- - - - Chapter Eight Traitors by Felix Xavier Jinx - - - - Time line - October 18, 3237 - - - - Morning. The snow had fallen again last night, giving the forest a good eight inch blanket of white. In the dense foliage, Felix was walking slowly, with a large, black rifle in hand. He work a thick coat, and snowshoes. His breath turned into white clouds before him. "Man, where are they?" Felix mumbled to himself. Suddenly, about ten yards away, a twig snapped. Felix swung his rifle into the direction of the sound. A figure's head rose up in the shadows. Felix fired three times, hitting the target. The figure dropped, and Felix trotted over to investigate. He jumped a hedge, and landed next to his quarry. In the snow was Tails, lying face down in the snow. Crimson covered the back of his head. "Tails! Oh, man! What have I done?" Felix exclaimed as he looked at the red drip from the back of his head. "Ya went and shot your partner!" Bunnie exclaimed, and appeared out of the trees. "You okay, sugar?" Tails sat up. "Man, Felix!" Tails whined, rubbing the back of his head. "Paint's hard to shampoo out!" The fox pulled back his hand, soaked in red paint. "We win! We win!" Sally cried, and jumped out of the bushes. "Now hold on. You didn't really win!" Felix retorted. "Now come on. Don't be a sore loser." Sally said. "Yeah, yeah." Felix mumbled. "Tails, you should go home and wash that out." Tails stomped off, mad that the game had drawn to a close due to friendly fire. "Even if it was Tails, it was a good shot." Bunnie said. She picked up Tails's paintball gun. Rustling could be heard in the distance. "What was that?" Sally gasped, turning around. Rustling again, this time closer. "Sonic?" Sally called. Out of the bushes jumped a blur, and tackled Felix. Felix rolled and kicked him off. Both stood up. The attacker was another cat, but about a foot taller, and fifty pounds heavier. It was white, and had a roboticized arm. The two cats stood five feet apart, with ears folded back, and claws out. They growled and hissed. The white cat then slowly lowered to the ground, and lunged. The two felines both flew into the bushes. Fighting and more hissing could be heard. As Sally and Bunnie ran over to assist, the white cat flew out of the bushes, and hit a tree a good fifteen feet away. Felix jumped out. His coat was torn to shreds, and four deep claw marks were slashed across his face. One of his ears was split down the middle, all the way down to the skull. Felix was more then mad. The white cat jumped back to it's feet, fairing no better then Felix was. Felix charged, and the attacker threw it's metallic fist, smacking Felix dead on in the face. He fell to the ground, unconscious. The white cat then turned to Sally, and walked slowly toward her. Bunnie raised Tails's paintball gun, and hit the cat's face four times in the eyes. It screamed and tried to wipe the paint off. While the cat was blinded, Sally jumped into the air, and planted her foot in the neck. The cat grabbed it's neck, and fell to the ground, coughing. Felix awoke and held his nose. "My node!" He cried. He stood up, and the coat fell off. Claw marks were raked across his chest as well. He looked at his attacker, and kicked him hard in the side of the ribs. He did nothing. He was knocked cold. "Who in the name of..." Bunnie quietly asked, standing over him. "Felix, can ya get back to Knothole okay?" Sally asked. "Yeah, but I can't tmell!" Felix exclaimed, and limped off to Knothole. Bunnie draped the fiend over her shoulder, and the three followed right behind Felix. When they all arrived to Knothole, Bookshire and Charles ran to assist Felix. "My goodness, son! What happened to you?" Charles exclaimed. Felix could only point to the three behind him. Felix was escorted to Bookshire's hut. Charles went to see what was going on. "This fool jumped out of nowhere and started something with Felix!" Bunnie informed. "Yes, it looks this one got his share of the punishment, also." Charles answered. The cats entire head was pink with blood. "Tie him up to a tree until he wakes up, Bunnie." Sally commanded. Bunnie tossed the cat against a tree and tied him to it. Sally went to find Sonic to inform him of the situation. Sonic sat in the hut, playing with Julayla and Miles. "Sonic, something's happened in the forest. You'd better come out." Sally said. "Sure. Get Felix." Sonic replied, standing up. "Felix is what happened. Tails will watch them." Sally called for Tails, and he came to the door. "Sure I can babysit. Why?" Tails asked. "I'll tell you later." Sally explained, and trotted over to Bookshire's hut. Inside, Bookshire was stitching together the split ear. Sonic cringed in pain just watching. "What happened?" Sonic asked. "An attacker came out of the woods and attacked us. Felix caught the brunt of it." Sally explained. "You bet he did! Two broken ribs, about three hundred stitches worth of cuts, and a fractured skull." Bookshire chimed, patching Felix's ear together. Sonic and Sally went to the dining hall to examine their prisoner. Bunnie and Charles were with him. They had tied him up to a chair, and managed to detach his arm. He was still out cold. His head was now bright red from blood. "Now, can you explain what happened in the forest, my queen?" Charles asked. "This guy just jumped out of nowhere, and started to attack Felix. He's in bad shape." "Who, Mister Psycho or Felix?" Bunnie asked. "Both." Sonic said. The cat started to stir. He opened his eyes, and gazed at his captors. "Where am I?" he asked. "You're in Knothole, and in a lot of trouble. Who are you?" Sally asked. "I'm saying nothing." he snapped. "Fine. I can wait as long as you." Sally snapped back. "In the meantime, you are charged with assault." the cat laughed. "You have no authority." he growled back. "I'll have you know I am Sally of Acorn, queen of Mobius." "Ha! You are nothing but a rodent. PACKBELL is emperor of Mobius!" he shouted. "It's evident who he works for." Charles said. "Packbell, huh? You are now charged with assault and treason!" Sally snapped. "Keep watch over him!" She stomped out. "First bats with rocks, now this..." Bunnie moaned. "Yeah, something's goin' on. Why are we being attacked by other animals, and not bots all of a sudden?" Sonic asked. "Don't you get it, idiot?" the cat said to Sonic. "A bot can't think, a bot can't compromise, or improvise. I do." "Don't you get it?" Sonic retorted. "Packbell wants to make us all bots! Why, do you think you will be spared!?" "All traitors will suffer the same fate. To serve as Packbell's slaves. The same will happen to you, rodent!" the cat hissed. Charles smacked the cat in the back of the neck, knocking him out again. He was obviously tired of listening to the fool speak. "Great. What are we gonna do now?" Bunnie asked. "We will need a cell for this one, and if I do not miss my guess, more like him." Charles replied. The rest of the afternoon, about three quarters of Knothole was busy putting together a make shift jail, built to hold four prisoners. The cat, who still hadn't divulged a name, was the first resident. While still tied to a chair, Bookshire begun to patch up his wounds. "Looks like our Felix tore you up pretty good, huh?" Bookshire chuckled. "Shut up, old man." he hissed. Bookshire jabbed him with the needle he was working with in the back of the neck. The cat meowed in pain. "You shut up. I don't have to do this." The rest of the patch job was done in silence. As Bookshire packed up, the cat turned to him. "Thank you." he said. Bookshire looked surprised. "What?" "You heard me. I hate what you fight for, but common courtesy is the same on both sides." "Well, you're welcome. Good night, Pinky." Bookshire started to leave. "Don't call me "Pinky"." the cat snapped. His head was still pink from blood. "Well, until you give us a name, it's Pinky." Bookshire slammed the door, and locked it. "He doesn't need to, Book." Sonic called. "His name is Brutus." "Appropriate." Bookshire grunted. "How did you find out?" "He's been hitting all the villages. He's a fugitive for five murders." Bookshire gasped. "Five?!" he exclaimed. "My god! No animal can be that cold-blooded." "He will get a trial, but other animals from the other villages will be coming in to discuss this problem." Sonic explained. "I don't know how he could get a defense." Bookshire said. "He might know somebody, I don't know. It's time to eat. Let's wash up." Bookshire followed Sonic over to the dining hall. Later that evening, Felix walked over to Brutus's cell. Felix was dressed in bandages on his head, face, and around his chest. His attacker was almost identically patched up. "What do you want?" Brutus grunted. "What do you want?" Felix asked. "Why did you attack us?" "It's war. What did you expect?" "You fool. What are you getting in return?" Felix asked. "Rank of Brigadier General in Packbell's Army." Brutus replied. Felix laughed. "And what do you think he's going to do after this so called war, huh?" Felix stuck his face into the cell. "He's not going to need an army anymore. He'll either turn you into bots, or douse you with lasers." Felix walked away. "You are a fool, Brutus. Now you will die, no matter how the coin flips." - - - - Timeline- October 20 - - - - The morning was begun with the sound of the old siren that Charles used before Felix volunteered alarm clock duty. After breakfast and the normal mode of early morning activities, Sonic and Sally were in their hut, getting ready for the conference of animals from surrounding villages to discuss what will happen to Brutus, and other pressing matters, like the sudden attacks from other animals. Sally dug around in the closet, while Sonic was spinning his crown around his finger. "I don't see why we have to put on the dog for a trial." Sonic moaned. "Sonic, I told you!" Sally's voice called from the back of the closet, muffled. She emerged with a medium sized trunk. "We are the rulers of Mobius! We have to look like it. And that means wearing a crown once in a while." Sally snatched the crown from Sonic's finger, and tossed it on his head. "Okay, okay." Sonic replied straightening his crown. Sally opened the trunk, and inside was her royal dress, with a long, thin scarlet cape. It bore the coat of arms of the Acorn family. "Are you ready yet, my lord?" Sally asked Sonic. "No..." Sonic said, and retrieved a uniform from the Royal Mobian Army, made for him a few weeks after the wedding. It looked like Antoine's, except with a scarlet sash running across his chest. Sonic made faces of pain when he put it on. "What's wrong?" Sally asked. "I'm still sore." Sonic grunted. The wounds on his chest were healed, but pain takes awhile to get rid of. "Oh, honey, I'm sorry." Sally said, and pecked Sonic on the cheek. "I'll see you out in the dining hall." She turned toward the door, with her long robe swinging around and floating behind. Sonic retrieved a cape from the closet, one similar to Sally's, and put it on. He left his hut, his cape flowing behind him. Tails flew down from a treetop and greeted Sonic. "Hiya, Tails! How you doing?" Sonic cheerfully greeted. He had not seen him in a good couple of days because he was so busy with Sally. "Good!" Tails barked. He lighted next to Sonic. "Why are you dressed up like Antoine?" "Tails, do you know about Brutus? The cat that attacked Knothole?" Sonic asked. "Yes. Why?" "He has the right to a trial, and I have to be there." "What's gonna happen to him?" Tails asked, with a touch of concern in his voice. "I don't know, bud. That's up to Aunt Sal. I have to go now. Goodbye." Sonic said. He entered the dining hall, where Sally sat at the head of a long table, and on each side were representatives of villages within the Great Forest's bounds. Sonic and Sally were out of place in the meeting. All the other animals were at least fifty years older than the king and queen. "Our king has arrived, we may now begin." Sally announced. Sonic sat down at the head of the table next to Sally. "Man, do these clothes itch!" thought Sonic. "Yes, let us begin." croaked an ancient fox. "We must strike vengeance on this scoundrel swiftly and surely! If he is allowed to live, there will be more victims!" The other animals chattered, seeming to agree with the elder fox. "I agree, but not an eye for an eye! There must be better ways to deal with traitors of the crown." Sally said. "I cannot have a public execution! It's too much!" "My queen! Your cowardice will be the death of you!" the fox said. "It's not cowardice! It is mercy!" Sally said. "Will the accused have anything to say in his defense?" one asked in the back. "I think so." Sonic answered. "Hold on." He left, and in a minute, he brought Brutus, his arm bound to his side, to the dining hall. Every eye was focused on him with cold hatred. "Brutus, do you have anything to say on you behalf?" Sonic asked. "I joined Packbell regime in order not to get roboticized, well, not entirely." Brutus started his defense. His voice was a little softer than it had been. "If a soldier questions an order, he is dead, right? I was told to find Knothole at all costs, even my own. My only defense is the fact I was forced to do this." "Didn't you attempt escape?" Sally asked. "Yes, once. That is why I have a robotic arm." "It doesn't sound like Packbell, just finding anybody, and turning him into a soldier." Sonic commented. "I don't see the logic..." "My queen..." Brutus started. "What?" Sally snapped. "Your queen?! Why just a...." "I request asylum." Brutus interrupted. Sally fell silent. She opened her mouth, and closed it again. Everyone stopped and looked at her. She didn't know what to think. "I will render my verdict tomorrow." Sally said. "As my guests, I invite you to stay in Knothole until that time." Sally left the dining hall, as did the other animals. Sonic escorted Brutus to his cell. Sally went over to Bookshire's hut. "Sally, what's wrong?" Bookshire asked. "Brutus has requested asylum, and I don't think I can refuse his request." Sally said, and flopped into a chair. "Now I must contact Packbell and tell him I have a prisoner of war." "Oh, Sally, I don't think I can get a hold of Packbell alone. Williams helped me last time." Bookshire replied. "Sonic will have to go get him." Sally stood up and walked to the door. "Sonic!" Sally called. Sonic obediently came. He had already gotten out of his uniform. "Yeah, what goin' on?" Sonic asked. "I need you to get Williams. Can you please?" Sally asked. "Sure." Sonic said, and took off in a brilliant blue flash. Within a minute, Sonic brought Williams and his little computer back to Knothole. "Do you need to talk to Packbell again?" Williams asked, hooking up his computer to Bookshire's. "Yes." Sally answered. "Okay. Computer, get Packbell on the horn." Williams called. It whirred, and the computer immediately chimed in "Access denied." "Use Cryptosmasher." Bookshire commanded. The computer still chimed "Access denied." "Version two point oh." Bookshire replied. "Oooh! Where'd you get it?" Williams asked, but didn't get a reply. The image of Packbell's long, pale face appeared. He smiled. "My queen." he greeted. "Packbell, we have a prisoner of war." Sally announced. "Who?" Packbell roared, surprised. "A white cat named Brutus." Sally answered. "Oh, yes. Brigadier General Brutus. I suppose you want a trade, or something...." Packbell answered, half interested. He waved his hand in the air. "No, Packbell. He will be executed in the morning." Sally answered. Packbell's face got very serious, very fast. "You wouldn't..." Packbell growled. Packbell hated it when other people called the shots. "If any other fighters in your glorious army wish to attack us, they will receive the same fate." Sally said. Williams detached his computer, causing Packbell's face to blink off, and ERROR blink on. Bookshire turned his computer off, and looked at Sally. "You're not serious, are you?" Bookshire exclaimed. "I haven't decided yet." she answered grimly, and turned to walk out. Her cape floated behind her. That evening, the delegates from the other villages were up, walking around Knothole. A old, fat rabbit was walking around the garden. There was nobody around, so he was enjoying the silence. He sat down on a stump, and yawned. A twig snapped, and he jumped to turn around. Nothing behind him. He sat back down, and was snatched from his seat from the darkness. "If you say anything old man, you'll be sorry." a voice from the darkness whispered. He had his hand over the rabbits mouth. The rabbit opened his mouth, and bit into the hand. A scream of pain followed, and the rabbit bolted for town. "Help! There's somebody in the woods!" he cried. Sonic and Bunnie went to find out what was going on. "What are you yellin' about!?" Bunnie exclaimed. "Somebody... out in the woods!" the rabbit panted. Sonic and Bunnie went to the garden. When Sonic stopped at the edge of the forest, Bunnie dived right in. Rustling was heard by Sonic for a second, then a laser shot could be heard. Bunnie emerged from the forest, holding a struggling badger by the scruff of the neck. "Let go!" he cried. "Not likely." Bunnie replied, and carried him over to the jail. "My goodness, who was that?!" the rabbit asked Sonic. "Looks like one of Packbell's goons tryin' to get Brutus." Sonic replied. After Bunnie deposited the young badger into jail, she got Sally. "Guess what?" Bunnie asked. "Oh, no. What?" Sally moaned. "Looks like Packbell is sending in troops to get Brutus." Bunnie answered. "Great. Let me go look at him." Sally got up, and walked over to the prison. "Woodrow?" Brutus asked. "General Brutus! Sir!" the young badger said, snapping his heals, and saluting Brutus. "Are you the rescue party?" Brutus asked. "Yeah!" Woodrow replied. "Great..." Brutus said. Bunnie walked into the jail, with Sally behind her. Woodrow hid behind Brutus. "Okay, kid. C'mon out." Woodrow slowly rose out of Brutus's shadow. "My goodness! How old are you?" Sally asked, kneeling. "I will not divulge that information!" Woodrow announced. "Fourteen." Brutus answered. "Do you know what Packbell does to innocent animals?" Sally asked. "No, but he finds all traitors of Mobius, and..." Woodrow started. "Uh, oh. Ignorance seems to be a space on the job application for the army." Bunnie said. "Son, you have no idea what you're into! Do you know who the queen of Mobius is?" Sally asked. "No, but the emperor is Packbell." he chimed. "We need to talk." Sally led Woodrow out of jail to have a talk. - - - - Timeline- the next morning - - - - Reveille. Felix seemed well enough to play again. Many residents wished he wasn't. After a lot of moaning and groaning, everybody got up to eat. After breakfast, the chores started. Felix and Tails had kitchen duty. "Man, I hate washing dishes." Felix groaned. "Why?" Tails asked, tying an apron around his waist. "I did them for four months straight in one village. After I left, I swore to eat on napkins from then on." Felix said, and filled up the sink. "Why did you have to wash dishes for that long?" Felix stopped and looked at Tails. "You don't want to know. With Felix's knowhow on the subject on dishwashing, the entire load was done in ten minutes. "Okay, who's going to take out the trash?" Tails asked. "We'll flip for it." Felix said, taking out a coin from his vest pocket. "Okay, heads or tails. Oh, excuse me. I shouldn't ask." Felix let the coin fly from his hand, and land on the floor. A picture of King Acorn stared Tails in the face. "Aw man!" Tails whined, and grabbed the trash bag. Felix stooped to pick the coin up, and examined it. In the reflection of a dish, he could see both sides of the coin. Both were heads. Felix smiled and slipped it into his vest. Just then, Tails cried "Help!" Felix rushed outside to see what was the matter. Another badger, older and meaner then Woodrow, had grabbed Tails. Felix ran over, and stopped in front of Tails and the attacker. "Stop right there, kitty cat, or I'll break the kid's neck!" the badger growled. He placed his arm across Tails's forehead, ready for Felix to react. "Go ahead." Felix said, and crossed his arms. "What?" Tails and the badger both said in unison. The badger was surprised, and loosened his grip. Tails then swung his leg and hit the badger hard in the... uh.. you know. He dropped Tails, and fell to the ground, grabbing the afflicted area. "Get Bunnie. Now!" Felix ordered. Tails flew off at top speed. Felix went over, put the badgers arms behind his back, and sat on him until Bunnie arrived. "Not again!" Bunnie exclaimed, and picked the badger off the ground. She went over to the jail, and tossed him in. He hit the opposing wall before he landed. Sally entered. "Now what's your story, hot shot?" Sally asked. "Another one of the rescue party, and they will keep coming. Just give it up, queenie." Brutus replied. Sally glared at him. "C'mon." Sally said. Brutus followed her into Bookshire's hut. "Bookshire, I need you to patch this message to every monitor, every screen, every video relay in Mobius, and I want a connection to Packbell." she ordered. "My queen, I don't know if I can do that." Bookshire said. A toilet flushed, and Williams walked out of the bathroom. "I can, though." Williams said. "Bookshire, let's do it." Williams hooked up his computer, and turned it on. "Okay, computer, I need every video screen in Mobius to be watching us." Williams said. The computers whirred in unison, and flashed LINK ESTABLISHED a couple of times. "And Packbell if you please." Bookshire asked. "Don't bother asking for password. You know I can break it." The computer beeped, and Packbell's face came on. "You're starting to annoy me, squirrel. Speak." Packbell snapped. "For treason and murder, I have sentenced Brutus to death." Sally said in a grim voice. Brutus looked surprised. "He is a Brigadier General of Packbell's army. Any soldiers found by the Freedom Fighters will be charged with treason, and also be sentenced to death." Sally continued. She walked away from view, and brought back a laser rifle. She aimed, and before Brutus could react, shot him square in the chest. All in the room, except Sally, jumped in surprise. "Heed our warnings, citizens of Mobius. End link, computer." Sally said, and all connections around the planet went black. She turned to Brutus, lying in the corner, lifeless. "My god! You actually KILLED him!" Bookshire shrieked. "No. The laser was set on stun." Sally said. "I am no executioner." "What are we going to do with him, then?" Bookshire asked. "I will announce that when he wakes up." Sally said. Bunnie came over to the hut, and carried the unconscious Brutus back to the jail. Four hours later, the guests from the other villages and all the other residents of Knothole gathered to hear the fate of Brutus and the badger announced by Sally. "Brutus, are you ready to hear sentencing." Sally asked. "I am." Brutus replied. "You are hear by banished from the reaches of the great forests and Robotropoils, to the Lost Desert." Sally said. "Sonic, take the accused to the Lost Desert." Sonic nodded, and grabbed four Power Rings. He picked up Brutus over his shoulder, and left Knothole at five thousand miles an hour. In two minutes, they arrived at an oasis in the middle of the Lost Desert, on the other side of Mobius. Sonic dropped Brutus in the sand. "Goodbye, dirtbag." Sonic said, and ran off again at five thousand miles an hour. Upon returning, he heard the sentence handed down to the other prisoner. "You are hear by sentenced to return to Robotropoils and inform Packbell of your failure, or return to your home and never leave." Sally said. The badger got up, and walked off into the forest, never seen again. "Hey, what about the small fry!" Sonic asked. "He will be sentenced to go home with our guest from Red Rock Village." Sally answered. Woodrow, after hearing the truth about Packbell, would go to live with another badger in another village. After sentencing was read, Sally and Sonic gave their goodbyes. Later that evening, Sally and Sonic were in their hut, just putting Miles and Julayla to bed. "Sally.." Sonic asked. "Shh! In the other room." Sally whispered. They went in to the living room. "Why were there such contrasting sentences, Sally?" Sonic asked. "You wouldn't believe me..." Sally replied, changing out of her royal garb. "Go on." Sonic said. "Well, it seemed that the badger had a family. I don't know why. I just felt that he wasn't assassin material." Sally replied, putting her crown in the box it was presented to her in. "Then what about Brutus?" Sonic asked. "The same reason I thought that the badger was the family type. Brutus was too vicious." Sally explained. "You need a better definition of laws, Sal." Sonic replied, and left to go see Tails. In Bookshire's hut, Rotor was pulling apart Brutus's roboticized arm. Unfortunately, it only provided spare parts. In Robotropolis, Packbell still sat at his desk, brooding over the message Sally had sent him. Behind him, a bot silently rolled in. "Your Excellency..."it droned. "What!" Packbell snapped. "The Robotropolis army has disbanded...." it replied. Packbell swivelled around to face the bot. Packbell jumped over the desk, and picked the bot up to look it square in the eye. A good five feet off the ground, the bot didn't react. "What did you say?" Packbell whispered in a rage stricken voice. "Lieutenant Bluetail, third in command, has announced the army has disbanded." Packbell flung the bot against the wall, effectively smashing it into scrap metal. He sat back down, and observed the screens. "That's the one variable I didn't figure into the formuli." Packbell thought. "Fear of the consequences."