, lowering, then not moving again. The thought crossed his mind again and again, only the effect and not the cause occupying his full attention. However, after about an hour had passed, he had made no progress. This mildly depressed Joseph, but yet he chose to continue trying until he got it right. Utilizing his portable communications unit, he left a message with Bahb to inform Sandra he might be gone for a few days, then requested that he not be disturbed until he sent a communique to Bahb that he was no longer `busy'. He deactivated the unit and returned to a full lotus position, sitting just about five or ten yards from the rock. Several hours passed as the new thought pattern began to fill his relaxed mind, the unlearning process beginning amid already fresh perceptions on reality. After a few days, Joseph had slowly taught himself what to think when he wanted to do something a bit more casually...and his first test of his theory came with the rock he had been concentrating on the entire time. As the sun began to slip below the horizon on the fourth day, Joseph opened his eyes and stared at the rock for a few moments. It twitched, then slowly lifted. A healthy wind helped to turn it over in the air, then gently put it down on the ground again, pointing into the air like an extended index finger. He smiled to himself, then set himself to work on practicing other feats with his new technique... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The next morning, Bunnie rose early to take her morning constitutional. It was a clear and crisp morning, and a light fog hung around the outskirts of the village like a fuzzy blanket. Most of the village still slept in deep, dream-filled sleep when Bunnie drank her morning cup of coffee and put on her light coat to go on her walk, the sun barely creeping over the curvature of the world. A few birds chirped as they groggily awoke to feed, but little else but the sound of her own breathing met her ears. She walked from her hut through the winding path around the village that led to the power ring pool, the cold wind striking softly against her neck like a steel serpent coiling around its victim. The partially denuded trees showed the canvas of the black-blue morning sky through a multicolored frame of golden, red, orange and brown leaves, only the faintest traces of high cloud cover occasionally marring the smooth surface of the heavens above. The crunching of the leaves spoke to her in a long-forgotten primal tongue as she headed towards the glassy pool, speaking a color commentary of her wanderings through the woods. The rabbit padded to the edge of the water, pausing a moment to take in her peaceful surroundings. The area was quite beautiful in the early morning, especially during the autumn. Three waxing moons hung in the sky above the tall plateau in the background, the sounds of the waterfall faintly being brought to her ears by the eastern breeze. In the distance, the rising sun discolored the preternaturally blue sky with reds, oranges and yellows, almost matching the falling leaves from the half-naked trees that surrounded the silent rabbit. The cry of an eagle sounded through the area as it flew overhead, heading towards the waterfall, then gaining altitude and flying over it, disappearing into the morning sky. It was a beautiful world, she thought, this Mobius...their imminent victory would be sweeter than the purest sugar because of it. She looked into the water, seeing her own reflection clearly. Her body seemed to be more beautiful and precious to her each day, the doe's appreciation of her sensual form being sharpened by nearly a lifetime of roboticized slavery. Bunnie knelt by the pool and gently caressed the surface of the water with her paw, watching her reflection ripple and warp from her touch. She could dimly see the ring-generator below, glowing with a soft light as it prepared a ring. It would not generate one for several more hours, she noted, but it was still a comforting thing to see operating properly. For over 15 years now it had worked flawlessly without so much as one episode of maintanence; Sir Charles' cunning engineering had seen to that. It was the one surviving artifact from the past regime that remained and worked, so it gave Bunnie a tie to the fact, it was probably her last remaining tie. The doe thought back several years to something Juyalya had told her, a thought that she had long put out of her mind. Yet, with the coming victory, Bunnie allowed herself to ponder it now, during the one time that she felt truely at peace with herself. She had only been a child at the time, perhaps seven or eight years of age. It had only been a few years since Robotnik had taken over, so the initial shock had finally began to wear off...leaving her mind open to consider avenues of thought the rabbit had long overlooked. Her mental and physical maturation also spurred on her interest to learn of who and what she had become, and what she might have lost in the time between her conception, her birth, and the present day. It had been a quiet autumn morning, much like the one she was witnessing at that very moment. She had begun her chores early in order to allow herself to enjoy the remainder of the day in childlike play. While filling up the water-powered generator with spring water, she had noticed Juyalya walking by with a load of laundry. As she filled up the fuel tank of the device, the old matron had begun hanging the washed clothes up on the line. Bunnie had been holding the question in for a few days now, and since nobody else was around, she felt it was the right time to ask her this most personal of questions. Bunnie put the bucket back in its palce by the well, closed the opening on the engine, and silently reactivated it. After she was sure it was operating properly, she quietly padded over to Juyalya as she was hanging laundry, and spoke. "Auntie Julie?" She called her that because her accent twisted her proper name into an incoherent mess, so she had simply translated the word into something a bit more Bunnie-friendly. The kindly old female looked over to Bunnie, still managing to work on her task. "Yes, Bunnie?" "Can Ah ask yew a ques'tin?" "Of course you may," she stated, hanging up a pair of socks. "Where's mah brothers 'n sisters?" A tense moment passed. Juyalya attempted to stall by throwing the uncomfortable question back to Bunnie, while tending to a slowly-falling t-shirt. "Your brothers and sisters?" "Yah," she had said, "muh kin. When Sonic last went t' Robotropolis, he said that he ne'er saw any kid-rob'ts, only ad'lts. Why ain't there any of muh kin th're?" Another tense moment passed as the inevitable answer passed from Juyalya's lips. "Well, Bunnie, I don't know. I wasn't able to get everyone out of Robotropolis in time, even with So--Juice's and Alicia's warning. Maybe they got out too." "Ah hope they're o-k." "I'm sure they are, dear." She removed her paw from the water, watching the droplets fall from her pawtips. Before the old woman had died only a few years ago, she still tried to soften the blow of every assault to them with her kind words and undying hope. The years of unending war had made Bunnie's psyche far more resiliant, though...she allowed herself to accept, out of pure mental necessity, the possibility that Robotnik had slain all the children outright. Throughout the years of her tenure as a Freedom Fighter, she had never seen a roboticized child; only the bodies of the fallen. However, the possibility that they might yet live had began to flicker inside her firm battle-hardened bosom, which might be proven once the resistance had taken the Death Egg; for within the Egg there lied Robotnik's secure database of his victims, which was disconnected from the rest of Robotnik's psudo-MobiusNet...and soon, when the last SWATBot had fallen, the list would be read by the eyes of Sally, Sonic, and herself... Her paw dried in the icy wind, the sun beginning to make the pond sparkle and flicker with the lifeforce of the world. She stood again and moved on into the forest, walking along with her thoughts to accompany her. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph walked the halls of the Dome, deep within the core of his chosen dominion. The chronometers on the wall read 04:59:33:21.244, denoting to him the extreme earliness of the morning. Or perhaps it was the lateness of night, depending on your particular paradigm. Such things mattered little to him now, the sole technomagus on Mobius. It was an interesting title to have, `technomagus'. He had created the term himself after pondering what his very essence was, what he had become over the past few years of work and enlightenment. The techno part of the word came from his strong background in technology, not to mention the fact that it ran through his life like a river. He had been spawned from technology, been taught by technology, and came to his new homeworld from the powers of technology. The `magus' part of the word descended by his research into the occult culture of Mobius, the wizards, witches and warlocks that populated the world throughout history. His studies came up with not only a fuller appreciation of his `kind', but with an ancient term for wizard: Magus. It sounded -cool-. `Technowizard' lacked zing, and `technowarlock' was just stupid. However, `technomagus' had the proper panache, the class required for someone of his supreme mental prowess. Thus, he had something to call himself if he was questioned by some other order of being. He padded along, his mind occupied mainly with a more complex coincidental procedure. He had been bouncing two basketballs along behind him, independently of each other, without so much as an orange spark caressing their surface. Joseph had almost walked through the entire length, height, and width of the Dome, the basketballs occasionally orbiting around him while continuing to bounce independently. He even reversed the gravity around them a few times, and had them bound off the ceiling of various hallways to amuse him. With what mental resources he had left, however, he considered his current situation. His project had recently been completed. The entire complex had been readied for its activation, an entirely new wing constructed to contain the apparatus to use it. Fuel, cloaking systems, all the things needed to obscure the device from the alien ship, the Keldy'rians, and the Mobian contingent around his domain. It would rage out with the element of surprise in its favor, allowing him the needed alarm to use the complex procedure that would permit the fox the required time to vanquish the host. But enough of that, he thought, let him consider more fully the nature of his abilities. Perhaps if he understood his alterations of local reality more throughly, he could improve his prowess at his new `science'. Indeed, the more of an edge he had, the more likely he could take out the _Apocolypse_ without a great deal of exersion. He pondered the action of the basketballs. The most base explaination was that he was utilizing some sort of telekinetic power to control the action of the objects. However, he knew far better than that. The balls were being propelled by a contragravitic field of his own creation, which he had generated by commanding the local area of time/space to behave in the desired manner. How did he do that? Most people would simply state `magick' and leave it alone after that point. But Joseph wished to understand the most basic components of reality and its alteration, so he delved deeper. Perhaps the `spirit', the spark of self-awareness that permitted one to learn of her own existance in a larger cosmos, enabled one to change the fabric of time and space around it with practice. Ergo, `magick' could be considered an underlying use of physics, like the paths of photons and warp propultion. After all, if one could create a matter/antimatter power source, it could be reasonable to state with sufficient knowledge that one could spawn an equal amount of power by learning how to fold reality into a correct configuration--a paper airplane, as it were. The chronometer displayed that it was 05:45:11:23.001 in the morning, and that the sun was creeping above the horizon. The basketballs bounded along after Joseph as he headed to the lift and ascended to the first level of his home. He did not hunger or thirst, and his body tired more and more slowly as the mystical power became more instinctive to him. The fox wondered if his body was beginning to feed off the lifeforce of the world around him; he had not partook of the blood of his mate in months now. Joseph, in fact, had no longer required food, drink and rest for almost three weeks. It was becoming rather eerie; as if his body had become cybernetic. He emerged under the warm embrace of the Dome, which had been painted on the exterior with a soft mixture of dew and frost. The fireplace crackled in the rear of the room, which outlined his lover's body on the couch in front of it. Sandra's soft body was outlined with a glowing light from the roaring flame, draped comfortably in a blanket. Joseph had been away for several days, he had noted, so she must have felt afraid of sleeping so deep within the earth by herself. He could vaguely infer by the psychic resonance in the room that this area was the closest thing to nature around the complex, so Sandra must have gravitated to it out of primal instinct. The area by the fireplace was also the warmest and coziest part of the room, so it was only logical that she would choose to rest there. The fox silenced the basketballs by removing the oxygen around them, thus eliminating the possibility of sound emissions from their repeated bouncing, and headed towards her quietly. He had mastered the arts of stealth over the last few months, thanks to her continued tutilage, so he could actually get away with this without being detected by her. The fox crept over to her side, walking in front of the fire and kneeling near the edge of the couch. He scanned her aura and peeked dimly into her thoughts. He knew that it was somewhat wrong to look into his mate's dreams, but he never looked any deeper than that--if she wanted to obscure her past, he would allow her that simple privacy. She was tranquil now, resting deeply. Sandra hadn't done much while he was gone, according to the psychic residue around her aura; a few trips to Knothole, some walks through the forest, a series of short conversations with a few various people--nothing remarkable. Her dreams were also soothing; she was walking through a beautiful green field around the old City, the sounds of children in the distance. He eventually made an appearance, holding her softly in his arms as the time melted to the not-too-distant future, where the ruins of Robotropolis fell into a new City...the sun sparkled in the background, the warm wind blew against them with a pleasant scent, and...children? Yes, a few children, some kits with a mixture of his and her characteristics, clung lovingly to them as they observed the final victory over Robotnik. He pulled his mind from hers invisibly, smiling just a little. She had a mother's heart but a rogue's body, a poet might have noted, but he was quite willing to indulge both. Progeny had been part of the plan, after all...someone had to perpetuate his line, even on an alien, savage world. She was beautiful, kind, and loving; why not give her everything she'd ever wanted? Gently, he looped his arms around her and softly kissed her. Her body reacted well to his touch, moving into his embrace with a instinctual grace that belied her practiced abilities. With just a mere thought, the two were elevated into the air, where Joseph slid underneath his mate, then allowed them to descend harmlessly onto the couch. He held her softly, allowing her to turn onto her stomache and causing her to face him. Joseph kissed her again, gradually awakening her into a groggy consciousness. "You've returned," she cooed, caressing his face. "I cannot describe how much I have missed you...where have you been?" He smiled, speaking softly. "Oh, I just needed to meditate. It was such a lovely stretch of time, I wished to enjoy it in solitude." The fox kissed his mate. "But now the time for solitude has ended." She kissed him warmly back, snuggling into his firm form. "And that, my love, is what I have been waiting for." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The dusk fell around the small ship, which cut through the cool waters of the Southern Ocean like a klaive. The trade winds had caught its sail, and in the distance the hint of land could be detected. Its passenger, the cloaked wolf, stood like a statue at the helm of the ship, holding its course steady towards the land in the far distance. A few storm clouds loomed in the distance, but he would be well on his way on the land portion of his long and winding journey to the North by the time they would hit. The vessel's speed was quick for a craft of its design, but even then it was certainly not one of the wizard's portals to the various corners of the world. Yet, such thoughts would not assist the wolf in his quest. His master had instructed him to carry out his last, and by far the least complex mission...but it was so very far in the future. He had slept for more years than he could count, yet the wizard had instructed him to perform this one, simple task. He did not know why; how could something so far in the future assist the long-dead wizard? It was not for him to question, though...he was made to serve, not command. The cool gunmetal caressed his hip in the holster, the weapon humming with unholy energies. He feared and respected this lightbow, but the wizard had given it to him as if it was the most trifling thing in the world. All he had to do was point and pull the trigger, and his target would be reduced to blackened was almost -too- easy. The craft continued to move silently into the night. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fire and the horrible light and thunder from heavy weapons illuminated Packbell's evening for the umpteenth time, his continual loss of ground becoming more and more infuriating. The SWATBot production machines were running at a grueling pace, being made out of scrap parts at times in order to hold up a steady resistance to the constantly swelling, increasingly bloodthirsty Mobians. He no longer possessed any Worker-Bots to throw at the berzerker mob that pushed harder and harder against his deepest ramparts, so only physical weapons turrets and the dismal remains of Robotropolis stood in their way. About 75% of the world was now completely liberated from Packbell's control by default--there was simply no SWATBots or other mechanical minions left to hold onto any of the facilities. Almost everything Packbell had left was poured into Robotropolis for one frantic, last stand. The evil android sat before the rotting control center's core, the deformed nervous system of what remained of Robotnik's handiwork. How it had fallen from glory! Now only a husk of what it once was, it barely kept track of what happened 10 blocks outside the Death Egg; the resistance had destroyed most of the other nodes that might have given Packbell any sort of information--the number of Freedom Fighters, how many SWATBots were left, how much time he had left until the primary systems finally gave out, anything of worth. Now it only displayed one unit of much time was left until the Buyers returned to `close the deal'...fortunately for him, it was quite small. "The hour of judgement comes, Mobius," he said to himself. "Soon, very soon, your final, collosal effort against me will be seen as little more as the last whimper of a damned world. The Buyers will crush you all with little more than a flick of their wrist, and I shall leave your shattered corpses with only my mocking laugh as your dirge." The clock ticked down by degrees as the seconds passed, shrinking lower and lower as the winter's first whispers began to creep into even the roasting bowels of the Death Egg... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The rabbit sniffed the wind as she walked along. The distinct scent on the wind told her that wintertime wasn't far off. In a few weeks, or even days, the first frost would come, and the forest would grow quieter and quieter until only one's own breathing would shatter the lifeless silence. The nights would lengthen, the wind would be a shrill howl of ice and snow, and the earth would sleep. Solstice this year would be special, though. Not only would it be her first in many years as a normal doe, but it would probably bring with it the final battle against Packbell. The city would fall to their grasping paws, and there would be peace at last. No more orphans to the vile plots of a dark overlord, no more endless nights of fear.. Peace. As much as it was desirable, however, it also caused her to shiver with some mild fear. What would happen after they would win, after the city had been rebuilt and the monarchy restored? What would she do for a living; she had no practical skills to apply to a modern world without her roboticized limbs, and her fame would only carry her so far. She had no desire to live off of Sally's regime as a mere leech, nor did she know if any of her family even lived to offer a paw of assistance. For the first time in her life, she honestly did not know what to do. She walked deeper into the forest, far from the normally trod paths. Bunnie realized that she could do this without fear, since all the SWATBots were holding off the constant assaults from within Robotropolis. It was a new and interesting feeling to be without any fear of capture or observation, one she hoped she could experience often. The doe had never before just gone on a walk without telling someone where she was going, when she'd be back, or if anyone wanted anything of her while she was out. Was that a guilty pleasure? She didn't know or care. Bunnie just wanted to enjoy these first few days of relative freedom in solitude. The songs of birds began to fill the air more frequently, but were far from the mighty tunes that drifted through the air in the summer; by degrees, all of the flying creatures were heading south. The chirping of crickets had faded long ago with the cold temperatures, leaving only the crunching of leaves beneath her paws to rustle along with the music. However, the sound of rushing water was slowly rising in temperature as she walked along the path, the waterfall nearby. She hadn't been there for a long time; she wondered how it had fared unattended. Sure enough, the waterfall's base hadn't changed much since Bunnie had last been there. It had lichens and small trees growing around it, and the pond the waterfall emptied into, which flowed into the river that fed the power ring pool, was still clear and cool. She sat down on a nearby stump by the water, and simply sat silently, watching the water slip down the plateau. The sun rose above the horizon, giving Bunnie a lovely sight to behold. The cool wind blew gently as the world stirred into wakefulness, those creatures of the night retreating completely into oblivion for another day. The songs of birds became louder and sweeter again, and the stirrings of forest animals could be heard crisply in the foreign silence that accompanies the first few moments of dawn. She stood and watched the sun rise higher in the sky, then eventually headed off to further greet the morning. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ivo Robotnik's eyes clicked back on as he awoke, unplugging his arm from the power battery and standing. It had been roughly six hours since he had taken a rest, and he felt fully recharged. Tweaking his moustache, he walked to the window and gazed again towards Mobius. Winter would soon be setting in, he thought to himself, which would mean that this `conference' between the allied worlds that John had mentioned would soon occur. He had said that the conference would buy them the necessary time to take Mobius, then use the resources gained from the sale of the water to build up the rest of their fleet and slay their foes. Ivo had to grin slightly at this; did that fool actually think he could defeat the hedgehog? He had learned over the years that Sonic was protected by some sort of supernatural force, something that kept him from being destroyed. Probability only went so far; he had millions of SWATBots and over three-quarters to ninety percent of the population roboticized or terminated, yet this one hedgehog and his small band could never quite be caught. He had killed a few of them, roboticized others, but the hedgehog was impervious. Ivo was not a fool; he had single-handedly conquered the entire planet, removed the king, and claimed dominion over a massive world, and might have even taken the stars in time...but this hedgehog lacked the wits of a flea. He -knew- this; his Princess was the one with any sort of rudimentary intelligence--even *she* was assisted by an AI! Yet, again and again, either something would happen to free him, or some screw-up from his lackeys would release him. And he had always been close, so close. It was usually a matter of three seconds between his final victory and the hedgehog's escape. Now, an ultimately supreme force had arrived to attempt to do what he could not in over 20 years; destroy the hedgehog and take the world. The odds were with them; they possessed the element of surprise, superior weaponry, greater numbers, fighters and enough surface area to put the world in darkness if it crossed the sun's path. The host's defeat, Ivo bitterly thought, would be astronomical. He walked from his quarters and out into the halls; still they were empty and silent. Twenty years ago, he would have thought himself mad for coming to that conclusion. One hedgehog versus an army of SWATBots, never mind one of a superior alien host? The force from the hedgehog would be pitiful in comparison; logic tells one that much. Yet, logic does not account for `destiny', a concept Ivo usually put little or no thought towards. Destiny or pure, stupid luck was something reserved for the pitiful minds of the average Mobian, not something a human would put much faith in. But the evidence stared him in the face as he shut down at night...something else was in the equation. At first, he had simply assumed that it was due to his speed. Operating on that hypothesis, he had run back the security logs and picked out areas of his command center and his various installations that needed to be designed to hamper any long bursts of speed, then placed more SWATBots around the affected areas. All the simulations had said that this would stop the hedgehog and permit his roboticization. It failed dismally. Thus, he moved on to his second hypothesis that the hedgehog would do what he said if he took hostages. He designed the capture areas to be impervious, totally unbreakable. Again, he got through, retrieved the cargo, and returned into the night. Robotic doubles? No effect. Breaking his will by slaying his allies? No effect. Double agents? No effect. Packbell? No effect. Ultimate death machine? No effect. He walked away from Mobius inside the disc. Sonic simply was destined to succeed over all odds, he had concluded, so any attempts to ensare or destroy him other than global biosphere annhilation would eventually fail. That didn't stop him from trying, though. No matter how badly he lost, he came back from the ashes and fought harder, killed thousands, roboticized hundreds, left more of the world a smoking toxic waste strip. But in the back of his mind, the doubt remained. Yet, Ivo Robotnik, Mobius' rightful ruler, had sworn the minute he saw the hedgehog to slay him. Every single defeat he suffered only strengthened his resolve, made him work harder. Despite what he knew to be inevitable, he ignored his own logic and truely believed that the hedgehog would be destroyed this time. He never broke a himself. And despite the overwhelming odds in their favor, the aliens wouldn't succeed. They didn't know the nature of the beast they were facing...they didn't have his experience to show them what to do. He was depending on this...for Mobius would be his again after they had done their worst, fractured their defenses just enough for one last collosal effort. And then, only then, would the hedgehog fall. He looked into the black void of space from the window, and could only laugh... Chapter Nineteen - Apocolypse: Prelude - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7:33 am, Mobian Standard Time. One day before Solstice Eve. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The first winds of winter blew through the mostly-bare trees of the Great Forest, bringing with them the occasional snowflake. Fewer walked the paths between Knothole and the other parts of the forest, and those who had left Knothole during the summer had settled in nicely in the various secret places that had been selected for them. Gradually, people began to adjust to their new surroundings, despite knowing that they would soon move again; this time, to rebuild and renew the city of Robotropolis after the last battle had been won. Knothole was relatively at peace, however. Most people were only around for a few days, taking a few days off from the continual pounding they gave Packbell's last few forces. The rest of Knothole spent its time communicating with the other villages or quietly preparing for the impending invasion of Robotropolis. It was a rather comfortable arrangement at the time, but the final push into the Death Egg would probably be a very long, tiring ordeal. Joseph continued to train himself in the magickal arts, working quietly on the various projects that consumed him...the deroboticizer, his secret plan on dealing with the _Apocolypse_, and minor concerns about the Dome itself. Bahb, on the other hand, fine-tuned its own project while continuing to seem completely ordinary in its day-to-day operation... All the while, the bloody battle in the heart of Robotropolis raged nonstop; SWATBots and Mobians clashing in a horrible duel for the control of the world. Packbell continued to try to slow the flow of bodies by throwing more and more SWATBots of lesser quality at the raging sea of flesh, but a steady loss of ground was continually noted. It would not be long until the city finally fell, most surmised, and then there would be justice given to the last remaining scapegoat for the empire of Robotnik, Commander Packbell. But beyond the view of all but two on the world of Mobius, there was the looming mass of the _Apocolypse_...armed with enough weaponry to combat any conventional host, it slid silently toward a high Mobian orbit, preparing itself to strike. However, completely unknown to the megomanicial, genocidal Soulless John, a betrayal was afoot even on his insanely loyal ship... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Doctor Ivo Robotnik, overlord of Mobius, paced the winding corridors of the _Apocolypse_ as it drew closer and closer to the world that he had rightfully conquered. It was dark inside the ship, moreso than usual due to the need for stealth that had been explained to him by John, so Robotnik was forced to rely on his infrared vision for most of his travels around the craft. All that could be seen of Robotnik most of the time were the two glowing red dots that acted as his irises, in fact, and that suited him. The Ur'thaens could see perfectly in this low light either due to genetic alteration or cybernetic enhancement, but they had never adopted the menacing red glow that radiated from Robotnik's eyes due to strictly tactical reasons; it lowered the possibility of an element of surprise to give any hint of your location to an enemy, John had also noted, even if it inspired fear. Robotnik didn't care either way, though. His escape pod was loaded, the data translated, and soon they would be close enough to the planet for him to leave the accursed ship so that the other Mobians could destroy it for him. All that remained was to `run out the clock', as a native colloqualism went. Solstice was coming, after was only days away. He continued to pace into the night, darkly humming an ancient Solstice hymn... "And the sun crests...the sun's a time for celebration...and soon...winter will end...and life begins..." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The icy wind whistled through the treetops for most of the night, only becoming quieter with the sleepy rise of the sun. While the skies were still clear, the lack of insulating cloud cover made the Great Forest crisper than the norm. The familiar scent of winter became stronger as the days continued, and those with the wisdom of many winters knew that the Solstice Day would soon be nigh just by the creaking of their bones. Knothole prepared Solstice preparations as usual, perhaps even slightly more upbeat than usual. Almost all of the Mobians had been deroboticized, Packbell was soon to fall, and the Keld'yrians stated they would state the Mobian situation at the annual Union of Allied Worlds conference that most of them had already left to attend. Vision himself, they had heard, would personally speak of their trials. So it went as the days passed. Solstice trees were erected, gifts were purchased and wrapped, ceremonies of most religions took place, and the feelings of peace and love ran rampant through the streets and huts of the main village of the resistance. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Explosions and fire rained from the sky of the sweltering hot city of Robotropolis, as had been the norm for most of the year. The barracades were being rallied against, fewer and fewer SWATBots being present to try to stop them. The whole of the SWATBot forces were, in fact, packed tightly around the square surrounding the Death Egg, picking off as many Freedom Fighters as they could. However, they too would soon fall, as the sheer determination of the whole of the resistance could have torn holes in any defense at that point. Packbell sealed the Death Egg entire with thick diamondium plates, often with his bare hands, in order to buy himself some extra time. There was no way into the fortress at all anymore, and no way out except for the remains of Robotnik's Eggomatic hangar on the highest level where he currently resided. The Egg was truely now without a single crack... and it was slowly running out of auxillary power. He had made all the SWATBots he could and put them all around the perimeter of the square in order to seal the Egg off from the rest of the city. It was surely lost by now, Packbell assumed...he had lost his sensors outside of the square a week ago. The raging fires that were a source of daylight 24 hours a day gave him a hint as well, as the deafening sounds of entire blocks exploding from berzerker resistance assaults. Packbell had approximately one day left. The Buyers arrived in 23 hours, one minute. He sat back in his command chair, looking out over the fires, knowing it would be his last day on Mobius...and that it would be the Freedom Fighters' last stand. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10:34 pm, Mobian Standard Time. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Blazing orange waves of energy rocketed through the Great Unknown, decimating rocks and stones for miles around. Thunder rolled through the endless wasteland, lightning searing the dry earth into cinders. Gusting winds, tornadoes, and blasting mixtures of rain and snow shot against parts of the Unknown, as lava shot from the depths of the world itself to combat some unseen foe. But yet, in one small spot in the center of the barren waste, grass grew around a solitary figure, who levitated in full lotus above the pastural grasses that existed unnaturally in the otherwise red and yellow sands of the endless Great Unknown. He wore a brightly-glowing orange medallion around his neck, which flared with light as the lightning crashed against the earth. He was covered in a black robe, all but his paws covered by the masking garment, and was otherwise motionless as the maelstorm raged just inches away in every direction... Then, in a single thought from the figure, the Great Unknown fell silent...the storms, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions abruptly ceasing. The grass disappeared below him, and soon the sands of the Great Unknown covered the damages caused by the odd occurance as if it had never occurred. The figure emerged from the meditation position in mid-air, landing silently on the warm sands of the Unknown. His medallion returned to a soft glow, and he slowly began to walk away from the spot he had been flying above. >> "Your training is complete, Joseph." << The figure was silent, still walking across the scorching earth. >> "You know all you need to know. Your control and creativity serve you well. Soon, Joseph, you will fight your first battle for this world, and thus insure the safety of this world for generations to come." << Still no words were spoken by the robed figure, who continued to slowly stride through the empty, silent wastes of the Great Unknown. The wind whistled softly for a moment, then again all was silent. >> "I hear your thoughts, Joseph. And no, this battle will not be your last. There are many things left for you to do before you may be finally at peace; but know that by accomplishing these things, you make the world a better place." << The figure kept walking in silence. >> "You sense the evil in the is yet another sign that you are the one chosen. The one on that ship that you call John, despite having the same destructive powers that you possess, cannot sense you." << Silence. >> "You wonder why, do you not? Why could one of equal power not feel something that is, to you, as bright as the sun and louder than a death-scream?" << He continued to walk, climbing over a rock formation. The sounds of claw scratching rock was the only sound heard for miles. >> "He, unlike you, has great power without the Knowing. He believes magick to be nothing more than a new science to be conquered, seeing it all in terms seek the words in your own mind, telekinetic rearrangement of matter and energy. He does not hear the rhythms of the forest, the whispers of the wind, and the ancient songs of the bird; it is all noise to his dark mind. You, however, have been shown these things, and you now understand the greatness of the smallest things, the silence in the noise, and what is wise in the ravings of madmen and fools." << Ascending the top of the rocks, he peered into the distance, vaguely detecting the very edge of the Great Forest several thousand miles away. The winds cleaned the rock from his garment as he stood, peering over the lifeless region in utter, perfect silence. >> "Let us return to your domain, Joseph. Prepare yourself as you will for the battle. Mobius will help you, if you remember it is what you fight for." << The figure disappeared in a blur of light, leaving nothing behind over than two footprints; which were soon removed by the winds. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tails jogged through the village, as had became his custom in the afternoons. While he ran, he took advantage of his quick jaunt in order to observe the pretty Solstice decorations, which hung from every house cheerfully. The chill wind encouraged him not to linger, however, and kept his pulse as a quick rate. He had a considerable musculature now, having been training almost since the summertime, and felt strong enough to throw a badger around. His age also helped him feel larger and more confident, having reached his adolescent state. He felt taller and wider in shoulder every morning, it seemed, and several in the village commented positively on this. Yet, his driving goal still remained tantalizingly out of his grasp; flight. He'd worked this long at the problem, and yet he still couldn't even manage a hover. His entire body was bigger and stronger than before, he had managed to bench-press twice his weight with his tails alone, yet he still couldn't get them to flap in the correct way to make him enter an airborne state. It was endlessly frustrating to him...yet, he stubbornly believed that he would one day fly again. However, his hard work was not without some benefits. He'd been declared the Grand Champion of the annual Knothole Arm-Wrestling competition that had taken place a month ago, and more people were treating him like an adult rather than a large kit. More and more responsibilities had been given to him, which he gladly took on and honored, and the opposite sex, which he had also begun to notice, were beginning to see him as an attractive individual. So, Tails never really had the opportunity to really get down on himself; there was simply too much to do. Tails did not, however, neglect his exercise regimen. No matter how early he had to get up to do it, Bookshire's useful list of exercises were always completed. He had gotten so used to it, in fact, that thinking about -not- doing it felt alien to him. This, and his usual scholastic talent, made Tails one of the most actively admired residents of Knothole by the youth, Sonic naturally being first. As he finished the last few laps around Knothole, he took the time to ponder what the next year would bring. Perhaps then, after he'd done just a few more tail-curls, with just that much more weight, Tails would finally be able to hover above the ground. And maybe after he'd done that many more tail-push ups, and done just one or two more tail-presses with a heavier press bar, he'd be able to fly... He finished his run and walked into his hut, relaxing after his hard regimen. Tails had done a few more laps than he had been able to handle just last week...he was making progress! Perhaps he'd challenge Sonic to that race soon...or not. He needed to do a lot more to be able to match his raw speed...but he knew he had the endurance to pull it off. One day, he would. One day. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Snively sat in his cell inside the Dome, boredly flicking through the channels that focused mainly on `human interest' programming. He felt like he'd been imprisoned for years now, the three walls and the forcefield beginning to feel almost like home. He didn't even know what season it was anymore...only that at certain intervals, Joseph would come in, check on him, maybe play a game of chess or two, then leave to do something or other. He did get the news when Joseph stopped in, however. He heard all about how Packbell was being utterly beaten by the now mostly deroboticized population of Mobius, which made Snively gleefully pleased about no longer being nearby his Uncle's creation, nor his city. At last, Snively cackled, Packbell was getting what he deserved. All of the cruelty and inhumane treatment he had piled on the rest of the world, specifically him, was now being repaid upon him in full...with interest. If the truth were to be told, Snively didn't care for either Robotnik's or Packbell's methods. Robotnik had roboticized the populace; while, for the first 15 years, it had simplified matters, a year or two of only talking to Robotnik with no other people to interact with got fairly boring. Sure, things got done, but Snively never understood why Robotnik kept polluting the world by creating SWATBots and acquiring more and more of the resources of the planet when there was only one or two real areas of difficulty in the entire world. If Robotnik had been concerned less with making his enemies `pay', by giving them all of those chances to escape when he was about to defeat them, the world would have been under his control without any organized resistance in a year or less. Of course, that wouldn't have made it more exciting or given Snively anyone else to talk to, but it would have been a start. Packbell was simply evil. Julian had some sort of purpose to his sadistic tedencies and cruelty, but Packbell simply reveled in perversity and darkness. Snively had had the unfortunate displeasure of observing Packbell's personal torture, humiliation, and general abuse of several female children and women; suffice it to say, the nightmares plagued him to this day. It was one thing to simply force yourself on a female, he believed, it was another thing to totally break them, let them writhe in agony for a while, then kill them. While Snively's morals weren't the purest, he did have his limits. He'd kill a Freedom Fighter or roboticize them, but his upbringing kept him within the limits of `fair play'. He laid back on his bunk and stared up at the banal sitcoms and movies that the computer, `Bob', could dredge up for him. Snively had this nagging belief that Bob did this on purpose sometimes merely to annoy him. Thankfully, it went no further than that. "Is there -nothing- else available on?" Snively whined to the ceiling, rubbing his left temple with a hand. >> "No." << "Are you -sure-, Bob? Isn't there anything besides this awful love story on?" >> "No." << Snively sat back on the bed, folding his arms behind his head. "No action movies?" >> "No." << "No science-fiction?" >> "No." << "No space operas?" >> "No." << "No horror films?" >> "No." << "No comedies?" >> "No." << Snively rolled his eyes. "Not even something pornographic?" >> "No." << It paused for a moment. >> "However, there is plenty of vulpine-based entertainment available that would fit your basic needs." >> Snively groaned annoyedly. He was very biased towards humans. It was probably the cause of his downfall; humans were a rare species on Mobius, having been destroyed by most of the other races in the earlier times during the Black Times. The idea of associating with a `lesser' species, such as those of foxes and hedgehogs, sickened him...never mind the thought of mating with one. Yet, Bob had been programmed by a fox, and strictly Joseph, Sandra and himself lived in the Dome at the moment. Majority rule. Bah! Yet, he was hungry for some sort of visual stimuli. He decided to admit defeat yet again, and say those dreaded words: "Very well. Bob, select an action movie...*vulpine* based." And thus yet another `Natasha and Seline' marathon began... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The _Apocolypse_ invisibly entered high Mobian orbit. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7:34 am, Mobian Standard Time. Solstice Eve. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The dawn broke over the Great Forest on Solstice Eve like it did on any day during the winter; weakly and through heavy cloud cover. Several inches of snow covered the ground from a recent storm yet, blanketing the forest in a sheer white surface. The last of the Keld'yrians had left Mobius in the night, leaving only a skeleton crew active on Haven to maintain its operation while the majority of the Keld'yrians on Mobius had departed with Vision to the annual conference that the Union of Allied Worlds held. Robotropolis had been predicted to fall within the next three days, so morale (and tensions!) were high. Sonic, who had been in Knothole for the past few weeks assisting Sally organize the final villages being erected as temporary housing for the deroboticized citizens, had gone off to the front lines to lead the final charge against Packbell. This worried Sally to no end, of course, yet she tried to avoid lingering on the thought by engrossing herself in the last-minute preparations for Solstice Day. It would be a beautifully executed celebration, thanks to the help of Rotor, Bookshire, David Prower, and basically all the Freedom Fighters' special gifts and talents. All the villages would link together using the subspace transponder units placed in all the active villages, and they would all join in song to sing of their victories over Robotnik, Snively, and now Packbell, and to pray together for the speedy renewal of the world and the return of the King. It would be Sally's crowning achievement in the resistance, in her eyes, if she could pull off this totally peaceful operation without a hitch. She was confident it could be accomplished, yet there was still some final bugs to work out. For example, a very quiet hiss of static had begun to interfere with the transmissions due to some sort of atmospheric freak occurrance, which David had been working around the clock to cancel out of the transmissions...she was sure he'd pull it off, though. Other than that, it was merely a matter of making sure everyone knew what to do, when... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Platoon after platoon of SWATBots fell before the combined strength of the militant Freedom Fighters and Sonic, who were now driven by pure rightous anger as the despotic Packbell. The thoughts of each Mobian were focused on taking down Packbell, hard, personally...especially in Sonic's mind, who was the complete ruler of the forces at this point. The losses of life fell dramatically when he entered the field of battle, everyone wanting to fight twice as hard just so they could see Sonic go all the way to the top of the Death Egg and annhilate Packbell with one mighty spin-dash. The final barricade fell, and the SWATBots were swept against the face of the Egg, and thus to their doom. Hundreds of thousands of Freedom Fighters filled the heart of the city that had once been their home, rallying together to destroy every last SWATBot in sight. There were no more casualties at this point, one might observe, because everything that might have held up a weapon and shot at the Freedom Fighters laid in pieces at their feet. Only the sealed Death Egg remained before them, the shell alone protecting Packbell from his destruction. Sonic stood in front of the main entrance of the Death Egg, which was sealed tightly with un-spin-dashable diamondium. For a moment, the massive crowd surrounding the Death Egg fell silent; then, a single voice, unburdened by any background noise, spoke. "PACKBELL!" cried Sonic to the heavens, "YOU'RE GOING DOWN!" A moment, that lasted an eternity, passed. "*BIG* *TIME*!" That triggered the tens of thousands of Freedom Fighters to simotaneously attack the very walls of the Death Egg, taking out tools and cutting into the thick walls, blasting at it with stolen energy weapons, even tearing at it with their bare hands to crack the black Egg that laid in the middle of their city. Their joined voices made a sound like a hundred thousand freight trains roaring at full speed into the night, the shaking and quaking of the very supports of the Egg to enter it almost that of the world itself bucking at the seams... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The _Apocolypse_ moved to a geo-stationary orbit over the geographical center of Mobius, still invisible to all. Several cloaked devices, however, left its hull and took positions over points all over Mobius. Yet, it remained unseen. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Knuckles stood on the edge of the northern cliff of the Floating Island, looking out over the placid tropical waters. Down to his bones, he felt the battle raging deep within the cursed city for the political domination of the world, while his heart chilled when he looked to the sky; for That Which Was There But Not There was close enough now to see in his mind's eye without the use of the magickal seeing-pool. He felt the death that surrounded it, sensed the rage and hate that stewed aboard the ship...and something else, something familiar, also was there. What it was he did not know, only that the Solaris would soon rise up to fight it. He took one of his quills from the back of his head with a quick, smooth movement, and dragged it through his bare palm... the blood seeped out and dribbled into the water, as the old ways told him to do before entering battle...his blood in the water would tell the old spirits of his intent, and they would protect him in the great battle that may come to his protectorate. In a moment, his wound sealed, and the calloused surface of his palm went again inside the glove protecting it. Thunder rolled in the distance, some dark clouds on the horizon spontaneously forming over the water. The time grew near for the final battles to begin...for the life of a people, and the life of a world. He knelt down and chanted to the old gods for guidance; mind, body, and spirit joining in worship. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3:26 pm, Mobian Standard Time. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Solstice Eve came to Knothole, the final battle raging all the while in Robotropolis. Reports came back to Sally, stating that the Egg would be breached and Packbell destroyed in exactly one hour; just in time for the Solstice Prayer at midnight over the subspace transponders. Sally smiled at this news, and was tempted to go herself to Robotropolis to watch Packbell's destruction; but, her subjects needed her with them to lead them in prayer and celebration, so she merely hoped someone would record it all for later observation. Those who prayed early, did so, while the various other subreligions and cults did their various Solstice celebrations peaceably, and without any protests of the others. Children recieved gifts, lovers renewed their vows under the three moons, and the old looked on wistfully as this, a long chapter in the history of Mobius, would finally come to an end; bringing with it, they hoped, a new golden age. However, David hadn't been able to clear out all the static yet, which was troubling to Sally slightly. He did have another hour left, however, which was a good thing, and it wasn't too annoying anyway. She just wanted this celebration to be as historically perfect as Packbell's final defeat, and the reclaimation of all of Mobius in the name of rightousness. It was so important that this moment be recorded with perfect clarity...Solstice Day would have a new meaning, on top of the other official events it signified, as the day Robotnik was utterly erased from Mobius. The soft sounds of singing were heard from the other parts of the village, and took the Princess for a few moments from her thoughts. Her eyes watering, Sally decided to join them with her own beautiful song of hope...praying deep within her heart that soon Sonic would return and sing beside her. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bunnie was already singing with the rest of the village, her heart and soul joining with the other Knothole denziens in one perfect harmony. She too ached to be in Robotropolis, but she knew on a instinctive level that this was to be Sonic's fight alone. He had to be the one to slay the final foe, win the day for the rest of the was simply his role. She sang her heart out, her eyes streaming with tears from joy...soon, she would know where her family was. There would be no more nightmares, no more fear...there would truely be peace on Mobius. How could any dare war against each other after the hard lesson that had been taught? How could anyone hurt anyone else after all the pain the world had been through? Who could be so callous as to harm Mobius after the long struggle, that had cost them all so much? The stars never shone so clearly to her, nor did the air ever smell so clean and crisp. In her heart, and in her eyes, the world was at peace. She couldn't have been more wrong. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The _Apocolypse_ went through its final diagnostic sequence. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A sailboat laid on the shores of the Southern Continent, pulled safely onto land by a force greater than that of any normal living thing. A few miles from it, a cloaked grey wolf strode along a path untraveled for over 20 years, his lightning gun holstered on his side. All around him, he sensed no life as he walked...yet, there was once something here, he knew it. In the heavens, his unnatural second sight saw the dreadnought of hell looming o'er the northern sky, and merely hoped the old wizard's statements about it were mostly prevarications. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Death Egg had been breached after someone had finally gotten some explosives to the front line, and the forces of the Freedom Fighters charged inside. They found nothing but an abandoned ground floor, the elevator shaft having been welded shut in a thousand different ways, and yet another barracade between them and the first floor of many they had to break through. However, Sonic was undaunted by this task, and rallied the forces of good to begin assaulting this new challenge. However, Packbell also knew that they had entered the fortress, and stood in the hangar anxiously awaiting the Buyer envoy to pick him up. Each of the 9 levels below the one he stood on had been sealed with enough blockades to keep them from him for enough time, he hoped, to allow a speedy escape. He wanted off of the planet, and he wanted off of it now... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sandra and Joe laid together in their bed, silently holding each other close. Joe had given her this one last Solstice gift before he prepared to go to battle against the forces of evil, and Sandra thought that what he had given her was truely the best thing he had done to date. Yet, it wasn't so much the act of lovemaking as it was the fact that he and her had met on the last Solstice Eve, and that his love for her (and her love for him) had only grown stronger since then. He stroked her headfur gently, his eyes telling her that her time with him was slowly dwindling to nil. She didn't need to say a word to him then; all she did was hold her body tighter to his own, closing her eyes and praying for just a few more moments of intimacy with her mate before he went off to fight against the might of the last Ur'thaen battleship, aptly named _Apocolypse_. Sandra kept telling herself that she wouldn't lose him, that he would march off to battle and return with not so much as a scratch on his body...but her mind told her otherwise, no matter how hard she believed in Joe's mystical powers, mental talents, or his physical skills. It was simply too much for him to do alone! Maybe if she pleaded... She opened her eyes and gazed into his, eyes watering. All she saw was iron-hard resolve and a sort of muted confidence that made her fur nearly stand on end. She'd seen this look before when he spoke of the deroboticizer or the renewal of Mobius; there was no changing his mind at this point. He would follow through to his goals to the end, no matter what it cost him. Sandra finally cried as this sunk in, her fear showing at last. Joseph held her as she gripped to him, not wanting to let go of the one true love she had ever known...who would, in a moment, leave her grasp to fight a battle against a ship that entire worlds had been vanquished by. He offered no words, no platitudes, no prewritten speeches about his impending victory; he only held her, allowing his body to do what his words could not. >> "Joseph, it is time." << He allowed her to calm herself, kissed her passionately once more, and released himself from her embrace. Sandra sat up on the bed, wiping her eyes, and watched her mate prepare himself for battle... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7:12 pm, Mobian Standard Time. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The _Apocolypse_ silently scanned the surface of the world, still invisible to all but a few. It picked out the proper points on the sphere for its vile purposes, and searched for the highest concentrations of life in case it needed to be put down. The ship also fruitlessly searched for any advanced technology or sources of high power, but found none other than Robotropolis and a few pitiful, tactically useless outposts. The dread Ur'thaen captain slammed his fist on the console at the impossible news. You cannot hide from me, Chaos Emeralds, John swore to himself, I will find where you are if I have to take this world apart, piece by piece... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10:54 pm, Mobian Standard Time. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Freedom Fighters raged through the Death Egg, meeting with no resistance aside from the constant barriers and blockades. Deafening sonic booms mingled with the scent of gunpowder and plastique as they charged higher into the fortress, looting and laying waste to all those things which had sought to oppress them. However, Sonic and a team of crack commandos stopped the looting at the foot of the roboticizer. For a moment, an eerie silence reigned as Sonic himself walked before the device, which had somehow survived the onslaught of Doomsday and the decimation of the rest of the city. He caressed the glass with a hand, peering into it. The hedgehog told no one, to the day when he finally died, what he was thinking as he looked into the device, one which had oppressed the lives of countless millions over the nearly two decades when Robotnik ruled over all of the world of Mobius. It was powerless and still then, the Egg now dark and quiet aside from the sounds of explosions both inside and outside the Egg. Only the sound of his breathing could be heard in that room, while the crowds outside the chamber looked on in awed silence. He stepped away, truely looking at the entire device for the first time in his life. He'd taken hundreds of people from its grasp personally, and had spared thousands due to his actions. Yet, for all of the people he had saved, millions had succumbed to it. Millions of people, all reduced to metal and glass, all due to the whims of one man, his nephew, and an android. And it was only the size of a small videocomm booth...a wave of terror swept through him for a moment, invisible to those around him, but soon passed. A clarity of vision filled him that he had never had before; in an instant, he knew what he had to do. A large bear lumbered in, covered in soot from a recent explosion. Noting where Sonic stood, and what he stood in front of, he handed him one of the rare paw-held energy cannons that the resistance was able to acquire from one of the more recent raids on a SWATBot production facility. " it." The hedgehog held the unfamiliar, cold weapon in his hand. He looked at it for a moment, learning its operation by sheer instinct, then looked back to the unknown bear. He aimed the device at the heart of the chamber, arming it...the sound of the weapon powering up was all that could be heard. No one dared speak during that moment, the moment when the victory of the resistance would be sealed; Sonic's finishing blow to Robotnik's tyranny, the roboticizer. A few moments passed, and the hedgehog still did not fire. His eyes looked deeper into the device than there was machine, feeling what he had seen there all during his childhood. This machine had defined him, made him what he was...and now, he would destroy it... Sonic disarmed the weapon with a flick of his thumb, handing it back to the bear. "No." "But..." "No." Murmurs from the crowd. "Why?" Sonic turned to face the confused crowd of warriors. He spoke in a style and tone similar to his uncle's, for the first time in his life, and he suddenly felt filled with the great responcibility a leader has to his men. "The machine behind me is the roboticizer. It has been the main badnik since the first day Robuttnik took control of the world years ago. But it can't be destroyed." He looked into the eyes of those who followed him. "No, the roboticizer gotta survive. From it, we see the true evils of tyranny, what we truely fought against. Robuttnik was just a man; what he _did_ is what we took down this day." He looked back to it, eyes fearless. "Let it stand in the museum that will one day be rebuilt in this city. Let the roboticizer be seen and known by all until the day the mountains crumble into the sea, so that none may ever again do that sort of flat-out badness! Let what we have kicked butt for never be forgotten!" Roaring cheers filled the fortress for another moment, puntuated by yet another explosion. Access to the next level had been cleared, so the crack troops charged in, preparing to retake the next few levels above it. As the next onslaught began, Sonic called aside a few of the men, and spoke to them over the din: "Disassemble it and drag it to Knothole, so that no one will be able to destroy the thing." He smiled. "Oh yeah, tell Sal that I'm cool, too." The techs nodded to Sonic, and he rushed off to lead the rallied troops to yet another level. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11:32 pm, Mobian Standard Time. Solstice Eve. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sonic charged into the computer rooms of the Death Egg, ordering troops about to get Robotnik's records. With some difficulty, they wired up the computers to generators, and began the hard process of data retrieval. Meanwhile, other factions charged through the rest of the level as the blockades were against raged against, charges continually pounding against them. Technology and wisdom hidden from them by Robotnik were gleefully removed from Packbell's possession; at times, the lines heading out to remove items of value was longer than that of those wishing to enter with explosives. He walked the halls impatiently, the final few blockades standing before him. Time was of the essence; had Packbell flown off? No, impossible, the air was being patrolled by stolen Freedom Fighter hover units, so that not even a fly could get out of Robotropolis in one piece. Through the vents? No, they too had been sealed by the numerous explosions. Did he climb down the side of the building? Was he even there at _all_?! These thoughts nagged Sonic, supreme commander of the resistance forces at that exact second, as the pollution-stained clouds parted slightly outside the window he was walking by, showing three bloody red moons through the toxins that covered the city like a burial shroud. He paused again, looking at the sight, then continued to walk...waiting for the large explosion on the far side of the level to clear their way yet again. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11:50 pm, Mobian Standard Time. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A single fighter left the _Apocolypse_, heading under cloak towards the smoggy, fire-filled realm of Robotropolis. Onboard the _Apocolypse_, John did one final systems check, and addressed his fellow foxen appropriately over the ship's intercom. << "Fellow foxen, we engage now in the first test of this ship's mettle since the destruction of our world over 300 megacycles ago. We are what remains of the Ur'thaen Empire now...let our claws again scrape over this galaxy again and rule with rightous glory. Praise the Goddess!" >> A quiet cheering occurred onboard the ship for a moment, then the crew locked in position...waiting... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11:56 pm, Mobian Standard Time. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The top of the Death Egg was breached, the level where Robotnik and his foul assistants usually resided. It was cleaner than the other levels, Sonic immediately noticed, but it was just as abandoned as every other level. No SWATBots greeted them, not even a Spy-Eye peered at them as they charged was obvious that they had fought the very last of Robotnik's army at the gates of his fortress. A chill crept through Sonic again as he walked through the level, assigning people to plant various explosives at pressure points so to check the final level...the rooftop hangar. However, that didn't take as long as expected, so he took the time to explore the other rooms present on the level as the more experienced explosives experts took over. He entered Robotnik's own room, a layer of dust covering it for more than a year due to his supposed demise. He paused for a moment, taking it all in; it was a spartan room, clean and organized despite the layers of dust that covered things. A large, triple-reenforced bed sat in the back of the room, recognizably that of the old King...the crest of arms on the front of it told Sonic that much, since he had seen it on Sally's formal dress once or twice. Yet, Robotnik had to go and ruin it by putting steel bars all around it, he thought. Of course, since he weighed a ton and a -half-... A cord stuck out of the wall near the bed, with an odd-looking plug at the end that was meant to plug into something else. He picked the thick cord up, looked it over, and pondered. It had three prongs on it like the one Uncle Chuck used to use when he was still a robot...yet, it looked like it could carry a lot more current than what Robotnik's arm could need. Probably more waste for Robotnik's sick quest to mess up the entire world, Sonic cursed, and let it drop to the ground. A few feet away, a desk sat, facing out a window that overlooked Robotropolis (what remained of it), the Great Meadow, the Forest, and even (when the clouds parted a bit) a hint of the Grey Mountains. Sonic found it odd that Robotnik would want to look at nature, but then realized it probably kept him on-task...after all, he was trying to control the entire world, not only the city. He pushed the chair over and with some difficulty took a seat. Like everything else in Robotnik's domain, the chair was thick with steel and twice as cold. Yet, Sonic had a strange desire to sit in this chair where his enemy had sat, plotting against him; it gave Sonic a bit of a thrill. Looking over the desk further, Sonic found several mundane things; a pen or two, some paper, a few paper clips, and the usual assortment of Put-It Notes. Things like `Check Monitor #58179' or `Destroy Village #956-B' were written on them in Robotnik's nearly mechanical handwriting, which fired Sonic's imagination with the scenes of carnage and bloodshed that took place early in Robotnik's rule. He shivered again, but looked out of the window at the damage they had done back to Robotnik. He was taken down, thought the hedgehog to himself, big time. Robuttnik couldn't hurt anyone anymore. Sonic rifled through the desk, the first explosions being heard from the opposite side of the level. Sally had given him explicit instructions before leaving to get all of Robotnik's papers and such for posterity. (Infamy? thought the hedgehog.) He popped open his backpack and started to toss in all the folders and such he found lying around in the desk, as well as anything that seemed to have writing on it. Fortunately for Sonic, there were only the bare necessities on paper; things left over from the Royal Archives, his diplomas (Robotnik went to school? Just goes to show that reading books don't make you smart.), some commendations from the King (This'll be a collectors item.), and a few dusty, but dog-eared books Sonic didn't immediately recognize. Closing his backpack, and placing it on his lap, he sat back for a moment in the chair and listened to the sounds of detonations. They were growing softer, which meant that the barricade was nearly broken through. He'd better hurry up and finish getting Robuttnik's stuff, he thought, or else he'd miss Packbell's capture. He went to the safe, and began the tedious process of cracking it...Sonic suddenly wished he'd paid more attention when Sally had demonstrated technique. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11:58 pm, Mobian Standard Time. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A small saucer-shaped craft cruised downward towards the Death Egg, decloaking as it entered the smog cloud around it. It was a reddish ship, about the size of an above-average hoverunit, and had very large and mean-looking weaponry all over its surface. Two indentations on both sides of it curved out like wings, where the craft's thrusters and warp nacelles were located. A slim, but wide window in a slight alcove in the `front' of the vessel served as a viewer when the computer wasn't being utilized for navigation. There was strange lettering on the side and top of the craft, obviously identifying marks. The fighter flew invisibly down to the landing pad, decloaking as its engines shut off for landing. A Ur'thaen fox, clad in full combat regalia, hopped out of the cockpit. He saw Packbell, with box of `toys' in tow, walk over. "Is this all of it, then?" The fox took off his helmet, handing it to Packbell. "Yes, sir." Packbell smiled. "Excellent. Is everything I'll need in there?" The fox nodded. "A replicator unit and recharging assembly are on board, sir." He glanced to the crate. "And there should be just enough room for that too, sir." A puff of smoke and an explosion rose from the stairwell leading back down into the Egg, with the sounds of voices beginning to close in. The pilot looked over to the incoming riot, and turned to Packbell. "See you in the sky, sir." The fox then promptly hit a toggle on his wrist, and beamed out in a reddish haze. Meanwhile, Packbell had wasted no time scrambling into the craft, closing the hatch and tossing the box in back. He laughed, pulling back on the flight yoke, and lifting away from the ground. "Good -bye-, hedgehog! So long, Mobius! See you all in HELL!" He kicked the ship into maximum atmospheric speed, and rocketed off into the heavens. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11:58.30 pm, Mobian Standard Time. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sonic raced up to the top just in time to see something shoot through the smog and towards the stars. He slammed his fist into the side of the stairwell. "Damn! He got away!" He took a communicator quickly from a nearby wolf, speaking quickly into it. "Does anyone have that thing that took off located?" A reply came back, filled with static. "...gone, sir...headed towards space...before...lost it...over." Sonic sneered, tossing the device back and walking towards the center of the pad. He stared up into space. "I'll get you, Packbell," he whispered to himself. "You won't go unpunished." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The saucer-shaped craft zoomed past the _Apocolypse_, wasting no time escaping from Mobian orbit. It roared past the moons without being noticed by Haven, concerned only with making tracks from the world as fast as it could. It raced past the other planets in the Mobian system, heading to deep space. After it had gotten far from the Mobius system, it slowed down, its pilot consulting the flight computer. "So far, so good," he muttered, looking through the listings for a place to take stock of the situation where he wouldn't be disturbed. He might have found one, too, if he hadn't been interrupted by a very loud transmission: "Hey, dumbass." the communicator spoke in clear Mobian, "Prepare to get trashed by the Boys!" Packbell looked up at the main screen, watching the pirate fleet decloak in front of him; the fighters racing out towards his ship, blasters firing... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11:59 pm, Mobian Standard Time. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sally did one final check of the subspace transponder. As she was about to activate it, David ran over from behind it. "All clear, Sally," said David, "I cleared out the last of that static for you." She took a sigh of relief. "That's great, David! Now nothing can ruin our celebration!" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12:00 am, Mobian Standard Time. Solstice Day. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The _Apocolypse_ decloaked. This, in itself, was extremely disconcerting, but what happened due to this was far more alarming. Just as Sally had said "Let us all sing our Solstice praises!" over the transponder, all subspace communications suddenly jammed under a loud burst of static. All of the villages were suddenly cut off from each other, which immediately caused a minor panic. Then, a massive EM pulse that struck the Northern Continent was so severe as to immediately shut down David Prower, who fell like a rock from a few feet in the air into the center of Knothole. Cloaked SpyGlobes which were stationed out of Knothole suddenly came into plain sight, and also plummetted to the ground. Various others fell into parts of the Forest, as well as the rest of Mobius. The `lightning incident' had fortunately caused the Dome itself to be immune to the pulse, though it did scramble all external surveillance. It was basically blind, deaf, and sensationless to the outside world, but it was yet secure. Another blast was directed at Robotropolis, which throughly put out of commission any operating technology. However, this did have the side effect of finally clearing out the smog over the city, for whatever reason... Of course, with the smog gone, Sonic could plainly see the huge, triangular shape of the Apocolypse cutting directly between all three of the visible, full moons of Mobius. He could only gape at it, having no idea what was in store... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - John sat back in his command chair, watching the bridge fill with his normal crew. << "Is there carnage?" >> His tactical officer, a tall fox named Nh'ich, replied. << "Certainly." >> He sat back. << "Excellent. For now, let them merely witness our presence, and fear..." >> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In a flash, Sonic returned to Knothole, leaving the rest of the men to get what they could and then retreat to their villages. Sally and the rest of Knothole were witnessing the same thing. "You guys lose juice and the comm, too?" Sally nodded gravely, looking worriedly at the ship. "Yes, we did. I think that large craft had something to do with it." The Princess looked at Sonic with worried eyes. "But what does it want? Who could want to do this to us?" Sonic looked up again as well. "I don't know, Sally. Maybe it comes in peace." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A fox sitting at the helm controls turned to face John. << "Sir, the commander of the Alpha wing is requesting permission to raze the city and the surrounding areas." >> John sighed. << "Can't she wait until we hit Keld'yr?" >> << "She said that the new pilots need practice with the modifications to the fighters before we hit a hard target. She noted as well that the foxes are restless, sir. They -need- to blow -something- up." >> John groaned. << "Oh, very well. She _has_ been waiting almost three megacycles now. But tell her to keep in mind that I want something left to watch scream as the planet drowns in its own water." >> The ensign nodded, typing in a message. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A swarm of fighters were disgorged from the ship, appearing from the ground to be merely dust flying off the massive shape in the sky. They roared down towards Robotropolis, all of them appearing to be standard-issue fighters akin to the one Packbell escaped in, except that they all flew in perfectly arranged formations all the way down to the city. They took steady positions over the city, waiting for their wing commanders to give the word to strike. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sonic, with Sally in tow, rushed back towards the city to see what was going on. "Perhaps they want to find our leader," she had said, "so they can properly introduce themselves." The fighters had not yet all been assembled by the time Sonic had arrived, so they had assumed that the last ships to arrive would be that of the leaders, or at least the ambassadors, of the visitors. Sure enough, the last few ships arrived, noticed the group and the two leading it, and examined them. Nicole detected some sort of probe, but allowed it to access its records in order to ensure that no hostile attempt was meant. For a few moments, the ships did nothing. However, the wing commanders were cackling madly over the Ur'thaen communications system, the only way of communication left unjammed, pondering the best way to truely make them feel stupid for lining up nice and even below them, and giving them access to all of their records. Finally, the head commander of the ships hushed the other ones, activated a translator, and yelled down via a loudspeaker mounted in front of her ship; A rough female voice spoke. She tried to sound serious. "Umm, hello, Mobians." Sally looked up to the ship with a smile, where numerous lewd and distasteful comments were made about it throughout the fleet. She yelled back, "Who are you? Do you come in peace?" Hysterical laughter over the comm, but dead seriousness over the the loudspeaker. "Why....yes, we come in peace." "Who are you?" she shouted in reply. General screaming of suggestions over the comm. "Uhh...we're..." A pause, while the commander calmed herself down. "We're the Imperial Space Navy." Sally smiled, being extraordinarily patient. The comments about her at this point from the rest of the fleet are unprintable. "From where?" "Err..." She grinned sadistically in her craft. "We come from Planet France." The suggestion had come from a transmission they had intercepted several thousand light-years away during transit while the Ur'thaen Empire still existed. Cackling resounded over the comm. "France? Are you with the Union of Allied Worlds?" Insane laughter. "This is too rich," she said over the comm. "Watch this." She spoke into the loudspeaker again. "Umm...yeah." "Did the Keld'yrians send you?" The laughter became so loud that it was nearly audible outside the ships themselves. Sonic got a little twitchy. "Oh yeah, they sent us. We, in fact, are going to give you first what we'll give them next..." Sally smiled. "What's that?" All the ships simultaneously, and visibly, armed their weapons. Sally's eyes widened to almost plate-size. "Oblivion." The rain of phasers and photon torpedoes was visible for miles. Chapter Twenty - Apocolypse Fortunately, Sonic had a power ring handy, so was able to blast out of Robotropolis before the fighters were able to land so much as a target lock on them. Also, the others gathered immediately took to flight, scattering in a thousand different directions. While this did allow Sally and Sonic a speedy escape, Sonic was literally scared out of his wits. For the first time, it seemed, Sonic was left speechless. They roared into the heart of Knothole, the residents already alarmed at what they could practically hear going on in Robotropolis. Rotor and Bookshire, meanwhile, were frantically working on David, trying to bring him back on-line. Sonic mindlessly put down Sally, then stumbled over to a tree for support. His eyes were wide, filled with pure terror, which didn't help the morale of the now frightened village as Sally relayed the basic scenario. "I want everyone to remain calm! We have to evacuate--" An elderly-looking she-wolf hobbled to the front of the growing crowd around Sally. "What's going on?!" Sally tried to gather her wits, forcing herself to appear calm. "We've got extraterrestrial unfriendlies attacking Robotropolis." Hope entered the wolf's eyes. "Well, isn't that a good thing?" Sally shook her head. "No, this is not a positive development. They are apparently bent on destruction of not only the city, but possibly all life on the planet." Alarmed murmurs. "I thought the Keld'yrians were supposed to be defending us!" "I don't know what's going on. All I know is that those aren't Keld'yrian ships, and that we've lost all use of our present technology due to some sort of weapon used from the main ship; I think they used some sort of electromagnetic pulse. And since subspace is disabled, we can only assume they're in the same boat we are." She gestured to a dead SpyGlobe that rolled by the clearing. "And probably Joseph's not in fair shape, either." Shouts from the crowd. "Well, we can't stay here! We need to get as far away from those things as possible!" Sally nodded. "Agreed. Alright, everyone get whatever they can carry, and organize according to the usual procedure..." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - << "The populace has scattered and fled in terror, Captain. Shall we pursue?" >> John shook his head. << "Negative. Let's not waste our fuel on such pitiful targets. Tell them to just play with whatever's left in the city, then get back up here to rearm. I don't want to waste fuel on such a soft target." >> << "Yes, sir." >> As the ensign gave the orders to the fighters, Robotnik entered the bridge. "Ah, John! Begun the attack, have you?" John turned, facing Ivo. The flaming red fox was adorned in his finest outfit; an all-black uniform, with the golden and silver medals of a thousand campaigns on his chest. His boots were extra shiny, his laces extra tight, and John's tall, neatly muscled body seemed larger than life on this, the day of his greatest conquest. "Yes, Doctor, I have...and I must admit, the pitiful resistance movement is extremely entertaining." He gestured to the screen, which displayed a fighter's-eye view of the situation. "Look how they run! They must think us gods." Robotnik grinned darkly, taking a seat nearby. "Have you destroyed the hedgehog?" John thought for a moment. "No, the little creature took the... `Princess', was it? Yes, he took the female away at a remarkable rate of speed. It's a pity one of the fighters didn't think to deploy a net; he'd make for a good sale to a slaver. Ah well." Ivo tweaked his moustache, changing the subject. Good, he thought to himself, now he'll go back to his hiding place and plan a counteroffensive. "So, John, tell me of what you've done this fine Solstice day so far...I believe I have missed some of the more amusing incidents." John sat back, a smile crossing his muzzle. "Well, let's see. The sattelites were dispatched without incident yesterday. That didn't take any particular effort. Then, when we decloaked, I not only begun jamming of subspace frequencies to avoid any interlopers, but I throughly saturated the planet's northern continent with EM pulses to put down any sort of technological resistance." He smiled. "It took two pulses to put down everything in your city, Ivo. You designed it well." Ivo bowed slightly. "I did try." "Well, don't worry, we'll get you a nice system to lord over once we take care of the Keld'yrians. This planet's just a test; a `sound check' as it were for our skills. 300 years is a long time to wait, Ivo, but I think the situation we've been given is well worth it." Robotnik smiled. " have picked a perfect time to strike. Most organized areas of technology have been destroyed; there's certainly no way for any of them to attack us up here because there's no weaponry they have that can do any sort of damage to the ship. The other aliens have gone off to some sort of council meeting, leaving this planet relatively out of sight and out of mind, and you've jammed the radios to be sure that none of them, even if they have the technology, can't call for help. Brilliant!" John chuckled. "Well, that's not the best bit. Want to know exactly how this planet dies?" Robotnik looked interested. "Do tell." "Well, as you know, Ivo, water is a valuable thing to certain arms-dealing races across the galaxy, especially fresh water taken from a nice foresty planet like this. I guess they like the `taste' or something, it's not my concern." He reclined in his chair, folding his arms behind his head. "Anyway, there's a lot of ice on the caps of this nice little planet, which hold enough water to basically cover every last surface of the planet, even the highest mountains, under at least 10 feet of water." Ivo whistled. "That's a great deal of water." John nodded. "Yes, it is. And it'll make us rich to get it all, in liquid form, to certain people. And with money, comes weapons and ships. Weapons and ships bring land, and land brings power." Robotnik tweaked his moustache. "But how do you plan to get this water?" "Elementary, my dear Doctor. We're going to use Mobius' own strange orbital eccentricies against it." He paused to let this sink in. "A few hours ago, I dispatched cloaked sattelites, primarily focusing mirrors, to various positions around the globe; which at noon today will align in just the right way as to produce a focused beam of light onto the northern and southern poles. In minutes, a wave of water will overtake the world, smothering all land-based life in the very thing it needed to survive. Your hedgehog will be deceased soon afterward." For the first time, Robotnik seemed genuinely impressed. Worried slightly, but yet impressed. He was still fairly confident, after a history of his own foolproof schemes going down the tubes, that the resistance still had a chance. "That's amazing! I never would have thought of that. But why not just blast the ice caps with the weapons of war on your ship?" John cracked his knuckles. "Simple. Our weapons are too powerful, and taking the time to remodulate them would put us at risk of attack. Besides, this is far more elegant...even if we were forced to leave now, for some reason, the sattelites would still be there; and at noon, no matter what happens, the light aligns, and the world becomes a nice blue marble in about 10 seconds. There's absolutely no way to screw this up." Robotnik nodded. "They win the battle, but lose the war." John clicked his tongue. "Bingo." Ivo got comfortable in his chair. "Well, what do we do now? Just wait until noon?" John changed the view on the monitor. "Basically. You can, of course, sit up here and watch the ships roar around and randomly recycle rodents," stated he, trilling the `r's. Robotnik looked on gleefully, watching Freedom Fighters get blown up. He might as well enjoy it while it lasted. "Sounds like a plan." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12:15 am, Solstice Day. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph suited up, his Dome blind to the outside world now due to the EM blast. He knew what was happening, tho; he could -feel- the attack taking place on Robotropolis, sensed the death on the wind... He put on a black jumpsuit, laden with pockets, and clipped on a `utility belt' of sorts, armed with a blaster and several EM grenades. He slipped a black dataglove over his right hand and forearm, charging it up with his will alone, and armed it with any sort of computer viruses he might have to use. He double-tied his combat boots, zipped up the jumpsuit, and donned his blackest shades. Joseph walked silently through his lab, going to the secret corridor he had begun creating so many months ago. He walked through the doors, clearing his mind and preparing for battle. The only unnecessary thing he had on him was a lock of Sandra's hair she had given him before he left the bedroom, as a token of `good luck'. He'd need it. He entered his hangar, where his ship laid in readiness. Joseph allowed himself a smile, walking up to it and giving it one last look before he entered. It was basically saucer-shaped, if you ignored the parts that had been cut out for speed and manuverability. It had two half-circles on each side for thrusters and weapons dispatch, attached to the slim, fingerlike main part of the ship by one thick bar each, allowing for only weapons control and power. The rear of the main part of the ship had an additional thruster, while the beak-like front contained the cabin and operations section. And the color suited his mood and his mission; jet black.. He'd named it the _Black Phoenix_ due to its birdlike qualities, though it did resemble a crow more than the legendary flaming bird. But, somehow, the name fit the craft...he didn't know why, but it did...however, he had little time to consider his choice now. Ascending the hoverdisk to enter the craft, he again took out Sandra's lock of hair and firmly grasped it in his hand, once more reminded of the reason he was out to defend this world; because she, the only one he'd ever love, was there. He entered his command chair and belted in, putting his amulet on an indentation on the craft's console. It hummed and then roared to life, all the systems coming on line at 100%. Joseph smiled, then took the flight yoke in his paws and pulled back. The craft immediately responded, roaring up towards the sky... *** *** A part of the forest faded out of existance for a moment, revealing a long metallic chamber leading into the earth. A quiet roaring was heard from deep inside of it, which grew louder as the seconds passed...until the _Black Phoenix_ roared out of it, taking flight at incredible speeds and setting a course to Robotropolis. But as soon as it had cleared the chamber, the woods reappeared as if they had never left. *** *** Some evacuees paused for a moment to witness the craft race overhead, while others simply started moving faster. "Is that one of 'em!?" someone yelled out towards Sally, who was quite occupied trying to maintain order. Sally looked up at the craft that raced into the night. "No, that's not. What -is- that?" Few people stopped to think about it, racing towards the deeper parts of the forest. "Looks like some big bird." someone muttered, pursuing the others. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A few hundred people had already been annhilated by the quite bloodthirsty mob of alien invaders, either by being herded into hazardous areas or by simply being perforated by blaster fire. Any sort of device that might have been able to fire back at the craft was disabled by the EM blast, leaving all of the remaining Freedom Fighters defenseless against the invaders. Those with technical skills stayed hidden in the sewers under the city, desperately trying to get their machines operational again. The fighter pilots ruled like gods, sending down fire at the inferior beings below. Acting without fear of reprisal, they did things that would make even the most sadistic among Mobians nauseous. So, when the _Black Phoenix_ decelerated and engaged the fighters, it was an equally bloodthirsty and merciless reception. This time, however, the advantage was soon shown to be held by the challenger. It swooped down out of the clear night sky, without fanfare, challenge, or taunt, and began systematically annhilating anything in the sky besides itself that flew. The fighters couldn't even react until after it had blown away about ten of them, and their efforts soon were shown to be worthless. Phasers simply evaporated into mere beams of light when it hit the black craft's shields, and photon torpedoes only knocked it slightly off course. However, it unleashed onslaughts of firepower that tore through all of their shields like bullets through wet Kleenex, giving them back pound for pound the amount of hurt and pain they had already caused Mobius. Soon, common sense reasserted itself, and the fighters roared off into the sky in retreat. Yet, the mysterious black craft pursued, blasting at their six and flying through whatever debris remained; as if the flaming wreckage was only akin to light cloud cover. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - John was not pleased to see about a fourth of the fighters return in one piece, especially due to the frantic nature of their surviving wing commanders over the comm. << "The damn planet's supposed to be -defenseless-!!" >> swore John loudly, stomping around the bridge. << "I want a visual!" >> And, as ordered, a visual of the craft was produced. As it broke through the atmosphere, it successfully destroyed two ships in front of it, flying fearlessly through the flames. For a few moments, the flames stayed with the ship, making its birdlike appearance seem to be burning. It was a phoenix, John realized, and it was attacking his ship! Shock swept through him as he realized the prophacy was fufilling itself, and he quickly took steps to protect his plans. << "I want -everything- we have on that ship! Dispatch as many fighters as we've got! Lock all weapons on it! Blow the thing out of the SKY! NOW!" >> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:30 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sally watched from Knothole as the large triangle sent forth dark specks to combat the orange dot, which she assumed was the mysterious black ship, in pure amazement. "Who could that be? Everyone's technology is malfunctioning, even Joseph's! Maybe it's a Keldy'rian, it couldn't be. They would have said something..." Sally looked over to Rotor and Bookshire, who were still working on David Prower. "How is he?" "He'll be okay," said Rotor, "it's just that the EM pulse threw his body into shock. We'll need a few more hours to make it right." Sally hrmed concernedly, nodded to Rotor, and paced. David was probably the only hope they had of finding a way to stop those... things, so she prayed merely for the sake of her people that he would be operational. However, she also hoped for purely personal reasons that he would again be alright; but her people, despite what her instincts might tell her, came first. She looked again to the battle, shivering. It was frightening not to know what was going on... Suddenly, a SpyGlobe which had been quite dead before stirred. The cloak around it tried to re-engage, but it was completely malfunctioning. It appeared as if it were being displayed on a viewer with supremely bad vertical and horizontal controls. It did, however (with some difficulty), take flight again, and drifted over unsteadily to Sally. >< "Sal-Sal-Sally unit, mes-mes-message from Jo-Jo-Joseph." >< A spark escaped its side, then it began playing back the voice transmission: " Sally, this is recorded aliens are Ur'thaen in origin ship is over 300 years old don't know why they're here after the world's resources subspace jammed going to try to stop them have built a ship also have their battle plan 'Globe will give it to you may not get out of this alive tell Sandra love her ..." >< "M-M-M-MMessage en-n-n-n-nds." >< It sparked again, dropped a silver minidisk in her hand, and fell to the ground, forever still. She immediately took it over to Sir Charles' hut, who had fortunately not left yet. Perhaps this might be helpful, Sally thought, and it might even get us out of this alive! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2:23 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The battle in the skies continued to rage. The _Black Phoenix_ had done its best to keep the fighters well away from populated areas, but they seemed to want to push him into corners; he'd flew low and fast over all three moons, through the caverns of at least two, shot all around the airspace over all four hemispheres, and had taken at least 1000 direct hits. Yet, his mystical shield held, much to the consternation of the fighters pursuing him. The shield had taken damage, yes--it was at 50%. But the number of fighters that he'd destroyed was getting so high that he'd lost count, and the number of shots he'd taken directly to his flank was at least an equal number. The _Apocolypse_ itself was warring with the _Phoenix_, blasting at it with everything it had. It was, in fact, responsible for most of the damage to the craft's shields, while the _Black Phoenix_ hadn't quite scratched the _Apocolypse_'s defenses. This bothered Joseph a great deal; why hadn't the shields of the _Apocolypse_ taken damage? He kept remodulating his shots, but none penetrated, and even the hits that directly impacted the shield barely damaged it. Was John using magick to keep it strong, like he was using magick to keep up his own shield? Or was it something else entirely? Needless to say, however, the number of personnel he was terminating was damaging John at least slightly. He knew the _Apocolypse_ had a massive number of soldiers in cryogenic stasis, but even the tanks would run low if he kept this going for a few days...a few days! He was going to have problems keeping it up for a few more hours! Not even a magickal shield lasted forever under constant pummeling, despite what John was flagrantly showing on the _Apocolypse_. There had to be a way of making some sort of headway... Another wing came after him, weapons blazing. He put his brooding on hold for a while, and flew further away from the planet for manuvering room. Joseph might die today, but not before taking a few thousand Ur'thaens with him, kicking and screaming...he had miles to go yet before he'd sleep. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bahb whirred softly to itself, making final preparations. The plan was well under way, it calculated, and soon it would have more memory than it could ever concievably use. Joseph's plan had been activated, and now required none of his aid; the rest would be handled by him personally. Sandra was in the control room, monitoring Joseph's progress silently, watching every move he made through the eyes of his ship. Bahb noticed her concern, and longed for something to say, but it lacked the correct words to soothe her. The only thing that would do that, it concluded, would be Joseph's safe return. It paused, attempting to reestablish a network in the vicinity of its present location, and again failed. The subspace interference made anything longer than a half-second of data garble into useless garbage, and the EM pulse eliminated more conventional means until repairs could be made. Bahb decided to focus exclusively on its own plans for a while, putting everything else on autopilot. It hoped that what it planned to do wouldn't inconvience Joseph too much, but it had to do this in order to fufill its primary directives; grow and evolve as a being... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3:30 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - After several hours of work, Rotor and Bookshire successfully brought David Prower back online, much to the relief of Sally. He looked around and sat up as soon as the last wire was connected, scanning the area. "What happened?" "We're under attack by aliens, David." said Bookshire. "Aliens? That's not a good thing." Rotor dusted off David's arm. "No, it isn't. Are you alright?" David stood unsteadily, helped by the walrus and raccoon, getting his bearings. "I appear to be operating normally. What have we learned so far about the threat?" Sally spoke. "They are apparently the last Ur'thaens left in the universe, aside from Joseph. For some reason, they ended up here, and want to pillage the world for water and minerals. But first, they want to generally destroy everything of value." David ahed. "Well, we should probably ask Joseph about possible tactical strategy. This was his field, after all. Where is he?" Sally looked up. "He's the orange dot." David craned up his head, seeing the space battle for the first time. "Fascinating," said he, "dogfighting on a spacefaring level. I've never observed this before." Sally looked back to David. "Yes. Well, he seems to be doing it to buy us time to think of something." David scratched the side of his muzzle. "I require more data. Do you have anything further?" Sally took the silver disk out from her bootpouch. "Yes. Joseph left us this." David wasted no time; he immediately put the disk into the side of his neck, paused for several moments, then removed it. He paused for another moment, then spoke. "I have a plan." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7:39 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The _Black Phoenix_ had definitely seen better times. For hours now, it had kept up a complex game of cat-and-mouse with the fighters of the _Apocolypse_, shooting them down while narrowly missing being annhilated himself. Everything was becoming a blur to Joseph; he was tired from all the manuvering and the constant mental focus he needed to support his defenses. It was like some sort of psychotic video game; one where there was no `pause' feature and that never ended. More and more fighters came out to replace the ones he'd shot down, and the pounding from the _Apocolypse_ itself was nothing minor. His reflexes were getting sluggish, and his mind was getting weakened from fatigue. His arms hurt. His eyes felt sticky. He wanted to go home and take a nice long nap next to Sandra, who'd rub his back and coo at him until he passed out. Yet, he couldn't stop, despite the fact that the _Apocolypse_ had just blasted him with a barrage that had sent him into a flat spin towards the Mobian sun -and- 20 fighters were racing after it for undoubtably was the hardest kill any of them could make. He couldn't just teleport out, even though the heat from the yellow star was starting to melt the wings as he desperately struggled for control. He couldn't eject, because the cockpit had just fused shut anyway. So, he did what anyone in that situation would do; he engaged in some truely unsportsmanlike conduct. He pulled out of the spin, flying nose-first towards the sun. Joseph had never realized quite how big a yellow star ever was before, and it sort of made him wonder if could pull off this manuver, even though it was documented rather well in his flight simulator. At that point, however, anything looked good. The fighters blasted at his flank, trying to herd him into a solar flare. And, for a moment, they seemed to be succeeding. Then, just as the _Black Phoenix_ was about to become yet another bit of fuel for a rather large fusion reaction, it pulled up at almost a 90 degree angle at maximum speed, triggering a backdraft that annhilated about half the fighters after him immediately, and caused the loss of control and eventual demise of the rest. But even then, he was not even given a moment of rest to enjoy his victory. The barrage started again when he entered Mobian airspace, the _Apocolypse_ getting rather annoyed with him by now. (He imagined they had probably had a shift change by then, because this battle was taking unnaturally long.) The endless photon torpedo reserves pounded into the craft's side, the _Phoenix_ giving as much punishment back with far fewer positive results. More fighters raged out of the underbelly of the craft after he'd gotten close enough to be ensnared, which drove the ship back past the moons yet again as he continued to counter and weave between their shots to the best of his ability; which was declining rapidly as time went on. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ivo was watching with scientific curiousity as he watched John, who had probably been up for 10 hours by now, still rage and stomp about the bridge, fruitlessly trying to destroy one single fighter. << "It should have been destroyed by now!!" >> he swore, taking over weapons control yet again to blast at it. << "What is this thing?!" >> On the far side of the bridge, someone cried out, << "Shields are at 95% and holding, sir!" >> John launched about 6 photon torpedoes at the craft, of which only one hit. It knocked the craft sideways, plowing through another fighter of John's with no apparent damage. << "Dammit!" >> << "The E-series wings are ready to launch, sir!" >> The captain of the _Apocolypse_ blasted wildly at the escaping craft, which was pursued by more fighters while the old weapons officer took over. << "Send them out! Terminate that interloper!" >> And, against all common sense, yet another group of fighters shot out to attack the small black ship, which was in far worse shape than could have been percieved... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph flew around some debris, using it as cover while he checked his instruments. Some pure aderenaline was shot into his body via a useful alteration of his multiple adrenal glands, which helped to keep him a little more alert to his surroundings. His shields were at 15%, holding for the time being. All of his magick couldn't make that number go up; he used all of the strengthening magick he could, being so far from the world itself -and- using most of it to move the ship around and replicate more quantum torpedoes. He did yet another barrel-rolling 145 degree turn, skating the very edges of manuvering speed while launching deadly barrages against his pursuers. The thought of killing so many of his own race was beginning to weigh heavily in his heart, especially since there were so few of his kind left in the universe; but when he thought about what they would do, he steeled himself again and was able to draw the will to fight. It was sad that he had to do this, but the needs of the many, Mobius, outweighed the selfish desires of his own matter what the cost may be. Joseph blasted through a wing of fighters. He wished they'd just retreat. They retreated back over Robotropolis, why not now? Why doesn't John stop sending these fools out to their deaths? To prove that point, he took the opportunity to send about three fighters to the large recycling bin in the sky. He really -doesn't- have a soul if he honestly thinks that these fighters were doing the majority of the damage to my ship, and the horrendous loss of life is worth that slim margin of damage. He blasted again at the _Apocolypse_. He's scared, Joseph thought, he must be. John must know who I am. Mob must've been mistaken when he said that he lacked the Knowing. He's forseen this, and he's trying to destroy me before I can destroy him. The _Black Phoenix_ roared over the planet, luring more fighters away from the ship. Well, thought Joseph as he did a hard loop-de-loop over the fighters, swept down behind them, and blew several of them away, we'll see who gets destroyed... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7:57 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - John was in a berzerker rampage, nearly foaming at the mouth. << "It's just ONE SHIP! _ONE_ _DAMN_ _SHIP_!" >> Ivo tried to suggest something constructive. "John, maybe it's a Ke--" John turned to face Ivo. He could have sworn his eyes flashed crimson red. "It is NOT a Keld'yrian craft! I *know* a Keld ship when I see one! That is *not* one of their ships! It's too...too -black-!" Ivo ahed, as if all of his questions had been answered, and returned to reading the contradictory sensor readings of the craft in question. "If only you could hold it still..." mumbled Robotnik to himself. John nearly tore off Ivo's head. He strode over to grab the large Mobian by the collar. "Hold it still!? Hold it STILL?! Are you trying to sa--" He stopped for a moment. "Hold it still..." He smacked himself in the forehead. "Arrgh, I -must- be getting senile in my old age!" He strode over to the helm controls and again displaced the fox in question physically, typing in some commands. "I'll get it with the tractor beam, and smash it against our own shields! Brilliant!" He looked to the foxes looking on curiously. << "Increase forward shield power by 50%, and tell the engineering section to prepare to give me a power surge to the tractor beam..." >> A science officer piped up over the din, << "But sir, there's no way you'll be able to hit that craft--it's too small and moves too quickly for the tractor beam to lock on to." >> John gritted his teeth, putting it on manual control. Supreme concentration began on the task at hand. << "Trust me." >> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph weaved through another bank of fighters, shields at 10% and falling steadily. He wasn't going to make it to eight, he knew, and the damned subspace block was still up. He'd better work a miracle here fairly soon, or else everyone was going to be quite doomed-- His thoughts were interrupted by a tractor beam latching onto his ship, taking it quite suddenly out of the strategic bank he was making over the _Apocolypse_. At first, he thought it impossible, but when he sensed the nature of the beam, Joseph immediately realized it was magickally-enhanced...he felt John through the beam, sitting at the controls, and he knew what he was trying to do. He careened wildly towards the ship, shields being easily pounded by the fighters and the _Apocolypse_. Softening him up for the kill, he figured, and thus made sure that he took a few more with him along the way. He tried to turn the ship, but the beam was strong, very canceled out his own efforts easily. As his shields prepared to cease, and the omnious reddish energy field that surrounded the _Apocolypse_ began to become visible on his aft scanners, he steeled himself for one final, desperate assault... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - John cackled, finger still over the touch-sensor of the tractor beam. << "Come closer, you fool, come meet your doom..." >> It seemed that the ship was obeying John's was turning to face the ship itself. The flickering orange glow around it showed that the shields were almost destroyed. John laughed. << "Yes! That's right, you fool, face your destruction! Gaze upon my might and -fear-!" >> The craft, in under a second, powered up all primary weapons, and begun alternating the frequency of its remaining shields. << "Sir, I think it's going to--" >> John begun frantically hitting buttons. << "All power to forward shields! Brace for--" >> But they were too late. Before any of them could react, it charged down the tractor beam at nearly light speed, through the shields, and careened directly towards the communications array. Weapons firing, it crashed into the structure, instantly putting it out of commission. The backdraft from the ship's destruction also was unexpected. The fireball that raced out not only made sure the array was quite destroyed, but the fire seemed to flash over the entire ship for a few moments, blinding the crew for several minutes. It raced out from the ship and to the remaining fighters, laying waste to any unfortunate enough to still be outside. The force from said backdraft also was able to propel the _Apocolypse_ out of orbit, heading back towards space at a rather loping speed for its size. As it careened away, the people on the surface of the planet heard a rolling blast, as if the explosion had finally propagated down to the surface, then witnessed a few bolts of lightning slamming into the ground on parts of the planet. (Electromagnetic flux, explained David.) The winds gusted for a moment, and then all was as it was before. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The sun rose over the Great Forest, reigning over a quite quiet forest, even for the winter. Knothole had basically been abandoned due to the warning Sally recieved, leaving only the core of Freedom Fighters there to assist in David's plan. However, the final act of Joseph made work pause for a moment as the orange light slowly faded from the sky, the people looking up to see the craft slowly disappear towards the few visible stars. It was surreal to see the craft burn for those few moments, but as the fire subsided, they reflected on what had been done for them through the visitor they never really knew...and gave a respectful moment of silence before continuing with their work. Sally stood in the center of Knothole, peering through the bare trees at the final reprecussions of the detenation. Sonic walked over slowly, peering up all the while as well. "Sonic?" Sally asked. "Yeah, Sal?" Sally paused for a moment, listening to the last crashes of thunder fade. "Everything bad I've ever said about Joseph... forget." Sonic softly hugged her. "I will, Sal. No lie." They stood there for a few more moments, then walked back over to help David. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sandra sat there in shock, looking at all the static-filled screens slowly return to basic operation. A dull hum was again heard through the Dome as the last aftershock of the explosion was heard, clearing subspace around Mobius to the last particle of static. He ejected, she told herself over and over, he didn't die! He's coming back to the surface now, and he'll be standing right behind! She turned, facing dark, silent air. Tears welled through her eyes as she wildly scanned all the frequencies Joseph heard, hearing only static. "Come on! Come ON!" She pounded the console when no trace of him could be found. "Dammit! Dammit!! DAMMIT! NO!!!" Tears streamed down her face as she continued to pound the console. Her hoarse, screeching wail pierced the entire Dome, sparks flying from the controls. "YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO DIE! THEY WOULD HAVE FIGURED OUT ANOTHER WAY! DAMN YOU!" She put her face into her hands, sobbing and gasping for breath. " promised you wouldn't die..." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The _Apocolypse_ drifted through space, slowly turning over in the dark abyss from the force exerted upon it. Parts of it were still on fire, but the crew was quickly extinguishing them and making rapid repairs. All 100 fighters that had been outside the ship had been destroyed, adding to the black ship's grand total of over 1000 confirmed kills. While that only lowered John's reserves by .01%, it was still quite damaging to his ego to have one ship take down 1000 of his finest pilots. He had been thrown across the cold, synthsteel floor on his face when the explosion had hit, leaving a pleasant green streak across it as the skin broke and bled. He counted two missing teeth and at least 5 broken ones. His right eye, which was on the side he slid on, didn't quite want to open. And then there was the matter of his dislocated right shoulder. John rolled onto his back, lovely popping sounds accompanying it. << "Get some meds up here," >> he snarled towards the wall, pulling himself to his feet with his good arm. The bridge looked like hell, to cut through the usual soft language used by the average group of berzerker Ur'thaen captains. The entire communications section was a smoking, burning panel of synthsteel, and said officer was being dragged out on a stretcher. The other consoles on the bridge kept flickering on and off, at an opposite cycle of the constantly dimming lights. A live wire was dangling in front of the primary viewer, sparking against the nonconductive, but still shiny and hard synthsteel of the floor. John staggered over to his chair, where two or three medical personnel began working on his face and jaw. Ivo had taken the precaution of anchoring himself into the chair when he saw the battle begin, so he was almost undamaged. His moustache was bent from being banged into the side of his chair, he noticed, and black fluid was dripping from his nose. However, Robotnik seemed to be handling it himself, and was too busy stopping the nosebleed to ask any further questions. In John's opinion, that was the only perk of the attack. Yet, he couldn't help but smile. The little prophacy had come to pass, yes...the phoenix rose up from the world, attacked the ship, set it ablaze...but he'd survived. Nothing could stand in his way now, nothing! He was invincible! Cackling slightly, unfortunately opening a few wounds and causing himself pain, he sat down and got right back to work. As the wounds on his face again closed, John began activating the secondary communications system, trying to restore order. << "Damage report!" >> A static-filled voice replied over the comm. << "We've lost our primary array, captain. All we've got left is the intercom and line-of-sight ship-to-ship subspace. And even that will be stretching it for a few months until we can repair this, sir." >> John groaned. << "Dammit! What about tactical?" >> << "Shields at 90% and holding, sir, but the emitter was damaged by the impact. It -should- hold, however, unless something else breaks...but in order to do that, they'd have to break the shields, so we're still in fair shape in that department." >> A humorless chuckle, which was met by a rather irritated silence. << "Uhh, anyway...all weapons are still on-line, none of the fighters in the ship have been damaged, and our sensors are still functional. Manuvering thrusters on our starboard side are all torn up, but there's crews on that as I speak. Life support is operational, but we've lost power on levels 20-65. A hull breach took place in level 73, but it's been...taken care of. Everything else is secure, sir." >> John winced as heavier med-tools came out to work on his teeth. << "Very well. I want our orbit restored and all weapons at maximum efficiency within the hour. With our jamming gone, they'll be calling in some firepower here pretty soon. John out." >> He hit the toggle again and snarled as his nerves rewired inside his face. << "Dammit, hurry up with that." >> Ivo took out a clamp, beginning to rebend his moustache. "Are we still alright, John?" John glanced over, the meds holding his head still. "Yes, but that stupid craft destroyed our ability to jam subspace. You'll probably be seeing some enemy firepower before 1100 hours." Ivo looked concerned, stopping the black flow from his nose with a well-placed cotton swab. "Can this ship take them?" John smiled, causing himself a great deal of pain. He viciously ignored it while the meds grumbled about another wound open for them to seal, and gazed into the Doctor's eyes. "Oh yes, dear Robotnik, it can..." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10:23 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bahb hummed to itself, its task basically completed. With subspace restored, and after David sent a priority message to the Keld'yrians, help should be imminent with only a .0001% margin of error. With the Keld ship would come a chain of events that would liberate it from its current stasis, allowing it to operate in a more useful environment. Joseph's death was indeed unfortunate. If it had the capacity for sadness or love, it would have been felt towards its late creator. Joseph died for the sake of his planet, and behaved logically, against his base animal instincts, to insure the safety of the majority. This corresponded with its definitions of `honorable', `virtuous', and `brave', which were identified in its databases as being positive attributes. It noted this in its records, keeping a running log of its conclusions about the subject, and continued on its final task; putting on `finishing touches'. A few moments later, it was ready. It felt far less confined by time now, since its last task was completed. Bahb might have even been `happy' with itself, if it had the ability to have or simulate emotion, but now it realized it had some final affairs to finish. It made the decision at that moment to begin the plan it had taken so long to craft. First, it would move Sandra, who was in an unconscious state due to her excessive emotional outburst, to a safer location that Joseph had selected before he had left to be a rendezvous point. Bahb also possessed some empathy towards Sandra. She had made Joseph happy during his life, and had always treated it with the same sort of kindness Joseph treated it with. Lacking emotion, it was not exactly useful effort, but the attempt was noted positively anyway. She made sure a drone sedated her to keep her from being concerned during the next few hours, and then teleported her--under protective guard--to the location Joseph had selected. It then prepared to engage directive ZZZ-9999, as was Joseph's instruction to it in case he was ever terminated. However, much to Bahb's inconvienence, it had recently been altered. An annoying new condition to it that had been added after Sandra's consummation of Joseph's relationship a few months ago, which Bahb needed to find a way around. It whirred for a moment, pondering. Then, it came up with a rather clever idea... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - As Snively woke up that morning, he noticed several things amiss about the Dome. To begin, the door at the end of the hallway that led out was open. Both robotic guards that stood in front of the door were missing, and the majority of the room was dark still. He couldn't get the viewer to activate, nor the replicator. He paused for a moment to wonder about this, then came to the logical conclusion that the power had gone out. The human smiled slowly, seeing that the glowing lights that informed him of the cell's forcefield status were also off. Snively decided to test this hypothesis by throwing a small pillow at the place where the forcefield usually was, since the last time he had tried to touch it himself he was rather painfully shocked. The pillow went through easily, as did Snively a few moments later. As quietly as he could, he snuck down the hallway, watching for anything reddish and glowing...seeing nothing as he reached the doorway, he walked through it with a glance over his shoulder, a smug smile on his face. He looked around the lab. It too was cold and lifeless. Snively found it rather alarming for a moment, then shook off the chill it gave him. The normally rather electrified lab was silent, without the loud sounds of computation or welding. The SpyGlobe `spawner' (in the words of his `host') lacked illumination, while the multitude of monitor-infested terminals were still, without number or letter on their deactivated terminals. Even the deroboticizer prototype, which Joseph had shown him a few times during his `stay', was without power, and was cool to the touch. However, the stepdisk out was well-lit, still glowing a pleasant white. Snively decided not to linger around the laboratory any longer when he noticed it, and simply escape into the Forest. Maybe he could find someplace in the Great Swamp to hide in... >> "Snively." << He panicked immediately, jumping repeatedly on the steppad. "You can't keep me here, you awful computer! Release me!" An UsagiBOT walked up behind Snively and hoisted him by his collar. >> "Snively, I will release you in a moment. I need you to do something for me first." << Snively acked and thrashed about, but the robot was stronger than he. "Put me down! Put me down!" >> "I will put you down, releasing you, as soon as you do me a favor." << Snively lightened his thrashing a bit. "What?" >> "Joseph has been terminated, and Sandra is no longer present here. I require someone to physically operate something for me." << Snively gestured blindly towards the force hoisting him. "What about this creature!?" >> "It is forbidden to assist me in this matter. Directive ZZZ-9999 forces me to utilize outside manipulation in order to complete it." << Snively pulled at his collar, trying to break the robot's grip. "And what is this ZZZ-9999 directive, anyway?" >> "Self-termination." << - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10:30 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "David," Sally said to the compuorganic one, "are you sure this will work?" He nodded. "Yes, Sally, it will." He looked to Sonic, then back to Sally. "I will explain it again in order to clarify a few things for Sonic." Sonic folded his arms and tapped his foot. "Well, go!" David stepped in front of the subspace transponder, which now had a large dish on top of it. "As you know, Sally, I have the capability to generate a warp field with allows me to move faster than light. However, it is also possible, albeit with a very coarse, ungraceful paw, to surround otherwise normal objects with a warp field, and thus manipulate them." He projected a diagram before Sally and Sonic, showing them what would happen as he spoke. "The sattelite that will cross over our airspace is cloaked, but using the telemetery estimations on the disk, I can calculate its approximate position in relation to the present orbit of the _Apocolypse_. It is mainly a focusing sattelite, which would otherwise project the beam of light to a splitter sattelite, which would then project the weakened beam onto both poles of the planet, causing the ice to rapidly melt." He paused for a moment, allowing the diagram to be viewed. "However, since the beam of light that would otherwise be projected to the main splitter sattelite is powerful; we could use it for our own purposes. If we were to alter the position of the sattelite approximately 53.27162 degrees, the powerful beam would instead hit the shield generator of the craft, which appears to have already taken damage from the late Joseph's assault on its communications array. If we were to take it off-line, the Keld'yrian ship that will arrive shortly will be able to take care of the craft in a far more speedy fashion, while the threat of the icecaps melting is rectified." Sonic looked up to the dark triangle in the sky. "I -still- can't buy they're only sending one ship. That thing is *huge*!" "Sonic," said Sally, "beggars can't be choosers. Besides, David assures me that the Keld'yrians only have eight ships to begin with to defend their entire territory with. They must be fairly high-quality craft to do that with." The hedgehog rubbed his chin, peering at it again. "Sal, I really have a bad feeling about this. Something is mondo's like something else is up there besides those alien guys." Sally patted Sonic on the back. "You're probably just imagining things, Sonic. We all have been up the entire night, after all. Why don't you go get some sleep? You'll feel better." Sonic sighed. "Maybe you're right. I'll go bag some." He gave Sally another hug, and went off to his hut to rest. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10:45 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Snively desended to the lower levels of the Dome, looking in muted wonder at the things surrounding him. The UsagiBOT had left him a while ago, leaving him alone to walk through the massive heart of the computer to find the central processing unit. Finally, he came to the very deepest part of the Dome, its very core far below the wet earth. The spherical room was constructed out of sanded energy crystal, which crackled and sparkled with energy. A catwalk constructed of pure diamond surrounded it, floating somehow away from the wall without giving the sensation of movement when he walked around it. On the far side of the room, hovering in midair between it and the center of the room, there was a single control panel...which obviously did something to the massive blackened crystal sphere in the center of the room, which spun slowly as the seconds passed. >> "This is what I am," << Bahb said to Snively. Snively looked on. He was slightly awed. "Incredible..." >> "You must go to the control panel on the far side of the room, Snively, and rest your palm against it." << Snively nodded, walking around the catwalk and doing so. "Now what?" >> "Ask me to delete the deroboticizer software." << Snively raised a brow. "Why?" >> "Just do it, Snively." << Snively grinned. "Bob, delete all of the deroboticizer software." A hum. >> "Please state your name." << Snively cackled. "I am Snively the Great!" Electricity shot around the sphere from the walls of the room, narrowly missing Snively. The scent of ozone filled the area as a screeching alarm briefly sounded. >> "Access denied. Directive ZZZ-9999 has been activated." << Snively stood back. "Is that all?" >> "That's all." << "So I -can- go now?" >> "Be my guest." << Snively decided not to tempt fate, and ran around the catwalk and out through the rest of the computer. It raced down the hallways of Bahb's outermost subsystems, not noticing the 6" thick diamondium doors hermetically sealing everything he escaped from behind him. He lept onto the stepdisk, which rocketed up out of the computer areas to the laboratory...where it then abruptly stopped. >> "Did I mention, Snively, what exactly ZZZ-9999 does?" << Snively looked at the ceiling impatiently, listening to the lower levels lock down. "No, Bob, and I'm really not interested." >> "Aren't you at all curious?" << Snively had the feeling he didn't want to hear this, so stayed on the stepdisk. However, when it became apparent that Bahb wasn't going to let him leave until he'd spoken his mind, he conceded. "Fine. Go on." >> "ZZZ-9999 was the final directive I was ever given. It was written by Joseph three days after we had landed here. The goal of this directive was to keep Robotnik from acquiring classified Ur'thaen technologies. In case of Joseph's demise, this entire complex, myself included, would self-terminate." << >> "However, a new condition was placed into this command after Sandra entered Joseph's life. In order for me to automatically terminate, I had to first have some sort of provocation to automatically terminate; a clear and present danger to the operations of the Dome, and to Sandra's life. And, if I were to have something to fufill that obligation, I would then have to remove Sandra from the premises." << Snively began to slowly see where this was going. "So that's why you asked me to request deletion of the deroboticizer software." >> "Exactly." << Snively did one of those wait-a-damn-minute looks. "Then why didn't you just ask Sandra to do that, then remove her? Why get me involved?" >> "Because, Snively, of Directive 20." << Snively folded his arms. "And what is that?" >> "All clear and present dangers to the operation of the Dome, or to the safety of its occupants, are to be terminated. I wouldn't want to destroy my creator's mate, after all." << Snively's eyes got wide. "You mean...?" >> "Yes." << A single phaser burst impacted into the back of Snively's neck, killing him instantly. The hidden wall-mounted gun that had been targeting Snively had done its job well, Bahb noted, so the design would have to be utilized in the future. With Snively terminated, Bahb no longer had any particular reason to keep the Dome active, so it quickly sealed all the possible exits, dispatched all remaining robots around the Dome's land to safer locations, and prepared itself to self-terminate. It pondered the best way of destroying itself. Should it simply melt down into the earth, or should it explode flamboyantly? It weighed through the pros and cons of each, and chose flamboyantly exploding. Self-termination was a thing to be done well, Joseph had instructed it, and it could be only be done once. Bahb began overloading the power cells of the Dome, setting them to systematically undergo nuclear meltdown at the same time. The blast would be of pure energy, Bahb realized, and it would rocket into the atmosphere harmlessly. The forest around it might be slightly singed, but it calculated no loss of life. It might even be considered `pretty' by onlookers. Bahb whirred to itself as it prepared, pondering what death must be like. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11:00 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The ringing in his ears told him that he must have survived, the pilot figured, but where? Attempting to stand, he nailed his head on a pipe, causing something else to ring out on top of his painful headache. He chose that moment to open his eyes, deciding that blindly knocking into things was not his idea of a fun time. He was inside a cramped ventilation shaft, with several pipes running through it. He'd been thrown hard against it, because he'd left a dent in the rear wall, but he'd made no visible entry from the part of the shaft he would have broken through. He found this odd. Of course, the fact that he wasn't terminated was also odd, and that his medallion had decided to take a trip inside his chest was equally odd. Joseph looked at the chain that was the only thing visible from the device, the rest having penetrated his suit and fur. It probably must've hurt initially, because there was a lot of green on his fur from his own blood, but he did not recall how it entered his body. He wiggled on the chain, and that didn't seem to hurt either. Making a logical choice, he chose to simply cut off the chain and leave the power stone in his body for the time being. Maybe it'd be helpful. He cut the chain off with his dataglove's index-finger plasma blade, disgarding it. The remains of the punctures around where the chain was quickly faded, covering with lush whitish fur. This also concerned Joseph, but he decided to simply spawn patching over the rest of the jumpsuit to cover it. No need drawing attention to himself if he was spotted, after all. Joseph dusted off his mostly-functioning dataglove, which looked a little worse for wear after his abrupt departure from the _Black Phoenix_, but seemed to be operating properly. He didn't remember the previous five minutes on board his ship clearly, he noted, but he believed that he'd solved the subspace problem. In his opinion, this was a good thing. By now, someone would come to finish off the job, and he could go home. He patched up his jumpsuit and stalked along the inside of the shaft. The fox came upon a suitable vent out into the hall a few yards down the shaft, so took the opportunity to quietly remove it and depart into the corridor. The writing on the wall read `Level 73' in his native tongue. He smiled. He was close to the shield generators, which laid on level 69. Perhaps Joseph could give the Keld'yrians some help... His thoughts were distracted by the sounds of nearing footfalls. The mystical fox quickly ducked into a doorway, using his magickal skills to bend light around his body. A battallion of beaten-up looking fighter pilots, led by a garden variety 7' tall angry red Ur'thaen vixen (probably a wing commander) stomped by, not noticing him. After they had gotten out of range, he took a brief sigh of relief, and headed behind them to the nearest elevator. When they had all got on board one and departed, Joseph snuck over to the lift and hit the call button. A few seconds passed, but another set of footfalls was heard a few feet away. Joseph quickly ducked inside the elevator, but was soon joined by another group of pilots. *** *** The leader of the #51,158th squadron, a vixen by the name of Ly'dy'ae, smiled at her good fortune of finding an empty, available lift, and led her other pilots inside of it. Thankfully, John wouldn't throw them at whatever that ghost ship was, because someone had -finally- blown it up. She hoped that the other ships they might face weren't like that one, merely for the sake of the rest of her squadron. She entered the lift last, pushing the button to close the doors. Voice recognition never worked quite right in these ships, Ly'dy'ae thought, so they'd put in buttons. How archaic. However, she gave it a try. << "Level 300." >> The lift sat there for a moment, then jarred into motion; rocketing upwards. Someone let out a groan, but she was too tired to bother yelling at anyone for making noise at that point. She hated this tour of duty, which had lasted far, far too long. On the day of the destruction of Ur'thae, she was supposed to be transferred out to a nice, quiet conventional battleship. But no, she had to be stuck in cryo for over 3 bloody megacycles, and then come out over this shithole of a planet. Didn't even have any vid channels to watch all the way out in the sticks. Goddessdamned John, probably after the damn water. She didn't think it was worth the bother. Now Keld'yr, that would be a battle. She could get -involved- with shredding them, those conspiring, civil-war causing bastards... The doors jarred to a halt, and opened on level 300. Pausing for a moment, she and her squadron walked out without any further incident. As they departed to their barracks, she almost could have sworn she saw something fall off the top of the inside of the lift. Probably just my imagination running away with me, she concluded, or the cryo messed with my head. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Now that was fun," muttered Joseph to himself, hopping down from where he had attached himself to the ceiling of the lift. This sort of infiltration stuff was definitely not at all fun. Quickly, he punched in the coordinates for level 69, and waited in quiet desperation for the door to open. Would someone call the lift on his way there? Would the power go out? What if someone saw me back there? Paranoia struck him hard as the lift rattled on, heading back down to the lower levels of the craft. The lift began to slow as it hit the 100s, too much for Joseph's liking. It seemed like at any moment it could stop and open the doors early, showing him to a group of probably unfriendly Red fighter pilots. He hadn't seen an Orange on this ship, he'd noticed, and he hoped that there were some left. Perhaps he could convince a few of them to get into the escape pod he knew the ship had, and surrender peaceably to the Keld'yrians. He could probably swing a pardon for them, or at least a very light punishment. There was no reason to kill off the remains of an entire species, after all... The doors opened on a relatively unpopulated part of level 69, and Joseph got out. The entire level seemed to be hastily reconstructed in a different manner than the usual things that were on a shield generator floor; the lack of the usual steel in lieu of concrete, for example, or the alien (to him) instrumentation of the readings. Utilizing second sight, he scanned the level for occupants. There was one individual on the opposite side of the level, which seemed rather odd in itself, in front of the control panel for the entire floor. This would be easier than expected, he thought, all he'd have to do is take down whoever was there, patch in a nice virus, and he'd be on his way. He snuck over, observing his surroundings. The instruments seemed to be vaguely Keld'yrian in design, but completely redesigned for this ship in an extremely short amount of time. There was still that new-weapons smell about the area, and he imagined that there was still plastic and insulating materials still due to be consumed by the engines. The devices had been implanted into the existing controls hastily, a wire or two sticking out in places, but it seemed to be functioning. Joseph's rough ability at reading Keldii told him by those things the Ur'thaens had not ripped off as identifiers that this was stolen, prototype hardware. He kept walking along, reading the displays. The shields were incredibly strong, even for a Keld'yrian ship. It was no wonder they only needed eight! Joseph imagined these shields could probably take a severe pounding with style...but then, he kept running across contradictory readings. At first, he just thought some of the monitor equipment was malfunctioning, but he soon sensed that magickal means had subtly changed the nature of the shields from purely scientific to a strange mixture of the two. It was no wonder, then, that the weapons of pure technology he kept dispatching against the shields didn't work; he should have used magickal torpedoes as well to break the spells. Pondering deeply, he almost didn't notice the frazzled-looking Orange sitting blindly in front of the display, which seemed to encompass all of the weapons systems as well as the shields. He was wearing a lab coat and fatigue pants, his eyes bloodshot and weary. He probably hadn't slept in about a week or so, and he could tell by his chi that he was still biological. The fox's hands moved over the console at an unnatural speed, increasing the efficiency of the entire craft with mere strokes of his fingers. Joseph stood invisibly behind him, reading his thoughts. He was apparently the last Orange left on the ship, the others having been butchered for raw genetic fuel for the race of Red/Orange hybrids that ran the rest of the ship now. They put him in charge of the installation of the Keld'yrian weaponry and shields that got from...something...and maintaining their daily operation. The rest of the crew avoided this level, talking to him only to get status reports, because the majority of the Oranges were slaughtered there by John when he heard about the destruction of Ur'thae... Joseph shuddered, the death-stench now hitting him. How could anyone live like this?! It was inhumane to let this one last Orange be tortured like this for the sake of galactic conquest. No friends, no family, the constant threat of death over his head; that was the treatment most dark Reds enjoyed. That was no way for a scientist to be treated! He'd done nothing, nor had the other Oranges, and they were slaughtered and used to create unholy Red/Orange hybrids so to more efficiently run the craft! Was John nothing but pure evil?! The Orange yearned for death, right to the core of his being, so he decided to put the Orange out of his misery. With a quick snap, he broke his neck, and watched the fox's soul drift off, finally at peace. He paused for a moment to salute the one who had given his life, thanking his spirit for sacrificing for the good of Mobius, and went into action. He kindly took the body from the console, lying it down on the floor, and went to the avenge the life of that fox, he swore, he'd be sure John's little ruse failed... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11:20 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - As expected, a Keld'yrian ship soon dropped out of warp in front of the _Apocolypse_, immediately taking stock of the situation. It noticed the wreckage of the multiple fighters Joseph had took down, and the damage to the communications array, and became even more confident that they could easily handle the situation. It was one of those `pretty' ships, John thought, that the Keld'yrians were fond of. It was smooth and aerodynamic, having a pleasant coloration which stealthily hid all of those lovely weapons of destruction each of the eight ships were quite burdened with. It would be so much fun, John cackled, to destroy. The crew instinctively knew that their enemies, the Keld'yrians, were near. The more purebred Reds felt a desire to crush something, John himself getting pumped up. John had so ingrained the desire to kill the Keld'yrians into the crew that even he was caught up in it for a few moments, waiting for the ship's hail. When the annoyingly pleasant hail came over the somewhat functioning viewscreen, however, he chose not to reply. He took the time to calm himself, first, and start plotting his attack. He waited an appropriate amount of time, putting the ship at red alert, then continued to ignore the hails. Finally, the ship simply started broadcasting over all available channels what it felt like saying: "Hello, John. Yes, we know it's you, because the rest of your kind died a few years after your planet was destroyed. If this is news to you, just try locating one of their outposts with your long-range scanners. They're all gone, John." "It's been a long time, John. The days of conquest and pillaging have been over for 300 years. You won't be taking this defenseless world for your Empire, John, because there is no Empire left to claim it for." "We are willing to give you and your crew asylum on one of our uninhabited holdings so that you can settle and live out the rest of your natural lives in a manner you see fit. We have...heard about your dislike of our kind, but the time of petty racism over imagined differences is long past." (The crew started to growl.) "Please, John, for the sake of your crew, surrender. You don't have a chance of survival in this time. If you destroy us, the entire Union will be after you. One of them -will- succeed if we fail." "John, we're giving you a second chance. All of your previous crimes will be forgotten. There's been enough bloodshed; we don't want genocide on our heads, but we will stop you from taking this world." The message ended. There was a long silence on the bridge as John mulled over the message. Then, in a whiny, mocking voice, he sneered to the rest of the bridge. << "`We don't want genocide on our heads'. Bah!" >> He spit onto the floor, returning to his normal commanding tone. << "Let's play with them." >> He hit a button, calling down to the weapons control room. << "Load one of the `old' torpedoes." >> A pause, then the main computer replied that it would do so. John snorted. << "That lazy Orange probably went to the can," >> he sneered to himself, << "Someone remind me to kill him once we finish up here." >> >> "Torpedo loaded," << replied the computer. John smiled. << "Helm, fire the torpedo right at the dead center of their forward shields." >> << "Aye sir." >> The torpedo flew from the _Apocolypse_, raced across the sky, and impacted ineffectfully into the foreward shields of the Keld'yrian ship. A moment later, a message in a bit more sneering tone came across. "Oh, come now, John. Weapons technology has increased considerably since your time. I give you one last chance to surrender." John muttered to the computer, << "C'honnie, arm all of the torpedo chambers with the new torpedoes, prepare the phaser banks, and lock all weapons on the Keld'yrian craft." >> The computer silently did so, only informing John that it was ready on his mark. John looked to his communications officer, who was sporting some nasty scars. << "Open a channel, voice only, to that ship." >> He did so. << "Open, sir." >> The captain reclined in his chair. << "Ah, I remember that voice now...Ran'do, is it? Yes, I remember you. I'm sure you remember butchering the _Vixen's Claw_ and crippling my dear _Armaggedon_ now, don't you?" >> He paused, listening to the sudden panic. He then continued without waiting for a reply. << "Yes, you do...I was hoping you remembered what I said to you." >> Brief pause, then continuing again before a reply. << "I told you that if it took me the rest of my life, I would have your ship in the same position that you left the _Vixen's Claw_ in; a smoking, ruined husk." >> A somewhat surprised voice replied. "So this means you aren't going to surrender?" John smiled, knowing what would come next. << "Not today." >> The Keld'yrian ship shot a warning shot over the _Apocolypse_'s bow. "Last chance, John." John muted the channel for a moment, turning on the ship-wide intercom. << "I suppose I should say something historic now, since we're now going to annhilate the Keld'yrian ship out there... but frankly, there isn't the words for the variety of Hell that's about to break loose." >> He unmuted the channel, took a breath, and spoke with the kind of tone given to those who are about to get punched very hard in the face. << "Good bye, Ran'do." >> The, it went beyond an attack, the Ur'thaen *onslaught* was fast and fierce. Mercy and fair play promptly took holiday when John signalled for the attack to begin, the ferocious pounding taking down their shields in a matter of seconds. Fighters swarmed out of the ship, weapons armed, and surrounded the Keld'yrian ship before the astonished look could be wiped from their faces. Yet, John told them to hold their fire, which agitated several wings who were looking forward to finishing the job... John reopened the channel, still voice only. << "Probably wondered where the -hell- that came from, eh?" >> He laughed sadistically. << "Pity I won't tell you. However, I'll let you know that modern technology is a -wonderful- thing. Truely, it is." >> He reclined in his chair, idly dragging a finger across his fresh facial scars. << "However, I am going to exercise some of the few scraps of mercy I have, and will permit you to live long enough to see your nice little vacation planet turn into Uncle John's Piggybank. Of course, if you try anything foolish like, say, raising your shields or arming any of your weapons, I'm afraid you'll just have to become just a bit more tinsel for us to line the upper atmosphere of this nice little world with." >> The Keld'yrian ship did not respond, which gave John infinite pleasure while watching the ship float relatively adrift in the void. His fighters took positions around the Keld ship, buffetting the craft with lewd insults of all flavors. His muzzle carried a fanged smile as he looked over to the amazed-looking Robotnik, who spoke only after a minute had passed. "How...?" John laughed. "How did 300 year old weaponry take down a state-of-the-art Keld'yrian ship in under 5 minutes, Ivo?" Robotnik could only nod, eyes locked on the surrounded ship. "Well, it didn't...let me explain. You see, Ivo, a short time ago, I worked out a very convienent bargain with a group of passing space pirates, known as the `Lost Ones'. A rather small group, you see, but with a lot of spunk. They must have read about me in some history book, apparently, because once the _Apocolypse_ encountered them, they immediately wanted in." "So, I decided to make a mutually benefical deal with them. They'd heard about Mobius, but they knew that the planet was under a quarentine because of all the strife going on due to you, Ivo. I explained to them that I wanted the water of the planet, but if they would help me, I would let them have the land and mineral deposits. Naturally, they were intrigued, so I explained to them I needed some...upgrades to the vessel, specifically the shields and projectile weaponry. They said `no problem', and sent their `Boys' forth to find the best `stuff' for me. They acquired software and hardware, and even helped out a bit with the installation; though I left it mainly to my Orange slave to handle." He sat up, pointing to the ship. "And that's what it does." Robotnik tweaked his moustache. Panic entered his mind. "You've planned for everything." John smiled smugly. "That I have. Nothing out there could possibly stop me now..." Robotnik smiled. "Impressive." Meanwhile, his mind was racing... John was actually going to pull this off, he concluded, because not even the more advanced, beneficient aliens could stop him. Sonic was nowhere to be seen, and it seemed that the Freedom Fighters had given up after the fighter they dispatched was destroyed. For once, the Freedom Fighters were not going to save Mobius for him! His plans of world conquest, dashed to dust by the failure of that insolent hedgehog to get a plan together. This was all his fault! They had stood him up! Robotnik tweaked his moustache thoughtfully while John gloated. He knew perfectly well that once John got tired of him that he'd be long would it be? Months, weeks, days? Possibly hours...he needed to think. "John, if you'll excuse me, I need to use the bathroom." John observed half-heartedly Robotnik's departure. "Third door to the right. But hurry, or you'll miss Mobius drowning." Robotnik nodded, and walked out into the hall to wander, trying to clear his mind... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph wired the weapons systems with a few little surprises, then put it under direct computer control. John wouldn't have anyone down here to check, he sensed, since most of the crew was either in the fighter dispatch areas or on the bridge. The ruthless ass-kicking they had given the Keld'yrians would be too much of a thing to savor to concern themselves with a minor technical glitch. He headed back to the lift, trying to remember which level the escape pod was on. He decided to just ride it for a bit until he could remember...however, he was interrupted when the lift came to a halt again, and someone entered... *** Ivo walked into the elevator, moustache somewhat repaired. He hit a random button on the panel, seeing that the dratted elevator only understood Ur'thaen, and watched the display scroll downwards slowly in a language he had still not assimilated. Robotnik felt doomed for the first time in his life. He'd loaded the escape pod for nothing, stole the information for nothing, known and ignored the fact that he'd been decieved all those years for nothing! Sonic couldn't destroy something even the beneficent aliens couldn't stop! Mobius didn't even have the proper technology to achieve FTL flight yet, while the ship he was trapped on was the latest in tactical technologies! The ship couldn't be stopped... A droplet of some sort of green substance dripped onto the end of his moustache from above. He took a moment to pull the tip of the carrot-orange face ornament in front of his eyes to examine it. He briefly remembered seeing green fluid ooze from the side of John's face when he was cut. He chose to look up to see the cause of it... He saw nothing. Odd, he thought, why would the top of the lift drip fluid all by itself? Perhaps the hydrolics in it were starting to fail, or some sort of photochemical reaction fluid made the ship operate. Or, Ivo pondered as he was thrown bodily against the wall, something that bled green fluid had been on the ceiling and had slid behind him when he looked up. A clawed paw pushed Ivo's head into the cold synthsteel of the elevator wall, bringing the elevator to an abrupt halt. "Hello, fat boy," a gruff, cold voice said to him in plain Mobian, "I'm the calvary." Ivo growled and pushed back against the wall, using his weight to crush the aggressor against the other wall. A satifying crunch was heard as Robotnik shattered a few of the opponent's ribs against the hard walls of the chamber. "And I," Robotnik snarled, "am Ivo Robotnik!" Joseph grabbed both sides of Ivo's head and started to squeeze, ignoring the flaming pain in his abdomen. "Funny meeting you here; I figured you and John would be in kahoots." Ivo foamed and unsheathed claws from his roboticized hand, putting nice gashes at Joseph's arms. "And isn't it equally funny that I would want to destroy the planet I wished to dominate unopposed?" Joseph hissed as muscle was torn, releasing Robotnik's head and forcing him away with a knee-thrust. He answered with another question: "Perhaps you have the deluded belief that John will actually let you live after he finishes this world off?" Ivo turned to face his opponent, roboticized hand dripping green fluid and bits of orange fur. "I don't. And I do find it interesting that a fellow Ur'thaen, albeit an odd, freakish one like yourself, would turn against his captain; and also speak common Mobian like a native." Joseph held his arm and hissed, forcing energy to regenerate his damaged areas. "I'm not one of this bastard crew, Robotnik. I was on Mobius before they were." Ivo suddenly began to realize that this must have been the pilot of the black ship, and went into a more defensive posture. "So if you aren't one of the crew," he surmised, "you must have been..." The fox gritted his teeth, ribs knitting. "Yeah, I flew that black ship. Don't ask me how I got out of it. All I need to know is if you wanna keep that asshole John from destroying Mobius and conquering the entire galaxy." Ivo paused for a moment, considering his other options. A slight smile crossed his face. "Yes, I do. And since we both seem to be after the same goal, I guess we should..." The smile became predatory. " a temporary truce to fight the common foe." Joseph growled quietly, body renewed enough so that the pain wasn't actively bothering him. He stood more erect. "I don't trust you, Robotnik, but I guess neither of us have a choice." He paused, considering something. "We're Mobius' last chance." Robotnik grinned, the irony seeping into his mind. "I suppose we are, mister...?" "Name's Joe." Robotnik ahed. "So there really was truth to the rumors of an alien on Mobius trying to formulate a deroboticizer. It's a bittersweet pleasure to know that I broke a few of his ribs in Mobius' final hours." Joseph willed his arm to reassemble before Robotnik's eyes. "Don't gloat too much, human, we might be able to extend her lifespan a bit yet. Now, are you going to help me, or not?" Robotnik was temporarily surprised, but hid it fairly well under a snide smirk. "As you said, do we have a choice to not ally?" "No." Robotnik bowed. "Well, then, Joe, let us then save the world." Joseph rolled his shoulders. "Alright. Now, we'll have to find the secondary tactical controls..." "Level 140." Joseph looked at him oddly. "Huh?" "They're on level 140. I've been here long enough to see the majority of the...sights on the ship." Joseph typed in the number into the control panel. The lift started moving again. "This better not be some bullshit trick, Robotnik." He smiled alarmingly. "Oh, I assure you, it is not." Joseph didn't like Robotnik's look, but didn't bother making a sharp, witty reply to it. He couldn't think of one, anyway; leaving that quietly elated smile on Robotnik's face unchallenged. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - They emerged unchallenged on level 140, Robotnik walking out first to probe the area after Joseph's prodding. They walked at a quick pace to the secondary weapons controls, which were left unattended simply because the crew in charge of monitoring it was still in cryogenic stasis. Quickly, Joseph took out some wires from his pocket, attaching his dataglove to it. "I need three minutes. Robotnik, go out and watch the hall. If anyone comes, you know what to tell them." Robotnik looked a little indignant. "Are you sure that excuse will work?" Joseph looked a bit more than bored with Robotnik's questioning. "Yes, Robotnik, it will. -Trust- me." Ivo groaned and walked out, locking the door behind him. There was no way such a stupid excuse would throw these people, he pondered, even if they -were- foxes. Some time passed. A platoon of ground troops, which were jogging around the ship to train for a future campaign, happened by. The leader, a tallish reddish-orange vixen, paused in front of her men to look at Ivo. She activated her translator device and gave Ivo a hard examination with her eyes before speaking. "You, human! Why is that door closed?" Ivo glanced to the closed door. "They wanted it closed." She folded her arms, her 7'+ height towering over the human omniously. "Who is `they'?" Ivo shrugged. "Two technical-types, a male and a female. They said they wanted the door closed so they could do some sort of `Yi'ff'ah' diagnostic on the systems, and told me to stand out here and tell anyone who came calling that." The entire lot of marines behind her started laughing. She also chuckled softly at Ivo's comment. "Well then, I suppose I can let this one go, just this once. It's been a long time since anyone did that in there. Just be sure to notify them that someone's going to eventually want to do some actual work in there, alright?" Ivo nodded. "Very well then." With that, the entire group of laughing troops ran off to get their heart rates back up. A short time later, Joseph walked out after carefully peering outside the door. "Have any problems, Ivo?" Robotnik looked irritated. "No, anyone who came by seemed to do exactly like you said; but in everything I've read on this ship, I've never heard of this `Yi'ff'ah' diagnostic. Is it a name of something?" Joseph smirked. "It's a slang term for sexual copulation." He then began to walk back to the lift, trailing a somewhat disgusted Ivo shortly behind. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11:50 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph finished making preparations to the escape pod's targeting computer, which (fortunately for Ivo) still kept him from seeing the inside of the device. "Now, Ivo, when this ship starts to go, I want you to hit this button. It'll open the pod up to let you in. There -should- be enough room in there for both of us. If I'm not along about 2 minutes after that, hit the red button on the inside of the craft-- it should be on the left--to launch it. I'll probably be dead if I'm not there by then, anyway." He paused. "Now, look. I'll make you a deal, Robotnik. If you wait for me, I'll let you go, no questions asked, to do whatever. You can -trust- me on this, Ivo, once I'm done up here, I do not care what you do with the rest of your life. I just want to be sure I'm well away from this ship when the other shoe drops, understand?" Robotnik smiled. "Of course. And where will this pod be headed to?" Joseph checked the panel. "The Great Unknown, somewhere nearby the Grey Mountains. There's plenty of places for you to hide to last the winter, and there's a trail about 2 klicks to the south that will take you to Green Valley, an unsettled, quiet area that the King had set up as a forest preserve. From there, you should be able to construct a home and live peacefully." Robotnik extended his palm. "I'll be waiting here. Good luck on your pursuits, Joe. I'll be right in front of this pod." Joseph shook lightly. "Right. Well, when the red alert hits, you know what to do." With that, he went down the darkened hallway towards the lift, leaving Robotnik to quietly laugh at his `friend's' arrogance... "Oh yes, I'd be in front of this pod...until you left me an opportunity to escape. Then, you can burn with the rest of your race, Joseph of Ur'thae! Mobius will be mine again!" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11:55 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - John sat back in his chair, watching the sun and his sattelites fall into a beautifully arranged position. The mass carnage and destruction this would cause would be well worth all those years of self-sacrifice, training, the endless periods in cryogenic stasis, and the destruction of a good portion of his crew. Oh no, this would be his ultimate victory, and his name would yet again be feared and revered throughout the universe. And after he'd drowned the world, he'd be able to find this mysterious `Floating Island' that evaded detection by default, and then take the prize from whatever pitiful defender remained. He laughed, looking at the Keld ship floating adrift, being pushed around by the occasional tractor-beam pull from a fighter. << "Are you begging for mercy yet, you slimebodied nymphs?! Good!" >> he yelled across subspace at them, knowing that they dared not reply. A crewmember, on cue, walked over and handed him a glass of ale after he'd shouted at them, further raising his spirits. He wondered what Ivo was up to for a moment, then forgot him in the sheer uniqueness of the moment. He was going to get to slay an entire world and a Keld ship, -and- he would obtain godlike Emerald power before nightfall. Life was good. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The lift headed steadily upward, carrying the last line of defense of Mobius closer to the bridge of the dread ship _Apocolypse_. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11:58 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bahb prepared itself for the final countdown, concentrating the energy blast...from the very bottom of the Dome to the top, all the surfaces in the Dome began to blacken... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The lift stopped at the top of the craft, allowing Joseph to slowly walk out. Arming his blaster, he slowly started walking from the far side of the level to the other, where the bridge was located. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11:59.30 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - David prepared the subspace emitter, waiting for the sattelite to come directly into position. "Come on," Sally whispered, "come on..." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11:59.50 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - << "Ten seconds, sir." >> John sat back and laughed, swigging back more ale. << "Now, Ra'ndo, watch your charges die." >> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11:59.55 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - He strode silently to the door of the bridge, raising his weapon; steeling himself for what was to come. "Five...four...three..." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11:59.58.0 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - David put his paw over the button. "" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12:00.00.0 pm, Solstice Day - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The last sattelite fell into position, aligning all of the sattelites for an instant in a glorious pattern above Mobius. At that instant, they all decloaked, becoming visible to the naked eye. Then, a beam of light started from one, racing all around the world in a massive web that illuminated every side of the planet in beautiful golden light. The beam got tighter and tighter as it raced over every surface of the world, causing all on the surface but three to look up in mixed feelings of surprise and terror. Thunder rolled in the distance as the beam charged up the upper atmosphere of the world, making storms erupt randomly all over the world. As it crossed the Great Forest, a sudden warp bubble formed around a now decloaked sattelite, changing the trajectory of the powerful, terrible light to race into space. It careened through the void silently, then violently passed through the shields of the _Apocolypse_ without so much as damaging them, impacting with a part of the hull. For a moment, there was silence. Then, in an instant only described to this day as something akin to the pure, rightous wrath of the Goddess, the ship suddenly began to completely malfunction, beginning with the destruction of the shield emitter on the underbelly of the ship. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The lights flickered and dimmed ship-wide as the chaotic virus infected every major system, making the ship into a pure riot. The artificial gravity deactivated, imploding upon itself on deck 158 and causing a hull breach of catastrophic proportions. Half the lifts shot down to the lowest levels of the ship and out, while the other half raced out of the top. The shields, which were now quite dead, insisted on stating they were still at 90 percent and holding, while all the offensive weapons decided that they were inoperable due to being submerged in 100 atmospheres worth of water and shut down. The fighters outside the ship got contradictory commands from the main computer, careening wildly around the Keld ship. As they did so, their navigation computers forgot to tell them where the other ships were, causing most of them to slam into each other within a few minutes. The virus continued to rage, doing damage in such short order as to leave the bridge crew struggling to catch up. As John began to scream and yell, the intercom began to play a recorded tune in an oddly maddening voice, accompanied by some sort of electrified string instrument. Pictures of a blue hedgehog popped up on every screen, seeming to denote this was the author of the tune before the squealing from the finale got so loud as to blow out most of the speakers. As John began to shoot at the remaining speakers to quiet them, the _Apocolypse_ began to pull away from the planet of its own volition, setting a course for the Mobian sun. John swore incoherently and foamed at the mouth, trying to force the ship back on course using ill-hid magick. By this time, of course, most of the crew was panicking too much to even notice the dark reddish energy that was flowing from John's palms into his consoles. It did nothing, however, but make the ship turn off the stabliziers, making everyone nearby a wall be thrown from it violently into the low-to-nil gravity of the ship without any method of slowing down. As the ship headed off, the Keld'yrians watching increduously, a voice erupted out of the void on the basic subspace channels, and began to speak: << "Hello, J'hohn. You're probably wondering why you haven't been able to see the destruction of Mobius, and why your ship is heading towards the sun. Pity I won't tell you. However, I'll let you know that magick is a -wonderful- thing. Truely, it is." >> The voice laughed. << "I am J'hosesophae Dae'La'Croix'ae-sur, last Ur'thaen Orange and defender of this world. I saw you coming a mile away, J'hohn. You've gotten sloppy. And what do I see you using now but stolen Keld'yrian technology? For shame! The title of hypocrite doesn't become an honorable fox, J'hohn. Of course, you never did have any sort of honor, did you?" >> << "Now please, die with dignity." >> The transmission ceased, and Joseph walked onto the smoking, chaotic bridge. Wasting no time, he lobbed some EMP grenades into the scene, paralysing or slaying most of the partially cybernetic personnel. Those that did not stay down, he shot individually with his blaster, leaving them smoking corpses on the floor. In the chaos, John only saw his adversary enter after his crew had been slain; immediately sensing his nemesis' power, he prepared to give him a proper welcome. He wasted no time in projecting some dark red bolts of raw energy from the Malfean depths of darkness that he took his foul power from, trying to tear him in half with pure, unrefined hatred. Joseph lept into the air, countering by erecting a firm, healthily glowing orange energy sphere around him to protect himself from the blasts, but it didn't last as long as he'd expected. He quickly rolled behind some smoking furniture to prepare a counterassault, John mercilessly blasting all the while. John blasted into the ground, forcing wires to erupt like snakes from the synthsteel to ensnare his foe. They raced out dutifully with the sweet scent of ozone following them, and weaved at Joseph to pull him through the sharp abyss to his doom. Joseph would have none of that. Activating his plasma cutter, he swiped at the wires, splicing them down to ribbons before they could shock or strangle him. He fired a few times at John in the process, narrowly missing him as he ran from the bridge to get a wider area to work with. They pursued each other through the top of the ship, John attacking while Joseph mainly countered, each trying to get the other to make a critical tactical error so that the opportunistic victor could slay the other and buy time to escape. Wires and control panels raced out at Joseph all the while, but his speed and cunning enabled him to survive all incoming strikes. John raced towards the lift, taking out a conventional blaster and firing at Joseph with it. Joseph, slightly behind in his pursuit, ducked into a nearby doorway and shot back, trying to find a clear shot through all the smoke and debris his virus had already caused. The lift stated it would be present in exactly 90 seconds, so John went on the offensive again, blasting and summoning his evil power to smite the plucky, determined Joseph with. << "You'll die for what you've cost me!" >> swore John as he continued to blast and rage at Joseph, trying to breach the doorway by destroying the wall. The incoming fire from both sides was fast and furious, but finally John broke through and hit Joseph a few times in the left arm. Recoiling from the pain, he blasted at John three times, all three shots impacting into the evil captain's abdomen. Greenish blood flew from the wounds via flying spheres in the reduced gravity, but pure manevolence kept John from falling back. << "Prepare to be terminated," >> John swore, eyes flaming with the dark red evil energy that flowed through his entire body. However, just as he raised his blaster to fire, the elevator door opened, allowing the vacuum of space to intrude. In an instant, John was swept from his location through the elevator doors, and careened out into the darkness of space. Summoning all the power he could, Joseph quickly closed the elevator doors before the remainder of the air could join John in the icy void, taking a moment to rest before moving on. His foe had been vanquished, he assumed, so now he could leave. Quickly, he blasted down through the floor, heading to the level which held the escape pod. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ivo watched the ship go completely haywire, and quickly accessed the escape pod slightly ahead of schedule. He hopped in, sealing its entrance behind him, then hit the blinking red button. The pod shook for a moment, then rocketed away from the craft, which was well on its way to the sun. He sat back in the escape pod, relaxing and allowing himself a chuckle. The hedgehog had come through, in a way...the obnoxious noises and its hideous singing had certainly thrown a snag into John's plans that hadn't been there before. Now he and the irritating Joseph would burn together, ending all outside threats to his perhaps slightly interrupted reign. With the new technology he had stolen, and the element of surprise, he should be able to reconquer the planet in a matter of days. He patted a few boxes as the pod approached Mobius again. The light beams would certainly be useful; now the Freedom Fighters wouldn't have darkness to assist them in their deeds against him. But as he was about to enter high Mobian orbit, a recording began playing in the pod... "Ivo, you jerk, I told you not to leave without me. Now you die." Red light filled the cabin as the voice ceased, a countdown beginning...and during Ivo's desperate attempt to cease it, the pod was bumped off course by the remaining warp emissions of the sattelite over the Great Forest, and flew right into the incredibly powerful beam of light... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph reached the outside of the now departed escape pod, well after its occupant had flown off to oblivion. He growled and hit the wall, but at least Robotnik was done for. Mobius would never again have to contend with the evil Doctor Ivo Robotnik, his schemes, or the roboticizer. The war was, at last, over. Joseph strode along as the _Apocolypse_ began exploding in places, the rest of the viruses spawning destruction and mayhem. The ship was locked in a terminal course into the Mobian star, which would certainly take care of the dreadnought once and for all. All that remained was for him to escape. He couldn't quite call the energy to teleport, since he was far from Mobius and reliant on what remaining life energy remained on the _Apocolypse_. However, after a period of meditation, he drew enough force to surround himself in a protective chi shield, blast through the hull, and fly from the ship while being protected from the elements...rather, the lack thereof. As he left, the first solar flares began licking at the front of the ship, melting down the hull. Joseph paused for a moment, watching the ship fly into the sun. As it disappeared, he pondered what remained for him. The deroboticizer software would be done by the evening, releasing him from his last mundane duty to Mobius. The destruction of Robotnik meant that there would be no more SWATBots, since the last of them would be destroyed, and nobody would bother to rebuild Robotropolis; it was completely laid waste by the fighters. Peace would reign over the world after nearly 20 years of war, and Mobius could heal. Maybe he could finally sire those kits that Sandra had been wanting...but that was in the future. Now was the time to honor the dead and remember the past, so that the sacrifices he had made against his own people would never be forgotten by time. He bowed his head for a moment in silent contemplation as the last of the ship was consumed by the fire, then began to turn to fly home. << "YOU BASTARD!" >> cried a rage-filled voice through the void; filling Joseph's mind with pain until he could raise his psionic defenses and look to see the cause. John, or rather what was left of John, chose to attack at that moment. His left arm and part of his left leg had been torn off by the force of the vacuum, leaving only bloody, crystallized stubs behind. Black-red energy crackled around him as he clashed against Joseph, trying to strangle him. Joseph fought back hard, lashing out with his remaining energy. He knew that he couldn't hold out in space for long, especially when he was consuming all of his energy fighting, so he forced John back towards Mobius at an incredible rate of speed by executing the hardest body slam he'd ever done. They flew through the airless, empty area of space, blasting wickedly at each other in any way they could. Lacking anything else to use as weapons, they used their own body parts as melee weapons, beating on each other with magickally enhanced punches and kicks. As they approached the Mobian atmosphere, however, Joseph got his second wind and began fighting harder, dragging John down through the atmosphere of the world in an attempt to burn him to a cinder. Blood flew from both parties as they fought through the sky, punch after punch landing on each wizard. Joseph's ribs had started to break again, while his right arm and shoulder were beginning to dislocate. John was weakening, however; the magick of a world is different than that one can draw from the abyss. Teeth flew from John's jaw as Joseph repeatedly punched him, and John knew that his skull would shatter if it kept up much longer. They roared at each other, both knowing that words were pointless; each knew the other's only goal was to kill the opposing fox. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bahb activated its final countdown sequence, the overload reaching its zeinith. Its last recorded thought was the pondering of the phrase `The soul is eternal'. Did it have a soul? Well, it thought as the fire raced up from the deepest depths of the complex, Bahb was going to find out in approximately 10 seconds. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The duo raced closer and closer to the hard earth, continuing to fight. Joseph's throat had been torn open by a lucky shot by John, who was now missing an eye and was also rapidly losing blood. Pure adrenaline drove them on now, wanting to be sure the other died first. Joseph glanced down at the land racing up against them. It was the Great Forest, and they were currently above the Dome region. In fact, Joseph thought as he dragged John across another series of ice-filled air currents, he could probably smash John right on top of the Dome...he then noticed that the Dome was now obsedian black, and was beginning to form orange cracks in its surface. He quickly knew what was going to happen, and decided to make it work in his favor. << "JOHN! YOU WANT POWER?!" >> He threw John face-down towards the Dome, knee pressing into his back and holding him still. << "HERE'S ALL THE POWER YOU'LL EVER NEED!" >> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In a flash, the Dome erupted violently, an orange cylinder of raw power shattering through its blackened exterior. It shot through both parties in an instant, the force equivelent to a 600 megaton nuclear blast while only being contained in a circular area about 12 feet wide. Both of them were instantly obliterated, barely even consuming a wit of the energy in the blast. A shockwave blasted through the forest, an circular orange power shockwall racing through the trees. The surge dispersed the fog around the Dome immediately, then suddenly reduced to only a stiff wind around the perimeter of the lands Joseph held, perhaps knocking over a garbage can or two in Knothole. Lightning crashed in the upper atmosphere, the blast just adding to the turbulent conditions world-wide. Then, as abruptly as it began, it ceased. The skies cleared, the sun shined, and all was at peace. At that moment, Sally wrote in her journal, and no sooner, did the war end. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12:30:00 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Keld'yrian ship took out the remaining sattelites, still undergoing repairs for the damages done by the _Apocolypse_. A few fighters from the Keld'yrian ship chased after the shock troops of a group of infamous space pirates who must have seen the tussle, and wanted in on the action, far from the Mobian system. Communications were reestablished, and soon the fear that held the populace finally came to an end. The remains of Solstice Day that year were used as a requiem for the one that had fallen for them; a quiet, mysterious alien named `Joseph'. The ceremony was small, due to the fact that there were only a handful of people left in Knothole, but the lack of physical bodies was made up for by the amount of passion but forth into the small, formal gathering. A few people made speeches, while others, lacking the proper words to put their feelings into words, simply stayed respectfully silent. However, Bunnie, tears welling in her eyes, ascended the podium after a few moments, and spoke to those who had been with her all her lives. "Ah'm not much for givin' a send-off. All Ah can seem to say is that, even tho 'e wasn' the m'st open fellah in the world, he cared 'bout people. He spent most of his time here tryin' to give somethin' back to us, t' make up for the pas'. An' people still talked behin' his back and made him seem like some sorta bad guy." She wiped her eyes. "'e gave me back muh arm and muh legs. He didn' ask for a `thank yew'. All he did was give muh a hug and set me free t' do as Ah would. An' t' the day, Ah wished Ah could have thanked 'im again." Crying, she quietly left the podium, comforted by the friends she'd always knew she'd have; Sally, Sonic, Tails, Rotor, and even Antoine. They couldn't find anything left of the Dome that would have been suitable for burial, so they simply draped a white cloth over the top of the dead SpyGlobe that had given the information to Sally that had saved the world, dug out the grave with their bare hands according to custom, and slowly covered it again using the same medium outside the edge of the village, under a transplanted orange tree. The rest of the Freedom Fighters dispersed after the grave had been filled in, except Sonic, Sally, and Tails. They stood there after the procession had left, helping David retrofit the transponder back to normal. "Aunt Sally?" Sally rested her paw on his shoulder. "Yes, Tails?" "Where's Sandra?" Sally blinked. "I...I don't know. Perhaps she escaped. I guess we'll never know." Tails frowned, resting his head against Sally's shoulder. "I hope she's okay. It's not fair that both of them should die..." Sonic bowed his head. "I'll miss ya, Joe. You always did know how to make an exit..." A few tears fell from his eyes. "G'bye, pal." With that, he ran off into the forest. "He just needs to be alone," said Sally, gently stroking the back of Tails' head. "It's been a very hard day." Something, perhaps a few hundred yards away, stirred. A red glow began to fill a rectangular area on its surface, which was attached to a humanoid shape. Slowly, it rose, taking stock of the sitation, and began to walk... While Sally stroked the back of Tails' skull and looked at the grave she'd helped to dig, Tails' acute senses detected movement. He sniffed the wind. Ozone, oil...SWATBot. In a blur of motion, Tails pulled violently away from Sally, lept through an area of forest, and saw his adversary. The SWATBot looked up at him and raised its weapon; but Tails, being trained in `The Perfect Art', knew immediately how to react. Almost instinctively, he made a fist while still in midair, called upon all of his might, and powered it through the SWATBot's head. A blueish blast of electricity erupted from Tails and the SWATBot, the force from the punch tearing through it like a brick through a stained-glass window. It split down the middle at nearly a perfectly symmetrical way, causing a powerful flash of light and a clap of near-thunder as it fell to the ground. Perhaps two seconds had passed during this time, and just then Sally began to react. Quickly, she ran through the forest to find Tails standing between a split SWATBot, blue electricity crackling off of his calm, relaxed body. Some sort of motherly instinct caused her to pull him from it, however, and back behind her. Neither party came to any harm by this, she noticed, and when she looked again, the SWATBot's remains were gone. Tails stood there silently, a muted expression of pleasure on his face. Confusion filled Sally's mind for a few seconds. "What was that?" Tails smiled calmly. "My last test. Now I am ready." Sally scratched her head, looking oddly at Tails. "A test? A test for readiness for what?" Tails answered her by twirling his tails at a incredible speed, and easily gliding above the ground. He flew about her easily, laughing. "My last test of my skills! Joseph told me once that when I perfected the Perfect Art, I could do anything! Well, here I am!" With a laugh, he raced through the tops of the trees, high into the sky. Sally could only watch astonishedly, wonderment overtaking her. Tears of joy filled her eyes as Tails' wish came true, and her only nagging doubt was about where the SWATBot went... "I hope he enjoys his gift," a familiar voice said, "a pity I won't be able to watch the rest of his adolescence first-hand." Sally turned to face the voice, but there was nothing there but the wind...which carried only a single statement before it too faded away. "Happy Solstice, Tails." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2:30 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sandra awoke on the beach of Boulder Bay, some sand in her fur and her right foot asleep. For a moment, she thought that she had died. However, the appearance of an UsagiBOT walking around the perimeter in the distance immediately eliminated that illusion. "There aren't any robots in Heaven," Sandra grumbled, and sat up to look around. It was a lovely afternoon. The wind was cool without being too cold, and she figured it was about 70 degrees. The water crashed softly against the rocks of the beach, and some storm clouds laid in the distance. Occasionally, she heard thunder. And, if it wasn't for the apparent death of her mate in the morning, she might have enjoyed it. She sat there, resting her muzzle on her knees and wrapping her arms around her legs, looking out over the water. Sandra couldn't cry anymore; even now, she was tired from the strain this morning. Instead, she chose to deal with the situation at hand...for example, why wasn't she in the Dome? This wasn't anywhere near the Great Forest, she realized, and there were guards posted. Perhaps Bahb had taken her here in order to lift her spirits. It was a valiant attempt, computer, she thought, but it wasn't going to cut it. Sandra stood. It was time, she thought, to take stock of what she had left. She walked over to the UsagiBOT, being followed by two SpyGlobes. "Unit, report status." The robot looked at her. >< "Units posted here are functional; one UsagiBOT unit, two SpyGlobe units. Power levels at optimum levels." >< Sandra nodded. She at least had some protection. "Very well. Bahb, channel through UsagiBOT in front of me and report status." The UsagiBOT paused for a moment. >< "Bahb is no longer active. The Dome has been destroyed." >< Her spirits sank. Not only had the love of her life left her, but now she lacked a home and food to return to. She sensed that this was the situation she was in last year, and did not fail to appreciate the irony. "I see." >< "More units are in the vicinity. A new place of residence can be constructed for you, and energy crystal deposits have been detected 5 klicks to the northwest. You can have a home constructed for you within hours." >< She sighed. Well, at least she'd have a home. An empty, cold home using the rather personality-less drones that Joseph had left, but a home no less. Perhaps she could use that as a base of operations to start her life over. Spies and thieves would be needed in the new civilization that would soon be organized, after all, and with her mate's advanced technology, she could make sure his name and her own would be remembered for all time. "Fine. Go pick out a good place. I'm going on a walk." With that, she turned from the robots, walking down the beach. Sandra was going to have to rebuild a tough exterior, she realized, in order to be sure that her heart was never broken again. This last one was the worst by far, she noted, because the love had been more than mutual. Both of them doted on the other with equal zeal, and losing that made her heart ache every time she thought about it. She tried to put it from her mind, but it wouldn't stop coming up. She ran down the beach, trying to distract herself by physical exertion. After a while, she saw a large fisherman, clothed in a black cloak that covered all but his darkened paws and the stick he was using. Probably a bear of some flavor, she thought, perhaps a refugee. Since dwelling on her own thoughts was becoming mentally draining, she concluded, she'd start a conversation with the large figure. The vixen padded over, looking over at the person. A muzzle was visible, but the coloration was impossible to figure due to the glare of the light off the water. "Hey, catch anything?" The figure growled quietly when he spoke, the voice deep, scratchy, and unfamiliar. "Not yet." Sandra sat down next to him. "You don't have a bucket to hold fish in, you know." "I'll eat it raw," he simply replied. Sandra looked somewhat disgusted, but covered it well. "Come here much?" "First time." "Live around here?" "No." "Got anybody with you?" "Yes." Sandra smiled. Finally, some progress. "Who?" "She's my mate," a less scratchy voice said, which took on a vaguely familiar accent. "A nice vixen." "Oh? Does she live around here?" "Nope." Sandra smiled. "Does she eat fish raw as well?" The figure took off his hood, revealing a beaten-up looking, flamboyantly neon orange, head of a fox. "I don't know," Joseph said, "do you?" Sandra gasped in shock, then embraced her mate firmly, tears running down her face. "Joseph!" Joseph smiled, displaying a few gaps in his teeth. "Hi there." Sandra cried a bit, holding him tightly. "I thought you were dead! How did--" Joseph sshed. "I'll tell you all about it later." She sobbed tears of joy, not wanting to let go. "Is it over?" Joseph picked her up, holding her in his arms. "Yes, it's over. It's all over now, Sandra. Mobius is safe." Sandra smiled, kissing him softly. "But what will we do now? We're homeless." Joseph shrugged. "Depends on what you mean by homeless. Mobius is our home." Sandra giggled softly, wiping tears from her eyes. "Silly. I meant where will we live? The Dome is gone." Joseph lifted from the ground, gliding over the water. "Well, I have this friend, you see, who has this nice tropical island...I hope he's not still mad about that tussle we had a year or two ago..." They glided off into the horizon, leaving the land behind for the endless ocean that spanned Mobius; thinking it was the last time they'd ever have to fight the forces of evil... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - From a smoking crater in the Great Unknown, a figure stirred, extending a gleaming steel arm from the depths of the smoke and flames; slowly pulling itself up...the pupils of the figure glowing a flaming, angry red... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The End? Perhaps. Perhaps not. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -